75 Best Las Vegas Quotes and Captions for Instagram 2021

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The Elevator People

I have a close friend who’s a psychiatrist (please don’t read too much into that.) She mostly just teaches these days. From a textbook that she wrote, no less. But back when she was still practicing, this friend’s specialty was the treatment of specific phobias. You know, patients with an irrational fear of heights or needles or spiders. Fun stuff like that. That's why I lovingly refer to her as “Doctor Scary”, a nickname which she absolutely adores, no matter what that lying bitch tells you.
One night when we were both especially turnt, I asked Dr. Scary if she ever encountered a patient with a phobia that managed to scare even her. We were seated directly beside each other on the wooden bench-swing suspended from her back porch, but Dr. Scary didn’t look at me when she replied. Her gaze remained fixed on the shadowy expanse of her well-manicured backyard as she scoffed and slowly nodded.
And then she said…
"The Elevator People."
When this particular patient (a 39 year-old medical supply salesman who we'll call “Simon”) first showed up at Dr. Scary’s office, he had listed “fear of elevators” as the reason why. Needless to say but if that was an accurate summation of Simon’s issue, we wouldn’t be here.
It all started almost a year prior, while Simon was at a conference in Las Vegas. He was there with his sales manager, scoping out the latest innovations in pacemaker technology and hoping to find a distributor willing to haggle. The trip really was all business too. Simon had never been much for gambling and the live shows gave him a headache. The conference might as well have been in Boise for all he cared.
Simon noted that the initial elevator ride up to his hotel room that night had been perfectly uneventful. Though his flight into McCarran had been delayed, of course. Simon had barely made it to the hotel with enough time for a quick shower and change of clothes before the meet-and-greet in the lounge at 8pm. It was five after when he finally re-emerged from the room in a flurry, tie still untied and his blazer draped over one arm.
As Simon hurried over to the bank of elevators at the other end of the hall, he got a text from his sales manager, who sounded annoyed and was currently waiting for him down in the lobby. Simon hit the button to call for an elevator as he began to frantically tap out a response text explaining the flight delay.
There was a mechanical DING as the middle elevator’s metal doors slid open in his periphery. Simon started inside the elevator as he finished his text and hit “send”. He looked up to smile politely at the other passengers onboard and that is when Simon went rigid, his half-formed smile freezing in place as a tingling surge of fear temporarily overroad control of his body.
To his right, a naked and skeletally thin old man stood grinning back at Simon. The man was completely hairless; his malformed bald head was the shape of a used pencil eraser. He didn’t have eyebrows or facial hair or even pubic hair to hide a fraction of the small yet noticeably erect penis jutting out from between his shriveled legs like the head of some hungry, flesh-colored turtle.
To Simon’s left stood a woman in a tattered gray dress. She appeared to be hairless as well and had a similarly deranged grin stretched across the front of her similarly bald and oddly shaped head. She sported a pronounced hunchback and had glimmering feline eyes. Simon’s bewildered gaze darted from the naked man to the female hunchback, then down to the bald child peeking out from behind her.
The woman shoved the child back out of sight as the naked man attempted to grab Simon by his face. Seeing those grimy fingers darting toward him was enough to finally snap Simon out of his shock and he just barely managed to evade the naked man’s grasp with a single leaping jump back out of the elevator.
He hadn’t moved like that since college and every joint and tendon in Simon's legs was currently screaming at him. Fortunately, at that moment adrenaline was making it impossible for Simon to register much of anything aside from the elevator doors sliding closed in what felt like slow-motion just as the lunging naked man was about to reach between them.
A dumbstruck Simon was still standing there, quietly panting and staring at those same closed elevator doors a full minute later when an attractive blonde woman approached from the other end of the hallway. She gave Simon a wave as she neared but he didn’t even seem to register her presence. The woman’s expression went from confused to annoyed as she noticed that the button to call the elevator still needed to be pushed.
Simon shook off his daze and managed to take the next elevator all the way down to the lobby without further incident (if you didn't count several awkward glances from the attractive woman who rode down with him.) He was only fashionably late for the rendezvous with his sales manager, who was already busy talking up several of the reps waiting in line for the meet-and-greet.
The open bar and inane conversation helped Simon put what had just happened to him out of his mind for the moment and, to his surprise, it actually turned out to be a rather lucrative evening. So much so that about an hour in, Simon’s manager gave him a pat on the back and announced that he was going to officially clock out for the night to quote “start focusing on who I’m a'fuck.”
Still feeling a bit jetlagged and generally exhausted from his earlier encounter, Simon decided to take this opportunity to get some much-needed rest before tomorrow when the real work needed to get done. As he exited the hotel lounge and made his way back across the lobby, Simon spotted a pair of Vegas newlyweds forcefully making out while they waited for an elevator. A wave of relief washed over him when Simon realized he wouldn’t have to ride back up to his room alone.
An elevator arrived a few moments later and Simon hit the button for the tenth floor as he entered. The couple followed him on and the young guy leaned away from his better half just long enough to poke the button labeled “3”. Simon's stomach began to churn as he realized he was going to have to ride for seven whole floors by himself. When the car stopped to let the couple out, he was tempted to exit with them and take the stairs the rest of the way. But the love-birds had seen him hit the button for ten already. Following them off now without looking like a weirdo would be rather difficult.
Simon just barely managed to suppress his urge to sprint out of there and took a deep breath as the elevator doors slowly slid shut with him still enclosed behind them. The elevator resumed its ascent and almost immediately, the overhead lights began to flicker. This prompted a tired eye-roll from Simon as he muttered, “You’ve got to be fucking kid-”
And that’s when the lights switched off completely. He could feel the car continue its climb as he reflexively spun around and pressed his back to the cold steel of the elevator's inner doors. Somewhere just passed the oppressive darkness now enveloping him, Simon could hear movement.
He held his breath in an attempt to better discern the sound’s location. As Simon’s eyes began to adjust to the darkness, he glimpsed what at first appeared to be the silhouette of a massive spider crawling toward him. But this was only a trick of perspective. What he was actually seeing was merely a hand reaching out to grab Simon by his face.
There was another DING as the doors he was leaning against finally slid open, sending Simon spilling out onto the hotel’s gaudy patterned carpet, landing face-up and looking into an open elevator that currently appeared to be both well-lit and noticeably empty. It was that moment right there when his fear of “the Elevator People” truly took root.
Since the inciting incident was tangentially related to his job, Dr. Scary’s first instinct had been to examine Simon’s work-life. He claimed he couldn’t have been happier on that end. He liked the job and made good money doing it. Simon even liked the people he worked for, despite the fact that his sales manager was five years younger than him and a womanizing prick. He was a young, womanizing prick who knew the market and stayed out of Simon’s way.
At that point, the only negative aspect of his job stemmed from his recent inability to easily move about tall buildings. That may not sound like much of an issue to those of you who don’t live and/or work in large cities but Simon did both. Granted, being in sales meant he spent most of each workday away from his own office but the majority of that time was usually spent visiting other people’s offices in different, often taller buildings.
As is typically the case with phobia patients, in the beginning Simon tried to solve the problem by developing various workarounds for his sudden yet crippling fear of riding in elevators alone. He started scheduling a lot more lunches with prospective buyers. He offered to take clients golfing, anything that would get them to meet him down on ground level.
He even volunteered to train the new intern because it gave Simon someone he could drag along with him on cold-calls. But there were still the annual conferences, which were always out of town and often involved staying in hotels. And there was also the mortgage on his high-rise condo apartment, which his husband Ronald absolutely adored.
Simon had confided in Ronald about his fear of the Elevator People pretty much as soon as it became an issue. The whole thing had been rather difficult to hide from him, given the circumstances. Of course, Ronald was totally understanding and most nights, he was able to meet Simon down in the lobby when he got home from work so they could ride the elevator up together.
Of course, no system devised by humans was ever truly perfect. Eventually, there came a day when Ronald had to suddenly go out of town to assist his cousin with an extended family emergency, which resulted in Simon having to sprint up fifteen flights of stairs to narrowly avoid crapping himself because he had scheduled three different lunches with clients earlier that day and two of them were at the same Mexican restaurant.
It was actually this very bathroom mishap which finally convinced Simon that he was going to need professional help for his phobia if he wanted any chance at living a normal life. Though, in a rare and rather humbling turn of events, Simon’s case was the first one in a long while that had Dr. Scary feeling wholly and truly stumped as to how she should proceed.
She had asked about Simon’s relationship with Ronald (he was the greatest thing that ever happened to him), Simon’s parents (both still alive and super accepting of their successful gay son), and the likelihood that this was all stemming from a traumatic childhood event Simon simply failed to mention (apparently not very.)
“I grew up in Connecticut.”
Dr. Scary must have looked disappointed by this answer because Simon followed it up with, “Not a big fan of the Constitution State?”
“I’m just worried you might be schizophrenic.”
It was now Simon’s turn to look disappointed as he took a moment to consider this. Then he said, “Isn’t that a hereditary condition?”
“Typically but not always. There may be no documented cases in your family history-”
“There are,” Simon replied with a nod. “My aunt. And my grandmother.”
Dr. scary held up her hands in a “slow down” gesture and said, “Okay, back up… For starters, symptoms of schizophrenia typically start to present in men by their early twenties. Plus, that was pure speculation. It’s just as likely we simply haven’t located the right stressor yet. There’s still plenty of stuff we can try.”
“Like what?”
“Are you familiar with the concept of exposure therapy?”
Dr. Scary typically didn't like attempting such a drastic treatment this early into the process but she clearly wasn’t getting anywhere just talking with Simon. Doctora Aterradora thought that if she could watch him react to the source of his phobia in real time, it might tell her something that Simon couldn’t. So she decided to make their next session a house-call.
It was just past 1PM when Dr. Scary arrived at Simon’s high-rise condo complex. At that time on a weekday, his husband Ronald (like most of the building’s tenants) was still at work. This, of course, had been intentional. They required an empty elevator for the exposure therapy and Simon didn’t need to feel anymore self-conscious about this than he already did.
“It doesn’t have to be all fifteen. ONE would be fantastic. Ride one floor down by yourself and look,” Dr. Scary gestured at the smartphone in Simon’s hand. She turned her own around to show him that the two phones were currently FaceTime’ing each other as she continued, “I’m going to be here with you the whole way.”
Dr. Scary gently grabbed Simon’s arm and guided it up until his phone’s camera was aimed at his face. “RIGHT here. Perfect. Now… We’re gonna get started, okay?”
Simon didn't respond but it was clear from his expression that he wasn’t exactly psyched about exposure therapy (no phobia patient ever was.) But then finally, Simon glanced at her as he lifted his shoulders in a nearly imperceptible shrug before returning his gaze to the elevator’s closed outer doors.
“Okay,” Dr. Scary repeated. She then casually hit the button to call for an elevator as she turned to head inside Simon’s condo. She leaned her back against the door to shut it behind her as Dr. Scary held up her smartphone to address Simon through the screen.
His uneasy expression had transformed into something more primeval by this point. He looked like a wild animal sensing an approaching storm. Dr. Scary tried to comfort Simon by saying, “Remember I’m right here.”
Simon’s eyes stayed trained on the elevator doors as he eventually replied, “No, you’re not. And there’s nothing you could do anyway.”
Tears began to stream down his cheeks. Dr. Scary attempted to say something in protest but was suddenly cut off by the familiar DING of an arriving elevator. She heard the metal doors slide open and then Simon let out a sudden, thunderous gasp.
“Oh-fuck-no-god-no-Jesus-please…” He frantically muttered as he started to back away.
“What? What are you seeing?”
“LOOK!” He screamed and then turned his phone around so Dr. Scary could see inside the elevator. The interior wasn't well-lit and it was hard to make out most of the details through Simon’s forward-facing phone camera, but Dr. Scary swore she saw two figures inside that elevator.
They were both bald. The one on the right was skeletally thin and appeared to be naked. The figure on the left was shorter and had a pronounced hunchback. And just before Simon finally dropped his phone and sprinted inside the condo, Dr. Scary glimpsed a much smaller figure behind the first two, lying motionless against the back wall of the elevator.
She said this smaller figure resembled something somebody had crumpled up and tossed aside. Like “the balled-up piece of paper you find next to a trash can. But instead of paper, it’s pale skin and broken limbs covered in bite-marks.”
Dr. Scary nodded and replied, “Big red bite-marks.”
I waited for her to continue but she remained silent for several moments. Then finally Dr. Scary turned and, for the first time since starting her story, she looked at me. Her mouth was twisted into a somber, humorless smile as she said, "After that, Simon stopped showing up for his sessions. He killed himself a few months later."
Caught off-guard, I reeled back and replied, "Good god, woman. When was all this?"
Dr. Scary's sad smile got a little sadder and she said, "Right before I closed down my practice."
Another long and much more awkward silence followed. Then, as if she could sense the one question I was still too afraid to ask, Dr. Scary added…
"I never saw them again after that. Though, I'll be honest. For a while, I was genuinely scared I might. But what happened that day was merely a prime example of the power of suggestion. Simon's fear of the Elevator People made them feel so real in that moment, it's actually not surprising I saw what I did."
I thought this over and then shrugged as I said, "Makes sense.”
"Though, of course there were the dreams."
“You had dreams about the Elevator People?”
Dr. Scary slowly nodded while avoiding my eye-contact. She exhaled a sigh and then said, “It actually still happens occasionally. It’s the weirdest thing too. Most of the time I’ll be dreaming about nothing especially terrifying, you know? Like visiting my sister who somehow now lives at the summer camp we used to go to as kids. Mundane shit like that. And then, out of nowhere I’ll get hit with this…”
She tensed her fingers into a claw-like gesture as she motioned at her chest and said, “…overwhelming sense of hopelessness. That’s how I know they’re close.”
Dr. Scary glanced over at me again and I saw that her eyes were now brimming with tears, yet her tone remained almost unnervingly even as she continued…
“And that’s when I’ll realize I’m standing at a bank of elevators and I can hear one approaching from below and that creeping hopeless dread is now so palpable, I can literally taste it in my mouth. Like dirty copper. I turn and try to run but my legs feel like they're encased in cement and I can hear the elevator doors opening behind me. I don’t wanna look but I know it won’t matter. The worst part, though? ...In the dreams, they know my name.”
I put a hand on Dr. Scary’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort her and she suddenly turned to glare at me, a morbid grin where her somber expression had just been as she nearly shouted, “Do you wanna know what they tell me?!”
I opened my mouth but before I could stutter out a coherent response, Dr. Scary started blinking and her creepy grin reverted to a confused frown. She said my name like a question and asked if I was okay. I lied and told her I was fine and thanked her for sharing such a fascinating story. And yet at first, I thought there was no way I was ever going to tell it to anyone. Sure, it was creepy enough to have potential but in the end, it just left me feeling sad for my friend.
So, I put the whole thing out of my mind and for a while, that was that. Though yes, much like Simon, I too technically live and work in a major city but my place is a duplex and my job is at a bar. So, I don’t typically encounter a lot of elevators in my own day-to-day life. But then my dentist retired and the new guy my insurance switched me to just so happened to work out of one of the CBD’s taller high-rises.
And even then, I managed to get all the way across the building's otherwise vacant lobby and hit the button to call for an elevator before Dr. Scary’s story finally came rushing back to me in vivid detail. It was the first time I had even really thought about the Elevator People since that night. I remembered the look on her face as she described what she saw during Simon’s exposure therapy session. The way she had grinned when she said, “Do you wanna know what they tell me?!”
I was outside in the courtyard bordering the front of the high-rise and trying to steady my hand long enough to light a cigarette before I was even fully aware that I had left the building. It was about then that I decided two things almost simultaneously:
1.) Twelve flights of stairs would definitely count as my cardio for the day…
2.) If I have to worry about this shit now, I’m taking the rest of you with me.
submitted by MrClarenceWorley to nosleep [link] [comments]

A series of trips to Las Vegas by September 11 hijackers became the object of the largest investigation in the city. The reason behind these trips remains a mystery.

On September 11 of 2001, 19 men hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into an open field in Shanksville PA. These men were al-Qaeda terrorists doing the deeds in the name of a holy war against the West and not much about the attack remains a mystery unless you subscribe to the inside job theory, which isn't my case. What authorities haven't been able to explain is the hijackers' several trips to Las Vegas despite what has been dubbed to be the broadest investigation in city. All these trips happened within a few months before the attacks, but the men behind them left very little evidence of their activities in the area.
May 24 - Marwan Al-Shehhi, the pilot who crashed the United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Towers of the WTC, arrived to Las Vegas from San Francisco and rented a room at Travelodge as a walk in customer. Once there, he called eight other motels.
May 25 - Al-Shehhi walked in the St. Luis Manor, a hotel that wasn't on the call list. At 12:52 pm, he rented a different car, but didn't return the first car until 3:58pm. The unaccounted mileage in both vehicles summed up to 29 miles. FBI believes that these unusual patterns were a conscious attempt to avoid detection.
May 27 - Al-Shehhi made it to New York.
June 7 - Ziad Jarrah, pilot of the United Airlines 93 that crashed in Shanskville while on its way to the Capitol Building, arrived to Las Vegas and rented a car at 3:13 pm. He was accompanied by an unidentified man described as "middle eastern looking". When Jarrah asked for directions to Circus Circus Hotel and Casino, the a rent-a-car employee tried to give him an answer but was interrupted by the unidentified man who suggested another route. The man's knowledge of the address suggests that he was familiar with the area or that he had been in Las Vegas before.
June 10 - Jarrah took a flight to the Baltimore Washington International Airport leaving his rented car with a mileage exceeding 200 miles and no trace of his Las Vegas whereabouts .
June 28 - Mohamed Atta, pilot of American Airlines Flight 11 that crashed into the North Tower of WTC and leader of the hijackers, arrived to Las Vegas at 2:41 pm and rented a car at 4:25 pm. At 6:40 pm Atta established an account at Cyberzone internet café and used the computer for one hour and thirty five minutes.
June 29 - Atta checked into Econo Lodge Motel at 1:01 pm. He logged in at Cyberzone again at 2:21 and 6:21 pm. Once done, the FBI believes he went back to his hotel.
June 30 - Atta accessed his Cyberzone accounts at 1:56 pm, 6:30 pm and 9:33 pm. The mileage analysis indicated that he returned to his hotel afterwards. This day as well as the day before, Atta had placed several call to Al-Shehhi as well as to two different number in Houston, TX. One number was unassigned and the other one belonged to a mobile salesman.
July 1 - Atta returned his rented vehicle at the airport at 5:12 am and took a flight to New York that connected in Denver. The vehicle had 73 unaccounted miles of usage which the FBI believes would cover a round trip to the Hoover Dam.
July 31 - Waleed al-Shehri, hijacker of the Flight 11, took a flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas where he stayed for 45 minutes while waiting for another flight to Miami. It is unclear to me whether this was a tactical flight - the hijackers were believed to take flights to study their trajectory as well as entrance to the cockpit-, or just a connection.
August 13 - Hani Hanjour and Nawaf al-Hazmi, pilot and hijackers of the American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon arrived to Las Vegas at 11:18 am. At 11:58 am, Atta arrived to Las Vegas to and rented a vehicle at 1:46 pm. The FBI assumed that the three men met, but no activity from Hanjour and al-Hazim was recorded from that trip. Atta accessed a room at the Econo Lodge at 2:55 pm and connected at the Cyberzone at 11:26 pm, getting back to his room at 12:46 am.
August 14 - Atta returned his rented car at 11:09 am leaving no unaccounted mileage and took a flight outside Las Vegas. Hanjour and al-Hazmi boarded a flight at 11:29 am.
A) Al-Qaeda was looking to target Las Vegas area
As noted in Atta's first trip, the unaccounted mileage added up to a round trip to the dam from his hotel. However, Atta's vehicle was not among the recorded license plates in the parking garage of the dam. If the hijackers had connections in Las Vegas area, which seems to be the case with Jarrah, Atta might have traveled to Boulder City or any other town close to the lake and gotten to the dam with someone else in a different vehicle. It should also be noted that both Atta and al-Shehhi stayed in hotels close to the Stratosphere, a hotel and casino located in the highest building of the city. Being known as the Sin City, Las Vegas could have been a attractive target for jihadists looking to rebel against what they perceived to be the westernization of their home countries and culture.
B) Hijackers were exchanging information with other Al-Qaeda members
The FBI emphasized the short duration on hijacker's trip to Las Vegas saying that it was just long enough to exchange information. Authorities believe that Atta was not only looking at flight on the East coast but he also kept in communication with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, a potential 20th hijacker who had been denied entry to the United States and acted as an intermediary between Al-Qaeda and the other hijackers. Jarrah's mystery companion and the complete lack of evidence of his whereabouts point to possible terrorist acquaintances residing or staying in Las Vegas that are yet to be identified. The FBI summary mentions two persons of interest: Lotfi Raissi and Zakaria Hassan Ibrahim.
Raissi started attending the Sawyer School of Aviation in 1998 one month after Hanjour quit. Two days after Jarrah left Las Vegas, Raissi arrived to the city with his wife and stayed there until June 18. His stay didn't overlap with that of the hijackers and he claims he went to Las Vegas to celebrate his honeymoon. On September 21, Raissi was arrested near Colnbrook, UK, where he had been living at the time of the attacks. Prosecutor Arvinder Sambei claimed that the FBI had footage of him celebrating an event with Hanjour and that his flight logs from March 2000 to June 2001 were missing. It has also been claimed that Raissi was training five of the hijackers. No such proof was presented to the courts and the man in the footage turned out to be his cousin and not Hanjour, as it had been previously claimed.
Hassan Ibrahim had previously been convicted for trafficking in fraudulent passports and visas. He was the person to provide Mir Aimal Kansi, CIA headquarters shooter , and Mohammed A. Salameh, perpetrator of the 1993 WTC bombing, with fake documents. He was reported to have spent most of July in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, not much information about this individual is accessible so I could not verify if any connection between him and the hijackers was formally established.
C) Hijackers went to Las Vegas as a final pleasure stop before committing suicide
This theory was briefly mentioned by Evan Thomas, journalist, and quoted by criminologist Adam Lankford in his psychological autopsy of Mohamed Atta. According to the author, Atta and the other hijackers - Hanjour and al-Hazmi - might have visited Las Vegas because maybe " they wished to be fortified for their mission by visiting a shrine to American decadence".
While not much is known about Hanjour and al-Hazmi, Atta has been alluded to by the people who knew him as a sexually repressed man who experienced extreme discomfort around women and the mildest hint of sexuality. When years of repression build up an uncontrollable sexual urge, the individual might end up participating is risky sexual activities. Nevertheless, the circumstances of the trip make sex and gambling very unlikely motives. Their stays were short, happened across different months and there was no evidence of them visiting casinos or any similar venues. Strippers supposedly identified al-Shehhi as one of their patrons, but evidence was not conclusive. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that a quick visit to the strip club was anything more than a fun opportunity while pursuing a bigger goal.
I personally believe that the hijackers visited Las Vegas to coordinate the attacks with other members from Al-Qaeda who flew under the radar (no pun intended).
Las Vegas investigative summary
Theories on why 9/11 hijackers visited Las Vegas
David C. Henley: 9/11 hijackers visits to Nevada remain a mystery
Wikipedia entry for Mir Aimal Kansi
Wikipedia entry for Mohammed A. Salameh
Cracking the terror code
EDIT: Thanks for the awards people!
submitted by tiposk to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Can someone put this on WSB for me- they have upped their BOTS and new accounts cant post at all

Sir, this is (Literally) a Casino. This is not Advice DO YOUR OWN DD
What do WSB and LVS have in common- Autists trying to make cash and make it quick.
Now, the pandemic has slowed down Casino’s of the like due to social distance measures and lack of tourism. LVS has casinos all over the world from Vegas, to Macao to Singapore. They’ve been hit hard but there is a light of hope. Because, regardless of a recession, depression or a pandemic people will always gamble. They've got no money? They will find $10 and hope it turns into a $100.
Here we go, let's get horns-
Prelude- This is the company that owns that Huge Building in Singapore shaped like a cruise ship in the sky and charged me $40 for a bottle of water with dinner.
#1 MGM was upgraded but research houses reduced Las Vegas Sands due to their Asia exposure?
I am sorry, what? Have you seen Asia? They are literally throwing festivals in China, Japan, Singapore and Australia etc. If you have ever been to a Asian country you will find that they love to Drink, Smoke and Gamble. I feel if you are going into a Casino/gambling company you NEED Asian Exposure. I could continue for many points on Asian casino’s but I’d lose concentration.
#2- Dr Michael Burry, He is at it again, its no lie, I love him. He only has 2% of his portfolio invested in LVS but hey, he only had 4.3% in the stock that mustn't be named.
Side note- Burry tweeted during the Superbowl about Covid 19 becoming an Endemic and wonders when markets will realise this. This seems Bullish to me. But my smooth Brain could be wrong
#3 The House Always wins. People are going to come back, business will boom again and people are going to bet harder than they have before and the house always wins.
#4 Hotels, Dining, Entertainment, Conventions and Exhibitions will all be sort after activities.
Sands have a finger in each of these pies.
#5 Online Casinos- there’s been rumors about them moving into deals with online casinos- which could future proof anything along the lines of this pandemic again as well as increasing their reach to a digital level. In fact, they have targeted 888 Holdings.
#6 Investing in themselves They aren’t afraid to spend money- they're about to invest another $10b into Macau. Quote from earnings call-
· “When the Macanese government makes its decision I think we will continue upon a rather solid capital investment which I know is how Sheldon felt, to grab that opportunity with both hands.”
· “There is just no place like Macau [and] we’re not done in Macau. We’re going to be there for many more years.
· “When all this goes away, I bet one thing that will happen is the Macau government is going to necessitate that licensees make investments in Macau and we want to be there and be ready.”
· Noting that LVS is already in the midst of a US$3.3 billion expansion of its Marina Bay Sands property in Singapore, Goldstein observed, “These are not small investments, they are in the billions of dollars, so we have to be prepared for outside investments in our best markets, which are Macau and Singapore for crazy growth.”
#7 Numbers
· Earnings forecast to grow 88% vs 70% industry/20% market
· Volatility over the past 3 months has been low compared to rest of market.
· Forecast to become profitable over the next 3 years
· Revenue forecast to grow 33% per year- which is 3 times faster than the US Market (10.6%)
· ROE forecast at 47%
Numbers are from SimplyWallSt.com
This isn’t advice, please do your own DD.
Inb4 “Ok Boomer” Still on the pokemon train
· House always wins
· Dr Burry
· Asia most likely to be back to normal before the US
· Hotels, Casinos, Entertainment, Dining will continue to go off in Asia
· Online Casino’s partnership/acquisitions
· They are seeking growth and lots of it.
Positon- 180 Shares
submitted by Shepherdspie_inyaeye to u/Shepherdspie_inyaeye [link] [comments]

Analysis of a scene/character study: Christian Shepard and Jack (White Rabbit), a glass of Whiskey away from being a great father.

Analysis of a scene/character study: Christian Shepard and Jack (White Rabbit), a glass of Whiskey away from being a great father.
I wanted to do something different with this analysis. This one is a little more introspective. But use a scene and a character to explore the psychological aspects of that theme. In this case it's Christian Shepard, and how it explores the the theme of Daddy issues, and what sets it apart from the daddy issues of other characters. We will also look at part of the original script and how the finished scene differed from what was originally on the page. Let's get into it:
A ominous introduction:
I love how just so many flash back scenes in LOST, tell so much about a character just from the environment around them. Nothing is a after thought. Here we have the camera aimed from behind the chair. Christian's entire physique is hidden from view, all that is shown is his hand holding a glass of Whiskey on the rocks.
The books in the room show that this is a man who has a thirst for knowledge. He is well read...and educated. The really look of the room, there is power, status and wealth. By this point we do not know that Jack's father is a doctor also. Although it could be assumed to be the case. The room already gives us the tone that this is a man of power.
In a high pitch, Christian says: "you wanna come in?". Personally I dislike this phrasing because it makes the other person sound like they have a choice. In this case Jack doesn't really have a choice because he most likely will get told off if he says "not really" and walks off.
I really like how they still have the camera panned at the floor to show how small Jack is in this space,as well as the distance between his father. It's symbolic of how small he must feel, like he is being "consumed" by his fathers world.
This is a nice beat right here. Jack. Jack looks to the left and then to the right. If we look at it from a psychological perspective, he's partly thinking of maybe walking away and when he looks to the right looks like he is accessing a memory, maybe already coming up with a scenario and idea of what his father may say. He proceeds to walk over to his father.
I really like this shot. Because on it's own the first shot sort of goes with the mood of the scene. But here, there is specific attention being placed on the glass. This is called a "Chekhov's gun". Where a object is shown in the room, if there is a close up shot of it. They refer to it as a "Chekhov's gun". It's a gun/plot element and it's going to go off/be used later. The idea is to not show anything in the scene unless it is important. Here this is foreshadowing that Christians drinking will is a bad coping device and will become a problem.
In one shot it goes from the drink to Christian, he sits up. This indicates that Jack has his full attention.
Again with the questions, being a leading question, but more a demand that is turned into a question to encourage conversation.
Before this part, Jack says this and Christian repeats it but forms it into a question. He is processing what Jack had said.
I like this. Too much media when they have scenes with children, where adults ask them questions. There is these long scenes of dialogue which feel (as they are) like they are kids spouting out dialogue that is often by a 35-45 year old guy. This is often how children often respond, with explaining the story in part with the adults trying to piece it together. Usually cause of fear of reprimand.
The story:
I love this story, so I am gonna put the quote right here: "I had a boy on my table today. I don't know, maybe a year younger than you. He had a bad heart. It got real hairy, real fast. And everybody's looking at your old man to make decisions. And I was able to make those decisions because at the end of the day, after the boy died, I was able to wash my hands and come home to dinner. You know, watch a little Carol Burnett, laugh till my sides hurt. And how can I do that, hmm? And even when I fail, how do I do that, Jack?".
This is actually really good advice right here. As someone who has done jobs such as social work, I have come across so sad stories, this is something that is tough even as a adult, for many, to compartmentalize. I know that you do the best you can do, but you cannot save everyone. Here is where Christian goes wrong:
Now he is saying that he knows what he is talking about.
This here is Jack's arc in a nutshell.I can already see scenes of Jack running around playing the hero in this dialogue exchange alone. This is why I love Jack as a character so much. He is a deconstruction of the "action hero". He is more human, more emotional. You could even argue that the action hero like character doesn't have a Christian Shepard who says "you don't have what it takes".
This part is again good advice...until he stops halfway and says "you just don't have what it takes. If he said "when you fail, it's going to tear you apart". Then Jack would have understood. But saying "you don't have what it takes". Makes it sound like a bet, like Christian is goading on his son. This is fascinating because it means that almost all of his actions have been defined by him going against his father, trying to prove him wrong. Ironically this is all a true part of the human condition. Kids either grow up trying to be like their parents or prove them wrong.
I do want to take a moment and say that the performances between John O'Hara as young Jack and John Terry as Christian are very good. A lot of child actors tend to overact, and I have to say almost all the child actors in lost are very natural. Especially the ones that play child versions of the main cast. The only funky performance was that little girl in "the other 48 days" she was very tv movie-ish in the way she said "I wanna see my mommy!".
Now let's look at where this scene could have been very different:
This is interesting because the line "you don't have what it takes" manages to achieve more than the bet does. It turns one line into a bet per say instead of making it a big scene. So I do like the finished scene better. But this scene also again shows Christians wisdom of good parenting/bad parenting. "your heart's in the right place, sticking up for the little guy" but then "you made the wrong call, you failed". either way that's telling a kid that they are a failure and that is hugely detrimental to who they are. Bad father! lol.
The Silver lining:
The thing that fascinates me about Jack and Christians relationship when we look at the series as a whole is. Compared to all the rest. Locke's father stole a kidney and threw him out a window. Kate's father was a drunk who was abusing her mother and making advances towards her. Sawyers father shot his mother and himself. Compared to all that, he is a great dad lol. But you can see that he really does love his son, but he is flawed and that is the nature of the series in a nutshell. Flawed people who cannot let go.
But I just find this scene so fascinating in that just a few words if he changed a few words, it could have totally changed how Jack acts, views the world and himself. We know Jack had to go through with it, this was a journey he had to go through. But I still find it fascinating that with Christian, his screw ups on being a parent are a lot more subtle than most (even more than Hurley's father who gave him a choclate bar and then said "see ya bruh!" and bolted off to Las Vegas to go gambling!, I may do a analysis on that scene too at one point cause that scene always makes me emotional and mad!).
He has his vices like the alcohol and in that way Jack's father and Hugo's father is very similar. For Christian it was Whiskey and for Hugo's father it was gambling (interesting that both these characters ended up having love/hate relationships with their fathers and both ended up as protector).
I always love the scenes between Jack and Christian and I feel like Mathew Fox brings out some of his best performances in these scenes too. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment.
submitted by teddyburges to lost [link] [comments]


Firstly, I want to make note that The Black List should be used as a TOOL only. From my past research, it shouldn’t be viewed as a way to get staffed, to find management, or to finally land that big break. While these scenarios ARE possible on TBL... those outcomes, in my experience, are highly improbable. Let me explain…
I decided to finally take my pilot out for a tour in early 2020, starting with TBL. The partnerships (Sundance, Google, various diversity programs) and the fact that TBL was run by a Black man -- I’m a person of color as well -- were huge draws. There was also a bit of confusion between the website, The Black List, and the annual Black List (released and voted on by Agents, Managers, Network Execs, etc.). However, after a deep dive on Reddit, I came to understand the difference between the two (if you need more info, please click here). This was my first red flag in regards to the shadiness of TBL...
The first time I purchased an evaluation, I bought with my WGA discount, which equals around $60/eval. Note, this was also a red flag at the time, because those who can afford the full amount (WGA members), were being offered a discount, while those from more under-VALUED communities, had to pay full price. I’ve worked in the industry for over 12 years, and I can honestly say... “This is the epitome of what’s wrong with Hollywood.” But, I continued on…
Thanks to Reddit, I learned that you should purchase evaluations in groups of 2. Why? It’s because you need at least 2 Scores (2 evals minimum) to be listed on the Top Lists, IF you place. So, buying just one eval when you’re starting out, sort of gets you nowhere. The second part of this is the elusive “8” score. An “8” means the reader “recommends” your script. TBL publicizes an “8” as a golden ticket. I can humblebrag and say that my script received two 8’s. However, more red flags come when some people receive that score. Here are the deets:
Each time I’ve received an “8,” I can get two free evals. I can honestly say that each of those evals (four total) came back at significantly lower scores. In some score components, I’ve received 7s, 8s, and 9s. Within those same components (on the free evals), I’ve received 4s, 5s, and 6s. How do you go from 9s to 4s? This leads me to the biggest complaint… TRANSPARENCY. I’m a gay Black writer. Most of what I write, falls along the lines of my life experiences. While some readers on TBL can completely identify with my stories, over 80% of the industry is straight, White, and male, leading me to …what is the demographic of the readers reviewing my script? And, why is it's kept such a secret?
Long story short, I took the “L’s” I received from the free evaluations, which LOWERED my Top List score significantly. Then, more red flags began to present themselves…
When you receive an “8,” you also get a Twitter blast from TBL’s Twitter page. This was super exciting, because it allows you to retweet TBL saying your script is hella dope! However, when the tweet was published, there was a significant typo. My first thought? This is 2020 and businesses are stretched pretty thin. However, when I reported the typo to TBL Customer Service, I was told that there was nothing they could do. And, I quote from Customer Service: “While we cannot edit the screenshot in the tweet, the [typo] does not appear to be visible in your logline.” I just want to highlight -- their response to an error on their end (after I’ve already spent hundreds of dollars on evals), was to say that at least my logline was correct on their site, even though it was incorrect (and embarrassingly so) on their Twitter page?! What business does that?
The problems don’t end there. I received another “8” months later, and… NO Twitter blast at all. I had to email TBL, after over a month of seeing nothing, to find out what the issue was. Here was their response: “Thank you for your patience. We're looking into the matter now and I will let you know once I have more information.” Unfortunately, I never heard back. I had to reach out AGAIN over a week later, and this was the 2nd response: “Thank you for your patience. We've had a backlog of promotional tweets, but we've doubled our posting frequency now so you should see yours within the next week”...come on!! We all know that’s BS and bad business. Not at any point did I receive an apology or even true acknowledgment re: TBL’s errors. Honestly, using TBL feels like I’m playing the slots in Vegas with no idea on whether the machine is rigged or not, because #TRANSPARENCY.
My next complaint/red flag is in regards to the level of treatment between Pilots and Features. When you go to the industry page, you’ll see Top Genre Lists (Diverse Writes, Scripts with Female Leads, Featured Scripts, etc.). At a glance, this page is a great opportunity (if featured). However, pilot scripts aren’t listed on the main page. Even though I pay the same as Feature writers to host their scripts on TBL, you have to go through additional steps to even SEE the TV pilots. You have to manually switch the platform to “Pilots”... features being the default page. This is grossly UNFAIR and needs to be addressed immediately.
Last (but significant) red flag -- TBL will tell you that there’s no way to cheat the system. As an insider in Hollywood, I know this is false, and went out to find evidence. (Note, this is after realizing that celebrities like Shia Labeouf, are also hosting scripts on TBL). Here’s the scoop…
I have a friend who’s been listed on TBL for years (and currently staffed on a TV show, without the help of TBL). After doing research and reading interviews from Franklin Leonard (TBL Owner), who said that TBL system can’t be cheated, I asked my friend what their experience was at the beginning of my journey. She said that she has gotten friends, who are “Industry” members of TBL, to give her higher scores in the past. She showed me her profile and could track each one. A “9” here… an “8” there. While these scores aren’t as strong as “Reader” scores, they can push you up the Top List ranks, possibly getting more eyeballs on your work. And since this isn’t a “blind system,” popularity/fame can directly influence your scores on TBL. There is DEFINITELY some inequality happening, where well known writers have an advantage over phenomenal writers with no industry connections. The fact that this isn’t addressed, or even worse... the fact that we are gaslit by Franklin Leonard on the topic, is extremely concerning. And I say this with a broken heart, as a Black creator who wanted to support another.
Also, if you’re asking the question: why didn’t she/he/they report the discrepancies in scoring (receiving 4s and 5s for the same categories I’ve scored 8s and 9s in, with the same script)... I did. Here is TBL’s response:
“Thank you for reaching out. Evaluating scripts is always going to be a highly subjective process, and what works for one reader may not work as well for another. Our readers are only given a limited amount of space in which to complete their evaluations, and they cannot comment on every single aspect of a script. We ask readers to comment on elements of the script that, if different, would significantly alter the overall score for the script. Even Oscar-winning scripts like JUNO and ARGO have received some lower ratings on the site.”
Note, this is after their website says to report any extremely divergent scores (a “4” vs a “9”). Their unwillingness to even address their own company policies, is once again, a red flag.
I want to stress that The Black List isn’t the devil. Like most of the conclusions on Reddit, it’s what you make of it. Don’t go in with high expectations. Treat it as a part of your script’s “campaign” …just another resource on how to get your ideas out there. For me, TRANSPARENCY is must for sites like this… especially with all the changes and revelations in 2020. There’s no excuse… at all. Do I constantly feel like I’m being taken advantage of by the TBL? 100%. But, I also know for fact -- in this industry, success is gained by putting your eggs in ALL the baskets (and not just TBL).
Feel free to ask me any questions!
- Anonymous Young TV Writer
submitted by YoungTVWriter to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

[THANK YOU] Part 2

First, no matter how much I apologize, it can and never will be enough. I have so many wonderful people to Thank... this has been a horrific year for us all, and the connectivity brought by a card, a postcard, a note has been vital to my sanity. I finally came home on Friday, with my 4 legged fur baby after a long spring, and summer. In March, my state was in the grips of the pandemic, at a time when we barely understood everything about this novel virus. I don’t consider myself an essential worker, but a higher being decided I was essential to the essential workers, those incredible people on the front lines of caring for those who had the virus. No amount of Thank You would ever be enough to the people who directly cares for patients with COVID-19, who holds their hands as they say goodbye to loved ones over a video call. I love my work, I really, really do, and many of you may find it incredibly odd when I say, my job isn’t a job, it’s a privilege, and everyday is like inhaling happy gas, but for the first time ever, it wasn’t happy gas... not in the least. I had been asked to come to a couple of cities to provide “relief”, and that’s not unusual in what I do, but it was just longer this time, and it was lonelier because there’s really nowhere to go. I desperately missed home, in the worst possible way, and combined with erratic work hours, I was on the verge of insanity. I finally came home on Friday, and will be in self isolation for 14 days... my furry friend couldn’t be happier, because there were many days he hated me for dragging him along, but I came home to so much happy mail !!!! It literally moved me to tears !! My mom had organized it all by date, so I have been opening one after another, and I can’t even begin to express the amount of gratitude I have for each and every one of you... beautiful cards, with beautiful messages...I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.
I have a list of wonderful people to send happy mail back, and will be doing that during this time. I got 2 pieces of mail sent out back, so I’m going to be reaching out to them to confirm the address I have is correct. They came back in a ziplock bag with half the card missing, and it never ceases to amaze me that the USPS with all it has to do right now, somehow managed to get it back to the sender. I hope the cards I send, will be enjoyed. I have tried to make them as special as I possibly can. Some of them will reflect what can only be described as a unique sense of humor.
I humbly ask all of you to please, please forgive the late Thank You, but please know every card, every message has been healing for my soul. The kindness of strangers is amazing, and it is through that kindness strangers become friends.
I love adding pictures for you all to see, and I will do that ASAP... I love you all ❤️
u/suzette393 : Thank You !! I LOVED your card !! Who doesn’t know “Sweet Caroline” ? I didn’t know he has Parkinson’s Disease... very sad to hear. But thank you for taking me back !!
u/loko_lo : Thank you so much for the beautiful card !! I loved reading about your hobbies... I feel like this summer has somehow slipped away too fast, and definitely not a normal summer. You seem to very outdoorsy, but I’m the total opposite !!
u/postcardsfromjenna : Thank you for the beautiful Vancouver artwork card !! I love Vancouver !! I always have a wonderful time when I’m there...
u/kecr101 : Thank You for the Disney Pinocchio postcard !! The running joke in our house, is my mom refuses to acknowledge that our fur baby is not a real boy, so we tease her that’s she’s waiting for him to turn into a real boy. This summer has been a crazy summer... I have done some cooking, not as much art as I would have loved to do, but most of all I miss our family getting together for our family holiday.
u/travellincat : Thank you so much for the World Postcard Day postcard !! I didn’t even know it was a thing, but I’m happy to celebrate the day ! Your wish that my card brings joy to my mailbox is exactly what it did, and I can’t thank you enough !!
u/lavender_icedtea : Thank you for the Mae Jemison card !! I really love these women in science card !! I have made your Chocolate Chip cookies, and they didn’t even make it off the baking sheet !! I added a ridiculous amount of chocolate chips and chocolate chunks... but thank you so much !!
u/KingnBanter : Thank you so much for the Horse card drawn from a child’s perspective !! It’s adorable and I love that the horse has only 3 legs and highlights in its mane !! Thank you for the Michigan sticker !! I love the message of things to be happy about, but here are my top favorites 1. Platters of good things to eat- no way will I ever turn down a good food platter... a charcuterie for one. 2. Reading outside on a blanket wearing a big sweater... Indian summers are my favorite 3. Traveling by bicycle... you didn’t mean long distance right ? Cause that’s never gonna happen, but I do enjoy riding my bike a lot. 4. Dozing... I’m a Gold Medalist at dozing u/shepanda : Thank you so much for the cutest amount Rainier card !! I love that it’s vintage !! Chemistry was my favorite class too... I took General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry but for some reason I loved General Chem (it might have to do with the fact I nearly blew up the organic chem lab, almost burnt my lab partner (who happened to be my sister)
u/msmomona : Thank you for the awesome Pantone card... I go through phases of favorite colors and this months favorite happens to be Teal... I know the card said Bottle Green but I really looks more real to me. Thank you for the happy mail.
u/Mareepharos : OMG so cute !! Thank you for the Wine Dogs postcard !! I loved reading about Boe !! Naughtiest Deed : Eating the contents of a burst piñata... Epic ❤️
u/ganzhimaself : Thank you for the Wisconsin Card !! I’m a huge cheese fan !! I love cheese !! I’ve been to the Wisconsin Dells and it was beautiful !! I think after reading your facts about Wisconsin being biggest cheese producer and having over 40 Breweries... it might be time to visit again ☺️
u/mf1ish : Thank you so much for the postcard from the Louvre !! I loved visiting the Louvre as well, but you really do need more than one day to appreciate all the art. True Story : when we visited the Louvre someone stole a painting, so huge barriers came down and we all had to go into the center of the museum and they were checking everyone as they let them out... so, yours truly here decides that would be the best time to pass out... yep. I don’t remember if they ever found the painting.
u/HufflepuffPuff_ Pass : Thank you for the card with the yummy tarts... I love it !! I have accepted and now take pride in being a Hufflepuff !! What you say is true... loyal and hardworking with the added perk of being next to the kitchen.
u/ImOkReally : Thank you for the kitten card !! It’s so adorable !! I also love yarn !! Thank you for the stickers and lovely note... I hope it’s cooled down for you and Knuckles ☺️
u/aneemo : Thank you for the adorable card and stickers !! Sourdough sounds like a cute book... my sister was obsessed with making sourdough and after a million tries has finally done it !!
u/Qknowsbest : ok I have never seen such incredible handwriting !! Thank you so much for the Never Stop Looking Up... it’s been tough but we are all trying to figure out how to navigate this new normal. I love the quote “Difficult roads often lead to Beautiful Destinations”... nothing could be more true
u/lovescraftswidow : OMG I loved your card so so much !! It was so unique and fun !! I adored it !! Thank you for the book recommendation... I will have to look up The amulets of Samarkand... fantasy is normally not my genre, but you know what ? I’ve read and loved books I never would have read if it weren’t for recommendations ☺️
u/indleaf : How do I begin to say Thank You for the gorgeous photographs ? I loved them all !! I loved seeing things through your lens and I truly appreciate the extra monkey card !! I love to take photographs, but am not nearly as talented as you... I love taking pictures of people, especially children... they’re fascinating subjects and are always full of emotions... I realized I sound like a weirdo. I will definitely be looking forward to seeing more of your work on Instagram, and thank you for answering all my prompts...☺️
u/xlez : Thank you so much for the astronaut postcard !! I absolutely loved the quote !! You have been so kind, with the 2 cards you have sent... I can’t thank you enough for brightening my day !!
u/msmomona : Thank you so much for my very first Lou Paper postcard !! I love it !! I love Las Vegas, not for the gambling but I just love staying on the strip and looking at all the lights and people watch, and to catch a show or two.
u/twerpto : Thank you so much for the handmade card, it really is so special. I lost my uncle a month ago to Covid-19, and never got a chance to say goodbye as he lives in another country, and his passing was so sudden, but I kid you not... I was just thinking about him like literally 15 minutes before your card arrived, and then there was this gorgeous cardinal inside. They always say a Cardinal represents a loved one.
u/earthfireairwater : Thank you for the Georgia O’Keefe card !! It is one of my favorites !! I loved the red wine sticker !! This quarantine has reduced my life to coffee time and wine time !! I just finished the book “Ask again Yes” by Mary Beth Keane... and wow !! I have a book hangover.
u/komalya13 : Thank you for the Elizabeth Blackwell card !! I love it !! It’s funny because another awesome Redditor sent me a Marjorie Stone Douglas card !! It’s nice to meet a fellow Desi... I’m from Idli-Vada-Sambar Land, Andhra ☺️
u/Alfie-Solomon : Thank you for the awesome card and stickers !! I have always wanted to study law, and I can see how Torts would be your favorite... we definitely do need more Federal Judges, and we need more people to understand Constitutional Law... it seems the Constitution has been chucked out the window.
u/StephenfromReno88 : Thank you so much for Mt. Whitney card !! It really did make my day much better !!
u/wyrmfang : Thank You so much for the beautiful Emma Golden Retriever card !! Emma is my favorite Jane Austen book and I adore dogs !! I think we have the same wish list of travel destinations !! I loved Italy... my favorite city being Venice !! I hope we will all be able to travel again soon, I think we all just have to find a new normal .
I’m sorry I don’t have the username but I received a card with a beautiful wax seal on the back... I just want to Thank you for the wonderful note !! I love the wax stamp on the back... it made me feel fancy ! I loved your fun facts, I never would think Dolphins gave names for each other. The vintage ticket stickers are so cute !! I saved all my tickets from when I was younger, but now I forgot where they are !!
I have another lovely person whose username I don’t have... Thank you so much for the recipe cards !! I loved them so much... thank you for sending 3 !! I can’t wait to try them...I’m going to start with the cobbler, cause who doesn’t love cobbler !! You were so kind to share these recipes, and I’m so happy to have met someone who shares my passion for baking !! I’m trying to teach myself to embroider and I got a sewing machine which I’m hoping to get the hang of soon... I used to sew so much many moons ago !! The machines are awesome now, with so many stitch options... they have machines for embroidery but I’m nowhere ready for that yet 😜
submitted by Johaan1025 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

Virtual Drag Race Season 13 PREMIERE: Episode 1- The Next Drag Legend

Virtual Drag Race Season 13 PREMIERE: Episode 1- The Next Drag Legend
Sophie smiles.
Oh, Hello!
You thought you were getting the meet the Monarch’s today, right?
I lied.
We’re not doing that this season.
I mean…
There’s fierce Monarch’s this season.
Really FIERCE.
Screw it.
Pranav Tigress strides in a huge steampunk esque look, a fan huffing along to the back of his tall shoulders. “Ready…” He huffs into a trumpet.
He blows.
“GO!” He blows the Trumpet again and suddenly the steampunk look falls to the ground, revealing a manly suit. “Surprise.”
Pranav Tigress: “As my darling says, Roar.” He smiles. “I am Pranav, Drag… and Real Husband to Priya Tigress. I am a Pageant King at heart- but I love, love to take it to a strange place. Make it a bit strange, avant-garde… weird. Camp it at the core of Pranav Tigress- I mean, I am an Indian Drag Pageant King! It’s a thousand differing perspectives at once, creating… myself. Mr Tigress.” Pranav smiles. “I am just… in awe. It’s here, and I am ready for this.”
Pranav sits on his stool. “King Entering the werkroom first… a good sign.”
Francesca Cartier shines in a glittering gold dress, covered in thousands of rhinestones. Adorned on her neck is a sparkling diamond necklace- her face effortless painted, and huge curly brown wig on show. “Someone had to steal the show.” She smirks.
Pranav gasps. “Fran…”
“Oh my love, it’s always a joy to see you.” She kisses Pranav on the cheek, leaving a mark. “You still look amazing…”
“And you…” Pranav smiles. “I am speechless.”
“These?” Francesca shows her earrings underneath her huge wig. “Tiger inspired. Ready for the jungle.”
Francesca Cartier: “Hello, Superstars. I am Francesca.” Glitter slides across the screen. “I am the Mother and Father of the Haus of Cartier. Though I may have a reputation…” Fran looks into the camera. “I can tell you I am nothing of the sort. The Cartier’s are the definition of DRAG. A Drag Artist should have multiple skills in the book- visuals, performance, comedy. That’s what I do. Always excellent with a smile.” Fran grins. “I don’t limit myself to the binary. I am sometimes Francesca Cartier, Glamorpuss Performer… and other times, Franesco Cartier, Bio King who loves to play with femininity. I was a trained ballet dancer for 16 years, something I love to put into my drag. I promise you, a Cartier… always shines.”
Pranav Tigress: “Me and Fran were… involved before Priya. It’s hard because… Priya’s not a fan. So it’s been a while. And now we’re here, in this room… together.”
“How have you been?” Pranav smiles.
“I’ve been fabulous. Grabbing titles…” Francesca laughs. “I won-”
“Ms Gay Makeup 2022.” Pranav smiles.
“Keeping track?” Francesca laughs.
“Oh, no.. I just love to watch the videos…”
Francesca smirks. “Well, I hope you liked the leather ballet show…”
“I did.” Pranav grins.
The Aspect of Gambles twirls into the werkroom in a huge starry cape, tophat and a cane. “Let’s do some..” Gambles snaps his fingers… and the cane transforms into a bouquet. “FUCKING MAGIC!”
“Oh.” Francesca laughs.
“GAMBLES!” Pranav yells.
The Aspect of Gambles: “I’m the Aspect of Gambles, and I’m a fucking mess.” Gambles laughs. “Wait, Wait… Let’s Rewind. I’m the Aspect of Gambles, and I’m the King of Magic. I am 50 Years old, living in Vegas and yes… I am a real Magician. To me, Drag is the goddamn RUSH of performance. The drive. The WOW. That’s what The Aspect of Gambles is. Pure… performance… MAGIC. I’m new to drag, but not to magic. Smile, don’t worry… that’s what I want to deliver. As you can probably tell from my name… I am of the Royal Haus, yes… The Wealth branch and proud.”
“Brother…” Pranav hugs Gambles tightly.
The Aspect of Gambles: “The Tigresses and our Branch is really close. Pranav? Practically family…”
“Oh, so cute…” Francesca grins. “Francesca Cartier…”
“Oh.” Gambles nods. “Lovely to meet you…”
“You look marvelous.” Francesca smiles.
“Let’s be honest, I look like CRAP compared to you!” Gambles cackles.
“Oh…” Francesca laughs. “Don’t say that...”
Ina Only struts into the werkroom in black boots so high they reach her butt, a tight rockstar mini dress and a huge spiky haired look. “This isn’t Dragula All Scars…”
“Woah.” Gambles smiles.
Ina Only: “I’m Ina Only, and I am a SUPERSTAR. Most people would know me as being Top 3 in Season 2 of DRAGULA… and yes, I’m the first Dragula Queen on Virtual Drag Race… and isn’t that sick.” Ina laughs. “On my last detour, Ina was a shy Punk… Horror Queen who often let her performance get in the way by doubt. But I’m not her anymore. I have the confidence, the attitude and the dance skills. To all those Monarch’s who said… ‘You Belong on Drag Race, not Dragula…’ well… maybe you were right. Because I’m taking this crown.” Ina smirks.
“Ina Only!” Pranav smiles. “Dragula!”
“God, the diversity in this season already… it’s fantastic.” Francesca smiles. “You look sickening.”
“Made it all by myself.” Ina grins.
“UGH, she can sew too!” Gamble laughs. “The one thing I never really got…”
“You do know what show we are on, right?” Pranav smirks at Gambles.
Gambles laughs, punching Pranav on the shoulder. “Tomana, you dick....” He smirks.
Omega Maddorufu walks into the werkroom, their huge frame on display, muscles in opposition to a flower country style simple white gown. “Thus Muscle Queen has a few secrets up his sleeve.”
“Yes Muscles!” Ina laughs.
Omega Maddorfu: “Hey Hey Hey!” Omega laughs. “I am Omega Maddorfu and MAN… I am excited to be here. Omega is inspired by my hometown- Rustic, Mature and Country. I am a tall dude out of drag, and yes… I am a bit of a Jock. I love transforming into the Drag Superstar- It’s about having fun, making people smile… and going MAD. Drag is a fun little hobby for myself- I am a university student, studying psychology by day… and a Drag Queen by Night. It’s a bit wild. And it certainly… complicates getting a girlfriend sometimes. Who knew women would find a straight drag king weird?” Omega grins.
“Hey Everyone!” Omega waves.
“What’s your name?” Pranav smiles.
“Omega Maddorufu.. Dallas, Texas.” Omega smiles.
“What do you do, Omega?” Francesca grins.
“Perform. I live to dominate a stage, man.” Omega claps into his hand. “It’s so much damn fun.”
“Love it.” Gambles grins.
Damocles Nigel Dragan walks out in a look that has him appearing to be a part-dragon, mid-transition into the full Draconic form. He spins… and wings extend outwards, and the true form is revealed.
Damocles Nigel Dragan: “I am Damocles Nigel Dragan… and I am here to take your hand, make you smile… and open you to a world of your wildest imaginations.” Damocles smiles. “I am a Drag King, and the definition of transformative. My drag is conceptual, crafty and character based. I love to theorise, think, then create in the world of reality. Not simple… not dramatic, but transformative on both a mental… and internal level. Drag is… a world for all, and I’m here to welcome those to a whole new take on it.”
“So fantastical…” Ina nods. “The quality…”
“Thank you. It was… a pain to make.” Damo smiles. “Damocles Nigel Dragan.”
“A season of fabulous Kings already.” Gambles takes a fan out from thin air. “Hell yes.”
Joan of Snark walks out in a huge metallic suit of armor, a halo on top, and a french sword, raised in the air. “I am not afraid… I was BORN to do this.”
Damo gasps. “My…”
Joan Of Snark: “Hello! My name is Joan of Snark, and this is how my arc begins. Hello, France!” Joan laughs. “I am a Drag Queen Joan of Arc impersonator. Now, I know… what does that even mean? But… all I say is I give you… French Peasant Galore.” Joan laughs. “I’m the Holy Queen of the Season, so let’s hope… I don’t get burned at the stake!” Joan smiles.
“Oh my, where is this place?” Joan gasps.
“Drag Race.” Domo smiles.
“This isn’t FRANCE.” Joan twirls around. “What witchcraft is this?!”
Everyone looks confused, except for Damo.
Joan stands on a table. “Let US FIGHT, FOR OUR COUNTRY!”
Damo starts clapping. “Oh, a character piece..”
“Character? I am France, you british fool!” Joan smirks.
“Well, don’t battle a DRAGON.” Damo roars.
“I AM NOT SCARED!” Joan yells.
“This is cute.” Pranav smiles.
Britt-Maj Canthwalks out in stunning blond wig, wearing an ultra-modern black pinstripe suit that borders on the middle of both masculine and femine. “ don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning. I decided to become a Drag Queen!” Britt winks.
Britt-Maj Canth: “Did you expect a Michel Foucault quote on Drag Race? Probably not, right?” Britt smiles. “I’m the thinking Queen of Scandinavia, moved all over to the Big Apple! First and foremost, Britt is THINK. Think about society, think about life, think about sex… and go… hmm.. Maybe there’s more to my initial perspectives. Mix that with a high-quality dance break, or a sickening performance along with a sleek look, and you’ve got Britt. I am here to give you quality. A Drag Queen who knows what she delivers… and does it well.” Britt purses her lips.
“Ladies and Gentlemen…” Britt raises her hand in the air. “Your winner is here.”
“Oh, someone is a physic!” Joan laughs.
“Perhaps I just know where to find others Achilles Heel…” Britt smirks.
“Francesca Cartier.” Francesca extends her arm.
“Dripping in Jewels, talk about an argument for communism!” Britt quips.
A few laughs… and Francesca smirks. “Hmm.. Yes.”
Haky Gardens enters the werkroom in shining blue dance suit, ready for a moment of skating on ice or dancing her but off. “Season 13?” Haky instantly death drops, making everyone gasp. “Let’s do this.”
“We have a woman down! She’s done a drop of death!” Joan yelps.
Haky Gardens: “I’m Haky Gardens, and I am your favourite.” Haky smirks. “I am 25 years old, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was determined to become the best of the best in Michigan, and I’ve smashed that category, and I did. I’m from the Gardens, a well known Pageant House… but believe me, you won’t be seeing a gown unless we’re giving eleganza. Haky is ALWAYS. ALWAYS. Ready to dance. Shablam, Emotions, Attitude, D-A-N-C-E. That is me. I have goals, and I know that once I put my mind to a task, I will achieve it. This time… it’s America’s Next Drag Superstar. I want a crown, and i’ll get one.”
“Haky Garden’s, of the Garden Haus…” Pranav smiles. “Another Pageant Queen.. Welcome.”
“Oh, Pageant… why limit yourself? I’m so much more.” Haky grins.
“Dancer?” Francesca smiles.
“How could you tell?” Haky laughs. “Yes. I’m a dancer.”
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul, they say…” Britt extends her hand.
“Dance is fire and ice, for me.” Haky grins.
“I wonder which one you are today.” Britt smirks.
“Oooh, La La…” Dahlia Diamondix strides in with jet black hair, neon green eyeshadow and a couture pastel dress.. Covered in shining gold chains. “Daddy?” She takes out her phone. “I’m HERE.” She throws it backwards, and the screen cracks. “Whoops. I have another though!” She takes an iPhone 14, giggling along.
Dahlia Diamondix: “HI, I’m Dahlia Diamondix and UGH, I’m like… here. Most people would know me for the glamorous, the beautiful gorgeous looks I serve, and that glamorous makeup style I always have on… even out of drag.” Dahlia winks. “I’m inspired by Pop Princesses but with an Alien Twist. Pretty, party, neon.” Dahlia snaps her fingers. “I’m the pretty one, I KNOW.” Dahlia tears up. “Oh my god, I’m here oh my god I just realised AH!” Dahlia wipes the tear with one of her perfect nails. “I’m not ruining this makeup, it cost like five hundred dollars…”
“Gorgeous.” Fransesca smiles.
“Hi Ladies and Gentlemen…” Dahlia smiles. “It’s like… exciting to be here.”
“How old are you girl, where are you from?” Ina smiles.
“21, Living in Palo Alto, CA. You’d probably all recognize me…” Dahlia smiles.
Everyone shrugs.
Britt-Maj Canth: “I mean, let’s be honest…”
“I am a makeup youtuber!” Dahlia yelps.
Britt-Maj Canth: “It’s not the most intellectual thing.”
Xena Von Hall looks effortlessly elegant as she enters the werkroom, covered in jewels, straight out of a Vintage Pageant Show. “Glamour, darlings…”
Xena Von Hall: “I am Xena Von Hall, and I am the Essence of Pageant Pristine. Elegant, Shining, Stunning, and always shining. I am an… older Queen, and late to the game, but that doesn’t mean a single thing I give is nothing but quality. I am inspired by my family lineage- the glamorous women that came the generations before, and gave a level of glamour that is… often lost in these times. I am here to reclaim that. My drag is polish, and I demand excellence from myself. Always.”
“Xena, daaaaarling…” Francesca smiles. “You look marvelous.”
The two kiss each other on the cheek. “Fabulous to see you.” Xena smiles.
“Coming back to the Pageant World, then?” Francesca smirks.
Xena Von Hall: “I have competed in a few pageants, but I decided to leave that scene behind. That competitive location was not great for my mind. But Fran? She’s fun, she’s gorgeous… and she’s always, ALWAYS stunning.”
Producer: “And do you trust her?”
Xena Von Hall: “Oh, not at all.”
Ms Dearly Beloved looks like a perfect 1950’s Housewife as she strides in, apron with the words ‘Dearly’ on the front. “Oh, my Gods, there’s so many freaks here!”
“FREAKS?!” Dahlia yelps.
“I am a freak.” Domo smirks. “I’ll take it.”
“A- Fucking greed.” Gambles laughs.
Ms Dearly Beloved: “I am Ms Dearly Beloved, and I am the Missy of the South. I’m a proud drag Queen Living in Raleigh, North Carolina. My Drag is classically beautiful with a Southern Flair. I know a few cooks in the kitchen aren’t fan of the South.. But darling, I’m Proud to be Southern. I am the quintessential housewife of Drag- Feminine, beautiful, and glorious.”
“Hello Ladies…” Dearly curtseys.
“So what do you do, girl?” Ina smiles.
“I do the truest form of drag.” Miss Dearly Beloved smiles.
“Wow, you just opened a can of works…” Pranav laughs.
“What’s truest form, stereotypical white woman?” Britt-Maj looks at Dearly and shrugs.
“Oh my.” Dearly looks awkwardly.
Miss Dearly Beloved: “I was just making a comment! These city Queens… they have their own little… things don’t they.”
“BOOM.” Gun Anna walks out in an American flag mini dress, and a huge blue wig. “BAM.” She takes out a gun, shocking a number of other Monarch’s. “AMERICA.”
Gun Anna: “I am Gun Anna and I am not the Gun, I am the An-” Gun Anna stops. “I am not just Anna, but I am the GUN. Because this is America and here, we have guns. Deal with it.” Gun Anna smirks. “I am a Dance, Zumba Instructor Drag Queen Galore. I’m from the small town of MENDENHALL, MISSISSIPPI! Now ya’ll may think it’s a bit weird,that ain’t no city clicker… but I don’t mind too much! Growing up as a gay kid was hard, and becoming a drag queen was even CRAZIER. But the ladies LIVE FOR IT. Drag is me entering the world and have fun. We’re not weirdos… we’re just FIERCE. That’s what Gun Anna is. Big bobes, blonde, gorgeous beauty. Oh, with a touch of disney.”
“Oh my…” Ms Dearly smiles.
“A TRAMP IS HERE!” Britt laughs. “I think i’m going to like you…”
“Ain’t we all pretty little tramps?” Anna smirks.
“No.” Xena nods.
Anna looks at Xena, then turns to the rest of the group. “So how ya’ll feeling toda-”
“BITCHES.” Tropicana walks out of a 2022 Hit Music Video. A Sleek, bright coloured dress and a gorgeous blonde wig to match. “You scared?”
“SIS.” Dahlia yelps.
Tropicana: “I’m Tropicana and baby? You know me. I am formerly of the haus of Juice, but we don’t talk about that. Yes, I dance, yes I am a showstopper, but I’m better then THAT haus.” Tropicana rolls her eyes. “Unlike others, I am not stuck in the 1990s. I’m the ultra modern beauty. Everything Kylie Jenner wears? It’s inspired by Tropicana. No bullshit, just… the best.” Tropicana shrugs. “I don’t stop.”
Pranav looks awkwardly.
“HHSAHJSHAJDHAJDHA!” Dahlia utters in a completely ineligible language as she hugs Tropicana. “YES!”
“I’m guessing you two know each other?” Haky smirks. “
Dahlia nods. “Fierce. We’ve been talking on instagram for like…”
“Years now, sis.” Tropicana smirks.
“Oh this is so goooooood!” Tropicana smirks.
“Tropicana.” Pranav smiles.
Pranav Tigress: “Tropicana is interesting… She's known for being…. A bit of an uh…. Oh, I feel bad. But… Mess?” Pranav looks shyly.
“How are you, grandpa?” Tropicana smiles.
Pranav laughs. “I am well…”
“Mwah.” Creola Serpentine-Blac sashays into the werkroom, looking like the definition of a SUPERMODEL. A snakelike figure courses through her black dress, appearing to enter through her skin. “Kisses.”
Everyone looks gagged.
“Creola Blac Bitch.” Ina smiles.
Creola Serpentine-Blac: “Hi babies of every gender… I’m Blac.” Creola smirks. “My name is Creola Serpentine-Blac, and I am the first child of SB in this marvelous little world. I am a trans woman of colour, and like our legendary winner, Fame Fontaine… I have italian roots too.” Creola smiles. “I am a model and visual artist. I love to convey meaning, transform and give a story- making a statement through the sheer art of creation. But fashion isn’t simply what I do. I dance, I perform, and I am comedic. I love to act, and I love to impersonate. At the end of the day… I am just here to give my all, and watch it go the way… I hope.” Creola laughs.
“The Name on everybody’s lips…” Francesca smiles.
“The beauty! IT’S TOO MUCH!” Joan yells.
Creola laughs.
“Who’s this ugly supermodel?” Britt-Maj laughs and hugs Creola. “Great look. Not a fan of the wig.”
“Too much?” Creola looks at Britt.
“Not enough.” Britt shakes her head. “It’s so good to have a New York City resident.”
Creola grins at Britt. “Agreed.”
“New York City… Fancy.” Gun Anna shrugs. “Not my cup of tea....”
“Oh, agreed.” Ms Dearly Beloved nods.
“Uhm??” Tropicana looks at Creola.
“Oh hey girl…” Creola hugs Tropicana awkwardly. “So how have you been…”
“Well, I’m solo now so i’m fierce as ever-”
“Next QUEEN!” Britt yells.
Gambles laughs at Britt. “Moving on the awkward…”
Britt winks. “I live for chaos, but let’s not deny it’s… not productive.” She laughs.
Oh, Sophie!
“AH CRAP!” Gun Anna gets scared, and her fake gun fires into the air, hitting the roof.
“Wait… that was a real gun?” Omega looks at Anna.
“Oh, ya’ll it’s just full of jellybeans.” Gun Anna shrugs. “Don’t mind i’ll just..”
She grabs the gun into her mouth, and pushes the trigger, then swallows. “Delicious.”
“This is weird.” Damo looks at Gambles.
“I think I have to agree.” Gambles laughs.
Now, you’re the best of the best. Or are you? Some of you will be legends… time to prove it.
“I’m ready.” Haky smirks at the screen.
Hello Beautiful People!
My 15… You are the best Drag Queens and Kings in America, and I am excited. Each of you were handpicked by myself to battle it out this season for a crown, and boy… have I got plans. Starting with our first mini challenge. Each of you will be… giving us a quick, 20 second mini-speech… on why you are going to be America’s next Drag Superstar.
I don’t know how you convinced me… but Gun Anna, you are the winner of our first mini challenge.
“YES!” Gun Anna smirks.
Gun Anna: “I told ya’ll. Don’t discredit a country Queen.”
My Monarch’s, for this week’s maxi challenge…
The Pit Crew ladies and gentlemen bring out a ton of boxes, each with different names on them.
Each of you will be designing a couture look inspired by a drag race legend. Each box is inspired by a Drag Race Monarch of ages past, and each person will be given a box. We want to see you deliver your drag style whilst using the contents of another’s style. A best of both worlds!
Creola Serpentine-Blac: “This is a chance for me to shine, an enter this competition with a bang. I know I have a lot to prove… so… let’s meet the mark.” Creola smirks. “I’m ready for it.”
Gun Anna, as this week’s mini challenge winner, you get to assign the boxes.
Gun Anna smiles. “So ya’ll..” Anna smirks. “I don’t care as long as I get the tiger print box. RUN and catch!”
Tropicana sprints, and everyone runs over to get the boxes.
Gun Anna: “Sheep. Fighting! I’m not saying it was strat-” Anna ponders. “Strat-e-gi-c? Yes. STRATEGIC.”
The Assignments are:
  1. Ina Only with The Ripper
  2. The Aspect of Gambles with Honey Soy Sickening
  3. Damocles Nigel Dragan with Lady Singh
  4. Omega Maddorufu with Cheyenne
  5. Dahlia Diamondix with Fame Fontaine
  6. Britt-Maj Canth with Dame Gloria Deveraux
  7. Creola Serpentine-Blac with Aura
  8. Miss Dearly Beloved with Aunty Terry Fi
  9. Tropicana with Malaria
  10. Joan Of Snark with The Aspect Of Wealth
  11. Haky Gardens with Sakuya Kuromi
  12. Gun Anna with Priya Tigress
  13. Pranav Tigress with Necta Gods
  14. Franesca Cartier with Tara
  15. Xena Von Hall with Queen Kong
Sophie goes to visit the Monarch’s in the werkroom.
Ina Only…
“Sophie…” Ina smiles.
Now, I am excited to have you here, as our first dragula transition…
“It’s been pretty damn exciting.” Ina smirks.
How do you feel about this challenge?
“I think it’s made for me, and to be The Ripper? It’s a damn sign.” Ina laughs.
Sophie smiles.
How so?
“The Ripper was a kinky, leather bound Queen who was our first winner. She proved to us all that DRAG isn’t just glamorous, beautiful. Being the first winner and being different from the mould kinda made me… a young, trans woman realise… I could be a TV star.” Ina grins.
I love that story. And I love that I have someone like you, here. It makes me feel so much more comfortable, because… I feel more understanding. We have these lived, similar experiences. It’s.. important.
“It is.” Ina nods.
Dahlia Diamondix….
“Ahh, Sophie!” Dahlia yelps.
So, whose box did you get…
“Uhm, the WINNER, FAME. So like… a good sign, you know?” Dahlia twirls her hair around her finger.
Perfect. A good box. Do you sew?
“I normally get people to do it FOR me, but I know. I’ll deliver fashion at 110, so... “ Dahlia smiles. “I’m excited, Sophie.”
How will you meet the spirit of both Dahlia and Fame?
“I’m going to be gorgeous, beautiful and fun.” Dahlia winks.
Interesting. I look forward to seeing this, Dahlia.
“Get ready, Sophie…” Dahlia smiles.
As they get ready, Gambles chats with Damo.
“I must say…” Damo smiles. “The Magic aspects… it is incredibly interesting.”
“It’s a lifelong passion.” Gambles nods. “A fucking joyride.”
“Oh, so you were always practicing Magic?” Damocles smiles.
“Illusion, Magic, Sleight of Hand since 18.” Gambles grins. “It’s my passion, my driving force…my own world”
“I love that.” Damocles smiles. “My own world… that line speaks to me. That’s what I do for my own drag.”
“Good!” Gambles smirks. “That’s DRAG to me. I mean, I’m new…”
“Really?” Damocles nods. “I can’t tell, honestly…”
“Oh…” Gambles winks. “Sure you can’t. No, it’s been 4 years.. But I wasn’t always a Drag King. I used to perform under another name…”
“Oh, really?” Damocles looks at Gambles. “You were..?”
“Mademoiselle Mimezzra. Showgirl Magus Supreme.” Gambles laughs. “Not quite myself, you see…”
Damocles gaps, realizing. “I had idea you were… also trans.”
“Ah.” Gambles nods. “I thought I knew… but it’s good to confirm.”
“How did you know?” Damocles looks surprised.
“We know each other. And I mean… Magic.” The Aspect Of Gambles laughs.
Damocles smiles. “I think I’m going to like you…”
Who Wins?
submitted by AustralianChrono to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

[NA][PvX][SoS][Chillax][Casual][New player friendly][Mmm]Intense Pleasure. Returning/vet are welcome. LF West Coast players, night time players

Every guild has a history. Avoid watching videos if you're eating/drinking. You're welcome.

A little too much about us

What we do

  • We're passionate lovers when it comes to fractals. The scratching, biting, pinching type of passion. It is one of the most rewarding end-game contents, and open to those who own none of the expansions to certain levels. And doesn't need to spend time organizing like raids. Hence we choose it to be our PvE focus. It promotes team play a lot. Since the guild's establishment, we run fractal training almost nightly, and has trained approximately over 143 people now on different tiers, with pugs and ex-guildies included. Not big of a number but it's some honest work since I'm the only one training. We strike to level the majority to at least tier 3 fractals. So nobody has to pick up groups ever again. We make it easy for people to learn mechanics and start their own journey to obtain better gears as well as yielding better rewards/golds. I personally run fractal CMs train on Sundays. And I could escort you for tier 1 trainings on most week nights around 8pm or 9pm CST. Absolutely no experience, nor gears required to start doing fractals. You don’t even have to be level 80! Yes, you heard me right. Do say something in guild chat/Discord before LFG because we want to run with each other. That's the point of having guildies, right? Bring in the bitches! First day of Slippery Slope instability. 100CM! Omegalul
  • We are chillax sPvP players A lot of us are in gold/platinum divisions, duo/put up against top 30, or on the 250 leaderboard ourselves. Now we mostly play unranked for funsies, especially for daily completion, or occasional sPvP guild missions. sPvP is only fun when play with friends, even if getting killed and stomped en masse. Hey, it's a game, gotta laugh at ourselves on voice comm, or hear the girls freak out and scream cuz they get jumped at. Definitely more fun than a doctor can prescribe for your heart. We're rusty and we don't mind to admit that we are. But if you ever need to learn the basics of this game mode, you know where to find us. We also exchange homemade builds that are so scary none dares to try. Girl finally learns to take "intense pleasure" phone capture
  • We embrace drinking metas/fungeons/raids (Have to adult in order to join although it's not always involved drinking) "Alcoholism not required but strongly encouraged". We run dungeons because they’re nostalgic af. Just kidding. We have dungeoneers who can teach you anything you need to know about sex dungeons, dragons, and more. We're trying to make fucking dungeons fun dungeons a thing again instead of a thing of the past. Because fungeons are one of the best places to test builds, get rekt, or get familiar with a new class. There are lots of achieves and achieve points for doing dungeons too! And map breaking. They're also free access to people who don't own any expansions. Currently we're running them quite spontaneous so all you have to do is ask if anybody runs it, and we shall group up. Here's our take on a drunk dungeon tour.
  • We run strikes at least once/twice a week on all bosses. Once you finish a run with us, you'll get the mechanics down to the T and get ready to run whenever. Strikes are fairly easy as they're a 10-man introduction to raids, with only a few bosses that are kinky.
  • We try to raid To us, raiding should be a big bad orgy with full of laughters. No gear check; however, require matching underwear. (If you happen to wear them at all) Off-meta builds are acceptable, as long as you do your homework and pull the numbers. Or at least know which side of your face to smash against the keyboard. Our stand for raid is simple. There are 2 things. One. We're not Gods and can't pull dead weights. Two. Meta is the optimal standard, but it shouldn't hinder you from joining/learning mechanics. Therefore you can run any class you have your eyes on, something that is not too scandalous of course. We'd help with build crafting if need be. So you will love what you run and it makes learning a breeze. Because there are already enough guilds/groups that force play certain classes. Even if you're new, and you don't have a big wallet in-game to afford these fancy panties, you can still enjoy the contents. We currently are in need of more bodies who are interested in the game mode. That way we can set up a few progressive, or training runs across different time zones. We try to run spontaneous trains during weeknights around 9-11pm CST. Raid time is always our biggest enemy due to needing 10 people online at the same time. Not only that, we know people are very afraid of flaming and toxicity. So we try our best to drag you into the contents with the intention to have fun and learn something new. Hey, if we won't make it, maybe next time. It's no biggie. That's the attitude we want out of you. One of our first music trains~
  • Typical girl missions run on Friday night, starting @8-9pm CST. We want to move guild missions to a different night cuz it overlaps WvW reset night. But most peeps just save that time slot to catch up with us, so we keep going on Friday night. We just think these guys make an excuse to drink. Since we max out the guild hall, we tend to dedicate that time slot into training raids, or doing meta events, achieve hunting, help our with hero point training, etc. Our missions can also be activated at any time, by a lot of members. You don't have to wait for any officer to open them, just ask around and party up. "Guild commendations" that generated from guild missions are great to get early-game ascended trinkets. Hence we keep running missions. Discord is highly recommended for team sexicommunication and explanation.
  • We have bring-your-own-booze events on Saturday nights. Like dis. It's when Discord is crowded with shit and giggles. We promise no satisfaction since our insurance hasn't covered for that part yet. But you'd save 15% or more on car insurance if you switch to Intense Pleasure. And sometimes we do need professional help..
  • So far we've run Dragon's Stand drinking meta, finding Princess, group jumping puzzles, guild races, slo-mo hp trains, Becky wanna smash sPvP night, gambling dates, drunk Arah, card against humanity nights out, yearly secret Santa. In the future, we hope to incorporate guild hide and seek, guild truth or dare, guild karaoke, guild movie night, etc. It's any guild's dream and we're a big fking dreamer. We currently try to get guild dungeons and dragons going. Buy it's tough since people have their own D&D in real life. With each event, we try to invent our own rules to take shots/sips if you're drinking. Or just something to have a laugh at. You can join drinking juices/milk/wateme. No drinkingcism at all. We had 2 casual meet-ups IRL and we keep telling each other if this shitty guild is still up in the next 5 years, we may make it in Vegas!

Potential members

  • 21+. Our bouncers will ID check you upon joining. And in order to apply for the 'Gamer Grill' tag on Discord, you have to send nudes to Deddy. We’re not quite je ne sais quoi “family friendly” that you can’t even say a fucking swear word. We're also not an ERP (erotic roleplay) guild as much as our guild tag implies. Sad, isn't it? But you can use the tag as a disguise to sneak into one of those parties. There’ll be banters, F bomb, C bomb, you name it. We're very classy though, we only drop them on special occasions, or not. There's no filter around here. At the same time, we're not bad sailors. We would somewhat prefer you to not be a very bad one. Definitely not 7-swear-words-in-one-sentence type or we'll use spanking paddles. We keep our Discord clean from porn and too much vulgarity so it's totally safe for work. We have quite a crowd in their sexy 30s while the rest are 23+, hungry women and men. There’s some exceptions for 19 and 20 babes. But, they have to possess either kissable lips or a spankable derrière. [Mmm] We pick a mature crowd so we could hold a decent, rather spicy conversation. Plus, it won't make you feel out of place in a bunch of teenagers when you're sexy and you know it. Anyone at any level, new/experienced, with some unholy common sense. Who want a no stress zone, and a laid back community to play contents together, you are all very welcome. And thank you!
  • DO NOT talk about anime. It’ll likely go on for hours and kill your phone battery. Be careful of the weebs.
  • You're highly encouraged to get on Discord with us. This is somewhat important. We tend to have Discord toggled on while playing. You don't have to join voice chat or anything, just try to be active on Discord text chat for call-outs and updates. Even if we play different games/game contents, it makes MMO an MMO with some communication. Discord remains our source of interaction during the day when we're at work doing NSFW stuff. That's the only way to get to know you before we could group up at night, if any. It's ok if you don't have a microphone; or under IRL circumstances, you cannot talk. We will never force you to do anything you're not comfy with. The ability to listen is a must. Period. Not required but it does make a huge difference in group contents. A lot of us are shy and some mute themselves on Discord, just so they can listen and reply through text chat in-game. It's totally okay. It makes processing info faster and you focus on the things that matter the most instead of typing 5 paragraphs just to ask questions. And that's what we're trying to promote one way or another. So we social anxiety folks can improve little by little. Discord makes training runs/guild missions/most group contents 10 times smoother. And we're here to do group contents, right? We understand wholeheartedly if your voice may cause certain body reactions to us and that's what you're afraid of. Fear Not This Night and let your voice porn be heard! It will give us a chance to get to know you better.
  • We don't judge a book by its cover and have been recruiting people who just turned into new mums/dads, LGBTQIA+, couples, special needs, etc. We'd treat you with respect and we'd want the same in return. One for all and all for one vibe. We want our community to be rich with different backgrounds, stories and even accents. Our peeps are mature oriented, at the same time we don't take shit seriously. This is a game and casual at its best too. We group up to play other games, like D3, Smite, Overwatch, Monster Hunter World, Tom Clancy's The Division 2, etc. But GW2 remains our go-to for the rich lore since GW1, endless exploration, and group events that never get old of bugs. And because of its casual nature, GW2 is very good to play with friends, de-stress after work/after kids going to bed. It's just a great, dynamic, engaging MMO to play when you don't have that much time to grind.
  • There's only one thing to strictly keep in mind is to respect others, regarding of their genders, statuses, races, nationalities, religions, or sexual orientations. We maybe beautiful for our own good but we don't want to be featured in a soap opera series. For that, we don’t tolerate drama, sexism, harassment, or verbal abuse under any case, especially against our female part of the population, in which we have quite a growing number. Ooh and no elitism please. Thank you.
  • Since work/school/quickie gets in the way during the day, we often get online and play after reset. (Reset time is 6pm CST now) So we'll want anyone who can fit these bills: You are always welcome to join <3 even if the time table is not your prime time.
     * OCX night time. * Aussies: 11:30am – 5:30pm ACST | Kiwis: 3pm – 9pm NZDT. * NA prime time. 8-9pm CST until 2-3am CST | Or 6-7pm PST to 12-1am PST. NA insomniacs, where ya at? 
  • Aren't you tired when joining a new guild and get asked to represent them? Like whatttt? You barely know anybody there. Or get face spammed in map chat to join this guild A, that guild B which you know nothing about? What the heck they stand for and what are they doing? If you're a big lurker? And let's be real, you never really run anything with your near 500-member guilds. You're there for the max guild hall benefits and have bodies to do group hugs. Eventually, you'll leave because they’re glorified map chats that your tiny weeny chatbox can’t keep up with. Or end up playing alone too often because your smaller guilds are too dang small to satisfy you have anyone to play with. Smaller guilds tend to have fewer online people at any given time. We've been there done that. It makes you feel like playing solo because there's no one online when you do. Literally, there's nobody to group up with in small guilds. Know those feelings quite well, don't you? Time to put an end to all that misery, hiding, and lurking. Come out and play, you * censored *. Although, our thick, medium size might not reflect anything because we have members who are inactive for a millennia. We don't have the heart to kick them yet. We got a rich vein of ore you’d love to swing a few times for extra experiences if our offer is not moist enough already.
  • We won't ask 100 first-date questions. There isn't any application to apply. We get asked that a lot, as to why. Where is le application? This is actually a very simple test. You feel amused? You like what you see? You'd love to sign up even if all this is bluffing. If you don't, you walk away as fast as you can because of this huge wall of text. So yeah, consider us an upscale lounge with drinks on the house. Come on in, chill, have some fun. If we're not what you're looking for, our door is open 24/7. There are a lot of amazing guilds out there, we won't stop you. Ask for an invite, we'd provide one. Ask for any extra services, we will charge upon the hour. Jk. We require some common sense. Humor is a plus. When it’s needed, you’re not afraid to get down and get dirty. Ooh baby.
  • We have fun in the allotted time while trying our best for the team/the guild. That's the mentality in almost anything guild related contents. It's ok if you suck _____ (Fill in the blank) But as long as you try your best, we appreciate you a lot. That's all that matters. Don't worry about wiping and failing. It's part of the learning process. If you read this far (we secretly hope you do), and you've been nodding with a few things being said and soon to be done, that is more than enough to show our chemistry. We hope to expand that chemistry into a beautiful relationship. The deeper the better. (That's what she said)
  • If any of the above hits your Gspot, whisper in our ear your account name (ex: NUDE.6969). Or let us know your sluttiest character name, or simply comment here if you're an exhibitionist. We cannot wait to bend you over, and do all these wonderful things to you. We know you're biting your bottom lip just thinking about it now. Stahp it. We wish you an incredible day/night wherever you are. We also thank you very much for your precious time to tap into this enormous zone post and consider us at some point. And of course be stupidly brave enough to apply. Sometimes people just don't click. We understand that. #feelbadman if it happens between us. If you pass us by, we wish you nothing but the best of luck in finding your one true home. If you have further questions regarding our guild, feel free to shoot them, preferably on the belly. Not the hair! We'll get back to you as soon as we are able to. We're waiting patiently for your reply. Until then P.S. Huge congratulations on reading this shit post all the way through. Woooo.
submitted by beaniemoo to guildrecruitment [link] [comments]

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Big change

This quote from Wikipedia shows the big change Middlesboro experienced between the 1930s and 1960s.
Little Las Vegas[edit]
Middlesboro installed the first electric street cars west of Washington, D.C., to help locals and tourists visiting the city which became known as "Little Las Vegas" in the 1930s. By this time, Middlesboro was full of slot machines, saloons, and brothels. During this period, shootouts in the streets were part of daily life. The town, under rule of the infamous Ball brothers, was featured in newspapers across the country as one of the deadliest, wildest cities in the United States.
Athens of the Mountains[edit]
By the 1950s, Middlesboro had a population of roughly 15,000 residents. Their strong support for the arts led to the city being called "the Athens of the Mountains". It was one of the few cities in the Eastern Coal Fields to boast a grand opera house and it hosted one of the finest school districts in the state.[citation needed] The first shopping mall was built in the city during the 1960s. The city was named an "All Kentucky City"[clarification needed] in 1964, '65, '66, '67, and '69, a huge honor for such a small city.[why?] The Cumberland Gap National Historical Park was also established during this time.
During the 1970s, the area's coal industry revived and the city prospered again. A grand centennial celebration was held in 1990 that included a ball), air show, and beauty pageant, as well as the dedication of a new city park. The Cumberland Gap Tunnel was opened in 1996.
submitted by Hellolol-12 to middlesboroky [link] [comments]

The biggest investigation of Las Vegas hasn't been able to uncover the reason why 9/11 hijackers traveled to Sin City

On September 11 of 2001, 19 men hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into an open field in Shanksville PA. These men were al-Qaeda terrorists doing the deeds in the name of a holy war against the West and not much about the attack remains a mystery unless you subscribe to the inside job theory, which isn't my case. What authorities haven't been able to explain is the hijackers' several trips to Las Vegas despite what has been dubbed to be the broadest investigation in city. All these trips happened within a few months before the attacks, but the men behind them left very little evidence their activities in the area.
May 24 - Marwan Al-Shehhi, the pilot who crashed the United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Towers of the WTC, arrived to Las Vegas from San Francisco and rented a room at Travelodge as a walk in customer. Once there, he called eight other motels.
May 25 - Al-Shehhi walked in the St. Luis Manor, a hotel that wasn't on the call list. At 12:52 pm, he rented a different car, but didn't return the first car until 3:58pm. The unaccounted mileage in both vehicles summed up to 29 miles. FBI believes that these unusual patterns were a conscious attempt to avoid detection.
May 27 - Al-Shehhi made it to New York.
June 7 - Ziad Jarrah, pilot of the United Airlines 93 that crashed in Shanskville while on its way to the Capitol Building, arrived to Las Vegas and rented a car at 3:13 pm. He was accompanied by an unidentified man described as "middle eastern looking". When Jarrah asked for directions to Circus Circus Hotel and Casino, the a rent-a-car employee tried to give him an answer but was interrupted by the unidentified man who suggested another route. The man's knowledge of the address suggests that he was familiar with the area or that he had been in Las Vegas before.
June 10 - Jarrah took a flight to the Baltimore Washington International Airport leaving his rented car with a mileage exceeding 200 miles and no trace of his Las Vegas whereabouts .
June 28 - Mohamed Atta, pilot of American Airlines Flight 11 that crashed into the North Tower of WTC and leader or the hijackers, arrived to Las Vegas at 2:41 pm and rented a car at 4:25 pm. At 6:40 pm Atta established an account at Cyberzone internet café and used the computer for one hour and thirty five minutes.
June 29 - Atta checked into Econo Lodge Motel at 1:01 pm. He logged in at Cyberzone again at 2:21 and 6:21 pm. Once done, the FBI believes he went back to his hotel.
June 30 - Atta accessed his Cyberzone accounts at 1:56 pm, 6:30 pm and 9:33 pm. The mileage analysis indicated that he returned to his hotel afterwards. This day as well as the day before, Atta had placed several call to Al-Shehhi as well as to two different number in Houston, TX. One number was unassigned and the other one belonged to a mobile salesman.
July 1 - Atta returned his rented vehicle at the airport at 5:12 am and took a flight to New York that connected in Denver. The vehicle had 73 unaccounted miles of usage which the FBI believes would cover a round trip to the Hoover Dam.
July 31 - Waleed al-Shehri, hijacker of the Flight 11, took a flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas where he stayed for 45 minutes while waiting for another flight to Miami. It is unclear to me whether this was a tactical flight - the hijackers were believed to take flights to study their trajectory as well as entrance to the cockpit-, or just a connection.
August 13 - Hani Hanjour and Nawaf al-Hazmi, pilot and hijackers of the American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon arrived to Las Vegas at 11:18 am. At 11:58 am, Atta arrived to Las Vegas to and rented a vehicle at 1:46 pm. The FBI assumed that the three men met, but no activity from Hanjour and al-Hazim was recorded from that trip. Atta accessed a room at the Econo Lodge at 2:55 pm and connected at the Cyberzone at 11:26 pm, getting back to his room at 12:46 am.
August 14 - Atta returned his rented car at 11:09 am leaving no unaccounted mileage and took a flight outside Las Vegas. Hanjour and al-Hazmi boarded a flight at 11:29 am.
A) Al-Qaeda was looking to target Las Vegas area
As noted in Atta's first trip, the unaccounted mileage added up to a round trip to the dam from his hotel. However, Atta's vehicle was not among the recorded license plates in the parking garage of the dam. If the hijackers had connections in Las Vegas area, which seems to be the case with Jarrah, Atta might have traveled to Boulder City or any other town close to the lake and gotten the dam with someone else in a different vehicle. It should also be noted that both Atta and al-Shehhi stayed in hotels close to the Stratosphere, a hotel and casino located in the highest building of the city. Being known as the Sin City, Las Vegas could have been a attractive target for jihadists looking to rebel against what they perceived to be the westernization of their home countries and culture.
B) Hijackers were exchanging information with other Al-Qaeda members
The FBI emphasized the short duration on hijacker's trip to Las Vegas saying that it was just long enough to exchange information. Authorities believe that Atta was not only looking at flight on the East coast but he also kept in communication with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, a potential 20th hijacker who had been denied entry to the United States and acted as an intermediary between Al-Qaeda and the other hijackers. Jarrah's mystery companion and the complete lack of evidence of his whereabouts point to possible terrorist acquaintances residing or staying in Las Vegas that are yet to be identified. The FBI summary mentions two persons of interest: Lotfi Raissi and Zakaria Hassan Ibrahim.
Raissi started attending the Sawyer School of Aviation in 1998 one month after Hanjour quit. Two days after Jarrah left Las Vegas, Raissi arrived to the city with his wife and stayed there until June 18. His stay didn't overlap with that of the hijackers and he claims he went to Las Vegas to celebrate his honeymoon. On September 21, Raissi was arrested near Colnbrook, UK, where he had been living at the time of the attacks. Prosecutor Arvinder Sambei claimed that the FBI had footage of him celebrating an event with Hanjour and that his flight logs from March 2000 to June 2001 were missing. It has also been claimed that Raissi was training five of the hijackers. No such proof was presented to the courts and the man in the footage turned out to be his cousin and not Hanjour, as it had been previously claimed.
Hassan Ibrahim had previously been convicted for trafficking in fraudulent passports and visas. He was the person to provide Mir Aimal Kansi, CIA headquarters shooter , and Mohammed A. Salameh, perpetrator of the 1993 WTC bombing, with fake documents. He was reported to have spent most of July in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, not much information about this individual is accessible so I could not verify if any connection between him and the hijackers was formally established.
C) Hijackers went to Las Vegas as a final pleasure stop before committing suicide
This theory was briefly mentioned by Evan Thomas, journalist, and quoted by criminologist Adam Lankford in his psychological autopsy of Mohamed Atta. According to the author, Atta and the other hijackers - Hanjour and al-Hazmi - might have visited Las Vegas because maybe " they wished to be fortified for their mission by visiting a shrine to American decadence".
While not much is known about Hanjour and al-Hazmi, Atta has been alluded to by the people who knew him as a sexually repressed man who experienced extreme discomfort around women and the mildest hint of sexuality. When years of repression build up an uncontrollable sexual urge, the individual might end up participating is risky sexual activities. Nevertheless, the circumstances of the trip make sex and gambling very unlikely motives. Their stays were short, happened across different months and there was no evidence of them visiting casinos or any similar venues. Strippers supposedly identified al-Shehhi as one of their patrons, but evidence was not conclusive. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that a quick visit to the strip club was anything more than a fun opportunity while pursuing a bigger goal.
I personally believe that the hijackers visited Las Vegas to coordinate the attacks with other members from Al-Qaeda who flew under the radar (no pun intended).
Las Vegas investigative summary
Theories on why 9/11 hijackers visited Las Vegas
David C. Henley: 9/11 hijackers visits to Nevada remain a mystery
Wikipedia entry for Mir Aimal Kansi
Wikipedia entry for Mohammed A. Salameh
Cracking the terror code
submitted by tiposk to masskillers [link] [comments]

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Short Las Vegas Sayings. “In Las Vegas, nothing ends very well.” —Walter Wykes. “A little bit of this town goes a very long way.” —Hunter S. Thompson. “Las Vegas is a very strange place. It’s a place of broken dreams.” —Concha Buika. “For a loser, Vegas is the meanest town on earth.” —Hunter S. Thompson. “Every time I go to Vegas, I seem to incur Mar 9, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Klangforscher F.OM. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Funny Quotes About Las Vegas Gambling “I don’t gamble, if you will concede that poker is a game of skill.” – Robert A. Heinlein “Going to Vegas and not gambling is like going to a restaurant and not eating.” “Life’s a game and men the gamblers. They’ll stake their whole pile on the one chance in a thousand. Las Vegas was like that. There was a visceral attraction here. The bold promise of money and sex. But the first was a broken promise, a mirage, and the second was fraught with danger, expense, physical and mental risk. It was where the real gambling took place in this town.” ― Michael Connelly, Trunk Music The subject of gambling is one that generates a lot of opinions, and some great quotes too. On this page we have put together a collection of some of the best gambling related quotes. We also explain a little background behind each of the quotes chosen. Gambling Lines: The Best Quotes on Gambling. Gambling has been enjoyed by mankind since before the written record of history. Now that’s quite some time. So, with it having been around for so long, it’s had plenty said about it, and we’re revealing to you some of the best gambling quotes from across the years. Dec 16, 2014 - Find out what Bob Dylan, James Bond, and Hunter S. Thompson all have to say in famous gambling quotes. From funny to profound, take a look at the best gambling quotes. This gambling quote is certainly one of its time, not necessarily birthed in direct relation to casino gambling as we know it today, but certainly, one that is adequately applied to the modern practice. The Intrinsic Wisdom of Casino Quotes. There are tons of gambling sayings and quotes out there, it would be impossible to cover all of them. “There are two great pleasures in gambling: that of winning and that of losing.”— French Proverb “To be a poker champion, you must have a strong bladder.” – Jack McClelland “A weekend in Vegas without gambling and drinking is just like being a born-again Christian.” – Artie Lange This compilation contains some of the best quotes we could find related to gambling, luck and money.. Since humans have existed they have gambled away their fortunes, and it is probably the fate of man to continue gambling so long as there is anything left to bet on…

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