jugar in English English Spanish Translator Nglish by ...

jugar in english

jugar in english - win

Tribute in English (No debes jugar)

I thought of putting the song in English for singing
......, No debes jugar ......
My darling, I am not a toy no
I think I had enough of your games
My baby, this is not fair
You know I'm not here for serve you
You think it's easy with my love always to play
But very soon I will lay you on your place
You should not be playing with my love
You should not be playing with my heart
If you love me or not then tell me now
For me to follow my own life
My darling, you know that I love you
And I gave my all to you babe
My baby, I am not your doll
That you wind up when you want to
You think that I'm just a yes or no
what will you say when I answer with goodbye
Chorus ...
submitted by pepito001 to SelenaQuintanilla [link] [comments]

Hola tengo 23 dm hace 1 año. Busco grupo de personas para jugar, no importa nivel de experiencia dispuesto a enseñar. Si sos de Argentina mejor. 5 th edition únicamente. If u Need this text in english send me a message.

submitted by Trinchecarlovich to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

Offering: English (California) Seeking: Spanish -- let's read and improve!

I'm a 30f female from California that also lived in a Spanish speaking country a bit! I'd like to practice Spanish speaking, but also... I happen to have a copy of a book ("The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho) that I think would be fun to take turns reading in both languages--I have digital copies of both the English & Spanish versions!
When I'm not reading, I like to drink coffee, go hiking, play with my puppies, travel, do silly things, listen to music (so much!), sing, and go on adventures!
I hope to connect with someone and learn together!
Soy una chica de 30 y vivo en California. Vivia un rato en un pais donde hablen espanol. Me gustaria practicar de hablar... pero tambien pienso que seria very nice leer juntos--tengo copias digitales de "El Alquimista" de Paulo Coelho en espanol y ingles!
Cuando no estoy leyendo, me gusta beber cafe, explorar la naturaleza, jugar con mis perritas, viajar, hacer cosas graciosas, escuchar musica (muchisimo!), cantar, y encontrar aventuras!
Ojala que podriamos hablar juntos!
submitted by honeyinyourtea to language_exchange [link] [comments]

Problema con TF2, "Actualizando configuración..."

ENGLISH by u/Warrior712 (thanks man)
"Since the last Smismass update every time i open the game, the little square that say 'Loading TF2' now says 'updating configuration' . However the games starts normally, without problems, can join and play, the problem is that every time i left the server and try to join to another the game crashes, it happens usually, it crashes without reason" I wanna know if someone has the same problem, i tried:
-Delete all the config
-Delete all the content on the custom carpet
-Use the "autoconfig" in the launch parameters.
Hope you can help me u.u"
Hola a toda la comunidad en español, estoy que sufro de un problema en TF2 poco común para mis 6 años que llevo jugando, les pongo en contexto:
En la última update de Smissmas 2020 me percaté que en el cuadro de texto al abrir el juego que normalmente dice "Preparándose para iniciar Team Fortress 2..." decía "Actualizando configuración...". El juego se iniciaba normal, sin problemas, entraba a jugar a un servidor casual y todo bien, el problema es el siguiente, luego de que abandono un servidor y trato de entrar a otro EL JUEGO SE CRASHEA! Es de manera continua, luego de una partida terminada y empiezo a buscar otra PUM, se crashea sin razón alguna.
Quisiera saber si alguien tiene el mismo problema que yo, hasta ahora no conozco una solución para este dilema que no me deja jugar en paz, aquí dejo mi lista de cosas que intenté pero no funcionan:
-Reinstalar el juego desde 0.
-Borrar todas las configuraciones (.cfg)
-Eliminar contenido dentro de la carpeta custom
-Aplicar el "-autoconfig" dentro de parámetros de lanzamiento
Espero su ayuda u.u
submitted by MrSpidey14 to tf2 [link] [comments]

Offering: English, Friendship / Seeking: Spanish

(Castellano abajo) Hello all, Im a 20 year old male from the United States. I grew up speaking both English and Spanish in a bilingual school. I eventually started to move between the US and Spain but dont have many chances to speak Spanish. I would like someone who would be willing to simply talk a bit just so I can retain this part of me. I like sports, music, playing videogames, movies, art, traveling, and much more!
Hola a todos, soy chico con 20 de los EEUU. Había crecido con castellano e inglés en una escuela bilingüe pero cuando me fui de la escuela empecé de perder el castellano. He vivido entre los EEUU y España pero ahora vivo en los EEUU y no tengo oportunidades de hablar en castellano así que me gustaría encontrar alguien que quiere hablar en castellano/inglés para que no pierda mi idioma. Me gusta viajar, idiomas, jugar a videojuegos, cine, arte, música, deportes y mas! Si tienes nivel de catalán +1 punto jaja Prefiero castellano de españa pero la vdd me da igual. Muchas gracias a todos
submitted by dimrover to language_exchange [link] [comments]

Jugar Orna en Bluestacks de modo apaisado (horizontal)

Jugar Orna en Bluestacks de modo apaisado (horizontal)
Buenas noches gente, vengo a dejar esta consulta, ya que desde hace tiempo estoy jugando a Orna RPG, y estoy intentando configurarlo en mi Bluestacks, para poder jugar en la pc cuándo estoy en casa. El problema que estoy teniendo es para lograr que el juego se vea siempre de manera horizontal (apaisado) o modo tablet como dice en el Bluestacks.
A veces me lo toma y se ve así, pero cierro la aplicación y muchas veces me lo abre en manera vertical, como si estuviera jugando desde un celular.
Y cuándo le doy al boton rotar, me deja la pantalla de costado.
Si alguien tiene por ahí el conocimiento y me puede dar una mano para poder configurar esto, les estaría eternamente agradecido!

Un abrazo grande!

Good evening people, I have come to leave this query, since I have been playing Orna RPG for a long time, and I am trying to configure it in my Bluestacks, to be able to play on the pc when I am at home. The problem I am having is to ensure that the game always looks horizontal (landscape) or tablet mode as it says in the Bluestacks. Sometimes I take it and it looks like this, but I close the application and many times it opens it vertically, as if I were playing from a cell phone. And when I hit the rotate button, it leaves the screen on its side. If anyone has the knowledge out there and can give me a hand to configure this, I would be eternally grateful!
A big hug!

submitted by MatiDestinado to OrnaRPG [link] [comments]

A couple grammar related preguntas

I'm using duolingo a lot, and it explains nothing about grammar, their method is to just learn through repetition.
Take the sentence "A ellas no les interesa jugar al tenis".
1) is this like saying, in English: "to they, no them interested playing (to/of) the tennis". Is this how these words translate out?
1.b) is the "personal a", or "al" in this sentence, does a Spanish speaker see the personal as meaning "to", "of" or is it more like a silent punctuation that doesn't mean anything at all?
submitted by HopeThatHalps_ to learnspanish [link] [comments]

ENG+ESP Possible Bug Compilation and UX Problems from PS4 Genshin Impact

Hello everyone, I'll write this publication in Spanish and English so that we can all understand it, in Spanish it will be published with a (-) and English with (+)
(+) I have been collecting some errors or possible bugs in the game since the release and I thought about commenting on them here in case it happened to someone else or its my game.
First of all, all this data came from the experience on ps4 so I do not know how it will affect PC and if we share the same bugs between platforms.
1- Some menus in the game are very difficult and frustrating to use, many times it does not detect the joystick until you spam up and down with it, a good example can be found in the expedition menu. We can also find problems in the inventory menu where navigating between tabs becomes very tedious since you cannot go fast between them.
2- In dropdowns, such as when you choosing a set in the artifact filters, the selection of these is detected in the middle of the list, although the selection is actually in the first place, this can be fixed by pressing several times down button until the vision restarts, I think this is a big problem specially for new players, when I started playing on more than one occasion I restarted the game, spending so much the time between load screens. Other examples I have found in the character selection dropdowns when synthesizing materials or creating weapons in the forge.
3- In the map interface, the cursor selection is not correctly centered, which makes it difficult to navigate, visualize or select teleportation points.
4- The objects collected in the world have a delay to be detected and collected, which has caused me on more than one occasion to lose loot from monsters or domains, thinking that it had been collected correctly.
5- In combat, especially in coop domains, when you use bow characters I found errors in aimed shots:
After making a charged attack and dashing , the next charged attack that I perform is automatically canceled, which is very frustrating in terms of fighting with enemies such as ruin guardians, on many occasions I have not been able to stun them because of this error.
Another main error I find when the game suffers a big drop frame rate, the character automatically perform charged attacks without pressing any button, which affects my efficiency and teamwork in the domains.
6- When entering other player worlds in coop I have noticed that my character is loaded in the host's world when my game had not finished loading yet because of the long load times, which on many occasions has caused me to enter a world and find my character defeated. This is caused when my character appear in a part of the map where the enemies spawn.
7- Playing domains in coop I have noticed that if the host has sent us an invitation and we have not yet loaded in the world, in the moment we when accepting it, it will cause an error for which I will not be able to join the party and the invitation will remain pending. This error can be resolved by closing the domain group and re-forming it. This error gets me kicked out of that player's world for looking like my character is afk, which means experiencing a lot of loading screens due to that bug.
I hope that some of these errors have some kind of solution or help others to detect errors in the game
(-) He estado recopilando algunos datos de errores o posibles bugs del juego desde la salida y he pensado en comentarlos por aquí por si a alguien más le pasaba o es cosa de mi juego.
En primer lugar comentar que todos estos datos los hago desde la experiencia en una PS4 así que no se como afectará en PC y si compartimos los mismos bugs entre plataformas.
1- Los menús del juego son muy difíciles y frustrantes de usar, muchas veces no detecta el joystick hasta que no spameas direcciones con el, un buen ejemplo lo podemos encontrar en la ventana de expediciones. También podemos encontrar problemas en el menú de inventario donde navegar entre pestañas se hace muy tedioso ya que no se puede ir rápido entre ellas.
2- Al encontrarnos con listas desplegables como por ejemplo al elegir un set en los filtros de artefactos la selección de estos se detecta en el medio de la lista aunque realmente la selección este en el primer lugar, esto puede arreglarse bajando la selección hasta que se reinicia la visión de la lista, esto puede ser un gran problema, sobre todo para nuevos jugadores, cuando empecé a jugar en más de una ocasión reinicie el juego, gastando mucho tiempo entre pantallas de carga. Otros ejemplos los he encontrado en los desplegables de selección de personaje al sintetizar materiales o crear armas en la forja.
3- En la interfaz del mapa la selección del cursor no se centra adecuadamente lo que dificulta la navegación, visión de éste y poder seleccionar los puntos de teletransporte.
4- Los objetos a recoger por el mundo tienen un retraso para ser detectados y para ser recogidos lo que me ha causado en más de una ocasión perder recompensas de monstruos o dominios pensando que había sido recogido correctamente.
5- En combate, especialmente en dominios usando el multijugador, al llevar personajes que utilicen arcos me he encontrado errores en cuanto a los disparos cargados, uno de los principales hace que después de realizar un ataque cargado y hacer un dash, el siguiente ataque cargado que realice se cancele automáticamente, lo que resulta muy frustrante en cuanto a combatir con enemigos como los guardianes de las ruinas, en muchas ocasiones no he podido aturdirles por causa de este error.
Otro error principal lo encuentro cuando el juego sufre una gran bajada de frames el personaje apunta para realizar un ataque cargado automáticamente sin que pulse ningún botón, lo que afecta mi eficiencia en el trabajo en equipo en los dominios.
6- Al entrar en mundos de otros jugadores en cooperativo he notado que lo personaje se carga en el mundo del host cuando mi partida aún no había terminado de cargar a causa de los largos tiempos de carga, lo que en muchas ocasiones me ha causado el entrar en un mundo y encontrar a mi personaje derrotado al encontrarme en una parte del mapa donde se encuentran enemigos
7- Jugando dominios en coop he notado que si el anfitrión nos ha enviado una invitación y aún no hemos cargado en el mundo, en el momento en que la aceptemos, causará un error por el cual no podré unirme al equipo y la invitación quedará como pendiente. Este error se puede resolver cerrando el grupo de dominio y volviéndolo a formar.
Esto ha provocado que me echen del mundo de ese jugador por parecer que mi personaje está afk, lo que significa sufrir muchas pantallas de carga a causa de este error.
Espero que alguno de estos errores tenga algún tipo de solución o que ayude a otros a detectar errores en el juego
submitted by pixelcharls to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]


Estar achicopalado significa estar desanimado, triste o deprimido. Esta palabra se usa en México y en Honduras. Personalmente siento que tiene un tinte menos fuerte a decir . Estar triste es una cosa seria, pero estar achicopalado no lo es tanto. Yo diría: Estoy triste porque murió mi hámster; pero diría: Estoy achicopalado porque se acabó mi serie favorita. Sí estoy desanimado porque una serie que me gustaba mucho llegó a su fin, pero no es para tanto. No voy a llorar ni voy a quedarme en cama todo el día; queda bien en situaciones en las que podría parecer ridículo estar triste por algo. Esta palabra me da más libertad de jugar con su significado sin caer en el humor negro.
¿Qué te achicopala?, ¿qué haces cuando una persona está achicopalada?, cuando te sientes achicopalado, ¿qué haces?, y ¿qué recomiendas para dejar de estar achicopalado?
Adjetivo: Achicopalado / achicopalada / achicopalados / achicopaladas
Verbo: Todas sus conjugaciones.
Expresiones: No se me achicopale que todo va a estar bien compadre.
If you want to make a comment, write below. If you want to write about this topic, make a new post with the title “Streak [number]: [topic]”
As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Temas del Día on the top menu.
Remember, if you didn’t write yesterday, your streak number is 1!
Beginners, don't hesitate to write. Making mistakes is how you learn.
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submitted by Dieguito36278 to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

[EN/ES] APEX STREAM - Stream today, Stream mañana.

Hi people! I have a stream on twitch on Mondays thru Friday and I'd love to see you there, I like to play Apex Legends, I hope you can come and say hi!
Twitch: Twitch.tv/Aris_X
Stream starts at 09:00 (I'm in USA). EST (Eastern Time) - UTC to EST -5 hours.
Hola gente! Tengo un stream en twitch de lunes a viernes y me gustaría verlos allí, me gusta jugar Apex Legends mas que nada, espero que puedan venir y saludar!
Twitch: Twitch.tv/Aris_X
El stream comienza a las 09:00 (Estoy en USA). EST (Eastern Time) - UTC to EST -5 hours.
submitted by ArisHidalgo to apexlegends [link] [comments]

¡¿Hay alguna manera de jugar con dos amigos?! Is there a way to play with two friends?

¡¿Hay alguna manera de jugar con dos amigos?! Is there a way to play with two friends?
Primero que nada perdón por el inglés, voy a usar google Translate así puedo llegar a más personas.First of all, sorry for the English, I'm going to use Google Translate so I can reach more people.

Estoy hace unos días intentando buscar la solución, quiero jugar con dos amigos y vi una imagen hace un año donde al parecer se ve que dos personas se unieron a la señal de este tipo, puede que haya sido un error pero no encontré más información sobre el tema, hace unas horas estoy buscando vídeos, foros, todo, absolutamente todo y no encontré nada, hasta me puse a revisar en los archivos del juego a ver si encontraba algún número que pueda cambiar el límite de usuarios, pero nada y me rindo, vengo aquí a ver si alguien tiene más información del tema y de paso poder ayudar a las personas que estén en mi misma situación.
I've been trying to find the solution for a few days, I want to play with two friends and I saw an image a year ago where it seems that two people joined the signal of this type, it may have been an error but I did not find more information about the subject, a few hours ago I am looking for videos, forums, everything, absolutely everything and I did not find anything, I even started to check the game files to see if I found any number that could change the user limit, but nothing and I give up , I come here to see if someone has more information on the subject and incidentally to be able to help people who are in the same situation.

Se agradece todo lo que puedan aportar
Everything you can contribute is appreciated
submitted by Andresczyk to codevein [link] [comments]

Comunidad Latina/Española en Final Fantasy XIV

English First, Spanish Below
Hi again o/
This is a yearly remindeupdate about the Latin/Spanish Speaking community in FFXIV.
With the recent influx of new players, many Spanish speaking people might wonder where is the community playing? what servers to choose? or if there is FFXIV content in their language.
Yes theres is a community in the game although spread across servers/worlds and DATA CENTERS, Aether-Primal-Crystal for NA and Chaos-Light for EU.
Bit of context each DATA CENTER is a host of multiple servers/worlds and as September 2020 you CAN travel, buy items, meet and play with other people in other servers/worlds.
Now if your looking for groups depending in your play-style, Nationality, amount of people playing, i can point some servers but that’s unofficial info and is based just in opinions.
(This is regarding the Latin/Spanish community)
For NA-AETHER DATA CENTER you can find the biggest Spanish/Latin community in the Cactuar Server and some more in Sargatanas, Gilgamesh and Jenova.
For NA-PRIMAL DATA CENTER the community is found in the servers Hyperion and Lamia, and a bit on other servers like Exodus, Famfrit and Ultros.
For NA-CRYSTAL DATA CENTER is a bit spread between servers, you can find FCs in Molboro, Zalera, Coeurl, Brynhildr and Balmung.
For EU-CHAOS DATA CENTER this is the recommended Data Center for European players, big communities found in Moogle and Ragnarok servers and a bit of people in Omega too.
For EU-LIGHT DATA CENTER For European players too, a growing community can be found in Zodiark, Phoenix, Licht.
As for other resources you can find lots of facebook groups, open and closed, closed ones are generally Free Companies groups; some Data Centers groups got in game cross server chats and social boards called cross-world Linkshells and Fellowships.
There are lots of Discord servers most of them available via direct invite from Free Company officials etc, as guides in the language? yes they exist, there are YouTube videos explaining boss mechanics etc. Best option is you join a FC for the Discord server link, they usually have everything organized in the servers.
Here are links for Discord Servers that might help you in your journey.
Europe has a Dis server for both EU-CHAOS & LIGHT DATA CENTER
for AETHER DATA CENTER i could help get in touch with FC officials, for CRYSTAL i don’t have much info on Discord servers, theres is a FC list though.
Last thing would be that if you know of someone looking for our community tell them there is one!
Thank you.
Version en Español
Hola de nuevo o/
Este es un recordatorio anual sobre las comunidades Latina/Hispano hablante en FFXIV.
Con la masiva entrada de nuevos jugadores, mucha gente de habla Hispana se estara preguntando donde juega la comunidad? que servidor elijo? o si hay contenido de FFXIV en español.
Si hay una comunidad en el juego, aunque esta esparcida por varios servidores y DATA CENTERS, Aether-Primal-Crystal en Norte America y Chaos-Light en Europa.
Pequeña explicación, cada DATA CENTER tiene varios servidores/mundos y a la fecha Septiembre del 2020 se puede viajar, comprar items, encontrarse y jugar con gente de otros servidores a traves de los servidores/mundos.
Bueno ahora si estan buscando grupos de acuerdo a su estilo de juego, nacionalidad, cantidad de gente jugando etc puedo darles algunas indicaciones pero es solo info basada en lo que se ve por encima.
Para NA-AETHER DATA CENTER se encuentran las comunidades Latinas más grandes en el servidor de Cactuar, algunos mas en Sargatanas, Gilgamesh y Jenova.
Para NA-PRIMAL DATA CENTER La comunidad se encuentra en los servidores de Hyperion y Lamia, otros pocos en Exodus, Famfrit y Ultros.
Para NA-CRYSTAL DATA CENTER están un poco esparcidos por el Data Center, se puede encontrar gente en Molboro, Zalera, Coeurl, Brynhildr y Balmung.
Para EU-CHAOS DATA CENTER Este es el Data Center recomendado para los jugadores Europeos, comunidades grandes en los servidores de Moogle y Ragnarok con algunos mas en Omega.
Para EU-LIGHT DATA CENTER Para jugadores Europeos también, la comunidad esta creciendo y se puede encontrar gente en Zodiark, Phoenix, Licht.
En cuanto a otros lugares donde encontrar grupos, en facebook se encuentran muchos grupos, unos abiertos y otros cerrados, los cerrados son generalmente grupos de FCs; algunos Data Centers tienen grupos de chat dentro del juego y grupos Sociales que se llaman cross-world Linkshells y Fellowships.
Hay varios servidores de Discord, muchos son solo con invitación directa de oficiales de las Free Companies etc, la parte de las guías del juego en Español? si existen, hay videos de YouTube explicando las mecánicas del juego etc. La mejor opción es que se unan a una FC para que tengan los links de los servidores, en esos Discords tienen toda la info bien organizada.
Acá les dejo unos links de servidores de Discord que les pueden ayudar.
Europa tiene un Discord para los dos Data Centers EU-CHAOS & LIGHT DATA CENTER
En cuanto a AETHER DATA CENTER les puedo ayudar comunicarse con oficiales de las Free Companies, para Crystal no tengo info en servidores de Discord pero hay una lista de Free Companies si quieren info.
Por último es que si conocen de alguien que este buscando la comunidad pasen la voz y díganles que si existimos!
submitted by Tsalel to ffxiv [link] [comments]

Overview topics/tips in Spanish tree

Since I couldn't find a list like this yet, I have created an overview of which lesson in the Spanish tree has which tips/teaches which topics*. This way, it's easier to find the right lesson if you want to practice a specific topic or want to read the tips about something again.
If there are any errors, please let me know and I'll edit this post. Also, I tried my best with the grammatical terms, but there could very well be errors in it (especially with the direct vs. indirect objects, I always have trouble telling which is which).
*These are only the topics that are mentioned in the tips, a lot of these lessons also teach some other things that are not mentioned in the tips section, so if you know some of those, feel free to let me know and I'll add them
Before first checkpoint
Checkpoint 1
Checkpoint 2
Checkpoint 3
Checkpoint 4
Checkpoint 5
No tips
Checkpoint 6
I'm guessin no tips either, but haven't unlocked it yet, so I could be wrong.
submitted by monkeymaniac9 to duolingo [link] [comments]

Fps limitados a 60 / Fps limited to 60

ES / Español
Hola, les vengo a contar un poco sobre mi problema y ver si me pueden ayudar a resolverlo. Lo que pasa es que me gusta mucho el juego Minecraft, Me gustan muchos sus modalidades y servidores online que tiene, pero ese no es el tema. Lo que pasa es que al jugar los fps se limitan a 60, en la configuración de vídeo de el juego tengo los fps ilimitados (+60), si alguien me puede ayudar a que se reflejen mas de 60 fps, se lo agradecería muchísimo,
Gracias a los que leyeron esto...
EN / English
Hello, I come to tell you a little about my problem and see if you can help me solve it.
What happens is that I really like the game Minecraft, I like its modalities and online servers that it has, but that is not the issue. What happens is that when playing the fps are limited to 60, in the video configuration of the game I have unlimited fps (+60), if someone can help me to reflect more than 60 fps, I would appreciate it very much,

Thanks to those who read this ...
submitted by zNotJhoan_ to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

[Dictionary discussion] Animals, arts and astronomy

toki! I want to start a series of posts to discuss words, translations, etc. This is a HUGE topic, so I thought the best way to tackle it is to split it by themes. So I grabbed my copy of the Conlanger's Lexipedia and started with the index. I don't think Mark Rosenfelder will get mad if I copy the index of the Thematic Section here (and less if I tell you that you should buy his books, they are all awesome; I particularly enjoyed the India Construction Kit), because that's the order we are going to follow:
animals, art, astronomy, the body, buildings, clothing, color, conflict, containers, dimensions, directions, effort, elements, emotion, events, existence, food, government, grammar, kinship, knowledge, law, life and health, light, locatives, love, measurement, metals, mind, movement, nature, numbers, physical acts, physics, plants, possession, religion, shape, sensation, sex, sin, society, speech, substances, time, tools, trade, valuation, war, water, work
Anyway, I think I can make one or two posts every week, each with two or three topics. First, a list of the toki ma words related to the topic, and then some english words that do not have a direct equivalent. That way we can think of compounds that convey their meanings, or maybe we decide that some toki ma words should be expanded, or that we need a new word, with a poll later. So let's get started.
The toki ma words related to animals are akesi, jan, kala, monsuta, pipi, soweli and waso.
Of course this can be criticized: "bat" li waso anu seme? "whale" li kala anu seme? "penguin" en "ostrich" li waso anu seme? "germ" li pipi anu seme?
And a few related words for which we don't have a direct translation. I suggested a word or a compound for a few of them, but not for all:
Last thing, we don't have easy way to speak about particular animals. We don't have a way to say elephant, or fox, or whale. Some are easier to compound and some are harder. What do you think we should do with specific animals?
The toki ma words related to art are kanti, musi, sitelen and tanse (and maybe toki?)
The toki ma words related to astronomy are ali, ma, mun, sewi, suno and wetu. And maybe note, olente, ositen and sute.
And a few words related to time, because it is usually related with astronomy:
And that's it for today.
submitted by ShevekUrrasti to tokima [link] [comments]

Encontre niño engreido en Transformice

Debido a que no conozco otro subreddit para publicarlo, pues lo dejo por aqui
Esto me acaba de pasar a las 2:00 AM hasta las 2:40 AM que estoy escribiendo ese post, sinceramente no tengo palabras para el nivel de estupidez que tenia el niño.
Contexto: Corregí al niño UNA ven antes de este chat en privado.
Como leerlo: Si tienen ">" es que lo estoy recibiendo (Mensaje del niño meco), Si tienen "<" es que lo estoy enviando (yo).
Perdon por no editarlo, me dio mucha flojera
[01:59] [es] [Andrress#6528] PAPI NO SE ME IGUALE CRESCA
< [02:00] [Andrress#6528] ?
< [02:00] [Andrress#6528] Aprende a escribir, no comprendi la informacion que querias dar a entender
> [02:00] [es] [Andrress#6528] NIÑO RATA
> [02:01] [es] [Andrress#6528] eso le dijo utaku
< [02:01] [Andrress#6528] Para tu informacion, poseo 13 años de edad. Y tu eres el niño aca
> [02:01] [es] [Andrress#6528] jjaja soy mañor que usted pedaso de gey
> [02:01] [es] [Andrress#6528] mayor
< [02:01] [Andrress#6528] Como mierdas seras mayor que yo si tu ortografía es una mierda?
> [02:02] [es] [Andrress#6528] como fue gonorrea
< [02:02] [Andrress#6528] ?
< [02:02] [Andrress#6528] No soy colombiano, no comprendo tu herga
> [02:02] [es] [Andrress#6528] este maico es como mongolo
< [02:03] [Andrress#6528] Podrias hablar de una manera más neutral y usar insultos que todo el mundo comprenda?
> [02:04] [es] [Andrress#6528] agale
< [02:04] [Andrress#6528] ?
< [02:04] [Andrress#6528] Ni escalar sabes
> [02:04] [es] [Andrress#6528] balla juegue alas barbies
> [02:05] [es] [Andrress#6528] no soy utaku
< [02:05] [Andrress#6528] Porque mierdas jugare a las 2 AM con unas muñecas?
< [02:05] [Andrress#6528] Que tiene que ver que sea o no otaku?
> [02:05] [es] [Andrress#6528] :v
< [02:05] [Andrress#6528] Ver anime no tiene nada o poco que ver con jugar video juegos
> [02:06] [es] [Andrress#6528] ok niño rata
< [02:06] [Andrress#6528] If you are too old how you say, you need to know english
> [02:07] [es] [Andrress#6528] bitch
< [02:07] [Andrress#6528] If you live in colombia you need to talk anothers lenguages
< [02:07] [Andrress#6528] To escape of latino america
> [02:07] [es] [Andrress#6528] bilingue
< [02:08] [Andrress#6528] The only fucking word who you know is bitch?
< [02:08] [Andrress#6528] that are pathetic
> [02:08] [es] [Andrress#6528] bitc es perra
< [02:08] [Andrress#6528] Bitch are a lot of strong words
> [02:08] [es] [Andrress#6528] goodbye niño rata
< [02:09] [Andrress#6528] no sabes ingles verdad?
< [02:09] [Andrress#6528] patetico
> [02:09] [es] [Andrress#6528] que me impota
< [02:09] [Andrress#6528] eso demuestra que no posees la edad que afirmas
> [02:09] [es] [Andrress#6528] importa
> [02:09] [es] [Andrress#6528] no soy un niño bueno
< [02:09] [Andrress#6528] Si importa, niñato
< [02:09] [Andrress#6528] Acabas de afirmar que si eres un niño
< [02:10] [Andrress#6528] me haces el favor de irte a jugar el juego de mierda ese llamado piggy
> [02:10] [es] [Andrress#6528] jajaja como rio pedaso de mrda
< [02:11] [Andrress#6528] Y me importa que te cause gracia?
< [02:11] [Andrress#6528] Si quieres vete a ver unos perros cagando y empieza a reirte como lo haces conmigo
< [02:11] [Andrress#6528] retrasado
> [02:11] [es] [Andrress#6528] su mama
< [02:11] [Andrress#6528] No tienes mejores insultos verdad?
> [02:12] [es] [Andrress#6528] mes se muchos pero no quiero ofender
< [02:12] [Andrress#6528] Siento lastima de tu madre, matandose para mantenerte y ni siquiera te puedes defender de argumentos bien estructurados con otros argumentos
< [02:13] [Andrress#6528] Yo como me voy a ofender? No tengo 8 años
< [02:13] [Andrress#6528] Dime toda la mierda que quieras
< [02:13] [Andrress#6528] Seguramente solo sabes decir puta
> [02:13] [es] [Andrress#6528] chistes sacados de google
< [02:13] [Andrress#6528] Y yo cuando empeec a bromear?
> [02:15] [es] [Andrress#6528] ok bro esto es una broma
< [02:16] [Andrress#6528] Debido a que es una broma?
> [02:16] [es] [Andrress#6528] seh
< [02:16] [Andrress#6528] No has respondido
> [02:17] [es] [Andrress#6528] bye rat boy
< [02:17] [Andrress#6528] ?
< [02:17] [Andrress#6528] Y sigues con eso?
< [02:17] [Andrress#6528] Das lastima
< [02:18] [Andrress#6528] No piensas responder a mis preguntas?
< [02:18] [Andrress#6528] Seguramente porque no sabes las respuestas
< [02:18] [Andrress#6528] Niño rata
> [02:19] [es] [Andrress#6528] friend it is true that they made you fall when you were a baby
< [02:19] [Andrress#6528] My parents don't make me fall when me are a baby
< [02:19] [Andrress#6528] Your parents yes
> [02:20] [es] [Andrress#6528] I think you were a mistake
< [02:20] [Andrress#6528] That fall do you obtain Syndrome of Down
< [02:20] [Andrress#6528] if me was a mistake you too
< [02:20] [Andrress#6528] but me obtain love
< [02:20] [Andrress#6528] and you hate
< [02:21] [Andrress#6528] because your fathers are cousins
< [02:21] [Andrress#6528] and that are the reason of you level of retard
> [02:21] [es] [Andrress#6528] wants to cry fag gey asshole rapist
< [02:22] [Andrress#6528] Just now me are neutral as shit
< [02:22] [Andrress#6528] but you are making me go angry
< [02:22] [Andrress#6528] And that google translate are obvius a shit
> [02:23] [es] [Andrress#6528] well care of penis
< [02:23] [Andrress#6528] ?
< [02:24] [Andrress#6528] care es cuidado pendejo
> [02:24] [es] [Andrress#6528] I don't give a damn
< [02:24] [Andrress#6528] you are have de Intelectual Qoeficent of a stone
< [02:24] [Andrress#6528] the*
> [02:26] [es] [Andrress#6528] you have a poop stuck in your ass open and I take it out
< [02:26] [Andrress#6528] You'r parents are sad of obtain you as son
> [02:27] [es] [Andrress#6528] bye rat face
< [02:27] [Andrress#6528] And that how come to the conversation?
< [02:27] [Andrress#6528] You say bye three times
< [02:28] [Andrress#6528] And you keep talkinh with me
< [02:28] [Andrress#6528] talking*
< [02:28] [Andrress#6528] Because you are stupid like a stone
> [02:29] [Andrress#6528] Jugador desconectado (2)
Y ya aqui el muy pendejo no pudo continuar la conversacion y se fue. Fin. Este no es mi primer encuentro con niños así, son MUY comunes
submitted by Juan_Rage01 to padresconderecho [link] [comments]

[Sherpa Card][PC] NerfMePleaseXD - Buthanos [EUW - English/Español]

Hello fellow guardians! If you're a hunter player and wonder why we don't get any buffs, I'm sorry, it's all my fault... I should probably switch to titan... Jokes aside, let's get going with this sherpa card. Following up there will be twice the content as I'll be posting also in spanish, my main language.
¡Muy buenas guardianes! Si sois cazadores y os preguntáis por qué no nos bufan, lo siento, es culpa mía... Quizá debería empezar a jugar con el titán. Bromas aparte, comencemos con esta tarjeta de presentación. Como habréis visto, el contenido va a repetirse también en inglés, pues no tengo inconveniente en enseñar las raids en ambos idiomas.
= Information =
My name is NerfMePleaseXD, but please call me Nerf. This name comes a long way, before even beginning my journey on Destiny 2. Unluckily, I'm not a Destiny 1 veteran, but I've been around since Forsaken's release, I hope that's enough experience.
I've been teaching some friends as well as some clan mates, but with Beyond Light being released, a lot of them stopped playing because of all the content changes, that's why I think it's time to try and help out newbies.
I used to love doing Scourge of the past, fast, easy and enjoyable for newbies. Now I love doing Garden of Salvation, and I can see myself teaching the deep stone crypt, but let me gain some experience first.
Mi nombre es NerfMePleaseXD, pero podéis llamarme Nerf. Es un nombre que llevo conmigo desde mucho antes de comenzar mi aventura en Destiny 2. Desafortunadamente no soy un veterano de Destiny 1, pero he estado jugando desde la salida de Los Renegados. Confío en tener experiencia más que suficiente.
He estado enseñando a hacer raids a amigos y compañeros del clan, pero con la llegada del nuevo DLC Más allá de la luz, muchos han dejado el juego, por lo que considero que es el momento oportuno para ayudar a los más novatos.
Solía hacer Azote del pasado, una raid rápida, sencilla y divertida, tanto para los novatos como para los más curtidos. Ahora me encanta hacer Jardín de la salvación, y me puedo ver enseñando a completar la nueva raid de la Cripta de la Piedra Profunda, pero dejadme conseguir un poco de experiencia antes.
=== Contact info === Steam Code: [ 144195016 ] Discord: [ NerfMePleaseXD#1653 ] Raid Report: [ https://raid.report/pc/4611686018483101158 ] (Let's increase those numbers!)
= Availability | Disponibilidad = Living in Spain, my timezone is: GMT+1.Because I work during the morning and study during the evening, I'll be sherpaing during the weekends, usually starting friday at 16:00 (4PM) and ending sunday around 23:00 (11PM).
Viviendo en España, mi zona horaria es GMT+1. Al trabajar durante la semana, y estudiar por las tardes, haré de sherpa durante los fines de semana, empezando habitualmente los viernes a las 16:00h y acabando a las 23:00 del domingo (Hora peninsular).
= Raid teaching | Raids a enseñar = Garden of Salvation: Comfortable: 10/10 Knowledge: 10/10 Divinity puzzles: Yes. Estimated Time of Completion: 1 to 3 hours.
Last Wish: Comfortable: 6/10 Knowledge: 7/10 Estimated Time of Completion: 2+ Hours.
Deep Stone Crypt: Comfortable: 4/10 Knowledge: 5/10 Estimated Time of Completion: 2+ Hours.
= Style and philosophy = English: I consider myself a calm person, and one thing you should probably know is that my jokes are horrible. I enjoy doing things fast, tokyo drift style, but there are times when you need to slow down and make sure everyone understands everything correctly. The mechanic of the encounter will be explained as much as needed, you're all students and you deserve an atmosphere where you're not judged or blamed when you screw up, even I screw up once in a while. With this said, there are some rules and requirements I'll be pointing out. If you're all comfortable with it, I can stream the run so you can check it later and analyze it, otherwise let's not waste any bandwidth.
Español: Me considero una persona calmada y paciente, pero deberías saber que mis chistes son pésimos. Me encanta hacer las cosas rápido, estilo tokyo drift, pero hay momentos en los que es necesario frenar y asegurarse de que todo el mundo entiende correctamente como funciona la raid. Explicaré las mecánicas tantas veces como sea necesario, todos sois 'estudiantes' y necesitáis una atmósfera en la que no os sintáis juzgados o culpados por cagarla, incluso yo la cago de vez en cuando. Dicho ésto, hay unas reglas y requisitos que comentar. Si todos estáis a gusto, haré stream de la raid para que lo podáis ver luego y analizar las mecánicas, de lo contrario mejor no gastar ancho de banda.
= Rules and requirements = English:
Kind note (English only):
This would be my first sherpa card and participation in this subreddit. Hopefully I get to sherpa first a few times in my main language (spanish) in order to get used to doing it with strangers and rescue some newbies who want to learn, before moving to english.
My main goal would be to teach at least 1 raid per week, but keep in mind this may not happen since we're getting close to the final exams. I apologize in advance.
Mi objetivo principal sería el de enseñar al menos 1 raid por semana, pero tened en cuenta que esto puede variar ya que se acercan los exámenes finales, motivo por el cual me disculpo por adelantado.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Si tenéis cualquier pregunta, no dudéis en hacerla.

Farewell fellow guardians!
submitted by AinsWoorth to DestinySherpa [link] [comments]

why not in emulators ..?

I only have one question and it is the usual one why the game does not work in emulators, I do not know the type of farming of it, hacks, why? Maybe that is one of the reasons but it is also true that the company / company is closing to a public that either cannot play on a cell phone (my reason) or does not like the idea of ​​playing on a cell phone (ironic that You do not like to play mobile games on your cell phone haha) maybe to not waste battery, I repeat I have no idea why and I would really appreciate if you give me your theories / opinion on the subject of emulators. Also sorry if it was already spoken in another post on the subject. sorry for the bad english.

solo tengo una pregunta y es la de siempre el porque el juego no funciona en emuladores, no conosco el tipo de farmeo del mismo, hacks, porque? tal vez esa sea alguna de las razones pero tambien es cierto que la empresa/compania se esta cerrando a un publico que o bien no puede jugar en celular (mi motivo) o bien no le gusta la idea de jugar en el movil (ironico que no te guste jugar en celular juegos moviles jaja) tal vez para no gastar bateria, repito no tengo idea del porque y agradeceria mucho que me den sus teorias/opnion sobre el tema de los emuladures.
tambien perdon si ya se hablo en otro post sobre el tema.
perdon por el ingles malo.
submitted by PERK4 to lordofheroes [link] [comments]

Ærsk: The Phonology and Etymological Orthography of a Nordic West Germanic language

For ad werþe zen nýe Mannen, bez mann hæbbe allhjarted.
[ɸɔɾ ɑ ˈɰɛrːs̪ə ʃɲ̩ ˈnœʏ̯ːjə ˈmɑnːn̩ bəʃ ˈmɑnː ˈʃæbːə ˌɑlːˈʃɑrːtə]
for to become-inf the.m.sg new-def.m.sg Manne-the.m.sg be.fut.sg man.sg have-inf all-heart-def.n.sg
"To become God, you have to walk in everyone's shoes."
- Erish proverb
Erish (ærsk), an a posteriori West Germanic artlang, isn't the first constructed language I've worked on, but it is the first one I can say has come to a point where it is presentable. The concept is that, in the conworld, Erish arises from Proto-West Germanic nearby North Germanic languages as they arise from Proto-Norse, and is still in a sort of sprachbund with them. Intelligibility, particularly in speech, is hampered by Erish's own innovations, especially phonologically.
Here, I would like to provide a summary of the closest thing to a standard Erish pronunciation, as well as an account of the orthography, as its depth tells a bit about the changes that Erish has undergone. With each, I'll give a snippet about the goals I had going into them, as well as feedback questions I myself have - Erish is and will always be a work-in-progress. I am greatly indebted to a variety of resources, so I will provide several of them at the end of this post and the others that may follow it, as well as a concluding gloss.


Most Erish speakers simply use their own dialects when speaking, up to and including the King or Queen. The pronunciation taught to foreigners, as well as the one used in national broadcasting, is that of Hamnstead, which was the city where radio broadcasting first developed in Erishland, and which is still a center of national media. The Hamnstead dialect is a Western dialect close enough to Southern dialects that its phonology is sort of a mixture of the two groups, plus its own quirks.
Personally, this phonology is my attempt at creating one reminiscent of the older stages of Germanic languages, but which feels plausibly modern and plausible in a place where North Germanic contact and influence continues into present. A bit of a summary and highlights of what that means:
Hamnstead Erish has a rather bland vowel inventory for an Erish dialect. About the only notable feature, phonemically speaking, is that there is still a short /æ/ distinct from /ɛ/, though that's typical of Western dialects. Phonetically, though, the story's a bit more complicated - Hamnstead Erish is amongst the few dialects that can be argued to, in some limited way, preserve most of the original Old Erish diphthongs, and has re-innovated a very limited form of allophonic u-umlaut.

Front unrounded Front rounded Back
Close ɪ • iː ʏ • yː ʊ • uː
Mid ɛ • eː œ • øː ɔ • oː
Open æ • æː ɑ • ɑː
Hamnstead Erish, like most Erish dialects, has a consonant inventory that is phonemically similar to the Nordic languages, but the allophony of these consonants is less so. Voiced stops regularly lenit to approximants that devoice and fricate word-finally; this leads to the notorious "Erish hiss". Notable aspects of Hamnstead's phonology are the merger of /ʂ/ and /ɕ/ into /ʃ/, a change which is common but still absent in Southern dialects, and that /ɣ/ is a velar approximant, instead of the labiovelar common to Western dialects.

Vclss. labial Vcd. labial Vclss. coronal Vcd. coronal Vclss. palatal Vcd. palatal Vclss. velar Vcd. velar
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Stops p b t d t͡ʃ (d͡ʒː) k (gː)
Cntnts. f (β) s (ð) ʃ ʝ x ɣ
Laterals l ʎ
Trill r
Valid onset consonants:
Valid coda consonants:
Valid medial consonants:
All stressed syllables are inherently heavy - if there is no long vowel, the first consonant to follow is geminated. Neither long vowels nor geminates may occur in unstressed syllables.
Like most other Germanic languages, the most common syllable to be stressed is the first (and often only) of a given word. Loanwords can follow different patterns, but a rule of thumb is that the syllable before the last consonant of a root is the one to be stressed.
Feedback Questions
Questions I personally have are:

Orthography & History

Erish is written with the standard 26 letters of the Latin alphabet and the additional letters þ, æ, and œ. Unfortunately, pronunciation cannot be succinctly described for Hamnstead Erish because the orthography is fairly etymological, essentially reflecting the pronunciation of Old Erish with a few simplifications and updates. It is, though, fairly regular, and the hope of Jugar Raskson, the father of modern Erish orthography, was that the written language would let as many people as possible derive their own pronunciation from the spelling.
Erish orthography is essentially fighting two battles: the battle to modernize spelling and keep the rules as regular as possible, and the battle to keep important cultural and religious texts from the Old Erish period as intelligible as possible. I've looked at Icelandic and Faroese for inspiration, but also incorporated principles from languages with less orthographic depth.
The following table presents the pronunciation of vowel graphemes in Erish. Note that the "jV" digraphs are only pronounced in this way if the j is word-initial or can soften a preceding consonant:

Letter(s) a e, í, eì, aì i o, á, ú, aù, où u, ó y æ, já œ, jó, jú, ý, oì, eù
Short /ɑ/ /ɛ/ /ɪ/ /ɔ/ /ʊ/ /ʏ/ /æ/ /œ/
Long /ɑː/ /eː/ /iː/ /oː/ /uː/ /yː/ /æː/ /øː/
To keep Erish consonants simple, and as allophony has already been covered, their transcription here is phonemic. In educational materials for Erish, consonants are generally divided into four groups, plain, strong, weak, and the letter g, which are grouped based on whether and how they can soften.
Basic rules about consonants include:
Plain consonants
Plain consonants are so-called because they cannot soften under any circumstances.

Letter(s) Hard Fricative
b /b/ binde "to bind" /ˈbɪnːdɛ/ /f/ lab "lab(oratory)" /ˈlɑːf/
f /f/ faþer "father" /ˈfɑːsɛ
m /m/ móte "must" /ˈmuːtɛ/
ng /ŋ/ wing "wing" /ˈɣɪŋː/
p /p/ "on" /ˈpoː/
r / rotte "rat" /ˈrɔtːɛ/
v /b/ virus "virus" /ˈbiːrʊs/ /f/ livte "lived" /ˈlɪfːtɛ/
Strong consonants
Strong consonants are "strong" enough it takes a j or z to soften them. Because strong consonants are long when softened and non-initial, they lack soft fricative forms. They include the coronal consonants which got palatalized to retroflex consonants, though z was retroflex for most of Erish history. The retroflex spellings tend not to occur in modern loanwords unless Henskland adopts a retroflex form; it's the only Land left that hasn't merged the retroflex consonants with the palatals.

Letter(s) Hard Soft Fricative
d /d/ dœr "door" /ˈdøː /ʝ/ bedje "to ask" /ˈbɛʝːɛ/ /s/ sæd "seed" /ˈsæːs/
l /l/ láte "to let" /ˈloːtɛ/ /ʎ/ ljúht "light" /ˈʎɔxːt/
n /n/ naht "night" /ˈnɑxːt/ /ɲ/ hænje "to hang" /ˈʃæɲːɛ/
s /s/ synge "to sing" /ˈsʏŋːɛ/ /ʃ/ sjelv "self" /ˈʃɛlːf/
st /st/ stóren "big" /ˈstuːrɛn/ /ʃ/ stjarne "star" /ˈʃɑrːnɛ/
t /t/ sten "stone" /ˈsteːn/ /t͡ʃ/ sitje "to sit" /ˈsɪt͡ʃːɛ/
z /ʃ/ meze "more" /ˈmeːʃɛ/
þ /s/ þing "thing" /ˈsɪŋː/ /ʃ/ þjúv "thief" /ˈʃoːf/
Weak consonants
Weak consonants are "weak" enough that vowels can soften them in addition to j; in instances where a soft pronunciation is used, it is either because a hard letter is used, or because there is a v "shielding" them. They include the reflexes of the Old Erish velar consonants /x,k,sk/, as well as the labiovelars /xʷ,kʷ,skʷ/. The basic principle governing their softening is that they do so before certain vowels initially, and after other vowels elsewhere. If neither of these conditions are met, they use a hard pronunciation. It is to be noted that, barring one exception, acute accented letters have the same effects as their unaccented counterparts, and so they are not treated seperately here (grave accented vowels never soften a consonant).

Letter(s) Conditions or example Softens initially Softens elsewhere Hard
h (short), ch (long) Conditions to /ʃ/ before e, i, y, æ, œ to /ʃ/ after e, i, y, æ, œ /x/ in all other conditions
Examples himmel "sky" /ˈʃɪmːɛl/ reht "justice" /ˈrɛʃːt/ hús "house" /ˈxoːs/
k (short), ck (long) Conditions to /t͡ʃ/ before e, i, y, æ, œ to /t͡ʃ/ after i, y /k/ in all other conditions
Examples kyng "king" /ˈt͡ʃʏŋː/ rík "realm" /ˈreːt͡ʃ/ bók "book" /ˈbuːk/
sk (short and long) Conditions to /ʃ/ before e, i, y, æ, œ to /ʃ/ after a (not á), e, i, y, æ, œ, or a consonant /sk/ in all other conditions
Examples skíne "to shine" /ˈʃeːnɛ/ fisk "fish" /ˈfɪʃː/ busk "bush" /ˈbʊsːk/
Erish used to be far more inconsistent in representing when exceptions to these conditions occurred, but modern spelling is extremely regular in this regard. Soft consonants in instances where a hard consonant is expected are represented in different ways depending upon if they are initial, non-initial and short, or non-initial and long.

Desired soft consonant Location and length Grapheme(s) Example
h /ʃ/ Initial hj hjarte "heart" /ˈʃɑrːtɛ/
Non-initial and short N/A
Non-initial and long hj (singular instance) hlæhje "to laugh" /ˈxlæʃːɛ/
k /t͡ʃ/ Initial kj kjúe "to chew" /ˈt͡ʃoːɣɛ/
Non-initial and short c koc "coach" /ˈkoːt͡ʃ/
Non-initial and long zk, rarely kj þækje "to think" /ˈsæt͡ʃːɛ/
sk /ʃ/ Initial skj skjá "cloud" /ˈʃoː/
Non-initial and short N/A
Non-initial and long sc broscyre "brochure" /ˈbrɔʃːʏ
Hard consonants are represented with similar treatments, with the grapheme depending upon whether the instance is word-initial, non-initial and short, or non-initial and long:

Desired hard consonant Location and length Grapheme(s) Example
h /x/ Initial hv hvint "hint" /ˈxɪnːt/
Non-initial and short x exo "echo" /ˈeːxɔ/
Non-initial and long hh, rarely hv sehve "to see" /ˈsɛxːɛ/
k /k/ Initial qu quinne "woman" /ˈkɪnːɛ/
Non-initial and short qu kliqu "clique" /ˈkliːk/
Non-initial and long kk, rarely kv republikk "republic" /rɛpʊbˈlɪkː/
sk /sk/ Initial squ squeìt "(ice/roller) skate" /ˈskeːt/
Non-initial and short N/A
Non-initial and long squ fresque "fresco" /ˈɸrɛsːkɛ/
The letter g is not the only consonant grapheme of the last group of Erish consonants, but the set is essentially used to indicate hardness and softness not unlike h, k, and sk. It is grouped by itself because it represents six phonemes and has less consistency in which graphemes are used to represent hardness and softness for those phonemes. In principle, g is just the voiced counter part to h, k, and sk, with the addendum that before nasals it has a nasal pronunciation that can be hard or soft; the fricativization it experiences is expectable because it is voiced.

Letter(s) Conditions or example Softens initially Softens elsewhere Hard
g (short), cg (long) Regular conditions to /ʝ/ before e, i, y, æ, or œ, and another vowel to /ʝ/ after e, i, y, æ, or œ, and another vowel /ɣ/ in all other regular conditions
Regular examples gæst "guest" /ˈʝæsːt/ weges "ways" /ˈɣeːʝɛs/ "to go" /ˈɣoː/
Fricative conditions N/A to /ʃ/ between the vowels e, i, y, æ, and œ, and the end of a word or the consonants d, s, or t to /x/ between all other vowels or l or r, and the end of a word or the consonants d, s, or t
Fricative examples N/A ig "I" /ˈiːʃ/ dag "day" /ˈdɑːx/
Nasal conditions N/A to /ɲ/ between the vowels e, i, y, æ, and œ, and n to /ŋ/ between all other vowels or l or r, and n
Nasal examples N/A regn "rain" /ˈrɛɲːn/ Ragnar /ˈraŋːnɑ
Ideally, g should have a regular distribution of "soft in hard contexts" graphemes and "hard in soft contexts" graphemes, but the reality is that etymology means different graphemes are used in what should be regular contexts. Nonetheless, there aren't so many graphemes in use:

Desired consonants Location and length Grapheme(s) Example
Soft g (/ʝ/, /ʃ/, /ɲ/) Initial j, gj (less common) jorþ "earth" /ˈʝɔrːs/, gjos "they (f.)" /ˈʝoːs/
Non-initial and short j garaj "garage" /ɣaˈrɑːʃ/
Non-initial and long zg, gj (rare) brizg "bridge (game)" /ˈbrɪʝː/
Hard g (/ɣ/, /x/, /ŋ/) Initial w, gv gvad "what" /ˈɣɑː/, west "west" /ˈɣɛsːt/
Non-initial and short w intriw "intrigue" /ɪnˈtriːx/
Non-initial and long gg rigg "rig" /ˈrɪɣː/
Feedback Questions
Questions I personally have are:


This last section is dedicated to the resources I think have been most useful in the creation of Erish, and that are valuable to people looking to make a Germanic language, or even a conlang in general. I'm certain some of these sources will be familiar to many members of this sub, but they're there for those to whom they aren't:


It's been a long post, so I won't take up so much more space. Seeing as how it's a common enough translation in initial posts, though, I would like to provide the Lord's Prayer in Erish:
Written Erish:
Faþern osren, Hlárden gwen bez í Hjomn,
Be namen zín werþe heligende;
Be ríked zítt kome;
Be wiljo zí skehe pá jorþo zí som í Hjomn;
Be geve til oss í dag ossert daglige brod,
end forláte oss skuldostos osros sá som wid forláte osros skuldos;
End be bringe ick pá oss í fresnos, men frælse pá oss frá yvel.
Zítt bez ríked, end mahten end ero í œighedo.

Hamnstead Erish pronunciation:
[ˈɸɑːs̪ɐn ˌɔs̪ɾn̩ ˈxl̥ɔrːd̪n̩ ɰn̩ bəʃ ˌɛɪ̯ ˈʃɔmːn]
[ˈbɛɪ̯ː ˈnɑːmn̩ ˌʃɛɪ̯n ˌɰɛɾs̪ə ˈʃɛɪ̯ːlɪjn̪̩d̪ə]
[ˈbɛɪ̯ː ˈrɛɪ̯ːt͡ʃə ˌʃɛt̪ ˈkʷʰoːmə]
[ˈbɛɪ̯ː ˈɰɪʎ̟ːɔ ˌʃɛɪ̯ ˈʃɛɪ̯ːʃə ˌpɔʊ̯ ˈjʷɔrːs̪ə ˌʃɛɪ̯ s̪ɔm ˌɛɪ̯ ˈʃɔmːn]
[ˈbɛɪ̯ː ˈjɛɪ̯ːβ̞ə ˌt̪il ˌɔs̪ ˌɛɪ̯ ˈd̪ɑːx ˌɔs̪ɐt̪ ˈd̪ɑːxˌlijə ˈbɾoːs̪]
[n̪̩d̪ ɸɔɾˈlɔʊ̯t̪ə ˌɔs̪ ˈs̪kʷʊl̪ːd̪ɔs̪t̪ɔs̪ ˌɔs̪ɾɔs̪ ˌs̪ɔʊ̯ s̪ɔm ˌɰi ˈɔs̪ːɾɔs̪ ˈskʷʊl̪ːd̪ɔs̪]
[n̪̩d̪ ˈbɛɪ̯ː ˈbɾɪŋːə ˌɪt͡ʃ pɔ ˌɔs̪ ˌɛɪ̯ ˈɸɾ̥eːs̪ˌnɔʊ̯s̪ mn̩ ˈɸɾ̥æl̪ːs̪ə pɔ ˌɔs̪ ˌɸɾ̥ɔʊ̯ ˈyʉ̯ːβ̞l̩]
[ˌʃɛt̪ bəʃ ˈrɛɪ̯ːt͡ʃə n̪̩d̪ ˈmɑxːt̪n̩ n̪̩d̪ ˈɛɪ̯ːɾɔ ˌɛɪ̯ ˈœʏ̯ːˌjiˌʃːɛɪ̯s̪ɔ]

father-the.m.sg our.incl-m.sg lord-the.m.sg who.m.sg.dir be.fut.sg in Heaven
be.fut.sbjv name-the.m.sg thy.m.sg become-inf sanctify-ptcp.prs.m.sg
be.fut.sbjv realm-the.n.sg thy.n.sg come-inf
be.fut.sbjv will-the.f.sg thy.f.sg happen-inf on earth-the.f.sg thy.f.sg as in Heaven
be.fut.sbjv give-inf to us.incl.dat in day our.incl-n.sg daily-def.n.sg bread
and forgive-inf us.incl.dat guilt-the.f.pl our.incl-f.pl so as we.excl forgive-inf our.incl-f.pl guilt-pl
and be.fut.sbjv bring-inf not acc us.incl.acc in temptation but free-inf acc us.incl.acc from evil
thine be.fut.sg realm-the.n.sg and power-the.m.sg and glory-the.f.sg in eternity-the.f.sg

English translation:
Our father, the Lord who will always be in Heaven,
May it always be that thy name sanctifies itself;
May it always be that thy kingdom comes;
May it always be that thy will comes upon your Earth as in Heaven;
May it always be that thou givest us our daily bread,
and forgive our guilts for us, as we forgive our guilts;
And may it always be that thou dost not bring us into temptation but free us from evil.
Thine will always be the kingdom, and the power and the glory in eternity.
Notes about the translation:
submitted by Phalanx-Spear to conlangs [link] [comments]

Pick up football in Barcelona

Hola chic@s
Donde se puede jugar el fútbol en Barna? Me mudaré allí en un més y quiero jugar en una manera y nivel similar a lo del Sunday League en Inglaterra.
Hey guys! Where can one play football in Barcelona? I'm moving there in a month, and I'd play in a manner and level similar to the English Sunday League setup.
Thanks :D
submitted by herrsulledotcom to Barcelona [link] [comments]

EP and SB try to kill my dog and steal my phone

Hello to anyone who reads this and especially Redditor. In case you haven't used reddit before, the different abbreviations in this story are EF for entitled family, ED for entitled dad, EM for entitled mom, and SB for spoiled brat. Hope you enjoy this story or post. Whatever you want to call it.
About a few months ago, i adopted a young rescue dog named Silver who is an italian greyhound pitbull mix. When i adopted him he had a little mange on him even though he was only 2 months old. He is 5 months old now and is really happy. But around a week after i adopted him I encountered some of the biggest @$$faces of all time. As i was petting silver after a round of basketball. This is when the EF get in the picture.
EM: Excuse me young man
M: May i help you
SB: Can i have you're animal (yes this timmy called my dog an animal)
EM: You will get the dog when we know what breed he his
M: Wait a minute what!
ED: We would like to know what breed it is
M: It is a mix between a pitbull and an italian greyhound
EM: Pitbull, give me that killer that you have as a pet
M: No! I adopted him and he is the closest thing to a family that i have (I don't see my family very often even though i am only 17)
EF: Listen you little n!gg3r, give us the dog so we can kill it before it kills anyone (yes i am black)
M: What in the hell did you just say to me
SB: B3@ners like him don't understand what us beautiful white people say (I also have mexican in me and have a slight mexican accent)
I start recording and save the video
'During the Video
M: Esto es lo que sucede Karen entra a jugar con un de Timmy y una put@ (This is what happens when Karen comes in to play with a little timmy and a b!tc#)
M: Shut up and leave my dog alone
The SB starts charging at my dog and starts hittin and even starts TWISTING HIS HEAD TO SNAP HIS NECK! Silver bites the little $#!T$ hand (not hard, more like a slight scratch with the teeth) which causes Timmy to yelp and jump back.
After video
EM: Your dog just mauled my precious baby boy
M: No he didn't he just nipped him because your piece of pendejo (piece of pub!c h@!r) tried to kill him
EM: My little munchkin did nothing and how dare you insult him in your alien language, because you actually are an alien and as a matter a fact, you should give me your phone right now
M: Number 1 your stupid Number 2 Your child deserved and Number 3 why should I give you my phone
EM: Because you just recorded us with it
M: Because you were harassing me and my dog
ED: I am calling the police on you gang banger
SB: I want to kill the dog
About 2 minutes later, the cops pull up because i live in a bad neighborhood
PO: I got a report about a harassment
SB: He has been harassing us. He also stole our dog and my mother's phone
PO: Sir is this true
M: No, i haven't done anything, in fact they came up to me and tried to killed my dog
EM: He is lying arrest him for theft and he tried to get our own dog to maul us (yes she really was that dumb
PO: Madam, that sounds unrealistic but crazy stuff has happened here in Oakland, so for that I must ask is there anything I can use to determine any crime
M: I have a video on my phone
PO: Let me see
I show him the video and it doesn't take long for him to arrest the entitled parents and the kid to go into foster care. The police officer asked if i wanted to press charges. I said no since they were already going to jail and the kid was in foster care.
Anyways, this has been my story and i hope you enjoyed it and all of this was in fact true
submitted by communityrepresent to redditoryt [link] [comments]

Can i Patch Bluestacks to play Mario Kart Tour?

En español:
Quiero Jugar mario kart tour en el PC por medio de Bluestacks pero siempre que entro me sale un error que tengo baneada la cuenta y entro a otro dispositivo y puedo jugar de normal asi que tengo esa duda, puedo parchear Bluestacks o el juego para poder jugar Mario Kart Tour en mi PC?
In English
I want to play mario kart tour on the PC through bluestacks but whenever I enter I get an error that I have my account banned and I enter another device and I can play as normal so I have that question, I can patch Bluestacks or the game to be able to play Mario Kart Tour on my PC?
submitted by NintenPlayerYT to u/NintenPlayerYT [link] [comments]

jugar in english video

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