Rugby World Cup Betting Tips | Betfair Rugby Tips

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sky bet rugby world cup final - win

I'm an actor in REDACTED and my castmates have been turned into REDACTED.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Shit is seriously fucked.
It's been hours since I was shoved inside this room, and I don't know what to do. I've been staring at this phone, but my mind is blank. I can't fucking think straight, like everything I try and write looks wrong. My hands feel weird and they're shaking, so if this is a incoherent mess, I'm sorry. Maybe it's from the drugs, or that bastard is finally pushing his way inside my mind. Right now, I'm not going to think about him. I'm not going to think about my inevitable fate as a test subject for James, or my friends and castmates who have been taken and turned into empty shells for fictional characters.
No. No, I'm not going to fucking think about that.
Because if I think about this thing in my head? The razor blade in my eye? I'll start to lose it, and you guys don't need that. You want an update, and I'm going to give you one. Just bear with me because my head is fucking killing me. I've been sitting in the same position for hours, my head between my knees. I feel woozy. Like the time [REDACTED] dared me to mix vodka and tequila. But that was being drunk. Tipsy. Like I was flying. This feels like I'm fading. I keep telling myself I'm okay, that the program inside me is broken. At least that's what James said. That's why I'm here.
But I can still feel him.
Fuck, he's in my head, and I can't get him out. He's like a parasite, leeching inside my brain. Jesus, I can't think like that. I have to keep a clear head.
I have to get a hold of myself. I have to be [REDACTED].
That's right. I'm [REDACTED]. That's who I am.
My name is [REDACTED].
So, I guess I'll start from the present, and then I'll take you back to the beginning, telling you my side of what's been going on. Hopefully, this will help you get a better idea of who we are, and you can help us reach out to someone out there who can get us out of here. Because [REDACTED] doesn't have much time. None of us do.
First, it's probably obvious by now, but I'm not my castmate [REDACTED].
I found her phone in here. It was under the bed. There's a crack down the screen, so I can bet James thought he destroyed it before taking her. I can barely see what I'm typing since the screen is messed up, but I found you. Our connection to the outside, what [REDACTED] has been using to talk to you guys. You helped her when I was too doped up to even realise what was going on, and for that I'm thankful. Thank you for taking a chance on her story, and believing it so far.
All I can do is look at the posts, weekly accounts [REDACTED] has published. Though I've only been able to read small bits and pieces of what she's told you guys. The posts are blocked. I don't know if it's the WIFI network here, or the app itself, but I can't read the full parts. From what I've managed to put together, my castmate has been going by a different name, which makes sense. So I'm going to continue calling her the name you guys are familiar with. Robin Harley. As well as the cover names she came up with for us as a cast, as well as the characters we play.
Though it's not like she or I have a choice, really. Our names, as well as anything to do with the network or show are blanked out every time I try typing them, like our real identities no longer exist and some unseen force is blocking me every time I try.
It's driving me nuts.
Anyway. My name is [REDACTED]. But from Robin, you know me as Rory Gallagher. I'm twenty years old, and I play Mac Price in [REDACTED]. Also, the worst mistake I ever made. Signing up for Mac was what I thought was a dream come true. I didn't even want to be an actor. The only acting role I had before Mac was a shepherd in my year 3' Christmas play. I didn't even say anything.
My mum was the one who pushed me to audition for Mac, and I actually got it. I barely made an effort, because I wanted to go to music school. I turned up to the audition in my school uniform and my guitar. My mate Connor said not to make a good impression, so I didn't brush my hair or wear smart clothes. I flunked my lines and was intentionally nonchalant to the directors.
Though it turns out I was the "perfect" fit, because apparently British guys in their late teens with messy bedhead was TV appropriate, despite having a strong northern accent and mumbling the lines they gave me. I wasn't expecting them to give me a second glance, never mind fly me to LA to be in an actual TV show. At first, it was like being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool.
I was an outcast among the other cast members. They could barely understand my accent, and I was too anxious to talk to any of them. But then Noah started hosting these Mario Kart get-together's for the main cast, and that's when I got to know them.
They didn't just become my friends, I saw them as my family. I realized that despite being a whole world away from my parents, I could make my own family in the US. And that's what I did.
Except now I know the truth behind the network and James, and their plans for us. In reality I'm not even an actor anymore. I'm a fucking test subject. A prototype James can't wait to get his claws into once more. I survived stage four. Well, my mind did. Whatever Robin did to me when I was under, it saved me. Because of her I'm myself right now. I have my own thoughts, and I'm going to use this freedom to continue our story. I won't let Robin's work die with her.
God, I don't even know if they're still alive. I don't know anything.
I don't have much time, and I'm guessing you guys already know most of what's been going on, so I'm just going to tell you what I know. I guess I'll start from the beginning.
Sorry, I think I'm repeating myself, but in all honesty I feel like I'm going crazy.
I've been locked in this room for hours. It almost reminds me of Robin's character's bedroom. We shoot a lot of scenes in there so I know it well. This room is so... purple. The bed is covered in a purple fluffy blanket, and the carpet is blended shades of the same damn colour. It's daylight outside, but I have no idea what time it is. The sky is grey, and it's been raining most of the day. I like the rain. It relaxes me. I've tried to sleep with my head in my lap, but the slightest noises wake me up. I keep thinking James, or that crackhead doctor, is going to come back and drag me downstairs.
The clock on this phone is stuck at 12:00. I don't know where I am; some kind of facility, maybe. The phone was already connected to WIFI when I found it, so it looks like Robin was able to send you an update before they took her. I wish I could read it, but the post itself is blocked. All I can see is: "I'm a cast member in your favourite TV show, and I'm becoming my character." but I can't read the whole thing, only the first few lines where she explains she can't write to you anymore.
It hurts just reading that. I can't imagine what the rest says. Sorry, I'm trying to keep a clear head. It's hard, though. Robin is better at this than me. She can weave stories out of nothing, and make anything sound interesting. I got an E in English GCSE, and I suck at writing in general.
I'm dyslexic, so I might make mistakes, or get my words mixed up. I'm used to writing song lyrics, so this can't be that hard. Hopefully I can be as coherent as Robin.
Like I said, I'm going to tell you everything I know, starting from the beginning.
The night we planned to escape, I remember standing outside with Noah sharing a cigarette. The air was bitter, and I was shivering. The temperature drops like crazy in [REDACTED] and I didn't have a coat. The two of us were leaning against the wall. Noah was quiet.
We were both nervous about the plan, and he over-thinks everything. I've known him for nearly four years, and I can just about read the expression which is his "over-thinking" face. We were quite a match, for two guys on the opposite sides of the spectrum. I loved playing music and rugby, and Noah was a photographer in his spare time. But we fit. I don't know if it was our joint sense of humour, or the chemistry our characters had being best friends. Noah was like the brother I've always wanted.
I basked in silence for a while, watching smoke mix with my breath in front of me, when words started popping out of my mouth. I was on edge. We weren't allowed to talk on set, so I was itching to talk to him about the plan. But when I glanced at him, it seemed like Noah was caught up in his thoughts. Not just about the plan. It was something else.
Something he wasn't telling me.
"Are you alright?" I shot him a smile, elbowing him. It was my way of getting his attention, and usually he'd grin back, nodding. But that time he didn't move, didn't even blink.
"Sure." Noah finally responded through a scoff, puffing out swirling smoke. He gave me the side-eye, one brow raised. "As okay as I'll ever be, a prisoner of my job."
His words sent shivers down my spine, but I laughed it off.
I didn't want to admit it, even if he was right.
After a moment, Noah finally turned to me. He took a drag of the cig, and the end lit up in the dark. I was staring at burning orange embers, transfixed by the light, when he fixed me with a look.
"Rory." his tone was suddenly serious, and I snapped out of it.
He passed me the crumbling end of the cigarette.
"Do you remember Avery?"
The name didn't ring a bell, and when I frowned, Noah shook his head with a short laugh, but I could tell my reaction had hit him hard, enough to drag the air from his lungs. But Noah was one to hide his emotions, burying them deep in the back of his mind. "Never mind." He shrugged, before backing away, shooting me a two-fingered salute. "I should get back to set before they send out a search party." his lips quirked into a smile, and the sickly feeling in my gut dispersed. If Noah was smiling and confident, then so was I. "Tonight, yeah?" were his parting words. "Still know the plan?"
I snorted. "Course I do! I have the damn thing memorised!"
A few hours later, we were done shooting for the night. Robin was doing some reshoots with the crew, and Lana and Izzie were being interviewed by Variety. I was heading to craft services to grab a bite. I was starving and had barely eaten anything all day. The crew were strict about what we ate. I had shirtless scenes contracted, so I had to keep up a good figure. Which meant I was barely allowed breakfast, and had to go on what's called a "dehydration diet" to make sure my body was sculpted to perfection.
That night, I was practically drunk on the idea of getting out of there. I grabbed a plate of treats and ate as much as possible before James noticed. He was already being a dick to Izzie about her weight, and I was so close to hitting the bastard. My castmate had been in tears most of the week, because they were forcing her to wear a tiny skirt. Noah and Robin were the only ones stopping me from popping James' nose. Mentally and physically exhausted from the shoot, I was relieved to be done.
I just wanted to get to Robin's parents as soon as possible. There, we would be free from the cruelty of the network, and thanks to Noah, we could expose the show through his mysterious friend. I knew as soon as I got hold of a phone, I'd be ringing mum and dad, and telling them everything. It's been so long since I've heard their voices, and back then I actually thought I was going to talk to them. I was homesick. Even when I had my American friends, I still missed my hometown. Sheffield.
The city in Northern England I'd grown up in.
It's where my name stays alive in my families memories, even if it's been cruelly snatched away here. It sounds crazy, but my real name almost feels foreign to me now.
Even my accent, my mother tongue, the broad Yorkshire drawl I didn't think I'd ever lose, feels wrong. I know it shouldn't, but Mac's American twang feels natural now.
When I was heading to my trailer to grab my bag and jacket, Noah bumped into me. At first I thought he was joking around, but in the dim light of the floodlights illuminating the outdoor set in sicky white light, I glimpsed his wide green eyes and twisted lips. He reached out and grabbed my arm.
I stumbled over, but he held my weight, pulling me away from set.
"Keep walking." He hissed out. "Keep walking, and don't say a word."
"What?!" I choked out. Noah was freaking me out, and I was too tired to argue with him. The crew mostly ignored us, but Noah was acting like a sniper was following us.
He didn't stop until we were inside the studio. We passed the sets for Katie and Will's bedrooms and the school gymnasium, and finally Noah was turning to me. His face was pale.
He was shaking. That's when I knew something was wrong. Because Noah wasn't one to break down. He was the one with a plan, the one who always knew what to do. The rest of us saw him as a sort of leader, especially when we became prisoners of our own jobs. Looking at him then, I realized how helpless he was. His eyes were wide, parted lips trembling.
Seeing Noah like that terrified me.
Before I could question him, he was grabbing my shoulders. His grip was harsh, fingernails digging through my shirt. "Where are the others?"
"Huh?" Swallowing bile crawling up the back of my throat, I shook my head, pulling away from him.
"On set, I think? Lana and Izzie are doing that interview with Variety, and Robin is doing Katie reshoots." Looking at Noah, a million emotions seemed to pass in front of his eyes. He was breathing heavily, his grip unrelenting. "Why?"
Noah didn't reply, and I forced myself to stay calm. "What is it? What's going on?"
I was too afraid to ask if somehow our plan had been compromised.
"Did they find out?" Breathless, I was struggling to speak, and Noah's expression wasn't helping. He almost looked catatonic. "Do they know about our plan to leg it?"
"No," Shaking his head, Noah was trembling. "No, I saw something."
Staring back at him, I frowned. "Saw something?"
My castmate seemed to catch a hold of himself. He exhaled sharply.
"Look, Derek wanted to meet me to talk, and his office was locked. So I broke in-"
Derek and Noah had arranged to talk?
What did Derek's brother, and the co-writer of the show want to talk to my castmate about?
That was the question on my lips, but all I could choke out was, "You broke into a writers office?!"
He rolled his eyes, seemingly coming back to life.
"Yes, shut up. Anyway, his office was trashed. And I mean trashed. His desk was upturned, every shelf ransacked," Noah paused, and he grabbed for my arm again. "I...I saw something I shouldn't have."
Holding his gaze, I struggled to read his expression. "Saw something? What did you see?"
Finally, he let go of me. "I don't... I don't know! We need to get out of here. Like right now, okay?"
Twisting away from me, Noah cursed under his breath, running his hands through his hair.
"Is Robin still on set? How long will the Variety interview take?"
I followed his frenzied pace. "Are you going to tell me what you saw?"
Noah opened his mouth to reply, when a familiar voice sliced through the silence between us.
"Hey boys, where's the fire?"
James was standing behind us, two guards by his side. Our producer was smiling, but there was a gleam in his eyes I didn't like. "You two don't look so good."
Noah was stiff next to me. I expected him to start yelling, but he looked startlingly calm.
"We're going to head home." He said, though I could sense a tremor in my castmate's tone.
"We're all done for today, James."
The man shook his head. "No, I'm afraid we've made alternative arrangements for you five tonight." His lips quirked into a smile. "That won't be a problem, right boys?"
"I said," Noah's tone was splintering ice. His gaze was hard, unwavering on James. But I could tell he was scared. "We're pretty beat, so we're going to head home."
Cocking his head, the writer shot me a smirk. Chills slithered down my spine. "I'm sorry, is Rory unable to speak for himself?" His voice was teasing, and I realised he was playing with us. James had been a dick since taking away our phones, but this was different. This time he looked at me like I was an object, a slab of meat. "Of course he's the youngest, but I'm sure he can open his own mouth."
Noah didn't back down. He took a slow step towards the writer.
"Listen asshole, we're done, okay? We're done playing mind games. We quit. So let us walk out of those doors with Robin, Lana and Izzie, or I'll start talking real loud about Avery and Daffodil."
Noah's words confused me.
Avery. I recognised the name, but it was vague, a barely reachable memory.
James' gaze flicked to Noah, his lips pursing. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"You heard me." Noah gritted out. "Or do you want me to say it louder?"
Something seemed to shift in the writer's expression. His eyes darkened.
"Change of plan." he spoke calmly. "I think I need to talk to Noah in private." James gestured to me, and I was hit with a sudden wave of fight or flight. But I couldn't move.
"Please escort Mr Gallagher outside. There's a car waiting. Then take the girls. I'll handle Miss Harley after I've dealt with my favourite star."
Before I could try and protest, one of the men lunged forwards and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms, his beefy embrace holding me hostage. The other guard seized Noah, forcing his arms behind his back. But my castmate didn't struggle. He was frozen. His eyes were wide, unseeing. When I tried to throw myself from my guard's grip, he tightened his embrace. The writer's smile didn't waver. He looked my castmate up and down, his greedy eyes taking all of Noah in. "Mr Keaton, I think it's time to talk about your attitude and behaviour on set. After all, you must set an example for your cast mates."
"You're sick." Noah's voice was barely a breath. "I saw what you did."
My heart was hammering, questions buzzing around my brain.
What did Noah see? What the hell was Daffodil, and who was Avery?
"Wonderful." James nodded, a sly smile curving on his lips. He didn't seem fazed by my castmate's accusations. "Then you can tell me all about it in my office."
"No." Noah seemed to come to life, his eyes filling with tears. He struggled violently in the guards arms. "No, no, no, you can't do this! I won't let you do this!"
My castmate was hysterical. "Rory!" He was dragged, kicking and yelling, dragging his feet. I was paralysed. I'd never seen Noah like that. He had always been so calm and collected, barely showing his emotions. But right then, he reminded me of a child. The fear was palpable in his eyes, tears streaming down his face. His gaze met mine, and my stomach catapulted.
"Rory, you need to get help! Do you hear me? You need to find-"
His cry was cut off when the guard slapped a hand over his mouth, muffling the rest of his words so they were an incomprehensible muffled cry trapped behind the guards sweaty palm.
I know that my castmate's name was in my throat, but I couldn't say it. I couldn't scream. All I could do was watch Noah get dragged away. When I tried to lunge out of my guards grip, he bellowed out a laugh, wrapping his arms tighter around me.
It was suffocating.
"Ohhh no you don't!" He chortled.
I was hauled off of set, and not one person seemed to care. The crew barely threw me a glance, and secondary cast members turned a blind eye. I spotted Robin's familiar ponytail in the distance, but when I twisted around to shout, the guard's meaty hand slammed over my mouth, cutting off my cry.
Before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved into the back of a fancy car with tinted black windows. The seats were rich leather. But I wasn't planning on staying in there.
As soon as I was dumped in the back seat, I threw myself at the door, tackling the handle. But it was locked. Of course the door was fucking locked.
"Nice try, kid." The guard had plopped himself in the front seat. He threw something at me, and when I caught it, I realized it was a can of Sprite.
"Drink it." He said. "You're looking peaky, Gallagher."
When I shook my head, the guard twisted to face me. "Orders are to force it down your throat if you don't do it yourself." he quirked a brow. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you don't need my help."
The last thing I wanted was to be force-fed Sprite. I cracked open the can quickly, taking a gulp. It was lukewarm and twisted my gut. The guard made an appreciative noise and started the car.
I shouldn't have drank the Sprite. Of course they drugged me.
The journey was foggy. No, everything was foggy. I remember falling in and out of feverish sleep, pressed against the window. My eyes were heavy and my lips felt weird and bloated. I watched headlights flash by in jarring movements when I was startled to almost awareness, but fell back under.
I remember the car door opening, and the cool air grazing my flushed cheeks. The half empty can of Sprite slipped off my lap, but I was floating. No... someone was carrying me. Gravel crunched under my guards feet, and all I could do was watch it turn into sickly yellow carpet. There were voices that sounded like they were underwater. Then... stairs. I was swinging back and forth on the guards back, before a door was opening and I was being dropped onto something soft. Something cool.
A bed.
The door slammed shut, and I was left to stare at the ceiling, while the world spun around me. My lips were numb. Noah. All I could think about was Noah.
He told me to find someone. Who did he tell me to find?
I don't know how long I lay there, waiting for my head to stop spinning. When the door finally flew open, my mind was blank. I sat up, ready to make a run for it. But then a blur of blonde was stumbling into the room, and I had to choke back a sob. Robin. Her expression was twisted with fright, blue eyes frantically scanning the room. By then, I had forgotten about Noah's words. I'd forgotten about Noah all together. When she asked where the others were, I shook my head, spluttering that I had no idea.
After that night, everything just goes... blurry.
I don't know what the fuck happened to me. Though there are flashes. I know I was taking some kind of pill. There were splinters of awareness when I managed to recapture my mind and thoughts, but it was short-lived. Because I always fell back. Every day felt like I was drowning. Like I couldn't breathe.
It's funny. It almost felt like I was living one of those old fashioned VCR'S.
Days passed. I don't know how many. I lived vicariously through flashes. Mainly of Robin. Her eyes were pained, haunted. She was shaking me, but I couldn't respond.
I couldn't move.
Then... awareness. Everything came flooding back when something hard hit the back of my head. It was like sucking in oxygen. Something had become undone. Whatever had been done to me began to unravel, and I was able to stay myself. I was able to keep behind the façade, crushing the pill beneath my foot. Mac was still there, the program they had put inside me was still skating the back of my mind, but I was the one in control.
I'm sure Robin already told you in her posts, but I lost it on set.
I couldn't deal with hiding away anymore. Noah was just standing there, his eyes blank. Lana and Izzie looked right through me. Robin. Part of me knew she was awake, but she still stared at me like I was a stranger. Vacant. There was nothing there. My friends were puppets on strings for James to play with. I tried to attack James, but before I could get near him, an icy point was slicing into my neck.
Everything went dark and I found myself drifting.
There were voices bleeding through the dark. I heard them.
Though I quickly started to realize my was shaking. Convulsing.
I could taste rusty change at the back of my throat. Like the time I'd swallowed a penny when I was a kid.
More voices, while my body seemed to react to them, shaking more violently.
Something was spilling from my mouth, and I was choking on it.
Blood. It hit me that I was choking on blood. There was an accute pain at the back of my head, the type of pain that would normally make me scream. But I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry out for the others. My mouth was full of blood, and I was choking.
There was a piercing beeping noise screeching in my ears, and it wouldn't shut up.
"We're losing him!" someone shrieked. I could feel multiple hands on my chest, pressing down. I was struggling to breathe. Something was pressed against my mouth and nose. Something plastic. I wanted to rip it away, but my wrists were pinned down.
"No, he's going to be fine." James's voice brought me back to half awareness, and I gagged on the blood filling my mouth. My body jolted, but I could feel his hand on my clammy head, his fingers carding through my hair. The writer was speaking to someone. He sounded panicked.
"If we lose Mac Price's body, I'll make sure your family get the same fucking treatment."
His voice was trembling. He tightened his grip on my hair, ragging my head like a doll. "Do you hear me?" James spat. "Clean him up and repeat stage four!"
"We can't." Another voice squeaked. A male nurse.
"Why not?" James demanded. "It worked with the other three!"
"Mr Marley, please understand Rory has haemorrhaged twice due to a brain bleed. We do not need any more strain on his brain right now. If we go through with stage four, I am telling you he will not survive the procedure, and you will lose him."
"His mind?" James said, after a moment. "I told you I don't care about the boy's consciousness. After the extraction it will be dumped with the others."
His words hurt, but I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe.
"No." The nurse spoke sternly. "I'm talking about his body. It will die, Marley. If we proceed with this procedure, Mr Gallagher's body will shut down and no longer be of use to you. Unless you plan on inserting the program into a corpse?"
There was a short pause before, "Fine." James let out a sharp hiss. "Get him out of my sight."
More darkness.
I remember being asleep for the longest time. It was peaceful. Hell, I thought I was dead. Because the voices stopped. I could no longer feel my body, and the pain in the back of my head was gone. It was bliss, after what I went through. I wanted to stay in the dark. I didn't care about waking up, because part of me already knew my fate. I just wanted to go home. I wanted my mum and dad.
I wanted Noah to tell me shit was going to be okay, and Robin to tease me for being dramatic. I wanted Izzie to wrap me in a hug, and Lana to start cracking crude jokes.
I wanted them.
Sorry, this isn't much of an account, since I was out of it for most of the time.
But I'm trying to give you guys everything.
Anyway, there was a point when I finally woke up. But it was weird. It was like my brain was awake, but my body was still under James's control, like I was trapped behind a glass wall. I could look through, but I couldn't move. Life came back to me in the form of applause. It hurt my head.
That's the first thought that hit me. The applause was so loud, slamming into my ears. Opening my eyes, I was greeted to a large room which looked like a lecture hall. There were shadowed faces in the audience, shapes bleeding into my vision. People. It took me a disorienting moment to realise that the room was full of people. I panicked. Automatically, I tried to move, tried to cry out, but my mouth felt like it was full of cotton wool. After a moment, a bright spotlight seemed to dance across my peripheral, and it illuminated my surroundings enough so I could see.
I was standing on a stage. When I looked down, I found myself wearing a crisp white shirt, expensive material glued to my skin. Black pants and leather shoes. I must have been wearing over a thousand dollars. I don't know if it was the fact that I couldn't speak or move, but I began to hyperventilate.
There were people in front of me. Dozens of people. Looking to my left, I glimpsed another figure. Izzie. She was wearing a black strapless dress. Her hair was curled to perfection, chestnut skin glistening under the spotlight. To my right was Lana. Red dress. Strawberry blonde curls cascaded down her back. Both of them were staring forwards, their eyes empty, wide smiles stretched across their lips. It hit me like a wave of ice water. The three of us were being showcased.
We were on display, for everyone to see.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, my first three prototypes for Project Daffodil. The future of television!"
Noah's words seemed to ignite inside my mind.
Daffodil, I thought. Noah knew about it. Thinking back to his hysterical expression before he was taken away, everything made a sick kind of sense.
He tried to warn me. Tried to get us out of there. All of us.
James Marley's voice was thunderous. Through a microphone, it bounced around the room, echoing in the back of my head. The man appeared in front of me, dancing across the stage, a cheshire cat grin on his face. "Become in control of what is yours!"
More applause, before a voice from the audience.
I squinted, but I couldn't make out who it was. "Mr Marley, I believe you assured us five prototypes would be ready for today's presentation."
He was quick to reply. "Yes, I apologize for that. Katie and Will are still being worked on. Though I can guarantee they will be ready by the end of this week."
My legs felt like they were going to give-way.
Robin and Noah.
"I see. Please, continue."
No. I fought to scream, to do something. My body was working on its own accord. James' words sent shivers rattling down my spine.
Prototypes, was what he'd called us.
That's what we were?
"As I was saying before, by using our actors as accessible hosts, Project Daffodil has allowed us to use brand new technology granting us the ability to download each character's program directly into the host's brain."
"And the actors?" A woman spoke up. "What about them?"
Help. The word was on my lips, but I couldn't say it.
James chuckled.
"Mam, I came to the realisation that to make this project work, I would have to make sacrifices. Please be assured however, that our main cast volunteered for the project, and gave their consent. "
The audience murmured, satisfied.
James nodded along, smiling. "As for Miss Faraday, Miss Bright and Mr Gallagher, their consciousness has been removed entirely, leaving only the program. However, rest assured their consciousness is in safe keeping, having been downloaded to our system. When we are done with shooting, we can very easily give them their minds back, and of course they can go on with their lives as normal."
Liar. Anger bubbled up inside of me. I was paralysed. It seemed so easy to open my mouth and yell that James was a liar, that everything he'd done was against our will.
Except I couldn't.
The woman's voice perked up. "So, you're saying, that standing in front of us are the characters?"
"Indeed." James said. "Standing in front of you are indeed our [REDACTED] characters. Folks, I give you Mac Price, Stella Hart, and Jules Lily!"
Gasps rang out, followed by more applause. I couldn't stand it. Part of me wanted to go back to sleep. It hurt even more seeing my body being paraded around like a puppet.
Everything hurt.
A figure stood. "I'm impressed Marley. If you can get the two other prototypes, I'll consider investing in your little project. If you say it's the future of television, then let's see."
James was practically jumping up and down.
He was a fucking lunatic.
"Thank you very much, Mr Dalton. They will be ready this Friday. And rest assured, these prototypes are patented to me, and any evidence of infringement will result in a serious lawsuit."
Laughter. Everyone was laughing, while my friends stood like soldiers awaiting orders.
Was that supposed to be funny?
After the presentation, I was let go again. It seemed like whatever was in my mind was letting me slip in and out of awareness, allowing me to see snippets of reality.
Though those snippets turned into flashes. Then actual instances when I was wide awake. I remember waking up, blood covering my pillow. I remember trying to wash it off, panicking, my own crimson hands trembling under the stream of hot water.
Life fully came back into focus when James slapped me across the face.
I was in his office. No idea how I got there. My mind was blurry, and something warm was dripping down my chin. Blood. But I knew it wasn't because of the slap. Something was wrong with me.
"Wake up."
His voice was scathing.
I didn't move, but from the look on his face, he was already onto me.
"I said... wake up!"
I jumped, automatically revealing myself.
The writer chuckled. "You're a lot of things, Mr Gallagher, but a good actor is not one of them. Your pretty face is what makes you Mac Price. Do you want to know why we picked you to be Mac?"
I glared back.
"This." he caressed my face, gripping my chin with the points of his nails, "is the only reason you made it. Don't think for one second that you're actually talented! Noah and Isabelle went to drama school, if I'm not mistaken. Lana has already been cast in several movies, as has Robin. You, however, only just got out of high school when we cast you. You're nothing but a kid with an attractive face."
“Go and fuck yourself.” I spat. It felt good to talk back to him. To use my mouth.
He rolled his eyes. "Such filthy language. Now look at me."
I was forced to do as I was told. I don't know if it was the pill, or the program, but my body and mind was compliant. "Stand still." James shone a light in my eye, and I couldn't help wincing.
"Oh." Marley hummed. "You're bleeding."
He tutted. "Rory, my dear boy, it seems like Mac is broken." he tipped his head to the side, in an almost sympathetic manner. "Whatever your castmate did to you may have saved your mind."
Cupping my cheeks, the writer's touch was almost fatherly. I pulled away with a snarl, and he chuckled, swiping a finger under my nose. It came back red, and I had to swallow a cry.
"And..." he hummed, pulling out a tissue and dabbing at my nose. "it appears the Mac program is causing you to haemorrhage at an alarming rate. But I'm sure we can fix you."
James turned to a guard. "Restrain him, we're going on a field trip."
The guard shook his head. "Sir, there are fans outside."
"Huh." Marley shrugged. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a face mask before slipping it over my mouth and nose. His fingers trailed over my ears when he fixed the straps. "Try anything, Rory, and I'll be paying your parents a visit." he quirked a brow. "And surely you don't want that."
I stayed quiet.
James dragged me outside, and there was a crowd of fans yelling my name. I put my head down quickly, letting the guards pull me towards an awaiting car. James cut a path through the fans.
A girl's voice startled me. I was about to get in the car, and at the corner of my eye, James and the guards were chastising fans.
I turned to see a teenage girl, around sixteen or seventeen. Her blonde hair was in pigtails, red ribbons flitting in the breeze. She was cosplaying as one of the show's characters. Lana's character.
I waved weakly at her, but before I could force myself forwards, she was standing directly in front of me. At first I thought she was smiling, but then she pulled back her face mask. Her lips were parted in what looked like a cry. Her eyes were wide. It took me a moment to realize she looked terrified.
"Are you okay?" she hissed. "Do you need help?"
I didn't know what to say, so I choked out, "Glad you're enjoying the show!"
The girl didn't move. She leaned in close, her breath grazing my ear. "I saw Robin's posts," she hissed. "It's all true, isn't it? The fandom think it's a troll, but I know you're in trouble."
Posts, I thought dizzily.
What posts?
Before I could answer, the girl seemed to perk up, before sliding her mask back into place.
"High five!" she yelled, and something urged me to slap my hand against hers.
Something hit my hand. Paper.
A note.
I hid the note quickly, stuffing it in my jeans, and dived into the back of the car. The journey was long. We passed through the [REDACTED] border, though I'm not sure where I am. I know I'm in some kind of facility, but I was blindfolded on the way inside. All I remember are long white hallways. I was strapped down onto what looked like a dentist chair, and prodded and poked with needles.
"Well?" James was impatient.
“It seems the program is broken.” The doctor - an old-ish looking man, sighed.
“Marley, Mr Gallagher’s brain has had too much trauma. He's in pretty bad shape. So, I'll have to do a reinsertion. Though by miracle, the Mac program could come back to life itself."
I flinched when the old man dabbed my bloody nose. He was grinning, a whole mouth full of yellow teeth. "Oh, young man, what has Mr Marley done to you?"
It took every ounce of willpower I had not to spit in the asshole's face.
James was tight lipped. “Right. I’ll talk to the network. The initial presentation went fine, but for the second, I want an empty shell with the program installed."
An empty shell.
That's all they saw me as.
An empty fucking shell.
"Of course." The man grinned widely at me. "I'll have him sorted in no time."
The writer nodded. "Good. I need them for the final presentation. If all goes well, we could have a good chance of getting Netflix and Amazon on board."
I didn't argue when I was violently dragged upstairs and locked inside what looked like the set for Katie's bedroom. The daffodil on the window-sill looked fresh. There was soil covering the carpet. When I lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling, I saw something at the corner of my eye.
Poking from under the bed was a phone.
It had been stood on. The screen was cracked. But it was usable.
When I powered it on, the only app was Reddit. The username was like a kick in the gut.
That's what the girl was talking about.
Unravelling the note the fan gave me, it was a printed out screen-shot of Robin's reddit page. Which I quickly found on the phone. Someone had circled the latest post with black marker pen: "POSTED LAST WEEK, AND DELETED STRAIGHT AWAY (OCTOBER 28TH)
The post itself simply said, "I BURIED HIM."
Robin's latest post must have been deleted by James, and then he disposed of the phone.
But what did her post mean?
What did Robin bury?
My head is fucking killing me, and I keep having nosebleeds. I'm sorry if this was rushed or made no sense; my eyes are fogging up and I'm tired. But I want to continue what Robin started, and get us all the hell out of here.
I don't know how much time I have, so please help me. Mac is broken, I think. But I don't know when those assholes are going to come and drag me downstairs.
If you're the fan reading this, you know who we are. You know the show.
Who is Avery, and why was Noah so insistent on me knowing him?
I'll try and post as soon as I can, but you guys have to tell me what's going on. What exactly did Robin say in her last post? Did she mention Noah?
submitted by RobinAnonymous to nosleep [link] [comments]

I’m an actor in REDACTED and my castmates have been turned into REDACTED.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Shit is seriously fucked.
It's been hours since I was shoved inside this room, and I don't know what to do. I've been staring at this phone, but my mind is blank. I can't fucking think straight, like everything I try and write looks wrong. My hands feel weird and they're shaking, so if this is a incoherent mess, I'm sorry. Maybe it's from the drugs, or that bastard is finally pushing his way inside my mind. Right now, I'm not going to think about him. I'm not going to think about my inevitable fate as a test subject for James, or my friends and castmates who have been taken and turned into empty shells for fictional characters.
No. No, I'm not going to fucking think about that.
Because if I think about this thing in my head? The razor blade in my eye? I'll start to lose it, and you guys don't need that. You want an update, and I'm going to give you one. Just bear with me because my head is fucking killing me. I've been sitting in the same position for hours, my head between my knees. I feel woozy. Like the time [REDACTED] dared me to mix vodka and tequila. But that was being drunk. Tipsy. Like I was flying. This feels like I'm fading. I keep telling myself I'm okay, that the program inside me is broken. At least that's what James said. That's why I'm here.
But I can still feel him.
Fuck, he's in my head, and I can't get him out. He's like a parasite, leeching inside my brain. Jesus, I can't think like that. I have to keep a clear head.
I have to get a hold of myself. I have to be [REDACTED].
That's right. I'm [REDACTED]. That's who I am.
My name is [REDACTED].
So, I guess I'll start from the present, and then I'll take you back to the beginning, telling you my side of what's been going on. Hopefully, this will help you get a better idea of who we are, and you can help us reach out to someone out there who can get us out of here. Because [REDACTED] doesn't have much time. None of us do.
First, it's probably obvious by now, but I'm not my castmate [REDACTED].
I found her phone in here. It was under the bed. There's a crack down the screen, so I can bet James thought he destroyed it before taking her. I can barely see what I'm typing since the screen is messed up, but I found you. Our connection to the outside, what [REDACTED] has been using to talk to you guys. You helped her when I was too doped up to even realise what was going on, and for that I'm thankful. Thank you for taking a chance on her story, and believing it so far.
All I can do is look at the posts, weekly accounts [REDACTED] has published. Though I've only been able to read small bits and pieces of what she's told you guys. The posts are blocked. I don't know if it's the WIFI network here, or the app itself, but I can't read the full parts. From what I've managed to put together, my castmate has been going by a different name, which makes sense. So I'm going to continue calling her the name you guys are familiar with. Robin Harley. As well as the cover names she came up with for us as a cast, as well as the characters we play.
Though it's not like she or I have a choice, really. Our names, as well as anything to do with the network or show are blanked out every time I try typing them, like our real identities no longer exist and some unseen force is blocking me every time I try.
It's driving me nuts.
Anyway. My name is [REDACTED]. But from Robin, you know me as Rory Gallagher. I'm twenty years old, and I play Mac Price in [REDACTED]. Also, the worst mistake I ever made. Signing up for Mac was what I thought was a dream come true. I didn't even want to be an actor. The only acting role I had before Mac was a shepherd in my year 3' Christmas play. I didn't even say anything.
My mum was the one who pushed me to audition for Mac, and I actually got it. I barely made an effort, because I wanted to go to music school. I turned up to the audition in my school uniform and my guitar. My mate Connor said not to make a good impression, so I didn't brush my hair or wear smart clothes. I flunked my lines and was intentionally nonchalant to the directors.
Though it turns out I was the "perfect" fit, because apparently British guys in their late teens with messy bedhead was TV appropriate, despite having a strong northern accent and mumbling the lines they gave me. I wasn't expecting them to give me a second glance, never mind fly me to LA to be in an actual TV show. At first, it was like being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool.
I was an outcast among the other cast members. They could barely understand my accent, and I was too anxious to talk to any of them. But then Noah started hosting these Mario Kart get-together's for the main cast, and that's when I got to know them.
They didn't just become my friends, I saw them as my family. I realized that despite being a whole world away from my parents, I could make my own family in the US. And that's what I did.
Except now I know the truth behind the network and James, and their plans for us. In reality I'm not even an actor anymore. I'm a fucking test subject. A prototype James can't wait to get his claws into once more. I survived stage four. Well, my mind did. Whatever Robin did to me when I was under, it saved me. Because of her I'm myself right now. I have my own thoughts, and I'm going to use this freedom to continue our story. I won't let Robin's work die with her.
God, I don't even know if they're still alive. I don't know anything.
I don't have much time, and I'm guessing you guys already know most of what's been going on, so I'm just going to tell you what I know. I guess I'll start from the beginning.
Sorry, I think I'm repeating myself, but in all honesty I feel like I'm going crazy.
I've been locked in this room for hours. It almost reminds me of Robin's character's bedroom. We shoot a lot of scenes in there so I know it well. This room is so... purple. The bed is covered in a purple fluffy blanket, and the carpet is blended shades of the same damn colour. It's daylight outside, but I have no idea what time it is. The sky is grey, and it's been raining most of the day. I like the rain. It relaxes me. I've tried to sleep with my head in my lap, but the slightest noises wake me up. I keep thinking James, or that crackhead doctor, is going to come back and drag me downstairs.
The clock on this phone is stuck at 12:00. I don't know where I am; some kind of facility, maybe. The phone was already connected to WIFI when I found it, so it looks like Robin was able to send you an update before they took her. I wish I could read it, but the post itself is blocked. All I can see is: "I'm a cast member in your favourite TV show, and I'm becoming my character." but I can't read the whole thing, only the first few lines where she explains she can't write to you anymore.
It hurts just reading that. I can't imagine what the rest says. Sorry, I'm trying to keep a clear head. It's hard, though. Robin is better at this than me. She can weave stories out of nothing, and make anything sound interesting. I got an E in English GCSE, and I suck at writing in general.
I'm dyslexic, so I might make mistakes, or get my words mixed up. I'm used to writing song lyrics, so this can't be that hard. Hopefully I can be as coherent as Robin.
Like I said, I'm going to tell you everything I know, starting from the beginning.
The night we planned to escape, I remember standing outside with Noah sharing a cigarette. The air was bitter, and I was shivering. The temperature drops like crazy in [REDACTED] and I didn't have a coat. The two of us were leaning against the wall. Noah was quiet.
We were both nervous about the plan, and he over-thinks everything. I've known him for nearly four years, and I can just about read the expression which is his "over-thinking" face. We were quite a match, for two guys on the opposite sides of the spectrum. I loved playing music and rugby, and Noah was a photographer in his spare time. But we fit. I don't know if it was our joint sense of humour, or the chemistry our characters had being best friends. Noah was like the brother I've always wanted.
I basked in silence for a while, watching smoke mix with my breath in front of me, when words started popping out of my mouth. I was on edge. We weren't allowed to talk on set, so I was itching to talk to him about the plan. But when I glanced at him, it seemed like Noah was caught up in his thoughts. Not just about the plan. It was something else.
Something he wasn't telling me.
"Are you alright?" I shot him a smile, elbowing him. It was my way of getting his attention, and usually he'd grin back, nodding. But that time he didn't move, didn't even blink.
"Sure." Noah finally responded through a scoff, puffing out swirling smoke. He gave me the side-eye, one brow raised. "As okay as I'll ever be, a prisoner of my job."
His words sent shivers down my spine, but I laughed it off.
I didn't want to admit it, even if he was right.
After a moment, Noah finally turned to me. He took a drag of the cig, and the end lit up in the dark. I was staring at burning orange embers, transfixed by the light, when he fixed me with a look.
"Rory." his tone was suddenly serious, and I snapped out of it.
He passed me the crumbling end of the cigarette.
"Do you remember Avery?"
The name didn't ring a bell, and when I frowned, Noah shook his head with a short laugh, but I could tell my reaction had hit him hard, enough to drag the air from his lungs. But Noah was one to hide his emotions, burying them deep in the back of his mind. "Never mind." He shrugged, before backing away, shooting me a two-fingered salute. "I should get back to set before they send out a search party." his lips quirked into a smile, and the sickly feeling in my gut dispersed. If Noah was smiling and confident, then so was I. "Tonight, yeah?" were his parting words. "Still know the plan?"
I snorted. "Course I do! I have the damn thing memorised!"
A few hours later, we were done shooting for the night. Robin was doing some reshoots with the crew, and Lana and Izzie were being interviewed by Variety. I was heading to craft services to grab a bite. I was starving and had barely eaten anything all day. The crew were strict about what we ate. I had shirtless scenes contracted, so I had to keep up a good figure. Which meant I was barely allowed breakfast, and had to go on what's called a "dehydration diet" to make sure my body was sculpted to perfection.
That night, I was practically drunk on the idea of getting out of there. I grabbed a plate of treats and ate as much as possible before James noticed. He was already being a dick to Izzie about her weight, and I was so close to hitting the bastard. My castmate had been in tears most of the week, because they were forcing her to wear a tiny skirt. Noah and Robin were the only ones stopping me from popping James' nose. Mentally and physically exhausted from the shoot, I was relieved to be done.
I just wanted to get to Robin's parents as soon as possible. There, we would be free from the cruelty of the network, and thanks to Noah, we could expose the show through his mysterious friend. I knew as soon as I got hold of a phone, I'd be ringing mum and dad, and telling them everything. It's been so long since I've heard their voices, and back then I actually thought I was going to talk to them. I was homesick. Even when I had my American friends, I still missed my hometown. Sheffield.
The city in Northern England I'd grown up in.
It's where my name stays alive in my families memories, even if it's been cruelly snatched away here. It sounds crazy, but my real name almost feels foreign to me now.
Even my accent, my mother tongue, the broad Yorkshire drawl I didn't think I'd ever lose, feels wrong. I know it shouldn't, but Mac's American twang feels natural now.
When I was heading to my trailer to grab my bag and jacket, Noah bumped into me. At first I thought he was joking around, but in the dim light of the floodlights illuminating the outdoor set in sicky white light, I glimpsed his wide green eyes and twisted lips. He reached out and grabbed my arm.
I stumbled over, but he held my weight, pulling me away from set.
"Keep walking." He hissed out. "Keep walking, and don't say a word."
"What?!" I choked out. Noah was freaking me out, and I was too tired to argue with him. The crew mostly ignored us, but Noah was acting like a sniper was following us.
He didn't stop until we were inside the studio. We passed the sets for Katie and Will's bedrooms and the school gymnasium, and finally Noah was turning to me. His face was pale.
He was shaking. That's when I knew something was wrong. Because Noah wasn't one to break down. He was the one with a plan, the one who always knew what to do. The rest of us saw him as a sort of leader, especially when we became prisoners of our own jobs. Looking at him then, I realized how helpless he was. His eyes were wide, parted lips trembling.
Seeing Noah like that terrified me.
Before I could question him, he was grabbing my shoulders. His grip was harsh, fingernails digging through my shirt. "Where are the others?"
"Huh?" Swallowing bile crawling up the back of my throat, I shook my head, pulling away from him.
"On set, I think? Lana and Izzie are doing that interview with Variety, and Robin is doing Katie reshoots." Looking at Noah, a million emotions seemed to pass in front of his eyes. He was breathing heavily, his grip unrelenting. "Why?"
Noah didn't reply, and I forced myself to stay calm. "What is it? What's going on?"
I was too afraid to ask if somehow our plan had been compromised.
"Did they find out?" Breathless, I was struggling to speak, and Noah's expression wasn't helping. He almost looked catatonic. "Do they know about our plan to leg it?"
"No," Shaking his head, Noah was trembling. "No, I saw something."
Staring back at him, I frowned. "Saw something?"
My castmate seemed to catch a hold of himself. He exhaled sharply.
"Look, Derek wanted to meet me to talk, and his office was locked. So I broke in-"
Derek and Noah had arranged to talk?
What did Derek's brother, and the co-writer of the show want to talk to my castmate about?
That was the question on my lips, but all I could choke out was, "You broke into a writers office?!"
He rolled his eyes, seemingly coming back to life.
"Yes, shut up. Anyway, his office was trashed. And I mean trashed. His desk was upturned, every shelf ransacked," Noah paused, and he grabbed for my arm again. "I...I saw something I shouldn't have."
Holding his gaze, I struggled to read his expression. "Saw something? What did you see?"
Finally, he let go of me. "I don't... I don't know! We need to get out of here. Like right now, okay?"
Twisting away from me, Noah cursed under his breath, running his hands through his hair.
"Is Robin still on set? How long will the Variety interview take?"
I followed his frenzied pace. "Are you going to tell me what you saw?"
Noah opened his mouth to reply, when a familiar voice sliced through the silence between us.
"Hey boys, where's the fire?"
James was standing behind us, two guards by his side. Our producer was smiling, but there was a gleam in his eyes I didn't like. "You two don't look so good."
Noah was stiff next to me. I expected him to start yelling, but he looked startlingly calm.
"We're going to head home." He said, though I could sense a tremor in my castmate's tone.
"We're all done for today, James."
The man shook his head. "No, I'm afraid we've made alternative arrangements for you five tonight." His lips quirked into a smile. "That won't be a problem, right boys?"
"I said," Noah's tone was splintering ice. His gaze was hard, unwavering on James. But I could tell he was scared. "We're pretty beat, so we're going to head home."
Cocking his head, the writer shot me a smirk. Chills slithered down my spine. "I'm sorry, is Rory unable to speak for himself?" His voice was teasing, and I realised he was playing with us. James had been a dick since taking away our phones, but this was different. This time he looked at me like I was an object, a slab of meat. "Of course he's the youngest, but I'm sure he can open his own mouth."
Noah didn't back down. He took a slow step towards the writer.
"Listen asshole, we're done, okay? We're done playing mind games. We quit. So let us walk out of those doors with Robin, Lana and Izzie, or I'll start talking real loud about Avery and Daffodil."
Noah's words confused me.
Avery. I recognised the name, but it was vague, a barely reachable memory.
James' gaze flicked to Noah, his lips pursing. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"You heard me." Noah gritted out. "Or do you want me to say it louder?"
Something seemed to shift in the writer's expression. His eyes darkened.
"Change of plan." he spoke calmly. "I think I need to talk to Noah in private." James gestured to me, and I was hit with a sudden wave of fight or flight. But I couldn't move.
"Please escort Mr Gallagher outside. There's a car waiting. Then take the girls. I'll handle Miss Harley after I've dealt with my favourite star."
Before I could try and protest, one of the men lunged forwards and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms, his beefy embrace holding me hostage. The other guard seized Noah, forcing his arms behind his back. But my castmate didn't struggle. He was frozen. His eyes were wide, unseeing. When I tried to throw myself from my guard's grip, he tightened his embrace. The writer's smile didn't waver. He looked my castmate up and down, his greedy eyes taking all of Noah in. "Mr Keaton, I think it's time to talk about your attitude and behaviour on set. After all, you must set an example for your cast mates."
"You're sick." Noah's voice was barely a breath. "I saw what you did."
My heart was hammering, questions buzzing around my brain.
What did Noah see? What the hell was Daffodil, and who was Avery?
"Wonderful." James nodded, a sly smile curving on his lips. He didn't seem fazed by my castmate's accusations. "Then you can tell me all about it in my office."
"No." Noah seemed to come to life, his eyes filling with tears. He struggled violently in the guards arms. "No, no, no, you can't do this! I won't let you do this!"
My castmate was hysterical. "Rory!" He was dragged, kicking and yelling, dragging his feet. I was paralysed. I'd never seen Noah like that. He had always been so calm and collected, barely showing his emotions. But right then, he reminded me of a child. The fear was palpable in his eyes, tears streaming down his face. His gaze met mine, and my stomach catapulted.
"Rory, you need to get help! Do you hear me? You need to find-"
His cry was cut off when the guard slapped a hand over his mouth, muffling the rest of his words so they were an incomprehensible muffled cry trapped behind the guards sweaty palm.
I know that my castmate's name was in my throat, but I couldn't say it. I couldn't scream. All I could do was watch Noah get dragged away. When I tried to lunge out of my guards grip, he bellowed out a laugh, wrapping his arms tighter around me.
It was suffocating.
"Ohhh no you don't!" He chortled.
I was hauled off of set, and not one person seemed to care. The crew barely threw me a glance, and secondary cast members turned a blind eye. I spotted Robin's familiar ponytail in the distance, but when I twisted around to shout, the guard's meaty hand slammed over my mouth, cutting off my cry.
Before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved into the back of a fancy car with tinted black windows. The seats were rich leather. But I wasn't planning on staying in there.
As soon as I was dumped in the back seat, I threw myself at the door, tackling the handle. But it was locked. Of course the door was fucking locked.
"Nice try, kid." The guard had plopped himself in the front seat. He threw something at me, and when I caught it, I realized it was a can of Sprite.
"Drink it." He said. "You're looking peaky, Gallagher."
When I shook my head, the guard twisted to face me. "Orders are to force it down your throat if you don't do it yourself." he quirked a brow. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you don't need my help."
The last thing I wanted was to be force-fed Sprite. I cracked open the can quickly, taking a gulp. It was lukewarm and twisted my gut. The guard made an appreciative noise and started the car.
I shouldn't have drank the Sprite. Of course they drugged me.
The journey was foggy. No, everything was foggy. I remember falling in and out of feverish sleep, pressed against the window. My eyes were heavy and my lips felt weird and bloated. I watched headlights flash by in jarring movements when I was startled to almost awareness, but fell back under.
I remember the car door opening, and the cool air grazing my flushed cheeks. The half empty can of Sprite slipped off my lap, but I was floating. No... someone was carrying me. Gravel crunched under my guards feet, and all I could do was watch it turn into sickly yellow carpet. There were voices that sounded like they were underwater. Then... stairs. I was swinging back and forth on the guards back, before a door was opening and I was being dropped onto something soft. Something cool.
A bed.
The door slammed shut, and I was left to stare at the ceiling, while the world spun around me. My lips were numb. Noah. All I could think about was Noah.
He told me to find someone. Who did he tell me to find?
I don't know how long I lay there, waiting for my head to stop spinning. When the door finally flew open, my mind was blank. I sat up, ready to make a run for it. But then a blur of blonde was stumbling into the room, and I had to choke back a sob. Robin. Her expression was twisted with fright, blue eyes frantically scanning the room. By then, I had forgotten about Noah's words. I'd forgotten about Noah all together. When she asked where the others were, I shook my head, spluttering that I had no idea.
After that night, everything just goes... blurry.
I don't know what the fuck happened to me. Though there are flashes. I know I was taking some kind of pill. There were splinters of awareness when I managed to recapture my mind and thoughts, but it was short-lived. Because I always fell back. Every day felt like I was drowning. Like I couldn't breathe.
It's funny. It almost felt like I was living one of those old fashioned VCR'S.
Days passed. I don't know how many. I lived vicariously through flashes. Mainly of Robin. Her eyes were pained, haunted. She was shaking me, but I couldn't respond.
I couldn't move.
Then... awareness. Everything came flooding back when something hard hit the back of my head. It was like sucking in oxygen. Something had become undone. Whatever had been done to me began to unravel, and I was able to stay myself. I was able to keep behind the façade, crushing the pill beneath my foot. Mac was still there, the program they had put inside me was still skating the back of my mind, but I was the one in control.
I'm sure Robin already told you in her posts, but I lost it on set.
I couldn't deal with hiding away anymore. Noah was just standing there, his eyes blank. Lana and Izzie looked right through me. Robin. Part of me knew she was awake, but she still stared at me like I was a stranger. Vacant. There was nothing there. My friends were puppets on strings for James to play with. I tried to attack James, but before I could get near him, an icy point was slicing into my neck.
Everything went dark and I found myself drifting.
There were voices bleeding through the dark. I heard them.
Though I quickly started to realize my was shaking. Convulsing.
I could taste rusty change at the back of my throat. Like the time I'd swallowed a penny when I was a kid.
More voices, while my body seemed to react to them, shaking more violently.
Something was spilling from my mouth, and I was choking on it.
Blood. It hit me that I was choking on blood. There was an accute pain at the back of my head, the type of pain that would normally make me scream. But I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry out for the others. My mouth was full of blood, and I was choking.
There was a piercing beeping noise screeching in my ears, and it wouldn't shut up.
"We're losing him!" someone shrieked. I could feel multiple hands on my chest, pressing down. I was struggling to breathe. Something was pressed against my mouth and nose. Something plastic. I wanted to rip it away, but my wrists were pinned down.
"No, he's going to be fine." James's voice brought me back to half awareness, and I gagged on the blood filling my mouth. My body jolted, but I could feel his hand on my clammy head, his fingers carding through my hair. The writer was speaking to someone. He sounded panicked.
"If we lose Mac Price's body, I'll make sure your family get the same fucking treatment."
His voice was trembling. He tightened his grip on my hair, ragging my head like a doll. "Do you hear me?" James spat. "Clean him up and repeat stage four!"
"We can't." Another voice squeaked. A male nurse.
"Why not?" James demanded. "It worked with the other three!"
"Mr Marley, please understand Rory has haemorrhaged twice due to a brain bleed. We do not need any more strain on his brain right now. If we go through with stage four, I am telling you he will not survive the procedure, and you will lose him."
"His mind?" James said, after a moment. "I told you I don't care about the boy's consciousness. After the extraction it will be dumped with the others."
His words hurt, but I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe.
"No." The nurse spoke sternly. "I'm talking about his body. It will die, Marley. If we proceed with this procedure, Mr Gallagher's body will shut down and no longer be of use to you. Unless you plan on inserting the program into a corpse?"
There was a short pause before, "Fine." James let out a sharp hiss. "Get him out of my sight."
More darkness.
I remember being asleep for the longest time. It was peaceful. Hell, I thought I was dead. Because the voices stopped. I could no longer feel my body, and the pain in the back of my head was gone. It was bliss, after what I went through. I wanted to stay in the dark. I didn't care about waking up, because part of me already knew my fate. I just wanted to go home. I wanted my mum and dad.
I wanted Noah to tell me shit was going to be okay, and Robin to tease me for being dramatic. I wanted Izzie to wrap me in a hug, and Lana to start cracking crude jokes.
I wanted them.
Sorry, this isn't much of an account, since I was out of it for most of the time.
But I'm trying to give you guys everything.
Anyway, there was a point when I finally woke up. But it was weird. It was like my brain was awake, but my body was still under James's control, like I was trapped behind a glass wall. I could look through, but I couldn't move. Life came back to me in the form of applause. It hurt my head.
That's the first thought that hit me. The applause was so loud, slamming into my ears. Opening my eyes, I was greeted to a large room which looked like a lecture hall. There were shadowed faces in the audience, shapes bleeding into my vision. People. It took me a disorienting moment to realise that the room was full of people. I panicked. Automatically, I tried to move, tried to cry out, but my mouth felt like it was full of cotton wool. After a moment, a bright spotlight seemed to dance across my peripheral, and it illuminated my surroundings enough so I could see.
I was standing on a stage. When I looked down, I found myself wearing a crisp white shirt, expensive material glued to my skin. Black pants and leather shoes. I must have been wearing over a thousand dollars. I don't know if it was the fact that I couldn't speak or move, but I began to hyperventilate.
There were people in front of me. Dozens of people. Looking to my left, I glimpsed another figure. Izzie. She was wearing a black strapless dress. Her hair was curled to perfection, chestnut skin glistening under the spotlight. To my right was Lana. Red dress. Strawberry blonde curls cascaded down her back. Both of them were staring forwards, their eyes empty, wide smiles stretched across their lips. It hit me like a wave of ice water. The three of us were being showcased.
We were on display, for everyone to see.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, my first three prototypes for Project Daffodil. The future of television!"
Noah's words seemed to ignite inside my mind.
Daffodil, I thought. Noah knew about it. Thinking back to his hysterical expression before he was taken away, everything made a sick kind of sense.
He tried to warn me. Tried to get us out of there. All of us.
James Marley's voice was thunderous. Through a microphone, it bounced around the room, echoing in the back of my head. The man appeared in front of me, dancing across the stage, a cheshire cat grin on his face. "Become in control of what is yours!"
More applause, before a voice from the audience.
I squinted, but I couldn't make out who it was. "Mr Marley, I believe you assured us five prototypes would be ready for today's presentation."
He was quick to reply. "Yes, I apologize for that. Katie and Will are still being worked on. Though I can guarantee they will be ready by the end of this week."
My legs felt like they were going to give-way.
Robin and Noah.
"I see. Please, continue."
No. I fought to scream, to do something. My body was working on its own accord. James' words sent shivers rattling down my spine.
Prototypes, was what he'd called us.
That's what we were?
"As I was saying before, by using our actors as accessible hosts, Project Daffodil has allowed us to use brand new technology granting us the ability to download each character's program directly into the host's brain."
"And the actors?" A woman spoke up. "What about them?"
Help. The word was on my lips, but I couldn't say it.
James chuckled.
"Mam, I came to the realisation that to make this project work, I would have to make sacrifices. Please be assured however, that our main cast volunteered for the project, and gave their consent. "
The audience murmured, satisfied.
James nodded along, smiling. "As for Miss Faraday, Miss Bright and Mr Gallagher, their consciousness has been removed entirely, leaving only the program. However, rest assured their consciousness is in safe keeping, having been downloaded to our system. When we are done with shooting, we can very easily give them their minds back, and of course they can go on with their lives as normal."
Liar. Anger bubbled up inside of me. I was paralysed. It seemed so easy to open my mouth and yell that James was a liar, that everything he'd done was against our will.
Except I couldn't.
The woman's voice perked up. "So, you're saying, that standing in front of us are the characters?"
"Indeed." James said. "Standing in front of you are indeed our [REDACTED] characters. Folks, I give you Mac Price, Stella Hart, and Jules Lily!"
Gasps rang out, followed by more applause. I couldn't stand it. Part of me wanted to go back to sleep. It hurt even more seeing my body being paraded around like a puppet.
Everything hurt.
A figure stood. "I'm impressed Marley. If you can get the two other prototypes, I'll consider investing in your little project. If you say it's the future of television, then let's see."
James was practically jumping up and down.
He was a fucking lunatic.
"Thank you very much, Mr Dalton. They will be ready this Friday. And rest assured, these prototypes are patented to me, and any evidence of infringement will result in a serious lawsuit."
Laughter. Everyone was laughing, while my friends stood like soldiers awaiting orders.
Was that supposed to be funny?
After the presentation, I was let go again. It seemed like whatever was in my mind was letting me slip in and out of awareness, allowing me to see snippets of reality.
Though those snippets turned into flashes. Then actual instances when I was wide awake. I remember waking up, blood covering my pillow. I remember trying to wash it off, panicking, my own crimson hands trembling under the stream of hot water.
Life fully came back into focus when James slapped me across the face.
I was in his office. No idea how I got there. My mind was blurry, and something warm was dripping down my chin. Blood. But I knew it wasn't because of the slap. Something was wrong with me.
"Wake up."
His voice was scathing.
I didn't move, but from the look on his face, he was already onto me.
"I said... wake up!"
I jumped, automatically revealing myself.
The writer chuckled. "You're a lot of things, Mr Gallagher, but a good actor is not one of them. Your pretty face is what makes you Mac Price. Do you want to know why we picked you to be Mac?"
I glared back.
"This." he caressed my face, gripping my chin with the points of his nails, "is the only reason you made it. Don't think for one second that you're actually talented! Noah and Isabelle went to drama school, if I'm not mistaken. Lana has already been cast in several movies, as has Robin. You, however, only just got out of high school when we cast you. You're nothing but a kid with an attractive face."
“Go and fuck yourself.” I spat. It felt good to talk back to him. To use my mouth.
He rolled his eyes. "Such filthy language. Now look at me."
I was forced to do as I was told. I don't know if it was the pill, or the program, but my body and mind was compliant. "Stand still." James shone a light in my eye, and I couldn't help wincing.
"Oh." Marley hummed. "You're bleeding."
He tutted. "Rory, my dear boy, it seems like Mac is broken." he tipped his head to the side, in an almost sympathetic manner. "Whatever your castmate did to you may have saved your mind."
Cupping my cheeks, the writer's touch was almost fatherly. I pulled away with a snarl, and he chuckled, swiping a finger under my nose. It came back red, and I had to swallow a cry.
"And..." he hummed, pulling out a tissue and dabbing at my nose. "it appears the Mac program is causing you to haemorrhage at an alarming rate. But I'm sure we can fix you."
James turned to a guard. "Restrain him, we're going on a field trip."
The guard shook his head. "Sir, there are fans outside."
"Huh." Marley shrugged. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a face mask before slipping it over my mouth and nose. His fingers trailed over my ears when he fixed the straps. "Try anything, Rory, and I'll be paying your parents a visit." he quirked a brow. "And surely you don't want that."
I stayed quiet.
James dragged me outside, and there was a crowd of fans yelling my name. I put my head down quickly, letting the guards pull me towards an awaiting car. James cut a path through the fans.
A girl's voice startled me. I was about to get in the car, and at the corner of my eye, James and the guards were chastising fans.
I turned to see a teenage girl, around sixteen or seventeen. Her blonde hair was in pigtails, red ribbons flitting in the breeze. She was cosplaying as one of the show's characters. Lana's character.
I waved weakly at her, but before I could force myself forwards, she was standing directly in front of me. At first I thought she was smiling, but then she pulled back her face mask. Her lips were parted in what looked like a cry. Her eyes were wide. It took me a moment to realize she looked terrified.
"Are you okay?" she hissed. "Do you need help?"
I didn't know what to say, so I choked out, "Glad you're enjoying the show!"
The girl didn't move. She leaned in close, her breath grazing my ear. "I saw Robin's posts," she hissed. "It's all true, isn't it? The fandom think it's a troll, but I know you're in trouble."
Posts, I thought dizzily.
What posts?
Before I could answer, the girl seemed to perk up, before sliding her mask back into place.
"High five!" she yelled, and something urged me to slap my hand against hers.
Something hit my hand. Paper.
A note.
I hid the note quickly, stuffing it in my jeans, and dived into the back of the car. The journey was long. We passed through the [REDACTED] border, though I'm not sure where I am. I know I'm in some kind of facility, but I was blindfolded on the way inside. All I remember are long white hallways. I was strapped down onto what looked like a dentist chair, and prodded and poked with needles.
"Well?" James was impatient.
“It seems the program is broken.” The doctor - an old-ish looking man, sighed.
“Marley, Mr Gallagher’s brain has had too much trauma. He's in pretty bad shape. So, I'll have to do a reinsertion. Though by miracle, the Mac program could come back to life itself."
I flinched when the old man dabbed my bloody nose. He was grinning, a whole mouth full of yellow teeth. "Oh, young man, what has Mr Marley done to you?"
It took every ounce of willpower I had not to spit in the asshole's face.
James was tight lipped. “Right. I’ll talk to the network. The initial presentation went fine, but for the second, I want an empty shell with the program installed."
An empty shell.
That's all they saw me as.
An empty fucking shell.
"Of course." The man grinned widely at me. "I'll have him sorted in no time."
The writer nodded. "Good. I need them for the final presentation. If all goes well, we could have a good chance of getting Netflix and Amazon on board."
I didn't argue when I was violently dragged upstairs and locked inside what looked like the set for Katie's bedroom. The daffodil on the window-sill looked fresh. There was soil covering the carpet. When I lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling, I saw something at the corner of my eye.
Poking from under the bed was a phone.
It had been stood on. The screen was cracked. But it was usable.
When I powered it on, the only app was Reddit. The username was like a kick in the gut.
That's what the girl was talking about.
Unravelling the note the fan gave me, it was a printed out screen-shot of Robin's reddit page. Which I quickly found on the phone. Someone had circled the latest post with black marker pen: "POSTED LAST WEEK, AND DELETED STRAIGHT AWAY (OCTOBER 28TH)
The post itself simply said, "I BURIED HIM."
Robin's latest post must have been deleted by James, and then he disposed of the phone.
But what did her post mean?
What did Robin bury?
My head is fucking killing me, and I keep having nosebleeds. I'm sorry if this was rushed or made no sense; my eyes are fogging up and I'm tired. But I want to continue what Robin started, and get us all the hell out of here.
I don't know how much time I have, so please help me. Mac is broken, I think. But I don't know when those assholes are going to come and drag me downstairs.
If you're the fan reading this, you know who we are. You know the show.
Who is Avery, and why was Noah so insistent on me knowing him?
I'll try and post as soon as I can, but you guys have to tell me what's going on. What exactly did Robin say in her last post? Did she mention Noah?
submitted by RobinAnonymous to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

I’m an actor in REDACTED and my castmates have been turned into REDACTED.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Shit is seriously fucked.
It's been hours since I was shoved inside this room, and I don't know what to do. I've been staring at this phone, but my mind is blank. I can't fucking think straight, like everything I try and write looks wrong. My hands feel weird and they're shaking, so if this is a incoherent mess, I'm sorry. Maybe it's from the drugs, or that bastard is finally pushing his way inside my mind. Right now, I'm not going to think about him. I'm not going to think about my inevitable fate as a test subject for James, or my friends and castmates who have been taken and turned into empty shells for fictional characters.
No. No, I'm not going to fucking think about that.
Because if I think about this thing in my head? The razor blade in my eye? I'll start to lose it, and you guys don't need that. You want an update, and I'm going to give you one. Just bear with me because my head is fucking killing me. I've been sitting in the same position for hours, my head between my knees. I feel woozy. Like the time [REDACTED] dared me to mix vodka and tequila. But that was being drunk. Tipsy. Like I was flying. This feels like I'm fading. I keep telling myself I'm okay, that the program inside me is broken. At least that's what James said. That's why I'm here.
But I can still feel him.
Fuck, he's in my head, and I can't get him out. He's like a parasite, leeching inside my brain. Jesus, I can't think like that. I have to keep a clear head.
I have to get a hold of myself. I have to be [REDACTED].
That's right. I'm [REDACTED]. That's who I am.
My name is [REDACTED].
So, I guess I'll start from the present, and then I'll take you back to the beginning, telling you my side of what's been going on. Hopefully, this will help you get a better idea of who we are, and you can help us reach out to someone out there who can get us out of here. Because [REDACTED] doesn't have much time. None of us do.
First, it's probably obvious by now, but I'm not my castmate [REDACTED].
I found her phone in here. It was under the bed. There's a crack down the screen, so I can bet James thought he destroyed it before taking her. I can barely see what I'm typing since the screen is messed up, but I found you. Our connection to the outside, what [REDACTED] has been using to talk to you guys. You helped her when I was too doped up to even realise what was going on, and for that I'm thankful. Thank you for taking a chance on her story, and believing it so far.
All I can do is look at the posts, weekly accounts [REDACTED] has published. Though I've only been able to read small bits and pieces of what she's told you guys. The posts are blocked. I don't know if it's the WIFI network here, or the app itself, but I can't read the full parts. From what I've managed to put together, my castmate has been going by a different name, which makes sense. So I'm going to continue calling her the name you guys are familiar with. Robin Harley. As well as the cover names she came up with for us as a cast, as well as the characters we play.
Though it's not like she or I have a choice, really. Our names, as well as anything to do with the network or show are blanked out every time I try typing them, like our real identities no longer exist and some unseen force is blocking me every time I try.
It's driving me nuts.
Anyway. My name is [REDACTED]. But from Robin, you know me as Rory Gallagher. I'm twenty years old, and I play Mac Price in [REDACTED]. Also, the worst mistake I ever made. Signing up for Mac was what I thought was a dream come true. I didn't even want to be an actor. The only acting role I had before Mac was a shepherd in my year 3' Christmas play. I didn't even say anything.
My mum was the one who pushed me to audition for Mac, and I actually got it. I barely made an effort, because I wanted to go to music school. I turned up to the audition in my school uniform and my guitar. My mate Connor said not to make a good impression, so I didn't brush my hair or wear smart clothes. I flunked my lines and was intentionally nonchalant to the directors.
Though it turns out I was the "perfect" fit, because apparently British guys in their late teens with messy bedhead was TV appropriate, despite having a strong northern accent and mumbling the lines they gave me. I wasn't expecting them to give me a second glance, never mind fly me to LA to be in an actual TV show. At first, it was like being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool.
I was an outcast among the other cast members. They could barely understand my accent, and I was too anxious to talk to any of them. But then Noah started hosting these Mario Kart get-together's for the main cast, and that's when I got to know them.
They didn't just become my friends, I saw them as my family. I realized that despite being a whole world away from my parents, I could make my own family in the US. And that's what I did.
Except now I know the truth behind the network and James, and their plans for us. In reality I'm not even an actor anymore. I'm a fucking test subject. A prototype James can't wait to get his claws into once more. I survived stage four. Well, my mind did. Whatever Robin did to me when I was under, it saved me. Because of her I'm myself right now. I have my own thoughts, and I'm going to use this freedom to continue our story. I won't let Robin's work die with her.
God, I don't even know if they're still alive. I don't know anything.
I don't have much time, and I'm guessing you guys already know most of what's been going on, so I'm just going to tell you what I know. I guess I'll start from the beginning.
Sorry, I think I'm repeating myself, but in all honesty I feel like I'm going crazy.
I've been locked in this room for hours. It almost reminds me of Robin's character's bedroom. We shoot a lot of scenes in there so I know it well. This room is so... purple. The bed is covered in a purple fluffy blanket, and the carpet is blended shades of the same damn colour. It's daylight outside, but I have no idea what time it is. The sky is grey, and it's been raining most of the day. I like the rain. It relaxes me. I've tried to sleep with my head in my lap, but the slightest noises wake me up. I keep thinking James, or that crackhead doctor, is going to come back and drag me downstairs.
The clock on this phone is stuck at 12:00. I don't know where I am; some kind of facility, maybe. The phone was already connected to WIFI when I found it, so it looks like Robin was able to send you an update before they took her. I wish I could read it, but the post itself is blocked. All I can see is: "I'm a cast member in your favourite TV show, and I'm becoming my character." but I can't read the whole thing, only the first few lines where she explains she can't write to you anymore.
It hurts just reading that. I can't imagine what the rest says. Sorry, I'm trying to keep a clear head. It's hard, though. Robin is better at this than me. She can weave stories out of nothing, and make anything sound interesting. I got an E in English GCSE, and I suck at writing in general.
I'm dyslexic, so I might make mistakes, or get my words mixed up. I'm used to writing song lyrics, so this can't be that hard. Hopefully I can be as coherent as Robin.
Like I said, I'm going to tell you everything I know, starting from the beginning.
The night we planned to escape, I remember standing outside with Noah sharing a cigarette. The air was bitter, and I was shivering. The temperature drops like crazy in [REDACTED] and I didn't have a coat. The two of us were leaning against the wall. Noah was quiet.
We were both nervous about the plan, and he over-thinks everything. I've known him for nearly four years, and I can just about read the expression which is his "over-thinking" face. We were quite a match, for two guys on the opposite sides of the spectrum. I loved playing music and rugby, and Noah was a photographer in his spare time. But we fit. I don't know if it was our joint sense of humour, or the chemistry our characters had being best friends. Noah was like the brother I've always wanted.
I basked in silence for a while, watching smoke mix with my breath in front of me, when words started popping out of my mouth. I was on edge. We weren't allowed to talk on set, so I was itching to talk to him about the plan. But when I glanced at him, it seemed like Noah was caught up in his thoughts. Not just about the plan. It was something else.
Something he wasn't telling me.
"Are you alright?" I shot him a smile, elbowing him. It was my way of getting his attention, and usually he'd grin back, nodding. But that time he didn't move, didn't even blink.
"Sure." Noah finally responded through a scoff, puffing out swirling smoke. He gave me the side-eye, one brow raised. "As okay as I'll ever be, a prisoner of my job."
His words sent shivers down my spine, but I laughed it off.
I didn't want to admit it, even if he was right.
After a moment, Noah finally turned to me. He took a drag of the cig, and the end lit up in the dark. I was staring at burning orange embers, transfixed by the light, when he fixed me with a look.
"Rory." his tone was suddenly serious, and I snapped out of it.
He passed me the crumbling end of the cigarette.
"Do you remember Avery?"
The name didn't ring a bell, and when I frowned, Noah shook his head with a short laugh, but I could tell my reaction had hit him hard, enough to drag the air from his lungs. But Noah was one to hide his emotions, burying them deep in the back of his mind. "Never mind." He shrugged, before backing away, shooting me a two-fingered salute. "I should get back to set before they send out a search party." his lips quirked into a smile, and the sickly feeling in my gut dispersed. If Noah was smiling and confident, then so was I. "Tonight, yeah?" were his parting words. "Still know the plan?"
I snorted. "Course I do! I have the damn thing memorised!"
A few hours later, we were done shooting for the night. Robin was doing some reshoots with the crew, and Lana and Izzie were being interviewed by Variety. I was heading to craft services to grab a bite. I was starving and had barely eaten anything all day. The crew were strict about what we ate. I had shirtless scenes contracted, so I had to keep up a good figure. Which meant I was barely allowed breakfast, and had to go on what's called a "dehydration diet" to make sure my body was sculpted to perfection.
That night, I was practically drunk on the idea of getting out of there. I grabbed a plate of treats and ate as much as possible before James noticed. He was already being a dick to Izzie about her weight, and I was so close to hitting the bastard. My castmate had been in tears most of the week, because they were forcing her to wear a tiny skirt. Noah and Robin were the only ones stopping me from popping James' nose. Mentally and physically exhausted from the shoot, I was relieved to be done.
I just wanted to get to Robin's parents as soon as possible. There, we would be free from the cruelty of the network, and thanks to Noah, we could expose the show through his mysterious friend. I knew as soon as I got hold of a phone, I'd be ringing mum and dad, and telling them everything. It's been so long since I've heard their voices, and back then I actually thought I was going to talk to them. I was homesick. Even when I had my American friends, I still missed my hometown. Sheffield.
The city in Northern England I'd grown up in.
It's where my name stays alive in my families memories, even if it's been cruelly snatched away here. It sounds crazy, but my real name almost feels foreign to me now.
Even my accent, my mother tongue, the broad Yorkshire drawl I didn't think I'd ever lose, feels wrong. I know it shouldn't, but Mac's American twang feels natural now.
When I was heading to my trailer to grab my bag and jacket, Noah bumped into me. At first I thought he was joking around, but in the dim light of the floodlights illuminating the outdoor set in sicky white light, I glimpsed his wide green eyes and twisted lips. He reached out and grabbed my arm.
I stumbled over, but he held my weight, pulling me away from set.
"Keep walking." He hissed out. "Keep walking, and don't say a word."
"What?!" I choked out. Noah was freaking me out, and I was too tired to argue with him. The crew mostly ignored us, but Noah was acting like a sniper was following us.
He didn't stop until we were inside the studio. We passed the sets for Katie and Will's bedrooms and the school gymnasium, and finally Noah was turning to me. His face was pale.
He was shaking. That's when I knew something was wrong. Because Noah wasn't one to break down. He was the one with a plan, the one who always knew what to do. The rest of us saw him as a sort of leader, especially when we became prisoners of our own jobs. Looking at him then, I realized how helpless he was. His eyes were wide, parted lips trembling.
Seeing Noah like that terrified me.
Before I could question him, he was grabbing my shoulders. His grip was harsh, fingernails digging through my shirt. "Where are the others?"
"Huh?" Swallowing bile crawling up the back of my throat, I shook my head, pulling away from him.
"On set, I think? Lana and Izzie are doing that interview with Variety, and Robin is doing Katie reshoots." Looking at Noah, a million emotions seemed to pass in front of his eyes. He was breathing heavily, his grip unrelenting. "Why?"
Noah didn't reply, and I forced myself to stay calm. "What is it? What's going on?"
I was too afraid to ask if somehow our plan had been compromised.
"Did they find out?" Breathless, I was struggling to speak, and Noah's expression wasn't helping. He almost looked catatonic. "Do they know about our plan to leg it?"
"No," Shaking his head, Noah was trembling. "No, I saw something."
Staring back at him, I frowned. "Saw something?"
My castmate seemed to catch a hold of himself. He exhaled sharply.
"Look, Derek wanted to meet me to talk, and his office was locked. So I broke in-"
Derek and Noah had arranged to talk?
What did Derek's brother, and the co-writer of the show want to talk to my castmate about?
That was the question on my lips, but all I could choke out was, "You broke into a writers office?!"
He rolled his eyes, seemingly coming back to life.
"Yes, shut up. Anyway, his office was trashed. And I mean trashed. His desk was upturned, every shelf ransacked," Noah paused, and he grabbed for my arm again. "I...I saw something I shouldn't have."
Holding his gaze, I struggled to read his expression. "Saw something? What did you see?"
Finally, he let go of me. "I don't... I don't know! We need to get out of here. Like right now, okay?"
Twisting away from me, Noah cursed under his breath, running his hands through his hair.
"Is Robin still on set? How long will the Variety interview take?"
I followed his frenzied pace. "Are you going to tell me what you saw?"
Noah opened his mouth to reply, when a familiar voice sliced through the silence between us.
"Hey boys, where's the fire?"
James was standing behind us, two guards by his side. Our producer was smiling, but there was a gleam in his eyes I didn't like. "You two don't look so good."
Noah was stiff next to me. I expected him to start yelling, but he looked startlingly calm.
"We're going to head home." He said, though I could sense a tremor in my castmate's tone.
"We're all done for today, James."
The man shook his head. "No, I'm afraid we've made alternative arrangements for you five tonight." His lips quirked into a smile. "That won't be a problem, right boys?"
"I said," Noah's tone was splintering ice. His gaze was hard, unwavering on James. But I could tell he was scared. "We're pretty beat, so we're going to head home."
Cocking his head, the writer shot me a smirk. Chills slithered down my spine. "I'm sorry, is Rory unable to speak for himself?" His voice was teasing, and I realised he was playing with us. James had been a dick since taking away our phones, but this was different. This time he looked at me like I was an object, a slab of meat. "Of course he's the youngest, but I'm sure he can open his own mouth."
Noah didn't back down. He took a slow step towards the writer.
"Listen asshole, we're done, okay? We're done playing mind games. We quit. So let us walk out of those doors with Robin, Lana and Izzie, or I'll start talking real loud about Avery and Daffodil."
Noah's words confused me.
Avery. I recognised the name, but it was vague, a barely reachable memory.
James' gaze flicked to Noah, his lips pursing. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"You heard me." Noah gritted out. "Or do you want me to say it louder?"
Something seemed to shift in the writer's expression. His eyes darkened.
"Change of plan." he spoke calmly. "I think I need to talk to Noah in private." James gestured to me, and I was hit with a sudden wave of fight or flight. But I couldn't move.
"Please escort Mr Gallagher outside. There's a car waiting. Then take the girls. I'll handle Miss Harley after I've dealt with my favourite star."
Before I could try and protest, one of the men lunged forwards and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms, his beefy embrace holding me hostage. The other guard seized Noah, forcing his arms behind his back. But my castmate didn't struggle. He was frozen. His eyes were wide, unseeing. When I tried to throw myself from my guard's grip, he tightened his embrace. The writer's smile didn't waver. He looked my castmate up and down, his greedy eyes taking all of Noah in. "Mr Keaton, I think it's time to talk about your attitude and behaviour on set. After all, you must set an example for your cast mates."
"You're sick." Noah's voice was barely a breath. "I saw what you did."
My heart was hammering, questions buzzing around my brain.
What did Noah see? What the hell was Daffodil, and who was Avery?
"Wonderful." James nodded, a sly smile curving on his lips. He didn't seem fazed by my castmate's accusations. "Then you can tell me all about it in my office."
"No." Noah seemed to come to life, his eyes filling with tears. He struggled violently in the guards arms. "No, no, no, you can't do this! I won't let you do this!"
My castmate was hysterical. "Rory!" He was dragged, kicking and yelling, dragging his feet. I was paralysed. I'd never seen Noah like that. He had always been so calm and collected, barely showing his emotions. But right then, he reminded me of a child. The fear was palpable in his eyes, tears streaming down his face. His gaze met mine, and my stomach catapulted.
"Rory, you need to get help! Do you hear me? You need to find-"
His cry was cut off when the guard slapped a hand over his mouth, muffling the rest of his words so they were an incomprehensible muffled cry trapped behind the guards sweaty palm.
I know that my castmate's name was in my throat, but I couldn't say it. I couldn't scream. All I could do was watch Noah get dragged away. When I tried to lunge out of my guards grip, he bellowed out a laugh, wrapping his arms tighter around me.
It was suffocating.
"Ohhh no you don't!" He chortled.
I was hauled off of set, and not one person seemed to care. The crew barely threw me a glance, and secondary cast members turned a blind eye. I spotted Robin's familiar ponytail in the distance, but when I twisted around to shout, the guard's meaty hand slammed over my mouth, cutting off my cry.
Before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved into the back of a fancy car with tinted black windows. The seats were rich leather. But I wasn't planning on staying in there.
As soon as I was dumped in the back seat, I threw myself at the door, tackling the handle. But it was locked. Of course the door was fucking locked.
"Nice try, kid." The guard had plopped himself in the front seat. He threw something at me, and when I caught it, I realized it was a can of Sprite.
"Drink it." He said. "You're looking peaky, Gallagher."
When I shook my head, the guard twisted to face me. "Orders are to force it down your throat if you don't do it yourself." he quirked a brow. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you don't need my help."
The last thing I wanted was to be force-fed Sprite. I cracked open the can quickly, taking a gulp. It was lukewarm and twisted my gut. The guard made an appreciative noise and started the car.
I shouldn't have drank the Sprite. Of course they drugged me.
The journey was foggy. No, everything was foggy. I remember falling in and out of feverish sleep, pressed against the window. My eyes were heavy and my lips felt weird and bloated. I watched headlights flash by in jarring movements when I was startled to almost awareness, but fell back under.
I remember the car door opening, and the cool air grazing my flushed cheeks. The half empty can of Sprite slipped off my lap, but I was floating. No... someone was carrying me. Gravel crunched under my guards feet, and all I could do was watch it turn into sickly yellow carpet. There were voices that sounded like they were underwater. Then... stairs. I was swinging back and forth on the guards back, before a door was opening and I was being dropped onto something soft. Something cool.
A bed.
The door slammed shut, and I was left to stare at the ceiling, while the world spun around me. My lips were numb. Noah. All I could think about was Noah.
He told me to find someone. Who did he tell me to find?
I don't know how long I lay there, waiting for my head to stop spinning. When the door finally flew open, my mind was blank. I sat up, ready to make a run for it. But then a blur of blonde was stumbling into the room, and I had to choke back a sob. Robin. Her expression was twisted with fright, blue eyes frantically scanning the room. By then, I had forgotten about Noah's words. I'd forgotten about Noah all together. When she asked where the others were, I shook my head, spluttering that I had no idea.
After that night, everything just goes... blurry.
I don't know what the fuck happened to me. Though there are flashes. I know I was taking some kind of pill. There were splinters of awareness when I managed to recapture my mind and thoughts, but it was short-lived. Because I always fell back. Every day felt like I was drowning. Like I couldn't breathe.
It's funny. It almost felt like I was living one of those old fashioned VCR'S.
Days passed. I don't know how many. I lived vicariously through flashes. Mainly of Robin. Her eyes were pained, haunted. She was shaking me, but I couldn't respond.
I couldn't move.
Then... awareness. Everything came flooding back when something hard hit the back of my head. It was like sucking in oxygen. Something had become undone. Whatever had been done to me began to unravel, and I was able to stay myself. I was able to keep behind the façade, crushing the pill beneath my foot. Mac was still there, the program they had put inside me was still skating the back of my mind, but I was the one in control.
I'm sure Robin already told you in her posts, but I lost it on set.
I couldn't deal with hiding away anymore. Noah was just standing there, his eyes blank. Lana and Izzie looked right through me. Robin. Part of me knew she was awake, but she still stared at me like I was a stranger. Vacant. There was nothing there. My friends were puppets on strings for James to play with. I tried to attack James, but before I could get near him, an icy point was slicing into my neck.
Everything went dark and I found myself drifting.
There were voices bleeding through the dark. I heard them.
Though I quickly started to realize my was shaking. Convulsing.
I could taste rusty change at the back of my throat. Like the time I'd swallowed a penny when I was a kid.
More voices, while my body seemed to react to them, shaking more violently.
Something was spilling from my mouth, and I was choking on it.
Blood. It hit me that I was choking on blood. There was an accute pain at the back of my head, the type of pain that would normally make me scream. But I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry out for the others. My mouth was full of blood, and I was choking.
There was a piercing beeping noise screeching in my ears, and it wouldn't shut up.
"We're losing him!" someone shrieked. I could feel multiple hands on my chest, pressing down. I was struggling to breathe. Something was pressed against my mouth and nose. Something plastic. I wanted to rip it away, but my wrists were pinned down.
"No, he's going to be fine." James's voice brought me back to half awareness, and I gagged on the blood filling my mouth. My body jolted, but I could feel his hand on my clammy head, his fingers carding through my hair. The writer was speaking to someone. He sounded panicked.
"If we lose Mac Price's body, I'll make sure your family get the same fucking treatment."
His voice was trembling. He tightened his grip on my hair, ragging my head like a doll. "Do you hear me?" James spat. "Clean him up and repeat stage four!"
"We can't." Another voice squeaked. A male nurse.
"Why not?" James demanded. "It worked with the other three!"
"Mr Marley, please understand Rory has haemorrhaged twice due to a brain bleed. We do not need any more strain on his brain right now. If we go through with stage four, I am telling you he will not survive the procedure, and you will lose him."
"His mind?" James said, after a moment. "I told you I don't care about the boy's consciousness. After the extraction it will be dumped with the others."
His words hurt, but I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe.
"No." The nurse spoke sternly. "I'm talking about his body. It will die, Marley. If we proceed with this procedure, Mr Gallagher's body will shut down and no longer be of use to you. Unless you plan on inserting the program into a corpse?"
There was a short pause before, "Fine." James let out a sharp hiss. "Get him out of my sight."
More darkness.
I remember being asleep for the longest time. It was peaceful. Hell, I thought I was dead. Because the voices stopped. I could no longer feel my body, and the pain in the back of my head was gone. It was bliss, after what I went through. I wanted to stay in the dark. I didn't care about waking up, because part of me already knew my fate. I just wanted to go home. I wanted my mum and dad.
I wanted Noah to tell me shit was going to be okay, and Robin to tease me for being dramatic. I wanted Izzie to wrap me in a hug, and Lana to start cracking crude jokes.
I wanted them.
Sorry, this isn't much of an account, since I was out of it for most of the time.
But I'm trying to give you guys everything.
Anyway, there was a point when I finally woke up. But it was weird. It was like my brain was awake, but my body was still under James's control, like I was trapped behind a glass wall. I could look through, but I couldn't move. Life came back to me in the form of applause. It hurt my head.
That's the first thought that hit me. The applause was so loud, slamming into my ears. Opening my eyes, I was greeted to a large room which looked like a lecture hall. There were shadowed faces in the audience, shapes bleeding into my vision. People. It took me a disorienting moment to realise that the room was full of people. I panicked. Automatically, I tried to move, tried to cry out, but my mouth felt like it was full of cotton wool. After a moment, a bright spotlight seemed to dance across my peripheral, and it illuminated my surroundings enough so I could see.
I was standing on a stage. When I looked down, I found myself wearing a crisp white shirt, expensive material glued to my skin. Black pants and leather shoes. I must have been wearing over a thousand dollars. I don't know if it was the fact that I couldn't speak or move, but I began to hyperventilate.
There were people in front of me. Dozens of people. Looking to my left, I glimpsed another figure. Izzie. She was wearing a black strapless dress. Her hair was curled to perfection, chestnut skin glistening under the spotlight. To my right was Lana. Red dress. Strawberry blonde curls cascaded down her back. Both of them were staring forwards, their eyes empty, wide smiles stretched across their lips. It hit me like a wave of ice water. The three of us were being showcased.
We were on display, for everyone to see.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, my first three prototypes for Project Daffodil. The future of television!"
Noah's words seemed to ignite inside my mind.
Daffodil, I thought. Noah knew about it. Thinking back to his hysterical expression before he was taken away, everything made a sick kind of sense.
He tried to warn me. Tried to get us out of there. All of us.
James Marley's voice was thunderous. Through a microphone, it bounced around the room, echoing in the back of my head. The man appeared in front of me, dancing across the stage, a cheshire cat grin on his face. "Become in control of what is yours!"
More applause, before a voice from the audience.
I squinted, but I couldn't make out who it was. "Mr Marley, I believe you assured us five prototypes would be ready for today's presentation."
He was quick to reply. "Yes, I apologize for that. Katie and Will are still being worked on. Though I can guarantee they will be ready by the end of this week."
My legs felt like they were going to give-way.
Robin and Noah.
"I see. Please, continue."
No. I fought to scream, to do something. My body was working on its own accord. James' words sent shivers rattling down my spine.
Prototypes, was what he'd called us.
That's what we were?
"As I was saying before, by using our actors as accessible hosts, Project Daffodil has allowed us to use brand new technology granting us the ability to download each character's program directly into the host's brain."
"And the actors?" A woman spoke up. "What about them?"
Help. The word was on my lips, but I couldn't say it.
James chuckled.
"Mam, I came to the realisation that to make this project work, I would have to make sacrifices. Please be assured however, that our main cast volunteered for the project, and gave their consent. "
The audience murmured, satisfied.
James nodded along, smiling. "As for Miss Faraday, Miss Bright and Mr Gallagher, their consciousness has been removed entirely, leaving only the program. However, rest assured their consciousness is in safe keeping, having been downloaded to our system. When we are done with shooting, we can very easily give them their minds back, and of course they can go on with their lives as normal."
Liar. Anger bubbled up inside of me. I was paralysed. It seemed so easy to open my mouth and yell that James was a liar, that everything he'd done was against our will.
Except I couldn't.
The woman's voice perked up. "So, you're saying, that standing in front of us are the characters?"
"Indeed." James said. "Standing in front of you are indeed our [REDACTED] characters. Folks, I give you Mac Price, Stella Hart, and Jules Lily!"
Gasps rang out, followed by more applause. I couldn't stand it. Part of me wanted to go back to sleep. It hurt even more seeing my body being paraded around like a puppet.
Everything hurt.
A figure stood. "I'm impressed Marley. If you can get the two other prototypes, I'll consider investing in your little project. If you say it's the future of television, then let's see."
James was practically jumping up and down.
He was a fucking lunatic.
"Thank you very much, Mr Dalton. They will be ready this Friday. And rest assured, these prototypes are patented to me, and any evidence of infringement will result in a serious lawsuit."
Laughter. Everyone was laughing, while my friends stood like soldiers awaiting orders.
Was that supposed to be funny?
After the presentation, I was let go again. It seemed like whatever was in my mind was letting me slip in and out of awareness, allowing me to see snippets of reality.
Though those snippets turned into flashes. Then actual instances when I was wide awake. I remember waking up, blood covering my pillow. I remember trying to wash it off, panicking, my own crimson hands trembling under the stream of hot water.
Life fully came back into focus when James slapped me across the face.
I was in his office. No idea how I got there. My mind was blurry, and something warm was dripping down my chin. Blood. But I knew it wasn't because of the slap. Something was wrong with me.
"Wake up."
His voice was scathing.
I didn't move, but from the look on his face, he was already onto me.
"I said... wake up!"
I jumped, automatically revealing myself.
The writer chuckled. "You're a lot of things, Mr Gallagher, but a good actor is not one of them. Your pretty face is what makes you Mac Price. Do you want to know why we picked you to be Mac?"
I glared back.
"This." he caressed my face, gripping my chin with the points of his nails, "is the only reason you made it. Don't think for one second that you're actually talented! Noah and Isabelle went to drama school, if I'm not mistaken. Lana has already been cast in several movies, as has Robin. You, however, only just got out of high school when we cast you. You're nothing but a kid with an attractive face."
“Go and fuck yourself.” I spat. It felt good to talk back to him. To use my mouth.
He rolled his eyes. "Such filthy language. Now look at me."
I was forced to do as I was told. I don't know if it was the pill, or the program, but my body and mind was compliant. "Stand still." James shone a light in my eye, and I couldn't help wincing.
"Oh." Marley hummed. "You're bleeding."
He tutted. "Rory, my dear boy, it seems like Mac is broken." he tipped his head to the side, in an almost sympathetic manner. "Whatever your castmate did to you may have saved your mind."
Cupping my cheeks, the writer's touch was almost fatherly. I pulled away with a snarl, and he chuckled, swiping a finger under my nose. It came back red, and I had to swallow a cry.
"And..." he hummed, pulling out a tissue and dabbing at my nose. "it appears the Mac program is causing you to haemorrhage at an alarming rate. But I'm sure we can fix you."
James turned to a guard. "Restrain him, we're going on a field trip."
The guard shook his head. "Sir, there are fans outside."
"Huh." Marley shrugged. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a face mask before slipping it over my mouth and nose. His fingers trailed over my ears when he fixed the straps. "Try anything, Rory, and I'll be paying your parents a visit." he quirked a brow. "And surely you don't want that."
I stayed quiet.
James dragged me outside, and there was a crowd of fans yelling my name. I put my head down quickly, letting the guards pull me towards an awaiting car. James cut a path through the fans.
A girl's voice startled me. I was about to get in the car, and at the corner of my eye, James and the guards were chastising fans.
I turned to see a teenage girl, around sixteen or seventeen. Her blonde hair was in pigtails, red ribbons flitting in the breeze. She was cosplaying as one of the show's characters. Lana's character.
I waved weakly at her, but before I could force myself forwards, she was standing directly in front of me. At first I thought she was smiling, but then she pulled back her face mask. Her lips were parted in what looked like a cry. Her eyes were wide. It took me a moment to realize she looked terrified.
"Are you okay?" she hissed. "Do you need help?"
I didn't know what to say, so I choked out, "Glad you're enjoying the show!"
The girl didn't move. She leaned in close, her breath grazing my ear. "I saw Robin's posts," she hissed. "It's all true, isn't it? The fandom think it's a troll, but I know you're in trouble."
Posts, I thought dizzily.
What posts?
Before I could answer, the girl seemed to perk up, before sliding her mask back into place.
"High five!" she yelled, and something urged me to slap my hand against hers.
Something hit my hand. Paper.
A note.
I hid the note quickly, stuffing it in my jeans, and dived into the back of the car. The journey was long. We passed through the [REDACTED] border, though I'm not sure where I am. I know I'm in some kind of facility, but I was blindfolded on the way inside. All I remember are long white hallways. I was strapped down onto what looked like a dentist chair, and prodded and poked with needles.
"Well?" James was impatient.
“It seems the program is broken.” The doctor - an old-ish looking man, sighed.
“Marley, Mr Gallagher’s brain has had too much trauma. He's in pretty bad shape. So, I'll have to do a reinsertion. Though by miracle, the Mac program could come back to life itself."
I flinched when the old man dabbed my bloody nose. He was grinning, a whole mouth full of yellow teeth. "Oh, young man, what has Mr Marley done to you?"
It took every ounce of willpower I had not to spit in the asshole's face.
James was tight lipped. “Right. I’ll talk to the network. The initial presentation went fine, but for the second, I want an empty shell with the program installed."
An empty shell.
That's all they saw me as.
An empty fucking shell.
"Of course." The man grinned widely at me. "I'll have him sorted in no time."
The writer nodded. "Good. I need them for the final presentation. If all goes well, we could have a good chance of getting Netflix and Amazon on board."
I didn't argue when I was violently dragged upstairs and locked inside what looked like the set for Katie's bedroom. The daffodil on the window-sill looked fresh. There was soil covering the carpet. When I lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling, I saw something at the corner of my eye.
Poking from under the bed was a phone.
It had been stood on. The screen was cracked. But it was usable.
When I powered it on, the only app was Reddit. The username was like a kick in the gut.
That's what the girl was talking about.
Unravelling the note the fan gave me, it was a printed out screen-shot of Robin's reddit page. Which I quickly found on the phone. Someone had circled the latest post with black marker pen: "POSTED LAST WEEK, AND DELETED STRAIGHT AWAY (OCTOBER 28TH)
The post itself simply said, "I BURIED HIM."
Robin's latest post must have been deleted by James, and then he disposed of the phone.
But what did her post mean?
What did Robin bury?
My head is fucking killing me, and I keep having nosebleeds. I'm sorry if this was rushed or made no sense; my eyes are fogging up and I'm tired. But I want to continue what Robin started, and get us all the hell out of here.
I don't know how much time I have, so please help me. Mac is broken, I think. But I don't know when those assholes are going to come and drag me downstairs.
If you're the fan reading this, you know who we are. You know the show.
Who is Avery, and why was Noah so insistent on me knowing him?
I'll try and post as soon as I can, but you guys have to tell me what's going on. What exactly did Robin say in her last post? Did she mention Noah?
submitted by RobinAnonymous to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

Did a little research and found a way to watch Rugby World Cup freely

Rugby World Cup has finally started, though I bet that it’s been a struggle for some people to watch the games in high quality as it was for me too. So I decided to do a little research this time and want to share my discoveries with you.
With help of several articles, I was able to do the list of countries and channels that that will broadcast the Rugby World Cup officially:
So if you’re in one of those countries, you can watch the games in high quality without any extra efforts. Though if you’re like me and you’re not, then the easiest way is to grab a VPN service that will change your IP address and you’ll be able to watch the games as you would be in one of those countries. The most important part if you want to watch it for free is to pick a reliable VPN (so that you’d be sure it’ll help you out) that offers 30-day money-back guarantee, so at the end, you won’t pay anything. I personally went for NordVPN, though as far as I know, ExpressVPN and Cyberghost should work too. Then you have to connect to the one of the mentioned countries server and sign up for the streaming channel (just double check if it offers a refund) and after the World Cup ends, cancel everything and that’s it!
If I missed something or you have a better way to watch it for free, please share!
submitted by Prediapo to MLRugby [link] [comments]

Irish Sports Journalist , Ewan MacKenna talks about rugby elitism and backgrounds, and is son of RTE producer

is he not a hypocrite? Well connected etc. Hardly grew up poor.

talking his usual mix of shite and sense. Shite heavily outweighs sense.
" "
That was good. Very good, actually.
But stop right there and don’t dare go any further.
Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
We beg you.
For can you imagine this scenario as a glorious alternative to what inevitably plays out next?
Fair, joyous talk of Peter O’Mahony being a monster, and Devin Toner and Tadhg Furlong running into the wall and it retreating. Followed by catching yourself before tumbling over the cliff, and acknowledging that Saturday’s win over New Zealand was impressive but not all that important, and that we’ve made this mistake before as a World Cup is where it’s at.
Sadly, we can only imagine such a perspective though, as we won’t be getting any.
Instead, there was already a “sense of destiny“. There was this being “the celestial citizen of a distant planet“. There was the repetition of one New Zealand journalist’s baffling and possibly jokey claim that we are now the best in the world, as we are as desperate for recognition as those who go on Twitter and tell foreigners to turn on hurling on Sky Sports as it’s great.
Watching the match with five fans from New Zealand, they didn’t think that way. Big rugby fans, the defeat hurt them like a stinger as much as it surprised them. But they were also bullish, looking at the lineouts lost at crucial times, the kick-heavy game that was really bad in execution, a scrum that was rocked, and bad hands at vital moments as areas that must be improved upon.
Crucially they will be rectified come the World Cup as you can bet theirs is a team that will learn a lesson. All the while in victory, we are setting ourselves up for a familiar lesson. Longer term focus and eyes on the big prize will be traded for Jagerbombs on Baggot Street.
Steve Hansen surmised it best. “We’re not going to fix it in a week, but we will fix it and when we get it right, we’ll see some big improvements,” he coldly said before adding words about what next for Ireland. “It’s their turn at the moment so we’ll see how they cope.”
So how will we cope?
This is where it gets worrying. This is where it goes beyond just a game.
* * *
A question the captain of Ireland should have been asked, but never was and never will be.
At the start of this year, during the Six Nations, you’ll remember that Rory Best excused himself from the national camp in the lead-up to a match. On duty but away from duty, he instead headed for a courtroom in Belfast where some Ulster teammates were on trial in a case they’d eventually be cleared in. But the verdict doesn’t excuse his actions.
Best expected us to believe that no permission was sought by a national captain in the build-up to a Six Nations game. And he expected us to believe that he had to be there because someone else’s counsel had told him to take in the environment as he was a character witness, even though it never materialised.
So what about that question?
What were you at Rory and can you clarify all of this, please?
That lot got brushed over and if you’re wondering what it has to do with anything here, it’s crucial as it is the finest example of the special bubble with which rugby operates in this country. It belongs on a different plane and is treated specially and has completely different standards.
That applies to the big issues such as our southern province’s continued meandering into South Africa having already signed one cheat from there. And that applies to the relatively unimportant sporting issues with Ronan O’Gara calling a team great after nothing more than a pool win, and Ian Madigan crying over the same, with both being accepted when such premature hype and hysteria should be called out instantly.
We are a small island and small market and desperate whispers of greatness are heard, never mind the roaring and shouting and fawning. In that way we’ve made our rugby team so soft and, while that may be an odd term given the granite on show over the weekend, there’s a need to separate physicality from mentality; and there’s a need to separate what the vice-president of World Rugby refers to as friendlies from actual games that the rest care about as much as we do.
Of course, the players are professionals and know there is a hierarchy of achievement, but you can’t blank out our constant deifying. The last time they beat the All Blacks they had a DVD made and were off to watch Ryan Tubridy get all warm and fuzzy in their faces. Contrast that with the soccer team who also beat the world champions in a far more important game, as nothing ever became of it.
Perspective only applies to some it seems.
The worst part for rugby is it doesn’t realise we’ve been here before. That’s what happens when so much support is cheaply allied to what’s marketed best, and what’s popular right now. There’s little or no depth beyond the hardy few and it means this isn’t once bitten, or even twice bitten, as this is the third time around. If we are talking about being Six Nations champions the year before the main event and of the serious form in tests a year out from that main event, then let’s glimpse briefly back.
In 2006 we won four out of five in the Six Nations including in Twickenham, and then we walloped both Australia and South Africa.
How did that end up when it mattered?
In 2014 we were Six Nations champions and again beat Australia and South Africa in a perfect end of year.
How are those games remembered given what came next?
Each of those teams were talked about as being golden generations that had the potential to go a long way into the World Cup. And while there was a fear of saying it out loud, there were definitely thoughts of being champions pockmarking a wider nationwide mindset.
And today? Here we go again, lazily confusing and muddling what ought to be the end of the beginning with the notion that this is the beginning of the end.
* * *
Where this comes from is a fascinating discussion for it’s a trip into the elitism of Ireland.
Once old money, it’s become an admiration of any money, and if our choice of sport gives us a loose allegiance to a class, so many are clambering on board to pretend to be mixing with those better off. If you don’t believe us, look at a list that represents this version of Ireland while the notion that rugby is the game of the people and the team of us is still so blindly accepted.
Of the 21 on Saturday’s panel that can make a claim to being Irish, their education went as follows:
– Blackrock (x3)– St Mary’s (x2)
St Michael’s (x2)– St Andrew’s (x2)– Clongowes, Castleknock College, Wesley, Belvedere, Pres Cork, Wallace High, Portadown College, Belfast Royal, Kirkham Grammar, Munchin’s, Good Counsel, and Ardscoil Rís.
Only those last three via Keith Earls, Furlong and Seán Cronin represent what is normal in our country.
This association with upper class drives rugby’s popularity but it also creates short, hollow memories. However, you can’t say any of this, for you have to celebrate and join that hype and hysteria. This is the sporting equivalent of the political utterance that we all partied. To not drink and dance is to be negative. Perspective rather than sold perception is to be negative. To want fulfilment of potential when it actually matters is negative. And it makes you a begrudger, that term being the Irish equivalent of fake news, a learnt shield to hide behind that saves people from having to think for themselves and debate what are fair alternative opinions based on fact and reality.
Why can’t people just enjoy wins like this, they ask?
Why can’t people just enjoy it without the hyperbole, you retort?
We’ve been here before yet we throw the same ingredients into the blender and expect a different cocktail. We think the world is now scared because of an on-field performance that was no doubt relentless and impressive.
You can be sure though that South Africa are smiling because of what’ll inevitably happen off of that field before the Rugby World Cup quarter-finals on October 20th.
submitted by Starkidof9 to ireland [link] [comments]

Members Day Update - Vetoed

Salutations and welcome to the last Members day before the winter recess. This also is the first members day since the new Parliament website went live.
How the Day Unfolded
Bills Introduced
Amy Adams (National - Selwyn), the Minister for Communications, introduced The Telecommunications (Property Access and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
This Bill seeks to reduce compliance costs for Telecommunications Development Levy payers by addressing identified issues with the liability allocation process. In a press release Ms Adams stated:
New Zealanders are hungry for better connectivity and it’s frustrating that they’re experiencing unnecessary delays or problems caused by neighbour disputes or unanswered queries. The Telecommunications (Property Access and Other Matters) Bill will make it simpler and quicker for New Zealanders with shared property access to get the benefits of faster broadband wherever they live or work,”
“Around 250,000, or 17 per cent, of UFB orders will need permission for access to property shared between neighbours, such as shared driveways or in apartment buildings. This causes delays when there are problems with getting permission from neighbours.
“By introducing simpler consenting rules we’ll help speed up the installation of UFB to properties where consent from a neighbour is required.”
Under the changes, a tiered consent regime will provide two new categories of simplified approvals according to the impacts the fibre installation are considered to have on the property. Those outside these two categories will continue to require consent of all affected owners as currently occurs.
12 Questions to Ministers were answered
There was an interesting point of order raised with question 11 The question was what is the process of holding ministers to account when the portfolio – in this case the portfolio of “Minister for the Rugby World Cup" – ceases to exist. The Speaker resolved to look further into it but generally it was resolved that if there is still a fiscal appropriation there will be an alternate Minister attached to it via the budget or the matter could by addressed to the Prime Minister.
The General Debate was held
Call Member Party Seat Topic
1 Meteria Turei Greens List Poverty, Hardship & The State of the Nation #changethegovt
2 Hon. Maggie Barry National North Shore Ramifications of Brexit and trade for New Zealand in the 21st century
3 Jacinda Ardern Labour List The global state of politics - Brexit, Trump etc and its relationship to wealth inequality
4 Hon. Nicky Wagner National Christchurch Central Political stability and the growth of the New Zealand economy
5 Su'a William Sio Labour Mangere Homelessness, Wealth Inequality and racial inequity #changethegovt
6 Dr Kennedy Graham Greens List Report of the Ombudsman into the Rebstock Inquiry.
7 Rt Hon. Winston Peters New Zealand First Northland Silver Fern Farms and Overseas Investment
8 Simon O'Connor National Tamaki Brexit and the rise of populism at the expense of fact
9 Matt Doocey National Waimakariri Education in Waimakariri
10 Rino Tirikatene Labour Te Tai Tonga Wealth inequality, which Disney film the government would be, #changethegovt
11 Maureen Pugh National List Agriculture exports, TPPA and the economy and government investment into West Coast Tasman
12 Fletcher Tabuteau New Zealand First List TPPA and the Government's financial accounts
Transcript of the debate
Although most of the speeches were toeing the party line, speech number 8 by Simon O’Connor stood out. It looked at the rise of populism and the effect this has had on the presence of fact in debate. It was an academic speech rather than the usual point scoring one finds in the general debate.
Private and Local Orders of the Day
  • The Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind Act Repeal Bill which is being lead by Hon. Nicky Wagner (National - Christchurch Central) passed its second reading. This bill will repeal the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind Act 2002, which is now spent. The Health select committee recommended the bill be agreed to and reported it back without amendment.
Member’s Orders of the Day
On other threads some questions have been asked around whether this bill could (or should) result in the fall of the government. The answer is no.
The basis for these claims is that this bill enables authority for money to be spent (supply) and therefore because the government has lost control of supply the government can no longer stand. The problem with this is that this bill is not a supply bill. Yes the bill directs the Crown to allocate funds for the purpose of Paid Parental Leave but in the constitutional sense “supply” refers to a few key bills that are passed at certain points in the Parliamentary financial year which runs from 1 July to 30 June.
  • The Appropriation (supplementary estimates ) Bill
  • The Appropriation (Estimates) Bill – also known as the budget
  • An Imprest Supply Bill
There are normally three Appropriation Acts. The first authorises the expenditure specified in the main estimates, the second authorises the expenditure specified in the supplementary estimates, and the third validates any unappropriated expenditure that may have occurred in the financial year. The Third bill is retrospective and is passed after the conclusion of the financial year.
Imprest supply acts confer general authority to incur public expenditure. Usually two or three Imprest supply bills are passed each year – in fact on Tuesday 28 June the first Imprest Supply Bill for 2016/2017 was passed aswell as the Appropriation (2015/2016 Supplementary Estimates) Bill.
These bills confer spending authority to the Crown and not enabling authority.
All bills that are supply bills are automatically matters of confidence.
  • So why do we have a veto?
The answer can be found on page 122 of Bridled Power:
The veto was introduced in recognition of the longstanding constitutional conventions surrounding the Crown’s financial initiative - that it is for the Crown, not ordinary Members of Parliament, to propose expenditure increases. The Parliamentary rules surrounding this were inconsistent (eg. Ordinary MPs could propose reductions in tax). The Standing Orders Committee developed a procedure designed to enable the government to retain control over the fiscal aggregates while allowing members an opportunity to propose initiatives involving minor amounts of expenditure that does not affect the overall integrity of the government’s budget or the governments forecast financial position.
  • Could the government have fallen had the vote proceeded?
The only way that could of happened was if John Key had indicated that the vote on this bill would be a vote of confidence in his government. Given that he didn’t (and wouldn’t of done so) then the government losing the vote would not have changed anything. The government has lost plenty of votes (particularly on member’s days) and even in 1996 a government bill was defeated but because this bill was not a matter of confidence its defeat merely caused frustration for the government and not constitutional upheaval.
  • The govt removed the provision for the veto in the Constitution Act – Doesn’t this mean that the veto is unconstitutional/ shouldn’t exist?
This question crops up from a blog post on the constitutional grounds for the veto. The answer is no. In fact the reason the veto was removed from the Constitution Act was because Parliament found that to have both a legislative means of veto and a statutory means of veto would create an unnecessary double up and actually raised its own constitutional concerns. As such, Parliament removed the veto from the Constitution act in a Statutes Amendment Bill. The reason why the veto still exists despite the lack of statute is the idea of Parliamentary Sovereignty. Parliament is master of its own kingdom and it follows its own rules as established by standing orders. In the standing orders we find the right of the veto and as such presuming the appropriate steps are followed the veto can be successfully exercised. Although there certainly are grounds for complaint that the bill was likely to pass.
  • The Official Information (Parliamentary Under-Secretaries) Amendment Bill in the name of Adrian Rurawhe (Labour - Te Tai Hauāuru) was read a third time. New Zealand First continued its opposition to the bill and as such the bill passed 109 – 12. This bill ensures that information held by Parliamentary Under-Secretaries in their official capacity is official information, and subject to the Official Information Act 1982. It now goes to the Governor General for royal assent.
  • The Keep Kiwibank Bill which is now in the name of Hon. David Parker (Labour – list) but was previously submitted by Hon. Clayton Cosgrove (Labour – list) failed at second reading 60 – 61. The bill proposed that any proposal to partly or wholly privatise Kiwibank would require the support of 75% of all members of the House of Representatives or, alternatively, the support of a majority of voters in a referendum, in order to lawfully proceed. A supplementary order paper was lodged that would have removed the 75% supermajority and replaced it with a simple majority vote as well as other rules of transferring share ownership.
  • The first reading debate on the Overseas Investment (Protection of New Zealand Homebuyers) Amendment Bill resumed and failed 60-61. This bill would have amended the Overseas Investment Act 2005 to apply new restrictions on non-resident purchasers of New Zealand residential properties in order to better protect New Zealand homebuyers. It was supported by Phil Twyford (Labour – Te Atatu)
Biscuit Tin of Democracy
As eight bills are still awaiting their first reading debate on the order paper there will be no ballot.
Psephology Spotlight
Concluded elections
  • As we all know the United Kingdom referendum on departing the European Union happened. The final votes were 17,410,742 in favour of leaving to 16,141,241 wanting to remain. 25,359 votes were declared invalid. Of those 25,000 votes 9084 were declared invalid as the voter voted both yes and no. Breaking down the areas where double voting was greatest it seems are areas with large foreign populations like Tower Hamlets, Luton and Newham so this suggests a possible issue with language or alternately people who just couldn’t decide one way or the other.
  • As expected Guðni Th. Jóhannesson won the Icelandic presidency with 39.1% of the vote. Mr Johannesson is a historian and university lecturer and will be sworn into office on the 1st of August. Of note is that 10% of the population of Iceland was out of the country on polling day because they were spectating the Euro 2016 football match. Guðni is opposed to membership of the European Union and promises included vowing to "modernise political life" and giving voters a chance at direct democracy initiatives.
  • Spain attempted to break their legislative deadlock with their second ballot. In the end the centre right Peoples Party once again won the plurality of votes and gained 14 seats but still lacked a majority. Turnout was down 3% to 69%. There still is no clear winner from the result as the People’s Party lack the support partners to get them across the line. The opposition and government are both trying to woo regional parties to see if they can coble together enough votes to win a confidence motion. The politicians are optimistic that the deadlock may be broken sooner rather than later. However it seems that voters are pessimistic with betting outlets running odds on a third election.
Future Elections
  • Australia finally ends the longest campaign in Australian history by going to the polls this Saturday (July 2). In a typical election the whole House of Representatives as well as half the senate is up for election BUT this is no ordinary election. Malcolm Turnbull called for a double dissolution election after the senate repeatedly blocked the government’s legislation.
The double dissolution is a constitutional measure that puts the entire Senate and House up for election. If, after the election, the legislation that triggered the double dissolution is still not passed by the two houses, then a joint sitting of the two houses of parliament can be called to vote on the legislation. If the legislation is passed by the joint sitting, then the legislation is deemed to have passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Only once in 1974 has a joint sitting occurred. Double dissolutions are relatively rare, this one is the 7th to have occurred. The most recent one was in 1987 when Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke called one after the Senate rejected his proposal for an “Australia Card” which was a national identification card. After the election Hawke still lacked the numbers in the senate and after a drafting technicality was discovered which would have rendered the bill unenforceable dropped the bill.
Polls close at 6pm (8 pm New Zealand time). For those who want to watch the coverage I’d recommend the ABC live stream and results page – the geoblock will be removed on election night. Alternately if you have sky you can catch all the action on sky news- channel 85.
Political polls indicate the Liberal government is likely to be returned albeit with a slim majority. But given Brexit going against opinion polling and the surge of the Nick Xenophon Team in South Australia and the return of several high profile independents, including one who may unseat the Deputy Prime Minister, election night may be a nail biter and yield a hung parliament or a surprise Labor government.
  • The small pacific island nation of Nauru will elect 19 members of their legislature. The voting system of Nauru uses the the Dowdall System, a decimalised modification of a preferential Borda count. The voter must rank all candidates in order of preference. Each vote is then counted using the formula 1/n, according to ranking order. For example, a candidate ranked first receives one point, the second candidate receives half a point, the third candidate receives a third of a point, and so on. Each legal vote is aggregated in order to determine a decimal score for each candidate. For example, in the Nauruan parliamentary election in June 2010 the then president Marcus Stephen regained his Anetan Constituency seat after receiving 349.617 decimal votes from a total of 630 votes. All members elected are non partisan.
  • Under pressure from opposition forces that have branded his accession to power two years ago illegal and unconstitutional, Raul Khajimba, the de facto president of Georgia's breakaway Republic of Abkhazia, has scheduled for July 10 a referendum on whether or not to hold an early presidential election.
  • On August 7 Thai voters will vote on a new proposed constitution. The main proposal is that the Senate will become a fully appointed chamber rather than a partially elected one. This is seen as an effort by the National Council for Peace and Order, which will have the right to appoint its 250 members, to retain influence once it has left office. Furthermore, the Senate will have veto power over the House of Representatives for a five year period. The document will also allow for the possibility of a Prime Minister from outside either house.
Fact of the Day – Australia and Compulsory Voting
Often there are three things that will see Australia brought up in discussion. 1) Their gun control policies 2) The wildlife 3) Compulsory voting
The Australian Electoral Commission has a rather detailed paper which you can view here -PDF but luckily the Australian Broadcasting Commission have summarised it for us.
In 1915, Queensland became the first jurisdiction in the British Empire to introduce compulsory voting, apparently after the then Liberal government became concerned that Australian Labor Party shop stewards were more effective at "getting out the vote".
The new Commonwealth of Australia was slower to act.
Despite the advocacy of future prime minister Alfred Deakin around the turn of the 20th century, voluntary voting remained in place for the first nine elections.
The significant impetus for compulsory voting at federal elections appears to have been a decline in turnout from more than 71 per cent at the 1919 election to less than 60 per cent at the 1922 election.
In 1924, a private member's bill was passed into law amending the Electoral Act to allow compulsory voting.
It had an almost immediate impact, with turnout at the 1925 poll rising to over 91 per cent.
Within two decades, all state parliaments in Australia had adopted compulsory voting.
In 1962, the Commonwealth Electoral Act gave Aboriginal people the right to enrol and vote at federal elections on a voluntary basis. It took until 1984 for enrolment and voting to be made compulsory for all eligible voters.
In 1996, the federal parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters recommended compulsory voting be repealed.
But the Labor and Democrat members of the committee did not support the recommendation, and the Howard government chose not to pursue it.
There are currently 26 countries with compulsory voting. But unlike Australia, not all enforce punishment. There is a perception that compulsory voting favours the left and indeed a study of a Swiss canton where compulsory voting was enforced found that compulsory voting significantly increased electoral support for leftist policy positions in referendums by up to 20 percentage points. While some research on compulsory voting in Australia found that it increased the vote shares and seat shares of the Australian Labor Party by 7 to 10 percentage points and led to greater pension spending at the national level. Modelling of voluntary voting at elections has been hampered by inadequate data. Views vary from the Liberal Party increasing its share of the two-party preferred vote by about 5%, thereby gaining a significant advantage, to more modest increases for the Liberal Party and the Greens and decreases for independents, the Nationals and, to a lesser extent, the Australian Labor Party.
Parties would behave differently in a voluntary voting regime, so it is difficult to form conclusions derived from existing data. On balance, there is no empirical evidence that a move to voluntary voting would advantage one major party over another.
So what happens if you don’t vote?
Within three months of an election, Divisional Returning Officers will send penalty notices to apparent non-voters. Those who have died, or were travelling overseas on election day can be spared from this process.
Those who receive notices can choose to pay the $20 penalty, elect to be prosecuted, or offer a valid and sufficient reason for not voting.
In other jurisdictions the penalties are more severe. In Singapore those who fail to vote are removed from the list of eligible voters. This means they are unable to vote in future elections. It also means that the voter is automatically disqualified from running as a candidate in any election. A voters name will be restored if they were either:
  • Working overseas (including being on a business trip) at the time of the poll
  • Studying overseas at the time of the poll
  • Living with your spouse who is working or studying overseas
  • On an overseas vacation
  • illness, or delivering a baby
If a voters reason is deemed invalid, they will have to pay a S$50 fee in order to get their name restored.
In North Korea compulsory voting is used as a tool to monitor the populace and considering only one candidate appears on the ballot failing to vote correctly leads to repercussions.
Arguments for compulsory voting stem around the idea of legitimacy, civic duty and the government reflecting the will of the people. If everyone has to vote, then the parties have to generate policies that cover the whole of the electorate and not just those that do vote.
But there are also many arguments put forward by opponents to compulsory voting: it is undemocratic to force people to vote, ill-informed people are forced to the polls, it may increase the number of informal and "donkey votes", and it leads to the creation of many safe, single-member electorates, allowing parties to direct their resources to just a few marginal seats. Additionally all of those who voted, did so because they wanted to vote and had given consideration to their choices. – Quality is better than quantity.
Regardless of where Australians stand on compulsory voting it seems parliament is uninterested in change. Perhaps one cynical reason is that political parties are funded at $2.63 per vote they receive so introducing optional voting would cut off a rather deep trough of public money. However, this money can prove a godsend for smaller political parties that don't have the donor base nor resources of the coalition or labor so can be seen to be beneficial as well.
Since the implementation of compulsory voting in Australia turnout in federal elections has never dropped below 90% something that civic leaders gaze upon with envy and amazement.
Standing Order of the Day – SO 25 - Vacancy in Speakership
(1) When, during the term of Parliament, the office of Speaker becomes vacant, the Clerk reports the vacancy to the House at its next sitting and the House proceeds to the election of a Speaker as prescribed in Standing Orders 15 to 21.
(2) After electing a Speaker, the House adjourns until the next sitting day. The Speaker-Elect seeks the Governor-General’s confirmation as Speaker before the next sitting of the House.
Local Elections are coming
Elections for Mayors, Councils, Community Boards, Regional Council and District Health Boards will be held on 8 October.
This election will be via Postal vote after a possible internet voting trial was scrapped. Only those correctly enrolled by Friday 12 August 2016 will get their voting papers for the 2016 local elections sent to them in the mail.
Voting papers will be sent out from 16 September and must be received by the electoral officer by noon on Election Day, 8 October 2016.
Enrolling or updating your details is easy - go online at, freetext your name and address to 3676, call 0800 36 76 56 or go to any PostShop.
If you want to nominate as a candidate you have until 12 August to submit your papers. For more information visit your council website or consult Vote 2016
The next members day is expected to be on August the 10th
To see the Order Paper Click Here To see business currently before Select Committee Click Here To see past Members Day Updates Click Here
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