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I watched all the Arrowverse in Lockdown and wrote a review of them, mostly first impressions!

Are you having a breakdown this lockdown? Then why not watch all the shows and films you’ve been ignoring for years! Lockdown may have driven me crazy, but maybe two-people watching 580 episodes of CW super-hero shows during it wasn’t the wisest way to recover.
I vividly remembered the Arrow and Flash shows from back in the 2010s, they were a pretty big deal when they started. Now most people, including me, dropped them pretty soon after their first few series.
Due to 2020 becoming a year where history stopped and nothing happened, I and a friend decided to take it upon ourselves to finish the entire Arrowverse. Now that may sound like just going back and finishing Arrow, but far from it.
The CW really hit the golden goose when they started the CW DC universe, and have been generating non-stop spin-offs over the years, and only Arrow has ended properly. Supergirl came quickly after the Flash proved people enjoyed more bright-and-breezy heroes, while it was originally on CBS they quickly bought her, starting a chain of less angsty shows rearing their heads.
Making use of this handy list on Geeky Regards we (mostly) watched every episode in order, just finishing up the finale episodes of Legends and Supergirl this week. This universe has a lot of highs and a lot of lows. There’s a good reason why I dropped Arrow and Flash around their fourth and third series, but this big lockdown project has managed to find me one of my new all-time favourite television shows.
Arrow (2012-2020)
Oliver Queen was a billionaire playboy and man about town but everything changed when his boat tragically sank at sea. After spending five years trapped on an island he’s finally been brought home, but he’s a changed man. Obsessed with fighting crime he takes to the streets of Starling City to put down anyone he deems worthy.
Arrow is a wild ride. Starting as a very aggressive revamp of the character, it quickly softens him starting from series two. Stephen Amell really is the CW’s Robert Downy Jr. equivalent, without this man this empire would be non-existent. He carries his show, even at it’s worst he will always be entertaining.
The show is really good at creating fun villains each series, but the 20 episode run time cripples their time to shine, meaning we have to add so many random drug dealers and generic crime lords. The final series is a much shorter run, and it really shows how fun Arrow can be without the fat (and even that series had about 3 filler episodes).
As the only show to actually have finished, thank god, it was nice to get an actual wrap up for these characters. I love these guys but I think eight series is too much for any CW show. I wish that the other shows could follow by example, write a big finale, and then give a new set of characters the time and budget.
There’s no reason we can’t see the Arrow gang again, I’m sure they’d be happy to pop-up or join any of the spin-offs, they seem to have fun every time they’ve shown up so far.
Despite the show’s the lowest lows, the first three and five are worth a look, go further at your own risk.

Flash (2014-Present)
Barry Allen was a criminal forensics expert obsessed with helping people and proving his father was innocent of an accused murder. After an encounter with The Arrow, an explosion grants him super speed, making him the fastest man alive. Now he fights all sorts of freaks and felons across Central City.
For a very short time this was the peak of the CW. It managed to keep a massive cast relatively balanced in terms of story and screen-time, had good action and a strong lead. Originally I thought this all ended around series 3, but on the rewatch Flash managed to keep it’s solid fun episodes going until around the last couple of series.
Just when you think it’s about to become unwatchable they throw in a new character for a few episodes, and that breathes some new life into it. The fact that the villains for series one, two and three are all speedsters really drags, but they eventually shale things up for the better.
Glee alumnus Grant Gustin brings a lot of energy to his take on Barry, and while a lot less cocky and confident then I’m used to with the character, it really works. He’s endearing, believable as a hero, and pathetic enough in his social life that you really feel for him. It’s like a Peter Parker that actually has a decent work-life balance.
The last few series have been very mopey, and it really hurts the show. Once the happiest place in the CW, Central City has become rather down as-of-late. At this point I think maybe he has run his course, but I can’t deny I enjoy seeing the gang pop-up every time we get a cross over with the other shows, and even if I stopped watching the show following this marathon I will still be pleased to see Grant in the role.
A great start, but running out of steam.

Constantine (2014-2015)
John Constantine is an occult detective, and while he’s already lost his soul, he’s here to make sure you all keep yours. Fighting horrific demons and monsters along with the odd angel, Constantine is as dark as the Arrowverse ever goes.
This wasn’t an Arrowverse show originally, rather it was ‘obtained’ after cancellation. The fans loved Constantine too much to say goodbye, so the CW managed to save him from NBC and get his character back in through an Arrow cameo before setting him up with a huge role in a spin-off a few years later.
Not being a CW show, this is the least bound by formula. Despite lasting only a single series, we had time to see some quite horrible monsters and great action. Matt Ryan kills it as Constantine, and seeing him return after having to go through the initial cancellation is really heartwarming. I’ve not seen the Keanu Reeves film yet, but it’s hard to imagine another actor in the role after seeing this run.
Obviously, as a cancelled show there’s a limit on how much closure you can feel watching it, no one but John returning properly following it. I can say however, a little knowledge of the character really makes you appreciate him when he’s back, finally finding the girl that haunts his tragic backstory in this show.
Short and sweet.

Supergirl (2015-Present)
In a separate dimension to Arrow and Flash, we have our new hero Kara. She is Superman’s cousin but has been keeping herself on the down-low all these years. After making her public debut, saving a plane from crashing into her home-city, she now has to face the music and commit to being a full-time do-gooder, and hopefully step out of her cousin’s shadow.
Supergirl starts weak, gets really strong, then loses any interest at all, which is a real shame. Once you get past a weak series one, you have a cast full of really likeable actors and characters, and it’s a real treat to explore their lives.
As a big fan of Tyler Hoechlin from his Teen Wolf days, it’s great to see him back and better than ever, and Melissa Benoist (another Glee alumnus) brings the titular girl of steel to life.
Supergirl’s weird moral code really drags the show down, she is more than willing to do things she condemns others for, and it ruins her relationship with Lena Luthor. The chemistry in the cast is wasted when all they do is cause drama between her and Lena, and it’s a real shame because Katie McGrath really did a good job in the early show earning her spot.
The show has no real conclusion sadly due to the Coronavirus, which is the same with Legends and Batwoman too, but this is the one that hits hardest. The villains aren’t stopped, the secret societies are all on the move. This might not be quite so bad, but with the show now cancelled it’s looking like we’ll never get a decent conclusion.
Ended, but maybe not soon enough. It’s had a good run, time to put it to bed, I hope the actors appear again in the other shows though.

Legends of Tomorrow (2016-Present)
Legends is what happens if you take all the random side-characters from Arrow and Flash that haven’t had anything to do in awhile, throw them on a time-space-ship and tell them to save the world. Seeing as half of the cast have been villains in their respective shows you can imagine how good they are at the job.
This show is on another level. After a slightly more grounded first series, they give up on rules for the rest of the show and it’s a decision no one should ever question. All they do is have amazing adventures, hilarious jokes and amazing characters.
You’d think so many of these heroes in the same team would be overpowered, but the show makes sure they are against the biggest threats in the entire Arrowverse, even though they get no credit. Their second series sees them face the main villain from The Flash teamed up with two major Arrow villains, and still it feels like a fair fight for both sides.
The team is getting pretty massive, despite a few departures and some actually tear-jerking deaths, but every new character is as amazing as the rest. I’ve said so many times that I don’t want anyone new to join, only to change my tune within a few episodes, everyone getting time to shine. This is where people like Constantine end up when their time or shows run out, and I think it would be a great place to shove Supergirl now that her time is done.
They rip their own show to threads, mocking every plot point they’ve ever considered and their actors constantly, but it never goes too far. This is the hardest I’ve laughed watching an American show in a long time, and does some modern sci-fi shows to shame with how much it actually explores the ideas they present.
This is the only show with zero bad episodes, only ever getting better, and hopefully staying strong into 2021. I love every character in this show, and if this one ever gets cancelled it would be a crime.
Peak of the CW so far, five series in and it’s been nothing but gold.

Black Lightning (2018-Present)
Jefferson Pierce is a beloved headmaster, father of two and pillar of the community, but the residents don’t know he is the retired superhero Black Lightning. After the local gangs put his daughters at risk he comes out of retirement for one night, but after the people see he’s returned it’s much harder to stay hidden.
Tackling race-issues, parental struggles and having a much more seasoned lead, Black Lightning is a massive breath of fresh air from Arrow and Flash. Jefferson is a great lead, always torn between doing the right thing for the people of Freeland and the smart thing to do for his family. As he tries to resist getting sucked back into the hero-work the more he is forced to step up and get involved.
He’s not the only one in on the action though, his daughters are quick to get involved themselves, one being the first black lesbian superhero in the CW. It’s a really nice show, asking much braver questions then a lot of the shows in the list. The family dynamic is seen a little bit in Flash with Joe and Barry, but here it takes the center stage, at no point feeling like they are just side-pieces in the show.
Three seasons in and it’s still feeling good, although they will have to change the status quo soon because the depressing tone of the recent episodes is starting to get to me. Luckily every series of the show manages to establish some sort of major shift and has large impacts on everything following.
Strong leads with even stronger themes, hopefully it can get a little more hopeful.

Batwoman (2019-Present)
Bruce hasn’t been seen in years, and Batman is all but a rumour these days in Gotham. When Bruce’s cousin returns to town, she picks up the cowl, only to find that things are worse than ever.
Ruby Rose brings us the first LGBT lead character in the CW so far and she manages to hold her own even when she’s surrounded by the more seasoned Arrowverse heroes like Ollie and Barry. While it got a some backlash online, we actually had a good time!
Despite being in Gotham it manages to be lit better than anything in Arrow, and doesn’t come close to it’s level of edge, although that could be half of it’s charm these days. Luke Fox is her designated tech person and he brings a younger energy to the cave, and her step-sister Mary is a nice addition to her team also.
Her main enemy, Alice, is up there with the best the CW has to offer. There’s plenty of twists to keep your attention, both before and after the universe shaking events of the latest crossover. Alongside her we have some good conflict between her and the security forces patrolling Gotham, and some well-known Batman rouges such as Hush.
The major problem with the conflict is that Kate has thousands of chances to bring Alice to justice and keeps letting her get away with it, all for the sake of character development. The first few times it’s okay, but after a whole series it starts to really grate on you. We’ll take it for more scenes with Alice as she steals the show. If she leaves when the new woman arrives the show will be pretty dead.
With strong supporting characters and a good start to a rogues gallery, it’s a shame to see that Ruby is on her way out already. Although that new Batwoman reveal looks pretty exciting! Due to corona, there’s no real conclusion to Hush and Alice’s schemes, but with some important deaths it at least could pretend to be a finale a little more.
An excellent addition to the world, with a very uncertain future.

Every year we get the big crossover, and these are normally huge, having one episode per show as one big long story.
Flash Vs. Arrow (2014)
Heroes Unite (2015)
Invasion! (2016)
Crisis On Earth X (2017)
Elseworlds (2018)
Crisis On Infinite Earths (2019-20)
These obviously only grow longer and in size and scope as the CW add more and more shows. Most of them are okay, the only downside to having a cast the size of a small army is that you can’t have that much dialogue when everyone is together. They normally split up the attention based on which show the part is in, for example, the Flash crew getting to do the heroic thing of the episode in their part.
Crisis on Infinite Earths is the biggest yet and marks the end of Arrow, along with promoting the ‘next-gen’ heroes like Black Lightning and Batwoman a little more. This becomes a little awkward now that Ruby has quit the role after one season, but how were they to know. The penultimate part is an amazing visual feat, and looks more like a movie than a tv finale.
The other crossovers are fine, the other highlight would probably be Crisis on Earth X, as it’s all about a cross-dimensional super-hero wedding being invaded by Nazi copies of themselves looking for a heart transplant.
This was nowhere near as painful as I thought it would be up until the tail-end of the big three. Flash, Arrow and Supergirl somehow reach a point where every episode feels like a 2-hour stretch of nothing.
However there is so much good quality fun here, I really don’t regret any of it existing. With shows like Legends and Black Lightning giving way more interesting stories, I have hope for the future of the CW Arrowverse. I can’t wait to see what our new Batwoman is like, it’ll be interesting to see such a major lead change, something that hasn’t happened quite so drastically so far in the CW.
I just hope we manage to rope groups like Titans and the Doom Patrol in more, because they could really spice up the next few crossovers. Who knows how many shows there will be in eight years time, even more spin-offs are being announced and hinted at constantly!
In summary, watch Legends of Tomorrow, it’s actually amazing, and then pick and choose at the others as much or little as you want.
I wonder how controversial my views are here!
Version with images if you are curious: https://jamessumner101.com/2020/11/17/lockdown-breakdown-arrowverse/
submitted by Conchobarra to Arrowverse [link] [comments]

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Singapore is a Meritocracy* [EXTRA LONG POST]

Singapore is a Meritocracy* [EXTRA LONG POST]
Edit: Thank you for all the comments and chat messages! I'm trying to go through each one. Writing thoughtful comments in the midst of having a full-time job is HARD WORK. I think I've missed a few questions, drop me a message if you're interested in continuing a discussion, I'm open to listening! There has been a lot of good comments, a few with great perspectives, and now I have a whole lot of things to read up on.
Now that the 2020 General Election is firmly in our rear-view mirror, there is something that I have been meaning to write about: institutionalized racism affecting the minorities, especially the Malays, in Singapore. If you are groaning at this thinking you have been misled by this post’s title, I assure you that by the end of this post you will understand the caveat behind the above-mentioned title. I plead for a little of your time and patience.
We have seen many discussions online about majority privilege and systemic racism impacting the minorities. Many of you may have even participated in some of these discussions. I will not try to explain those terms for they have already been repeatedly debated to death. What this post aims to achieve is to bring to light Singapore’s history and government policies that have either benefited the majority race or kneecapped the minority race. Or both.
Why am I doing this?
It is frustrating to see some Singaporeans fully buying into the narrative that Singapore is a truly meritocratic society; that the government’s policies do not discriminate against minorities, or if a Singaporean worked hard enough he or she will succeed (whatever the definition of success is), or that we have anti-discriminatory laws that protect the minorities. Some even claim that the Malays enjoy special privileges due to Section 152 of the Constitution describing the special position of Malays, and that the Malays are blessed with free education in Singapore.
Section 152, “Special Position”, free education for all Malays?
Minorities and special position of Malays
152.—(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.
(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.
The oft-mentioned Section 152 of the Constitution was an administrative continuation of previously existing colonial policy towards the Malays [Col: 126]. Regardless of the “special position” of the Malays, the only form of assistance rendered to the Malays was the policy of free education for all Malay students. This minimal approach of the government did little to improve the educational and socio-economic standing of the Malays as revealed by the 1980 national census. The free tertiary education policy was ultimately removed in 1990, despite opposition from Malays who questioned the constitutionality of its removal [col: 126].
With free education for all Malays, why haven’t their socio-economic and educational standings improved?
There are many factors to look at, and the issue goes way back to the colonial era so that’s where we shall start. The colonial administrators of Singapore, in their pursuit of capitalistic gains, had little use for the native inhabitants. The natives who were already living off their own land had no desire to work for the British as labourers. The British saw this unwillingness to work for them as indolence, and ascribed many other negative cultural stereotypes to the locals [pdf]. Nailing home the capitalistic intent of colonial presence in Singapore, the British Director of Education R. O. Winstedt explained their policy for education for the natives in 1920 [pg. 2]:
"The aim of the government is not to turn out a few well-educated youths, nor a number of less well-educated boys; rather it is to improve the bulk of the people, and to make the son of a fisherman or a peasant a more intelligent fisherman or peasant than his father had been, and a man whose education will enable him to understand how his lot in life fits in with the scheme of life around him".
And in 1915, a British resident revealed the colonial attitude towards education [pg. 3]:
"The great object of education is to train a man to make a living.... you can teach Malays so that they do not lose their skill and craft in fishing and jungle work. Teach them the dignity of manual labour, so that they do not all become krannies (clerks) and I am sure you will not have the trouble which has arisen in India through over education"
The type and quality of education that the British set up for the native inhabitants show that they had no intentions to empower the locals with skills for a new economy. The education provided, while free, was to make sure the locals were kept out of trouble for the British, and remain subservient to the colonial causes. Further impeding the socio-economic status of Malays, the British actively discouraged Malays in switching from agricultural production to more lucrative cash crops, preventing the building of wealth among the Malay communities (Shahruddin Ma’arof, 1988: 51). In contrast to the British suppression of the buildup of Malay wealth and provision of vernacular education, Chinese businessmen, clan associations and Christian missionaries established Chinese schools where students were taught skills like letter-writing and the use of the abacus. By the turn of the 20th century, the curriculum in these Chinese-language schools expanded to include arithmetic, science, history and geography while Malay-language schools under Winstedt’s educational policies focused on vernacular subjects such as basket-weaving.
So, when Singapore attained self-governance, did things get better?
Discontent with the education system and social inequalities was already a big issue in the mid 1950s that the parties that contested for the Legislative Assembly championed for reforms to social issues like better education systems, housing subsidies and workers rights.
The People’s Action Party (PAP) won the 1959 Legislative Assembly general elections by running on a rather progressive platform of low-cost housing, improvement of employment opportunities for locals and a stronger education. They also campaigned for abolishing the inequality of wealth in their election manifesto (Petir, 1958: 2), with PAP chairman Dr Toh Chin Chye expressing his disgust at seeing “so many of our people reduced to living like animals because under the present social and economic system, the good things of life are for the ruthless few, those who believe that the poor and the humble are despicable failures.”
With the PAP in power, assurances were made to Singaporeans that no community would be left behind. In 1965, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew promised aid specifically to help raise the economic and education levels of the Malays. In 1967 during a mass rally at Geylang Serai, PM Lee again promised that “the Government with the support of the non-Malays are prepared to concentrate more than the average share of our resources on our Malay citizens [pdf].” He emphasized the importance of lifting all sections of the community to an even footing, reasoning that “if one section of the community were to lag behind it would harm the unity and integrity of the nation” (Bedlington, 1974: 289).
Despite these promises to help the minorities narrow the inequality gap, very little was done to realize it. Instead, the government took a ruthless approach towards economic growth, sparing no expense. Deputy Prime Minister Goh Keng Swee explained the government’s main concern was “to generate fast economic growth by any and every possible means. . . . If unequal distribution of income induced greater savings and investment . . . then this must be accepted as the price of fighting unemployment.” (Goh, 1972: 275)
By the late 1970s, a strong shift in parents’ preference towards an English-medium education for their children had resulted in a rapid decline in the number of vernacular schools.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, there was a shift of parents’ preference towards educating their child in the English stream. This shift, together with a period of minimal intervention in terms of educational policy and assistance to the minorities by the government, caused the number of enrolments in vernacular schools to rapidly decline. The socio-economic gap also widened between the Malays and Chinese, as the Chinese community enjoyed greater occupational mobility relative to the minorities. This can be seen in the shift in the lower manual occupation category, from a relatively equal proportion in 1957 to a 10 percent difference in 1980 [Table A]. In 1980, the average Malay household income was only 73.8 percent of the average Chinese household income. The income gap widened considerably by 1990, where the average Malay household income dropped to 69.8 percent of the average Chinese household income [Table B] (Rahim, 1998: 19-22). Decades after the lofty promises were made by the government, the Malay community’s slide into marginality continued.
Table A

Table B
Wait, the gap got bigger? Did the government do anything?
In 1979, Education Minister Dr Goh Keng Swee with the Education Study Team released a report on the Ministry of Education, more widely known as the Goh Report. The team was made up of 13 members, most of them systems analysts and economists, and none of whom ‘possess much knowledge or expertise on education’ (Goh Report, 1979: 1). The all-Chinese team excluded social scientists and educationalists, as the Education Minister had little regard for their expertise (Rahim, 1998: 121). The Goh Report made recommendations for radical changes to the educational system, recommendations which then became the basis of the New Education System (NES).
During a time when Tamil, Malay and Chinese schools were getting closed down due to declining enrolment numbers due to the popularity of English medium ones, the Special Assistance Plan (SAP) was introduced in 1978 to preserve and develop nine Chinese schools into bilingual (Mandarin and English) schools while retaining the values and traditions of a Chinese school. As part of the NES, these schools were to be the only ones to offer the Special course which the top 10 percent scorers of the PSLE are eligible to opt for. With these schools getting more resources, better facilities and the best teachers, the SAP contradicts the multi-racial principle of giving equal treatment to the non-English language streams. This exclusivity and the elite status of SAP schools affords its students better opportunities and advantages that are virtually out of reach for many minorities in Singapore. Effectively, the SAP is an institutionalized form of ethnic/cultural favouritism (Rahim, 1998: 130)
The NES also introduced early streaming for students which further exacerbated existing inequalities. Despite primary school education being free for all Singaporeans, families with better financial means have a huge advantage in preparing their child for streaming through additional tuition and better preschool choices#. (Barr & Low, 2005: 177) As we have seen from the disparity in household incomes between the Chinese and Malays, early streaming served to widen the gap between the haves and have-nots. The have-nots, more often than not, find themselves in the lower streams, trapped with very limited options providing upward social mobility. They will have to face an insurmountable task to lift themselves and their future generations out of their current predicament.
In 1982, the PAP slogan “a more just and equal society” was quietly dropped from the party’s constitution. This signaled an end to the socialist ideals that the party built its identity upon.
Why? It can’t be that the government favours one race over another...can it?
Examining the PAP leadership’s attitude towards the different cultures and ethnicities is key to understanding what the government values and how these values shaped its policies. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, as quoted in the Goh Report, extolled the values of East Asian philosophies: "The greatest value in the teaching and learning of Chinese is in the transmission of the norms of social or moral behaviour. This means principally Confucianist beliefs and ideas, of man [sic], society and the state" (Goh, 1979: v). The government’s championing of SAP schools and ‘Chinese values’ is also complemented by the launch of ‘Speak Mandarin Campaign’ in 1979.
In 1991, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong espoused similar values as his predecessor, praising the virtues of ‘Confucian dynamism’ and claiming that Singapore would not be able to thrive and prosper without the Confucian core values of thrift, hard work and group cohesion. The fear of erosion of the Chinese cultural identity was never matched with a similar concern for the erosion of minority cultural identities, where the minorities were “expected to submit to a form of partial or incomplete assimilation into a Chinese-generated, Chinese-dominated society.#” (Barr & Low, 2005: 167)
On top of favouring Chinese cultural values and identities, the PAP leadership associated the cultures of the minorities with negative connotations. Speaking about a Malay who did well in business, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew described the man as “acting just like a Chinese. You know, he’s bouncing around, running around, to-ing and fro-ing. In the old culture, he would not be doing that” (Han, et al., 1998: 184). In a Straits Times article on 26 June 1992, SM Lee also implied that the Chinese are inherently better at Maths, and that "If you pretend that the problem does not exist, and that in fact (the Malays) can score as well as the Chinese in Maths, then you have created yourself an enormous myth which you will be stuck with.+"
These attitudes from the ruling elite translated into more policies that preserved the advantage of the majority. When faced with the “pressing national problem”* of a declining birth-rate of the Chinese, the government took steps to ensure Chinese numerical dominance in Singapore. The Singapore government encouraged the immigration of skilled workers from countries like Hong Kong, Korea, and Macau, countries which were accorded the status of ‘traditional sources’ of foreign labour (Rahim, 1998: 72). Meanwhile, showing the government’s preference and/or dislike for specific groups of people, Malaysian Malays faced great difficulty in getting work permits. (“‘Harder’ for bumiputras to get S’pore work permits.+”, The Straits Times, 7 Mar 1991)
Another policy which worked to preserve the advantage of the majority was the urban resettlement programmes of the 1960s and 1970s. This resulted in the dissolution of the Malay electoral strongholds in the east, undermining the organic growth of Malay political grassroots. When it became apparent in the 1980s that the Malays were moving back to the traditional Malay residential areas, an ethnic residential quota, labelled the Ethnic Integration Policy, was implemented. The rationale behind the quota was to ensure a balanced racial mix, purportedly for racial harmony. However, this rationale does not stand up to scrutiny in the face of numerous academic studies on interethnic urban attitudes and relations**. Another consequence of the policy is the reinforcement of racial segregation when taking into account the income disparity between the races. Underlining the weakness of the government’s reasoning, constituencies like Hougang were allowed to remain Chinese residential enclaves despite its population being approximately 80 percent Chinese. (Rahim, 1998: 73-77)
Perhaps the most controversial policy introduced was the Graduate Mothers Scheme. It was introduced in 1983 to reverse the trend of falling fertility rates of graduate women versus the rising birth-rate of non-graduate women***. In a push to encourage graduate mothers to get married and have children, Deputy Prime Minister Dr Goh Keng Swee unveiled a suite of incentives; all-expenses paid love-boat cruises for eligible graduate singles in the civil service, a computer dating service, fiscal incentives, and special admissions to National University of Singapore (NUS) to even out the male-female student ratio#. At the other end of the spectrum, lesser-educated women were encouraged to have smaller families in a scheme called the Small Family Incentive Scheme. This was achieved by paying out a housing grant worth S$10,000 to women who were able to meet the following set of conditions: be below 30 years of age, have two or less children, educational level not beyond secondary school, have a household income totalling not more than S$1,500 and willing to be sterilized#.
Based on the average household income statistics, a simple deduction could be made that those eligible for the sterilization programme were disproportionately from the minority communities.
Isn’t that eugenics?
Yes. Singapore had a government-established Eugenics Board.
The graduate mothers and sterilization programmes were greatly unpopular and were ultimately abandoned or modified after the PAP’s mandate took a 12.9 percent hit in the 1984 general election. However that did not mean that eugenics stopped being an influence in policy-making.
In his 1983 National Day address, PM Lee stated that when it comes to intelligence, “80 per cent is nature, or inherited, and 20 per cent the differences from different environments and upbringing.” This is telling of the role that eugenics, biological determinist and cultural deficit theories played in the formation of PAP policies.
To further safeguard Singapore from “genetic pollution” (Rahim, 1998: 55, Tremewan, 1994: 113), the Ministry of Labour in 1984 issued a marriage restriction between work permit holders and Singaporeans. The work permit holder would have his work permit cancelled, be deported and be permanently barred from re-entering Singapore if he were to marry a Singaporean or permanent resident without obtaining prior approval. Approval from the Commissioner for Employment would only be given if the work permit holder possesses skills and qualifications of value to Singapore.
Doesn’t sound to me like the government targets any particular race with its policies.
Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in 1987 rationalized that certain posts in the Singapore Armed Forces had been closed to Malays for "national security" reasons. He claimed that this policy was implemented to avoid placing Malays in an awkward position when loyalty to nation and religion came into conflict. PM Lee also added that the Malays behaved more as Malay Muslims than as loyal Singaporeans. PM Lee and DPM Lee’s statements finally made explicit what many suspected to have been an implicit rule. It could be observed that, despite being overrepresented in the civil service, Malays tend to stay in the lower-to-middle rungs of organizations like the SAF. It is also noteworthy that, to date, no Malay has held important Cabinet portfolios such as Minister of Defence, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Trade and Industry.
The conflation of loyalty to the country with approval of the ruling party proved to be patently flawed, as studies by the Institute of Policy Studies (ST, 30 Sept 1990: 22; IPS, 2010) indicate that Singaporean Malays showed a stronger sense of national pride and identification compared to the other major ethnic groups. The study also found that Citizen-Nation Psychological Ties (CNP) scores, that is, national loyalty, weakens with: higher socio-economic status, Chinese, youth, and political alienation. Even when the Malays have been historically disenfranchised, they were found to be proud to be Singaporeans, loyal to Singapore and more willing to sacrifice for the nation than the other ethnic groups.
Additionally, Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong threatened to withhold aid to the Malay self-help organization Mendaki in 1988. The threat was issued over an incident during election night where several Malays in a crowd of Workers Party supporters had jeered at PM Goh at a vote counting centre. It became apparent from this incident that any aid offered by the government was tied to loyalty to the PAP instead of it being the duty of the government to serve Singaporeans regardless of party affiliation^^.
There have always been Malay PAP Members of Parliament (MP), did they not help fight for these issues?
The Malay PAP MPs are in the unique position of having to represent not only people of their constituents but also the rest of the Malay Singaporeans while toeing the party line. With many of the government policies being unhelpful towards the Malays, it is near impossible to fulfill this role satisfactorily. PAP MPs Ahmad Haleem (Telok Blangah) and Sha’ari Tadin (Kampong Chai Chee, Bedok) were both made to enjoy early retirements from their political careers for bringing up “sensitive” issues of the Malay community^^^. This set the tone for future PAP Malay MPs to remain unquestioningly in step with the leadership, regardless of their personal agreement, in order to have a long career within the party. Today, Malay PAP MPs have continued with the trend of parroting PAP policies that ran against the interests of the Malay/Muslim community (e.g. Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim with regards to the tudung issue).
What about the Mendaki and the Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)?
The policy providing free education for all Malays was ended in 1990 despite opposition from the Malays and the opposition party[Col: 126]. In its place, Mendaki introduced TTFS in 1991 to subsidise the cost of tertiary education in local institutions for those living in low household income. Due to the long history of marginalization and the widening of the inequality gap, the number of Malays who were able to make it to tertiary education institutions, especially in local universities, have been disproportionately low compared to the other ethnic groups. As such, the number of students able to benefit from this subsidy is even lower.
It was only recently, 20 years after the introduction of the subsidy, that the criteria for eligibility underwent revision. The revision takes into account the size of the family of the applicant, allowing for more Malay students to benefit from it. However, this subsidy is only one measure in an attempt to ensure that Malays students who were able to qualify for tertiary education are able to do so. Short of totally ditching streaming, more care, thought and resources are needed to lift the quality and accessibility of education for the Malays, especially in the early years of a child’s education.
So what needs to happen now?
Singaporeans, especially politicians, need to move on from making assertions similar to what PM Lee had made in 1987, that the "problem is psychological . . . if they try hard enough and long enough, then the education gap between them and the Chinese, or them and the Indians, would close. . . . Progress or achievement depends on ability and effort." It is important for Singaporeans to recognize the nearly Sisyphean task faced by marginalized communities in improving their socio-economic standing. Handicapped right from the start, their perceived failures in our “meritocratic” society should not be judged as an indictment of their efforts, but influenced in no small measure by the failings of the state in dragging their feet to take action. As a community, Singaporeans need to actively combat negative stereotyping, and move away from policies that were rooted in eugenics. Government intervention into ensuring unbiased, fair hiring practices would also help in raising the standing of the marginalized minorities. It would be impossible for Singapore to live up to its multiracial, meritocratic ideals without making fundamental changes to the above mentioned policies.
# Academic journal behind a paywall. Most tertiary institutions should have partnerships with these journals, so you are likely able view them if you have a student email address.
+ Online scan of the article is unavailable
\* The declining birth-rate of the Chinese was one of three pressing national problems, according to PM Lee in a National Day rally speech in 1988; the others being education and the growing number of unmarried graduates [at approx 29 mins].
\* From Lily Zubaidah Rahim’s* The Singapore Dilemma (1998: 76-77): Rabushka’s (Rabushka, Alvin (1971), ‘Integration in Urban Malaya: Ethnic Attitudes Among Malays and Chinese’, 91-107) study found that it was common for people living in ethnically homogeneous areas to adopt favourable attitudes towards other ethnic groups. People who resided in ethnically mixed areas but did not mix with other ethnic groups were also found to hold negative attitudes towards others. He postulated that physical proximity coupled with superficial interaction across ethnic lines may in fact lead to heightened contempt for other ethnic groups. Urban studies (Fischer, Claude (1976), The Urban Experiment*) have similarly found that close physical distance of different ethnic groups does not necessarily result in narrowing the social distance between the communities. Indeed, physical ethnic proximity in large cities may well engender mutual revulsion and a heightening of ethnocentrism. These research findings have been corroborated by several Singaporean studies (Hassan, Riaz (1977),* ‘Families in Flats: A Study of Low Income Families in Public Housing’; Lai, Ah Eng (1995), ‘Meanings of Multiethnicity: A Case Study of Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations in Singapore’) which have found interethnic relations in the ethnically integrated public housing flats to be relatively superficial.
\** In the same article, PM Lee drew a straight line connecting the Malays with lower educational levels in this line of rhetoric questioning: “Why is the birth rate between the Malays, and the Chinese and Indians so different? Because the educational levels achieved are also different.”*
^ The stronger representation of Malays in civil service and Western multinational corporations was likely due to the difficulty in seeking employment in local firms. Prevalence of negative stereotyping of Malays meant that a Malay job applicant has to be much better qualified to be considered for a job in a local firm (Rahim, 1998: 25). A recent study into this phenomenon can be found here#.
^^ The PAP’s quid pro quo policy was put under the spotlight again in 2011, when PM Lee made it clear that the government’s neighbourhood upgrading programmes prioritised PAP wards over opposition wards.
^^^ PAP MP Ahmad Haleem raised the “sensitive” issue of the government’s exclusionary policy towards Malays in National Service, which adversely affected socio-economic standing of the Malay community [Col: 144]. PAP MP Sha’ari Tadin was actively involved in Malay community organizations and helped to organize a 1971 seminar on Malay participation in national development (Rahim, 1998: 90).
Recommended Reading:
The Myth of the Lazy Native: A study of the image of the Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th century and its function in the ideology of colonial capitalism [pdf].
The Singapore Dilemma: The Political and Educational Marginality of the Malay Community.
Eugenics on the rise: A report from Singapore#.
Assimilation as multiracialism: The case of Singapore’s Malay#.
Racism and the Pinkerton syndrome in Singapore: effects of race on hiring decisions#.
Bedlington, Stanley (1974), The Singapore Malay Community: The Politics of State Integration, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University.
Chew, Peter K.H. (2008), Racism in Singapore: A Review and Recommendations for Future Research, James Cook University, Singapore.
Fook Kwang Han, Warren Fernandez, Sumiko Tan (1998) Lee Kuan Yew, the Man and His Ideas, Singapore Press Holding.
Goh, Keng Swee (1972), The Economics of Modernization and Other Essays, Singapore: Asia Pacific Press.
Michael D. Barr & Jevon Low (2005) Assimilation as multiracialism: The case of Singapore's Malays, Asian Ethnicity, 6:3, 161-182, DOI: 10.1080/14631360500226606
Rahim, Lily Z. (1998), The Singapore Dilemma: The political and educational marginality of the Malay community, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press.
Shaharuddin Ma’aruf (1988), Malay Ideas on Development: From Feudal Lord to Capitalist, Times Book International, Singapore.
Tremewan, Christopher (1994), The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore, London, Macmillan.
submitted by cherenkov_blue to singapore [link] [comments]

10.21 - A Football Manager Story (Act One: The Pledge)

10.21 - A Football Manager Story (Act One: The Pledge)
As requested by u/BrockStinky and others here.
A bit of background, I first played FM back in 2007 and kept up with the games until around 2013. As an AC Milan fan this pretty much coincided with their fall from grace so I gradually lost interest in anything football-related for a while. FM 2013 is the last game in the series I've played.
Or at least that was true up until recently when a friend of mine, who has been my FM comrade since day one, brought me back from my exile with a proposition. It's important to mention that he's a Valencia fan solely because of one man, his all-time favourite player: Pablo César Aimar. El Mago. #21.
Here's how it all started.
(Note: My friend is "Aimar" in the WhatsApp chat, with his messages in grey. I'm in green.)
Act One: The Pledge
The Pledge, Pt. 1

The Pledge, Pt. 2
The Pledge so far:
  1. Play as Valencia
  2. Avoid relegation/increase club revenue in my first season
  3. Qualify for the Champions League in my second season
  4. Win La Liga in my third season
  5. Attempt to purchase Gonzalo Higuain at every opportunity during the first two seasons

I downloaded the game and started a new career. Things were underway.
I tried to negotiate expectations with the board as per The Pledge. I have to say it's pretty realistic that the board's most consistent objective is to sell the club every year. This is peak Valencia.

Mr. Lim wasn't having any of it, the Singaporean Kevin-Spacey-looking asshole.

Day one at the new job.
El Pibe de Oro, 1960-2020

I found that the game was pretty overwhelming so I delegated a lot of stuff to my staff. The only things I did were handle scouting, tinker with line-ups/formations and make sure the young players got the best training for their development.
My attempts to lure Higuain proved fruitless. Pre-season went okay as I stuck to the 4-3-3 (looks more like a 4-1-2-2-1) my assistant manager recommended. It found me some early success once the league campaign was underway and helped me determine who should feature as mainstays in the first-team - Gayà, Gomez, Musah, Kang, Soler, Guedes, Diakhaby, Paulista, Wass and Cillessen.

My first transfer: Alexandre Pato! Man, this brought back some amazing memories! This guy carried me in FM07-13 so many times. Legend.

My first player issue came from my starting GK, Jaume Doménech, because Pato's arrival saw him stripped of his Vice-Captaincy. Time to have a word with Pato.

Alexandre. Rodrigues. da. Silva. *Chef's kiss*

I bought Bingourou Kamara for £7.75m because one of my scouts told me he was destined to be world-class. I imagine that my former scout is now working at the Spanish equivalent of Morrisons.
I learnt the hard way that these scouts weren't to be trusted. I started paying more attention to who I was interested in and what their true attributes were, often relying on multiple scouting reports before making a decision.

Two new rules added to The Pledge. Madrid also leading the early title race.
The Pledge so far:
  1. Play as Valencia
  2. Avoid relegation/increase club revenue in my first season
  3. Qualify for the Champions League in my second season
  4. Win La Liga in my third season
  5. Attempt to purchase Gonzalo Higuain at every opportunity during the first two seasons
  6. Try to get Isco or Coutinho on loan during my second season

Top of the table after 8 games and looking good! Dare I say it, this is... easy? Transfer budget is only £4m though so pretty dire on that front.
My Pato signing was looking more like a duck with every passing game. My sentiment was proving itself to be a trifling wish.

Just before the January transfer window, are you actually serious Valencia? I can't believe they've already got a firm buy-out offer at this point This could not have come at a worse time, my lack of squad depth is starting to show.
I made another attempt to sign Gonzalo Higuain but it didn't even matter that I was embargoed, he didn't want to come to Valencia anyway. Embarrassing.

Due to the aforementioned embargo, I lost out on a free transfer for Eric Garcia. Absolutely gutted as I was in need of another defender to give my rubbish GKs some breathing room. Transfer budget barely increased, now at £6m. Barely hanging on to my lead at the top of La Liga.
My post-Christmas performance was marred by frequent minor injuries so I toned down the training intensity for the players and managed to steady the boat. League games were pretty uneventful one or two-goal wins, with expected losses to some of the bigger clubs and some frustrating draws to teams I should have beaten. Numerous times I wanted to blast my goalkeeper and his equally useless teammate(s) into the sun.

This was the moment that sealed the title race in my first season. An absolute titan in both defence and attack - Josa Gayà - out for a fortnight the day before the Copa del Ray final. Disaster.
I faced Athletic Bilbao in the Copa del Rey Final. The match was pretty stale until just before the half when they scored a well-worked goal. I tried to answer but in lieu of any tactical acumen which I most certainly didn't possess, I resorted to shouting at my players to fire them up. I'm honestly not sure if it did anything but with 20 mins to go I did get a free kick in the Bilbao half about 25 yards out. With Gayà injured, the game handed FK duties to my Uruguayan striker, Maxi Gomez. As it turns out it was a good choice because he scored a beauty! 1-1. Game on!
The game that followed was a back and forth affair for the next 15 mins until Gomez picked up a through ball from Yunus Musah and chipped the Bilbao keeper from the edge of the box. 2-1! I held on for the win and promptly celebrated before realising The Pledge had nothing about the Copa del Rey on it so all I'd succeeded in doing was tiring my players out in pointless games. Whoops.

Season One recap: I finished 4th on 71pts, 17pts off Real who absolutely tore it up at the end with something like 12 wins out of 14 games. Barcelona were 6th with five games to go and won all five to finish 3rd. Atletico finished 2nd, three points behind Real.
My team struggled down the stretch without their talismanic captain. In my first league game without Gayà I lost 4-1 to Atletico Madrid, which was succeeded by a 6-1 thumping at the hands of Barcelona a few games later, my heaviest league defeat of the season. I don't have the exact figures but I'd estimate that out of a possible 45 points to end the season, I gained about 20. Every game without el capitán felt as though it were doused with a sense of hopelessness.
In Gayà's absence I had nothing to catalyse the only formation I had used up to this point, which effectively revolved around Gayà running up the left flank, cutting inside à la Arjen Robben and passing it to Maxi Gomez for the score. In my ineptitude I didn't even bother experimenting with different formations because I was only watching Key Highlights, so I felt I had little time and even less knowledge with which to make useful adjustments. I distinctly remember getting carved up by Real Hispalis/Betis both times I faced them and even though I walked away with a draw in one game, I lost the other handily. I had nothing for their 4-2-3-1 formation, even with Gayà back in the squad. My almost decade-old knowledge of Football Manager tactics was worth about as much as a chocolate teapot, which Nabil Fekir duly pissed all over.
Winning the CdR and qualifying for the CL added exactly jack shit to my already thin budget and going into the off-season I was left with £6m. I was expecting a cash injection because of the takeover and was in desperate need of a DM, RB and AM. I decided I'd need to offload some players otherwise next season would simply see me (potentially) starting out strong and (inevitably) wilting once I had a few injuries on the roster. I began going through my squad list and rounding up anyone over the age of 30 who wasn't a regular starter (or who couldn't last a full season of less-than-ideal rotation), worth at least £1m and making them available for transfer.
Fortunately it wasn't all doom and gloom. Both Kang In-Lee and Yunus Musah were consistently amongst the best players and lived up to their billing as wonderkids. My main man up front, Maxi Gomez, finished as La Liga top scorer with 20+ goals and carried me through countless games. Other players had their moments but for the most part my best performances came from these three, plus the obvious fourth.
What more can I say about this man? The best LB and captain a female American coach named after a One Tree Hill character could ever ask for. Always stellar in training. Never once gave up on me or the team during matches. Never complained or took anything the wrong way even in team talks where I was literally clicking random shit. Forever loyal to his club and his fans, he was easily the best player on the team and, along with Gomez, one of only two to make it into the La Liga Team of the Season. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Paella Maldini. O captain! My captain!
As I qualified for the Champions League ahead of schedule, my friend and I decided to change The Pledge up a little. It now reads:
  1. Play as Valencia
  2. Qualify for the Champions League in my first season
  3. Win La Liga in my second season
  4. Win the Champions League in my third season
  5. Attempt to purchase Gonzalo Higuain at every opportunity during the first two seasons
  6. Try to get Isco or Coutinho on loan during my second season
Last but not least, my U19s went undefeated in their league and quite frankly spanked the living daylights out of everyone, finishing with a +108 goal difference. Youth Development all over that bitch.
This concludes Act One. Act Two will release soon and follow the team's tumultous off-season and their quest to conquer Spain, make a foothold in Europe and bring a particularly rotund Argentine to Mestalla.
- Brooke Davis
submitted by HollowPrynce to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

Products that I did NOT add to database today - sorted by popularity (31.12.2020)

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-48- ✔️ [CN] URUAV Waterproof Universal 50*50cm Parking Pad Apron for FIMI X8 SE 2020/DJI Mavic Air 2/Mavic Mini/Mavic Mini 2 RC Quadcopter
Price: $14.59
-49- ✔️ [CN] 110V/220V 24X52cm Seedling Heat Mat Seeds Starter Germination Propagation Clone Waterproof
👌 Price: $-2
Coupon: BGRuvineral
-50- ✔️ [CN] ROCHOBBY 1/18 2.4G Katana Waterproof Crawler RC Car Vehicle Models RTR Two Battery
⭕️ Price: $-2
🔑 Coupon: BG176FMS4
-51- ✔️ [CN] URUAV Blacklight B6pro 60A XT60 XT30 Plug 2-6S Lipo Battery Charger Board for IMAX B6 ISDT Q6 Nano HOTA D6 Pro P6 Charger
⭕️ Price: $31.99
Coupon: BGB6Pro1
-52- ✔️ [CN] HLURU 21 Keys Thumb Piano wooden Professional Kalimbas bottom hole Mahogany Musical Instrument for beginner
❇️ https://bit.ly/3ityd8I
✌️ Price: $23.99
💎 Coupon: BGLOSPAF
-53- ✔️ [CN] Suohuang SSRQ-021S Turbine Radiator Laptop Stand Game Notebook Cooling Pad Fan Plate Cooling Rack Base for 15.6 "17.3 Lenovo ASUS HP
Price: $35.99
-54- ✔️ [CN] URUAV 4in1 Prop Tool 2.0mm 2.5mm Screwdriver 8mm Sleeve Multifunctional Tool for RC Model FPV Racing Freestyle Drone
📌 https://bit.ly/3n3JqO4
💲 Price: $13.99
▪️ Coupon: BG4in1Pro
-55- ✔️ [CN] HYSTOU FMP03B Mini PC i5 7260U 8GB+128GB/8GB+256GB Dual Cores Win10 DDR4 Intel HD Graphics 640 3.4GHz Fanless Mini Desktop PC SATA mSATA MIC VGA HDMI 300M WIFI
🌐 https://bit.ly/2WVxnb8
🔹 Price: $269.99
💎 Coupon: BGFMP3B
-56- ✔️ [CN] URUAV Propeller Holder Blade Fixator for FIMI X8 SE 2020 RC Quadcopter
🔹 Price: $7.59
-57- ✔️ [CN] PowerVision PowerRay WIFI FPV 4K HD Camera 4 Hours Working Time 30m Diving Underwater Drone With VR Goggles& Powerseeker Fishfinder RC Drone
🥇 Price: $899.99
-58- ✔️ [CN] 16pcs Locks+4 Keys Magnetic Child Lock For Cabinet Drawer Door Lock Children Baby Safety Protection Hidden Lock Kids Security Tools
❇️ https://bit.ly/2JyzLSd
Price: $17.99
Coupon: BGlocksware
-59- ✔️ [CN] Picun W20 bluetooth 5.0 Earphones 35hrs Wireless Earbuds IPX8 Waterproof Touch Control Earphone With Mic For Smart Phone
❗️ https://bit.ly/381Wpf6
👌 Price: $15.99
✂️ Coupon: BGSK643
-60- ✔️ [CN] 6 Grid Pill Organizer Electronic ABS Travel Household Drug Storage Box Mini Portable Independent Lattice Container
👌 https://bit.ly/2L6LtE7
〽️ Price: $3.99
-61- ✔️ [CN] Auline VTC6 14.8V 3000mAh 4S 30A XT60 Plug Long Rang LR Li-ion Battery for 5inch 7inch RC Drone
💲 Price: $32.99
🖍 Coupon: BGAulineVTC64S
-62- ✔️ [CN] FLYHAL Class 10 UHS-1 64GB U3 V30 A2 160MB/s Micro SD High Speed TF Memory Card for FIMI X8 SE 2020/FIMI A3/DJI Mavic Mini/Mavic Mini 2/Mavic Air 2/ Mavic 2 Pro RC Quadcopte Mobile Phone Camera
Price: $17.59
-63- ✔️ [CZ] Lazy Laptop Desk Smart Folding Bed Table Laptop Ergonomic Portable Desk for Home Office
🌍 https://bit.ly/3je55kM
Price: $49.99
❤️ Coupon: BGCZG14644
-64- ✔️ [CN] Portable 2.4 inch Digital Display Radio DAB/DAB+ FM Receiver 5.0 Bluetooth Speaker Rechargeable
🌍 https://bit.ly/3n28Bkl
Price: $31.99
-65- ✔️ [CN] Jiushark Machinery Keyboard Hand Bracket 87 Key Wrist Guard Aluminum Alloy Bracket Pad Keyboard Palm Rest
🔹 Price: $19.99
-66- ✔️ [CN] Eachine EM1 Micro Engine Model Brass Double Piston Complete STEM Engine Toys Collection Gifts
❗️ https://bit.ly/2VEmie4
💥 Price: $309.99
-67- ✔️ [CN] A3/A4/A45 Wooden Cartoon Fox Jigsaw Puzzle Unique Animal Shape Toy Mysterious Charming Early Education Gift For Kid Children Adults Kids
✳️ https://bit.ly/2K7Druz
🔹 Price: $12.99
🖍 Coupon: BGWA522
-68- ✔️ [CZ] XMUND XD-SP2 100W 18V Solar Panel 3-USB+DC PD Fast Charging Outdoor Waterproof Solar Charger For Camping Travelling Car RV Charger
〽️ Price: $129.99
🔖 Coupon: BGTY835Y
-69- ✔️ [CN] 4 Massager Heads 20 Ajustable Gears Cervical Massager Neck Shoulders Body Heat Knead Shiatsu Massage Car Home Office
-70- ✔️ [CN] Auline VTC6 22.2V 3000mAh 6S 30A XT60 Plug Long Rang LR Li-ion Battery for 5inch 7inch RC Drone
🔹 Price: $49.99
🖍 Coupon: BGAulineVTC6S
-71- ✔️ [CZ] Solid Birch Folding Rocking Chair Waterproof Dustproof with 5-way Adjustable Foot Section Load Capacity 180 KG Suitable for Home Furniture
❗️ https://bit.ly/367bjjP
💥 Price: $129.99
📍 Coupon: BGSJ1201
-72- ✔️ [CN] ALIENMODEL 7.4V 4000mAh 2S 5C Lipo Battery for QX7 Radiomaster TX16SR Transmitter
〽️ Price: $13.99
-73- ✔️ [CN] Night Devil 2003 GPS With 4K 5G 1080P Ajustable Camera 15mins Flight Time Optical Flow Positioning Foldable RC Quadcopter Drone RTF
📌 https://bit.ly/3hwNjdh
💥 Price: $-2
📌 Coupon: BGRC2003
-74- ✔️ [CN] Alien Model 11.1V 2200mAh 3S 5C XT60 Plug DC Connector Lipo Battery for Fatshark HDO2 DJI Goggles
🔗 https://bit.ly/382atFB
✌️ Price: $13.99
-75- ✔️ [AE] Computer LCD Stand Desktop Air Pressure up and down Rotation Aluminum Alloy Frame 17-27 Inches
✌️ https://bit.ly/3lMnEPp
👌 Price: $42.99
Coupon: BGAEF74504
-76- ✔️ [CN] ORICO TWU3-4A 4 Ports USB 3.0 HUB Splitter High Speed Multi-USB PC Extender Charger for Samsung Galaxy Note S20 ultra Huawei Mate40 OnePlus 8 Pro
💲 Price: $5.99
✏️ Coupon: BGOrico4hub
-77- ✔️ [CN] 3Inch CineWhoop Drone Carring Bag Case Hardshell Bag for Diatone MX-C 349 Taycan iFlight Green Hornet Frame Kit RC Racing Drone
✳️ https://bit.ly/3o5kgzY
〽️ Price: $16.99
🎯 Coupon: BGCineWhoop1
-78- ✔️ [CN] Alien Model 7.4V 3000mAh 2S 5C XT30 Plug Lipo Battery for JUMPER T16 Radio Transmitter
📌 https://bit.ly/3ogu4aN
👉 Price: $12.99
-79- ✔️ [CN] ZOHD LIONPACK COPTER 6S1P 21700 4000mAh 10C 40A Li-ion Battery for Long Range FPV Racing Drone RC Planes Cars Boats
🥇 Price: $75.99
🎯 Coupon: BGZOHD6S
-80- ✔️ [CN] 12 Patterns LED Waterproof Landscape Moving Laser Stage Light Projector for Chrismas Halloween
🔗 https://bit.ly/3nYJxvM
〽️ Price: $33.99
⏳ Coupon: BG3256956
-81- ✔️ [HK] Original Xiaomi TPE Charger Cable Magnetic Watch Charger for Xiaomi mi Band 5 Smart Watch
👌 https://bit.ly/37ZZ0pW
Price: $-2
✏️ Coupon: BGOWC5
-82- ✔️ [CN] Lenovo HD300 Wireless bluetooth Headset Noise Reduction HD Call HiFi Stereo Foldable AUX Head-mounted Headphone
✌️ Price: $29.99
-83- ✔️ [CZ] LCD Bracket Pneumatic Universal Rotary Lifting Telescopic Computer Bracket Display Bracket (with double USB3.0 interface)
👉 Price: $42.99
❤️ Coupon: BGLCDMA74513
-84- ✔️ [CN] 10 Frequency Vibration Heating Automatic Induction Clip Suction Vocal Masturbation Cup Rechargeable Sex Toys for Men
❗️ https://bit.ly/3mYQ9sV
📉 Price: $19.90
💎 Coupon: BG73796
-85- ✔️ [CN] QOTOM Mini Pc Intel I3-6100U 2.3GHz Dual Core 4GB DDR4 128GB SSD 6 Gigabit Ethernet Machine Micro Industrial Q530X Multi-Network Port
🌐 https://bit.ly/3o5kkQe
〽️ Price: $299.99
🔖 Coupon: BGQT61U
-86- ✔️ [CN] URUAV One Pair Remote Control Signal Booster for FIMI X8 SE 2020 RC Quadcopoter
👉 https://bit.ly/3n0L2bp
💰 Price: $8.99
-87- ✔️ [CN] 5V/8-80V Power Supply ESP8266 WIFI Dual Relay Module ESP-12F Development Board Secondary Development
👉 https://bit.ly/2Lc45Cl
👌 Price: $4.49
📍 Coupon: BG4912F
-88- ✔️ [CN] URUAV UV/ND16/ND32/ CPL/NDPL16/NDPL32 Lens Filtes Set for FIMI X8 SE 2020 RC Quadcopter
👌 https://bit.ly/3hDkR9N
-89- ✔️ [CN] 433MHz DC 12V24V 2-Way Remote Control Switch 2 Channel Relay Module Motor Forward and Reverse Controller
✌️ https://bit.ly/3n3CHEb
👉 Price: $7.99
👉 Coupon: BG79CE
-90- ✔️ [CN] Jeeback G2-1TENS Pulse Neck Massager Electric Massager 3 Head L Shape Wear Far Infrared Heating Neck Electric Massager YOUPIN
🚨 Price: $49.99
-91- ✔️ [CN] Unisex Genuine Leather Cowhide Retro Portable Zipper Coin Bag Storage Bag Card Wallet
🌍 https://bit.ly/382sQdt
💲 Price: $12.99
💎 Coupon: BGG80490
-92- ✔️ [CN] 10.1 Inch 1 Din Android 8.1 Car Multimedia Player Stereo Radio 1G+16G 360 Degree Rotation Video Audio WIFI bluetooth OBD FM GPS
🔑 Coupon: BGHXM016
-93- ✔️ [CN] A3/A4/A5 USB Dimmable LED Drawing Copy Pad Tablet Diamond Painting Board Art Copy Pad Writing Sketching Tracing LED Light Pad
🌍 https://bit.ly/3hxsGOr
💣 Price: $-2
▪️ Coupon: BGXIN029
-94- ✔️ [CN] IPRee® Cellulite Facial Massager Face Lift Tool Anti Cellulite Face Lift Tape Beauty Health Jaw Exerciser V Shape Mask Massage Roller
✌️ https://bit.ly/2Ldxg87
🔹 Price: $11.99
📌 Coupon: BGSG98068
-95- ✔️ [CN] Mcoplus LE-10 18W 3200K-5500K 10inch Dimmable LED Selfie Ring Light USB Photography Video Fill Light with Phone Holder Mini BallHead
🌀 https://bit.ly/2WVxnIa
〽️ Price: $12.99
Coupon: BGGRMLE10
-96- ✔️ [CN] Men Faux Leather RFID Anti-theft Retro Zipper Card Holder Wallet
🔗 https://bit.ly/3mYz1Dn
📉 Price: $10.99
⏳ Coupon: BGG62260
-97- ✔️ [CN] Men Genuine Leather Casual Classical Color Plus Thicken Keep Warm Baseball Hat Flat Hat
🌀 https://bit.ly/3oguaPH
💣 Price: $21.99
🔖 Coupon: BGG72876
-98- ✔️ [CN] Men Genuine Leather Large Capacity 5.8 Inch Phone Bag Clutch Bag Multi-slots Wallet
👌 https://bit.ly/384BUP3
〽️ Price: $20.99
✌️ Coupon: BGG68786
-99- ✔️ [CN] MN 1/12 MN86KS G500 RC Car KIT 2.4G 4WD Unassembled Crawler Off Road DIY Truck Vehicle Models
❇️ https://bit.ly/3o4p6Oa
👉 Price: $-2
-100- ✔️ [CN] Newman F10 5V 2.4A Car Charger Vehicle MP3 Player FM Transmitter bluetooth 5.0 3 USB AUX Audio U disk TF Card LED Display
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-101- ✔️ [CN] Unisex Canvas Large Capacity Contrast Color 15.6 Inch Laptop Bag Travel School Bag Backpack
📌 https://bit.ly/37ZSHm6
🥇 Price: $65.99
📍 Coupon: BGG70270
-102- ✔️ [CN] Unisex Child Adult Two-in-one Warm Windproof Cycling Sport Outdoor Mask With Ear Pads
👌 Coupon: BGG91985
Compilation image: https://i.imgur.com/nOBLJUE.jpg
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Products that I did NOT add to database today - sorted by popularity (18.12.2020)

Products that I did NOT add to database today (the list has been sorted by wishlist count (favourites)). Check image compilation: https://i.imgur.com/kksiFI6.jpg . If you want to add an item to Couponsfromchina database, then click on "Add Product" button on https://couponsfromchina.com/
-1- ✔️ [CN,USA] 1808 WIFI FPV With 4K Wide Angle Camera Optical Flow Altitude Hold Mode Foldable RC Drone Quadcopter RTF
👉 https://bit.ly/34HIo4A
🥇 Price: $29.00
❤️ Coupon: d97e0e
-2- ✔️ [CN] HANDX Mini Electric Nose Hair Trimmer HN1 Sharp Blade Body Wash Portable Minimalist Design Waterproof Safe For Family Daily Use from xiaomi youpin
👉 https://bit.ly/3an5DnR
🚨 Price: $13.99
💵 Coupon: BGXPDE64
-3- ✔️ [CN] 24V 250W Electric Bike Conversion Scooter Motor Controller Kit Fit For 20-28inch Ordinary Bike
❇️ https://bit.ly/38g9CzZ
🚨 Price: $59.99
💎 Coupon: BG626SA
-4- ✔️ [CN] Bakeey XG12 TWS bluetooth 5.0 Earphone Stereo Wireless Earbuds Hi-Fi Sport Handsfree Gaming Headset With Mic
💥 Price: $5.99
💵 Coupon: BG04976
-5- ✔️ [CZ] IPRee® 4 Blades Fireplace Fan Thermal Heat Power Stove Fan Wood Burner Fan
📌 https://bit.ly/3oXdwEy
👉 Price: $29.99
👌 Coupon: BGFS106XY
-6- ✔️ [CN] Enusic™ CJ720 Global Version Relay GPS Tracker Real Time GSM Locator Anti-theft Cut off Fuel Power System Function
❇️ https://bit.ly/34qmjqA
⭕️ Price: $16.99
✏️ Coupon: BGTracker48
-7- ✔️ [CN] 2020 Christmas USB Fairy Lights LED String Lights Music Sync Bluetooth APP Phone Indoor Outdoor Twinkle Lights 32.8FT Hanging Curtain String Lights Color Changing Starry Lights
❇️ https://bit.ly/2UFcOPd
💣 Price: $12.66
✏️ Coupon: BGDETD535
-8- ✔️ [UK,CZ] 12Pcs Acoustic Soundproof Foam Sound Stop Absorption for KTV Audio Room
🌍 https://bit.ly/3r8hCvt
〽️ Price: $12.99
🔓 Coupon: BGIOLSAQ
-9- ✔️ [CN] NH-F M5 Screw Hole Mini Type 30kg Holding Force Switch On Off Dial Indicator Gauge Stand Holder Magnetic Base Shaft Support
⏳ Coupon: BGD00874AFF
-10- ✔️ [CN] Lenovo LP2 TWS bluetooth 5.0 Earphone HiFi Stereo Bass AAC HD Audio ENC Noise Cancelling Waterproof Sports Headphone with Mic Type-C Charging
Price: $16.99
✏️ Coupon: BGLP2A
-11- ✔️ [CN] MH-Z19B Upgrade Version 0-5000PPM Infrared CO2 Sensor For CO2 Indoor Air Quality Monitor UART/PWM
👉 Price: $15.99
📍 Coupon: BGZ19B
-12- ✔️ [CN] Coolmoon 12cm RGB Cooling Fans Quiet Computer Case Chassis Fan Computer PC Cooler for PC Computer CPU
👉 https://bit.ly/2TsLLFY
📉 Price: $36.99
🔖 Coupon: BGzuocode8
-13- ✔️ [CN] Mini USB Power Charger Current Voltage Tester 4-Digit Red Display 3.5-7V 0-3A Detector
❗️ https://bit.ly/3aqeNjo
💥 Price: $1.99
-14- ✔️ [CN] ALLDOCUBE i7Book 14.1 inch Intel i7-6660U 8GB RAM 256GB SSD 51.3Wh Battery Full-Featured Type-C 90% Narrow Bezel Notebook
📌 https://bit.ly/3kvSCL8
🥇 Price: $499.99
⏳ Coupon: BGABI7K26
-15- ✔️ [ES,CN,USA] DOOGEE Hot Fingertip Gyro
✌️ https://bit.ly/3r8hGvd
⭕️ Price: $2.50
🔓 Coupon: cd55ce
-16- ✔️ [CZ] IPRee® 4 Blade Fireplace Fan Eco Friendly Quiet Winter Thermal Heat Power Fan Wood Burner Stove Fan Home Travel
👉 https://bit.ly/3aq4Liq
🚨 Price: $34.99
🔑 Coupon: BGBS112XT
-17- ✔️ [CN] FlyNova Flying Spinner UFO Anti-collision Flying Globe LED Fingertip Gyro Interactive Boomerang Decompression Toys Kid's Gift
💲 Price: $19.99
-18- ✔️ [CN] Household Air Quality Detector CO2 Tester with Carbon Dioxide TVOC Value Electricity Quantity Temperature Humidity Display
💲 Price: $26.99
-19- ✔️ [CZ,UK] 9.5M 50 LED Solar Fairy Bulb String Light 8 Modes Outdoor Indoor Garden Wedding Holiday Lamp Christmas Tree Decorations Lights
✌️ https://bit.ly/3r5phe5
💰 Price: $7.99
⏳ Coupon: BGCZUK6270
-20- ✔️ [CN] Coolmoon DC 12V 3Pin UFO Colorful Backlight 100mm CPU Cooling Fan PC Heatsink for Intel/AMD For PC Computer Case
🥇 Price: $12.19
🔑 Coupon: BGzcode16
-21- ✔️ [CN] Coolmoon 1PCS 12cm ARGB Water Cooling Motherboard Synchronization PWM CPU Cooling Fans for Desktop PC
👌 https://bit.ly/3p4KaE9
Price: $79.99
-22- ✔️ [CN] 2.4" Portable DAB/DAB+Digital Radio FM Receiver Speaker Bluetooth 5.0 Alarm Clock
📌 https://bit.ly/3kD8OcM
🚨 Price: $31.99
-23- ✔️ [CN] Unisex 9-Heating Zones Electric Vest Heated Jacket USB Warm Up Winter Body Racing Coat Thermal
🌀 https://bit.ly/2KkG787
⭕️ Price: $27.99
👉 Coupon: BGHeated159
-24- ✔️ [CN] 16bit Hall Sensor USB Handbrake Hydraulic Lever SIM & Clamp For Racing Games G25/27/29 T500 FANATECOSW DIRT RALLY
🌐 https://bit.ly/3rbzW6M
📉 Price: $91.99
❤️ Coupon: BGKK9916
-25- ✔️ [CN] Creative Soft Electric Musical Christmas Hat Size Adjustable Santa Claus Hat
🌀 https://bit.ly/2KgI99f
📉 Price: $6.99
✌️ Coupon: BGD94658
-26- ✔️ [CN,UK] Cute Silica Gel Pen Case for Apple Pencil Anti-fall Magnetic Split Pencil Case for Ipad Pencil 2nd Generation
👌 https://bit.ly/3asJ4xZ
Price: $5.99
Coupon: BGPF462
-27- ✔️ [CN] XSK NUC Intel Celeron J3160 Barebone Mini PC Quad Core 1.6GHz to 2.24GHz Pfsense AES-NI
💥 Price: $159.99
-28- ✔️ [CZ] 60x60 BAK4 Outdoor Tactical Binocular HD Optic Night Vision 3000M Coordinates Telescope Camping Hiking
👉 Price: $27.59
📌 Coupon: BGT73NS
-29- ✔️ [CN] Electric Digital High Precision Blood Pressure Monitor Pulse Heart Beat Rate Meter Device Medical Equipment Tonometer BP Mini Sphygmomanometer
🌐 https://bit.ly/34qKNQD
Price: $12.90
📌 Coupon: BGBPM129
-30- ✔️ [CN,CZ] Multi-function Mask Mobile Phone Artifact Machine High Temperature Sterilizer UV Sterilizer Nail Sterilization Box
❇️ https://bit.ly/2K0Lh5p
👌 Price: $37.99
🔓 Coupon: BGMP458
-31- ✔️ [UK] 4/6 Tiers Metal Plant Stand Flower Pot Organizer Shelf Display Rack Holder for Indoor Outdoor Patio Garden Corner Balcony Living Room
✳️ https://bit.ly/3552TXN
👉 Price: $45.99
-32- ✔️ [CN] Goldenfir 2.5 inch SATA3.0 SSD 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB Solid State Drive For Laptop
🛒 https://bit.ly/3p5RkIl
Price: $39.99
-33- ✔️ [CN] AK3V Mini PC Intel Celeron J3455 6GB RAM 128GB SSD Intel HD Graphics 500 Quad Core Dual HDMI Plus VGA Three Screen Output 4K WiFi
🌐 https://bit.ly/3eFQ8Gr
Price: $149.99
-34- ✔️ [CN] Turbo Racing Without Transmitter 1/76 2.4G 2WD Fully Proportional Control Mini RC Car LED Light Vehicles Model Kids Toys
🌐 https://bit.ly/3p8P1o3
🔹 Price: $45.99
❤️ Coupon: BGRCTurbo
-35- ✔️ [CN] Collrown Mens Leather Baseball Cap Outdoor Warm Trucker Adjustable Hats
❗️ https://bit.ly/3p5jNy1
👌 Price: $11.99
👉 Coupon: BGE17709
-36- ✔️ [CN] 125CM Men Business Cow Leather Belt with Anti-Scratch Buckle
❇️ https://bit.ly/3anFPYE
✌️ Price: $19.99
🖍 Coupon: BG884489
-37- ✔️ [CN] Portable Foldable Laptop Desk with Phone Slot Cup Holder Lazy Bed Study Desk for Home Office
🔗 https://bit.ly/2JKpB0C
📉 Price: $36.99
🖍 Coupon: BGLAKDS
-38- ✔️ [CN] bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter Receiver Wireless Audio Adapter 20m Range with 3.5mm Digital Optical Toslink 2 RCA Plug Cable
📉 Price: $22.99
Coupon: BGBT50TR
-39- ✔️ [CN] 10 Mile Green Laser Pointer Pen 532nm USB Chargeable Laser Flashlight Quick Charge Pointer with Lanyard
💣 Price: $6.99
💵 Coupon: BGLP098
-40- ✔️ [CN] WPL D12 1/10 2.4G 2WD Military Truck Crawler Off Road RC Car Vehicle Models Toy Several Battery
🥇 Price: $72.99
🎯 Coupon: BGD12CODD
-41- ✔️ [CN] FNIRSI-1C15 Professional Digital Oscilloscope 500MS/s Sampling Rate 110MHz Analog Bandwidth Support Waveform Storage
〽️ Price: $62.99
❤️ Coupon: BG46698
-42- ✔️ [CN] Mifo I8 Wireless Stereo Sports Neckband Earbuds Magnetic bluetooth 5.0 Earphone IPX8 Waterproof Headphones
✌️ Coupon: BG42287
-43- ✔️ [CN] Coolmoon 12cm RGB Computer Case Cooling Fan Quiet Chassis Fan Computer PC Cooler for PC Computer Case CPU
🚨 Price: $13.99
👌 Coupon: BGzcode18
-44- ✔️ [CN] Desk Attachable Armrest Arm Support Pad Computer Table Mouse Pads Chair Extender Elbow Arm Wrist Rest Holder Mousepad mouse pad
🌀 https://bit.ly/37MA5o2
💰 Price: $12.99
🏆 Coupon: BGSMILE
-45- ✔️ [CN] Racerstar CLS7346HV 180° 46KG Coreless Matel Gear Digital Servo For RC Airplane Car Robot
❗️ https://bit.ly/3eWGhwR
🥇 Price: $53.55
🔑 Coupon: BGOMP05
-46- ✔️ [CN] Car Refit Bonnet Hood Gas Shock Lift Tail Strut Bar Support Rod For VW Tiguan MK1 2010-2017
🛒 https://bit.ly/38hKJUn
📉 Price: $17.99
📍 Coupon: 2429ed
-47- ✔️ [CZ] iMars CH-A1 12V 3-8KW Car Parking Diesel Air Heater Adjustable Hot Remote Control LCD Display For Truck SUV Bus RV Boats
🔹 Price: $119.99
✏️ Coupon: BG250CZ
-48- ✔️ [CZ,UK] Microfibre Flat Mop and Bucket Floor Cleaner Set with Cloths Pad Wet Dry
👌 Coupon: BGFlatres
-49- ✔️ [CN] Ultra Light Aluminum Outdoor Folding Table Camping Barbecue Stall Portable Tea Table Stool with Organizer Bag
🌍 https://bit.ly/3kHqnIH
📉 Price: $23.99
🔓 Coupon: BGJKLSD
-50- ✔️ [CZ] Upgrade Creative Color Storage Shelf 5 Layers Tree Shape Bookshelf Desktop Organizer 60cm Height for Home Office
🌐 https://bit.ly/2IZg59a
💣 Price: $26.99
💎 Coupon: BGE58014
-51- ✔️ [CZ,ES] AUGIENB 220V 550W Electric Desktop Water Dispenser Hot and Warm Cold Water Cooler Dispenser Home Office Hotel Use
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💥 Price: $32.99
❤️ Coupon: BGAGNWBCZ
-52- ✔️ [CN] Electric Neck Massager 6 Modes Pulse Massage Magnetic Cervical Spine Hot Compress Therapy Pain Relief Tool
👌 Price: $18.99
-53- ✔️ [CN] Christmas apple pro air laptop case laptop Sticker 13.3 inch
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-54- ✔️ [CN] Egrow 1000W Full Spectrum Plant Growing Lamp LED Highlight PAR Flower Medicinal Greenhouse Hydroponic Plant Lamp
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👌 Price: $56.99
🔓 Coupon: BGXPDE63
-55- ✔️ [CN] MINISFORUM DeskMINI UM300 AMD Ryzen 3 3300U 8GB DDR4 128GB SSD Radeon Vega 6 Graphics Mini PC Desktop PC Quad Core 2.1GHz to 3.5GHz DP HDMI RJ45 Win10 Home
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💣 Price: $299.99
🖍 Coupon: BGDKMU
-56- ✔️ [UK,CZ] Flat Squeeze Mop Bucket Free Washing Self Cleaning Microfiber Pads Cleaner Home Cleaning Tools Set
🌐 https://bit.ly/2KixD15
💲 Price: $10.65
-57- ✔️ [CN] Men Genuine Leather Vintage RFID Blocking Wallet
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💥 Price: $23.99
-58- ✔️ [CN] 600ML Electric Teeth Cleaner Dental Flosser Washer Jet Tip Household 10 Setting Water Folsser
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🥇 Price: $38.99
🖍 Coupon: BGXPDE61
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-60- ✔️ [CN] ENOZE 9304E RTR 1/18 2.4G 4WD 40km/h LED Light RC Car Full Proportional Off-Road Truck Vehicles Models
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⏳ Coupon: BG9304E
-61- ✔️ [CN] 14 in 1 EDC Folding Multitool Knife Kit Hammer Saw Screwdrivers Pliers Bottle Opener Durable Sheath Camping Gear Survival Multitool Accessories Outdoor Tools
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👌 Price: $11.99
🔓 Coupon: BGXIN111
-62- ✔️ [CN] Banggood Design Men Corduroy Patchwork Color Fahsion Casual Beanie Skull Cap Landlord Cap
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-63- ✔️ [CN] Wltoys 124018 Several Battery RTR 1/12 2.4G 4WD 60km/h Metal Chassis RC Car Vehicles Models Kids Toys
❗️ https://bit.ly/3p9LC8t
💲 Price: $139.99
📍 Coupon: BG124018RC
-64- ✔️ [CZ] Loskii Christmas Snowman Portable Mini 2 in 1 Hand Warmer Power Bank 2 Gear 6000/10000mAh Long Battery Life USB Charging Double-sided Heating Electric Warming Treasure
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💰 Price: $20.99
⏳ Coupon: BGLSCMHW
-65- ✔️ [CN] COOLMOON North Wind PWM Temperature Control Fan 12cm Chassis Fan ARGB Divine Synchronization Water Cooling CPU Radiator Fan
🔹 Price: $8.59
🎯 Coupon: BGzcode17
-66- ✔️ [CZ] 120W 3 In 1 Car Vacuum Cleaner 4500Pa Powerful Suction Wet Dry Dual Use Low Noise LED Lighting Double Layer Filter for Home Car
🔗 https://bit.ly/3r99Lhc
💰 Price: $18.99
✂️ Coupon: BGCZDESWQ
-67- ✔️ [CN] USB 3.0 Hub Super Speed Splitter,10 Port USB Data Hub with Power Adapter,Individual On/Off Switches and Lights for Laptop, PC, Computer, Mobile HDD, Flash Dr (10 Ports Black
📉 Price: $39.99
-68- ✔️ [CZ] Computer LCD Stand Desktop Air Pressure up and down Rotation Aluminum Alloy Frame 17-27 Inches
👌 https://bit.ly/3lMnEPp
💲 Price: $42.99
✂️ Coupon: BGCZ74504
-69- ✔️ [CN] Vaydeer Monitor Laptop Stand All Aluminum Alloy Wireless Charge 4K HDMI USB3.0 WLAN TYPE-C Riser Organizer for Home Office
✌️ Price: $79.99
-70- ✔️ [CZ] 5v Electric Foot Warmer Heater Power Saving Safe Start Warm Foot Cover Feet Heating Pad for Home Travel Office Warmers
💣 Price: $16.99
-71- ✔️ [CN] Men Vintage Genuine Leather Baseball Cap Outdoor Windproof Caps
📌 https://bit.ly/38kK1pg
👉 Price: $38.99
❤️ Coupon: BGE41901
-72- ✔️ [CN] WPL D12 1/10 2.4G 2WD Military Truck Crawler Off Road RC Car Vehicle Models Toy Several Battery
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🥇 Price: $62.04
🔑 Coupon: BGD12CODD
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✂️ Coupon: BGWA522
-74- ✔️ [CN] Automatic Liquid Soap Dispenser Smart Sensor Touchless Sanitizer Foam Dispenser Hand Washer for Kitchen Toilet Bathroom Hotel
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💥 Price: $12.99
⏳ Coupon: BGSOPADIS31
-75- ✔️ [CN] WPL B16KM 1/16 6WD RC Car Metal Kit with 370 Motor Metal Dual Speed Gear Case Gear Drive Shaft Wheels Weight
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Price: $90.99
❤️ Coupon: BGB16KMRC
-76- ✔️ [CN] XANES® 700LM Camping Light Waterproof Rechargeable Stepless Dimming LED Work Lamp With Side Light Emergency Power Bank
💲 Price: $21.99
🏆 Coupon: BGSD820
-77- ✔️ [CN] PGG D-18 5 Modes Mini Folding Pocket Neck Massager Electric Pulse Health Care Relaxation Deep Tissue Neck Pain Relief Massager Tool from
✌️ Price: $28.99
👌 Coupon: BGDETD902
-78- ✔️ [CZ] Portable Mini 2 in 1 Hand Warmer Power Bank 2 Gear 4000mAh Long Battery Life USB Charging Double-sided Heating Electric Warming Treasure
💣 Price: $10.99
🔑 Coupon: BGHEPBGF
-79- ✔️ [CN] 1000-Piece Oil Painting Landscape Cartoon Animation House Puzzle For Adult Intelligence without Glue
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-80- ✔️ [CN] Professional Permanent Laser Epilator Home Depilatory Laser Body Hair Removal Machine Photoepilator Painless Depilador
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📉 Price: $30.99
📍 Coupon: BGHR3299
-81- ✔️ [CN] Cable Ties Easy Fastening 3 Port Magnetic Cable Bundled For Laptop Charger USB Cable Line
✌️ https://bit.ly/3aowfVB
🚨 Price: $6.99
-82- ✔️ [CN] Portable USB Smart UV Shoe Dryer Bear Shaped DC 5V Timing Shoe Boot Dryer Heater Foot Warmer Deodorizer Dehumidify Device
🌍 https://bit.ly/35ESqCC
🔹 Price: $17.49
✏️ Coupon: BGXPDE67
-83- ✔️ [CN] Xiaovv A9 Mini USB WIFI Smart IP Camera Webcam 170° Fisheye Wide Range 1080P V380 Pro AP Connection 128G Auto Tracking Indoor IP Camera
✳️ https://bit.ly/3p6ntj6
〽️ Price: $18.99
-84- ✔️ [CN] Alloy Three Fold Extended Laptop Table Portable Folding Table Outdoor Camping Dining Table Simple Small Table for Any Scenes
❗️ https://bit.ly/2ULTwYg
💥 Price: $36.99
Coupon: BGG44635
-85- ✔️ [CN] Electric Automatic Bottled Water Dispenser TDS Water Quality Measurement USB Smart Water Pump Dispenser with Drinking Fountain
⭕️ Price: $10.99
💵 Coupon: BGXIND458
-86- ✔️ [CZ] LCD Bracket Pneumatic Universal Rotary Lifting Telescopic Computer Bracket Display Bracket (with double USB3.0 interface)
🌍 https://bit.ly/34syT8R
〽️ Price: $42.99
📍 Coupon: BGLCDMA74513
-87- ✔️ [CN] Christmas Snowman Elk Christmas Tree Cuffed Ball Knit Hat
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👉 Price: $5.99
🖍 Coupon: BGG68932
-88- ✔️ [HK] CHUWI Hi9 Plus MT6797X Helio X27 Deca Core 4GB RAM 64GB ROM 4G LTE 10.8 Inch Adroid 8.0 Tablet
💰 Price: $179.99
-89- ✔️ [CN] Baseus Laptop Stand Notebook Bracket 2.5mm Cooling Pad Portable Notebook Base for 11.6-15.6 inch Notebook
🔗 https://bit.ly/2KkGbon
-90- ✔️ [CN] Laptop Stand Aluminium Alloy Height Angle Adjustable Portable Notebook Holder Bracket Home Office Supplies
👉 https://bit.ly/3p60Ta8
Price: $54.99
-91- ✔️ [CN] Xgera Adjustable Laptop Desk Table Bed Folding Table Lap Desks Bed Trays Laptop Stand for Bed Sofa with Anti-slip Leather
👌 https://bit.ly/3oVdY68
Price: $39.99
-92- ✔️ [CZ] 220V 800W Mini Electric Heater Desktop Home Office Warm Space Fan Indoor Winter Low Noise
👉 https://bit.ly/3k3sS7F
〽️ Price: $17.99
👉 Coupon: BGMEHTE
-93- ✔️ [HK] CHUWI Hi10 Air Intel Cherry Trail T3 Z8350 Quad Core 4GB RAM 64GB ROM 10.1 Inch Windows 10 Tablet
〽️ Price: $184.99
🎯 Coupon: BG32be75
-94- ✔️ [CN] EC-T1 4K@60Hz TV Stick Display Dongle HDMI Type C to HDTV Cable Adapter 4K Solution Support TV PC Projector Phone and Laptop
✳️ https://bit.ly/34mCNQr
Price: $13.99
🖍 Coupon: BGET11
-95- ✔️ [CN] Mensela IT-PS1 Pro Intelligent Screen Solar Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter 2200W/3000W/4000W/5000W/6000W/7000W DC 12V/24V To AC 220V Converter
💥 Price: $105.99
💵 Coupon: BGYJ105
-96- ✔️ [CZ] Portable Mini 2 in 1 Hand Warmer Power Bank Recording Function 2 Gear 10000mAh Long Battery Life USB Charging Double-sided Heating Electric Warming Treasure
📌 https://bit.ly/3msAP8i
👉 Price: $19.99
-97- ✔️ [CN] Women Warm Plus Thicken Plush Treasure Foot Warmer House Wear Sleeping Stocking
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💲 Price: $21.99
💎 Coupon: BGG71057
-98- ✔️ [CN] Foldable Laptop Stand Holder Notebook Cooling Bracket Riser Cooling Pad Game Notebook Base for up to 17inch Notebook
🌍 https://bit.ly/3arI9hg
✌️ Price: $10.99
-99- ✔️ [CN] 185cm Timing Yoga Mat Non-slip Fitness Pad for Yoga Exercise Pilates Meditation Gym Extra Thicken Exercise Durable Workout Mat
🌍 https://bit.ly/2UMu4Su
〽️ Price: $32.99
🎯 Coupon: BGXPDE78
-100- ✔️ [CN] 310ML Enema Syringe Enema Bulb Syringe Enema Irrigator Medical Female Vagina Anal Douche Cleaner Enema Colon System Cleaning
🌀 https://bit.ly/2WpgUMe
👌 Price: $6.99
-101- ✔️ [CN] IPRee® 2-in-1 24000mAh 80W 120W Power Bank Home Emergency Generator Camping Light Power Source Outdoor Travel Cycling
👌 https://bit.ly/2J0rdDd
💲 Price: $-3
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-102- ✔️ [CN] Men Faux Leather Mini Casual Multi-carry Waist Hanging 6.3 Inch Phone Bag Shoulder Crossbody Bag With Belt Loop
📌 https://bit.ly/2WuHjIC
🔹 Price: $17.99
Coupon: BGG49950
-103- ✔️ [CN] Men Genuine Leather Ear Protection Keep Warm Plus Velvet Outdoor Baseball Hat
✌️ https://bit.ly/3mwOCd9
〽️ Price: $38.99
❤️ Coupon: BGG76851
-104- ✔️ [CN] Men Genuine Leather Large Capacity Retro Multifunction Multi-slot Travel Clutch Wallet Crossbody Bag
🌐 https://bit.ly/2KAoEsb
📉 Price: $23.99
Coupon: BGG83666
-105- ✔️ [CN,CZ] Poputar T1 36 Inch Smart Guitar with Free App Controlled LED Light Bluetooth 5.0BLE Connect for Everyone
🛒 https://bit.ly/3mxUt23
👌 Price: $279.00
-106- ✔️ [CN] Smart Wireless Garage Door Opener Automatic Remote Controller With Alexa Google Home and IFTT
🌀 https://bit.ly/2KAj214
📉 Price: $31.99
✌️ Coupon: BGSmartwire
-107- ✔️ [CN] Toothbrush Holder Shaver Storage Rack Tooth Brush Shelf Plastic Toothpaste Holder Rack for Bathroom Organizer
💣 Price: $3.99
📌 Coupon: BGXPDE77
-108- ✔️ [CN] Unisex Corduroy Casual Retro Personality Fashion Brimless Beanie Skull Hat Landlord Hat
✌️ https://bit.ly/2WuHm7g
Price: $8.99
⏳ Coupon: BGG85313
-109- ✔️ [CN] Women Faux Leather Large Capacity Floral Cat Butterfly Printing Casual Cute Handbag Shoulder Bag Bucket Bag
❗️ https://bit.ly/3mwOuKH
👉 Price: $46.99
✂️ Coupon: BGG64642
-110- ✔️ [CN] 16 inch Leisure Backpack Laptop Bag Male Outdoors Travel Shoulders Storage Bag with USB Charging Schoolbag
✌️ https://bit.ly/2Wsj6T5
Price: $19.99
-111- ✔️ [CN] Laptop Stand Holder Laptop Bracket Riser 4 Angles Adjustable Cooling Pad Computer Stand for Laptops Up To 17inch
👌 https://bit.ly/2J5WAMS
💲 Price: $8.99
-112- ✔️ [HK] CHUWI Hi8 SE MediaTek MT8735 Quad Core 2GB ROM 32GB ROM 8 Inch Android 8.1 Tablet
🌀 https://bit.ly/2KysDW2
🏆 Coupon: BG99f860
-113- ✔️ [HK] CHUWI Hi9 Air MT6797D X20 Deca Core 4GB RAM 64GB ROM 4G LTE 10.1 Inch 2K Screen Android 8 Tablet
✌️ https://bit.ly/3mwah5s
🔹 Price: $149.99
📍 Coupon: BG40f999
-114- ✔️ [HK] CHUWI HiPad LTE MTK6797X Helio X27 Deca Core 3GB RAM 32GB ROM 4G LTE 10.1 Inch Android 8.0 Tablet
❗️ https://bit.ly/3nBTAXu
Price: $154.99
🔓 Coupon: BG62ab9d
-115- ✔️ [CN] Collrown Men Faux Leather Casual Outdoor Ear Protection Sunvisor Baseball Hat
🛒 https://bit.ly/37xiou9
👉 Price: $10.99
🖍 Coupon: BGG73919
-116- ✔️ [CN] Digital Pulse Oximeter Finger Clip Heart Rate Monitor Oximetro Household SpO2 Monitor Oxymetre Finger Clip Heart Rate Monitor
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🥇 Price: $8.88
📌 Coupon: BGXIN727
-117- ✔️ [CN] Men Cotton Ear Protection Winter Outdoor Solid Warm Universal Plus Thicken Beret Hat Forward Hat
👉 https://bit.ly/37tzF7o
⭕️ Price: $9.99
🔑 Coupon: BGG63678
-118- ✔️ [CN] Men Cotton Plus Hat Circumference Retro Literary Atmosphere Newsboy Hat Octagonal Hat Beret Hat
✌️ https://bit.ly/2KAj7Sq
💲 Price: $27.99
📍 Coupon: BGG84291
-119- ✔️ [CN] Men Faux Leather Retro Business Clutch Bag Casual Shoulder Bag Crossbody Bag
🛒 https://bit.ly/3gZjjGR
🥇 Price: $27.99
-120- ✔️ [CN] Men Felt British Style Plaid Pattern Warm Outdoor Casual All-match Forward Hat Beret Hat
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📌 Coupon: BGG71471
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Coupon: BGGE629
-122- ✔️ [CN] Smart Wireless Garage Door Opener Automatic Remote Controller Waterproof With Alexa Google Home
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Price: $43.99
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-123- ✔️ [CN] Unisex Adult Climbing Skiing Anti-fog UV Protection Sandproof Goggles Ski Glasses
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🎯 Coupon: BGG83433
-124- ✔️ [CN] Women Faux Leather Alligator Pattern Casual Multi-slot 6.3 Inch Phone Bag Clutch Purse Card Holder Wallet
❗️ https://bit.ly/2WtUb1q
💣 Price: $11.99
👌 Coupon: BGG46141
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Products that I did NOT add to database today - sorted by popularity (26.10.2020)

Products that I did NOT add to database today (the list has been sorted by wishlist count (favourites)). Check image compilation: https://i.imgur.com/NB6XJIt.jpg . If you want to add an item to Couponsfromchina database, then click on "Add Product" button on https://couponsfromchina.com/
-1- ✔️ [CN] Geekcreit® AC 110-240V Input To DC 24V 17A 400W Switching Power Supply Driver Board
🌐 https://bit.ly/35s0kz8
🔹 Price: $17.99
⏳ Coupon: BG24V
-2- ✔️ [CN,USA,UK,HK,FR,AU,GWTR,RU,ES,CZ,AE,BR] Men Women Nylon Waterproof Light Weight Crossbody Bag Waist Bag
❇️ https://bit.ly/37I0RzS
Price: $11.99
📌 Coupon: BGA03585
-3- ✔️ [UK] Men's Nylon Hip Drop Belt Waist Fanny Leg Bag Waterproof Military Tactical Bag
🌍 https://bit.ly/3or9vsu
📉 Price: $10.59
🔓 Coupon: BGTTAD
-4- ✔️ [CZ] [New Edition]Onda Xiaoma 31 13.3 inch Intel N4200 Quad Core 4GB DDR3 64GB eMMC 36Wh Battery Fingerprint Narrow Bezel Notebook
🌀 https://bit.ly/2SakUOp
🔹 Price: $184.99
🔓 Coupon: BGONDM35
-5- ✔️ [CN] NEWYES 10inch Bluetooth Archive Synchronize Writing Tablet Save Drawing LCD Office Family Graffiti Toy Gift
❇️ https://bit.ly/30w8qpu
💰 Price: $49.99
🎯 Coupon: BGOCTNE
-6- ✔️ [CN] XYS3580 DC DC Buck Boost Converter CC CV 0.6-36V 5A Power Module Adjustable Regulated Laboratory Power Supply Variable
🛒 https://bit.ly/3ooa0n4
📉 Price: $15.99
✂️ Coupon: BGXYS3580
-7- ✔️ [CN] Loskii USB LED 3D Music Dual Alarm Clock Thermometer Temperature Date HD LED Display Electronic Desktop Digital Table Clocks
✳️ https://bit.ly/2CgRxWk
💲 Price: $14.99
-8- ✔️ [CN] Collrown Men's PU Leather Beret Caps Casual Newsboy Cap Warm Hats
❗️ https://bit.ly/37JNQpm
💥 Price: $10.99
▪️ Coupon: BG1571181
-9- ✔️ [CN] ANBERNIC S-100 16GB 2500+ Games 3.0 inch IPS HD Screen Handheld Game Console Support PS1 CPS NEOGEO SFC MD TV Output
👉 https://bit.ly/2G69E2Z
📉 Price: $28.99
⏳ Coupon: BGS10011
-10- ✔️ [CN] AC-DC Inverter 100-240V To 36V 5A 180W Switching Power Adapter Converter Module
❇️ https://bit.ly/3oqvmQZ
💣 Price: $9.99
📌 Coupon: BGADC365
-11- ✔️ [CN,USA,CZ] Double Sides Brushless ESC 20/30/40/50/60/80A Underwater Thruster RC Car Boat Parts
🔗 https://bit.ly/37P4CUp
💲 Price: $4.75
📍 Coupon: BGDS164
-12- ✔️ [CN] Upgraded 12V 8KW Air Diesel LCD Thermostat Remote Control Silencer Parking Car Heater For RV Truck Boat Trailer Heating
📌 https://bit.ly/2FwDldi
🔓 Coupon: BG25K3
-13- ✔️ [CN] Jumper R8 16CH RC Receiver Compatible T16 FrSky D16 D8 Mode Support PIX PX4 APM Flight Controller PWM SBUS Output
🔹 Price: $16.39
✏️ Coupon: BGJPR8
-14- ✔️ [CN] 2PCS Shockli IMR 26650 3.7V 5500mah 30A Discharge Rechargeable Li-ion Battery-Flat top
🚨 Price: $11.69
-15- ✔️ [CN] Machifit 775 Motor Table Saw Kit DC 12V Gear Motor with Mounting Bracket and Saw Blade for Woodworking
💰 Price: $24.49
Coupon: BGD01401
-16- ✔️ [CN] T6 Double-sided Air Mouse Keyboard with Touchpad Six Axis Somatosensory Game Android Remote Controller bluetooth Connection
👉 https://bit.ly/3k7TKUA
Price: $14.99
-17- ✔️ [CN] MechZone 109 Keys Graphite Blue Keycap Set OEM Profile PBT Keycaps for 61/68/87/104/108 Keys Mechanical Keyboards
🔗 https://bit.ly/3i4wZQo
💣 Price: $46.99
📍 Coupon: BGinngig3
-18- ✔️ [CN] QOTOM Mini PC Q190G4 With 4 LAN Port Intel Celeron J1900 2 GHz to 2.41 GHz Pfsense as Router Firewall Quad Core 2 GHz 4G RAM 32G SSD
⭕️ Price: $169.99
-19- ✔️ [CN,USA,CZ] Professional Oil Colored Pencils Set Artist Painting Sketching Wood Color Pencil School Art Supplies 48/72/120/160 Colors
🛒 https://bit.ly/2YY3BVh
📉 Price: $10.29
🔑 Coupon: BGPC193
-20- ✔️ [CN] Eachine ET5 Mini Gasoline Engine Model Stirling Water-cooled Cooling Structure
🔗 https://bit.ly/2UyVuvw
🚨 Price: $299.99
🖍 Coupon: BGOCTET5
-21- ✔️ [CN,USA,CZ] RGT 136161 1/16 2.4G 4WD Rock Crawler RC Car Off-Road Truck Vehicle Models
📌 https://bit.ly/3j1KLEx
〽️ Price: $129.99
✏️ Coupon: BG169RGT
-22- ✔️ [CN] Mens Vintage Genuine Cowhide Beret Caps Earflaps Windproof Duckbill Warm Black Brown Hats
🛒 https://bit.ly/321Yg0f
🚨 Price: $29.99
🔓 Coupon: BG1750211
-23- ✔️ [CZ] Multi-function Desktop Monitor Stand Computer Laptop Screen Riser Wood Shelf Desk Storage Holder with Lock
🌐 https://bit.ly/2DrdSRD
🚨 Price: $21.99
🎯 Coupon: BGIOUPDS
-24- ✔️ [CN] MARK RYDEN MR8057 Expandable Anti-theft Backpack Fit 17 inch Men's Business Backpack Waterproof Large Capacity Travel Laptop Bag
🛒 https://bit.ly/3cPQOHZ
-25- ✔️ [CN] BT-610 Rivet Tool Kit Rivnut Setting Tool Nut Setter NutSert Hand Riveter Guns M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 HT2819
❗️ https://bit.ly/3iEFHW9
🥇 Price: $69.9
✂️ Coupon: BG7208
-26- ✔️ [CN,USA,AU,ES] ROCHOBBY 1/6 2.4G 2CH 1941 MB SCALER RC Car Waterproof Vehicle Models Fully Proportional Control Without Transmitter Receiver
📌 https://bit.ly/2BMo1r3
💰 Price: $280.99
🏆 Coupon: BGROC1671
-27- ✔️ [CN] T-bao Tbook X8 Plus 15.6 inch Laptop Intel Core i7 4510u 2.0GHz up to 3.1GHz Intel HD Graphics 4400 8GB 256GB Backlight Keyboard 2.4GHz+5GHz WiFi FHD IPS Screen
❇️ https://bit.ly/3oxj9tu
👉 Price: $399.99
✂️ Coupon: BGTBX8PLS
-28- ✔️ [CN] LD09 USB Dual Cooling Fans Laptop Desk Portable Folding Desk Bed Notebook Stand Study Table with Mouse Pad Cup Holder
🔹 Price: $26.99
📌 Coupon: BGYHYL
-29- ✔️ [CN] Mini 5W 9V Battery Rechargeable Portable Guitar Bass Amp Amplifier Speaker
👉 https://bit.ly/2J8LnuC
Price: $18.99
🔖 Coupon: BGHYJGF
-30- ✔️ [CN] FlySky FS-BS6 2.4GHz 6CH AFHDS 2A RC Receiver PWM Output with Gyroscope Function for RC Car Boat
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boat race 2020 favourites video

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Boat Race 2010: Cambridge out to upset odds against heavy favourites Oxford. The bookies have Oxford as heavy favourites for Saturday's Xchanging Boat Race, 156th in the historic series, but gut Boat-Race tactics on the Ely: shove the other crew towards the bank Lack of crowds won't make a huge difference, because you hardly hear them James Cracknell 1 December 2020 • 9:00am LONDON, April 5 — Double Olympic champion James Cracknell is set to become the oldest person to compete in the Varsity boat race, with his Cambridge crew ranked as firm favourites to win the event on Sunday. The 46-year-old retired from competitive rowing in 2006 but qualified for the event... On Sunday November 8th, 2020 at 13.02, 33 boats set off from Les Sables d’Olonne on the French Atlantic coast in the Vendée department.They’re taking part in the Vendée Globe 2020, the most challenging, round-the-world non-stop race without assistance for single-handed sailors. April 5 (Reuters) - Double Olympic champion James Cracknell is set to become the oldest person to compete in the Varsity boat race, with his Cambridge crew ranked as firm favourites to win the The 2020/2021 edition of the race has been no different with many of the front runners dropping out due to breakages and/or gear problems. Boat: Bureau Vallée 2 Launched: 2015. THE Boat Race is almost here as Oxford and Cambridge lock horns again. The light blues of Cambridge were victorious in last year's race as they stretched their lead in the all-time standings to 83-80. Pre-race favourites Cambridge made good on their status to utterly dominate The Cancer Research UK Women’s Boat Race 2018. Umpire Sir Matthew Pinsent dropped his red flag and the crews set off into their high-rate starts. The Boat Race will be a 'closed' event in 2021, without spectators. The Boat Race Company is working with local authorities to ensure a safe event for the local community, crews, and coaches, as well as the volunteers and contractors helping to stage the races. The annual Boat Race is back on Sunday March 29 2020. Get yourself Thames-side to see academic titans Oxford and Cambridge battle it out once again in an oar-some rowing race on the river.But if

boat race 2020 favourites top

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