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The Identity of John - An Analysis

John Doe. A name used to identify a corpse with an unknown identity. While seemingly insignificant in the context of UnOrdinary, where our protagonist—John Doe—is living and breathing; however, I believe this truly summarizes his character struggle. Even among the fanbase, John is a controversial character. We explore several radically different sides of him, but I believe we can find out who John Doe is.
Gel Hair John
The carefree, naive, and sassy version of John is the one we're introduced to in the initial episodes. It's been a long time since we've seen him appear, but his existence is important to our understanding of his character and even where he is now. A considerable portion of the fanbase wants his return, but Gelled John should never come back. While quite obvious to some, Gelled John is fake.
After his readjustment, John grew to loathe his ability. To prevent any further emotional trauma, he decided to become someone else entirely. From what we've seen, these characteristics of his seem to be stolen from other places. For his personality and hair, he drew from his father. Meanwhile, his choice to become a cripple potentially stems from the book UnOrdinary. This book is heavily referenced as a significant motivation behind the increase of vigilantes. But, when we see John and Seraphina discuss it's contents, he takes away that even the weak can contribute and should be protected. I believe that is where John draws inspiration to become a cripple.
In his confrontation with Sera in episode 173, we see John list off several of 'his' traits. But, from the way he presents it, we can see it's more like him messily putting together a character rather than describing who he is.
Gelled John is also one of the few characters we see consistently swap between two text colors. The use of these colored text boxes goes along with each respective character's aura color, but for John, it points toward something else. The white box is symbolic of John's restraint, while the black box indicates a more impulsive and unrestrained aspect. What's interesting is the choice of using a white box, the polar opposite of the black. This version of John isn't some mere nice and kinder version but intentionally constructed to be the antithesis of his previous self.
Yet another supporting detail is fittingly enough the gel itself. He overly gels his hair just as he took upon an extreme persona. Then he finally lets go of his restraints, he also lets his hair fall.
The Joker is a card frequently used in replacement for other cards in a poker deck. It also lacks a standardized appearance. This, of course, matches the Joker we all know and possibly love. A masked figure that gradually begins replacing the upper ranks.
He has few spoken lines if any at all. This showcases a rawer form of John as well as his place in the hierarchy. We know that UnO society is based on how strong you are with your level and tier deciding your position. To put it in perspective, if you were given a random list of ten names, you likely wouldn't be able to discern much about them. However, replace those features with their level, and suddenly you learn a key aspect of their identity.
Now consider John, someone who started at the lowest tier of society. Now add in a drastic change in level, essentially designing a new person. That's exactly what Joker represents. Without even a face or dialogue, we see how level can define a person.
Current John
Now, to the key topic of controversy. Non-gelled King of Wellston John, a God-Tier prone to violence and outbursts of anger. Contrary to some views, I don't think this John represents the genuine John; however, it does reveal more of his nature.
John isn't some hero of the hierarchy either. Characters like Arlo interpret it to be about authority and control. John perceives the surface of it, power. In a way, he's more royal than Arlo, Remi, Blyke, or Cecile. He uses his more capable power to assert himself, selfishly doing what he desires without care. But, he's the strongest and the King so technically it's within his power to do so.
Going back to his episode 173 talk, there's something else to discover. Even if Gel Hair John was a fake, but it was still his identity for around a year. Even in private he acted under his ruse. It's been ingrained in his mind. So why did John discard it as if it was nothing?
Current John is also a fake. In an attempt to construct an identity for himself, he scrambles to acquire the most unique traits. And once he does, he takes them to the extreme. Choosing to either abuse his power or not use it at all. Making friends or creating tools. Any semblance of previous identities must be destroyed. His development is tragic because he doesn't grow as a person; all he does is move to another mask.
Aura Manipulation
Something great about Unordinary is how abilities truly fit their user. Aura Manipulation possesses no distinctive identity and is wholly reliant on the existence of other abilities. You could even reword a summary of the ability to describe his character.
Aura Manipulation is an ability that allows the user to copy the abilities of others. He can mix, match, and morph these copied abilities to his whims. Furthermore, he can amplify the strength of the copied abilities.
John is a character that creates masks based on traits he observes from others. He blends these traits to try and make a unique existence for himself. Furthermore, he tends to take to the extremes with these traits as if they validate their existence.
Future Developments
After all of that—what's left in store for his growth? Well to fix some of his flaws he'll require several things.
- Be put in place so that his position can be stabilized without being an extreme
- Grow beyond self-loathing so that he won't disregard many of the traits he's built for years
- Discover his true self, the final step in his arc where he can, at last, obtain an identity
John is not an ordinary edgy MC with OP powers. I also don't want this analysis to be misconstrued as me saying, "Jogne has multiple personalities and is broken because of SOCIETY." He's more than that; John struggles to uncover an identity in a world where it's defined for him. There are also several topics and details that I left out as this isn't an entire character analysis.
This is just my analysis of several observations I made. Take it with a grain of salt as it's possible I muddied up some of this as it a little rushed and it's been a long time since I've read the earlier episodes.
submitted by Nova1213 to unOrdinary [link] [comments]

Smash Roster Gender Deep Dive

Cuz this topic never starts fights.
I decided to do a deep dive of the genders of the Smash cast and the ratios therein. Please leave comments if I am missing any information because some of the characters were difficult to determine. Also, I know this can be a sensitive topic so please let me know if I use any incorrect terminology.
Okay, here goes:
Mario - Male
Donkey Kong - Male
Link - Male
Samus - Female
Dark Samus - Questionable. As described by, “She is a combination of elements from Metroid Prime, Samus Aran, and Samus's Phazon Suit.” It consistently refers to “her” as female, as does the game, but one could argue that a being like this does not have a gender at all.
Yoshi - Unknown/Inconsistent. Yoshi is a species of creatures. Some games and sources claim that Yoshis reproduce asexually and they have no gender, but Yoshi (as in, the main Yoshi that appears with all of Mario’s friends) is referred to as “he” in English translations, but is not specified in Japanese as they refer to Yoshi with ungendered pronouns. Being able to lay eggs is generally a female trait. My personal take is that Yoshis come in male and female varieties. The females are the only ones capable of laying fertilized eggs, but males can lay eggs too. The main Yoshi is male. But that is my headcanon and not official.
Kirby - Male. There seems to be some debate online, similar to Yoshi, about the species and how they reproduce. Kirby is consistently referred to as male in games in English. In Japanese, Kirby is referred to by gender neutral pronouns.
Fox - Male
Pikachu - Either, depending on skin. Pokemon are creatures that come in either sex. A large part of Pokemon is breeding them, so it’s an integral part of their series. Pikachu are 50% male and 50% female. There is a difference in appearance between the sexes. Male Pikachu have a pointed tail and female Pikachu have a rounded tail. Therefore, the default Pikachu is male and so are all but two of the alternate skins.
Luigi - Male
Ness - Male
Cpt. Falcon - Male
Jigglypuff - Probably female. As with Pikachu, Jigglypuff can be either male or female. However, unlike Pikachu, there is no visual difference between the sexes. What is interesting is that while Pikachu as a species are a 50/50 split between male and female, Jigglypuff as a species are 75% female, meaning the Jigglypuff in Smash is most likely a female.
Peach - Female
Daisy - Female
Bowser - Male
Ice Climbers - The Ice Climbers are a duo, Nana is female and Popo is male.
Sheik - Female, presenting as male. Spoiler alert, Sheik is Zelda. Zelda is a female, but she disguises herself as a new identity, Sheik, during the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The Sheik persona presents as male, but it is a disguise, which means her true gender is still female. One could say that the Sheik persona is male, but Zelda herself is still female. Like how a drag queen’s character is female, but the performer can still be male.
Zelda - Female
Dr. Mario - Male
Pichu - Undetermined. Unlike Pikachu, there is no visual indication of sex, so it is impossible to know if the Pichu in Smash is male or female, as there is a 50/50 chance either way. There is one skin, the Spiky-Eared Pichu that is confirmed to be female.
Falco - Male
Marth - Male
Lucina - Female
Young Link - Male
Ganondorf - Male
Mewtwo - Genderless. Mewtwo, while a Pokemon like Pikachu and Jigglypuff, is somewhat unique because it was created in a lab. It is the only one of its kind and cannot reproduce, even with Ditto (a Pokemon able to breed with almost any Pokemon regardless of sex). In game, Mewtwo has no gender listed while most other Pokemon do.
Roy - Male
Chrom - Male
Mr. Game and Watch - Male.
Meta-Knight - Male. Like Kirby, there is some debate online about the specifics of his species (underneath the mask, he looks like a dark blue Kirby), but he is consistently referred to as male in game.
Pit - Male
Dark Pit - Male
Zero Suit Samus - Female
Wario - Male
Snake - Male
Ike - Male
Pokemon Trainer - Trainer: Either, depending on skin. Pokemon: Probably male. The trainer can be male or female based on the skin you choose. The actual Pokemon are all various forms of evolution of starter Pokemon. All starter Pokemon have an 87.5% chance of being male. Therefore, it’s most likely the Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard in Smash are male, but it is not confirmed.
Diddy Kong - Male
Lucas - Male
Sonic - Male
King Dedede - Male
Olimar, Alph, and Pikmin - Olimar: Male. Alph: Male. Pikmin: Undetermined. I couldn’t find any evidence of gender for the Pikmin. They are referred to as “it” in game. They reproduce by delivering their DNA to “onions” and therefore reproduce asexually making their actual gendesex unknown.
Lucario - Probably male. Much like the starter Pokemon mentioned earlier, Lucario also has an 87.5% chance to be male. It is most likely that the Lucario in Smash is male.
R.O.B. - Robot, identified as male. R.O.B. is a robot and therefore has no distinguishable sexual characteristic. He is referred to as a male in all in game mentions. He may be a robot designed as a male and programmed to identify as such. R.O.B. stands for Robotic Operating Buddy, but is also read as the name Rob, which is typically a male name.
Toon Link - Male
Wolf - Male
Villager - Either, depending on skin. It is also worth mentioning that, in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, all villagers are referred to with they/them pronouns. This is presumably to leave no room for misgendering any non-binary or transgendered individuals, but one could also interpret it to mean that all villagers are non-binary or genderless.
Mega Man - Male. He is a robot, like R.O.B., but, unlike R.O.B., has a clear personality and has a sister who is also a robot. He also has “man” in his name.
Wii Fit Trainer - Either, depending on skin.
Rosalina and Luma - Rosalina: Female. Luma: Undetermined. Rosalina is definitely female, but it is more complicated for her Luma companion. Like the Yoshis, Lumas are a species. They come in all sorts of colors and, presumably, genders. There is a main Luma in Super Mario Galaxy that is indicated to be male that matches the default Luma Rosalina starts with in Smash. The black Luma is also probably Polari who is also male. He other colors’ genders are unknown.
Little Mac - Male
Greninja - Probably male. Greninja is the final evolved form of Froakie, a starter Pokemon. As we have learned, all starter Pokemon have an 87.5% chance to be male, therefore the Greninja in Smash is likely male.
Palutena - Female. One could argue whether gods have genders, but she is consistently referred to as female.
Pac-Man - Male.
Robin - Either, depending on skin.
Bowser Jr. and The Koopalings - Bowser Jr. is male. Larry, Roy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, and Ludwig are all male. Wendy is the sole female Koopaling.
Duck Hunt - Dog: Male. Duck: Undetermined. Shooter: Undetermined. Duck Hunt is a strange case because they are technically a trio. There is a dog, a duck, and a hunter who shoots from off screen during some attacks. Duck Hunt’s reveal trailer confirms this hunteshooter is a part of the team. The dog is referred to as a male in all appearances. The duck is unclear, but some of the skins are specifically male (like the mallard duck one). The shooter is unknown.
Ryu - Male
Ken - Male
Cloud - Male
Bayonetta - Female
Corrin - Either, depending on skin.
Inkling - Either, depending on skin
Ridley - Male
Simon - Male
Richter - Male
King K. Rool - Male
Isabelle - Female
Incineroar - Probably male. Incineroar is the evolved form of the starter Pokemon Litten. As we know, starter Pokemon have an 87.5% chance to be male, therefore the Incineroar in Smash is likely male.
Piranha Plant - Unknown/Inconsistent. This one is strange because in some languages, the character is referred to with gender neutral pronouns and in some languages they are referred to with male or female pronouns. Piranha plants are a species and some of them have presented themselves as a specific gender, like Petey Piranha, but it is unclear what the Piranha Plant in Smash is supposed to be. Plants typically have both female and male parts. It is unknown.
Joker - Male.
Hero - Male. There are four separate heroes, but they are all male.
Banjo-Kazooie - Banjo: Male. Kazooie: Female
Terry - Male.
Byleth - Either, depending on skin.
Min Min - Female
Steve, Alex, Zombie, and Enderman - Steve: Male. Alex: Female. Zombie: Unknown/Either. Enderman: Unknown, presumed male. This one is tricky because Steve and Alex are just default skins for the player in Minecraft and not really characters. Steve is generally considered to be the male one and Alex is generally considered to be the female one. However, there is evidence and debate online that Steve and Alex, especially Alex, are non-binary or genderless. There is evidence that Alex was apparently based on Jeb, a male Mojang developer. Official sources list Steve as male and Alex as female. Zombies are assumed to be whatever gender they were as humans. Therefore, the gender of the Zombie in Smash is unknown. Endermen are presumed to be male based on their name, but it’s technically unknown.
Sephiroth - Male
Mii Fighters - Whatever you want them to be!
I hope you have enjoyed this TedTalk. Let me know anything I got wrong (and I’ll update) and be nice to each other in the comments.
I thought about doing one on sexualities, but, for most of the characters, the answer should realistically be “unknown.”
What did I learn? Well, for one, we REALLY need more women in Smash. Can we get Lara Croft, Chun-Li, Chell, fucking Ms. Pac-Man? Also, Nintendo is really unclear about their different species, specifically the Yoshis, Toads, and whatever Kirby is.
submitted by Nihyre to smashbros [link] [comments]

Anyone trying to convince you that Trek should be watched in: production order, airdate order or chronological order is wrong. The only true way to appreciate the franchise is in alphabetical order: from 11:59 to Zero Hour

No Series Title
1 VOY 11:59
2 TNG 11001001
3 TNG A Fistful of Datas
4 DS9 A Man Alone
5 TNG A Matter Of Honor
6 TNG A Matter of Perspective
7 TNG A Matter of Time
8 ENT A Night in Sickbay
9 TOS A Piece of the Action
10 TOS A Private Little War
11 DS9 A Simple Investigation
12 TOS A Taste of Armageddon
13 DS9 A Time to Stand
14 PIC Absolute Candor
15 DS9 Accession
16 ENT Acquisition
17 ENT Affliction
18 DS9 Afterimage
19 TAS Albatross
20 VOY Alice
21 TNG All Good Things...
22 TOS All Our Yesterdays
23 TNG Allegiance
24 VOY Alliances
25 VOY Alter Ego
26 TOS Amok Time
27 DSC An Obol for Charon
28 TOS And the Children Shall Lead
29 TNG Angel One
30 ENT Anomaly
31 DS9 Apocalypse Rising
32 TNG Aquiel
33 TOS Arena
34 DS9 Armageddon Game
35 VOY Ashes to Ashes
36 ST Ask Not
37 TOS Assignment: Earth
38 TNG Attached
39 VOY Author, Author
40 ENT Awakening
41 ENT Azati Prime
42 DS9 Babel
43 ENT Babel One
44 DS9 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
45 TOS Balance of Terror
46 DS9 Bar Association
47 VOY Barge of the Dead
48 VOY Basics, Part I
49 VOY Basics, Part II
50 DSC Battle at the Binary Stars
51 DS9 Battle Lines
52 VOY Before and After
53 DS9 Behind the Lines
54 TAS Bem
55 TAS Beyond the Farthest Star
56 TNG Birthright, Part I
57 TNG Birthright, Part II
58 DS9 Blaze of Glory
59 VOY Blink of an Eye
60 VOY Bliss
61 VOY Blood Fever
62 DS9 Blood Oath
63 TNG Bloodlines
64 VOY Body and Soul
65 DS9 Body Parts
66 TNG Booby Trap
67 ENT Borderland
68 ENT Bound
69 ENT Bounty
70 TOS Bread and Circuses
71 ENT Breaking the Ice
72 VOY Bride of Chaotica!
73 ENT Broken Bow
74 DS9 Broken Link
75 PIC Broken Pieces
76 DSC Brother
77 TNG Brothers
78 DS9 Business as Usual
79 TOS By Any Other Name
80 DS9 By Inferno's Light
81 DS9 Call to Arms
82 ST Calypso
83 ENT Canamar
84 TNG Captain's Holiday
85 DS9 Captive Pursuit
86 ENT Carbon Creek
87 DS9 Cardassians
88 VOY Caretaker
89 ENT Carpenter Street
90 VOY Cathexis
91 TOS Catspaw
92 TNG Cause and Effect
93 ENT Cease Fire
94 TNG Chain of Command, Part I
95 TNG Chain of Command, Part II
96 DS9 Change of Heart
97 TOS Charlie X
98 ST Children of Mars
99 DS9 Children of Time
100 VOY Child's Play
101 DS9 Chimera
102 DSC Choose Your Pain
103 ENT Chosen Realm
104 DS9 Chrysalis
105 DS9 Civil Defense
106 ENT Civilization
107 TNG Clues
108 VOY Coda
109 TNG Code of Honor
110 ENT Cogenitor
111 VOY Cold Fire
112 ENT Cold Front
113 ENT Cold Station 12
114 VOY Collective
115 TNG Coming of Age
116 VOY Concerning Flight
117 TNG Conspiracy
118 TNG Contagion
119 DSC Context Is for Kings
120 TNG Conundrum
121 TNG Cost of Living
122 ENT Countdown
123 VOY Counterpoint
124 VOY Course: Oblivion
125 TOS Court Martial
126 DS9 Covenant
127 LDS Crisis Point
128 VOY Critical Care
129 DS9 Crossfire
130 DS9 Crossover
131 LDS Cupid's Errant Arrow
132 ENT Daedalus
133 TOS Dagger of the Mind
134 ENT Damage
135 VOY Dark Frontier
136 TNG Dark Page
137 VOY Darkling
138 TNG Darmok
139 TNG Datalore
140 TNG Data's Day
141 ENT Dawn
142 DS9 Dax
143 VOY Day of Honor
144 TOS Day of the Dove
145 ENT Dead Stop
146 VOY Deadlock
147 ENT Dear Doctor
148 VOY Death Wish
149 DS9 Defiant
150 TNG Deja Q
151 VOY Demon
152 ENT Demons
153 TNG Descent
154 TNG Descent, Part II
155 ENT Desert Crossing
156 DSC Despite Yourself
157 DS9 Destiny
158 ENT Detained
159 TNG Devil's Due
160 DSC Die Trying
161 TNG Disaster
162 VOY Displaced
163 VOY Distant Origin
164 DS9 Distant Voices
165 ENT Divergence
166 DS9 Doctor Bashir, I Presume
167 ENT Doctor's Orders
168 VOY Dragon's Teeth
169 DS9 Dramatis Personae
170 VOY Dreadnought
171 VOY Drive
172 VOY Drone
173 DS9 Duet
174 ENT
175 TOS Elaan of Troyius
176 TNG Elementary, Dear Data
177 VOY Elogium
178 VOY Emanations
179 TNG Emergence
180 DS9 Emissary
181 DS9 Empok Nor
182 TNG Encounter at Farpoint
183 VOY Endgame
184 TNG Ensign Ro
185 LDS Envoys
186 ST Ephraim and Dot
187 DS9 Equilibrium
188 VOY Equinox
189 VOY Equinox, Part II
190 TOS Errand of Mercy
191 PIC Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
192 PIC Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
193 TNG Ethics
194 TNG Evolution
195 VOY Ex Post Facto
196 ENT Exile
197 DS9 Explorers
198 ENT Extinction
199 DS9 Extreme Measures
200 VOY Extreme Risk
201 TNG Eye of the Beholder
202 VOY Eye of the Needle
203 TNG Face of the Enemy
204 VOY Faces
205 DS9 Facets
206 VOY Fair Haven
207 VOY Fair Trade
208 ENT Fallen Hero
209 VOY False Profits
210 TNG Family
211 DS9 Family Business
212 DS9 Far Beyond the Stars
213 DSC Far From Home
214 DS9 Fascination
215 DS9 Favor the Bold
216 VOY Favorite Son
217 DS9 Ferengi Love Songs
218 DS9 Field of Fire
219 ENT Fight or Flight
220 TNG Final Mission
221 TNG First Contact
222 ENT First Flight
223 TNG Firstborn
224 VOY Flashback
225 VOY Flesh and Blood
226 DS9 For the Cause
227 DS9 For the Uniform
228 TOS For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
229 TNG Force of Nature
230 DSC Forget Me Not
231 ENT Fortunate Son
232 TNG Frame of Mind
233 TOS Friday's Child
234 VOY Friendship One
235 VOY Fury
236 ENT Fusion
237 TNG Future Imperfect
238 ENT Future Tense
239 VOY Future's End
240 VOY Future's End, Part II
241 TNG Galaxy's Child
242 TNG Gambit, Part I
243 TNG Gambit, Part II
244 TNG Genesis
245 VOY Good Shepherd
246 VOY Gravity
247 TNG Half a Life
248 ENT Harbinger
249 DS9 Hard Time
250 ENT Hatchery
251 TNG Haven
252 TNG Heart of Glory
253 DS9 Heart of Stone
254 TNG Hero Worship
255 VOY Heroes and Demons
256 TNG Hide and Q
257 DS9 Hippocratic Oath
258 DS9 His Way
259 TNG Hollow Pursuits
260 ENT Home
261 TNG Home Soil
262 DS9 Homefront
263 VOY Homestead
264 TNG Homeward
265 DS9 Honor Among Thieves
266 VOY Hope and Fear
267 ENT Horizon
268 TAS How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
269 VOY Human Error
270 VOY Hunters
271 TNG I Borg
272 TOS I, Mudd
273 TNG Identity Crisis
274 DSC If Memory Serves
275 DS9 If Wishes Were Horses
276 DS9 Image in the Sand
277 TNG Imaginary Friend
278 VOY Imperfection
279 DS9 Improbable Cause
280 ENT Impulse
281 ENT In a Mirror, Darkly
282 ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II
283 DS9 In Purgatory's Shadow
284 DS9 In the Cards
285 VOY In the Flesh
286 DS9 In the Hands of the Prophets
287 DS9 In the Pale Moonlight
288 TNG In Theory
289 DS9 Indiscretion
290 VOY Infinite Regress
291 TNG Inheritance
292 VOY Initiations
293 VOY Innocence
294 DS9 Inquisition
295 VOY Inside Man
296 DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
297 TNG Interface
298 DSC Into the Forest I Go
299 DS9 Invasive Procedures
300 VOY Investigations
301 TOS Is There in Truth No Beauty?
302 DS9 It's Only a Paper Moon
303 VOY Jetrel
304 TOS Journey to Babel
305 TNG Journey's End
306 ENT Judgment
307 VOY Juggernaut
308 TNG Justice
309 ENT Kir'Shara
310 VOY Latent Image
311 VOY Learning Curve
312 TNG Legacy
313 TNG Lessons
314 DS9 Let He Who Is Without Sin...
315 TOS Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
316 DSC Lethe
317 TNG Liaisons
318 VOY Life Line
319 DS9 Life Support
320 VOY Lifesigns
321 DSC Light and Shadows
322 VOY Lineage
323 DS9 Little Green Men
324 VOY Live Fast and Prosper
325 VOY Living Witness
326 TNG Lonely Among Us
327 DS9 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
328 TNG Loud As A Whisper
329 TNG Lower Decks
330 VOY Macrocosm
331 DSC Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
332 TNG Man of the People
333 VOY Maneuvers
334 TNG Manhunt
335 PIC Maps and Legends
336 ENT Marauders
337 TNG Masks
338 VOY Meld
339 DS9 Melora
340 VOY Memorial
341 TNG Ménage à Troi
342 DS9 Meridian
343 VOY Message in a Bottle
344 TOS Metamorphosis
345 ENT Minefield
346 TOS Miri
347 TOS Mirror, Mirror
348 LDS Moist Vessel
349 TAS More Tribbles, More Troubles
350 VOY Mortal Coil
351 DS9 Move Along Home
352 LDS Much Ado About Boimler
353 TAS Mudd's Passion
354 TOS Mudd's Women
355 VOY Muse
356 VOY Natural Law
357 DS9 Necessary Evil
358 VOY Nemesis
359 PIC Nepenthe
360 DSC New Eden
361 TNG New Ground
362 VOY Night
363 TNG Night Terrors
364 VOY Nightingale
365 LDS No Small Parts
366 VOY Non Sequitur
367 DS9 Nor the Battle to the Strong
368 ENT North Star
369 VOY Nothing Human
370 ENT Oasis
371 ENT Observer Effect
372 TOS Obsession
373 DS9 Once More Unto the Breach
374 TAS Once Upon a Planet
375 VOY Once Upon a Time
376 VOY One
377 DS9 One Little Ship
378 TAS One of Our Planets Is Missing
379 VOY One Small Step
380 TOS Operation -- Annihilate!
381 DS9 Our Man Bashir
382 DS9 Paradise
383 DS9 Paradise Lost
384 VOY Parallax
385 TNG Parallels
386 VOY Parturition
387 DS9 Past Prologue
388 DS9 Past Tense, Part I
389 DS9 Past Tense, Part II
390 VOY Pathfinder
391 TOS Patterns of Force
392 TNG Peak Performance
393 TNG Pen Pals
394 DS9 Penumbra
395 DSC People of Earth
396 DSC Perpetual Infinity
397 VOY Persistence of Vision
398 VOY Phage
399 TNG Phantasms
400 TOS Plato's Stepchildren
401 DS9 Playing God
402 DSC Point of Light
403 TNG Power Play
404 ENT Precious Cargo
405 TNG Preemptive Strike
406 VOY Prey
407 VOY Prime Factors
408 DS9 Prodigal Daughter
409 DS9 Profit and Lace
410 DS9 Profit and Loss
411 DS9 Progress
412 DSC Project Daedalus
413 VOY Projections
414 VOY Prophecy
415 DS9 Prophet Motive
416 VOY Prototype
417 ENT Proving Ground
418 TNG Q Who
419 ST Q&A
420 VOY Q2
421 DS9 Q-Less
422 TNG Qpid
423 ENT Rajiin
424 VOY Random Thoughts
425 DS9 Rapture
426 TNG Rascals
427 VOY Real Life
428 TNG Realm of Fear
429 TNG Redemption
430 TNG Redemption II
431 ENT Regeneration
432 DS9 Rejoined
433 VOY Relativity
434 TNG Relics
435 VOY Remember
436 TNG Remember Me
437 PIC Remembrance
438 VOY Renaissance Man
439 VOY Repentance
440 VOY Repression
441 TOS Requiem for Methuselah
442 VOY Resistance
443 VOY Resolutions
444 DS9 Resurrection
445 VOY Retrospect
446 DS9 Return to Grace
447 TOS Return to Tomorrow
448 TNG Reunion
449 VOY Revulsion
450 VOY Riddles
451 TNG Rightful Heir
452 VOY Rise
453 DS9 Rivals
454 DS9 Rocks and Shoals
455 ENT Rogue Planet
456 DS9 Rules of Acquisition
457 DS9 Rules of Engagement
458 ST Runaway
459 VOY Sacred Ground
460 DS9 Sacrifice of Angels
461 DSC Saints of Imperfection
462 TNG Samaritan Snare
463 DS9 Sanctuary
464 TNG Sarek
465 DSC Scavengers
466 TNG Schisms
467 VOY Scientific Method
468 VOY Scorpion
469 VOY Scorpion, Part II
470 TNG Second Chances
471 LDS Second Contact
472 DS9 Second Sight
473 DS9 Second Skin
474 TNG Shades of Gray
475 DS9 Shadowplay
476 DS9 Shadows and Symbols
477 ENT Shadows of P'Jem
478 DS9 Shakaar
479 VOY Shattered
480 DS9 Shattered Mirror
481 TNG Ship in a Bottle
482 ENT Shockwave
483 ENT Shockwave, Part II
484 TOS Shore Leave
485 ENT Shuttlepod One
486 DSC Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
487 ENT Silent Enemy
488 TNG Silicon Avatar
489 ENT Similitude
490 ENT Singularity
491 TNG Sins of the Father
492 TNG Skin of Evil
493 ENT Sleeping Dogs
494 DS9 Soldiers of the Empire
495 VOY Someone to Watch Over Me
496 DS9 Sons and Daughters
497 DS9 Sons of Mogh
498 TOS Space Seed
499 TOS Spectre of the Gun
500 VOY Spirit Folk
501 TOS Spock's Brain
502 Film Star Trek (2009)
503 Film Star Trek Beyond
504 Film Star Trek Generation
505 Film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
506 Film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
507 Film Star Trek Into Darkness
508 Film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
509 Film Star Trek Nemesis
510 Film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
511 Film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
512 Film Star Trek: First Contact
513 Film Star Trek: Insurrection
514 Film Star Trek: The Motion Picture
515 PIC Stardust City Rag
516 DS9 Starship Down
517 TNG Starship Mine
518 VOY State of Flux
519 DS9 Statistical Probabilities
520 ENT Stigma
521 ENT Storm Front
522 ENT Storm Front, Part II
523 DS9 Strange Bedfellows
524 ENT Strange New World
525 ENT Stratagem
526 TNG Sub Rosa
527 DSC Such Sweet Sorrow
528 DSC Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2
529 TNG Suddenly Human
530 DSC Su'Kal
531 VOY Survival Instinct
532 TNG Suspicions
533 TNG Symbiosis
534 DS9 Tacking Into the Wind
535 DS9 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
536 TNG Tapestry
537 VOY Tattoo
538 DS9 Tears of the Prophets
539 LDS Temporal Edict
540 LDS Terminal Provocations
541 DSC Terra Firma, Part 1
542 DSC Terra Firma, Part 2
543 ENT Terra Nova
544 ENT Terra Prime
545 DSC That Hope Is You, Part 1
546 DSC That Hope Is You, Part 2
547 TOS That Which Survives
548 VOY The 37's
549 DS9 The Abandoned
550 DS9 The Adversary
551 ENT The Aenar
552 DS9 The Alternate
553 TOS The Alternative Factor
554 TAS The Ambergris Element
555 ENT The Andorian Incident
556 TOS The Apple
557 TNG The Arsenal of Freedom
558 DS9 The Ascent
559 DS9 The Assignment
560 ENT The Augments
561 TNG The Battle
562 DS9 The Begotten
563 TNG The Best of Both Worlds
564 TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
565 TNG The Big Goodbye
566 TNG The Bonding
567 ENT The Breach
568 ST The Brightest Star
569 DSC The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry
570 TOS The Cage
571 ENT The Catwalk
572 TOS The Changeling
573 DS9 The Changing Face of Evil
574 TNG The Chase
575 TNG The Child
576 VOY The Chute
577 DS9 The Circle
578 TOS The City on the Edge of Forever
579 VOY The Cloud
580 TOS The Cloud Minders
581 DS9 The Collaborator
582 ENT The Communicator
583 TOS The Conscience of the King
584 TOS The Corbomite Maneuver
585 ENT The Council
586 TAS The Counter-Clock Incident
587 ENT The Crossing
588 DS9 The Darkness and the Light
589 TNG The Dauphin
590 TOS The Deadly Years
591 TNG The Defector
592 TOS The Devil in the Dark
593 DS9 The Die is Cast
594 VOY The Disease
595 DS9 The Dogs of War
596 TOS The Doomsday Machine
597 TNG The Drumhead
598 TNG The Emissary
599 TOS The Empath
600 DS9 The Emperor's New Cloak
601 PIC The End is the Beginning
602 TNG The Enemy
603 TOS The Enemy Within
604 TNG The Ensigns of Command
605 TOS The Enterprise Incident
606 ST The Escape Artist
607 ENT The Expanse
608 TAS The Eye of the Beholder
609 VOY The Fight
610 TNG The First Duty
611 ENT The Forge
612 ENT The Forgotten
613 DS9 The Forsaken
614 TOS The Galileo Seven
615 TNG The Game
616 TOS The Gamesters of Triskelion
617 VOY The Gift
618 ST The Girl Who Made the Stars
619 VOY The Haunting of Deck Twelve
620 TNG The High Ground
621 DS9 The Homecoming
622 TNG The Host
623 DS9 The House of Quark
624 TNG The Hunted
625 TNG The Icarus Factor
626 TOS The Immunity Syndrome
627 PIC The Impossible Box
628 TAS The Infinite Vulcan
629 TNG The Inner Light
630 DS9 The Jem'Hadar
631 TAS The Jihad
632 VOY The Killing Game
633 VOY The Killing Game, Part II
634 TNG The Last Outpost
635 TOS The Lights of Zetar
636 TAS The Lorelei Signal
637 TNG The Loss
638 TAS The Magicks of Megas-Tu
639 DS9 The Magnificent Ferengi
640 TOS The Man Trap
641 DS9 The Maquis, Part I
642 DS9 The Maquis, Part II
643 TOS The Mark of Gideon
644 TNG The Masterpiece Society
645 TNG The Measure Of A Man
646 TOS The Menagerie, Part I
647 TOS The Menagerie, Part II
648 TNG The Mind's Eye
649 TNG The Most Toys
650 DS9 The Muse
651 DS9 The Nagus
652 TNG The Naked Now
653 TOS The Naked Time
654 TNG The Neutral Zone
655 TNG The Next Phase
656 TNG The Nth Degree
657 TNG The Offspring
658 VOY The Omega Directive
659 TOS The Omega Glory
660 TNG The Outcast
661 TNG The Outrageous Okona
662 TOS The Paradise Syndrome
663 DS9 The Passenger
664 TNG The Pegasus
665 TNG The Perfect Mate
666 TAS The Pirates of Orion
667 TAS The Practical Joker
668 TNG The Price
669 VOY The Q and the Grey
670 TNG The Quality of Life
671 DS9 The Quickening
672 VOY The Raven
673 DS9 The Reckoning
674 DSC The Red Angel
675 TOS The Return of the Archons
676 TNG The Royale
677 DSC The Sanctuary
678 TOS The Savage Curtain
679 TNG The Schizoid Man
680 DS9 The Search, Part I
681 DS9 The Search, Part II
682 ENT The Seventh
683 DS9 The Ship
684 ENT The Shipment
685 DS9 The Siege
686 DS9 The Siege of AR-558
687 TAS The Slaver Weapon
688 DS9 The Sound of Her Voice
689 DSC The Sound of Thunder
690 TOS The Squire of Gothos
691 DS9 The Storyteller
692 TAS The Survivor
693 TNG The Survivors
694 VOY The Swarm
695 DS9 The Sword of Kahless
696 TAS The Terratin Incident
697 VOY The Thaw
698 TOS The Tholian Web
699 TAS The Time Trap
700 ST The Trouble with Edward
701 TOS The Trouble with Tribbles
702 TOS The Ultimate Computer
703 TNG The Vengeance Factor
704 DS9 The Visitor
705 VOY The Void
706 VOY The Voyager Conspiracy
707 DSC The Vulcan Hello
708 DSC The War Without, The War Within
709 DS9 The Way of the Warrior
710 TOS The Way to Eden
711 DS9 The Wire
712 DSC The Wolf Inside
713 TNG The Wounded
714 ENT The Xindi
715 DSC There Is A Tide...
716 ENT These Are the Voyages...
717 TNG Thine Own Self
718 DS9 Things Past
719 VOY Think Tank
720 VOY Thirty Days
721 TOS This Side of Paradise
722 VOY Threshold
723 DS9 Through the Looking Glass
724 DSC Through the Valley of Shadows
725 DS9 Ties of Blood and Water
726 DS9 'Til Death Do Us Part
727 VOY Time and Again
728 TNG Time Squared
729 VOY Timeless
730 TNG Time's Arrow
731 TNG Time's Arrow, Part II
732 DS9 Time's Orphan
733 TNG Timescape
734 TNG Tin Man
735 VOY Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy
736 DS9 To the Death
737 TOS Tomorrow is Yesterday
738 TNG Too Short a Season
739 TNG Transfigurations
740 DS9 Treachery, Faith and the Great River
741 DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations
742 DS9 Tribunal
743 TNG True Q
744 VOY Tsunkatse
745 TOS Turnabout Intruder
746 VOY Tuvix
747 ENT Twilight
748 VOY Twisted
749 ENT Two Days and Two Nights
750 ENT Unexpected
751 VOY Unforgettable
752 TNG Unification I
753 TNG Unification II
754 DSC Unification III
755 VOY Unimatrix Zero
756 VOY Unimatrix Zero, Part II
757 ENT United
758 VOY Unity
759 TNG Unnatural Selection
760 TNG Up The Long Ladder
761 DS9 Valiant
762 ENT Vanishing Point
763 DSC Vaulting Ambition
764 LDS Veritas
765 TNG Violations
766 VOY Virtuoso
767 VOY Vis à Vis
768 DS9 Visionary
769 DS9 Vortex
770 ENT Vox Sola
771 VOY Waking Moments
772 DS9 Waltz
773 VOY Warhead
774 VOY Warlord
775 TNG We'll Always Have Paris
776 TOS What Are Little Girls Made Of?
777 DS9 What You Leave Behind
778 DSC What's Past Is Prologue
779 DS9 When It Rains...
780 TNG When The Bough Breaks
781 TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before
782 TNG Where No One Has Gone Before
783 TNG Where Silence Has Lease
784 DS9 Whispers
785 TOS Who Mourns for Adonais?
786 DS9 Who Mourns for Morn?
787 TNG Who Watches The Watchers
788 TOS Whom Gods Destroy
789 DSC Will You Take My Hand?
790 TOS Wink of an Eye
791 TOS Wolf in the Fold
792 VOY Workforce
793 VOY Workforce, Part II
794 VOY Worst Case Scenario
795 DS9 Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
796 VOY Year of Hell
797 VOY Year of Hell, Part II
798 TNG Yesterday's Enterprise
799 TAS Yesteryear
800 DS9 You Are Cordially Invited
801 ENT Zero Hour
submitted by MoreGaghPlease to risa [link] [comments]

Fool's Journey-John

So, I believe u/Rexthedinosaur2002 made a post about the Fool's Journey before. He believed John was in The Tower (Tarot card 16 of 21) as of now.
I'm gonna see if I agree by going through the story thus far:

BEGINNINGS & CONSCIOUSNESS: "He is a fool because only a simple soul has the innocent faith to undertake such a journey with all its hazards and pain" (The Fool, 0). "The Magician....represents the active, masculine power of creative impulse. He is also our conscious awareness" (The Magician, 1).
UNCONSCIOUS AWARNESS & POTENTIAL: "The High Priestess is our unrealized potential waiting for an active principle to bring it to expression" (The High Priestess, 2).
NATURE & SENSATION: John's parents influence him as he learns about the world (The Empress, 3)
ORDER & DISCIPLINE: John also learns about the Rules (The Emperor, 4). It's possible that John's mother represents the Emperor and John's father represents the Empress, instead of vice-versa. I don't think we know enough yet to say though.

EDUCATION & GROUP IDENTIFICATION: "Eventually, the Fool ventures out of his home into the wider world. He is exposed to the beliefs and traditions of his culture and begins his formal education" (The Hierophant, 5).
RELATIONSHIP & VALUES: "[The Fool] yearns for relationship. The Fool also needs to decide upon his own beliefs" (The Lovers, 6).
VICTORY & SELF-ASSERTION: "For the moment, the Fool's assertive success is all he might wish, and he feels a certain self-satisfaction (The Chariot, 7).
STRENGTH & COMPASSION: "Over time, life presents the Fool with new challenges, some that cause suffering and disillusionment" (Strength, 8).

INTROSPECTION/GUIDANCE/SOLITUDE: "The sensual world holds less attraction for him, and he seeks moments of solitude away from the frantic activity of society. In time he may seek a teacher or guide who can give him advice and direction" (The Hermit, 9).
TURNING POINT & PERSONAL VISION: "When the Fool glimpses the beauty and order of the world, if only briefly, he finds some of the answers he is seeking" (Wheel of Fortune, 10).
RESPONSIBILITY & DECISION: "He looks back over his life to trace the cause and effect relationships that have brought him to this point. He takes responsibility for his past actions so he can make amends and ensure a more honest course for the future" (Justice, 11).

LETTING GO & REVERSAL: "Sooner or later, he encounters his personal cross - an experience that seems too difficult to endure. This overwhelming challenge humbles him until he has no choice but to give up and let go" (The Hanged Man, 12).
ENDING & ELIMINATION: "The Fool now begins to eliminate old habits and tired approaches" (Death, 13).
TEMPERANCE & COMBINATION: "Now, he realizes the balancing stability of temperance (14). He discovers true poise and equilibrium" (Temperance, 14).

HOPELESSNESS: "The Fool has his health, peace of mind and a graceful composure. What more could he need?...The Devil is not an evil, sinister figure residing outside of us. He is the knot of ignorance and hopelessness lodged within each of us at some level" (The Devil, 15).
DOWNFALL/SUDDEN CHANGE/RELEASE: "How can the Fool free himself from the Devil?...The Tower is the ego fortress each of us has built around his beautiful inner core. Gray, cold and rock-hard, this fortress seems to protect but is really a prison" (The Tower, 16).

HOPE/SERENITY/GENEROSITY: "The Fool is blessed with a trust that completely replaces the negative energies of the Devil. His faith in himself and the future is restored. He is filled with joy and his one wish is to share it generously with the rest of the world" (The Star, 17).
FEAILLUSION/BEWILDERMENT: "What effect could spoil this perfect calm? Is there another challenge for the Fool? In fact, it is his bliss that makes him vulnerable to the illusions of the Moon" (The Moon, 18).
ENLIGHTENMENT/GREATNESS/ASSURANCE: "No challenge is too daunting. The Fool feels a radiant vitality. He becomes involved in grand undertakings as he draws to himself everything he needs. He is able to realize his greatness" (The Sun, 19).

REBIRTH/INNER CALLING/ABSOLUTION: "The Fool feels absolved. He forgives himself and others, knowing that his real self is pure and good. He may regret past mistakes, but he knows they were due to his ignorance of his true nature. He feels cleansed and refreshed, ready to start anew" (Judgement, 20).
INTEGRATION/INVOLVEMENT/FULFILLMENT: "In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts" (The World/ZA WARUDO, 21).

Edit: Wow, I didn't think this would get gold. First one I've ever gotten. Thank you very much u/DemiNeveWinter!
submitted by DawnOfHavoc to unOrdinary [link] [comments]

Persona 5 From a Noob

When I played Persona 4 Golden earlier this year, I fell in love with some aspects (the characters, the atmosphere, the music), and tolerated others at best. With the advent of Persona 5 Royal, and my cousin letting me borrow his PS4, I found myself swept up in the hype of a game that blew my expectations away and then some. It truly felt like someone at Atlus had been looking over my shoulder while I played the previous game and took detailed notes about what to improve in the sequel. I can honestly say that it’s an upgrade across the board in just about every way that matters to me, and I can wholeheartedly, without any caveats, recommend it to anyone with an interest in this series. If you like anime, if you want to get into JRPGs and don’t know where to start, or maybe you’re like me and you just thought the memes and fanart were cute, you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot.
It’s enough for me to want to go back and retroactively make this my game of the year for 2017, which was a pretty stacked roster in itself. Everything seemed to come together, the right team at the right time with the right idea, to catapult what was a pretty niche franchise into AAA stardom to rub shoulders with the Zeldas and Marios as among the best in its class. Even now, with the release of Royal, it’s easily my GOTY now, due in some part to the anemic list of releases, but that’s another topic altogether. I’ll try to keep this review/essay focused on the game itself rather than just comparing it to 4, but given that it was my primary entry point to the series, I will make frequent references to that game, so SPOILERS for both ensue.
What I found most immediately charming about Inaba was its sense of time and place. The shuttered businesses, the barren main street, the anxious town with the specter of death over it while a group of carefree teens made plans to go to the mall on their clamshell flip phones captured a dichotomy that I hadn’t felt explored in other games. Whether the developers intended to or not, they created a late 00s period piece that resonated with me quite strongly as someone who was roughly the same age as the protagonist in that time. I would imagine sentiment would follow for those younger than I, as 5 is much more proactive and hyperactive in its presentation. The game is a feast for the eyes, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that a cohesive style and aesthetic will far outlast the shiniest graphics, as it makes the most of its visuals to draw the player in. The UI itself is a masterclass in action, there are entire games with budgets and teams that dwarf Persona 5 that don’t have as much personality as the pause menu in this one, the way the icons jiggle and pop practically begging you to click on them next.
The other pillar holding up its remarkable sense of style is the music, and between 4 and 5 I’m genuinely torn as to which I like better. 5 definitely has the edge when it comes to production value, but the jazzy, upbeat soundtrack is also more content to sit in the background and provide an accompaniment to the city living, in contrast to 4’s loud, gaudy pop earworms, each one an anime opening in the making. While it takes center stage during key moments, most of the time, the soundtrack is this constantly undulating rhythm in the back of the player’s mind, rising and falling with the action, keeping the pulse going like the click clack of wheels upon the train tracks. Undoubtedly, my favorite song is Beneath the Mask, a melancholy tune that sounds like a rainy night and a dying cigarette in an ashtray, the perfect soundtrack to a place of sanctuary after a long day. The nebulous subject of its lyrics leaves it open to many different interpretations: a well-deserved rest after great triumph, or crushing loss and setback; a private moment shared between two lovers, or a reflection on the emptiness of the room itself, alone with one’s thoughts. It’s hard to compare soundtracks in a year with Nier Automata on the roster, but 5 absolutely passes the “would I listen to this outside of the game willingly” test. Just as Heartbreak, Heartbreak became synonymous with me doing laundry and other chores over the summer, I came to associate Beneath the Mask with my commute in the fall, under cover of darkness. I think it’s special when you can tie a game to a certain moment in your life, and this one certainly did it for me. Overall, it was the slower paced, more moody tracks like this and Sunset Bridge that stuck with me, proving that music does not have to be a spectacular front and center banger to play an essential role in the drama, though the game has its fair share of those (Life Will Change, Last Surprise, and Rivers in the Desert being standouts).
The change in setting is not limited to the audiovisual aspects, however, as the game itself feels faster and more anxious, almost oppressively so, as moving to the city from the middle of nowhere would feel. Gone is the lackadaisical, laid back intro of the prior game. Here, you are thrust into the driver’s seat immediately, before the game splashes water in your face and asks you where you were on the night of the 12th between the hours of such and such. I thought the opening hours of the game were a fantastic way of setting the stage, as we’re wowed by the prospect of Ocean’s Eleven but anime and then brought back down to Earth via the interrogation as a framing device for the story. I like it because it splits the story into neat chunks, each Palace its own arc. Coming out of Persona 4, my two biggest questions were A: If adults like Adachi are aware of and can manipulate the Shadow World, why have there been no formal attempts to study it? And B: What if the Investigation Team didn’t stop after uncovering the killer?
I was delighted to discover that not only does 5 address these topics, but the latter defines the conceit of the whole game, placing the Thieves’ idealism for a better world against bigger and bigger targets, a fitting escalation for a big name sequel. The former question is a major subplot in the story, though the answers I came up with in my head were grander than what ended up being presented. I appreciated how this turn of events resulted in the gang being more proactive, i.e. seeking out targets to punish them for their misdeeds, rather than purely reactive like the kids in 4, who had to wait for each kidnapping to happen in turn before acting. Persona 5 is a much harsher world in comparison, one that demands that its protagonist hit the ground running and get going fast. You’ve been sent to juvie on trumped up charges, nobody wants you around, you’re shoved into an old, dusty attic as a ward of the state, and everyone is looking for an excuse to get you expelled or worse. Even walking down the hallway invites comments from onlookers and rubberneckers who aren’t sure yet if they want to look down on or admire you. All this set dressing contributes to a city that feels just alive enough to allow your imagination to color in the margins and give a much better impression of a cramped metropolis with a beating heart than a big open world would.
It’s natural, then, that the protagonist would come to identify with others who fell through the cracks like he did, others who people judged by the masks they wore other than their true character. With Yu it seemed like he immediately formed lifelong bonds with the first three kids he met on the way to class. Ryuji’s and Ann’s friendships feel like they develop more naturally, first as a result of being backed into a corner together with nowhere to go, and gradually getting to know each other as people. It’s as if Atlus took a good look at the broad archetypes they established with Yosuke, Yukiko, Rise, etc and realized them into more fully fledged characters. I loved hanging out with all of the Thieves, getting to know their inner lives and it pained me that I couldn’t max them all in the allotted time. It’s impressive that they managed to build up such a strong portfolio of confidants with their own storylines and character moments without stepping on each other or retreading old ground. I even liked hanging out with Mishima, probably because he’s the one closest in spirit to what fans of this game are actually like, as opposed to Joker’s more aspirational mystique.
For the longest time, I thought that the first Palace was the game’s high point. At no other point in the base game did I feel like the player motivations and the character’s motivations were so intertwined on a base level. Kamoshida is such an excellent starting point because right away, you hate him on multiple different fronts: for antagonizing you (and by extension, the player), for being an abusive monster to your friends and classmates, and because of the corrupt authority he represents and the power structures that enable him, nurturing the seed of rebellion planted within Joker and his friends. It’s not a coincidence that all of the Thieves are latchkey kids with absent/aloof parents. That neglect, intentional or otherwise, fostered a lingering sense of ennui and discontent that lets them get wrapped up in the Thieves’ romantic struggle against societal norms. It’s an adventure, and you want to get carried away in it just as much as they do, that investment feeling all the more bittersweet when it comes crashing down around them. It does a brilliant job of selling the illusion of putting the player in the driver’s seat and letting them dictate the pacing of the plot, all by changing a few of the circumstances around how the Palaces are tackled, and though you are given an abundance of activities to dedicate your time towards, I never felt confused about what I should do, because they were all equally viable methods of advancing the player’s goals.
Since I brought up the Palaces, I should mention perhaps the single biggest improvement over the previous entry, and that is the way this game handles the dungeon crawling aspect of the game. For starters, Palaces/Dungeons are actual discrete spaces now with proper level design (!) that draws upon the chosen theme in a meaningful way to make them all distinct from one another. It’s a huge step up from ten floors of the same randomly generated slog with different wallpaper every single time. Traversal is overhauled, and the quarter-assed stealth mechanics from 4 are realized into the ambush system here that makes entering combat feel like a tactical decision on your part rather than having Yu swing his bat in the vague direction of an enemy. Joker and the Thieves move at a brisk, animated pace, zipping around between hiding spots and looking for an angle of attack rather than blundering through a bunch of copy pasted hallways. Other big, big pluses include: not having to fight every single enemy to squeeze out the xp needed to fight the boss, not having to fight trash mobs at all with Ryuji’s level 7 perk, having more items and perks to mitigate the war of attrition on your SP early on, there being an actual reason to go out of your way to explore in the form of Will Seeds. The list goes on. And if you do want that down home grind, there’s always Mementos, which I actually enjoyed my time in, largely because of the aforementioned reasons. Side quests in 4 always amounted to talk to this random guy who asks for a vendor trash item you probably got rid of when mashing sell all at the ironworks shop. Now they manifest as minibosses in Mementos, which ties into the whole vigilante justice hero of the people angle that the Thieves thrive on. Again, taking something that kinda worked before and improving it by marrying the themes and the gameplay. Also, everyone gets guns, which would be great on its own, but is amplified by the fact that they actually do work.
Not all of the Palaces are bangers, I think the 2nd and 3rd suffer the most from lackluster villains but they do their job as a sort of training arc showing how the Thieves escalate in terms of targets and notoriety as well as expanding their own roster. Futaba’s Palace is a highlight and one of the better story dungeons, and I appreciate how it broadened the scope of the setting by showing that people had indeed attempted to research the Metaverse in an academic fashion, but were struck down by some shadowy force. This is where my brain took over and started imagining much wider implications that the game ultimately didn’t explore, like the government having access to a black ops unit of Persona users who could change hearts and inflict mental shutdowns at will, but I’ll come back to that later. Suffice it to say that Sae’s Palace is another excellent addition with a dope theme, but what follows immediately after doesn’t so much bring the story to a halt as much as it gets t-boned by a mile long train of awkward, clunky exposition.
You ever play an action game, and right in the middle of it, the game stops and shows you a cutscene of your character doing all these badass choreographed moves for minutes on end, that you would never be able to do in the game itself, that’s just this long, laborious display that leaves you thinking “wow, that looks cool, I wish I was playing that instead of just watching”?
This is the narrative equivalent of that.
All along, we’ve stuck by Joker’s side. Very occasionally, the game will shift perspective to a fly on the wall of the villains so they can twirl their mustaches for a few but by and large, the player and protagonist are one in the same from beginning to end. They even go through the trouble of giving him amnesia at the start so that your Joker can retell the story as he remembers it. This is important because it establishes that the player knows what the protagonist knows, and vice versa. This whole segment throws that all out the window and reveals that Joker and the rest of the Thieves colluded in a secret gambit to expose Akechi that the player had no knowledge of and could not contribute to even if they wanted it. It’s like the devs rip the controller out of your hands and tell you to keep all limbs inside the car because you’re on their ride now and you’re going to experience it exactly as we intended even if it completely divorces the player from the shared experience of the protagonist by shoehorning all this shit that supposedly happened offscreen into what is supposed to be the emotional climax of the story. It feels like an overcorrection of the equivalent moment in 4, except in that one you had to choose the exact string of responses the devs wanted lest you be booted to the credits. Here, it’s just flashback after flashback crowbarred into the story, sometimes in succession to such a degree that I began to feel like it was losing the all important emotional investment built up. Narratively, it’s supposed to be a moment of triumph as everyone congratulates Joker on pulling off his masterstroke idea of faking his death flawlessly but in practice it feels like that meme of Michael from the Office shaking hands with his old boss, the player taking credit for something they had no part in, but would have liked to be in on. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it is annoying considering how closely intertwined the journey of player and protagonist had been up to that point
Another nitpick before we move on from here, I really thought that Joker’s constant flashbacks to the inciting event where he punched Shido but was unable to remember him were building to something. I legitimately thought that Shido had masterminded this scheme where he got Joker enrolled into Shujin and purposefully nudged him towards radicalization and forming the Thieves so that he could have a crew of fall guys to take down in his ascent to the top. I expected that Joker’s amnesia was a by-product of this mind tampering, but apparently he’s just an idiot who has this chip on his shoulder when it comes to authority but for some reason is unable to put a name to the face of the man who first put him behind bars. I also thought it was a bit cheesy that Shido had ties to literally every major villain they had faced up to that point. By the end I was half expecting him to reveal that he was the one driving the car that ran over Kawakami’s favorite student back in the day. Some real Reverse Flash “IT WAS ME BARRY” shit going on there, but I digress. Shido’s a good villain, and a fitting end to the escalation that the Thieves had going. I also loved the development that even though Shido had a change of heart, the movement behind him was still going, because the systems of power that allowed him to get where he was and exercise his will ran deeper than any of the Thieves knew, and it would take more than changing one heart to turn things around this time.
What follows is pretty iffy for me. I’m a firm believer that all the supernatural Metaverse stuff should take a backseat to or be a vehicle for the interpersonal drama between the characters we’ve come to know. It’s flavor text and set dressing, important to the story and atmosphere, but not its focus. When you try to put backstory and worldbuilding into the foreground, especially in the drama first storytelling that Persona is going for, you end up with Yaldaboath, a boring ass cup in the basement of Mementos who speaks in riddles and soaks up damage like a sponge. Nothing about this fight feels as climactic as the last because the player had no idea they existed until about 15-20 minutes ago. I liked the reveal with Igor and the conversations with the crew in the Velvet Room, but beyond that a confrontation with a shiny god of Some Abstract Proper Noun just feels really lame without any requisite emotional context. Capping him in the face with a three story Glock was pretty cool though, so props for that. And, it sets the stage for the Royal content, the single best arc in the game.
I’d heard the third semester in this game hyped up before I got into the series, and it deserves every bit of praise. Again, it’s like someone at Atlus predicted my comments on the previous final boss and tailor made an arc full of closure and emotional resonance because the characters coming into conflict with each other are people with complex relationships and not just jumbles of polygons with a health bar and an ominous monologue. I love the It’s a Wonderful Life AU aspect of the dream world, making it genuinely difficult to try and turn people like Ann away from this place where they could forget their awful traumas and just be regular teens. I loved seeing Kasumi go from a pretty bland and boring confidant to literally rediscovering herself and becoming a wholly realized person for it. Akechi’s presence in this arc is my favorite in the game and his snide comments and deliciously over the top ferocity in combat shot him up the charts of best characters now that he was able to comfortably go mask off. It’s fantastic hearing him address the Thieves with previously barely concealed and now open contempt, but he reserves the worst barbs for Maruki, who’s so kind and affable that it almost makes you forget how crazy his plan is. Instead of lecturing you to death or getting too heady, he appeals to the same ideals that Joker did in forming the Thieves, creating an interesting foil with motivations that are arguably more noble than the main characters, but that alone cannot justify what he’s done. It’s a tricky situation to unpack, but I think it’s easily the best written part of the game, and left me feeling whole and satisfied by the end.
As exhaustive as this may seem, there are still things left I haven’t even touched on, like that one honestly fucked up scene where Joker leave Ryuji to be assaulted for no reason, or how much better Akechi is than Adachi even though they fill the same role of cop who's actually a secret incel, or the hundreds of smaller quality of life improvements that make the game less of a chore and more of an addictive rush as you get swept up in this other world. My total playtime clocked in at just under 130 hours, an absolutely massive jump from the 75 or so I’d spent with 4, after foolishly assuming I’d knock the sequel out in about a month or so. When I finished the game, I was exhausted, I was ready for it to be over, and wanted to move onto something else, but I was also wistful. I carried within myself the knowledge that I would never play it for the first time again, and consciously or unconsciously I would spend the next few weeks looking for something to fill the Phantom Thief shaped hole in my chest. I had so thoroughly been engrossed in this world and its characters that I don’t quite feel ready to say goodbye, even if the prospect of NG+ still seems daunting. As in some of the best games, like Nier Automata or Red Dead Redemption 2, this first full playthrough feels so complete to me, that it almost seems wrong to go back and disturb the world as I left it, because I played my part, and it’s at peace now.
I had assumed that I would hate an ending where, after everything, Joker moves away. Why, after so much investment and time spent building friendships that would last a lifetime, would he simply go back to nothing? I wasn’t prepared for how natural it would feel. How everyone expressed their desire to grow as people, first beyond the labels others ascribed to them, and then the label of Thief they applied to themselves, to become men and women who could affect society in their own way, wholly distinct from any god given supernatural power. It felt surprisingly mature for the series to advocate for a break from escapism, and instilled within me a desire to move on as well. I have no idea what Persona 6 will look like, but it’s going to be hard to replicate the leap in quality, as they’ve outdone themselves to create what’s become one of my favorite games.
submitted by KinoAndCrabLegs to patientgamers [link] [comments]

The Very obvious Identity Of Red X

Upon reflection, it has become increasingly evident to me that Clownhunter is Red X. We know that the Infinite Frontier posters show both Red X and Damian side by side, and while it can be a case of misdirection I believe that DC has made it pretty apparent who takes up the mantle of Red X. I'd like to state that after seeing Robin quit the mantle of Robin my hope was that Damian would create a new persona akin to Red X in order to be a nice homage to Dick since he respects him very much. This is why when DC surprised us with their announcement of making Red X canon I became very excited.
However, after re-reading Joker war recently I came to the realization that Red X probably wouldn't be Damian. The reason why I believe this is the case is that while it would be cool, It doesn't seem to fit his motif. One of the various themes we've had when a Robin leaves the nest is that they generally keep the theme that accompanied their character. Dick Grayson sticks to the Bird motif that has stuck with him during his inception. To Dick, wearing a bird as a symbol displays how he feels about soaring through the sky and feeling the freedom that accompanies it just like how he used to when he used the trapeze with his parents. A very similar argument can be made about Jason Todd as well. While it's true he did choose the name Red Hood to screw with the Joker, Jason can very much be described as a "Hoodlum/Delinquent". This name also fits his motif of wanting to use a name that previously inspired fear in the heart of Gotham of the past. When you use this knowledge about all the Robins who have graduated from the role, We can see that Red X really doesn't meet any of these established criteria for Damian. From the first moment we see Bao as Clownhunter we see that he very unhinged and very rebellious by nature. He has zero problems with outright murdering people and dropping them from buildings. That sense of rebellion is also present in his costume design as well. Bao's costume is torn and battered beyond compare but also establishes a punk aesthetic that yearns to change a crude society that has zero desire to change. One of the important things to note about his costume are the crosses. The crosses signify Bao's disdain of not only clowns but criminals in general that are running rampant in Gotham. The last time that we see Bao is after he accepts that revenge isn't what he truly desires and he likely seeks help from Leslie Thompkins. So getting this far you might be asking what does this have to do with the identity of Red X? Well let's compare the motif that both costumes share using all the info we know.
Clownhunter and Red X both share the same theme and color scheme. In hindsight it's very obnoxious as well as amusing how on the nose Tynion IV and Jimenez were with trying to hint to readers this would be the case(even his edge-up has an X in it which might be indicative of his obsession with the symbol). I believe now that we have seen what is happening with Infinite Frontier we can also look back at statements made by Tynion IV on his blog. He states that he wishes to make new characters that can contribute to the lore and landscape of Gotham without being held back by multiple continuities and different timelines. He considers Punchline and Clownhunter to be new characters that are the "Future Generation of Gotham" and he has really big plans for the two going into 2021. With all this info I can safely say that I'm confident that Bao is Red X. It shall be rather interesting to see what he plans to do with the character because I believe that he definitely has staying power if used carefully. What do you all think about this? and are you all excited to see what's in store?
For those who are interested in his perspective on the current landscape of comics and how new characters play a part in his plans
submitted by Dark_Sasune to DCcomics [link] [comments]

Batman' Astrology

· Capricorn Sun:- If Batman was real, there is a lot of speculation about his Zodiac Sun Sign. Many have made a technical guess on various information provided about his fictional birthday and even real events and have come to zodiac signs like Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini and in some cases Leo, among which former 3 are most popular with Taurus and Scorpio even making sense. But both fail to explain some key and opposite traits of batman. The only sign to be able to completely make justice to the character graph is of Capricorn and that too in its uniqueness of being born in late December. I mean let’s be honest the people who can change the world have ever only born in December (Jesus Christ himself).
Traits:- Workaholic, detached, lonely, introvert, sarcastic, ambitious and perseverance ,determination, will& Grit, strategist, intellectual.
· Capricorn Moon:-This is a rather popular opinion in contrast with that of this sun placement of batman. There are really only two that come close which are Scorpio moon and Capricorn moon. But there are enough reasons to choose a Capricorn Moon. While Scorpio moon does justify his detective skills, they could be attributed to other placements as well . Moon placements must justify the emotions of the subject. Bad past, Conflicted moral compass, Vengeance, insecure, untrusting , secretiveness, cunningness, kinkiness (Let’s admit it the bad boy is into BDSM),sadness ,loneliness and courage are some of the things that batman has and both signs may explain well, but Capricorn moon gives better reasons. Daddy-mommy issues of batman, his inability to express himself but most importantly his complicated no kill rule, I mean this is where the difference is right, it requires a Capricorn’s discipline to look into the abyss and not blink, to survive space war lords like darkseid, ruthless assassins like deathstroke and not get corrupted by the joker and that too without killing and only on the emotional support of his butler. I mean if batman were a scorpion moon, he would have killed. And then he is more into technical then magic. Scorpio moon may go better with Dr Doom.
· Scorpio Rising:- I think this is the only sign placement that is going to go unchallenged. Batman is Scorpio rising period. He is damn courageous and a risk taker and not afraid of odds, He owns darkness and stealth, he is motivated by vengeance , he is intimidating, magnetic and though I have not ever saw him having sex, I am sure Talia and selina will comply this guy is an animal in bed whenever and how rarely he has sex. He is detached, cruel but really he is mysterious, and damn intimidating, he radiates fear wherever he goes. He lives with powerful aliens, magical beings, gods and they all fear him and respect him. Scorpio rising is what differentiates a batman from a green arrow (a wannabe robin hood). In simple terms with all his insecurities and flaws he is perceived as invincible. Only an evolved Scorpio rising can manage to do that( This guy strong armed darkseid into a negotiation once). The only character who ever comes close is deathstroke, and he too maybe a Scorpio rising.
· MC Leo:- To understand this we need to understand his goals, what he wants to achieve, what he really wants is to put fear into the mind of criminals so that they never even attempt to commit a crime. This symbol of fear that he wants to become is in a very dark way he’s way of saying I want to get so famous in criminals that when they should always be scared of committing a crime because of my fear. Strategically speaking maybe that’s why he lets his victims live, to advertise his feats and promote his scary image to scare others. And he has definitely rose to that reputation rather quickly. Look at how amazingly and with ease he portrays the playboy persona of Bruce Wayne, telling us that he is a great actor who can manage to convey what he wants from audience. In simple terms you can love him or hate him but you cannot ignore him.
· **Saturn Aries:-**This could be conflicted for Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra but… even though he is not a people’s person he is a leader a influencer and an inspirer. Firstly he is the patriarch of Bat –family. To lead such talented individuals you need to have Saturn in Aries. He is also a founding member and one of the DC trinity. If justice league was an organization , he would not have been the chairman ,that is more of superman actually (Face of the league, embodies values, he is more people friendly simply better placed to do that with his god like powers) but Batman is definitely the CEO of the JL. He is the strategist ,he understands the members better and he is the only one who can keep this god like creatures in check. I think it is pretty natural for him because he is simply operating with more information than anybody else.
· Mercury Sagittarius:- Mercury in Sagittarius tells us about a guy being an adventurer in terms of his intellect. Basically a polymath. He is not the best scientist/inventor or best magician, best business man but he is second best or third best in most of the things and yes he is the best detective undisputedly . He may not know the magic to fight a guy with, but knows enough to make strategic decisions to send which magician in a particular situation would flair best. He has acquired skills in a range of areas form criminal psychology, detective skills and torture, fighting, mind and body training, stealth, magic, chemistry, alien biology, science and inventions , medicine , you name it. People with mercury in Sagittarius are often expected to study more than normal and for often longer periods and different subjects.
· Venus Aquarius:- Batman’s Love life is as complicated as the man himself. It is conflicted, but has its movements of highs and lows with extreme passions. From sacrificing themselves to kill him, his lovers have done everything for him. Venus in Aquarius also explains how he has so many love interests in spite of his workaholic and detached IDGAF attitude. And his lovers are extreme, the choices within themselves, I mean from Talia –the daughter of demon to Wonder woman the daughter of gods. He has a complicated relationship with all as he cannot settle down, he knows that but he still manages to fall for girls, coming close to marrying selina Kyle and Talia on different occasions. He even has children with many of them in many alternate universes but he does not want to settle. Variety is the first word that comes in mind when we talk about a Venus in Aquarius, and he has it. Also, nature of going against social traditions of conceiving children without marriage and be okay about it( he publicly accepted Damien Wayne as his biological son). He’s basic outlook of family is untraditional and is not conserved to blood relations. Why he accepts them (Bat woman, Damien Wayne), he has place for others who are not his relatives (Night wing, Alfred, Gordon, Barbara, Jason , luscious fox and all of them). He has had his fare shares of heartbreak only deepening his pain. Venus in Aquarius is not considered a good placement. It is said ,that only after a lot of sacrifice can a Venus in Aquarius have his soul mate. Sometimes the possibility of relationship with the person’s soul mate itself is the sacrifice. Batman has many lovers, but we all know that his soul mate is cat woman. He too knows it, and so does she, but they both know they cannot be together.
· **Mars Aquarius:-**Mars in Aquarius is a placement that keeps the person at extremes of both ends. On one hand he can go celibate for years ,almost asexual and in others he can be into Dark, kinky BDSM marathon sex satisfying the lover to a point that the partner will never find another person as satisfactory. They could be animals in bed ,enjoying the act like no other and still go celibate because they simply prioritize other things in life over sex. This can be frustrating to partners. This placement also tells us how unorthodox the person satisfies their own high sexual needs. Having sex, without marriage. Strictly speaking only a Venus in Scorpio and mars has the power to match the intensity of those sensual marathon runs on one day and then not have sex for weeks (they are open to other ways-alternate partners, porn etc).
· Pluto Sagittarius:- Pluto in Sagittarius explains the persons’ acceptance towards more darker and sensitive topics. Pluto in Sagittarius are astrologically best placements to accepting truths as they are in every situations. They have problems when they do discover their own limitations and insecurities and they will, and they will be hurt when they do but will survive with it, and in a way that it makes them more accepting of others as well. Batman has been more accepting and capable of absorbing pain more than anyone else. His complicated philosophy and conflicted ideas , in general he’s very complex. He is untrusting of people’s character but mostly accepting of them with their flaws in general. Maybe that’s the reason why he has not gone insane even after dealing with the idealists like superman and wonder woman and anarchist like joker. There could not have been any other guy having an equation with both without getting mad. It needs a Pluto in Sagittarius for this.
· Jupiter Aquarius:- Jupiter in Aquarius native can be best described with one word-unique. Batman was always going to have Aquarius influence in him. And Jupiter in Aquarius does the job. While it does support his mercury in Sagittarius in becoming a polymath and absorbing knowledge from everywhere, Jupiter at times allows him to accept ideas and solutions that other times may seem too big. He’s out of the box thinking is what has enabled him to come up with a plan to take down all of JL members if the need arose. While he is a perfect strategist, he is quick thinker who has many times displayed he can be spontaneous. Jupiter in Aquarius’s greatest contribution to his character is best seen in his decision to take path of vigilantism to fight crime and doing so with the no kill rule. Other decisions where it is visible is in him choosing children as his sidekicks, or his plans to take down JLA, and etc.
· **Uranus Aquarius:-**Another planet in Aquarius ,and we are wondering why this man is a genius or a rebel, I think we should have been more surprised if any native with that much of Aquarius is not either of the above. This placement majorly supports batman’s inclination towards technology and being more open about people. All in all since Uranus is in home sign it is being positive here
· Neptune Capricorn:- Neptune tells us about one’s desire and batman’s desire though seems to be vengeance (Neptune Scorpio, it is strictly speaking his motivation.) He goes every night out to extract his revenge ,he many times even encounters situations where he can , but he chooses not too. Because if he will, then he will lose the motivation to come back next night and his goals ,his true desire will not be accomplished. Capricorn is a sign which provides batman with the focus he needs to achieve his rather unrealistic goals. With whatever pain and abilities his fate due to other planet holds, it is Neptune in Capricorn that allows him to go out and work irrespective of the complications in hand.
· Lilith Libra:- Lilith deals with demons within oneself, one’s relationship with one self. Batman does not have a very healthy relationship with himself. In simpler terms we may like what he is, but he himself is disappointed in himself. Many will argue that this is not true, but it actually is. He has once said “Deep down inside Clark is a good person , and deep down inside I am not”. Batman does not consider himself a good person, worthy of his parents. He takes very little care of himself, is highly self-critical and angry with himself. Batman’s many issues are with his disappointment within himself. Maybe that’s why he has so hard time making relations, he simply does not feel he deserves a true love like cat woman or wonder woman. Lilith in Libra also indicate problems in relations and he does have them with all his lovers. Considering his self-criticizing nature ,problems in self-acceptance and dark love angles he seems perfect for Lilith in Libra. He is tested on ethics, personal relationships and Lilith in Libra also gives a hint of kinkiness.
· North Node Virgo:- north node in Virgo means south node in Pisces. This takes care of one more important shade of batman which has not been discussed above. His struggle to balance order and chaos. His ideological enemy joker is the agent of chaos, and he himself is the knight of order. Batman’s this war of order vs. chaos definitely explains his complicated relationship with the clown.

Batman other characters:- astrology

· Bane- sun in cancemoon in Taurus/ascendant in Aries:- Bane has influence of water sign along with his tough earth appearance, personally he is caring. He cared for his mother, he cared for his father so much that he was looking for him after he got out of jail. Bane personally is an anti-hero, and that is because he cares. He is capable of making friends, Sinister six storylines have covered this part about bane in detail. I even suspect his mars in cancer. Ascendant in Aries is undisputed, that body , baldness he is an Aries ascendant . What makes the character what he is will be his moon in Taurus. This man has jealeaousy issues and he is ambitious to the point of obsession with the batman . He does not want to rule Gotham, he wants to beat Batman. That is his greatest feat, breaking the bat. He is like “everything you can do batman, I can do better”. That is the only goal in his life. From the time he heard of batman in the prison in Pena Dura (Santa Prisca).
· Talia Al Ghul:- **Virgo Sun/Moon in Taurus/ascendant in Aries:-**Talia was tricky. I had to choose by elimination. She is not too much in justice so no Libra, not too caring so no cancer, not too strong minded to be Aries (she could be influenced), cap, Pisces, Gemini ,Leo ,Sagittarius are not even close. That leaves Scorpio,Taurus,virgo and Aquarius. She is not a Scorpio, because Scorpios are anything but confused. They are decisive and usually one’s to manipulate. Scorpio could be at other places, in fact it may be both her Venus and mars are in Scorpio. I mean ,this explains why she is sexually compatible with batman (her interests in kink).And as I realized this I knew she is not an Aquarius. Taurus and Virgo were tough. Taurus enjoys pleasure, but Virgo can become one’s pleasure. Talia never choose batman for the pleasure ,she choose him because he was the best. Her decision was analytical, practical and not motivated by pleasure. And this explains it. Also, it needs a Virgo influence for Talia to become batman ‘s sub(Capricorn) They are into BDSM, and she is his most obedient sub, (at least in the bed). Her moon is in taurus.I truly believe that Taurus is why While she never choose him for pleasure, after choosing it she has derived it from him, and many times. She is jealous of cat woman, and many other lovers of batman. She is ambitious (being leader of league of assassins is her destiny, but that leader being batman is her ambition.) And in doing so she go to such lengths that she had a baby with him. Taurus moon made her so ambitious and ruthless, that she kills, but also that she made her own 8 year old son into a killing machine. Ascendant in Aries, goes with her. She does have a perfectly sensual figure . But under her clothes on her bare skin she has her share of cuts and bullet marks , which is to extreme for a girl. She is confident in who she is, but delusional and of course confused. But Sensual, while on the surface, batman and she look compatible, even sexually, she simply lacks self control against lust and killing due to strong Scorpio in Venus and mars, which is the root cause of her problems with batman.
· Night wing - Pisces sun, Taurus moon, Gemini ascendant :- against batman,nightwing is rather a less complicated person. He is more friendly and sorted. He has retained a certain innocence and cool persona against batman’s. He is neither extreme nor obsessed with anything. He sees his life as an act of his contribution against the bad, unlike batman who feels he had too. Pisces sun and Gemini ascendant explain his much better social abilities. Taurus moon makes him ambitious, may be to simply be the next batman. But Pisces sun gives him the wisdom and humility to understand that he can’t. Taurus moon makes him lusty ,and fortunate to have two beautiful and sexy women in his life (Kori and Barbara)
·**Cat woman-Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon and Capricorn ascendant:-** Cat woman is a tough placement. You know there is a Scorpio there, but so is a cancer, Pisces and Capricorn. But then you feel why not a Leo ,Libra or a Gemini. But in the end I came to a conclusion and the repo she shares with batman. If he truly is a Capricorn, then only a Scorpio can do that. Scorpio sun goes with her. She is dark, mysterious and sensual. But unlike how a Libra would, she uses her sensuality as a weapon. She is deceiving, manipulative she is complex but calm as well. What makes her a Scorpio the most is her ability to absorb batman’s darkness completely. She is the only person in this world, who loves him for exactly what he is:-a broken child whose parents were killed in front of him, and since that day he has endured only pain and suffering. Talia loves batman for his strength, and for what he could be. Zattana feels she could repair this broken man, and then he will become the ultimate love. Ivy thinks of batman in a similar fashion as Talia, wonder woman is impressed by how this man beats the odds , his courage and thinks may be the world today needs a man like him. But only cat woman truly cares and understands the man he is within. Only she has ever told him like Alfred has, that in spite of his methods being wrong, whatever Bruce does, he has too. Otherwise he will die, in his own guilt. She is not critical of it, but rather understanding of it as is Alfred. Only a person equally complex can understand this, how batman’s existence is justified. And this gives her Capricorn moon. Scorpio moons are power hungry, she is not. Though she does cross the line and kills, it is not because of Capricorn moon’s inability to control her, it is rather a collective control of her Capricorn ascendant and Capricorn moon that she can kill and still stay sane. She unlike batman knows that some people have to die. She is decisive, and is not scared of this truth( like captain America). Her Venus is in Libra, making her beautiful and at the same time compatible with batman and mars in either Aquarius or Gemini to not giving sleeping with a lover that much of importance. I am betting on Gemini since she falls in love when she is being taught, After all She was in a relationship with wildcat who taught her how to fight.


· Poison Ivy:- Aquarius Sun, cancer moon, Taurus ascendant
· Superman:- Scorpio Sun, Capricorn moon and Leo ascendant
· Wonder woman:- Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn/Sagittarius ascendant
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persona 5 joker true name video

Related: Persona 5 Strikers Preview - One Last Surprise. Akira Kurusu is Joker’s name in the Persona 5 manga, which is why certain people have been led to believe that it’s his canon name in the game. However, Ren Amamiya was used in the official anime series based on the game, as well as in Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight. Community for Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal Do not post P5R spoilers outside of the megathread Persona 5 is a role-playing game in which players live out a year in the life of a high school boy who gains the ability to summon facets of his psyche, known as Personas. Last Updated: December 15, 2019 There has never been a true origin that explains who the Joker is, with a number of conflicting backstories being proposed. The first came in a 1951 issue of Detective Comics, where the character was formerly an unnamed laboratory worker who dons a Red Hood to become a thief. He falls in a vat of chemicals following a confrontation with Batman, resulting in his ... One is the name he was born with (which is as meaningless to us as John Smith) one is the Joker – his public persona or stage name, and one is the name of the identity that embodies the impulses that drive him, like in the Batman Animated Series – Harvey Dent’s other personality was “Big Harv”. Post a Reply Persona 5 Royal saw the introduction of a brand new character and Phantom Thief - Kasumi Yoshizawa. An energetic and talented first-year, the gymnast and honor student quickly befriends Joker. As the story goes on and her tragic backstory is revealed, Joker helps the young girl to embrace her true identity as Sumire and eventually join the Phantom Thieves, adopting the code name "Violet." The bespectacled hero of Persona 5 has a name in the official manga: Akira Kurusu. (Given name Akira, Family name Kurusu). Everyone in voice clips will still refer to him as "this guy" or "Joker ... Jack Napier, you’ll remember, is the same name of the man who eventually becomes the Joker in Tim Burton’s Batman from 1989, meaning that in a way, we’ve known the Joker’s true identity ... I like the Akira Kurusu name, but knowing what I know from Persona 3 and 4, they are going to change in eventually. It's like having a really nice pet I don't want to get attached to. As such, I avoided naming him that in my playthroughs, but watching the playthroughs of others have given him that name. That is true. But people will still refer to this name as the "canon" (by which they mean "commonly referred to in games/anime" or "universal name so everyone knows who we're talking about"). You can still say Akira, you can say Ren, you can say P5MC, or Joker. It doesn't matter we all know who we're talking about. XP For Persona 5 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Good name for Joker?".

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