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[Standard] 7-0 Metagame Challenge with Mono White Aggro. Deck Tech

Deck performance HERE.
I wanted to share my latest modifications to my Mono White list from Zendikar standard, updated for Kaldheim. This deck has performed crazy consistently - 19-4 on the ladder, with no mulligans taken the entire time. I also went 7-0 on the standard metagame challenge on my third attempt. Basically - I think this deck is really good. It can't be overstated how helpful it is to have consistent mana on time and a low curve to allow nearly every hand to be keepable - if your opponent is even a touch slower than you then it's very hard for them to come back due to our efficiency. The best tools I feel White aggro got from Kaldheim are Usher of the Fallen (2/1 1 drops are a premium), and Reidane, which I posted a discussion on Here. I wanted to share this list before the end of the metagame challenge in case anyone else needed a 7-0 capable list. This deck still needs a little tuning - I'm not sure on the exact numbers of a couple of cards, but this is a great place to start.

The Deck:
2 Kabira Takedown (ZNR) 19
4 Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR) 24
3 Maul of the Skyclaves (ZNR) 27
3 Skyclave Apparition (ZNR) 39
2 Legion Angel (ZNR) 23
3 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
3 Giant Killer (ELD) 14
4 Seasoned Hallowblade (M21) 34
3 Selfless Savior (M21) 36
2 Emeria's Call (ZNR) 12
18 Plains (ANB) 115
2 Shepherd of the Flock (ELD) 28
2 Venerable Knight (ELD) 35
2 Reidane, God of the Worthy (KHM) 21
4 Usher of the Fallen (KHM) 35
1 Halvar, God of Battle (KHM) 15
2 Lavabrink Venturer (IKO) 19

2 Legion Angel (ZNR) 23
2 Glass Casket (ELD) 15
1 Baneslayer Angel (M21) 6
2 Idol of Endurance (M21) 23
1 Soul-Guide Lantern (THB) 237
1 Giant Killer (ELD) 14
1 Reidane, God of the Worthy (KHM) 21
2 Basri Ket (M21) 7
2 Drannith Magistrate (IKO) 11
1 Sigrid, God-Favored (KHM) 29

General Gameplan:
It's an aggro deck, so the general gameplan isn't too complex. However knowing how to use each of the creature's/spells toolsets to the fullest will help you squeeze out a number of narrow victories. Due to the diversity and aggressiveness of threats, it shouldn't be difficult to get under Yorion/Ugin/Ultimatum decks. Also there are some defensive options that allow you to go over other aggressive decks. There's a few cards in here that are kind of on the weak side (Halvar, Sigrid) - but they're new so I want to give them my due dilligence.

The Creatures:
Giant Killer:
There's no way a rare Eldraine card could be bad, is there? This card is just great - we all know that by now.
Selfless Savior:
Running 3 instead of 4 because the main early game use of it is curving into our Aspirant..since Hallowblade kinda protects itself. Though there will be times you can use it for Hallowblade if it saves your tempo.
Usher of the Fallen:
In this deck, Usher is a straight up upgrade to Venerable Knight due to its boast ability. If you have a proper curve however, then play your threats out before worrying about activating boast.
Venerable Knight:
I still run a couple of this card since it's a 2/1 that can also be buffed by Aspirant to a 3-power attacker on turn 2 - even if your opponent deals with the aspirant, they'll often have to deal with this 3 power one drop very inefficiently.
Luminarch Aspirant:
Very snowbally card. Easily generates value on the turn it comes in. Often it's a better idea to spread out the counters if possible - that's what makes this card bonkers.
Seasoned Hallowblade:
Great offensive creature - though admittedly it sucks against random x/1's (beast tokens, Omen of the Sun tokens, etc.) Still a great diverse threat that can't be defeated by common doomblades.
Shepherd of the Flock:
Should likely be running 1 copy instead of 2, however I do like having at least one around as a utility spell/creature. "Usher to Safety" just puts in so much work for how cheap it is, saving your Creatures/Mauls from destruction and often just allowing you to outmaneuver your opponent's big play. Can do a bunch of other nifty tricks as a bonus.
Lavabrink Venturer:
Having built in protection is pretty good for offense and defense. Make sure you're very familiar with what spells your opponents have and also how you plan to interact with it (savior, maul, basri), before choosing odd or even.
Reidane, God of the Worthy:
I've already waxed poetic enough about this card. There are so many 4+ mana spells being played by nearly every archetype to the point that I have her in the maindeck and do not regret it. When I originally posted about her a few days ago, I was underwhelmed by her artifact side. I was careful to take a closer look at a lot of situations in games where it's relevant - and I'm now fairly impressed with it. Combat/Tempo will nearly always be in your favor once it's down, and your opponent will have much reduced mana effiency for trying to interact with you in any way besides sweepers. This card just single-handedly solves a ton of Mono Whites problems against ramp decks.
Skyclave Apparition:
Taking away an opponent's threats while adding one of your own is just insane in an aggro deck.
Halvar, God of Battle:
This card has been...ok, but sorta underwhelming and I often board it out. Though it has definitely put in work, especially in game 1 scenarios. Suddenly giving your creature with a maul on it double strike has won a few games. I've cast the equipment more than the creature. It's also decent. Vigilance is always nice and refunding your creature to hand is a nice bonus.
Legion Angel:
A great piece of top end that often gives you the gas/evasiveness you need to close out longer games. I often go for the maindeck/sideboard split of 2/2 - however I could see merits to running a 1/3 split.

The Spells:
Kabira Takedown:
We go wide enough to nearly always make this card relevant. I'd add another - but there are so many games that could go wrong if just a single one of your lands is tapped, and this is perfect as a "nice to have but don't need" land in hand.
Maul of the Skyclaves:
This card is ridiculous. Another offensive/Defensive tool.

The Sideboard:
Giant Killer: An extra for any matchups with green stuff. Remember to keep a couple in even against Yorion decks with Green in them, as they'll often try to stop you with Elder Gargaroth - don't be caught flat footed.
Soul-Guide Lantern: For anti-graveyard strats.
Drannith Magistrate: Undecided on whether to keep this card in, but decided to revisit it. Being able to slow down adventure/foretell and avoid stomp are great upsides. Can really put in work when buffed by Aspirant/Maul. He remains until I can settle on other sideboard pieces.
Glass Casket: Can be awkward...especially against anything with Green since it can interact/destroy..basically everything. However they can still buy you time if you're on the draw.
Basri Ket: I've always been high on this planeswalker - even if others aren't. At 3 mana it defeinitely does what it's designed to do in the matchups where you need it. Its ultimate often comes fast and will win you most games once you've triggered it. Great against slow decks - for now I also board him in versus Rakdos since Maul/Apparitions aren't the best there. If you can defend it before they get Kroxa out then it becomes very difficult for them to break through.
Idol of Endurance: For the Rogues matchup. If you can resolve it once they have a decent amount of your creatures milled, then this empties your graveyard and gives you an efficient way to rebuild your board.
Reidane: An extra one against any ramp/control decks.
Sigrid, God-Favored: I've cast this maybe 2 or 3 times, and never want to use it board it in...even in the matchups where you think it'd be great. Maybe if something like mono-red or the mirror is more prominent? Will likely take it out until the meta changes in its favor.
Legion Angel: No need to explain.
Baneslayer Angel: For aggro.
The best upgrade for this sideboard should probably be a couple Hushbringers. Abzan Yorion was one of my 4 losses and it felt tougher than other Yorion piles due to them depending on card advantage efficient blockers. Hushbringer could completely save these matchups. Also puts in work against Mono Green Food/Henge.
There may be space for Archon of Emeria too, as this deck doesn't double-spell often outside of the early turns.

The Matchups:
Just keep in mind how your threats align with the opponent's answers, since they will likely always have to answer what you put on board instead of vice versa. For instance, there's quite a few bounce effects in standard right now - don't go for Maul/Apparition plays in these instances as you're going to lose a ton of tempo. Go as wide as you can and sacrifice units where need be. Its aggro - Keep some one-land hands...turn some creatures sideways..and you'll be just fine.

The "Why not "X" Card?" Cards:
Resplendent Marshal: This card doesn't feel quite there for this deck - and probably isn't meant for it. I've tested him a bit and he's done some decent work when cast in the mid to late game..but doesn't do much on curve to help our gameplan.
The big question I imagine will be asked: Why not go Boros and add Skalds.
Don't get me wrong, Showdown of the Skalds is a good card. However, and this can't be stated enough, it DOES have drawbacks that players should be familiar with in certain decks. Personally, I feel that it is best used in decks that have a decent amount of haste creatures. That allows you to get very explosive and threatening turns after your untap.
I had multiple opponents tap out for Skalds (even multiple ones) in games against me, and I never once felt threatened. It lost them a gigantic amount of tempo each time and they were forced into awkward defensive positions for the rest of the game until they lost. I also wouldn't imagine wanting to use it as a "refill" card against slower decks without haste threats. Tapping out (if it resolves) on turn 4, and playing threats on turn 5 that you have to wait until turn 6 and attack with? No thanks, I'd rather just have my threats be a bit stickier. I think this card is great as a "mirror" breaker between midrange decks (again, if not running haste threats), and I've also seen it be very effective in prowess decks...however, for this deck, I don't think making the mana base worse and adding more 4-cost cards is going to help any of the matchups.
I've seen some very well performing White lists that are even more aggressive than this one running cards like Clarion Spirit and even more 1 drops to double spell. Compared to those lists this one is more "midrange" - but I think there's a lot of avenues to explore if you go that route. Going lower and wider has a ton of appeal against decks that can win by stealing your value creatures (Rogues/Claim/Akroan War decks).
Why not Snow Lands/Haven? Because I'm a fool and just started jamming games today and didn't think about it until now. They definitely could've won me the few games that I lost. I'll be switching over to the snow package and taking out the Emeria's Calls..which I've cast 1 in about 40 games. Haven would surely be more relevant than that.

TL:DR - The deck has performed fantastically - to date, 19-4 on the ladder (with no mulligans) and 7-0 in Standard Metagame challenge. Great offense and defense. Maindeck/Sideboard need a little bit of optimization - but has tools for most matchups. No idea why I'm not running snow lands/Faceless Haven yet - adding them in. Looking forward to running this in online tourney soon.

Lots of great discussion in here! I wanted to add in some noteworthy stuff so far that's been concluded and speculated as we continue to discuss.
First off, here's what I'm going to be running for the time being, though I haven't tested much: Updated the mana to a snow package, added a single Lurrus instead of Halvar and updated the sideboard.
Some things that I've noted in the discussion:

submitted by GruntMaster6k to spikes [link] [comments]

Every Character Ranked

So here is my ranking of every character in the show. I'm ranking by season, and then I put my all-season favorites down at the bottom. I'm not only ranking the characters here, but also their complete story and arc. If there's a character I love that just kind of didn't get a good ending, they will be low down. If a character appears in multiple seasons, like Lou or Wrench, I ranked them based on their time in that season. Also, this is really only main and supporting characters, so none of the hotel guests from East / West are gonna be here or any other character like that.

SEASON ONE- My opinion on the season one characters is that it had a handful of fantastic characters but the ensemble around them wasn't as memorable. Besides the main five, every other character was either a jerk or an idiot, and that was really it. There still were no bad characters, but I think 90% of this season's charm comes from Molly, Lester and Malvo.
  1. Lorne Malvo- Who else was it gonna be? Billy Bob Thornton delivers one of the greatest tv villains of the decade with this guy, and he makes him such a great character that you are rooting both for and against him at the same time. Fargo's biggest flaw is that they may never top this guy (but I think they did, which I'll explain a bit later down).
  2. Lester Nygaard- Lester's arc is one of the greatest falls of any tv character. In the first episode, he seems like a loser who got in WAY over his head who you just might still be able to root for, but as the show continues he slowly turns into a deeply disgusting individual. In the time jump, we even get to see him become a happy, successful insurance salesman, but the second Malvo re-enters his life he becomes the same, sad, smarmy villain that he was from the beginning. Probably the best of the show's guy-who-makes-a-big-mistake characters.
  3. Molly Solverson- The moral center of season one, Molly feels a little underdeveloped in the beginning of the show (for a while her only character trait was "let me do stuff, chief!!") but as the show progressed she became one of the coolest heroes of the show, as well as continuing Fargo's long tradition of powerful women that started with the movie and lives on today. My ONLY complaint is that she should have killed Malvo. She deserved it.
  4. Mr. Wrench & Mr. Numbers- While Wrench grew into his own character in later seasons, here they are one entity. Succeeding as the two coolest hitmen to ever be in a tv show, Wrench & Numbers have it all: the jokes, the style, the sign language, and that 11/10 drum solo / theme song that jumps up my heart rate every time it kicks in.
  5. Chief Bill Oswalt- I know that the Chief gets a lot of flack for being an annoying character, but I think he's actually one of the most real characters in Fargo. He's not the chief from season 3 who's actively trying to stop investigating for no reason. He's just a simple, nice guy who got in way over his head. His ending when he resigns is one of the saddest scenes in the whole show.
  6. Lou Solverson- Old Lou was good until he whipped out a shotgun and was ready to straight-up murder Malvo to protect Greta. Then he became awesome.
  7. Gus Grimly- Gus was alright. He had a nice story and he was just a sweet guy, but I feel like he never really had enough personality to match his fellow season one leads. I do like that he got to be a mailman, though. That was sweet.
  8. Greta Grimly- Greta was very obviously much cooler than her dad, but then she didn't get to anything for the whole show. PUT GRETA IN THE GAME, NOAH. I hope that season 5 will focus on an older her and continue the Solverson legacy.
  9. Stavros Milos- I liked Stavros. He was one of the only side characters that fell into both the jerk and the idiot templates. Unfortunately, his story went nowhere, and he had one of the most depressing endings for a character for no reason whatsoever. He wasn't that bad of a guy! He didn't deserve to think God was punishing him by killing his son!
  10. Don Chumph- Okay, look. Don was a funny idiot, but he felt like he came out of a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TV SHOW. He seemed liked he was from some weird, oddball comedy show about bank robbers until the show gave him Fargo's most disturbing ending for absolutely no reason. The Stavros storyline is my least favorite in Fargo, because not only do none of its characters get reasonable endings, but it also doesn't connect to the main storyline at all. If you took out the entire Stavros story, the season would've made just as much sense. It's only purpose was to give Malvo something to do in episodes 2-6.

SEASON TWO- Season two is my favorite season of Fargo, and I think part of what makes it so great is that not only are the characters incredible, but their endings are some of the best in the series. There aren't really any characters in here on the level of Malvo and Lester in terms of originality, but season 2 certainly delivers one of the strongest ensemble casts of a tv show I've seen.
  1. Lou Solverson- Lou is my favorite character from Fargo. He was pretty cool in season one, but getting to see him in season two in his prime pushed him over the edge. Usually the standout character from a season of Fargo is the bad guy, but this is one of the rare cases where therein character steals the show. Also, his defense of the police station from the Gerhardts was maybe the coolest scene in the show.
  2. Peggy Blumquist- Peggy, the self-realized lunatic of season two, was the provider of chaos for season two. Season one had Malvo, three had Nikki, four had... pretty much every character, but here Peggy is the one that leaves a trail of craziness (and dead bodies) everywhere that she goes. Her final scenes in the supermarket and Lou's police car are some of the most heartbreaking in the show, giving her one of my favorite character endings in the series.
  3. Mike Milligan- Mike was just cool. I've realized from watching the entirety of the show that Mike really doesn't do much in season two; he kills Otto and the Undertaker, and he very briefly takes over the Gerhardt house, but besides that he has little to no effect on the outcome of the season. And yet... every time he does or says anything, it just FEELS important. He may not do that much plot-wise, but style and feeling-wise, Mike Milligan is season two. And his grim backstory in season four is just the icing on the cake.
  4. Hanzee Dent- Hanzee was a great character from episodes 1-7. Then episodes 8-10 happened and he reached legendary status. Watching Hanzee orchestrate the Sioux Falls massacre and then get away with it is truly quality television, and the sheer buildup of subtle racism that follows him throughout the show makes his breaking point all the more satisfying. But what makes the story of Hanzee so sad is that in the end, he just became that fat mob boss from season one that Lorne kills. He wound up just being another dead body in somebody else's story.
  5. Hank Larsson- "Ted Danson as a cop in the 70s" was basically the pitch for this character, but it works so much better than it should have. The trio of Hank, Lou and Betsy is genuinely the best part of season two.
  6. Floyd Gerhardt- Poor, poor Floyd. From the first episode we see that Floyd is a tactical genius who was made to run the Gerhardt family, but we know that she will never get the same respect as her husband just because she's a woman. Her ending is so perfectly anti-climactic, too. One of the saddest characters from Fargo.
  7. Betsy Solverson- Lou's wife is docked a couple points for never really being allowed to get in on the action (I would have LOVED to see Betsy take down a Gerhardt) but she still provides some much needed warmth to the show and grounds some of the more crazier episodes, like "The Castle" or the finale.
  8. Dodd Gerhardt- Dodd Gerhardt succeeds by being one of the most vile, unredeemable characters in the show's history. While most of the show's villains can be found to be somewhat sympathetic, Dodd is just the guy you're supposed to hate. And he hits the mark every time.
  9. Joe Bulo- Joe Bulo's death was a real heartbreak. He was really funny.
  10. The Kitchen Brothers- Much like Wrench and Numbers, these two mostly-silent hitmen nearly stole the show a couple of times. Unfortunately, Brother #1 dies halfway through the show, and they just don't feel like a complete set without both of them.
  11. Ed Blumquist- Ed was fine, but he falls into the same character as Gus where he just can't compare to his costars. I'd take Gus over Ed though, because Gus was just cooler.
  12. Simone Gerhardt- Eh. She could've done a lot more, and by her death she was the season's only character who felt like a waste.
  13. Constance Heck- Fargo would eventually take another shot at crafting a good lesbian character (it was kind of better), but Constance was pretty much a waste of screen time.
  14. Bear Gerhardt- I don't understand Bear. He's the nice Gerhardt, but also he kills Simone? He cares about the family, and yet he tries to kill literally everybody in the family? He trusts Hanzee, but he also... doesn't? Bear felt way to underdeveloped, and I honestly think season two would have made a lot more sense without him in it.

SEASON THREE- If I had to choose, I think season three has the best bunch of main characters. Gloria, Emmett, Ray, Nikki, Vargas, and Sy are six of the show's best characters. Some of their endings I could give or take, and the supporting characters this season aren't as strong as two, but this is easily my favorite group out of the four seasons.
  1. V.M. Vargas- For awhile, it looked like the show was never going to top Malvo as far as villains. And for some people, I'm sure Fargo still hasn't. But to me, V.M. Vargas is the show's greatest bad guy, and for one very specific reason: he's not another Malvo. The show could've very easily taken the route of putting that same scary-hitman character template into every season, but instead the show gave us a character so entirely different than anything before. Everything about him just makes your skin want to crawl, and the way that he completely destroys the lives of everybody he encounters is so fascinating to me. As for his ending, I would like to believe that Vargas does get jailed away, but I'm not so sure...
  2. Gloria Burgle- My favorite scene in season three is the final one, which is probably due to the fact that it's one of only a handful that my two favorite characters share together. Gloria is one of Fargo's best moral centers, as she is the first one who seriously needs another moral center to make her feel happy. She's one of the show's most human characters, and watching her rise past Chief Moe in the end and land a great job was a perfect little ending for her.
  3. Nikki Swango- Nikki was just cool. She was the Mike Milligan of season three, where she was the cool, smart character who walked the line between villain and antihero for the whole season. In the end, I'd put Nikki closer to the hero side than Mike, as her rebellion against Vargas in the final episodes turned her into the character to root for.
  4. Emmitt Stussy- I love season three because with the exception of Vargas and Nikki, nobody has any idea what is going on at all for the whole show. It's just a bunch of very dumb people bopping around for ten episodes, and I love it. This is why I love Emmitt, the epitome of the "dumb guy who makes a big mistake" Fargo character.
  5. Ray Stussy- I like Emmitt more than Ray, mainly because he has more character development and Ray never really gets a satisfying ending. But for the time he's alive, Ray was the center of season three's warmth. The first time you watch season three, it's unclear if Nikki actually loves Ray or if she's just using him. But on a rewatch where you know the full story, the scenes between Ray and Nikki become so sad.
  6. Sy Feltz- Poor Sy. He was just an idiot of epic proportions.
  7. Wes Wrench- When Mr. Wrench popped back up on that bus, my heart literally stopped beating for a second.
  8. Yuri Gurka- Yuri was, in my opinion, Fargo's scariest character. The Russian accent? The ruthless killing tactics? The unpredictability? The wolf mask? Horrifying stuff.
  9. Winnie Lopez- Winnie was kind, and she was a nice friend to Gloria. That alone gives her enough to be in the top ten.
  10. Meemo- Meemo wasn't as scary as Yuri, but watching him transform into a lawyer for that one scene was eerily terrifying. Unlike Yuri, Meemo was smart. Which, in a way, makes him a lot scarier.
  11. Larue Dollard- Larue, the hapless accountant who accidentally discovers Vargas' empire, was probably the most normal guy to ever enter a season of Fargo. Good for him for surviving!
  12. Ennis Stussy / Thaddeus Mobley- Season three's brief detour back into the seventies was a season high-point, but Thaddeus was too dumb to be that likable. Also, when he got older, he turned into a real homophobe. Not cool, Thaddeus.
  13. Gloria's Kid- I don't know his name, but I didn't care for this kid. Nothing against him, but the show didn't give him enough to do or give him enough of a character. Much like Greta, Fargo wasted another potentially great child character.
  14. Chief Moe Dammick- It's odd that the most easily dislikable Fargo character isn't one of the main villains, but this absolutely awful police chief. He literally does everything in his power to stop Gloria for NO REASON. I hate this guy so much.

SEASON FOUR- Season four got an unfair rep in my opinion. It wasn't on the level of the first three seasons, but it was still better than 90% of television. In fact, I loved the characters from season four. Loved them. My big problem is their endings. Half of the characters this season felt critically underused (probably due to the fact that the main cast was twice as large as it should have been), and some of the endings felt very out of place. Still a great season, but not as successful as before.
  1. Loy Cannon- Chris Rock was incredible as Loy Cannon, and he provided the one character from this season I have no problems with whatsoever. Everything about Loy and his arc I loved, and his ending was the saddest part of season four.
  2. Satchel Cannon- See what happens when you let the kids do stuff on Fargo, Noah Hawley?? Coming after Greta and mini-Gloria in the long line of underutilized children of Fargo, Satchel had a lot going against him... until East / West hit and it became clear season four was his story. I figured out Satchel was Mike Milligan fairly early on in the season, but the slow build to this reveal was beautiful, and that final shot of Mike Milligan loading his gun like Rabbi taught him was one of the best scenes in the series.
  3. Oraetta Mayflower- I love crazy people in shows and movies, so Oraetta was an instant win for me. Jessie Buckley turns in one of Fargo's all-time great performances as the deranged, racist angel of darkness. My biggest complaint is that Oraetta did nothing the whole season and felt like she belonged in an entirely different story. I wish so deeply that we could have seen her go full-Hanzee and start killing people as the season started to end, but instead she just... died. Eh. If she was actually given something to do, she would've easily jumped to #1.
  4. Gaetano Fadda- YES!!! In the beginning, I hated Gaetano. I thought he made no sense. He was supposed to be scary, but he wasn't. He was some weird, dumb freak who I didn't care about. And then he and Gaetano became best friends and I realized it... Gaetano Fadda isn't supposed to be scary. He's meant to be a weird, dumb freak who believes himself to be scary. Suddenly, he became my favorite part of the season. And watching him die by tripping over himself only solidified the idea that he really didn't mean anything to anybody.
  5. Josto Fadda- Josto was a so-so character given a great arc. I loved watching him slowly drive himself crazy, ending with him eventually getting killed by his own people. He was a little over the top, but Jason Schwartzman was great and the character's ending was great, so I have no complaints.
  6. Etherilda Pearl Smutny- Poor, poor Etherilda. She was introduced in episode one and I was SO EXCITED for her to be the no-nonsense moral center of season 4. I wanted to watch her crack the mystery. I wanted her to save the day. And instead... she did absolutely nothing the entire season. I spent the whole season waiting for her to become a main character again, and all she wound up doing was giving a dead guy's ring to Loy. Thankfully, she was still a joy to watch onscreen, and that ending shot was perfect, but WHY DID SHE NOT GET TO DO ANYTHING???
  7. Dick "Deafy" Wickware- Timothy Olyphant took a so-so character and made him legendary. He's docked a couple of points for dying like a wimp and not really adding anything to the main story, but he was a joy to spend time with.
  8. Doctor Senator- If he stuck around for a while longer, Doctor Senator would have placed a lot higher here. Unfortunately, his death was neccessary for Loy's character arc, but while he was still kicking, DS ruled.
  9. Rabbi Milligan- A true tragic figure, I liked everything about Rabbi Milligan. I liked his story, I liked his acting, I liked how he got sucked up in a tornado. I didn't love it, but I liked it.
  10. Odis Weff- Same as above. I liked him. I didn't love him, but I sure did like him.
  11. Happy- Happy only showed up in the penultimate episodes (appropriately titled "Happy"), but his appearance only made me wish that Happy was around longer. That guy was awesome! What was that whole thing with the frames? I want to know! I want his story! unfortunately, he was only in about two scenes and then died. But I loved Happy.
  12. Buel Cannon- Buel Cannon was awesome and didn't do enough. She deserved main-character status over Zelmare and Swanee 100%
  13. Lemuel Cannon- Lemuel was cool and played the trumpet. Another character who should've gotten more screen time, Lemuel deserved better.
  14. Dibrell Smutny- As far as no-nonsense moms go, I prefer Buel to Dibrell, but she still shined in a couple of key scenes. Plus, she was much cooler than her husband.
  15. That Freaky Sea Captain- He was kinda cool.
  16. Ebal Violante- I liked him in the first 10 episodes, but then in the final episode he went full Disney Twist Villain by taking a full 180 on his personality and becoming a supervillain. It was weird, but I get why it happened.
  17. Odie Sparkman- Much like nearly everybody else in the cast, Odie wasn't given enough to do, but his time in the spotlight in East / West was nice, if brief.
  18. Zelmare Roulette- Zelmare and Swanee were my least favorite part of season 4. They had no reason to be there, and I felt like they just took away time from the main cast. Episodes 1, 9, 10, and 11 were my favorites from season 4, which are the only 4 episodes these bozos don't appear in (well, Zelmare was in 11, but only for a second). Zelmare places higher because I liked her stuff with Dibrell (and because it was nice that Fargo finally did a good lesbian romance after the misfire in season two), but besides that I would count her story as Fargo's biggest misfire.
  19. Doctor Harvard- Ew.
  20. Swanee Capps- She was just a worse version of Zelmare. Her only redeeming quality was that she continued Fargo's long tradition of vomiting onscreen.

And here is my list of favorite characters from all four season:
  1. Lou Solverson
  2. V.M. Varga
  3. Peggy Blumquist
  4. Lorne Malvo
  5. Gloria Burgle
  6. Lester Nygaard
  7. Mike Milligan / Satchel Cannon
  8. Nikki Swango
  9. Loy Cannon
  10. Hanzee Dent
  11. Molly Solverson
  12. Emmitt Stussy
  13. Wes Wrench
  14. Ray Stussy
  15. Oraetta Mayflower
  16. Hank Larrson
  17. Sy Feltz
  18. Floyd Gerhardt
  19. Yuri Gurka
  20. Gaetano Fadda

What are your opinions? Who are your favorite characters?
submitted by bob_loblaw_0211 to FargoTV [link] [comments]

[Standard] Izzet Giants

Hi there Spikes!
With Kaldheim there are many new archetypes and one that has both been exciting and somewhat disappointing has been Giants. I've seen many streamers try the deck and call it hot garbage and just drop it, but ultimately when the deck feels good, it feels REALLY good. So I've set to work the last few days trying to shore up the weaknesses of the deck and come out with something workable. This is where I've ended up with. I'm sitting at around a 60% win rate with it. I welcome your ideas and suggestions! Below are some card choice discussions and initial matchup impressions. I feel really good about the main deck but the sideboard is still a draft really.
Here is the list

2 Aegar, the Freezing Flame
4 Bonecrusher Giant
4 Calamity Bearer
3 Tectonic Giant
3 Quakebringer
4 Invasion of the Giants
3 Battle of Frost and Fire
2 Disdainful Stroke
2 Negate
3 Saw It Coming
3 Squash
2 Shatterskull Smashing
2 Footfall Crater
1 Island
2 Riverglide Pathway
4 Fabled Passage
5 Island
7 Mountain
1 Surtland Frostpyre
3 Temple of Epiphany
// Sideboard
2 Giant's Amulet
2 Glimpse the Cosmos
2 Shredded Sails
2 Weathered Runestone
2 Mystical Dispute
3 Soul Sear
1 Reflections of Littjara
1 Squash
Card Choices
2 Aegar, the Freezing Flame - as an inclusion in the deck, he fills two rolls - he's an early play and he can be a draw engine in the right circumstances. Aegar feels really good when you have a Calamity Bearer on the field as the opponent is stuck between choosing to take large amounts of damage or letting you draw cards. He is not overly powerful and somewhat situational, but we can only have 4 Bonecrusher, so I have him in as a two-of. One or both copies get sideboarded out in non-creature matchups.
4 Bonecrusher Giant - One of the main early game pieces. He gives us a low-grade removal or burn spell and a decent body + deals damage when targeted. He always gives you some value. Very good. I'm sure we all expect this. 4/4
4 Calamity Bearer - One of the main engine pieces of the deck. This guy is the guy who makes your opponent's life miserable. He doubles the damage of all giants AND the damage of Quakebringer ticks. Additionally, they stack with each other. So if you have 2 on the field and a Quakebringer in the gy, your opponent is taking 8 damage a turn. Oddly, this doesn't seem to affect Tectonic Giant triggered ability damage procs. I haven't had the interaction come up when Bonecrusher is targeted while Calamity Bearer is on the field (because Bearer is such a high priority threat), but I imagine that is affected by the damage boost. 4/4
3 Tectonic Giant - I didn't expect to like this giant as much as I do. The extra draws or damage can really force your opponent into tough choices. In more spell-oriented matchups, this guy gets his work done. They are less good in creature matchups, so a 3/4.
3 Quakerbringer - The main showpiece of the giant tribal. Everything it does is solid, and the Bringer being in the yard can allow this deck to play as a control deck and still win the game. Excellent against discard decks and Rogues, but slow. As a result of the slowness, they are only played at a 3/4.
4 Invasion of The Giants - This card is the glue that brings this deck together, without this card, it wouldn't be a deck. Scry + Card Draw + Burn + Ramp. This is everything this deck wants to do. 90% of the time it is the strongest turn 2 play you can make. 4/4
3 Battle of Frost and Fire - This is the second glue piece of the deck. This card provides a large amount of value the entire time it is on the board. It totally blows most aggro strategies out of the water (minus Lovestruck Beast :( ). I could see a discussion for only two in the deck, but most of the time you do want to see at least one of these a game. I typically side 1 - 2 copies out against more control matchups, but I do typically keep one in since it can also hit planeswalkers.
2 Disdainful Stroke - I'm finding that the best type of removal for the giants deck seems to be holding up counter magic. As such, between Bonecrushers, Battle of Frost and Fire, or Squash / Soul Sear, there is no 3 mana creature aside from Lovestruck Beast or Skyclave Apparition that can cause us problems. As such, I don't imagine we would ever want Essence Scatter and Disdainful Stroke has been great at keeping annoying creatures or Yorion Saga removal decks at bay.
2 Negate - A flexible tool that can hit engine cards like Henge or removal spells. Don't leave home without at least one!
3 Saw It Coming - I'm finding that in a mana hungry deck like this that the ability to have a universal counterspell up at 2 mana is HUGE. For instance, if you play out Invasion turn 2 - foretell this on turn 3 - then cast a 4 mana giant + hold up counter magic or removal turn 4 feels VERY GOOD.
3 Squash - One of the strongest red removal spells we have! I'd prefer Heartless Act but this serves us in Izzet just fine. It is conditional, but the plus sides are how much it removes and it triggers the 5-mana draw effect of BoFaF even if cast for 2 mana. This has performed very well for me.
2 Shatterskull Smashing - This is a mana hungry deck, and we want more removal. I'm using 2 but had 3 before. 2 feels like the sweet spot.
2 Footfall Crater - HERE IS THE SPICE! This card is for Giants what Witches Oven is for Food. A tiny utility piece that supercharges your game plan. I'd almost go as far as to say this is our Embercleave in our big mana hungry creature deck. Honestly, I'm finding the haste + trample combo to be one of the only ways we can efficiently deal with control strategies and in the late game it can allow you to generate enough momentum to just end the game. Additional copies can be cycled...what's not to love?
1 Surtland Frostpyre - I'm just trying this out really. It has been useful twice. It's a tool against aggro and the late game scry is also nice. This might be slightly better than the blue Castle considering how red mana centric our deck is if we need a scry. Blue Castle is also acceptable or +1 Shatterskull Smashing.
The mana base is not perfect - am missing two izzet pathways and + 1 temple would be ideal.

Sideboard Cards
I'm not posting a sideboard guide, but just explaining my thoughts currently. This sideboard is still rough. I welcome your experiences or feedback!
Giant's Amulet - Since adding this to the sideboard I haven't used it yet. Yes, it can be slow, but - like Footfall Crater - it can be a way around control decks, but blanking their spells AND providing a body. In theory, it should work but might not be as strong as more Disdainful Stroke or Negate.
Glimpse The Cosmos - I originally tried using this card in the main deck but ultimately there was just too many other things the deck wants to do + Invasion, BoFaF, Tectonic Giant, and Aegar can all draw us cards. It's in the sideboard for more control oriented matchups but might not be as strong as other options. I might try Annul in this spot instead.
Shredded Sails - Cheap removal vs Rogues + Dragons + Henge. It's nice.
Weathered Runestone - Rakdos is semi popular and is very annoying versus us. This blanks them + Rogues pretty well. Additionally, we don't use any spells from the grave. So it works great.
Mystical Dispute - A great sideboard option against control to help protect our creatures. Miscast might actually be more universally useful in this deck since our creatures eat so much removal.
Soul Sear - Wicked Wolf, Lovestruck Beast, and Seasoned Hallowblade are all very annoying.
Squash - Great against decks where we need to bring big removal.
Reflections of Littjara - This card is more experimental. Often when you can finally get this down, it just gets ECD'd, Binding'd, or countered...BUT in some matchups it has totally won me the game. We don't have a lot of creatures but if you can get this down for more than one will win.

Some initial matchup impressions!
Rogues - Honestly, this is the one matchup that feels easy mode. Between our amount of counter magic...the fact that our creatures are bigger than theirs, our sweepers, and quakebringer hitting the yard providing burn damage...It honestly feels like one of the matchups you would play giants for specifically. I haven't even had a problem with the mill yet. We are slow... but the bringers in the yard are faster than they are.
Mono G Food - I only had one matchup against these guys, and I won... but games 2 and 3 were very close. Squash is the mvp here as well as Disdainful Stroke. It feels a little like we are playing as rogues vs Food in that we are trying to stall out the board and win but instead of mill.. we use burn. That being said...we can steal games with cheeky Calamity Bearer plays. Weathered Runestone feels nice.
Rakdos - Again, just the one matchup, but this time I 1 I stole, but then they barely sneaked out a win on game 2 and 3. Them forcing us to discard Quakebringer is great. Weathered Runestone is great....Yeah, I'm not certain... we just ran out of juice. I was facing a discard Rakdos deck. Against sac might be a bit of a nightmare. Reflections of Littjara may be the way to beat this one. More testing required.
Naya Adventures - Actually not bad. The biggest threat they have is Lovestruck Beast and Mammoth. At one point I had Crush The Weak in the sideboard but didn't really feel I needed it. We stonewall them pretty good, it feels nice.
Control - Playing a slow creature deck vs control does not feel good. Footfall Crater is how we get value out of our creatures. It is very nice. I don't currently have any Thryx but might use some WC to try him out here. In general, I've won some and lost some, but it didn't feel particularly one sided. I haven't faced any Doom decks yet...and I'm not excited to try.
Aggro - Honestly, the only aggro deck that managed to beat me was a Hallowblade + Sky Maul combo. Everything else just got bricked by our sweepers and such.
I'd appreciate any feedback or discoveries you have made on your own trying out this archetype!
submitted by ClockworkArcBDO to spikes [link] [comments]

Spring Information Thread - Series 30

As always, credit to ManteoMax on the official FH4 forums for putting this together!  
The new Alfa Romeo 155 is available for reaching 50% Season completion.  
The Alien Morph Suit is available for completing the Super7 this week.  

FORZATHON SHOP (changes at 7:30am Pacific)




Earn 100 FP from the weekly challenge plus 10 per Daily, plus Bonus for all, double for owning the Lake Lodge  

Weekly Challenge - 15%

Must be done in sequence to count.

Daily Challenges - 1% Each

Each challenge is open for 72 hours from 7:30am Pacific of the start day.

SEASONAL EVENTS - 6% Each, 54% Total

The unique reward listed for seasonal championship events requires you to place 1st against at or above the Highly Skilled Drivatar difficulty setting; the Trial requires Unbeatable difficulty.  


Forza Horizon 4 | Series 30 Update  
Latest FH4 Release Notes: December 17th, 2020  
submitted by shad3 to forza [link] [comments]

- ULTIMATE list of media with Androgynous Girl as the lead character!! -

Hyperlinks are a link to a pic of the mc in question! :)
Also, ALL OF THEM ARE RR!!! they don't all necessarily feature a relationship, but they all definitely have the vibe, even if there is no relationship!
Films: ("*" indicates its on Netflix!)
· Terminator Dark Fate (she's SO cool!!!!!!)
Aliens(=Alien 2) (there are actually two of them so I put an image of both!)
Mad max: fury road (imperator furiosa is awesome!)
· princess blade (so underrated!!)
· the dark knight returns(carrie kelley is best robin! )
the fault in our stars (not totally rr, but she's hella awesome and think yall at RR will like the film still)
girl, interrupted
mortal engines
· Secrets of the Surface(badass irl math genius!!!)
· Amelia (the film about the true story of amelia earheart)
*· ok this is an exception, but; Divergent. she only has the short hair in the second film. but i think its a cool franchise so i still put it! (she's the one on the left, in the pic)
TV series:
ouran high school host club (haruhi fujiokaaaaaa i love her)
· Kurau Phantom Memory (i love her so. much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
hyena (also, don't be fooled by the first half of the first episode, there's a huge plot twist!!!)
Voltron Legendary Defender (ahh Pidge is Best Girl!!)
*· not lead the protagonist but is in the main cast: the show Carmen Sandiego has the short haired scientist dr.bellum and she's the best!!!!
star trek discovery
the dragon prince
· Andi Mack (ok not thaat andro, but short hair, at least)
stranger things (well... although eleven ended up growing out her hair in season 3, in 1 and 2 she has awesome short hair! here, each image is her in: the first, second, then third season!)
· patlabor
*· ok this one, i haven't watched yet but Halt and Catch Fire; Cameron seems to fit the bill. not sure if she grows out the hair at some point though
· Infinity train (each season follows a different character. the one that is andro is in the 2nd season! the first season has a rly cool protag too tho!!!)
· Glitch Techs(she only appears in season 2 though, but she's badass)
· The Knight and Her Emperor (she's the one with the RED hair!!!!!) MY FAVORITE SERIES EVER ASGFHJSDKLFGJHSDLFG
· castle swimmer(technically the two leads are 2 males [they are boyfriends ^-^] but there are loads of badass females in the main cast!!! here's my fave in hyperlink; Silver. she's the best haha)
· Axed
· Ghost Bats (she's the one alll the way to the right, with the cool hair!)
· Messenger (i like dis webcomic!!!!! didn't finish it yet tho)
· Sword interval
· The 101st Heroine (she's the one with the brown hair!)
· Thornstone (she grows out her hair at some point though, but still keeps a pretty cool style. there are other female characters with short hair tho!!! it's a cool comic, too!)
Video games
· Immortals Fenyx Rising !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
· Beyond good an evil!!!!!!!! :))
· the last of us 2!!!!!!!!! :)) (she only has short hair at the very end though, but she is buff all the time so i made an exception and still put here here!)
· Dishonored: death of the outsider/
· overwatch
· Half Life: Alyx (thanks bigmaxporter!)
Graphic novels and Mangas
· Saotome Senshu, Hitakakusu (havent finished yet but seems promising!) !!!!!!!! :)
· The Spire(havent finished it yet tho but cool) !!!!!!!! :)
· Martha Washington
· spartiates(by Charlotte Rousselle)(its AMAZING but irs only out in french for the moment)
· marion duval (sry again, fench exclusive too for the moment BUT ITS COOLLL)
· enemy(ange savaresse) also only in french too, tho
Bands (this time, in hyperlink, i put one of the music videos of the bands!!!!)
· fanxyred (cool!!)
· existtrace(all-female band from tokyo. they are the best!!!!!!!!!! my bias is Omi)
· christine and the queens
· kd lang (i love her ahhh)
· ael (another awesome japanese all female band!!)
· eurythmics !!!
· leah dou
· MISSter (SO COOL!!!)
· the hoopers
· la roux
· the pack ad
· marija serifovic
· arlo parks
· zwei
· valshe
· big thief
· amber liu
· disacode(the singer Akira also releases music independently!)
· Zhang Yun Jing
· so!yoon!
Short comic artists (can be followed on instagram, for instance)
· randomninjakitty(she's the best!!! a ton of very RR comics!!!)
· life of bibi
· the touring test
kids books:
· the turbulent term of tyke tyler
· because (by mo willems)
· wilma rudolph: fastest woman on earth
· unstoppable me
· rocket says clean up
kids shows:
· ronja robbers daughter (bonus point: the male mc is a femboy!)
· bluey (her family is entirely RR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
. Heidi the pic is from the 1987 tv series, but theres also an anime version. In the latter, she wears a pink dress though but oh well
· basically any buddhist nun. they are all badass. dunno why there is so little talk about them.
Short animations
· here's a playlist containing short animations featuring badass androgynous females!!! (this person has a couple other cool playlists i recommend you can check out as well!)

you are free to copy-paste this list! :) Please tell me if you have anything to add :D have a nice day!
submitted by readbooks100 to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

Random thoughts after my first rewatch of the show since it aired.

I did watch the show when it originally aired and I enjoyed it and was happy when it got renewed once it ended I mostly forgot about it. It wasn't until it appeared on Amazon Prime I started to think about watching it again and by the time I did it had been removed so I bought it on iTunes instead to watch it in HD because the BluRays were never released in the UK. So apologies for another one of these threads but here are my thoughts in no particular order:

This is a lot longer than I intended, I definitely won't be waiting years to watch the show again. I'm not sure what to watch now, there's no other show quite like it. I might continue watching decade old tv shows and rewatch Warehouse 13 which doesn't have the romance but definitely has the action and fish out of water feel that Chuck does.
submitted by ryodiUK to chuck [link] [comments]

[Standard] Lurrus Humans

Hi Spikes, sorry if there are any formatting issues I normally do not post!
I have been wanting to exploit Rally The Ranks and think that Humans have some of the best value creatures in the format at 1-2 drop in addition to the formats best removal spell in Dire Tactics. My initial lists trying to force Showdown of the Skalds in mardu were pretty bad across the board. So instead I wanted to try running all of the high value humans at CMC 1-2 in a true agro shell and maximize the value of each while also leveraging as many low cost high impact ono-creature spells as possible while having access to lurrus every game.

Here is the list I have ended up with: This.

4 Seasoned Hallowblade 4 Luminarch Aspirant 4 Archfiend's Vessel 1 Castle Ardenvale 4 Giant Killer 1 Snowfield Sinkhole 1 Kitesail Freebooter 4 Dire Tactics 1 Castle Locthwain 1 Drannith Magistrate 6 Snow-Covered Plains 4 Call of the Death-Dweller 4 Rally the Ranks 4 Brightclimb Pathway 4 Speaker of the Heavens 2 Bloodchief's Thirst 1 Duress 2 Faceless Haven 2 Savai Triome 6 Snow-Covered Swamp // Sideboard 1 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Kitesail Freebooter 2 Heliod's Intervention 2 Bloodchief's Thirst 2 Sentinel's Eyes 1 Village Rites 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den 2 Duress 2 Usher of the Fallen 1 Drannith Magistrate 
The name of the game here is selecting the most impactful humans and non creature spells for their CMC to allow us to cast multiple spells each turn both answering opposing threats and landing cheap high value threats every turn. I will explain my thoughts on each inclusion below starting with the 22 Humans we are running. Each of the one drops provides either stats or rules text that means it takes buffs from Luminarch Aspirant & Rally The Ranks well, while also having some other major upside. For the 2-drop humans, we are running the standard white agro package with some 1-of answers.
4 Giant Killer
Probably my favorite standard legal card. 1/2 Gives it reasonable stats for 1 mana considering rally & aspirant buffs and both Chop Down & the tap down effect are incredible with the amount of Gruul/Naya running around. The activated ability also makes combat extremely difficult for opponents and Playing the full set here means you very often will have a resolved Giant Killer on the board.
4 Archfiends Vessel
With lifelink, Vessel takes the decks buffs fairly well and helps us gain life for Speaker of the Heavens. The upside Vessel brings to the table is in conjunction with lurrus and call of the deathdweller allowing you to threaten recurring one or more 5/5 fliers almost every game. After lands, this should be your first target to discard to Hollow Blade.
4 Speaker of the Heavens
Life link & Vigilance means Speaker takes buffs very well. While the upside for Speaker, making angels, comes up less often than that of the other two, in comes up fairly frequently, especially against slower more reactive decks.
4 Seasoned Hallowblade
The most resilient 2-drop threat in standard. Not to much to be said, good in just about every matchup and takes buffs incredibly well. Hallowblade & Aspirant make up the core of the threat suite complimenting and empowering the rest of the deck. Important to note that you can use the discard clause here at will and can sometimes dump creatures at the end of opponents turn for a risky but very high impact Call of the Death Dweller as early as turn three (Nuts here is reanimating an Archfiend's Vessel & one of you two drop humans)
4 Luminarch Aspirant
Incredible card that already sees plenty of play, the amount of power this card puts out over the course a few turns is amazing. Every creature in our deck take the counters well, although Giant Killer is a bit lack luster as you often want to be using its activated ability. It & Seasoned Hallowblade form the threat core of the deck.
1 Kitesail Freebooter & 1 Dranith Magistrate
I like having access to at least on of both of these in the main deck. Dranith is pure and simply in the deck because of how many Adventure & Foretell cards are being played and most importantly to stymie the various Showdown of the Skalds decks. If it wern't for Skalds, I would be running 2 main deck Kitesail Freebooter as flying means it takes buffs very well and helps snag henges/sweepers/removal/Ugins from our opp hand long enough to close the game out.
4 Rally The Ranks
Reason I build the deck, edges the value of all of our creatures over the threshold. Not to much to say here, very cheap and resilient anthem effect. Amazing with white castle and all of your cheap threats. Very nice that you can bring back from the GY with Lurrus
4 Dire Tactics & 2 Bloodchief's Thirst
Not too much to say here, these are the most efficient removal spells in the format bar none. In conjunction with Giant Killer, this gives you 10 main deck removal spells for Gruul/Naya Matchups and I usually will keep at least one of each even against more controlling strategies. Have access to 2 additional copies of Thirst in the board to give us the full compliment of 12 removal spells against other aggressive strategies. If you want to keep up with Henge & Skalds, you need to keep Gruul/Naya's board clear while getting in with your efficient threats.
4 Call of the Death Dweller
With all of our creatures at either 1-2 CMC, this almost always gets back 2 creatures. Obviously great with Archfiend's Vessel. But the deathtouch and menace counters are also incredibly on Hallowblade and your other creatures as well. As stated before, while risky, you can also pitch creatures to your yard with hollow blade anytime to bring back. Hyper efficient recursion for all of your creatures that upgrades them in the process.
1 of Durress
Along with the 1-of Kitesail, I like having access to non-creature discard as even for agro decks, their best game ending cards (Henge/Skalds/Cleave) are non cretaures and you can also hit DFC-Spell lands as well. Essential against Yorion & tempo piles.
Wanted to squeeze as much value out of our land slots as possible by having access to Faceless Haven, one of each castle and running less than 24 lands. The balance of snow lands, 2 triomes, Brightclimb & Snow Basics is just enough to give you the snow mana for Haven, the basics for castles, some cycling lands and enough colored sources to cast our spells. Open to thoughts here.

Still Very Much a WIP as the meta shapes up, any recommendations are welcome.

Thanks for taking the time to read, the deck is relatively wildcard light and I have been having a blast. I am still working up matchup data, but have had good success so far in high diamond. Please let me know your thoughts or if you would recommend any changes!
submitted by conman10102 to spikes [link] [comments]

[US] [Selling] Selling Half My Collection. Very Long List. Lots of titles.

Edit: I'm going through all the comments so be patient with me XD
Edit 2: 11/17 12:00pm I'm still responding to comments and taking pics for people so thanks for your patience
Edit 3: 11/17 5:30pmI’m still replying to people and packing up/shipping out orders so if I haven’t gotten to you I will! Again thanks for your patience I was not prepared for the response I got haha.
I wanna get rid of this chunk of my collection so help me out lol.
The red stickers mean I shrink wrapped it, if it does not have a red sticker that means it is in its original factory shrink wrap. SR = shrinkwrap incase I happen to abbreviate. All Box Sets are new in original Shrinkwrap except monster.
Most of these books are New & Unread because I also have the digital versions. They might have slight yellowing or wear & tear because I received them that way from the retailer.
I will split sets only if another person wants the other half of what's being split.
The only trades I'm accepting are for Fire Force, Priapus, Wandering Son and What Did You Eat Yesterday Vol. 9
Some of these are cross-posted so I will update as they are sold on all platforms. Prices include fees but do not include shipping unless stated otherwise. Shipping is based on Media Mail & final weight of your purchase. $75+ is shipped free, box sets are excluded.
Free Stufbucks code or $25 dollar blind box code to the first 3 people to spend $75. I Have 2 of stufbucks and 1 blind box code.
Sorry about the typos it’s a long list. It’s a lot of photos to take so as I finish taking photos or as people ask I’ll update the listing. Thanks!
pics of everything

07 Ghost Volume 1-5, 7-17 (G5) $104
5 Centimeters Per Second (G5) $10
7 Billion Needles Volume 1(G4) $12
7 Billion Needles Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4-G5) $150
20th Century Boys Perfect Edition Volume 1-9 (G5) $110
A Brides Story Volume 1-12 (g5) $120
A Certain Scientific Railgun Volume 1-15 (G4-G5) $450
A Drifting Life (G4) $20
A Girl On The Shore (G5) $12
Absolute Boyfriend Volume 1-6 (G3-G4) $30 (Volume one has some weird stain from previous owner)
Again!! Volume 1-12(Complete) (G5) $85
Ajin Demi-Human Volume 1-15 (G5) $120
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Volume 1-6 (G4 remainder marks) $40
Alice & Zoroku Volume 1-5 (G4 remainder marks) $35
Alice in the Country of Bundle (G4) $130
  1. Clover: Bloody Twins
  2. Clover: Ace of Hearts
  3. Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz Vol. 1-5
  4. Hearts: Volume 1-3 (Omnibus)(Complete)
  5. Hearts: My Fanatic Rabbit Volume 1-2 (Complete)
  6. Joker: Liar's Game Volume 1-2
All You Need Is Kill (Complete Omnibus) (G5) $9
An Invitation From A Crab (G4 new & unread, slightly damaged during shipping) $8
Anonymous Noise Volume 1-18 (Complete) (G4-G5) $120
Aposimz Volume 1-3 (G5) $24
Aquarion Evol Volume 1-5(Complete) (G5) $35
Arata the Legend Volume 1-14 (G4) $98
Arcana Volume 1-9 (Complete) (G4) $60
Artifice (G3-G4, pages are in great shape but are separating from spine slightly. Signed by author in previous owner's name) $10
Asian Beat (G3) $5
B.O.D.Y. Volume 1-10 Complete (G4) $50
Baccano! Volume 1 (G5) $8
Bad Teachers Equation Volume 1-10 (Complete, Japanese) (G4) $50
Basilisk Volume 1-5(Complete) (G3-G4) $50
Battle Club Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G4-G5) $40
Battle Royale Volume 1-15 (Complete) (G4) $350
Beasts of Abigaile Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4, remainder marks) $25
Biomega Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G4-G5) $60
Black Bird Box Set (g5 new in SR) $100
Black Clover Volume 1-9 (G4) $63
Black Gate Omnibus (G4) $10
Black Torch Volume 1-5 (complete) (g5) $35
Blade of the Immortal Volume 1-26, 28, 30-31 (G2-G4) $300
Blade of the Immortal Volume 11 (G2) $6
Blade of the Immortal Volume 11 (G3) $8
Blade of the Immortal Shinsou-ban (Japanese) Edition (G5) $160
Blame! Master Edition Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G5) $120
Bleach Box Sets 2-3(G5 new in SR) $220
Bloody Cross Volume 1-12 (complete) (G4-G5) $96
Bloody Monday Volume 1-11 (Complete) (G3-G4 , vol 3 is very worn from previous owner) $70
Blue Exorcist Volume 1-23 (G4-G5) $140
Boarding School Juliet Volume 1-9 (G4) $63
Boxers & Saints Box Set (G5 new in original Shrinkwrap) $40
Buddha Volume 1-8 (Complete, paperback) (G5) $72
Bungo Stray Dogs Volume 1 (G5) $7
Buso Renkin Volume 1-10 (Complete) (G4) $70
Captain Harlock : The Classic Collection Hardcover Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4-G5) $45
Captain Harlock: Dimensional Voyage Volume 1-10 (Complete) (G3-G4) $70 (some are former Library books, the outsides have been cleaned and are unmarked but the insides may still have markings or stickers.
Cats of Louvre (G5) $18
Cells at Work Volume 1-5 (G5) $40
Cells at Work! Code Black Volume 1-5 (G5) $45
Children of the Whales Volume 1-15 (G4-G5) $120
Cirque Du Freak Volume 1-12 (Complete) (G2-G4, some former library books and spine creases) $150
City Volume 1-8 (G5) $68
Claymore Box Set (G5 new in SR) $110
Clockwork Apple (G4) Got for free, free with a purchase or just pay shipping alone
Cy Believers Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $15
D.N. Angel Volume 1-13 (Complete) (G3-G4) $60
Dance in the Vampire Bund Volume 1 (G4) $8
Daniel X Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4-G5) $25
Daytime Shooting Star Volume 1-7 (G5) $49
Daytripper (G5) $10
Dead Mount Death Play Volume 1-4 (G5, new in original SR) $32
Deadman Wonderland Volume 1-13 (Complete) (G5) $85
Dears Volume 1-8 (Complete) (G3-G4) $50
Demon Diary Volume 1-7(Complete) (G4) $40
Demon Slayer Volume 1-18 (G5) $120
Devilman Grimoire Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $35
Devilman vs Hades Volume 1-3(Complete) (G4 remainder marks ) $22
Devils and Realist Volume 1-15 (Complete) (G4-G5) $130
Devils' Line Volume 1-14 (Complete) (G5) $120
Dorohedoro Volume 1-23 (Complete) (G5) $184
Doubt Volume 1-2(Complete) (G4) $20
Dragon Goes House Hunting Volume 1-5 (G4-G5 remainder marks) $40
Dragon Half Omnibus Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $30
Drifting Classroom Perfect Edition Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G5) $60
Drifting Dragons Volume 1-5 (G5) $40
Durarara!! Volume 1-4 (Complete first Arc) (G4) $30
Erased Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G5) $90
Everyone's Getting Married Volume 1-9 (Complete) (G5) $60
Fairy Cube Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4) $15
Fairy Tail Volume 1-21 (G4 wear from shipping, was not shipped to me securely) $110
Fall in Love Like A Comic Volume 1-2(G4) $12
Fire in His Fingertips: A Flirty Fireman Ravishes Me With His Smoldering Gaze Volume 1 (G5 new in original shrinkwrap) $9
First Love Monster Volume 1-6 (G4-G5) $48
FLCL Volume 1-2 Omnibus (Complete) (G4) $15
Frau Faust Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G5) $42
Fuku Fuku Kitten Tales Volume 1-2 (G5) $12
Full Moon Volume 1 (G4) $6
Game X Rush Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $10
Gamerz Heaven Volume 1-2 (G4) $12
Gangsta Volume 1-8 (G5) $60
Gangsta: Cursed Volume 1-5 (Complete ) (G5) $40
Gantz Volume 1-37 (Complete, Japanese) $160
Gantz Omnibus Volume 1-4 (G5 new in original shrinkwrap) $68
Ghost Diary Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G5) $24
Giganto Maxia (G4) (got free, free with other purchase or pay for shipping alone)
Gintama Volume 1-5 (G4) $30
Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes Volume 1 (G5) $9
Girls Bravo Volume 1-4, 6-7 (G4-G5) $40
Go With the Clouds North-By-Northwest Volume 1-3 (G5) $23
Goblin Slayer Volume 1-8 (G5 in original shrinkwrap) $65
Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One Volume 1-5 (G5 in original SR) $40
Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day Volume 1-2 (G5 in original SR) $16
Graneliers Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G5) $20
Grand Blue Dreaming Volume 1-10 (G4-G5) $80
Happiness Volume 1-10 (Complete) (G5) $80
Happy Marriage Volume 1-10 (Complete) (G4-G5) $60
Hayate The Combat Butler Volume 1-2 (G4) $12
He's My Only Vampire Volume 1-10 (Complete) (OOP) (G4) $80
Hetalia Axis Power Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G4 shipping wear) $60
High School Debut 3-in-1 Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G5) $50
High Rise Invasion Omnibus Volume 1-7 (G4-G5) $80
Himouto! Umaru-Chan Volume 1-10 (G5) $80
Hot Gimmick VizBig Edition Vol 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $40
Howl's Moving Caste Film Comic Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $30
Hunter X Hunter Volume 1-32 (G4) $200
I Am A Hero Volume 1-4, 6-11 (G4-G5) $200
Ibitsu (G4) $12
I'm Standing On A Million Lives Volume 1-6 (G5) $40
Immortal Hounds Volume 1-6 (G5) $45
Imperfect Girl Volume 1-3 (G5) $22
In/Spectre Volume 1-6 (G5) $40
Inuyasha Volume 1-41 (G3-G4) $240
Inuyasha VizBig Edition Volume 15-18 (43-56) (G4) $48
Inuyashiki Volume 1-10 (Complete) (G5) $80
ION (G4) $6
Isle of Dogs (G5) $
Itsuwaribito Volume 1-23 (Complete) (G4-G5) $140
Jack Frost Volume 1-9, 11 (G4) $80
Jack The Ripper: Hell Blade Volume 1-3 (G4, remainder marks) $15
Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G4-G5) (Volume 4 has remainder mark) $35
Juana and the Dragonewt's Seven Kingdoms Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $19
Judge Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G4) $60
Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1-5 (G5) $30
Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler Volume 1-12 (G5) $90
Kanokon Omnibus Volume 1-9 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $50
Kanpai Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $10
Karneval Omnibus Volume 1-10 (G5) $120
Keili Manga Volume 1-2 Complete (G4)$12
Kimi ni Todoke Volume 1-30 (Complete) (G4-G5) $200
King of Thorn Volume 1 (G4) $8
Kiss of Fire Youka Nitta Art Book (G5 new in original shrinkwrap) $10
Kizuna Volume 1-11 (Complete, Japanese) (G4) $50
Knights of Sidonia Master Edition Volume 1-3 (G5) $62
Komi Can't Communicate Volume 1-8 (G5) $52
Kujibiki Unbalance Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $12
Kuma Miko Girl Meets Bear Volume 1-8 (G5) $54
Kuroko's Basketball Omnibus Volume 1-11 (Complete) (G5) $110
LDK Volume 1-15 (G5) $100
Lament of the Lamb Volume 1-5 (G4) $40 Shipped
Lament of the Lamb Volume 1-7 (Complete) (G4) $60
Laon Volume 1 (G5) $8
Legal Drug Volume 1-3 (Dark Horse Omnibus) (G3, remainder mark) $15
Levius (G5) $20
Levuis/est Volume 1-6 (G5) $48
Little Devils Volume 1-4 (G4-G5 remainder marks 1-2) $30
Livingstone Volume 1-4 (complete) (G4) $25
Lone Wolf & Cub Volume 1-28 (Complete) (G3-G5) $365
Lone Wolf & Cub Volume 7, 9, 19 (G2-G3) $15
Love Hina Volume 1-14 (Complete, matching spines) (G3-G4) $70
Lust Mix (Hentai) (G5 new in original SR) $15
Machimo: I Messed Up and Made the Wrong Person Into A Magical Girl Volume 1-6 (G5) $48
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka Volume 1-8 (G4-G5 remainder marks on 1-6) $60
Manhwa Novella Collection Volume 1-4 (Complete, Netcomics) (G3) $25
Marginal Operation Volume 1-3 (G5) $24
Maximum Ride Volume 1-9 (G4-G5) $70
Midnight Mover (G4) $5
Mikagura School Suite Volume 1-3 G4 remainder marks) $20
Moble Suit Gundam 00: Second Season Volume 4 (G4) $4
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Orgin Volume 1-3 (G4) $45
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Episode Zero & Endless Waltz Vol 1-4 (G3/G4) $30
Model Volume 1-7 (G3-G4) $40
Monkey High Volume 1-6 (G4) $30
Monster Perfect Edition Volume 1-9 (Complete) $120
Monster Japanese Box Set (Box is G3 was damaged during shipping, has dent/hole on bottom of box. Books are G5) $140
Moster Tamer Girls Volume 1 (G5) $8
Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation Volume 1-9 (G4-G5) $70
My Boy Volume 1-6 (G5) $50
My Father is A Unicorn (G5) $9
My Little Monster Volume 1-13 (Complete) (G4-G5) $104
My Neighbor Seki Volume 1-3 (G4) $18
My Neighbor Tototo Film Comic Volume 1-4 (G4) $25
Nabari no Ou Volume 1-14 (G4) $140
Nabari No Ou Volume 1-2 (G4) $12
Naruto Volume 39-46 (G4) $40
Natsume's Book of Friends Volume 1-14 (g4) $100
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Box Set (G5 new in SR) $45
NE NE NE (G5) $8
Negima Volume 1-20 (G4) $100
Neo Parasyte F & M (G4) $18
New Lone Wolf & Cub Volume 5 $9
Nichijou Volume 1-8 (G5) $52
No Guns Life Volume 1-7 (G5) $56
No Matter How I look At It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular Volume 1-16 (G5) $128
Not Simple (G5) $10
Oisinbo Volume 1-7 (G4) $60
Of The Red the Light and the Ayakashi Volume 2-10 (G5) $70
Olympos (G4) $12
Only the Ring Finger Knows (Manga) & Novel Volume 1-5 (G4) $100
Ooku: The Inner Chambers Volume 1-17 (G5) $150
Opus (G5) $12
Orange Omnibus 1-2 & Orange Future (G5) $32
Otomen Volume 1-9 (G4) $50
Overlord Volume 1-10 (G5) $80
Parasyte Volume 1-8 (Complete) (G5) $60
Phantom Dream Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G4) $30
Ping Pong Volume 1-2 (G5) $40
Pixie Volume 1-2 (G4) $10
Planetes Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $24
Platinum End Volume 1-11 (G5) $72
Pleasure & Corruption Volume 1-2 (G5) $14
Plum Crazy! Tales of a Tiger Striped Cat Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $30
Plunderer Volume 1-4 (G5) $48
Pluto Volume 1-8 (G5) $70
Pokemon Adventures: Collector's Edition Volume 1-3 (G5) $35
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea Movie Comic Volume 1-4 (G4) $25
Portus (G5) $7
Priest Volume 1-16 (Complete) (G4, vol 3 is G2 pages are clean and crisp but the cover has a stickepaper stain) $130
Priest Purgatory Vol 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $10
Prince of Tennis Volume 1-3 (G4) $15
Prison School Volume 1-14 (G4-G5) $180
Prophecy Volume 1-3 (G4) $15
Psychic Power Nanaki Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4) $15
Psycho Busters Vol 1-7 (Complete) (G4) $40
Psycho Pass Volume 1-4 (G4) $40
Push Man & Other Stories (G5) $10
Q.Ko-Chan Volume 1-2 (G4) $16
Radient Volume 1-12 (G5) $ 80
Real Love (G4) $ 5
Red Hot Chili Samurai Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $20
Red Riding Hood and the Big Sad Wolf Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G5) $16
Requiem of the Rose King Volume 1-12 (G5) $80
Rosario Vampire Box Set (G5 new in SR) $110
Rurouni Kenshin Volume 1-28 (G4) $140
RWBY (DC Comics) (G5) $10
RWBY (Viz Media) (G5) $ 8
RWBY: The Official Manga Volume 1(G5) $8
RWBY: The Official Manga Anthology Volume 1-4 (Complete) $30
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beats Volume 1-10 (G4-G5) $80
Saga Volume 1 (Hardcover) (G5) $15
Saga Compendium One (Paperback) (G4) $35
Sailor Moon Eternal Edition Volume 1-8 (G5) $136
Samurai Executioner Volume 1-10 (G4) $160
Samurai Harem Volume 1-2 (Vol. 2-G2 & Vol. 1-G4) $12
Satisfaction Guaranteed Volume 1-7 (Complete) (G4) $30
Say I Love You Volume 1-18 (Complete) (G4, vol 13 has crinkled spine) $130
Scumbag Loser (G5 new in SR) $15
Secret Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4) $30
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (World's Greatest First Love) Volume 1-7 (Japanese) (G5) $40
Sensual Phrase Volume 1-18 (Complete) (G4 OOP) $140
Sensual Phrase Volume 15-16, 18 (G4) $20
Sequence (G4) $6
Seraph of the End Volume 1-17 (G4) $105
Seraphin 266613336 Wings (G5) $12
Servamp Volume 1-12 (G4 remainder marks) $95
She and Her Cat (G5) $8
Shut-In Shoutaorou Kominami Takes on the World Volume 1-3(Omnibus) (G5) $18
Skip Beat Volume 1-31 (G4) $180
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Volume 1-12 (G5) $75
Solanin (G5) $11
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Heed My Call Beasts! Volume 1-2 (G4 remainder marks) $17
Soul Eater Volume 1-25 (Complete) (G2-G4) $125 (volume 15-25 got water damaged during shipping and have noticeable warping. Vol 1-14 are in perfect shape. Basically selling 1-14 for 8 bucks each + shipping and fees and 15-25 are free. They're still readable and look fine on a shelf)
Soul Liquid Chamber Volume 1-3 (G4 remainder marks) $21
Soul Rescue Volume 1-2 (complete) (G4) $10
Spirit Circle Volume 1-6 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $40
Spirited Away Film Comic Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G5) $30
Spy X Family Volume 1-2 (G5) $12
Star Blazers Volume 1-2 (G5) $24
Strawberry Chan Volume 1-2 (G5) $10 (Shipped)
Suki Volume 1-3 (G4) $15
Sweetness & Lightning Volume 1-12 (Complete) (G5) $100
Taboo Tattoo Volume 2-13 (G4) $95
Togainu no Chi Doiujinshis (6 different ones) (Japanese) (G4) $40
Takeru Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $20
Tales of Berseria Volume 1-3 (complete) (G5) $25
Tales of Zestria Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $30
Tarot Cafe: The Collector's Edition Volume 1-3 (Omnibus) (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $30
That Wolf Boy Is Mine Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G5) $28
The Ancient Magus Bride Volume 1-12 (G5) $95
The Angel of Elhamburg (G5) $10
The Boy and the Beast Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G5) $24
The Bride and the Exorcist Knight Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $
The Daily Lives of High School Boys Volume 1 (G5) $8
The Dark-Hunters Infinity Volume 1-2 (Complete0 (G5) $16
The Demon Prince of Momochi House Volume 1-16 (G5) $112
The Dungeon of Black Company Volume 1-4 (G4 remainder marks) $28
The Flowers of Evil Volume 1-11 (Complete) (G4) $110
The Garden of Words (G5) $8 (2 copies)
The Gentlemen's Alliance Volume 1-11 (Complete) (G4 $50
The Ghost and the Lady Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $22
The Girl From the Other Side Volume 1-8 (G5) $68
The Gods Lie (G5) $9
The Great Catsby Volume 1-5 (G4) $35
The Innocent (G5) $8
The Legend of Dororo and Hyakkimaru Volume 1 (G5) $8
The Legend of Zelda Legendary Edition Volume 1-5 (Complete) (G5) $50
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Volume 1-7 (G5) $45
The Other Side of the Mirror Volume 1-2 (Complete) (G4) $10
The Prince in His Dark Days Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4) $30
The Promised Neverland Volume 1-17 (G5) $120
The Royal Tutor Volume 1-13 (G5) $105
The Saga of Tanya the Evil Volume 1-9 (Manga)(G5) $72
The Seven Princes of the Thousand Year Labyrinth Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $30
The Voynich Hotel Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $22
Time Killers: Short Story Collection (G5) $8
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Volume 1-4 (G5) $30
Tokyo ESP Volume 1-6 (Complete)(G4) $55
Tokyo Ghoul Box Set (G5 new in shrinkwrap) $100
Tokyo Ghoul: Re Volume 1-16 Complete (G5 new & unread. Vol 8 damaged slightly during shipping. Pics show damage) $110
Tomo-chan Is A Girl Volume 1-6 (G5) $48
Too Long (G4) $6
Tropic of the Sea (G5) $9
Tsubasa: Those With Wings Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4) $20
Twin Star Exorcists Volume 1-19 (G5) $125
Ubel Blatt Volume 0-11 (Complete) (G4) $180
Vagabond Volume 1-12 & Volume 37 (G4-G5, new and unread but had wear when receivced from retailer) $165
Venus Versus Virus Volume 1-8 (Complete) (G4) $60
Versailles of the Dead Vol 1-2 (Complete) (G5) $16
Vinland Saga Volume 1-11 (G5) $170
Voices of A Distant Star (G5) $8
Wanted (G4) $6
We Were There Volume 2-5 (G4) $20
Welcome to the Ballroom Volume 1-9 (G5) $72
Witch & Wizard Volume 1-3 (Complete) (G4) $16
Witchcraft Works Volume 1-13 (G5) $
Wolf Children Ami & Yuki (Manga)(G5) $15
Wolfsmund Volume 2-8 (G5) $62
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For An Otaku Volume 1-4 (G5) $40
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Volume 1-20 (G5) $140
Yokai Rental Shop Volume 1-4 (Complete) (G4 remainder marks) $30
Yotsuba Volume 1, 5, & 7 (G4) $15
Yu Yu Hakusho Volume 1-19 (Complete) (G4) $133
Zombie Loan Volume 1 (G4) $8
Yu-Gi-Oh 3-in-1 Volume 1 (1-3) (G4 unread) $10
Zombie Loan Volume 1-13 (Complete) (G4) $100

Sakira Posters & Sakira Prints $20 Shipped Each. Prints are numbered so just tell me which #s you’re interested in.
submitted by jziegler1803 to mangaswap [link] [comments]

[Share] My Music Library Index (861GB)

Hello everyone. I made a post about two months ago sharing my library index (646GB at the time). I was working with 400GB of space back then so I went with a request format so people could comment and request titles on my list. However, I have since exceeded that storage space limit through the sheer number of requests I've been getting so I decided to purchase more space to accommodate everyone's needs. As a result, I now have enough space to upload my entire library which is what I have done. Please enjoy!


*This keeps coming up on my last post, so I will reiterate it here:
This is not a request post. I'm sharing what I have in my library. Please do not request titles that aren't listed below. Thank you. :)

If there's no quality specified, it's FLAC at 16bit / 44.1 or 48 kHz
[320] MP3 at 320kbps, when this number is 3 digits and not 16/24 it is always MP3 with the number indicating kbps
[24] FLAC at 24 bit, if the sampling rate is higher than 44.1/48kHz it will be specified
[MQA] will be specified after bit-rate
Discographies are studio albums mostly, some include EPs/Mixtapes/Live albums as well
All albums listed are complete, unless otherwise noted.
If there are multiple formats available within an album, they will be in separate sub folders.
Occasionally there will be albums with mixed formats, which will be noted.
There's a small percentage of titles that are labeled in FLAC but are actually upsampled MP3. Unfortunately I'm not quite sure which ones they are. I'd estimate this to be less than 3% of the collection.
Some video content are also included with certain titles.
I think that would be all for now. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions below.
2 Chainz - Discography (2012-2020)[16~24/96]
2 Pac - 2Pacalypse Now, Strictly 4 My NIGGAZ, Me Against the World, All Eyez on Me, Americaz Most Wanted
8 Mile Original Soundtrack
8Ball - Lost
21 Savage - Slaughter King [320], Savage Mode, Savage Mode II [24]
50 Cent - Discography (2003-2014), Power of the Dollar EP+Unreleased, Guess Who's Back [Mixtape], The New Breed [Documentary CD], Get Rich or Die Tryin' OST, This is 50 [Mixtape], The Kanan Tape [Mixtape], Best Of [Compilation], Singles
112 - 112, Room 112
A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Artist, The Bigger Artist, Hoodie SZN, Artist 2.0 [24]
A Great Big World - Is There Anybody Out There? [320]
A$AP Ferg - Furious Ferg, Floor Seats II [24]
A$AP Rocky - Live.Love. ASAP, Long. Live. ASAP, At. Last. ASAP [24], Testing [24]
Aaryan Shah - In the Making, The Arrival: Part I+II [16~24]
AC/DC - Discography (1976-2020)[16~24/96]
Ace Hood [320] - Discography (2008-2013)
Mixtape: Ace Won't Fold, All Bets on Ace, Final Warning, Street Certified, The Preview, I Do It.. For the Sport, The Statement, Body Bag Vol.1, Sex Chronicles, The Statement 2, Body Bag Vol.2, Starvation, Starvation II

.hack_Sign OST 1+2 [320]
Castlevania - Akumajo Dracula Best Music Collections Box
Curse of Darkness - Prelude of Revenge
Harmony of Despair
Lament of Innocence
Lament of Innocence Limited Edition Music Sampler
Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate
Symphony of the Night
Death Note OST 1+2+3 [320]
Detective Conan OST 3
Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite
Final Fantasy VII OST
Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
Gensomaden Saiyuki - OST 1, Single Collection
Guilty Gear X - Heavy Rock Tracks, Rising Force of Gear Image Vocal Tracks
Guilty Gear XX OST
Guilty Gear XX - Sound Alive/A.S.H.
Hikaru no Go - Theme Song Selection
Howl's Moving Castle - OST [24], Symphony Suite [320]
Hunter x Hunter - OST 1+2+3, The Last Mission
Joe Hisaishi - Dream Songs/The Essential Joe Hisaishi [24]
Legend of Mana [320]
My-HiME - OST 1+2
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Single Collection, "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" [24_192]
NieR:Automata [24]
Noir - OST 1+2+3
Ragnarok Online Complete Soundtrack
Rockman Zero: Remastered Tracks, Collection Soundtrack -résonnant vie-
Rockman Zero & ZX Sound Box (Zero 1+2+3+4, ZX, ZX Advent)
Rockman Zero/ZX Reploid Remixes
Rockman ZX: Soundsketch -ZX Gigamix-, ZX Tunes, ZXA Tunes
Rurouni Kenshin - OST 1 [320], OST 2+3+4, CD BOX [320], Director's Collection, Premium Collection, Songs, The Best Theme Collection
Shaman King - Comics Image Album, Melody of the Spirits, Osorezan Revoir ~au revoir~, Osorezan Revoir ~prologue to shaman~, Single Vocal Album, Vocal on Parade!!
Slayers TRY Treasure BGM
Spirited Away [320]
The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD
Tsubasa Chronicle - OST 1+2+3+4
Yu-Gi-Oh! Theme Song Single Collection
Z.O.E. - Zone of the Enders, Anubis: Zone of the Enders
Zenki - Character Song Collection 2, OST 2 Raigou Shourin!!
軒轅劍三外傳:天之痕 - 三個人的時光
風色幻想 - 1+SP+2+3+4+5

Adam Ben Ezra - Discography (2015-2020)
Adam Lambert - Trespassing
Adam Lopez - The Popera, Showstopper, Till the End of Time
Adele - Discography (2008-2015)
Afek-T - Les brumes, "Impassible"
Agnes Obel - Philharmonics, Aventine, Citizen of Glass [24], Myopia [24]
Akon - Trouble
Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls, Sound & Color
Alejandro Fernández - de noche - clasicos a mi manera, Confidencias [320]
Alicia Keys - Songs in A Minor
Aloe Blacc - Shine Through, Good Things, Lift Your Spirit
Aloosh - Separate, Ceramic [24/96]
Amber Run [320] - 5am, For a Moment I Was Lost
Amy Winehouse - Frank [24], Back to Black [24/96], Lioness: Hidden Treasures, At the BBC
Andrea Bocelli - Romanza, Verdi
Angra - Discography (1992 - 2010)[160~231, except Temple of Shadows in 16]
Anita Baker - Rhythm of Love
Anthony Ramos - The Freedom EP, The Good & The Bad
Ariana Grande - Discography (2013-2020)[16~24/MQA]
Arvo Part - Various works
Audiophile Analog Collection Vol. 2 [DSD256]
Aurora - Discography (2015-2019)[24, except Infections of a Different Kind in 16]
AZ - Doe or Die
Az Yet - Az Yet, She's Magic
Babyface - The Day
Bad Meets Evil - Hell: The Sequel
Ballet Class Music [320]
Banks - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24/MQA]
Basso Profondo from Old Russia
Belly - Another Day in Paradise, Inzombia, Mumble Rap, Immigrant
Beyoncé - 4, Beyoncé, Lemonade
Big Boi - Boomiverse
Bilal - 1st Born Second
Bill Evans Trio [320] - Explorations, Sunday at the Village Vanguard, Waltz for Debby
Bill Withers - Lovely Day: The Very Best of Bill Withers
Billie Eilish - Discography (2017-2020)
Birdy - Discography (2011-2016)
Bishop Briggs - EP [24MQA], Church of Scars [24MQA], Champions [24]
Black OST
Black Hill - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24]
Stvannyr - Secrets of the runes
Black Panther - Original Score [24], The Album [24], Wakanda Remixed [16]
Blindspotting - The Collins EP, The Miles EP
Bloom - Sinses
Blue - All Rise
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Legend
Bone Thugs-n-Harmony - Creepin on ah Come Up EP
Brent Faiyaz - A.M. Paradox EP, Sonder Son, Lost EP, Fuck the World
Bruno Mars - Discography (2010-2016)
Busta Rhymes - The Coming
Call Me By Your Name OST
Camila Cabello - Romance
Cardi B - Gangsta Bitch Music Vol.1 [128], UnderEstimated - The Tour Album [128], GBMV2 [128], Invasion of Privacy
Carolina Eyck - Discography (2008-2019)
Case - Open Letter
Céline Dion - All the Way... A Decade of Song, A New Day Has Come, Courage
Charlotte Cardin - Big Boy EP, Main Girl EP
Charlotte Cardinale - Florescentia
Chase Holfelder - Major to Minor, Vol. 1+2
Chet Faker - Thinking in Textures, Built on Glass, Lockjaw
Childish Gambino - Camp, Because the Internet, 3.15.20, "This is America"
Chingy - Jackpot
Chloe x Halle [24] - Sugar Symphony EP, The Kids Are Alright, Ungodly Hour
Choral: Aliqua, Chor Leoni Men's Choir Discography (1998-2018), Christmas with The Princeton Singers, musica intima (clear), Rajaton (Boundless, Tarinoita), The Manitou Singers - Repertoire for Women's Voices, Vol. 2
Christina Aguilera - Christina Aguilera [320], Stripped, Back to Basics, Bionic, Lotus [320], Liberation [24]
Cirque du Soleil - Discography (1992-2015)[128~320, 3 albums in 16]
Clann [24] - Kin Fables, Seelie

100 Great Symphonies
Bach - Selected Organ Works, The Famous Cantatas, The Six Motets
Beethoven - Complete String Quartets, Piano Sonata No.8 op.13 'Pathetique', Piano Sonata No.14 op.27 'Moonlight', Piano Sonata No.23 op.57 'Appassionata'
Brahms - Brahms on Life and Love, Requiem, Symphony No.1
Bruckner - Te Deum
Chopin Complete Piano Music [192]
Dvořák - Mass in D, Requiem, Symphony No.7+8+9
Fauré - Requiem
Glazunov - Violin Concerto in Am op.82
Grieg - Piano Concerto op.16 in Am
Liszt - 10 Hungarian Rhapsodies, Jorge Bolet - Favourite Piano Works, Piano Works
Mendelssohn - Symphony No.4, Violin Concerto in Em
Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A, Concerto in C for Flute, Harp, Orchestra, Horn Concerto No.4, Piano Concerto No.20, Piano Concerto No.21, Requiem
Paganini - Salvatore Accardo plays Paganini's Guarneri del Gesu 1742
Schubert - Piano Sonata No.14+19
Schumann - Piano Concerto op.54 in Am
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No.1, Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture, The Symphonies [192]
Verdi - Requiem
Vivaldi - Concerto in C for Violin and Double Orchestra, Concerto in D for Violin and Double Orchestra, The Four Seasons

clipping - CLPPNG [24], There Existed an Addiction to Blood
Coco OST
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise
Corey Payette - Children of God, Les Filles du Roi
Craig David - Born to Do It, Slicker Than Your Average
Cris Derksen - The Cusp [320], The Collapse, Orchestral Powwow
Curtis Clearsky and the Constellationz - Indigifunk
D12 - Devil's Night, D12 World
Daley - Discography (2011-2017)
D'Angelo - Brown Suger, Black Messiah [24/96]
Darren Hayes - Spin
Daveed Diggs - Small THings to a Giant, Seven Nights in Chicago
David Morin - Every Colour
Deen Squad Mixtape 2015 [320]
Destino - Forte, Beginning Again
Destiny's Child - Destiny's Child, #1s
Disclosure - Caracal
DJ Danger Mouse - The Grey Album
DJ Drama - Quality Street Music 2
Dmitri Shostakovich - Symphony No.1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9+12+14+15, Violin Concerto No.1
DMX - It's Dark and Hell is Hot, Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood, ...And Then There Was X
Dr. Dre - 2001, Compton
Drake - So Far Gone [320], Thank Me Later [320], Take Care [320], Nothing Was the Same [320], If You're Reading This It's Too Late
Dream Theater - Discography (1989-2019)[16~24/96]
Dream Warriors - Subliminal Simulation
Drezus - Red Winter, Indian Summer
Dru Hill - Dru Hill, Enter the Dru
Dumbfoundead - Discography (2011-2016), Café Bleu, Inside/Outside [24]
Dylan Brady - All I Ever Wanted [24], Choker, Dog Show, This Car Needs Some Wheels
Eagles - Discography (1972-1979)[24/192]
Eazy-E - It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa, Eternal E
Elijah Blake - Discography (2012-2019)
Eminem - Discography (1996-2020)[16~24/96]
En Vogue - Funky Divas
Enrique Iglesias - Enrique, Euphoria
ES Posthumus - Unearthed [320]
Evanescence - Discography (2003-2017)[16~24]
Fantastic Negrito - Discography (2014-2020)
Far East Movement - Free Wired
FKA Twigs - LP1, Magdalene
Flipsyde - Discography (2005-2012)[128~320]
Florence + the Machine - Discography (2009-2018)[16~24/96]
Flume - Skin [24]
For Vance - Live at Bangor Abbey [16], From Muscle Shoals [24]
Frank Ocean - Discography (2011-2016)[16~24]
Frank Sinatra - Ultimate Sinatra
Frozen OST
Frvrfriday - More Than You Know, Offline, WHOISFRIDAY [24]
Fugees - The Score
Future - Beast Mode [24], Future [24/96]
Gallant - Zebra [320]
Game of Thrones - S1-8 OST, Various Orchestra Albums, For the Throne
Gary Jules - Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets
Get Out OST
Ghost - Meliora [24]
Ginuwine - Ginuwine... The Bachelor, 100% Ginuwine
Gorillaz - Discography (2001-2020)[24/MQA~24/96]
Grace VanderWaal [24] - Perfectly Imperfect, Just the Beginning
Guru - Jazzmatazz Vol. 1
GZA - Liquid Swords
Hamilton: An Americal Musical - Cast Recording, Hamildrops [AAC], Instrumentals [AAC], The Hamilton Mixtape [AAC]
Hans Zimmer - Batman Begins OST+Recording Session, The Dark Knight [24/96], Sherlock Holmes, Inception [16~24][5.1], The Dark Knight Rises [24/192], Intersteller [24], Blade Runner 2049, Live in Prague [24], The Classics [24/96], The Lion King (2019)[24]
Harry Potter OST
Hercules [192]
Higher Brothers - Black Cab, Five Stars
Hozier - Discography (2013-2019)[16~24]
Igorrr - Hallelujah
Il Divo - Discography (2004-2018)
In tha Beginning... There Was Rap
Ingrid Michaelson - Discography (2005-2014)
iskwē - iskwē, The Fight Within, acakosik
J. Cole [24] - 2014 Forest Hills Drive, Forest Hills Drive: Live
J.S. Ondara - Tales of America (The Second Coming) [24/192], Folk n' Roll Vol.1: Tales of Isolation [24]
Jacques Loussier Trio - Vivaldi- The Four Seasons
James Blake - Discography (2011-2020)
James Vincent McMorrow [320] - Early in the Morning, Post Tropical
Janelle Monáe - Discography (2010-2018)[16~24], Metropolis: Suite I (The Chase) EP
Janne - Meeting the Wolf EP
Jasmine Cephas Jones - Blue Bird
Jay-Z - Discography (1996-2017)[16~24]
JB the First Lady - Get Ready Get Steady, Indigenous Girl Lifestyle, Meant to Be, Righteous Empowered Daughter
Jeremih - That Body, All About You, Late Nights: The Album, Late Nights: Europe
Jeremy Dutcher - Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa
Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure? [24]
Jhené Aiko - Chilombo [24/96]
Jimi Hendrix - Experience Hendrix- The Best of Jimi Hendrix
JMSN - Discography (2011-2019)
Joe - All That I Am, My Name is Joe
John Coltrane - Both Directions at Once/The Lost Album
John Legend - Discography (2005-2016)[320~16]
Jon Mcxro - The Fifth of Never [320~16]
José Tomás Molina - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24]
Josh Groban - Discography (2001-2015)[320, except Stages in 16]
Joss Stone - Introducing... Joss Stone
Juice OST
Justin Timberlake - Discography (2002-2013)[16~24]
k.d. lang - Ingénue, Invincible Summer
Kadebostany - Pop Collection, Monumental [24]
Kanye West - Discography (2003-2019)[320-24]
Kehlani - Discography (2014-2020)
Keith Ape - Project: Brainwash, Born Again, various singles
Kelly Fraser - Sedna
Kendrick Lamar - Discography (2011-2017)
Kerry Muzzey - Trailer Music 3, The Architect, Trailer Music 4: Neo
Kevin Garrett - Mellow Drama, A Heart Like Yours, Hoax, Made Up Lost Time, Singles
Kid Cudi - Discography (2008-2013)[ALAC]
Kiel Magis - Kiel Magis
Kieran Fearing - Reprieve
Kieran Martin Murphy - The Painter's Hand, Theatrics

DJ Doc - 4th Album
eAeon - Guilt-Free
H.O.T. - We hate all kinds of violence, I yah!, Age of Peace OST, Outside Castle, The Best
IU - Miscellaneous
Park Wan Kyu - 천년지애 (千年之愛)
Rain - First Drop
Shinhwa - First Mythology, My Choice, Wedding
Taeyang - Hot [EP]
Taeyeon - Miscellaneous

k-os - Exit, Joyful Rebellion, Atlantis: Hymns for Disco
Koutev Bulgarian National Ensemble
Krizz Kaliko - Son of Same [239~270], Go [320]
Kubo and the Two Strings OST
Kwabs - Wrong or Right [245], Pray for Love, Walk, Love + War
La La Land - The Complete Musical Experience [24]
La Quinta Estación - Sin Frenos [192]
Lady Gaga - Discography (2008-2020)[24]
Ladysmith Black Mambazo [192~257] - The Very Best of
Lana Del Rey - Discography (2012-2019)[16~24]
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Le Flow - The Definitive French Hip Hop Compilation
Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares - Vol.1+2 [320]
Le mystère des voix Corses - les plus belles polyphonies [320]
Led Zeppelin - Discography (1969-1982), Remasters [24/96]
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits
Leonard Cohen - The Future
Les Choristes OST
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien - The High Road to Kilkenny
Leslie Odom Jr. - Leslie Odom Jr. [24], Mr.
Lhasa de Sela - La Llorona [320]
Lil Dicky - Hump Days [256], So Hard [320], Professional Rapper [128]
Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake
Linkin Park - Discography (2000-2020)[16~24/96/MQA]
Lionel Richie - Back to Front
Loïc Nottet - Selfocracy, Sillygomania
London Grammar - If You Wait [24/96], Truth is a Beautiful Thing [24]
Lou Val - Lonely in Paradise, Don't Look Now, Singles
LP - Lost on You
Ludacris - Chicken-Beer, Release Therapy
Ludovico Einaudi - Echoes: The Einaudi Collection, Una Mattina, Divenire [320], Nightbook, Islands: Essential Einaudi [320], Elements [320], Seven Days Walking [24]
Luniz - Operation Stackola
Mac Miller [24] - Swimming, Circles
Madredeus - Various albums (1987-2005)[128~320]
MAGIC! - Don't Kill the Magic, Primary Colours, Expectations
Maksim - Discography (1999-2010)[320, except 2 albums in 16]

5566 - 1st Album
Energy - E3, 無懈可擊, 米迦勒之舞
F4 - 煙火的季節
IPIS 蟑螂 - 第四蟑
RuRu - 美麗心情
S.H.E. - 青春株式會社, 美麗新世界, Together
Tension 天炫男孩 - Discography (2001-2004)
不能說的秘密 OST [148~224]
伍佰 - 夢的河流, 冬之火 九重天演唱會特選錄音專輯
伍思凱 - 分享
南拳媽媽 - 南拳媽媽的夏天
周杰倫 - Discography (2000-2006)
宋岳庭 - Life's a Struggle
張信哲 - 精選, 從開始到現在
張學友 - 走過1999, 張學友音樂之旅Live演唱會
張智成 - 凌晨三點鐘
張衛健 - 齊天大聖孫悟空
徐婕兒 - 愛之初
戴佩妮 - 怎樣
林俊傑 - 樂行者, 第二天堂
海豚灣戀人 OST
王心凌 - Begin...
臥虎藏龍 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) OST
英雄 (Hero) OST
范逸臣 - 同名專輯
蔡依林 - 看我72變, 城堡
薔薇之戀 OST
許慧欣 - 孤單芭蕾, 幸福
謝霆鋒 - VIVA, 了解, Viva Live 謝霆鋒演唱會
郭富城 - 目眩城迷 全精選
陳冠希 - Edison Chen
陳小春 - 抱一抱, That's Mine

Mandido - Time on Our Hands
Marc Anthony - Discography (1993-2013)[320]
Marian Hill - Discography (2013-2020)[320~24]
Mario - Turning Point
Marvin Gaye - Discography (1961-2019)[16~24/192]
Mario Frangoulis - Various Albums (1998-2014)[128~320]
Marques Houston - MH
Mase - Harlem World
Master P - Ghetto D
Matt Corby - Into the Flame [EP], Resolution [EP], Live on the Resolution Tour [EP], Telluric, Rainbow Valley
Max Richter - Discography (2002-2020)[16~24/96]
MC 900 ft. Jesus - Welcome to My Dream, Open Step Ahead of the Spider
Meek Mill - Dreams Worth More Than Money [24], Championships
Metallica - Discography (Remastered)(1983-2020)[24]
Metro Boomin - Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Miah Luz - The Coming LP
Michael Bolton - Only a Woman Like You
Michael Bublé - Discography (1995-2013)[96~320]
Michael Conway Baker - Four Musical Portraits
Michael Jackson - Discography (1972-2014)[320 except Invincible in 16], The Ultimate Collection, The Essential Michael Jackson [24], King of Pop
Migos - Discography (2015-2018)[16~24]
Miguel - Discography (2010-2017)[16~24]
Miles Davis - Birth of the Cool [24/192], Bitches Brew [24/88], Kind of Blue
Mirah - Discography (1997-2009)[198~256]
Misha Mishenko - Discography (2016-2019)
Missy Elliott - Under Construction
Moana OST
Mob Bounce - Transformation, "Vision Quest"
Mobb Deep - The Infamous, Infamy
Mos Def [ALAC] - Black on Both Sides, The Ecstatic
Moulin Rouge! OST
Muddy Waters - Anthology
Muse - Origin of Symmetry [24/96], Absolution [24/96], The 2nd Law [24/96], Simulation Theory, Drones [24/96]
Musical Theatre - Various Musical Cast Recordings (1934-2017)[170~202, except Come From Away and Hamilton in 16]
Nahko - Dark as Night, On the Verge, Hoka [320], My Name is Bear [320]
Namie Amuro - Break the Rules, Genius 2000
Nas - Illmatic, It Was Written, Stillmatic, God's Son [ALAC], The Lost Tapes, Street's Disciple, Life is Good
Naturally 7 - Discography (2000-2015)
Naughty by Nature - 19 Naughty III
Nav - Good Intentions [24]
Ne-Yo - Discography (2006-2012)[320~16]
Night Lovell - Discography (2014-2019)[320~24]
Nina Simone - The Essential of Nina Simone [24/96]
Nipsey Hussle [ALAC] - Crenshaw, Victory Lap
Niro - Les autres
Niykee Heaton - Bad Intentions [320], The Bedroom Tour Playlist, Starting Over
Norah Jones - Come Away with Me, Feels Like Home, Not Too Late, Pick Me Up Off the Floor [24/96]
Notre-Dame de Paris (Musical) Cast Recording
NSYNC - No Strings Attached
Obie Trice - Cheers
October London - Discography (2016-2018)[320, except Color Blinds in 16]
Omar LinX - A Cold Welcome [320], City of Ommz, The Living Dead EP [128], Victor [320], M.O.R.
Omarion - O, 21, Ollusion
Once OST [96]
Onegin (Musical)
Opera Babes - Beyond Imagination
P. Diddy - No Way Out, The Saga Continues..., Bad Boy's 10th Anniversary... The Hits
PartyNextDoor - PX3
Pentatonix - Various albums [128~320]
Peter Gundry - Discography (2016-2019)[16~24]
Pharrell - Girl [24]
Pink Floyd - Discography (1967-2014)[16/24/MQA/DSD64]
Playboi Carti - Die Lit
PNL - Deux frères [320]
Portishead - Discography (1994-2008)
Post Malone - Discography (2016-2019)[16~24/88]
Prince - Discography (1978-2019)
Pusha T - Daytona [24]
Putomayo - World Reggae, Asian Lounge
Quavo - Quavo Huncho [24]
Queen - Discography (1973-1995), Live Killers, Live at Wembley '86, Greatest Hits, The Platinum Collection,
Rae Sremmurd - SremmLife, SremmLife 2
Raincity - Tell Me, Stuck on Replay, Raincity EP
Raleigh Ritchie - You're a Man Now, Boy
Reggie Couz - Just Couz, singles
Rick Ross - Discography (2006-2017)
Ricky Martin - Ricky Martin, Música + Alma + Sexo
Rihanna - Discography (2005-2016)
Riit - ataataga
Robyn - Body Talk Pt. 1 + 2, Body Talk
Rockapella - 2
Roscoe Dash - J.U.I.C.E. [320], Dash Effect [160]
ROSK - remnants
Ruelle - Up in Flames, Madness, Rival, Emerge, Ode to Shadows, Earth Glow, Exodus
Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels 2, RTJ3 Instrumentals [24/96]
Sade - The Best of Sade
Saint-Preux - Concerto pour une voix
Sam Chimes
Sam Cooke - Portrait of a Legend 1951-1964
Sam Smith - Discography (2014-2017)
Sandra van Nieuwland [320] - And More, Banging on the Doors of Love
Santino Le Saint - Cloud 304, Xeno, Rage of Angels, Blue Pill [24+16], Red Pill, Singles
Sara Bareilles - Discography (2007-2015)[320, except What's Inside - Songs from Waitess in 24]
Scorpions - Discography (1972-2015)
Scott Leonard - 1man1mike
Sevdaliza - Discography (2017-2020)
Shai - If I Ever Fall in Love...
Sia - Discography (1997-2017)[16, except OnlySee + Healing is Difficult in M4A260, This is Acting in 24/96]
Sigur Rós - Discography (1997-2013)
Silla and Rose - Debut, Galactic Gala
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle, The Doggfather, Tha Last Meal, R&G (Rhythm&Gangsta): The Masterpiece, The Blue Carpet Treatment
Snotty Nose Rez Kids - The Average Savage, Snotty Nose Rez Kids, Trapline, Born Deadly [EP]
Solange - A Seat at the Table
Southern Journey - Bad Man Ballads (Songs of Outlaws and Desperadoes, Vol. 5)
Stacey - Stacey, Stacey (Reconstruction), First Move
Stevie Wonder - The Definitive Collection
Straight Lines - Run for Cover
Stromae - Cheese, Racine carrée [24]
Sun Kil Moon - Discography (2003-2017)[320, except Benji + Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood in 16]
Swollen Members - Bad Dreams
SWV - It's About Time
System of a Down - Discography (1998-2020)[16~24/96]
SZA - Ctrl
T.I. - Trouble Man Heavy is the Head
Tame Impala - Discography (2010-2020)[24/96~24/192]
Tamia - Tamia, "Stranger in My House"
Tanya Tagaq - Auk/Blood, Animism, Retribution, Toothsayer
Tasha the Amazon - Die Every Day, Black Moon
Taylor Swift - folklore [24]
Tech N9ne - Discography (1999-2013)[192~320, The Storm+Enterfear in 16]
TGT - Three Kings
The Beatles - Discography (1963-2009)
The Blaze - Territory, Dancehall
The Carters - Everything is Love
The Chronicles of Narnia OST
The Cinematic Orchestra [320] - Every Day, Man with a Movie Camera, Ma Fleur, To Believe
The Fingerbangerz - Vi-R-Us
The Game - The Documentary, Jesus Piece, Blood Moon: Year of the Wolf [320], The Documentary 2+2.5 [320]
The Godfather I+II+III OST [320]
The Great Gatsby - OST, The Orchestral Score, The Jazz Recordings
The Great Tenors - Vol.1+2, In Concert
The Hobbit OST (Special Editions) [24]
The Lion King - Complete Score [128], Return to Pride Rock [128]
The Lord of the Rings OST
The Lumineers - Cleopatra [24/96], C-Sides [24], Live Tracks [24], III [24]
The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die, Life After Death [ALAC], Born Again
The Nutcracker (Ballet) [24/96]
The Piano Guys - The Piano Guys
The Pink Panther OST [320]
The Savannah Leigh Band - City of Grey
The Tango Project - The Tango Project
The Tenors - Discography (2008-2015)[156~254, except The Perfect Gift+Under One Sky in 16]
The Tony Rich Project - Words
The Weeknd - Discography (2012-2020)[16~24/192]
The xx - xx, Coexist, I See You
Three 6 Mafia - Most Known Unknown
Timbaland - Shock Value
Tinie Tempah - Demonstration [320]
Toni Braxton - Toni Braxton, Secrets
Tony Bennett - The Essential Tony Bennett, a wonderful world (with k.d. lang), The Absolutely Essential 3 CD Collection, Duets II [320], Tony Bennett Celebrates 90
Tory Lanez - Discography (2010-2020, except Daystar)[160~320, except I Told You in 16, Chixtape 5+The New Toronto 3 in 24]
T-Pain - Discography (2005-2012)[192~320, except Epiphany+Thr33 Ringz in 16]
Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman
Travis Garland - Discography (2011-2015)[160~320, except Travis Garland in 16]
Travis Scott - Discography (2013-2018)[16~24/88]
Trey Songz - Trey Day [320], Passion, Pain & Pleasure [320], Chapter V [320], Back Home [24]
TroyBoi - icekream [128~320], SoundSnobz [128~320], Left is Right [128], V!BEZ [128], V!BEZ, Vol.3, V!BEZ, Vol. 4 [16MQA], "Afterhours"
Tsar B - Discography (2016-2020)
Ty Dolla $ign - Featuring Ty Dolla $ign
Tyga - Discography (2008-2016)[320], Legendary
Tyrese - I Wanna Go There
UltraVillain [24] - "Break Out", Lost in You, I N V U
Ulvesang - Ulvesang [24], The Hunt
Unity: Athens 2004 (Olympic Games Album)
Usher - Discography (1994-2018)[16~24]
Van Morrison - Moondance
Vitas - Discography (2001-2009)[128~256, except A Kiss as Long as Eternity+20th Century Hits in 16]
Waka Flocka Flame - Flockaveli
Whitney - Light Upon the Lake
Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston
Wisin & Yandel - Discography (2000-2012)[320]
Wiz Khalifa - Cabin Fever, Rolling Papers, Cabin Fever 2, We Dem Boyz [320], Cabin Fever 3, various songs
Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y - 2009 [24]
Wyclef Jean - Carnival, Vol. II- Memoirs of an Immigrant
X Japan - Discoraphy (1988-2017)[16~24/96]
Xavier Rudd - Discography (2002-2018)
XXXTentacion - Revenge [320], 17 [24/192], ? [320]
Xzibit - Restless
Yann Tiersen - Discography (1995-2003)[96~160, except Amélie in 16], Portrait [24/96]
YG - My Krazy Life, Still Brazy, My Life 4Hunnid [24]
Young Bleed - My Balls and My Word
Young Buck - Buck the World
Young Thug - Barter 6 [320], Slime Season [24], Slime Season 2 [320], I'm Up [320], Slime Season 3 [320], Jeffery [320], So Much Fun
Yuki Kajiura - Discography (includes side projects: FictionJunction/YUUKA, Kalafina)(Anime soundtracks 1996-2018)
Yuna - Chapters
Zed Yun Pavarotti - French Cash
Zeina - Odd One Out, various singles
submitted by SardisSailphare to riprequests [link] [comments]

Massive List of Yuri Media (2000+ Titles)

Since my first list got a lot of positive feedback, I've decided to release an EVEN BIGGER list because you deserve better.
I had to upload some of the lists to google sheets because of Reddit's character limit. I will post the links to them in their respective category.
NOTE: Some (Not all) of the Japanese Titles have not been scanlated yet and can be read on sites such as comic walker.
Now, the list...


I had to upload this one to google sheets. You can check the list out here.

Manga List

This was the main list I wanted to post here, but there were just too many titles, so I had to shorten it a little. You can view the whole thing here.
I Love You! Get It Across! 1 x ½ 15Y+ 1st Bite 20-Year-Old Girl x 30-Year-Old Maiden 2D Comic Magazine NTR Les Kanojo ga Kanojo o Netottara Vol. 1 2D Comic Magazine Shokushu Les Vol. 1 2D Nonsense After School! 2DK, G-pen, Alarm clock A Certain Marriage A Cute Bird Comes To An Office Lady Who is Tired and Healed by Birdwatching A Divine Love Alone A Doujin Where Shikinami Became the Secretary Ship A Girl Falls In Love With a Boy A Girl Like A Pilgrim A Girl Whose Breasts are a Little Big and is Kinda Pretty A HaruChiha Manga A Hundred Scenes of Girls Love A Kiss And A White Lily A Knife Edge Girl A Lapis-Lazuli Blue Dream A Lesbian Elf and a Cursed Princess A Lifeform in Puberty - Vega A Love Letter for the Marching Puppy A Manga About a Hero who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl A Monster Wants to Eat Me A Plain High School Girl Is ○○'d by Pretty Girls A Room For Two A Secret Just Between You and Me A Story About Doing XX to Girls From Different Species A Story of Eirin and Keine A Story of Two Online Friends Meeting IRL A Straight Girl Wanders Into a Lesbian Mixer A Succubus Yuri Story A Timid Woman Longing For Her Delivery Girl A Workplace Where You Can't Help But Smile A World Without Freedom A Yuri Manga Between a Delinquent and a Quiet Girl That Starts From a Misunderstanding About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl About YuuSaya Accept My Fist of Love! Adachi and Shimamura Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) Adachi and Shimamura Official Comic Anthology Adolescent Love After Hours After School Afterglow Afterglow Noise Age 15 Age Gap Sisters Who Have Reached That Age Akuma no Riddle Al-Hazard Alcohol Yuri Anthology - Strong! Alice Phantasm Alice Quartet Alice Sherlock: The Rubious Nebula All Hail Empress Her Majesty All of Humanity is Yuri Except For Me All You Amai Nisemono An Absurd Relationship An Absurd Relationship (Collection) An Aside Told to You An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) Anata Dake Hoseki And Kaede Blooms Gorgeously And Then, To You Andou Oshida Index Angel x Demon Angel's Records Angelic Girl Anko-san of the Deep-Sea Fish Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi Another Kiss Aoishiro - Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Apocalypse Aqua Blue Cinema Aqua Blue Ether Arcadia ~Flowers of Paradise~ As Yet I Have No Name Ashita, Kimi ni Aetara Assistant Denki Keika Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! Aya Yuri Vol 1 Aya Yuri Vol 11 Aya Yuri Vol 6 Aya Yuri Vol 7 Aya Yuri Vol 8 Ayame 14 Ayame and Amane B.G.M.R.S.P. Baba-yaga Bakuretsu Tenshi Bamboo Flower, Sleeping Princess Banana no Nana Battle Athletes Daiundoukai Beast Emotion Being by your side, I can’t help falling for you Beloved L Beloved Paintings Between Philia and Eros Beyond Those Thoughts Black & White Black Lily and White Lily Black Yaggy and Medicine Sweet Bloom Into You Bloom Into You Comic Anthology Blue Drop Blue Drop ~Maiorita Tenshi~ Blue Drop ~Tenshi no Itazura~ Blue Friend Blue Friend 2nd Season Blueprints for a Girl Bombshells Boyish Girl x Gyaru Boyish Girlfriend Bright and Cheery Amnesia Bunny's Road Butterfly Kiss Blade Butterfly69 Cage Caged Lovers Call My Name Can't Defy the Lonely Girl Candy Candy Boy Candy Boy: Young Girls Fall in Love Candy Moon Carbonard Crown Cassiopeia Dolce Cat Maid and Mistress Cat's Eye Hall Cat-Eared Girl Catastrophe Catcher in the Rhyme Cattleya Heights Chatting at the Amber Teahouse Chichi Yuri Girls Choir Chouchou Nannan Cider and Crybaby Cinnamon: Jingai x Ningen Yuri Anthology Circle in the Sand Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three Cirque Arachne Citrus Citrus + Citrus Anthology Citrus Anthology: Lovely Party Class Rep Ozu's Scandalous Daily Life Clover Club Cocytus Collective Box Collectors Come Rain or Shine Comprehensive Tovarisch Concerto Corruption’s Finale Cotton Cotton Candy Couleur de bijoux d'amour Creo the Crimson Crises Crescent Moon and Doughnuts Crescent Sweet Honey Cross Heart Crystal Sugar and Machine Gun Cute Little Iron Maiden Cutie Beast Dame Ningen Jan Dandelion Among Lilies Daring Little Red Riding Hood and Herbivorous Wolf-chan Dark Asterisk Dark Cherry to Shoujo A Dark Forest, White Road Dark Widow Dark, Marsh, Nightwood Darling Darling Dear My Girl Dear My Teacher Dear NOMAN Delinquent Girl and Class Rep Do Your Best (;_;) Kogasa-chan! ~Sudden Attack! The SDM next door!~ Don't Make Me So Turned On. Double Bind Double House Dream-Colored Replica E-G-Town Earth Girls Ebisu-san and Hotei-san Éclair Éclair blanche Éclair bleue Éclair rouge Eden no Otome Edible Flowers Eli's Birthday Emo Star Epitaph Eve's Medicine Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It Even If We're Not Friends Even Though We're Adults Everyone Under the Same Sky Fall in Love Family Planning Fell in love with a girl 8 years younger Fidanzato no Tameiki First Love First Love Sisters Fleetgirls Flower Bouquet and Prism Flower Flower Fluffy White Paper Fluttering Feelings Forever With You - Nanoha & Fate wedding anthology Fragaria Fragments of Love Fragtime Free Soul Fujiwara Mokou x Mystia Lorelei Compilation Furumapura Futakaku Kankei Futari Futari Monologue Fuwa Fuwa No Kimochi Fuwafuwa Futashika Yume Mitai Fuwari Fuzoroi no Renri Gakkou no Sensei Galette Vol 4 Game Game (Collection) Gamma GGWP. ~Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games~ Girl Friends Girl X Girl Collection Vol 2 Girl X Girl Collection Vol 3 Girl x Girl x Boy Girl's Ride Girl's Sanctuary Girl's Syndrome Girlfriends For 3 Seconds Girlish Sweet GIRLS LOVE LIFE: 2007–2011 Girls Love Vol 1 Girls Monochrome Girls und Panzer - Motto Love Love Sakusen desu! Girls Und Panzer: Ribbon Warrior Girls x Sexual Harassment Life Girls' Aesthetics Girls' Union Girl♡Girls Give My Heart To You. Gokujo Gokujou Drops Good Morning, Miss Green Greenhouse Witch Gretel Gunbured x Sisters Gunjo Hakodate Youjin Buraichou Himegami Hakurei Shrine's Sky-Color Dandelion Hana and Hina After School Hana Ni Arashi Hana no Iro Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl Hanjuku Joshi Happy Cherry Happy End Happy Jets Happy Picture Diary Happy Sugar Life Harmonized Finale Haru and Midori Hatsukoi, Tokimeki Usuihon Hayate X Blade Hayate x Blade Shorts Heart Gifts Heart of the Girl Heart-Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls' Academy Heavenly Garden Where The Maidens Bloom Hello, Melancholic! Henai Girl Henceforward Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. (Webcomic) Her Kiss - Infectious Lust Her Trip to the Dentist Her World Hero-san and Former General-san Hiiragi's English-Japanese Dictionary Himitsu no Kakera Himitsu, Hitotsu Hino-san no Baka Hitogoto Desukara! Ho-kago Comes Again Holy Girl Paradigm Honey & Honey Honey & Mustard Honey Crush Honey Quartet Honkai Impact 3 - Violet Sea Story Honto no Kokoro Hoshi and Yozora Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Houkago Canon Houkago Tea Time Husky and Medley I am not a Succubus! I Beg of You I decided to fake a marriage with my junior (♀️) to shut my parents up I Favor the Villainess I Fell in Love For the First Time I Girl I Hate Things Like Love I Love You! I Suspect My Childhood Friend to be a Lesbian I Want to be Honest I Want You to Say You Love Me I Wanted To Draw Mei-Saku I Was Popular, But I Guess I Have No Choice But to Save the World! I Wouldn't Mind Being Loved I'll Bring You Mille-Feuille! I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan I'll Send Her Home on the Last Train I'm an Elite Angel, But I'm Troubled By an Impregnable High School Girl I'm Not Popular, But The Future Starts Today Ichinichi Sanshoku Lisa Gohan If I Can Encounter Koshiba Aoi Today If This Wish Comes True If You Could See Love Iinari!! Kyuuketsuki Ikenai Otona In the Closet In Your Paws Incomplete Girl Indigo Blue Indigo Mermaids Innocent Noise Inoshikacho ga Sorowanai Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san Iono the Fanatics Iromeki Girls Is My Hobby Weird? Is This What A God-Tier Game Means? Isn't The Moon Beautiful Isuzu's Counter It Would Be Great if You Didn't Exist It's a Detached Relationship. It's Like a Spring Storm It's Painful That I Have No Idea What High School Girls Are Thinking Of These Days Itazura Privacy Itoshi Koishi Itoshi wo Tome JK-chan and Her Male Classmate's Mom Joou-Sama no Eshi Joshi Kouishitsu Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita Just A Little! Just You and I K-ON-Hon!? Kadan -Helichrysum- Kaijuu Iro no Shima Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi Kanaete! Yuri Yousei Kanamemo Kano x Kano Kaprekar Karura Kase-san Kasumi and Acchan Kawai sa Amatte Suki sa 100-bai!! kenhou 4-koma KiLa KiLa Killing Me! Kimi Koi Limit Kimi no Tame nara Shineru Kimi to Kimi wa Shoujo Kimiiro-Shoujo Kimochi no Katachi Kindred Spirits on the Roof SIDE A: Another Yuritopia Kira Kira no Natsu Kiss Me! Vampire Girls Kiss Shite Sawatte Motto Shite Kissing Mars Kitanai Kimi ga ichiban kawaii Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon Kokono-chan Drinks Tears! Kona Kaga Kona Kaga After Story KonaKaga Webcomic Konohana Kitan Konohana Link Konohanatei Kitan Kuchibiru ni Suketa Orange Kurogane Pukapuka Tai Kuroyome Kusanagi-Sensei is Being Tested Kyou Kara Mirai Kyou Kara Yonshimai L -Ladies & Girls Love Vol 1 L-Size Little Sister Lady x Lady Lady x Lady -Casa Blanca- Lady x Lady bulbiferum Ladykiller Nagato Makes Mutsu's Heart Throb Laika, Pavlov, Pochihachikou Last Dance in Summer Lavender Legally Married Yuri Couple Book Lemonade Les Chuu Life Lesbian Bonnie and Clyde Lesbian Vol 2 LESFES CO CHERRY BLOSSEUM Lesfes-Co Less Than Friends Let's Meet Again Tomorrow Let's Reconcile With Lily Maria Liberta Liberty Like a Dignified and Noble Flower Like a Snowfall in Spring Like a Star Lilium Terrarium Lily Love Lily Marble Lily Party Dream Garden Lily Triangle Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep Look at Me Looking Up to Magical Girls Love Allergy Syndrome LOVE CUBIC Love DNA XX Love Flag Girls!! Love Flicker Love is a Battlefield Love Pheromone No.5 Love Potion Love Runs From the Nose Love Slave Love Stories Log Love Vibes LOVE/DEATH Lovey-dovey Panzer Low Angle Lucky Point Luminous=Blue MA+P Mabataki Dekinai Macaron Idol Yuri Anthology Madder Kisses on the Rooftop Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop Magan&Danai Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Life MAGICAL NIPPLE KISS Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Innocent Majyo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane MakiRinPana's Lessons on Living Together?! Mamakko Circle Manatsu Labyrinth Manga no Tsukurikata Mare Maria-sama ga Miteru MariAli Marriage Black Master and Me Mayonaka Yonaka No Accept Me and my Right Arm Mebae Vol.3 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mebae Vol.4 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mekimeki Omnibus 1 Mekimeki Omnibus 2 Melody of Sorrow Mercy Mermaid Line Mermaid Lovers Met My Sister on a Dating Site Michiwarikusa Monogatari – Vampire After the Doomsday Mikarun X Mikazuki no Carte Milky Succubus Chiiche Milky Succubus Lilly Mimi Mix! Minori & 100 Ladies Minus Literacy Mirage Mirai no Fuufu Desu Kedo? Mismatch Girls Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Anthology Miss Sunflower Mistress and Maid Model-chan and Plain Manager Mofu Kano Pot-pourri MokoMote Moment; Momo, Botan, and Lily Blossoms Mondlicht -tsuki no tsubasa- Moon, World, and Stars Moonlight Flowers Motto Hanjuku Joshi Mousou Honey Mugen no Minamo ni Mugi to Azu Murcielago Music Box of Memories Muttsuri Girl to Koisuru Bitch Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters My Beloved My Cute Little Kitten My Ignorance of a World Yet Unknown My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel My Most Special Her My Unrequited Love My Wish is to Fall In Love Until You Die Nadeshiko Hiyori NagiHono -Reprint- Nameless Fruit Nana Yuri Nanami and Misuzu Nanashi no Asterism Nanoha A's Nano Negev x Kar98k Neko Netorare Yuri Anthology Netsuzou Trap NicoMaki - Dating Life NicoMaki Challenge! Nighty Night, Scheherazade Nijipuri No Dignity for the Captain No,1 Nobara no Mori ni Otometachi Non and Su Noroi no Aoi-chan Notes From The Garden Of Lilies Now Loading…! Nutmeg Oblivious Nishikino-san Manga Octave Oddman 11 Office Romance: Women's Division Ohana Holoholo Ojou-sama wa Love Come no Shujinkou ni Naritai! OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Falling In Love With A Classmate OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Forbidden Sisters OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love H OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love Paradise OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Story of Club Activities Okujou Pikapika Romance ON YOUR MAKE Onee Loli Succubus Onee-chan Nanon? Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu Oniisama E Ooi and Kashima Living Together Opapagoto Orange & Yellow Oshikko Sensei Oshikko Sensei Zero Othello Otome Senshi Lovely 5 Otome x Chigiri Otome x Ranbu Ouji-sama Nante Iranai Our First Time Our Handshake Our Journey to Lesbian Motherhood Out of the Blue! Pages in Search of a Bookmark Pancakes for Breakfast Pantser Princess Paradise of Nightmare (Series) Paradise, And After... Paraiso Parfait: Onee-loli Yuri Anthology Passionate Electric Wave Pastel Days Perfume of Love Persona Karen Philosophia Pieta Pink Rush Pinky Plastic Song Please My God, Please Plica Pocha Climb! Point at Infinity Poor College Student Turns to Lesbian Sex Work Poor Poor Lips Pops PreAla One Draw President and Vice-President Princess of the Princess Princess Princess Princesses in the Student Council Prism Private Tsunderation Promise of Gymnasium Puku Yuri Pulse Punyu Punyu Pure Marionation Pure Water Adolescence Pure Water Luminescence Pure White Disciple Shimako-San Qualia the Purple Ragnarock City Rainbow Secret Rainbow Sensibility Rainy Song Rasen Raubritter Re: fan Relation Valley 1 Release the Spyce - Secret Mission Renai Manga Resounding Echo Restart from Zero Restless Kiss Reverie in a Deserted Bus Riko & Haru & Irukawa Hot Springs Rock it, GIRL!! Romance Girls File Roommates Rosa Gigantea Party Rosehip Diary - Whispers of Roses and Lilles Rouge Rui-Rui Run Away With Me, Girl Ryuzaki-san and Torao-san Sailor Girlfriend Sakana no Miru Yume Sakuhimanga Sakura 1 Sakura Coloured Love Triangle Sakura Trick Sakura Trick Anthology Sakura's Boundaries Salad Bowl Salomelic SANTA SANGRE Sasameki Koto Sayonara Folklore Sayuri’s Little Sister Is An Angel Scape-God Scarlet Schizanthus School Idol Days School Idol Days S School Police School Zone Seagull Villa days Seasons Secret Flowers Secret Garden Secret Love Secret of the Princess Seifuku no Vampiress Lord Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! Semelparous Senpai Doesn't Want To Fall For Her Kouhai Sensual Trigger Sentimental Dust Servant x Queen Sexual Education 120% Sexy in Pink She Becomes a Tree She falls in love with her She Gets Girls Every Day. She Said It's Love -Anotherstory- She, Her Camera and Her Seasons Shells and AlternaRock Shimeji Simulation Shinigami Alice Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni! Shiroi Heya no Futari Shitsuji Shoujo to Ojousama Shitsurakuen Short Stories Shoujo Holic Shoujo Kishidan × Knight Tale Shoujo Sect Shoujo Shikkaku Shoujo Squared Shouraiteki ni Shindekure SHWD - Special Hazardous Waste Disposal Silver Gymnasium Simoun ~Magical Biyuden~ Sisterism Skeeter Rabbit Skyscrapers of Desire Sleeping Beauty's Dream Slice of Love Slow Start Small Mokottouhou Smile Style Smiling Broadly Snake Woman and Little Miss Offering Snow & Sunflower So, Do You Want To Go Out, Or? Social Anxiety vs Yuri Softly Upon Her... Solar Eclipse Solfege ~Sweet Harmony~ Someone Hated, Someone Loved Song About a Piece of Junk Sorairo Girlfriend Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri Spice Girls Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Starlight Parade Stay Tune Steps Steps (Collection) Still Sick Stolen Love Stories of Sakuya Story about OL-san Picking up a Cat Strange Babies Strawberry Fields Once Again Strawberry in Soda Water Strawberry Shake Strike Witches: Official Comic A La Carte StrikerS Nano Sugar wa Otoshigoro Suicide Parabellum Suito-to! Sunami Yuuko to Yuri na Hitobito Sunshine & Bright Stars Super Heroine taisen SEXY~Lezmoe! Soushuuhen~ Super Love Potion SUZUKUMA! Swap ⇔ Swap Sweet & Bitter Sweet Blue Flowers Sweet Box Sweet Gap Sweet Guilty Love Bites Sweet Little Devil Sweet Little Devil (Series) Sweet Lovin' Baby Sweet Peach Syrupy Love Table Turner Tachi Masshigura ~Neko Cafe Yuri Goudou~ Tachibanakan -ToLie- Triangle Tadokoro-san Tadokoro-san (web comic) Tae-chan and Jimiko-san Take that Hand Tama to Tama to Tami and the Yukionna Tandem Lover TANKOBU Teach Me Teacher Graduation Teiji ni Agaretara Tenbin wa Hana to Asobu The All-girl School Princes Are Dating The Beauty of a Mother The Beginning And After That The Bizarre Pair The Cherry Tree Correspondence The Conditions for Paradise The Conditions For Paradise The Cutest Girl in the World The Diligent Senpai and the Delinquent Kouhai The End Of The World And A Witch's Love The Feelings We All Must Endure The Flower And The Star The Girl Awakens With a Kiss From the Princess The Girls' Arcadia The Last Uniform The Lily Blooms Addled The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady The Manken Club Like Whirlwind and Surge Waves The Miko's Words and the Witch's Incantations The Mistress Story The Mute Girl and Her New Friend The Nice Neighborhood Lady The Nighthawk Drifts About The One I Love The Papaya Gang The Prince of the Night Sky and Princess of the Morning Glow The Princess of the Library The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness The Rain and the Other Side of You The Real Her The sea, you, and the sun The Secret Recipe The Secret Shokolad The Sheep Princess in Wolf's Clothing The Sisterly Situation of the Bakeneko Hazuki The Skirt Sings at the Landing The Structural Formula of First Love The Titan and the Goddess’s Cute Household The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This The Two of Us The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio The Unattainable Flower and the Normal Girl The Unemployed and the High Schooler The Witches and Their Dear Apprentice Their Shared Everyday Lives Their Story There's No Way I Can Have A Lover! *Or Maybe There Is? There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! This One Goes Out To All The 17-Year Olds This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like Tie Breaker To Die In June To the Other Side of the Glare Today, We Continue Our Lives Together Under the Same Roof Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten Tomodachi Login Tonari no Robot Tonaride: Konata Kagami Anthology Tora Ni Tsubasa Torotoro Himeawase Tougou-san and Sayama-san Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House (Serialization) Touma-kun Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni Tousaku Shoujo Shoukougun Transient Dreams of Transient Things Transistor Teaset Transistor Venus Triangle Struggle Tropical Girls True True Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend Tsukarekitta Onna ga Shinuhodo Iyasareru Tame ni Tsuki to Koi wa Michireba Kakeru Tsuki to Suppin Tsukushi Mates Tsurezure Biyori Twin Cake Twin Sisters Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twins in Agony Two and Two Two Scarlet Sacraments Under the Starry Sky Two Spirals Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! UFO Catcher Ui & Yaaya Ultra Happy End Ultra Sword Un bouquet de fleurs pour vous Unchanging Days Under One Roof Underground Colosseum Sen Unicorn and Sabishigariya Girl UNOs 2 Unrequited Yuri Love Unstable Castle of Tokarev Useless Princesses Uta-Kata Vacation Maou to Pet Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhunism Valkyrie Drive Siren - Breakout! VAMPEERZ Vampire Girl Black Lily Vampire-chan × Junior-chan Vanilla Nonhuman x Nonhuman Yuri Anthology Vector Spectacle Vespa Video Rental Shop Virgins' Empire Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi Walk Wit Me Want to Sell Me Your Body? Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai Watashi wo Hitorijime ni Shite We Can't Draw Love We Can't Go Back To Just Being Friends We Went On Our Honeymoon We'll Make Love Tomorrow Weise Frau Welcome to the Prison Town What Does the Fox Say When You Say "No", I Say "Eek"! Whispering You a Love Song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Newlywed Yuri Anthology Wife and Wife Will You Marry Me? Witch and Apprentice Sister Witch and Maid-chan Witch Meets Knight Witches' Marriage With Her Who Likes My Sister Wonder Square Yaezakura Sympathy Yamada to Kase-san Yamaneko Box Original Girls Love Books Collection 2012-2014 Yamanko! Yamato Nadesico Yamitsuki You Are My Angela You are totally in love with me, aren't you? Your Cuteness Your True Color Yu-Ribbon Yukari vs Ran Yukemuri Sanctuary Yuki and the Authoress Yukino Plan Yuliquer: Alcohol x Yuri Anthology Yume Mitaina Hoshi Mitaina Yumeguri Yurimeguri Yuri Couple Yuri Danshi Yuri Detectives YuriAnzu YURI DRILL Yuri Hime Wildrose Vol 1 Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri Lover-kun and Yuri Lover Lover-kun Yuri Mekuru Hibi Yuri Mekuru Oshigoto Yuri Moyou Yuri Natsu -Kagaya Inn- Yuri Ninshin Vol 1 Yuri Ninshin Vol 2 Yuri Ninshin Vol. 4 Yuri Pop Yuri Seijin Naoko-san Yuri Tengoku Yuri Yuri (ELEGY SYNDROME) Yuri Yuri 2 Yuri-iro Rasen Yuridori Midori Yurigurashi Yurika's Campus Life Yurikon Yurimm Fairy Tales YurixYuri Observation Diary Yuri☆Kome Yuru Oyako Yuru Yuri Yuru Yuri - Oomuro-ke Yuru Yuri - Reset! YuruZero Yuunagi Marbled YuuParu Anthology 2: Style Yuzumori-san Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Zettai x Roman μ's ATTACKS! 1 x 1/2 - My Half of You 100 Ways to Kill A Seal 12-fun no Étude A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow A love letter for the marching puppy (行進子犬に恋文を) Adachi to Shimamura Adachi to Shimamura (Moke YUZUHARA) Aiura Akanesasu Shoujo 4-koma Parallel Akarui Kioku Soushitsu Akuma no Riddle (Riddle story of the Devil) Alice Turn Back Clock Always Human Ama + Devi Anata no Juni Oshiete Kudasai Anata no Soba ni Iru to Watashi wa: Shakaijin Yuri Anthology Angelica ni Utau Angels of The Seashore Ano Ko ga Watashi wo Onna ni Suru Aoi Honoo Kaoru Tsuchi Aoi Shiro: Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Aoi Shiro: Kaeishou Ashita Mata Aimashou Asteroid in Love Ato de Shimai Masu. Berry Berry Berry A Betsu Kiss Black Yagi to Gekiyaku Madeleine Bloom Into You: Official Comic Anthology Blooming Sequence Bocchi Kaibutsu to Moumoku Shoujo Boku wa, Yurina Onee-chan wo Ouenshite Imasu Buchou ni Igen wa Arimasen Can I Pretend to Buy You with Money? Can I Really Buy You With Money? Cast a Spell Cherry Lip Chiyo-chan no Yomeiri Choco Mate Chocolate (Mai MATSUSHITA) Chou no You ni Hana no You ni! Cider to Nakimushi. Circuits and Veins Citrus Comic Anthology Citrus+ Cocoon Entwined Comic Lily Plus Daily Witch Dare nimo Ienai Futarigoto Demi Life! Destiny of the Shrine Maiden Devil To Healer Ebisu-san to Hotei-san Eiyuu Kyoushitsu: Girl's Mission Embrace Me More, Kiss Me More Failed Princesses Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! First L² Foolish! Freshly Licked From the New World Fu-fu Futari no Arcadia Futaribeya Futatsu Yane no Shita Fuwafuwa, Futashika, Yume Mitai G.G Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai. Girls x Sekuha-Life Gokujo. Gokurakuin Joshikou Ryou Monogatari Goodbye Dystopia Goodbye, My Rose Garden Goshujin-sama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Meru Gouhou Yuri Fuufu Hon Green. Gurenki Hana & Hina After School Hana ni Arashi Hana to Hoshi Happy End For You Hare no Kuni no Appare-dan Hatsukoi Shimai Hayama Sensei To Terano Sensei Ha Tsukiatteiru Hentai Yoku Dekimashita Her Pet Hirari, Bessatsu: Bukatsu Joshi Anthology - Houkago! Hirusagari ni, Mata. Hitomi no Photograph Holmes-san wa Suiri ga Dekinai Honkai Impact 3rd Hoshi wo Futari de Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchoume Hoshikuzu Neverland Garden Houkago Nijigenme! I Want to Be a Prince! Ice Cream Castles Ichido dake demo, Koukaishitemasu. Ichigo no Haitta Soda-sui Idore! Green Rhapsody If I Could Reach You If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume Ikemen Sugi desu Shiki-senpai! Illicit Imadoki no Joshikousei ga Nani wo Kangaeteru ka Wakaranakute Tsurai Informal Romance Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san JC no Life! Joshi Chuugakusei x Hitodzuma Joshi Daisei ga Goukon de Onee-san ni Mochikaerareru Hanashi Joshikousei to Ouji-chan Juunigatsu no Heartbeat Kakinzumi Girlfriend Kamata Majo Kami-sama to Amefurashi Kamieshi JK to OL Fujoshi Kamige tte Sou Iu Koto Desu ka Kanaete! Yuri yousei Kanchigai kara Hajimeru Yankee to Jimiko no Yuri Manga Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara Shitai 10 no Koto Kanojo no Idea Kanojo no Kuchizuke Kansensuru Libido Kanojo no Sekai Kanojo to Shinigami Kase-san and ... Kase-san and Chocolate. Kase-san and Yamada Kimi ga Shinu made Koi wo Shitai Kimi ni Suki tte Iwasetai Kimiiro Shoujo Kindred Spirits on the Roof Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink Koi, Irodorumade Korede Wakatte yo! Koushin Koinu ni Koibumi wo Kouya no Hanayome Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo Kusanagi-sensei wa Tamesarete Iru Kuttsukiboshi Kyou, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetara Kyoumei suru Echo Kyuuketsuki-chan to Kouhai-chan Last 10 Millimeters Lesbian Fuuzoku Anthology Lesbian Goukon to Mayoikonda Nonke no Musume Lily (Chima SAZANAMI) Lily Fairy Tale: Little Mermaid met Hansel and Gretel Lily Lily Rose Love Cubic Love Flag Girls Love to Lie Angle Lucky Star Mabushisa no Mukougawa Machigatta Light Novel no Tsukurikata Mada Mahou Nanka ni Tayotterassharu no Deshou ka? Mage & Demon Queen Mage & Demon Queen - Part 2 Mahou Ineko to Ibarahime Majime Girl to Seishun Lingerie Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane Marble Chocolate Material Candy Michiwarikusa Monogatari - Vampire After the Doomsday Mikan no Koi Mikansei Girl Mirai no Fu Fu Desu Kedo? Momoiro Trance More Than Friends? Motto Takusan Kimi e no Omoi Mushroom Girls in Love My Dragon Girlfriend NTR: Netsuzou Trap Na*Na*Ki!! Nakasete? Sensei Nameless Asterism Nekomusume Shoukougun Nekoroma Nettai Shoujo Nicochuu Nirin no Hana Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Noise Cut Phones OL-san to Neko no Hanashi Ojou-sama wa Love Com no Shujinkou ni Naritai! Omoide Bako One Night Friend Onedari Shite Mite Onee-sama no Kimochi Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga Arimasu. Onegai Kami-sama! Only☆You: Anata to Watashi no Futari Bocchi Keikaku Onnanoko Awase Oogami-san to Cerberus! Oomuroke Ore ga... Yuri!? Otome Kakumei Ayameno! Gaiden Otome no Teikoku Our Wonderful Days Philia to Eros no Aida Prison Town e Youkoso! Pukuyuri Queen's Blade: Hide & Seek Riko to Haru to Onsen to Iruka Risetto! Robot Izonkei Joshi no Meiwaku na Nichijou Rodriguez+Tacowasa Roku+Ichigurashi Rules of the Top Ryuuzaki-san to Torao-san SHIBUYA Gyaru Yuri Anthology Sakura Trick: Anthology Comic Sakura Trick: Happy Days Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau Sayuri-san no Imouto wa Tenshi Sazi-chan no Yami Nikki Season Theatre Theatrical Secret Closet Seesaw x Game Seijun Shoujo Paradigm Seitokai Fukukaichou Yagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru! Senpai + Kouhai Shade (Kiyoko IWAMI) Shaonu Xiaoshi Zhiqian Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi Shoujo Bigaku Shoujo Junrei Shoujo² Shourai-teki ni Shindekure Solfege: Sweet Harmony Soukaku Kankei. Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido Strawberry Panic Sukoyaka Paradigm Shift Sumedo Jigoku no Inferno Suzuran Techou Swap Swap Tachibana-kan Celeb Life Tadokoro-san (Doujinshi) Tagai no Guardian Takane no Hana wa Usotsuki desu. Tamen De Gushi The Challenge of Onee-Loli The Ocean Meets the Sky The Professor's Kitten and the Rainy Morning The Sound of a Butterfly The Stalker and the Prince Tira to Kera Tokimeku, Hajimete no. Tomiko no Kimochi Tomodachi ni Nante Modorenai. Toshi no Sa: My Steady Touko-san wa Kaji ga Dekinai (Doujinshi) Treasure House Of God Tsuki ga Kirei Desu ne Tsuki to Doro Underwear x Swimwear Unicorn to Sabishigariya Shoujo Us Right Now Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Valkyrie Drive: Siren - Breakout Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires Vampire-chan ga Neratteru. Vanilla: Jingai x Jingai Yuri Anthology Voiceful WATATEN! an Angel Flew Down to Me Wabi-Sabi: Hirao Auri Sakuhinshuu Wake mo Naku Kanashiku Naru no Warui Onnanoko Warunai Watashi Igai Jinrui Zenin Yuri Watashi no Kawaii Koneko-chan Watashi no Ojousama, Watashi Taisetsu na Hito (Light Novel) Watashi to Kanojo no Otomari Eiga Watashitachi wa Koi wo Egakenai Whispered Words Whispering you a love song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Shinkon Yuri Anthology Why Did I, the MC of Gal Game Jump Into a World of Yuri Comic? Yappari Idol Yellow Drops Yoiko-san to Furyou-sensei Yume no Naka de Kimi wo Sagashite Yume yori Suteki na Yuri Anthology Dolce Yuri Bear Storm Yuri Gradol Yui: Kindan Girls Love (Light Novel) Yuri Kome Yuri Life Yuri Love Slave: Watashi dake no Iinchou (Light Novel) Yuri Moyou: Sakimiya 4-shimai no Koi Yuri Shoujo Yuri is my Job Yuri no Kishi to Bara no Hime (Light Novel) Yuru Yuri Comic Anthology Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei Yuuhi to, Aroma to, Koi Moyou xxx shitai kurai Kawaii Kimi ga Éclair: A Girls' Love Anthology That Resonates in Your Heart ささやくように恋を唄う (Whispering you a Love song) そういう年頃になっちゃった年の差姉妹 ぼくは、百合なお姉ちゃんを応援しています ゆめぐりゆりめぐり ゆるゆりアンソロジー 10周年記念ver. (Yuru Yuri Anthology 10th anniversary ver.) シスコンお姉ちゃんと気にしない妹 ユリキュール アルコール百合アンソロジー 不揃いの連理 剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!? 

Magazine List

If you're unfamiliar with this, it's basically like a monthly magazine you would get in the mail. Usually, anthologies are printed and published in magazines like the Yuri Hime. You can view the list here.

Eroge/Visual Novel List

I had to upload this, along with the others, to google sheets. Feel free to check it out here.
If you'd like to download "その花びらにくちづけを 白雪の騎士" (eng. A kiss for the petals: Snow White's Knight), I've uploaded My copy to mega for anyone to download it.
Link1 (Game)
Link2 (Manuals)
Make sure you run the game with some sort of locale emulator.

There you have it! That sums it up for now!
If you spot a mistake or a potential error, please let me know!
One list I'd like to add is webtoons. If you have any yuri webtoons that you enjoy, please let me know so I can add them! You can let me know in the comments here or you can shoot me a dm on discord. My discord is ef1500#5899.
submitted by ef1500_v2 to yuri_manga [link] [comments]

castle season 2 cast list video

Sky Castle Season 2: Netflix Release Date, Cast, Plot ... Castle Season 2 Full Season - YouTube Castle: Season 2 - YouTube

Castle and Beckett uncover that a bullet is missing from the crime scene while investigating what happened when an art dealer was gunned down in his own gallery. However, when it turns out there was a witness to the murder, they need to refresh the man's memory, only to find out that he suffers from amnesia and can't even remember who he is. A story between a golden-winged Feng Ruche and Xue Jingkong, the most distinguished sorcerer in the great plains of Lanzhou. Many powerful forces are... Lizzy Caplan leads the cast of Castle Rock Season 2, which also stars Tim Robbins, Paul Sparks and Barkhad Abdi in a story that takes elements from Stephen King works like Misery and Salem's Lot Drama • Castle & Castle is a law series that follows the story of a married couple, ‘Remi Castle’ and her husband ‘Tega’ – two lawyers who run a successful practice in Lagos. They met 20 years ago when he ta… The following is a list of Castle episodes. (2 episodes, 2009-2010) Barry Schindel (2 episodes, 2009) Matt Pyken (2 episodes, 2010-2011) Scott Williams (2 episodes, 2010-2011) Christine Boylan (2 episodes, 2012) Jason Wilborn (2 episodes, 2013) Barry O'Brien (2 episodes, 2015-2016) Charles Murray Castle and Beckett discover it's all about the discreet cyber-prostitution business, which happens to employ Buckley's legal protégée, Scarlett Price. Working out who took over the 'Danton' franchise when founder Dan Tonelli is jailed, leads to some surprising revelations. Season 2 . Alyssa Milano - Kyra Blaine, Richard Castle's first love, in A Rose for Everafter; Graham Beckel - Uncle Teddy in A Rose for Everafter; Dana Delany - FBI Special Agent Jordan Shaw in Tick, Tick, Tick. – (Part 1) and Boom – (Part 2) Michael Ironside - Victor Racine, a notorious mobster, in Den of Thieves Castle's Dad 2 Episodes 2014. Michael Dorn. Police Psychiatrist 6 Episodes 2015. Taylor Cole. Regina Cane 1 Episode 2013. Eddie McClintock. Rogan O'Leary 1 Episode 2014. Shanna Collins. Rina 1 The third season of Castle premiered on September 20, 2010 on the network ABC in the United States. This was the last season that Castle co-star Ruben Santiago-Hudson was on Castle. 1 Cast 1.1 Main characters 1.2 Recurring characters 2 Broadcast episodes 3 External links Nathan Fillion as...

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Sky Castle Season 2: Netflix Release Date, Cast, Plot ...

"In Season 2, a feud between warring clans comes to a boil when budding psychopath Annie Wilkes, Stephen King's nurse from hell, gets waylaid in Castle Rock.... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Sky Castle Season 2 fans and followers want to Know everything about Sky Castle Season 2 Netflix Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer & more. Sky Castle Season ... visita este sitio web Castle season 2 episode 24 Svenska undertexter Castle season 2 epis... Watch Castle Full Season IN HD Visit :: Télécharger : - Castle and Beckett ar... Amazon's 'The Man In The High Castle' cast and producers Rufus Sewell, Alexa Davalos, Brennan Brown and David W. Zucker talk about what's to come in season 2...

castle season 2 cast list

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