10 Common Hand Gestures That Are Rude in Other Countries

what does thumbs up mean in italy

what does thumbs up mean in italy - win

Transcribed Fairy/Faerie quotations: a Scammer Timeline footnote

So as part of my Scammer timeline, I wanted to transcribe the Fairy/Faerie quotes, but holy moly, she has posted a bazillion of them. I decided to make it a separate post from the timeline since it was so long. I didn’t catch every group of fairies she posted, but I think I only missed one “flash sale”? These are all the ones I was able to find and read, if anyone has shots of the ones I’m missing, please send them my way! I also couldn’t read all of them because some were on too light of paper with the bad photo quality, so take my translations of some with a grain of salt. She swapped between spelling them Fairy and Faerie with no apparent reason, so I kept whichever one she wrote on there. There were also some she definitely tried to resell after supposedly selling the first time, and I have those noted. I was surprised, but most the quotes were actually new writing with only some recycled lines, so this is indicating she has actually written more of Scammer than she’s let on. I have noted at the end which lines were from already published work, and which work of hers they came from.
Content warning: some of the quotes are gruesome depictions of death, depression, and contain suicide mentions.

First round of Faeries, transcribed by Bookgills:
Gallery of First Round Faeries
· The Hazel Catkin Faerie: I don't know what, as a child, made me believe that becoming a famous memoirist was going to solve all my problems since all anyone ever told me was to pick a different goal. But I latched onto a vision of myself in a ball gown with flowers in my hair, inside a castle, inside a story that was true -Line from 5th paragraph of IAMCC
· The Scarlett Faerie: But let's take this story from the top! I am - ACTUALLY - Caroline Calloway, but I wasn't always. Like lots of artists, I changed my name-Line from 2nd paragraph of IAMCC
· The Dandelion Faerie (1): If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic? -Line from 4th paragraph of IAMCC
· The Forest Faerie: My Dad didn't shout every night, but that made it harder to predict when it would happen, and harder to heal from in the years after it did
· The Bluebell Faerie (1): When the curtain comes up, everything is a mess. And for a while it seems like chapter one is where glamorous plans go down in flames. Then one day in Europe, when I least expect it, I meet the Swedish boy who will change my life forever - opening lines from SCHOOL GIRL
· The Geranium Faerie: And on top of all this, depression as it manifest during one's childhood is a huge fucking mystery all of the fucking time - Instagram post on 10/23/2020 of “her most beautiful prose yet"
· The Buttercup Faerie (1): Humans can see three colors, red, green, and blue. Don't ask me why yellow isn't on that list. I clearly skipped color theory classes during my Art History degree, as I encourage you to do. (You're welcome, parents) But the mantis shrimp can see sixteen colors- Instagram post on 10/23/2020 of “her most beautiful prose yet"
· The Opium Poppy Faerie Death, fame, and what constitutes lying by omission in creative nonfiction are the top three themes in this book. Addiction, scams, and a story about a story.
· The Snapdragon Faerie: And so it struck me as a spectacular the first time. I stumbled upon the unexpected elevator-dip of peace that comes with having put off sleep to the point of feeling like you are the only person awake on earth-maybe even the only one alive.
· The Lavender Faerie (1): Blue dawn is when you feel a limitless and sparkling and periwinkle high at 4:30 AM
· The Hydrangea Faerie: Living abroad scared me to my marrow because it was the first time the world felt good and I still felt bad
· The Grape Hyacinth Faerie: As a little girl, all I wanted was adventure strong enough to transport me and a lot of the school-sanctioned circular stuff didn't cut it, dopamine-wise
· The Forget-Me-Not Faerie (1): In Italy, still, I wept in bed. And it was chilling and demoralizing because Italy was my confirmation that the texture of my day-to-day interior would not be improving even as the caliber of my adventures did
· The Mischief Faerie: A memory from these years that stays with me and that I don't know how to wedge in anywhere else but need to: my randomly assigned tennis-skirted roommate, Emma, calmly explaining to me that I could not keep a small basket of plums under our shared bunkbed because it was attracting flies - Slightly reworded from Instagram caption on SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
· The Chestnut Faerie: I hate when you get to the paragraph in a writer memoir when they subtle flex on what they read as a kid it's like, 'okay we get it! you were a precocious ten-year-old who loved Dostoyevsky with a pure heart-IAMCC paragraph 6
· The Oak Tree Faerie: And so that much needed break from feeling about greatness and failure bubbling over you like de-escalating Alka-Seltzer
· The Cherry Tree Faerie: your real life has not begun yet, so what Blue Dawn says Everything is mendable and it shall be!
· The Narcissus Faerie: I am torn between two ways of looking at the world, my life could have been worse and my dad could have been worse, too. On the other, I think we should treat everyone's struggles with concern - no suffering Olympics. And I think we should take people seriously when they're host to a brain that wants to kill them

Second (I think technically the 3rd, but I don’t have the true second screenshotted) group of Faeries posted:
Gallery of second round
· Wild Clover Fairy (1): I was grateful. I was freaking out. I was impatient to get off the phone.
· The Wild Daisy Faerie: I was walking past an ankle-high flower-gate around a west village sidewalk tree (you know the kind.)
· The Mulberry Faerie (1): It was the last time I ever spoke to him. Two days later he killed himself.
· The Winter Jasmine fairy: I would do unspeakable things to have a conversation with the person I once was.
· The Forget-Me-Not Fairy (2): I read somewhere once that children of divorce have a high threshold for parallel realities. I’d add that hard drugs expand that.
· The Cala Lily Fairy: I don’t want to get better because being unable to kill myself means that I’d have no way out.
· The Carnation Faerie: I didn’t… all the… just stuff we just left out all the..stuff… I cant read this one, so if anyone else can, please help lol
· The Daisy Field Faerie (1): my dad called. I told him I have to go. it was the last time I ever spoke to him.
· The Yellow Violet Fairy: Walking around with all those urgent projects inside of me and a brain that is too erratic and mopey to depend on feels like being a very full glass of water that I am trying not to jostle
· The Mulberry Faerie (2) <3: I know the schedule of the Cambridge flowers
· The Kale Faerie: I love magic. First kisses, Patronus charms, the way that google finishes your sentences.
· The British Violet Fairy: People often criticize me for glamorizing addiction, but I cant help that I was an addict who was very glamorous. – Stolen from Red Scare Dasha's Twitter
· The Queens Anne’s Lace fairy (1): I want the place where I am buried in Cambridge to be the one place in town where everyone feels included in the city’s secrets.
· Daffodil Faerie <3: I can’t wait to be dead and not suffering anymore, having lived a long life with all the books I want to write behind me.
· The Heather Fairy (1): No quote, just her name?
· The Forget-Me-Not Fairy (3): Natalie was never more drawn to me when I was seducing the boys that didn’t want her
· The Willow Catkin Fairy: I like taking up space and I like making a scene, but also, being me is too much as it is.
· The Maple Tree Faerie: One day at a time.
· The Rosemary Faerie: But at the last moment I changed targets, the way a rocket can be moved just a few degrees and miss the moon.
· The Heather Faerie (2): I’ve gotten clean and found a way to turn my self- delusion and self-obsession off, but bitterness will always be there.

Third group of Faeries posted:
Gallery of Third Round
· The Dandelion Faerie (2): Your real life has not begun yet, no what blue dawn says.
· The Beech Tree Fairy: Blue dawn is when you feel a limitless and sparkling and periwinkle high at 4:30 am.
· The Pine Tree Fairy: As an adult, Ive actually had to train myself to leave a cup of stale room-temperature coffee on my bedside table because its that hard for me to adjust to the transition from no pain to pain without a chemical boost.
· The Dandelion Fairy (3): I was seventeen. I was finally Caroline Calloway. And I was certain port of my life worth writing about was about to begin.
· The Pine Tree fairy (2): Sitting across from my dad while he was driving our family’s station wagon, blue skies, late simmer, wind lifting my long brown hair, reaching out to tap his cute pot belly; it never occurred to me, not even once- not even a little bit- that bugs would one day live inside the animal carcass of his rib cage.
· The Lonely Willow Witch: do you remember the first time you ever stayed awake all night. A lot of people with depression have insomnia, too, but I’ve only ever had problems waking up, not falling asleep. Awake is painful for me.
· The Nightshade Fairy: after dark we would hoist ourselves dusting down several terraces of orange groves that we combed during the day with literal hoes.
· The Spindle Weed Fairy: I hated acting. But I loved fame? Question mark? (yes she wrote the actual words question mark) Going online still sounded like a telephone dial pad fucking a fax machine raw.
· The Primrose Faerie (1): Its not that Italy is an apocalyptic shithole, its just that it takes American eyes to be floored by the oldness of the old world and the ruin of nuns
· The Seaside Poppy Fairy: I wanted to be a child actor, specifically Emma Watson. More specifically, actual Hermione Granger. Violet Baudelaire, but the main character. Artemis Fowl, but a girl.
· The Queen Anne’s Lace fairy (2): I’ve told that story so many times that I can write it now while thinking about my next meal.
· The Foxglove Faerie: My dad and I didn’t talk much because he didn’t talk ever.
· The Primrose Faerie (2): You’re suppose to collect many of these moments and eventually they add up to a sunshine that’s worth the shadows
· The Slow Berry Faerie: I thumbed through the high-brow stuff but only to keep up appearances with my adults
· The Red Poppy Fairy: I read delicious trash when I was a little girl. Adventure pulp!
· The Sunflower Fairy: obviously good groundskeeping does not a chemical depression cure.
· The Redweed Fairy: As a little girl, all I wanted was adventure strong enough to transport me and a lot of school-sanctioned curricular stuff didn’t cut it, dopamine-wise
· The Tulip Faerie: Michaels Starbucks Barnes and Nobel. So many parking lots!

Fourth group of Faeries posted:
Gallery of Fourth Round
· The Wild Clover Faerie (2): it was billowing fast then- slow realization like smoke in air, milk in coffee or dye in water.
· The Wild Blueberry Faerie: there’s no other way to put this: in my early twenties I was a shitty friend. I was unreliable, unreachable, pre-occupied. I lied! Even more often than I care to clock since so often I was lying by omission.
· The Wild Clover Fairy (3): But even as my father spent extravagant on me, I still feel like he owed me. What I wanted was for him to meet my emotional needs and what I got was a studio downtown, and a closet full of designer dresses and a bunch of cashmere hand-me-downs- From IAMCC
· The Periwinkle Faerie: My turquoise home in the west village made it look like I had friends. My turquoise home in the west village was a trap!
· The Wild Dandelion Faerie (1): Weaving through the aisles of books, I’d catch Andy’s eye and he’d wave me over to his carrel where he’d show me a new Hood Internet mashup of Kid Cudi and Vampire Weekend. Mashups had just been invented by the internet.
· The Wild Weed Faerie: I was careful to cultivate a girly bohemian chaos.
· The Cornflower Faerie: By the time I fell asleep it was still dark outside the window above my desk, but outside the window above Michelle’s desk it was already blue dawn.
· The Wild Daffodil Faerie: Art History seemed like the kind of subject the CHARACTER of Caroline Calloway would major in. -IAMCC
· The Buttercup Faerie (2): I am -actually-Caroline Calloway. But I wasn’t always. Like lots of artist I changed me name. -IAMCC
· The Mulberry Fairy (2): Adderal manufactured a billion fascinations in my head that kept me forever paralyzed inside the kaleidoscope of what to do next.
· The Wild Berry Fairy: Stars, balls, river bridges! Stonewalls, black-tie, after-dinner port. Fumbling with bike locks, library books. Brass door knobs in mittens.
· The Heather Faerie (3): I no longer noticed what season it was. It was dark a lot because I was awake…My grasp on reality was poor.
· The Rosehip Faerie (1): I was running out of time but mainly options. My brain was on fire.
· The Heather Faerie (4): Let’s pretend it was before times- IAMCC
· The Pinecone Faerie: People often criticize me for glamorizing addiction, but I cant help that I was an addict who was also very glamorous.
· The Wild Beech tree fairy: No measuring me when you divide my ashes- just eyeball it. Bury three quarters of my bone and brain and fairy dust in the great saint Mary’s graveyard no exceptions.

Grid post wrap up:
Gallery of Grid Post
· The Forget-Me-Not fairy (4): Writers know what it’s like to capture a whole universe out of thin air, sentence by sentence, word by word.
· The Daisy Field fairy (2): Full text not visibleà …by…symptoms of my diseases as the fundamental
· The Spring Crocus Fairy: I do not need you to apologize because I know that I hurt you too. And I know that you’d never apologize for.
· The Wild Dandelion Fairy (2): I had brown hair when you loved me. And I love you, still, sometimes. Less and less, but still.
· The Canterbury Bells Faerie: I glorified myself, made the worst things in my life break-ups and bad hair days. You dehumanized me, flattened me into a one-dimensional caricature of myself.
· The Morning Glory Fairy: It would be enough love just to know that you have doubts.
· The Dandelion fairy (4): Shame is the heaviest thing in the world, especially when its expose on someone else’s terms.
· The Huckleberry Fairy: Adderall manufactured a billion fascinations in my head that kept me forever paralyzed inside the kaleidoscope of what to do next.
· The Sweet Pea Faerie: After we hung up, I said, “My father just died.”
· The Primrose Faerie (3): If you’ve never had a scandal continue to have none. Being canceled is a kind of crisis I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But if you’ve had on scandal, have more.
· The Wild Violet Fairy: the rules for surviving being canceled are the same as for surviving a riptide. What you can’t do is struggle, although that’s everyone’s first instinct. You want to set the record straight. You want to clear your name! But do that and you’ve expended all your energy too quick, too soon, and drown.
· The Lavender Faerie (2): The more scandals you have, the smaller slice of your identity pie each scandal becomes.
· The Red clover Fairy: Sleeping pills….then a variety of off the shelf pharmaceuticals…Cant read full text
· The English Rose Fairy: For the past…panicky. If there was a more logical… Cant read full text
· The Laburnum Fairy (1): I read somewhere once that children of divorce have a high threshold for parallel realities. I’d add that hard drugs expand that.
· The Forget-Me-Not fairy (5): The thing about addiction like falling asleep, or falling in love or into bankruptcy is that you can never pinpoint the moment when you shift from one state of being into the next. It just happens. It just does. And then you’re gone. -IAMCC but a john green rip-off
· The Laburnum Fairy (2): Usually, the second or…tip of finger would begin to hurt with the and needles sensation of…finger would turn white, starting at the tip, spreading downwards like…another finger them my hand.
· The Wild Ivy Fairy: The way red leaves and then snowbanks and then apple-blossoms tumble from wet black branches in walled gardens during the turning British seasons. I have to tread lightly and lyrically in this paragraph.
· The Canterbury Bells Fairy (2): One thousand years ago, I had a boyfriend named Oscar. He was Swedish. Maybe he still is. I wouldn’t know since he blocked me on Instagram.
· The Rosehip Faerie (2): I’ve famously never published a book…Part of me is sad to say goodbye to that start to my chaotic good.
· The Bluebell Faerie (2): I fell in love the way you fall asleep…listening to harry potter audio books. -Old caption

Marble Fairy round 1:
Gallery of Marble Fairy Round 1
Pansy: No quote, just her signature
Columbine: C is for Caroline Columbine
Ragged Robin: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
#4-No name: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
The Apple Blossom Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
Queen of the Meadow: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
The Iris Faerie: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
#8: No name, but two fairy images: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
Bugle: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?

The "Last batch of Faeries":
Gallery of "Last Batch" here
· The Chestnut Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· Thistle Fairy: But I had my sights set on living inside of a fairy tale like a snow globe and then writing about it all.
· The Oak Tree Fairy: An under discussed element of co-dependence is a misplaced sense of seeing your partners identity as an extension of your own.
· The Spearmint Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The White Violet Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Wallflower Fairy: Michelle was from Hawaii, pale as a cupcake, incapable of developing a tan, with thick lips and double D’s that were always teetering her figure between that of a fifty’s pinup girl and a Russian babushka. You know how huge tits can sometimes eroticize and age a seventeen-year-old at the same time? Yeah
· Queen Anne’s Lace Fairy (3): I kept going into hiding for days at a time. Not even for some days at a time, but some moments, I would wake up and the first my brain would be like was, No. No no no- just no. And a whole season would pass that way.
· Bugle: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?(same as marble drop)
· The Thrift Fairy: I just wanted my first love to look good in words. I wanted the nouns of my boyfriend to be more coat of arms and less armed robbery.
· The Blackberry Fairy: And then, suddenly, the rest of the students who were not varsity athletes or new kids descended upon the campus like a plague of petty grudges
· The Beech Flower Fairy: At twenty-eight I have precious little in common with the girl who lived through chapter two, It takes a lot to access how she felt, how she saddened, what she cared about.
· Pansy: No quote, just her signature(same as marble drop)
· Columbine: C is for Caroline Columbine (same as marble drop)
· The Buttercup Fairy (3): At any given moment it was up to my own teenage self-restraint not to bleed him dry.
· The Daisy Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Lime Tree Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Yellow Nettle Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Hydrangea Fairy: “Dad, do you feel proud of me right now?” Watching my dad react to this question was like watching a robot someone had just splashed water on.
· 19: No name, but two fairy images: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?(same as marble drop)
· The Berry Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?

The "Leftover" Faerie drop:
Gallery of Leftovers
· The Red Violet Fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Wildflower Fairy: I used to have a side part because that was preppiest, but now I part my hair down the middle because that’s what cool online girls in New York do.
· Thistle Fairy: same as Last faierie drop
· The Wallflower Fairy: same as last faerie drop
· Spearmint: same as last faerie drop
· Queens Anne Lace (3): Same as last faerie drop
· The Apple Blossom Fairy: Same as Marble drop
· The Chestnut Fairy: Seasons are belligerently pretty in New England. Fall is a majesty of read and marigold and then when you least expect it, the windchill whispers that if you ever got trapped outside, even just a night, you’d die from exposure to the elements
· Red double fairy: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Cotton Fluff Fairy: I love her now because of the person that she has become and the shit that we have been through, but if I am being completely honest: that first day I loved her because of the thing her beauty did to my eyes
· The Mallow Faerie: and at the same time.. its all a bit more nuanced than that.
· The Eyebright Fairy: But something in that cluster B blood also oxygenated brains that leapt around in festive cowboy boots screaming helpful truths.
· The Buttercup Fairy (3): Student Hijinks, secret societies, stories that mix art history with elite collegiate culture…All of it makes me feel whatever Monet felt in the gardens of Givenchy and Gaugin felt on the islands of Tahiti that made them say: The way I see this world is what I must make the world see!
The "100% for real, not clickbait, totally the last batch ever' Faerie:
Gallery of clickbait faeries
· The Apple Blossom Fairy: Same as Marble drop
· The Eyebright Fairy: Same as leftover drop
· The Buttercup Fairy: Same as leftover drop
· The Cotton Fairy: I’ve told that story so many times that I can write it now while thinking about my next meal.
· The Cotton Fluff Fairy: Same as Leftover drop
· Queens Anne Lace (3): Same as last fairy drop
· Thistle Fairy: Same as last fairy drop
· The Apple Blossom Fairy: I read delicious trash when I was a little girl. Adventure pulp!
· Bugle: Same as marble drop
· Buttercup Fairy (3): Same as marble drop
· Columbine: Same as marble drop
· The Wildflower Fairy: Same as leftover drop
· The Pinecone Fairy: I could have made this book to hurt you, but I hate that loop. I chose instead to make my heart the mangled version of muscle that you flap into the sky for everyone to gawk at. And then I set my weapons down.
· Double fairy (blue): Same as marble drop
· The Mulberry Faerie: If you build a life around an identity that springs from your own imagination is it ever fake or inauthentic?
· The Thrift Fairy: Same as Last faerie drop
· The Hydrangea Fairy: My dad was so decomposed by the time the police found him that they couldn’t rule out murder
· The Lime Tree Faerie: I told you that mental illness are stigmatized and invisible in a way that physical diseases are not.
· The Orchis Fairy: When Europeans go to a new European city, they’re not rapturous. When Americans go to Europe, we’re freaking adorabe. It takes American eyes to be floored by the Old Worldness of the Old World and the ruin of ruins.
The final six Gallery of Final Six
Repeat Faeries:
· The Buttercup Faerie: Labeled as 11 in grid photo 1 and 1 in round 4 Buttercup
· The Heather Faerie (3) : 12 in grid photo 8, 13 in grid photo 3, 7 in round 4. Heather 3
· The Heather Faerie (4): 4 in round 4, 12 in grid photo 1. Heather (4)
· The Wild Beech Tree Fairy: 7 and 13 in grid post, 8 in round 4 Wild Beech
· The Pinecone Fairy: 18 and 9 in grid, 6 in round 4 Pinecone
· The Wild Berry Fairy: 17 and 20 in grid, 3 in round 4 Wild Berry
· The Rosehip Faerie: 5 in round 4 and 15 and 17 in grid photo Rosehip
· The Huckleberry Fairy: 11 in grid post 8, 2 in grid post 6/round 4, and 16 in grid post 3. Huckleberry
· Grid post photo #10 is a repeat of grid post photo #7, but cropped differently.
submitted by Poniesandproteins to SmolBeanSnark [link] [comments]

So Id like to ask for input on my thoughts?

So when I turn 13 my father sat me down and explained a lot to me about the reality of the world and my lineage the fact that I come from Vikings and that's who my family is. My father showed me a brand that he carried on his left hand and proceeded to tell me about how real and real the world actually is now that he considered me a man and old enough to understand the finality of my decisions from that point on in my life. He reaffirmed the fact that I already knew that there was no Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and no fucking god or any anyone up there that gives 2 shits about you, of those made up things we let weak minded ppl think. Because they are to afraid to know that they are on their own.n He showed me videos of children in Africa and Russia and countless other places and how horrible life can be to the kindest most innocent people in existence . He explained to me that in this world there are sheep and there are wolves and if you have a choice between being one of the two I'm always to behave like a wolf. We watch videos of Nature and he explains to me how animals would go through tremendous sacrifice to save their own lives and we watched a video of a wolf knots on hand off because it was caught in the Trap and rather than by their it decided it would rather be the three legged wolf. After he had explained how hard the world is to me and that once him and my mother died that I would other Italy be on my own and I would have to not only take care of myself but protect everyone that was important to me as well and teach them how to protect themselves. He showed me our family crest and explain to me the significance of honor. & courage. Explain in great detail to me that courage cannot be measured without you having fear if you go do something stupid that you know is going to get you hurt but you don't have any fear that doesn't mean you have courage that means you're too stupid to realize the threat. Now if you can register a real threat to yourself and you know that you're going into a situation and you're going to get injured but you go into it knowing that and you don't run from the pain that's true courage can you do what's right regardless of what it cost you because if you do what's wrong and you know that to be true in your heart it'll haunt you in ways that physical pain never can. He showed me pain management how to slow my breathing in my heart rate how to make a decision to do something that I know is going to hurt and go through anyways. And to prove it to me he sat me down with a cigarette drue on it and got it nice and cherrie hot and put the cigarette out on the back of his own hand a top the brand that he already possessed that he received from his father when he was 13. I watched an utter horror as I saw the skin melt away and a hole being burned into the top of his hand. he never went he didn't yell he never broke eye contact with me he just burned a hole in his hand and stared directly into my soul. he then explained that there is no such thing as real pain pain is a decision and it's something that you allow to either grab ahold of you and run away with your psyche or something that you grab ahold of rain in and then you decide how much you let it affect you. Explain to me in great detail that as a man especially it's imperative that I not be afraid of doing hard painful things ever especially when I'm scared that's when it matters the most my body only gives me two choices fight or flight and I need to always choose fight even if it's my last fight cuz it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. He explained to me that this is a lesson that has been passed down from father to father as far back as my bloodline can be tracked. And he asked me if I was ready to become a full-fledged member of our clan. Ensuring that I knew I did not have to do anything and he didn't want to hurt me but he needed me to understand that life was painful and I could survive through it. tell me it was okay if I cried it was okay if I scream and really the lesson that I needed to learn is that after I had been injured that everything heals I will have a permanent brand on my hands just like he does to show myself anytime I'm afraid I can look down at the back of my hand and know I had the courage to do something hard and I also had the courage to do whatever I needed to do now. he told me that you would not be ashamed of me if I didn't do it and he would always love me but he explained how very proud of me he would be if I could show that I had courage and how proud my Opa would be once we showed him my brand & he knew that his bloodline and his grandchildren were still strong , & he could die proud and happy & he would knowing i could take care of myself. I won't lie and say I get it immediately and it was just brave from the get-go I cried a bunch and I said I didn't want to do it we talk some more and he showed me his hand and asked me if it looked like he was dying or his hand wasn't going to work anymore or anything and when I had to admit that everything was fine I was just afraid Kia radiator rated that's the point the worst thing about this situation is my fear and I'm letting it take control of me and later in life if I'm presented with another situation similar and I make a decision out of fear it could kill me. Eventually I said I would do it and then when he went to burn you said no and backed off and then eventually I did it and I got a brand I remember we hugged and embraced and cried together and he told me it was okay not to hide for my pain but to remember but I had the courage to do something hard nobody could ever take that from me. That was a lifetime ago for me! Im 38 now. But last night during my trip I was thinking real hard on what I was going to get for my daughter for Christmas this year I've been talking to her in great detail about her future and finance planning and she's taking great interest in my cryptocurrency investments and so for Christmas this year she made a very adult decision and said that she wanted me to buy her a ledger Nano Cold Storage wallet so she could start saving her extra money and putting it into cryptocurrency and hopefully eventually when she's an adult still have some money I told her I was incredibly proud of her and that was the first legitimately adult decision I've ever seen her make sure she made it on her own without coercion from me. so again I was thinking about not only getting her the xrp wallet she asked for and a few hundred dollars in cryptocurrency but then spending a bunch of money and getting her like a legitimate Toy or game, i mean just cuz she's making adult decisions doesn't mean she's not a kid anymore either. And while I was in my bathtub I decided that I think I'm going to break with tradition since in my bloodline typically the women aren't blooded and we're never offered an opportunity to earn a brand but I feel very wholeheartedly that equal rights matter and women's rights matter and she shouldn't feel in anyway shes should be subservient or inferior to me or any man. The last night during my trip I was giving it all this serious thought and I came to the conclusion that yes my daughter is no longer a child I can no longer treat her as such and I need to start giving her all the hard information at this world hides from her. So I rebranded myself a top my original brand I got from my father to remind myself not to forget what I had decided. (Idk know how share pics or i would.) Lol its not bad though its just a red hole in my hand again. To ensure i remember how important it is for me to teach & talk to her. I absolutely need you to understand that I have never self-harm in any manner before or since this brand is an exclusive right of passage and is not something I take lightly or done just for the fuck of it. I do have other brands but those were contests of will with other men it was essentially that's measuring our balls against each other without actually getting into a fist fight something I totally understand you may not get or may consider me a goddamn caveman in Savage because of My kid saw me chop my thumb off once and we live together on Lopez Island and we had no phone line and had to walk to the neighbor's house holding my thumb in the other hand and I remember her asking me how come you're not crying and she was crying cuz she was scared for me I told her I don't have time to cry sweetheart I have to take care of you I have to make sure I get it to somewhere where in case I pass out from lack of blood that you're going to be taken care of and that I potentially could get help if I need it She also has six belts in karate and she's not unaccustomed to physical violence and pain but again she hasn't really been taking through the nuances of it all. Do you think I'm fucking crazy for even considering offering her a brand cuz I know that potentially I could get fucking charged with child abuse and all the time with other shit but I feel very strongly just like every other father in my bloodline has it this is an absolutely imperative lesson to learn for his children I know society today shies away from doing things that are going to get you hurt or tell you that no matter what people do to you is never okay to punch them or physically hurt them and you always have to just go run and get help asked for the police to save you well in truth normally what happens if the police get there and they try to catch the bad guy after they've already killed you if you didn't have the goddamn courage to do anything about it yourself? So am a lunatic or what? Is this important to know or was is my family nuts? & i need to break the cycle
I would greatly appreciate your input is this just an outdated fucking Savage tradition that I've been tricked into thinking is important in my life or did that event really Forge and fire who I am at my core and remind me on a daily basis especially when I'm scared that I come from fucking Vikings and this shit is not going to fly
I remember an event from my childhood when we lived in California and my grandma lived in Compton and that's where I was babysat at my father came to pick me up from Compton super City neighborhood a lot of gang violence and stuff and we stopped at a corner store on the way home to pick up some milk and there was these three teenage black kids that were attempting to purchase alcohol and the old lady behind the counter would have felt him sitting have an ID so they got all huffy and puffy and angry and my dad ushered him out of the store and as we were paying for our milk they threw a brick through the window and it came down right in front of that lady's face and my dad showed me towards her and said I'm going to be right back walked outside into the street and got into a goddamn fist fight with three dudes and almost got himself killed I mean bloody horrible shit if a random fucking stranger little Mexican dude didn't come by on a motorcycle and start head-butting people with his helmet to save my father's life he would have died that day in front of me. I remember when the police did show up and arrested those kids the ambulance was there trying to get my father into the back to take him to the hospital cuz his face had been peeled opened by a rock and had blood everywhere and I remember screaming at him and hitting him in the chest tell him how stupid he was because if you would have died me and mom and my brothers and sisters would be in the world but how are we supposed to live without a dad I remember that the paramedics are trying to get the blood off his face he pushed him away he grabbed me by the ears pulled me in real tight and he said I would rather die today showing you the truth about how important it is to be a good man. " evil only triumphs when good men fail to stand and act, & remember son we come from Vikings Dont ever make me ashamed by being to afraid to do the right thing. "and he touched our brands together and then we go into an ambulance and went to the hospital...
So what the vibe? Stupid nuts idea? Or the difference between rasing sheep or wolves.?
submitted by disruptor2k5 to Psychedelics [link] [comments]

Crusader Kings III Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Crusader Kings III
Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made. Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.
Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 91 average - 100% recommended - 34 reviews
Critic Reviews
ACG - Jeremy Penter - Unscored
Karak sat down to do an impressions video for Crusader Kings 3 but it sort of became a review.
Kotaku - Luke Plunkett - Unscored
It’s a game of endless freedom but also constant moral quandaries. Where you’re challenged as a parent as often as you are on the battlefield. Where you can pay tribute to Popes while torturing the innocent in your dungeons. Where you’re constantly bombarded with choices and decisions, and every single one of them means something... Crusader Kings III may begin in what we used to call the Dark Ages, but it’s a Renaissance for strategy gaming in 2020.
[Waypoint Vice]() - [Gita Jackson]() - Unscored
It's a testament to the game's success that it is so startling to have the illusion of its reality shattered. There are some parts of human behavior that you simply can't reduce into a math equation or series of "if, then" statements. What Crusader Kings III does comes very, very close, so much so that I stayed up all night playing it twice in the same week. It is so easy to slip into your world, lording over a few counties, totally engrossed in the minute dramas of your court. But the real marvel is when you scroll out to see the whole world, and you see how much of it has developed without you.
Entertainium - Gareth Brading - Unscored
Crusader Kings III is one of those “just five more minutes” games, which hooks you in with various short term objectives and before you know it several hours have gone by. As King Malcolm, I was determined to force the Earl of Northumbria to accept my terms for peace in his aggressive war to capture Cumbria from me. Sadly, Malcolm was slain in battle outside Carlisle in 1072 (a full 20 years before he was “supposed” to die) leaving young Prince Duncan (age 12) to be the new King. Whether the young king’s reign will be as great as his father is a story for another time. Crusader Kings III is full to the brim with these stories, and each time you play a new character you can construct a new saga. It truly brings history to life in a way few other games have achieved.
Rock Paper Shotgun - Nate Crowley - Unscored
There are so many more little good things about Crusader Kings 3 that I’d like to talk about. So many strange little intricacies, and delightful, unexpected moments of satisfaction, of the kind CK2 delivered so well. And that’s the thing. Because if this game came out of nowhere, with nothing like it having graced the PC before, I would be speechless at its ingenuity. But of course, Crusader Kings 2 has been gracing our PCs, for eight years now, and it’s a bloody hard act to follow (you have to realise just how hard it is not to swerve into a concluding metaphor about royal succession here. Rest assured, I’m not going to do it).
IGN - T.J. Hafer - 10 / 10
Crusader Kings 3 is a superb strategy game, a great RPG, and a master class in how to take the best parts of existing systems and make them deeper and better. I have thousands of hours in the previous game, and I expect to spend at least that many in this third installment. All of the engrossingly flawed characters and stories of love, war, triumph, and loss that have already dynamically emerged from my playthroughs feel like just the beginning of something legendary. In fact, if I had to pick only one game to play for the rest of my life, the decision wouldn’t be that difficult. A new king of historical strategy has been crowned. Long live the king.
GameSpew - Robert Gammon - 10 / 10
Every detail of Crusader Kings III feels like the perfect evolution of the series. The refined systems and better UI don’t take away from the complexities of a campaign; they just make it easier to have fun. Every worry I had of this being a watered-down Crusader Kings II experience faded away with the sheer amount of content available. With a larger world, more refined systems, gorgeous visuals and deep character mechanics, Crusader Kings III is everything fans of the series could have hoped for – and more.
Thumb Culture - Steven Strom & Stuart Nightingale - 10 / 10 - Platinum Thumb Award
... You can easily sink hours into it without realising you had, which is fantastic to get that feeling out of a game. For fans of RPG, simulation, strategy games and previous Crusader Kings titles, this is a must-have. I have already seen people crying over on Reddit on how much they want the game to drop already. Bonus for Crusader Kings 3 fans who have Xbox GamePass for PC that’s available on day one too.
Saving Content - Scott Ellison II - 5 / 5
Crusader Kings III is all about the dynasty you’ve built, and the legacy you leave behind for a future of fame, fortune, and family in an ever-unfolding drama that’s brought unto you, or what you create for yourself. There’s a chasm-wide cast of characters to play as from real royal families from hundreds of countries, many of which you’ll want to see them through. Whether a new or returning player, hours will pass like minutes, and you’ll realize the game has a hook on you that you won’t want to remove. This is grand strategy at its finest, and Crusader Kings III is an immensely replayable, unscripted narrative masterpiece.
VG247 - Lauren Aitken - 5 / 5
All in, Crusader Kings 3 is my Game of the Year so far. If you’re looking for a new strategy title with some RPG flair that will suck you in for 500 hours or more during this endless lockdown, then it should be on your wishlist already. Better still, future support is already assured – there’s one expansion already in the works plus a few flavour packs coming soon if the huge base game isn’t enough for you.
Twinfinite - Giuseppe Nelva - 5 / 5
Hundreds upon hundreds of characters live their lives on the map. They struggle for survival, they murder, they cheat, they make love, they give birth, they conquer and are conquered, they rise to glory of fall into misery, exactly like you. Not only Crusader Kings 3 is one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played, but it’s also one of the best world simulators I can think of. It’s basically the Sims without the gibberish and with swords, on a much, much grander scale.
StrategyGamer - Timothy Borsilli - 5 / 5
Despite these few grievances, Crusader Kings III is undoubtedly one of – if not the – best strategy releases of the past few years. By building on the Game of Thrones-style drama and intrigue that its predecessor excelled at, it makes for engrossing gameplay that combines the best of the grand strategy and RPG genres. With Paradox pushing hard to make CK3 much more accessible to an unfamiliar mainstream audience, there has never been a better time to take a leap and see why this series has inspired such a dedicated fanbase. While it may not yet have all the bells and whistles of its predecessor, this is possibly the most polished a mainline Paradox title has ever been at launch.
Game Debate - Stuart Thomas - 9.5 / 10
I might have mentioned that Crusader Kings 2 was one of my favorite games. All I really want out of a game - any game - is to lose myself in a good story. Crusader Kings gives me that, fresh, every time I sit down to play. Crusader Kings 3 is at the start of its own story - I'm estimating we're going to see around 300 DLCs for this beast before it's all said and done - and already through its clarity of interface and intelligent design decisions I can see years of amazing "OH MY GOD, you'll never guess what happened in CK3" moments clogging up Felix's email inbox as I continue on my own journey with this wonderful, wonderful game.
PC Gamer - Fraser Brown - 94 / 100
It's an irrepressible story engine that spits out a constant stream of compelling alt-histories, delightfully infuriating characters and social puzzles that I've become obsessed with unravelling. I can't imagine being done with it. I just subsist on digital drama now. Will Alfred finally leave the torture chamber and make a friend? What's Bjorn going to do now that he knows his wife is in love with his chancellor? And who's going to be committing patricide next? I need to spend less time writing reviews and more time with my dynasties.
COGconnected - Jake Hill - 92 / 100
It’s clear that Crusader Kings is not a game for everyone. It’s dense, complex, at times slow, at other times overwhelming. But there’s a magic here, a storytelling generator that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s a series that already has a lot of fans, and I think those fans are going to agree with me when I declare Crusader Kings 3 the best Crusader Kings yet. There are also a lot of people who may become fans, and to them, I declare this game as easily the most accessible Crusader Kings. Not only is it a strange and wonderful experience, but it also promises to grow more exciting with future updates. You can’t get your Crusader Kings fix anywhere else, and Crusader Kings 3 takes the series to new heights.
IGN Italy - Claudio Chianese - 9.1 / 10 - Italian
Graphically beautiful, fun to play, intelligently designed, Crusader Kings III is one of the best entries in the long list of Paradox's grand strategy games.
GameWatcher - Bogdan Robert - 9 / 10
As much as it remains a numbers-driven grand strategy game, Crusader Kings III masterfully paints a complex medieval world teeming with living characters that have desires and ambitions. Its mixture of familiar and evolved systems enhances its roleplaying and emergent storytelling potential. The actions that you perform always feel like they’re the result of a process or skill your characters have naturally gained and there’s always something to grab your attention. And so it did, as for 70+ hours we were completely absorbed by warfare, realm management and court intrigue, which, it turns out, we haven’t had enough of just yet.
33bits - Euyen Esquefa Pons - 90 / 100 - Spanish
Crusader Kings III is not a revolution compared to the second installment. But it is a good evolution. Crusader Kings III is Paradox's masterpiece. It still has some flaws that already had the second part, and is possibly less complete, in content, than the second part with all the DLCs. But it can be said that CK3 vanilla is much more than CK2 vanilla. And the additions such as the house system, the new way of managing the baronies or the perks in the lifestyles are very good additions, in addition to a total visual redesign, with a friendly interface for the new player. Highly recommended. And more knowing that, even without the need to buy paid expansions, Paradox will maintain the game with regular updates.
CGMagazine - Preston Dozsa - 9 / 10
[Crusader Kings III is] a game that excels at creating a story that will captivate you regardless of what kind of story you want to tell. It will surprise you all too often in how each system interacts with each other and how your neighbours and family respond to your actions. House Forez’ trials and tribulations will stay with me for some time, and I hope that those who play this will create a dynasty that is as memorable for them as this one was for me.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9 / 10
Crusader Kings III is an excellent kingdom management game, more intimate but no less intricate than the likes of Civilisation VI, it’s as unforgiving a simulation as you’re going to find while still being more fun than you’d expect it to be. It’s not an easy game to get to grips with, and there are moments where you won’t be able to declare a war or prevent one and it won’t always be clear why – and there is an awful lot to read and understand – but Crusader Kings III is still arguably the best way to play out your Game of Thrones fantasies without actually harming your family members.
PCGamesN - Ian Boudreau - 9 / 10
Arriving as it does on the eve of what may be a succession crisis in the United States – that grand experiment in Enlightenment ideas of popular sovereignty – it’s tempting to think of Crusader Kings III as a kind of divine omen. Paradox’s latest incarnation of its medieval dynasty simulator is not only strangely portentous, but it’s also the most accessible the studio’s grand strategy games have ever been. Thanks to a near total rework of its interface, an enhanced new build of the underlying Clausewitz engine, and a generous new system for keeping players informed, Crusader Kings III is the new gold standard for the genre.
PC Invasion - Jason Rodriguez - 9 / 10
While Crusader Kings III has shortcomings and flaws, these are overshadowed by the sheer number of options and content thanks to its gigantic map and features. Greater emphasis is placed on a character's or dynasty's growth, a level of detail not seen in any previous grand strategy title, allowing you to experience trials and tribulations like never before.
Spiel Times - Ishan Day - 9 / 10
My dream of liberating Bharata remained after all… a dream. From a growing empire at the zenith of its power to a small dutchy, grappling with the burden of post-war recession, the splinter states warring among themselves. It was not game over but I gave up. Feeling bouts of rage and disappointment and a strange eagerness to try something different, I promised to return one day. I was yet to explore Africa, East Asia and the Middle East. I felt determined, but I was not sad. This parting was only temporary. It is this unpredictability that makes it such a great and terrible game at the same time. Nevertheless, Crusader Kings III, with the sheer amount of content, will give you the most bang for your bucks. And if you are a challenge-loving bloke, you will love it and you will keep coming back for more because as I said before, it never gets boring. The replayability itself is worth paying for.
TheSixthAxis - Stefan L. - 9 / 10
The best way to think of Crusader Kings 3 as a sequel is in terms of its own dynastic gameplay. Sure, Paradox have started from scratch with a new game, but it's still full of scheming, warring amidst an impressive breadth of cultures and religions. Crusader Kings 3 is an heir that has been born from Crusader Kings 2 and its many expansions, including and improving on so much of what made that game great, but it can still grow and improve in its own right.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
It truly is incredible how much Paradox Interactive improved upon not only how the player engages with the world, but also how the world itself is a living, breathing place beyond your actions and whims, full of characters trying to achieve their own goals. Every story, even with the same ruler, has the potential to play out vastly different, and your narrative will likely be unique from mine. All things considered, Crusader Kings 3 is perhaps one of the most immersive and flexible strategy games ever put together.
Wccftech - Nathan Birch - 9 / 10
Crusader Kings III pulls off a difficult dual victory, bringing a new level of depth, charm, and polish to the franchise, while also making it far more approachable than before. Some aspects of Crusader Kings III still aren’t as user-friendly as they could be, but overall, this is a worthy heir to the throne.
GameSkinny - Jordan Baranowski - 9 / 10
If you've always been intrigued by the idea of Crusader Kings but bounced off of it, Crusader Kings 3 is the best way to get started. It looks and feels great, and it already has a ton of available content at launch. DLC will indeed run thick, but it doesn't feel like the base game is missing aspects out of the gate. At the same time, CK3 is great for veterans. A lot of fan-favorite elements that were added to CK2 over a decade of DLC are already here, and most of the systems are close enough to the same family tree that you shouldn't have trouble taking kingdoms over.
Spaziogames - Daniele Spelta - 9 / 10
Without many words, Crusader Kings III is one of the best Paradox Interactive grand strategy games to date.
The Games Machine - Daniele Dolce - 8.8 / 10 - Italian
Crusader Kings III is one of the best Paradox Develpment Studio's games to date. Deep and compelling, this grand strategy can entertain you for dozens, if not hundreds of hours between its intrigues, holy wars, and dynasties in the making.
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 4.5 / 5 - Editor's Choice
This review only skims a bit of what the game offers, as it’s incredibly complex. However, I feel like CK3 introduces its various systems in a much easier-to-grasp way than CK2 did. So, if you’ve been intimidated about Paradox’s grand strategy games, CK3 makes a new beginning that continues to provide all the fun of medieval intrigue, drama, and history, while making it a lot easier to pick up and play.
Attack of the Fanboy - Brandon Adams - 4.5 / 5
I’ve never been the biggest fan of grand strategy games, yet I can’t put the it down. Crusader Kings III’s near perfect marriage of robust grand strategy with compelling roleplaying means both fans of wargames and storytelling aficionados will find something to love in its medieval world of politics and intrigue, whether that’s crunching numbers to efficiently conquer the known world, or rolling with the punches as they scheme their way into the annals of history.
TrustedReviews - Ryan Jones - 4.5 / 5
Crusader Kings 3 is a fantastic new entry to the history-rooted strategy series, putting a larger emphasis on character-driven narratives and opening up more entertaining opportunities for increasing the size of your kingdom. A huge number of quality-of-life improvements makes menu navigation significantly easier, while new in-game guides and tutorials makes it far more friendly for newcomers to learn the basics. It’s also a lot better to look at with 3D character models and more detailed maps ensuring a more immersive experience. Technical issues and unreliable AI-controlled allied troops prevent Crusader Kings 3 from a perfect score, but this is undoubtedly the best entry to the series yet and will only likely get better with the guaranteed expansions.
Gameliner - Dionne Lips - 4 / 5 - Dutch
Although Crusader Kings III is quite complex and it is certainly not suitable for the casual gamer, it is a strong game in the real time strategy genre. Fortunately, Crusader Kings III is a lot more accessible and easier to play than its predecessors due to the many added tools. Although it is sometimes still difficult to figure out exactly what to do. The different levels of difficulty and the fact that you can determine yourself at what pace the game takes place, come in handy in any case. Players can immerse themselves better in Crusader Kings III as the characters, traits, skills and lifestyle make everything more personal. So if you have quite a few hours left to spare and have a soft spot for strategy games, then Crusader Kings III is an excellent choice.
GameSpot - David Wildgoose - 8 / 10
In a sense, Crusader Kings 3 is all over the place. It doesn't always work perfectly, and at times it really makes you work for it, but there's something amazing in that any of it works at all. Strategy games can tell interesting stories as their empires rise and fall, but their procedural narratives are rarely as affecting and poignant as they are here.
IGN Spain - Álex Pareja - 8 / 10 - Spanish
Crusader Kings III is the new noble management's king. Every little piece matters on the board, impressive and huge, but merciless with the newbie.
submitted by ShuckForJustice to Games [link] [comments]

Adrien the Exposer [WARNING: This may be extremely long due to the quotation blocks!]


I was inspired to make this fanfiction after digging into certain lies while watching someone else's animatic in the background. I also may have been listening to it while writing this.
Enjoy! :)

Adrien's Announcement and Alya's Answer

Adrien Agreste puts this status update up with a warning:
I just realized now that I've been having a crush on someone for quite a long time. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner.
Though, that's not the main point of this post. I actually have an announcement to make.
A certain liar has been manipulative and at times, hurt those I treasured (including the crush I've mentioned above). So, this is a warning to that person whom I'm going to call "Liar Soils" in this post.
Liar Soils, please don't test me. I am currently beginning to edit a video debunking the most common lies you've been bragging about. I really don't want to have to post it, yet if you make one more move, that would be the last straw!
You only have one final chance, Liar Soils! I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut!
The liar that the post was dedicated to didn't really pay attention to the message; she just skimmed through the post. Marinette heard the message but obliviously believed that Adrien may be talking about a different manipulative liar without looking further.
Alya, on the other hand, was more objective. She was curious about whom "Liar Soils" was in real life, so she thought of trying to find a hidden name.
At first, she tried the Caesar cipher, yet the resulting candidates had garbage names like these bits and pieces of absolute gibberish:
She then tried the Atbash cipher, yet she just received some more gibberish:
"Ugh, this isn't working! I could go nag a ram!" Alya said right before a lightbulb lit up above her head
"Wait..." Alya realized with an excited grin on her face "The phrase 'nag a ram' is an anagram of anagram. What if it's an anagram? Let's find out!"
She then rearranged the letters of "Liar Soils" and couldn't believe her eyes! Alya just figured it out!
"Liar Soils" is an anagram of "Lila Rossi!"
Alya then wondered whether other hints are supporting or contradicting her hypothesis in Adrien's post. She couldn't find anything contradicting it, yet was jumping for joy when she found another hint supporting the hypothesis!
Looking at the first letters in each paragraph spelled a rather peculiar and fitting country:
I just realized now that I've been having a crush on someone for quite a long time. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner.
Though, that's not the main point of this post. I actually have an announcement to make.
A certain liar has been manipulative and at times, hurt those I treasured (including the crush I've mentioned above). So, this is a warning to that person whom I'm going to call "Liar Soils" in this post.
Liar Soils, please don't test me. I am currently beginning to edit a video debunking the most common lies you've been bragging about. I really don't want to have to post it, yet if you make one more move, that would be the last straw!
You only have one final chance, Liar Soils! I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut!
"Lila is from Italy!" Alya thought "This is perfect! Time to post my speculation!"
Alya posted it in her personal blog, Another Alya, under the Theory section:
Hello, readers! Earlier, I posted a few interviews with Lila Rossi on the Ladyblog. They've become my most viewed videos as of writing this. However, rather than being happy about it (since I'm getting more publicity), I feel a bit horrible about it.
Why? Well, if you follow Adrien, you may have heard of the recent announcement he has made. He found out his secret crush on someone and called out a manipulative liar whom he decided to call "Liar Soils".
When I first saw the announcement, I couldn't help yet ponder about whom this liar could be. I think I uncovered the mystery liar's identity now!
Wordplay Evidence
Who's "Tom Marvolo Riddle"?
Any wordplay fanatic would have heard of the anagram above as the quite famous one from Harry Potter. It anagrams to "I am Lord Voldemort."
I think "Liar Soils" is a similar deal. Notice that it has one A, two I's, two L's, one O, one R, and two S's. Now, there's an actual name that has those same letters, just rearranged.
Hopefully you've caught on by now: The pseudonym picked by Adrien to describe a manipultive liar is a perfect anagram for the person I've interviewed in the Ladyblog claiming to be Ladybug's best friend!
I also noticed that the first letters in each paragraph in Adrien's post spell the country where Lila Rossi is from: ITALY.
Other Evidence
Adrien's parent, Gabriel Agreste, is a rather strict one. Because of this, it becomes practically impossible for Adrien to engage in much social interaction apart from in school and in modelling. So, he is more likely talking about a schoolmate since he probably doesn't know enough about people from other places.
Not to mention, while I was taking a ride home in Lila's car after one of those interviews I had with her recently, I saw Adrien Agreste interviewing Jagged Stone while holding a picture. Unluckily, I didn't see what or who was in the picture. However, I currently suspect he was checking to see whether or not Jagged Stone even knew Lila.
In summary, the reason why I feel a bit bad about posting those interviews with Lila in the Ladyblog is that I worry I accidentally contributed to the spread of inaccurate information.
This is why I just recently added "[Warning: Questionable!]" to all of Lila's interviews. However, I would be more than happy to hear any evidence that immediately contradicts this theory. After all, with a large audience and a reputation, I should be able to correct myself when my theories are proven wrong. :)
Despite Marinette never seeing Alya's post, it quickly went viral. Adrien was glad to see that someone figured out the intentional hints he hid in his warning yet didn't immediately admit that Alya was right.
Lila Rossi was understandably enraged by this post and tried to turn the class against Alya. Yet almost like magic, the first bits of logic and common sense came back!
Max lectured the class before the teachers arrived that Monday for a field trip:
I just recently found out in the middle of a text conversation with Alix and Kim last night that Lila was able to convince them that Alya is close-minded and manipulating them to believe a lie by simply stating that they cannot prove otherwise.
To assume any claim is true because it hasn't been proven false ignores a few other possibilities . . . that it hasn't been proven false YET, that it cannot be proven either true or false, or that it's neither completely true nor completely false (to name a few).
Alya literally said at the end of the post that she would be more than happy to hear any evidence that immediately contradicts her theory. This brings us to the following rule of thumb:
"The burden of proof only lies on the person MAKING the claim"
In this example, Alya's evidence is the only evidence presented to us schoolmates. Hence, since Lila Rossi clearly disagrees, she must either present legitimate evidence that Adrien isn't referring to her or bite her disgusting lying tongue before Adrien finds out about this.
Marinette and Alya give Max a round of applause for a couple of seconds yet then still hear clapping near the door.
"Thanks, Max!" Adrien comes inside the room as Marinette panics "I'll take it from here. I'm so glad I stayed up in editing the video last Friday!"

Adrien's Video

"Okay, since Liar Soils (rearrange the letters) claimed to be close to these celebrities, let's see whether they'll recognize her face! I predict most of them won't" Adrien explains "I'm starting here with Prince Ali and Jagged Stone. Prince Ali, who is this girl?"
"I don't know" Prince Ali truthfully admits "I don't recall seeing her"
"Oh, really? I thought she flew in your private jet!" Adrien mockingly says "Here's a hint: Her surname begins with R"
"Are you sure about that?" Prince Ali confirms with Adrien "I'm looking at a list containing all of the people who flew on my family's private jet and I couldn't find a single surname beginning with that letter!"
The class gasps in shock as Lila begins to blush in embarrassment
"Ah yes, typical strict parents keeping track of every detail in our lives, huh?" Adrien jokingly goes on a tangent
"Yeah, now I'd love to stay and hear Jagged Stone's guess, but I've really got to leave" Prince Ali agrees "My schedule is quite tight. Say hi to my pen pal Rose for me, okay?"
Rose gets flattered as Lila prepares for the response of Jagged Stone
"Okay, your turn, Jagged Stone! Big fan of your work, by the way" Adrien compliments "Anyways, who's the person in this picture?"
"Sorry, I don't know" Jagged Stone admits
"Oh, really? I thought you wrote a song about her after she saved your kitten" Adrien mockingly says in the same tone
"I own a crocodile and have been diagnosed to be allergic to fur when I was like 8 years old!" Jagged Stone corrects
"Oh yeah . . . " Alya and Nino realize while Lila's blush gets slightly redder
"Here's another hint: Her first name has the letters A, I, and L" Adrien clues in
"Oh! I know now; this is Lia!" Jagged Stone confidently answers
"Are you sure you're not missing a consonant?" Adrien Agreste confirms whether Jagged just misremembered
"Yeah, you clearly didn't get my attempted joke" Jagged Stone smiles to Adrien "You already told Prince Ali that her surname starts with R, so her full name would be . . . "
"Lia R., wait that spells--" Adrien then realizes and laughs out loud
"Also, the song I wrote about her is called Pants on Fire!" Jagged savagely adds as Adrien couldn't control his laughter "May I go now?"
"Sure!" Adrien high-fives Jagged "Thanks for the talk!"
"No problem" Jagged Stone acknowledges "Let me know of any more nonsense liars, guys!"
"OHHHH!" Alya and Nino jump around about the roast they just heard Jagged deliver while Lila blushes so hard that her skin could almost be mistaken for Nathaniel's hair
"Now, I couldn't reach Ladybug" Adrien says "So, I decided to ask Chat Noir to do my job for me in that regard. Here's the footage of Chat Noir talking to Ladybug"
We then cut to another clip
"Ch-Chat Noir, why did you bring me here?" Ladybug asks her new-found crush
Marinette cringes at her stutters while Lila braces herself for Ladybug's response
"Well, I just want to make sure about something. Do you know this girl?" Chat Noir asks "And is it true that you became best friends with her after you saved her life?"
"For the first question, yes. Yet for the second one, no." Ladybug answers, "Honestly, the girl who writes the Ladyblog is more of a best friend to me than the person in this photo since she actually considers my input before saying things about me. You don't need to lie to classmates about other celebrities and me to make friends with them, Lila. It honestly makes you look desperate and pathetic."
The classmates each make a death glare at Lila who has already curled up in a tiny red ball under her desk.

The Aftermath

"And I should know that Lila is a liar since I was the one who consulted her to make my crush seem innocent after Lila claimed that my crush stole the exam answers" Adrien responds as he sits in front of Marinette
"W-Wait a minute..." Marinette blushes in realization "Does this mean..."
"Yes, you're no longer just a friend to me" Adrien confirms while turning towards her "I was blinded by my feelings for my other crush, Ladybug"
"Oh, I know how you feel" Marinette replies "I've been crushing on Chat Noir and was blinded by my feelings for you. I already told him, so I had to tell you too."
Adrien then flashbacked to Ladybug telling him as Chat Noir after he recorded her opinion on Lila that she realized she liked him and was blinded by her feelings for Adrien Agreste.
The earrings, the hair color, the eye color, the pigtails . . . the longer Adrien stared at Marinette with adoring eyes, the more she looked like Ladybug.
It all started to make sense to him. Without hesitating, he hugged her and whispered:
I found you, bugaboo and am not disappointed! I guess the superstition about black cats isn't true, huh?
"Mon chaton?!" Marinette shrieks
Seeing Adrien nod was all she needed before she leaned in for the kiss that Lila had to view from below the desk behind them.
"Why can't it be me?!" Lila sobbed while hoping Hawkmoth would akumatize her, but he didn't come around.
He realized his son was Chat Noir the moment the akuma fluttered by the classroom because Alya mentioned it in the Ladyblog at that minute.
When the field trip began, Lila was forced to sit next to the principal while everyone else picked their own seats. No one dared trust Lila ever again.

Concluding Notes

I hope you guys enjoyed that! Feel free to comment about your favorite parts! :)
Stay safe at home, and have a Miraculous day! :)
submitted by ANormalCartoonNerd to miraculousladybug [link] [comments]

/r/QOTSA Official Band of the Week 34: BLACK SABBATH

Merry Christmas everyone! You are in for a treat. Get out the milk and cookies. And the bat.
We are no-shit going to check out a band that used to have the word Polka in its name. They are true innovators in music, and - like Kyuss and Stoner Rock - have been credited as literally creating their own genre. This Polka band from England have influenced generations of musicians, have been covered countless times, and are absolutely iconic.
In fact, they are so iconic that one of their members is not only the embodiment of why you should not do drugs, he is an impressive and dedicated parent and a bonafide reality TV show star. The band has had more members than the cast of Hamilton. Two of their front men are acknowledged as being pioneers in Metal. They demonstrated that the band itself can go on, even if members come and go.
They are truly one of the greatest music acts in all of history.
It is time to celebrate the holiday season with the band that truly embodies the holiday spirit. Yep, you guessed it: our Christmas band for 2020 is none other than BLACK SABBATH
About Them
I guess when you start with the name “The Polka Tulk Blues Band” you have nowhere to go but up. To be fair, that was just their first name. Their second one was Urf Earth. Can you imagine the alternate reality where Ozzy was just a hippie and the band were nothing but flower power? I mean, that has to exist somewhere in the multiverse. Fortunately, that is not this reality.
Instead, we live in the timeline of Metal - and it all began thanks to the efforts of four individuals. Four gods of the Metal world that stooped down and blessed us with their sludgy riffs, Satanic chords, and screeching guitars. Let’s take a look at every member of the Pantheon, and see how Metal was born.
William Thomas Ward was a fan of big bands. Yep, the original Metal was actually Brass. Like, Glenn Miller and In The Mood. As a kid, Ward learned to drum like Buddy Rich and Louie Bellson. Growing up in the 1960’s, he listened to The Beatles and was influenced by none other than Richard Starkey Ringo Starr. By the middle of that decade Ward was doing his best Ginger Baker impression and singing and drumming at the same time in a band called Rest. When Rest didn’t work out, he joined a band called Mythology. That was where he met the King of Riffs, Tony Iommi.
Anthony Frank Iommi is not a typical British name. To his great surprise, Iommi was born in Britain and not Italy. His mother’s family owned a vineyard in Italy and his father was a carpenter. As a kid, while running from a fight, he fell and suffered a bad cut on his lip, which scarred him for life. He earned the nickname ‘Scarface’. Nope, nothing stereotypically Italian about that. Vowing to never run again, he studied martial arts and boxing and, just for fun, he plucked away at the guitar (left handed). Iommi never envisioned a career in music; instead, he thought he might be a club bouncer in the future. Apparently, a machine press agreed with him. One day, while working at a sheet metal factory at age 17, he accidentally cut off the tips of the middle and ring fingers of his right hand -- the hand that works the frets if you play left handed.
He thought he may never play again.
Instead, he invented a new genre of music.
In order to reach the strings, he had special thimbles made for his fingers. But he realized that he had lost the feel, and his healed fingers were quite tender. He started playing with lighter strings and even banjo strings. But in order to bend the strings and not create incredible pain, he not only needed lighter strings...he needed to loosen the strings as well. That’s right: the Birmingham Machine Press that cut off Iommi’s fingertips inadvertently created the downtuned riffage that we know and love today.
Thanks, Machine Press. We owe you.
Iommi played in a number of early bands and connected with Ward in the aforementioned Mythology. But, when this didn’t work out, Ward and Iommi decided to form another band. All they needed was a few more members.
Terence Michael Joseph Butler is not actually the oldest original member of Black Sabbath, but he did earn the nickname “Geezer”. When he was eight.
If people called me by the nickname I got at age eight then my Reddit name would be far more childish and petty and I swear that only happened the one time.
But anyway.
Geezer Butler grew up wanting to be a Satanist. This was understandably challenging for him since he was from an Irish Catholic family. He took a deep dive into the works of Aleister Crowley as a teenager. I mean, who hasn’t?
What? Just me? I mean, Futurama taught me about the Robot Devil, so...wait, stop digressing again. Back on track. Butler grew up poor in a family of 7 kids and was a guitarist. He was deeply inspired by John Lennon and was interested in songwriting. He was the rhythm guitarist of his first band, Rare Breed. And it was in that band that Butler met John.
The Prince of Darkness, much to his chagrin, was not the Satanist in Black Sabbath. John Michael Osborne was the son of Catholic factory workers in Birmingham. He went to the same school as Iommi and grew up with three sisters and two brothers. Yep, those Catholics. He was dyslexic and earned the nickname Ozzy. I mean, if your name is Osbourne, Ozzy is really not a stretch. Ozzy was a huge Beatles fan and credits the band with inspiring him to become a musician.
Ozzy could not play a tambourine, let alone a guitar. But the dude could sing. Not in an overly melodic way, but in a way that inspired others to sing along, if you know what I mean. Even more, Ozzy was absolutely unafraid to do anything on stage...much to the surprise of fans and to the fear of bats.
So basically, Osbourne knew he was going to be a rockstar, even at the age of 15. He dropped out of school and worked a whole host of odd jobs - everything from toolmaker to plumber to car factory horn tuner. Eventually, he ended up joining Rare Breed with ol’ Geezer Butler.
But that group fell apart after only a handful of shows. Butler and Osbourne were in a bit of a tight spot, and were looking for new bandmates. If you might recall, there was another duo in the area that happened to be in a similar situation. Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.
Ozzy had left out a message in a local music shop ; ‘OZZY ZIG needs gig – has own PA’. Ward and Iommi found this and convinced Ozzy and Butler to form a new band with them. The four then went on to have one of the most interesting Polka careers in history.
Okay, well, we’ve already been over this. The name “Polka Tulk Blues Band” didn't stick, and they had to drop their accordion and squeezebox players (who could have been famous in the alternate-reality band “Polka Sabbath”). The boys then swapped names to “Earth”, which Ozzy kind of hated, and played a few shows. Their efforts led to a few demo recordings and a full time manager, but progress ground to a halt when Iommi joined some nothing band called “Jethro Tull”.
Iommi soon returned, but as it turns out, things had to change. Apparently, “Earth” was already taken by another English band - and, shockingly, a nearby planet, and people were getting confused. It was time for yet another name change.
Inspiration can come from almost anywhere, and in this case, the source was rather mundane. Apparently, a movie theatre across the road from the band’s rehearsal space was showing a 1963 horror film called “Black Sabbath”. Geezer Butler saw this, and remarked how odd it was that people would spend so much money to see something scary. An idea was planted.
Ozzy and Butler got down to writing, and what came out the other end was something incredible. It was the musical equivalent of a horror movie. The lyrics were inspired by horror / adventure author Dennis Wheatley. That, and a nightmarish vision that Butler had of a dark robed figure standing over his bed. The song was named after the aforementioned flick, and makes terrific use of the “Devil’s interval” (the Tritone) to paint a terrifying, harrowing picture of death and fear. All the members absolutely loved it, and they agreed to change their band name to Black Sabbath.
Apparently, naming your band something Satanic leads to demonic magical things. Simply put, the first four albums that this band put out created Heavy Metal. Full Stop.
Their music was completely different. Just to put this into perspective, we were just coming out of the 1960’s here. Peace-Love-Dope. Tune in, turn on, drop out. The Beatles were playing sitars. The heaviest thing out there was Zeppelin, and they were full on Blues Rock and Roll.
Black Sabbath dropped in 1970. Paranoid followed later that same year. Master of Reality came out in 1971 and Vol. 4 dropped in 1972. If Black Sabbath did nothing else for the rest of their musical careers, these four albums alone were enough to change the music world. For good or bad, they forever associated Metal with the occult and Satan, earning the disrepute of mothers everywhere. Disaffected teenage boys were drawn to the music like moths to a flame.
The classic songs on these albums - The Wizard, War Pigs, Iron Man, Paranoid, Into the Void, and Supernaut among them - are enshrined in the Metal canon of music above the output of virtually every band out there. They have been covered by multiple people in multiple genres. It is truly hard to overstate the importance of these albums.
If you don’t own them, you should.
Unsurprisingly, Drugs and Alcohol and Legal Issues cropped up with these four working class heroes from Birmingham. Fame had them explode onto the scene; the touring and concert lifestyle brought booze and coke and hookers and weed and all kinds of troubles. They put out four classic albums in their first three years of recording and then put out four sub-par albums in the next six years. I mean, “sub-par” when compared to their previous explosion of sound.
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath came out in 1973, and while it had the riffage of its predecessors it leaned more into Rock than Metal. 1975’s Sabotage was, Iommi once recalled, probably the first album that was recorded with lawyers in the studio. The band had discovered that their management were screwing them over, and named the album after that situation. Technical Ecstasy was an experiment in 1976, and was followed by the somewhat lackluster Never Say Die! in 1978.
The drug use in the band hit truly epic levels. The coke consumption alone kept several South American economies afloat. While everyone was messed up and high, Ozzy himself was, according to Iommi, “...on a different level altogether.” Ozzy’s input was less than zero, as he refused to even sing songs that the others had written.
Iommi fired Ozzy in 1979. Well, to be more exact, he had Bill Ward do it. Which sucked for Ward and for everyone. Usually losing a member (especially your front man) spells the end of a band, or at least leads to a breakup of the group. The Beatles had fallen apart, and so did Zeppelin. But in this case, the loss of Ozzy led to the start of another Metal singer’s career.
Ronnie James Dio replaced Ozzy. Fans of Black Sabbath were skeptical, but when Heaven and Hell dropped in 1980, and was quickly followed by Mob Rules in 1981, those fears were put to rest. Unlike Ozzy, who commanded the stage but was not a stupendous singer, Dio was an incredible vocalist. You could compare what happened here to Van Halen letting the showman David Lee Roth go to be replaced by Sammy Hagar - except that Black Sabbath did all that before Van Halen did. The band’s style shifted with Dio, and brought new fans to the group.
Unfortunately, Dio was lured away by a big contract, and left to pursue a solo career. Things took a turn for the worst with the next vocalist. They considered David Coverdale - the future frontman of Whitesnake - and AM Radio hit star Michael Bolton, who sent a tape in as an audition. They even considered Robert Plant. But they finally decided on Ian Gillian from Deep Purple.
Imagine passing up Michael Bolton.
Their time with Gillian led to 1983’s Born Again. This record sits somewhere below mediocre, and started a bit of a downward trend in their discography. Born Again also saw some departures from the band: both Geezer Butler and Bill Ward called it quits after this record. Truly, Black Sabbath came unglued in this period - except for Iommi, who stuck with it the whole way through.
Seventh Star, their 12th album, came out in 1986. It featured new singer / one-album-wonder Glenn Hughes, who was also from Deep Purple. Funnily enough, he fared just as well as Ian Gillan did (i.e., rather poorly). 1987’s The Eternal Idol was recorded with new vocalist Ray Gillen, but his work was so bad that it was all re-recorded by another front man, Tony Martin. Martin stayed with Iommi and the band through Headless Cross in 1989 and Tyr in 1990.
Hard core fans know these albums, but I guaran-damn-tee you that no tracks from them are showing up in any Marvel movies.
Iommi knew that this work was sub-par, and managed to get some of the old magic back for the next album. He persuaded Geezer Butler to come back and got Ronnie James Dio to reprise his role as vocalist. The result was the surprisingly good Dehumanizer, which came out in 1992. But Dio’s solo career at this point was more promising, and after this last stint he quit for good.
Iommi tried to keep Black Sabbath independent of Ozzy, and went back to vocalist Tony Martin for the albums Cross Purposes in 1994 and Forbidden in 1995. Butler played on the first one but bowed out for the second. After Forbidden, it was clear even to Iommi - who was really the backbone of the band - that despite everything since 1979, there really was no Black Sabbath without Ozzy Osbourne.
Plus, Ozzy, after being fired in 1979, had gone on to be incredibly successful on his own. He had started a solo career, and in the 1990s he had a series of touring festivals called Ozzfest. He was making bank playing old Black Sabbath tunes as well as new classics like Crazy Train. In fact, it was so good that Iommi and Butler and Osbourne reunited to coheadline Ozzfest. They were even joined by Bill Ward at one point. Fans were dreaming of an original four reunion tour, and one was even scheduled.
Unfortunately, Bill Ward had a heart attack. Cocaine: don’t do it. He survived, but sadly bowed out of any further work. The tour did happen with Sabbath drummer Vinny Appice, but it wasn’t the same.
Black Sabbath went on hiatus.
The Prince of Darkness became a reality TV star in the early 2000’s, Iommi released a solo record, and Black Sabbath were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006.
They even managed to get themselves to a point where the remaining three original members were able to get into a studio again. They had been trying to record with impresario Rick Rubin since 2001. They finally managed to do so in 2013, and produced the album 13. It was the band’s 19th album, and had some of the old demonic fire magic in it. Brad Wilk from Rage Against the Machine did the drum work. The tour that followed was awesome. Fans who missed the reunions at Ozzfest saw the (near) classic lineup.
So this year, make your family Christmas into a memorable one. Praise a little Satan. Turn up the distortion, and blare some Sabbath. Merry Christmas everyone, and have a happy New Year.
Also, be sure to leave out some milk and bats to appease Ozzy when he comes to visit this holiday season.
Links to QOTSA
I mean, come on...it’s Black Sabbath FFS. They have influenced everyone. Their songs have been in Marvel movies. Your dad probably has an old jean jacket with a Black Sabbath patch on it - or knew someone in high school that had one.
But to be more specific, Kyuss - Josh’s first band - did an absolutely epic cover of Black Sabbath’s Into the Void, which came out on the Kyuss/Queens of the Stone Age Split EP. Kyuss would also perform the song live.
Their Music
Black Sabbath - The song, the album, the band, the video
The Wizard
Evil Woman
War Pigs
Iron Man
Sweet Leaf
Into the Void - Live with Ozzy on the 13 tour. You will chant along.
Changes - This tune sounds like the intro to a 70’s TV show.
Supernaut - One of the greatest riffs out there.
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Symptom of the Universe
Dirty Women - A song about the prostitutes Tony Iommi saw in Miami.
Never Say Die - Sounds more like Van Halen than Black Sabbath
Neon Knights - Dio - Black Sabbath does not miss a beat
Children of the Sea - Dio - almost a tribute to Led Zeppelin
Heaven and Hell Live with Dio in a silk V-Neck purple shirt. Of course.
Mob Rules - Dio - Not actually about Al Capone.
Trashed - Ian Gillan of Deep Purple - The 80’s are strong in this video
In for the Kill - Glenn Hughes of Deep Purple - Their fourth vocalist, and the second from Deep Purple
Born to Lose - vocalist number 6, Tony Martin records over the vocals of Ray Gillen, the fifth vocalist, who never actually toured.
Devil & Daughter Tony Martin for real this time.
Anno Mundi - Tony Martin again, and hardcore fans love this song.
Computer God - Dio is back, and this time wants to work in I.T.
Cardinal Sin Tony Martin again
The Illusion of Power - Tony Martin, track features Ice-T…not their finest hour.
God Is Dead? - At long last, the return of Ozzy.
Show Them Some Love
/blacksabbath - Just over 9,000 members.
Previous Posts
Band of the Week #1-25
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Black Flag
Alain Johannes
Stone Temple Pilots
submitted by House_of_Suns to qotsa [link] [comments]

The book, "The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion", first published circa 120 years ago, is said to be a "fabricated antisemitic text", a "hoax", a "forgery". Recent research I have done leads me to believe that this is not the case and it is actually a genuine document. Long post!

Russian edition 1912
American english edition, 1, 2
It was declared a forgery which means there was an original document somewhere.
–Eustace Mullins
First, a link to the wikipedia page for the protocols so those interested can see how much of what you're about to read is omitted from there:
The book in which they [the Protocols] are embodied was first published in the year 1897 by Philip Stepanov for private circulation among his intimate friends. The first time Professor Sergius A. Nilus published them was in 1901 in a book called The Great Within the Small and reprinted in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906.
All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owner's of being shot on sight. (source):
The best evidence of the genuineness of the Protocols is that in March, 1917 the Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia and one of the first things done upon the Jewish Bolsheviks taking power was to destroy all copies of Professor Sergius A. Nilus’ book, The Great Within the Small, by. That book, which was first published in Tsarskoe-Tselc (Russia) in 1901, contained The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. All copies of the Protocols that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed during the Kerensky regime. The law followed by Kerensky’s communist successors to power was that the possession of a copy of the Protocols by anyone in the Soviet Union was a crime punishable by being shot on sight
...Professor Nilus was arrested by the Cheka (Russian Secret Police) in Kiev. He was imprisoned and tortured. The Jewish president of the court, told Professor Nilus that the brutal treatment he received was as retribution for "having done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols."
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
The attack on the Protocols in the 1920’s proved above all else the truth of their contention; it showed that the standing organization for suppressing public discussion of the conspiracy had been perfected in the intervening 120 years . Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document.
[1956] The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reeds
In 1865 the Jewish Rabbi RZEICHORN, made a speech in Prague. The speech was published 11 years later by Sir John Radcliff, who was assassinated shortly after its publication and it became almost extinct for years. Here are a few passages;
"With Gold one can buy the most upright consiences, with Gold one can fix the value of every stock, the price of every merchandise, one can loan it to states that afterwards one holds at ones mercy.
"Already the principle banks, the stock exchanges throughout the world, the loans to all governments are in our hands. "The other great power is the press. By ceaselessly repeating certain ideas, the press in the end makes them considered as truths. The Theatre renders similair services, every where theatre and press follow our directives. By an indefatigable campaign in favour of the democratic form of government, we will divide the Gentiles amongst themselves in political parties, we shall thus destroy the unity of their nations, we will sow the seeds of discord. Powerless they will have to accept the laws of our bank, always united, always devoted to our cause.
"The possession of land has always procured influence and power. In the name of social justice and equality, we will divide the great properties; we will give small fragments to the peasents who desire it with all their heart, But who will soon be indebted to us by the very exploitation of these properties. Our capital will enable us to be the real masters.
"Let us use all force to replace the circulation of gold by that of paper; our banks will absorb the gold, and we shall decide what then what value the paper money will have, this will make us masters of every mans existence. "We will promise to the workers salaries they have never dared to dream of, but we will also heighten the price of all necessities, so much so that our profits will be even greater.
"By our jokes and attacks we will render their priests ridiculous and eventually odius, their religion as ridiculous, as odius as their priests. We shall become the masters of their souls. But above all, let us get control of education, of the schools. By them we will spread the ideas that are useful to us, and we will mold the childrens brains as we wish".
David Icke writes, in his book "The Trigger" (2019), of the above quotes from Rabbi Rzeichhorn:
Make of that what you will because I can't prove authenticity, but
(a) you have the right to be aware of this information and
(b) there can be no doubt as we observe the world that the plans laid out in the Protocols, by the Sabbatian-Frankist Illuminati and attributed to Rabbi Reichhorn have happened or are happening.
This is so patently obvious that agents of Sabbatian-Frankism, some knowingly, some dupes, have employed the usual fall-back, fit-every-situation technique of condemning as 'antiSemitic' anyone who points this out and asks any questions about the plan described in the Protocols. I am not saying this is all a 'Jewish plot' - I am saying it's a plot by the Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult that hates and despises Jews and Judaism as it hates and despises everyone else, and that this cult is part of the wider global satanic cult that infests every culture, race and country. On Sabbatian-Frankism I am at one with rabbis such as Marvin S. Antelman and many others.
The Protocols, whatever their origin, have been dismissed as a forgery since the articles by Irish writer Philip Graves in the London Times in 1921 which were also carried by The New York Times. Graves claimed the Protocols resembled a satire on Napoleon III by French lawyer Maurice Joly called Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ('Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu') published in 1864. This is where the story usually ends. The Protocols were proved to be a forgery in The Times in 1921 - move along now, nothing to see here.
There is, however, other background to consider. Phillip Graves was a captain in British Army Intelligence who worked with 'Lawrence of Arabia', another British agent, who manipulated Palestinian Arabs to drive out the Ottoman Empire and open the way for the new Israel to hijack their land. Graves' uncle was Sir Robert Windham Graves, a British Consul in Turkey and financial advisor to the Turkish government who worked for Civil Intelligence in Cairo, Egypt.
The writer of the articles in The Times was connected to British Army Intelligence and there's more. Peter Grose, a writer with the Council on Foreign Relations, revealed in his 1994 book, Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles, that Philip Graves' 'source' for the articles was a 'Russian emigre' provided to him by ... Allen Dulles. What a coincidence. Dulles, a Council on Foreign Relations stalwart, later CIA chief and instigator of the satanic MKUltra mind control horror, 'discovered' his man while stationed at the US Embassy in post-Ottoman Turkey.
The end of the Ottoman Muslim empire (brought about by World War I) was crucial to the establishment of Israel because it included Palestine. Peter Grose said The Times extended a 'loan' to the 'emigre' on the understanding that it did not have to be paid back. An Internet commentator said of the Allen Dulles 'scoop':
This was quite an accomplishment for a young American embassy employee, to both prove the major anti-Jewish plan for world domination was a forgery as well as unilaterally keeping Lenin out of the United States so he could be transported to Russia to begin the communist revolution. Strange coincidences like this seemed to follow both Dulles brothers during their long careers in 'public service' - or should we say 'serving the Anglo-American interests headquartered in the City of London'.
Dulles and dodgy are interchangeable words and Rabbi Antelman said that the Council on Foreign Relations is America's most powerful pro-Israel lobby group and controlled by Sabbatian-Frankists.
The Times articles that trashed the Protocols were written by a British Army Intelligence operative using an unnamed source provided by the infamous liar and manipulator Allen Dulles and the source secured a loan from the newspaper he would not have to repay. Oh, nothing to question here, then. Now shut up you 'anti-Semite'!
Colin Holmes, a lecturer in economic history at the UK's Sheffield University, claimed to have identified the Dulles emigre as Michael Raslovleff, a 'self-identified anti-Semite', who gave the information to Graves because he didn't want to 'give a weapon of any kind to the Jews, whose friend I have never been'. Surely having a document circulating that was alleged to be proof of a 'Jewish plot' is what an 'anti-Semite' would want rather than seeking to trash its legitimacy? Anyway, that's some background and people will have to decide what they think.
–David Icke, "The Trigger", 2019
After reading the above from Icke I had renewed interest in the Protocols and started to do a little research.
Wikipedia is "certain" that the Protocols are a "forgery"; here is what they have to say:
Source material for the forgery consisted jointly of "Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu" (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), an 1864 political satire by Maurice Joly; and a chapter from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872.
Interestingly, however, when one looks up Herman Goedsche and his book Biarritz (again, on wikipedia), one reads:
In his 1868 book Biarritz, Goedsche plagiarized a book by the French satirist Maurice Joly, The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu
Also "Dialogue aux enfers..." itself appears to be somewhat plagiarized:
Umberto Eco considered that Dialogue in Hell was itself plagiarised in part from a novel by Eugène Sue, Les Mystères du Peuple.
Interesting, what is going on here? But let's continue. Wikipedia says:
Identifiable phrases from Joly constitute 4% of the first half of the first edition, and 12% of the second half
[Australian researcher Peter Myer comments on the above:]
[“Cohn's (whose research the wikipedia entry makes use of) arithmetic is incorrect. The word-count of the parallel passages from the Protocols as listed by Bernstein, is 4,361, while the word-count of the Protocols is 26, 496. That is, the parallel passages comprise 16.45% of the Protocols; this is substantial, but still less than one sixth of the total.”]
So... where does the rest of the book come from?
Back to Wikipedia:
A major source for the Protocols was Der Judenstaat (1896) by Theodor Herzl, which was referred to as Zionist Protocols in its initial French and Russian editions. Paradoxically, early Russian editions of the Protocols assert that they did not come from a Zionist organization.
Stepanov is said to have published the Protocols first around the same time as Herzl's book was published. That's awfully tight timing.
The wikipedia page makes no mention of the original Philip Stepanov publication, or Stepanov himself (big omission), but the source authors the page quotes from do. Interesting that.
Time to look into this Stepanov character.
No Wikipedia page that I can find.
The first thing I found was this:
He said that the "Protocols" was not Jewish-Masonic but a Zionist document secretly read at the Zionist Congress in Basle in 1897. (This especially is a foolish notion since an affidavit written by Philip Stepanov, the first publisher, proves that the "Protocols" was first brought to Russia two years before that Congress took place.) source
Two years before!? How can a book that heavily relies on plagiarizing from a book published in 1897, be published two years before in 1895?
I went hunting for this affidavit, and found quotes from it in another document.
A bombshell document...
...that I shall now quote from extensively (source at the end):
According to Philip Stepanov, formerly Procurator of the Moscow Synod, Chamberlain, and Privy Councillor, a copy of The Protocols was given to him in 1895 by his neighbour Maj. Alexis Sukhotin, Marshall of the town of Orel, who had been given his copy by Mlle Justine Glinka. (Sworn statement of Philip Stepanov, dated 17 April 1927).
Glinka, the daughter of a Russian general, had been in France since 1884, working for Gen. Orgevskii, secretary to the Minister of the Interior. Joseph Schorst, a Jewish member of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris, was in her employ, and offered to obtain a document which became known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Schorst later fled to Egypt where he was murdered. Returning to Russia, she gave a copy of the Protocols to Alexis Sukhotin, who showed it to Stepanov and Professor Sergius A. Nilus.
In wishing to refute the later allegation that The Protocols were formulated at the 1897 First Zionist Congress in Basle, Herman Bernstein, an early debunker of The Protocols, cites Stepanov’s sworn statement, the handwritten original being reproduced in Mrs Leslie Fry’s book Waters Flowing Eastward. Bernstein states:
"…This account of the history of the Protocols in Russia is accompanied by a facsimile affidavit made in 1927 by Philip Stepanov, one of the two friends to whom Sukhotin first showed the Protocols in Russia. Stepanov's telltale affidavit, translated from the Russian, reads as follows:
"In 1895 my neighboring estate owner in the province of Tula, retired Major Alexey Nikolayevitch Sukhotin, gave me a handwritten copy of the 'Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.' He told me that a lady of his acquaintance (he did not mention her name), residing in Paris, had found them at the home of a friend of hers (probably of Jewish origin), and before leaving Paris, had translated them secretly, without his knowledge, and had brought one copy of that translation to Russia, and had given that copy to him, Sukhotin.
"At first I mimeographed one hundred copies of the Protocols, but that edition was difficult to read, and I resolved to have it printed somewhere, without mentioning the time, the city and the printer; I was helped in this by Arcady Ippolitovitch Kelepkovsky, who at that time was Privy Councillor with Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovitch; he had these documents printed at the Provincial Printing Press; that was in 1897. S. A. Nilus reprinted these Protocols in full in his book, with his own commentaries.
"Philip Petrovitch Stepanov, former Procurator of the Moscow Synod Office; Chamberlain, Privy Councillor, and at the time of the publication of that edition, Chief of the district railway service of the Moscow-Kursk railway (in Orel).
"This is the signature of a member of the colony of Russian refugees at Stary and Novy Futog. "Witnessed by me, Stary Futog, April 17, 1927. "Chairman of the Administration of the Colony, "Prince Vladimir Galitzin." (Seal)
–(Herman Bernstein, The Truth About "The Protocols Of Zion": A Complete Exposure, 1971, pp. 37-40. Bernstein quotes from L. Fry's book Waters Flowing Eastward).
...there are internal indications that The Protocols date well prior to 1900-01. For e.g. a reference to "the Panama scandal" of 1888 which caused a furore in France during the 1890s. Also had The Protocols been contrived by Golovinsky ca. 1900 (see source below for more info) or at least sometime after 1896, it seems reasonable that anti-Semites would draw widely on references to Zionism, the First Zionist Congress taking place in 1897. However, there are no references to Zionism at all in The Protocols. The initial opinion of Nilus et al that The Protocols were not derived from the Zionist movement, but from a Jewish faction of Masonry, were correct.
It is particularly interesting that Cohn [historian Norman Cohn, quoted extensively in the wikipdeia entry] bases his refutation of The Protocols on the assertion that they are plagiarised from Maurice Joly’s Dialogues in Hell, and refutes the notion that The Protocols could emanate from the Alliance Israelite Universelle, yet fails to make any mention of the close association that existed between the Alliance’s Adolphe Cremieux and Joly. After all, most of the publicists for The Protocols seem to have considered the association, but Cohn, eager to nick-pick on various details, neglects refuting these most damning connections. Both Cohn and Bernstein were fully aware of Joly’s associations with Cremieux and with Masonry as stated in Mrs Fry’s book Waters Flowing Eastward (both mention the book) yet they say nothing of these associations. We must therefore assume that Mrs Fry’s assertions regarding Joly, Masonry and Cremieux are correct.
Whilst we shall shortly deal with the alleged parallels between passages of The Protocols and Joly’s work, we shall first deal with background of Joly that Cohn, Bernstein et al conspicuously avoid. Joly (1831-1878) had a family background in Masonry from his maternal grandfather. Studying law, he secured a post in he Ministry of the Interior. In 1860 he founded a newspaper, Le Palais, for lawyers and attorneys. The principal stockholders were: Jules Favre (Mason who served in the Gambetta Government, the so-called Government of National Defence, which arose after the fall of Napoleon III in 1870), Desmaret (Mason), Leblond (Mason), Adolphe Cremieux, Mason and head of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, a member of the Gambetta Government, of whom more later), Emmanuel Arago, Mason, serving with Gambetta), and Antoine Berryer (apparently the only non-Mason around Joly).
Joly’s politics were self-described as "socialist", with the need to accept "extreme means". With Cremieux he shared a hatred of Napoleon III. However what The Times, as well as subsequent critics of The Protocols do not mention is that Joly’s polemic against Napoleon III was itself predated by a similar work entitled Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau, which was written by Jacob Venedey and published in Berlin in 1850. Therefore, Joly was continuing a certain polemical line of thought rather than inventing it. If there are similarities between Joly and The Protocols, then there are also similarities with Venedey. All three for instance refer to the Hindu God Vishnu in parallel passages.
According to the expert testimony of Col. Fleischhauer at the 1935 Berne Trial, Joly was himself Jewish, his name having been originally Joseph Levy, Joly being concocted out of four letters of his true name. This testimony was said to have caused a sensation in the courtroom. When the plaintiffs produced a "baptismal certificate" to prove that Joly was not Jewish, it was dated December 1829, i.e. several years prior to Joly’s real date of birth according to his own account.
Since Venedey, a communist, takes a position antithetical to Joly, his champion being Machiavelli, we can see here a dialectical process in operation, that was brought to revolutionary perfection by Marx and the communists, and has arguably been used by the ‘Elders of Zion’. The dialectical strategy consists of promoting tension in society to achieve change. This includes the promotion of ideas and movements seemingly antithetical to ones own aims in the short term to advance long-range aims. Hence, the seemingly contradictory and self-destructive phenomenon of international bankers financing supposedly anti-capitalist revolutions to bring down traditional societies, as we shall see in due course. That the dialectical process is operative here can be inferred from the fact that Cremieux was the mentor of both Venedey and Joly. Hence the seemingly contradictory, antithetical positions of Venedey and Joly represent two sides of the programme of the ‘Learned Elder’.
Venedey (1805-1871) was a Jew who sought refuge in France, due to his revolutionary activities in Germany. He was removed from Paris by the police, but was able to return due to the intercession of Arago (whom we have seen was to become a stockholder in Joly’s newspaper) and Francois Mignet, both friends of Cremieux. Venedey was closely associated with Karl Marx and helped establish the Communist International, and was also active in the Masonic order Bauhutte.
Masonry, Illuminati & The Rite of Mizraim
Mrs Fry and other authorities on The Protocols have claimed that the documents were taken from a Lodge of the Masonic Rite of Mizraim, by one of its Jewish members, Joseph Schorst. Whilst this suggestion is of course rubbished out of hand by Cohn et al, once again the Protocols deniers remain strangely mute as to the role of both Cremieux and Joly in Mizraim.
Cremieux was a prominent member of Mizraim as well as Scottish Rite Masonry and the Grand Orient. Cremieux was a member of the Supreme Council of the Order of Mizraim. He also became Grand Master of the unified Grand Orient and Scottish Rite Masonry.
The Aegpytian Rite of Mizraim or Misraim was founded in Milan, Italy in 1805 and transferred to France in 1814. Mizraim is Hebrew for Egypt. Its origins reach back to the cabalistic magician Cagliostro, who was an initiate of the Illuminati. But the Misraim-Rite was (and still is) not accepted by Regular Freemasonry.
In 1862, another irregular rite, the Memphis Rite was introduced to the USA. On 4th June 1872, John Yarker introduced the Memphis-Rite to England. Under his jurisdiction, Memphis and Misraim came together. This unification was called The Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraim, or Memphis-Misraim.
In 1902 Theodor Reuss, a German espionage agent, gained sanction from Yarker to install the Scottish Rite (33 degrees) and the "irregular" MM-Rites (90 and 97 degrees) in Germany. In 1917, Reuss introduced some of the Scottish Rite and MM degrees into the Ordo Templi Orientis, an occult society founded in 1906. This OTO was to be taken over by the infamous "Black Magician" and self-declared "Great Beast 666", Aleister Crowley. Crowley, a cabalist, was to write his own manifesto for a "New World Order", which he called The Book of the Law, expounding a Nietzschean doctrine of "Force and Fire" on the ruins of Christianity. Crowley saw his movement as being a continuation of the Illuminati and counted its founder Adam Weishaupt among a long list of "saints". A major difference of course is that Crowley did not have the resources and influence of Organised Jewry.
In 1870 the Rite of Mizraim was established in England under the authority of Cremieux. Bro. Little, one of those at the founding conference of Mizraim in London, on 28 December, stated:
"…Brother Cremieux, however, as a proof of his willingness to assist, sent to the meeting his diploma as a member of the French Grand College of Rites, and this diploma was placed upon the table during the proceedings, and was examined by several out of the hundred Masons present. It was also understood that Brother C.'s diploma invested him with the power to found rites or orders recognized by the Grand Orient of France (the Rite of Misraim being one)…"
The Freemason reported that a
"Supreme Council General of the 90°, had been regularly formed here 'under the authority conveyed in a diploma granted to the Illustrious Brother Cremieux, 33° of the Rite Ecossais, and a member of the Grand College of Rites in France.'"
Bernstein and Cohn rubbish any such notion of Masonic involvement in any conspiracy, including involvement in the French Revolution. This repudiation is necessary on their part, since Masonry plays a major factor in the conspiracy expounded in The Protocols. We shall consider the role of Masonry and the Illuminati in due course. Suffice it here to cite several eminent sources that can hardly be said to be anti-Semitic. Benjamin Disraeli, the Jewish Victorian era Prime Minister of Britain and intimate of the Rothschild banking dynasty, one of the mainstays of Jewish world influence, states in terms themselves reminiscent of The Protocols:
"When the secret societies, in February 1848, surprised Europe, they were themselves surprised by the unexpected opportunity, and so little capable were they of seizing the occasion, that had it not been for the Jews, who of late years unfortunately have been connecting themselves with these unhallowed associations, imbecile as were the governments the uncalled-for outbreak would not have ravaged Europe. But the fiery energy and the teeming resources of the children of Israel maintained for a long time the unnecessary and useless struggle. If the reader throws over the provisional governments of Germany, and Italy, and even of France, formed at that period, he will recognise everywhere the Jewish element. Even the insurrection, and defence, and administration of Venice, which, from the resource of statesmanlike moderation displayed, commanded almost the respect and sympathy of Europe, were accomplished by a Jew - Manini, who by the bye is a Jew who professes the whole of the Jewish religion, and believes in Calvary as well as Sinai, 'a converted Jew', as the Lombards styled him, quite forgetting, in the confusion of their ideas, that it is the Lombards who are the converts - not Manini."
Secondly we have a remarkable statement from Leon Trotsky, the Jewish revolutionary who became commander of the Red Army and with Lenin the most powerful man in the USSR:
"It was during that period that I became interested in freemasonry. ... In the eighteenth century freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of the revolution; on its left it culminated in the Carbonari. Freemasons counted among their members both Louis XVI and the Dr. Guillotin who invented the guillotine. In southern Germany freemasonry assumed an openly revolutionary character, whereas at the court of Catherine the Great it was a masquerade reflecting the aristocratic and bureaucratic hierarchy. A freemason Novikov was exiled to Siberia by a freemason Empress. . I discontinued my work on freemasonry to take up the study of Marxian economics. ... The work on freemasonry acted as a sort of test for these hypotheses. ... I think this influenced the whole course of my intellectual development.".
Note that Trotsky not only refers to Masonry as a major factor in revolutionary ferment, but how it had also infiltrated the hierarchy of the old order it was about to overthrow, and that both the Illuminati and the Italian Carbonari were involved. Yet Bernstein and Cohn dismiss such sentiments when expressed by Robison et al as "fantasy". Bernstein also opines that the Illuminati were a "rival" of Masonry and did not survive its banning by the Elector of Bavaria. As we shall see, this opinion is naïve at best.
Thirdly, Bernard Lazare traces the Jewish influence on Masonry and the Illuminati, as follows:
"…It is true of course that there were Jews connected with Freemasonry from its birth, students of the Kabbala, as shown by certain rites which survive. It is very probable too that in the years preceding the French Revolution, they entered in greater numbers than ever, into the councils of the secret societies, becoming, indeed, themselves the founders of secret associations. There were Jews in the circle around Weishaupt, and a Jew of Portuguese origin, Martinez de Pasquales, established numerous groups of Illuminati in France and gathered a large number of disciples, who he instructed in the doctrines of reintegration. The lodges which Martinez founded were mystic in character, whereas the other orders of Freemasonry were, on the whole, rationalistic in their teachings. This might almost lead one to say that the secret societies gave expression in a way to the two fold nature of the Jew, on the one hand a rigid rationalism, on the other that pantheism which… often ended in a sort of Cabalistic theurgy. There would be little difficulty in showing how these two tendencies worked in harmony; how Cazotte, Cagliostro, Martinez [de Pasquales]… were practically in alliance with the Encyclopaedists and the Jacobins, succeeded in arriving at the same end, the undermining, namely, of Christianity."
The Protocols (if obtained in 1884) refer to the Panama Canal scandal years before the scandal had become public knowledge (in 1892). Therefore whoever wrote The Protocols must have had inside knowledge of high powered financial manipulation.
We have already noted that The Protocols did not originate with the Zionist movement. This was the original opinion of Nilus and others, although subsequently modified after Zionism became an influential movement among the Jews. In fact, the majority of the most prominent figures of World Jewry were opposed to Zionism, and some Orthodox Jews are still antagonistic on the basis that Israel was not to be recreated until after the advent of the King-Messiah.
The principal allegation levelled at the supposed forgers of The Protocols is that the purpose is to foment "anti-Semitism". However, the following is a remarkable passage from The Protocols in which it is said that "anti-Semitism" serves the purposes of the "Elders of Zion" in keeping the Jewish masses herded under their leadership.
As one might say today, this seems to be something of a "protection racket". The Jewish masses are being milked of millions of dollars every year to fill the coffers not only of Israel but of numerous "Jewish defence" organisations such as the Anti-Defamation League, which continually feed the Jews the line that a pogrom or a new "Holocaust" is just around the corner if Jews don’t keep donating. Here is what The Protocols say about "anti-Semitism". It is surely a strange passage if the authors are anti-Semites wishing to incite pogroms:
"Nowadays if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion, and by our direction, for their antiSemitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us." (Prot. IX)
There is much, much more to this story; what I have quoted above are abridged excerpts.
The full document is a fascinating read and you can read it here:
The PROTOCOLS of ZION In Context By Dr. K. R. Bolton (PDF)
"But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive."
Protocol 10
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
submitted by clemaneuverers to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Oct/19/2020 wrap-up: \\ War in Artsakh (Karabakh) \\ the Syrian jihadists \\ battlefield & analysis \\ videos \\ north and south fronts remain active, but civilian bombings have reduced \\ casualty report \\ international response & humanitarian aid \\ Pashinyan gives details \\ Levon Aronyan

Prior events:
October 18, October 17, October 16, October 15, October 14, October 13, October 12, October 11 , October 10, October 9 , October 8 , October 7, October 6, October 5, October 4, October 3, October 2, October 1, September 30, September 29, September 28, September 27.
2-minute video explaining the conflict.

about jihadists recruited by Turkey and Azerbaijan

134 jihadists are confirmed dead now, according to a Middle East reporter from Al Mayadeen. Bodies of 92 have already been transported back to Syria.
Russian Ria Novosti has learned that Turkey sent another group of 1,000 Syrian jihadists to Azerbaijan last week.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has learned about the presence of 2050 Syrian militants in the Karabakh front. The transfer of 400 militants, consisted of Al Hamza, Sultan Murad, and other cells, was paused when the recent ceasefire agreement was reached.
SOHR reports that the militants who are in the front lines have found themselves under serious pressure. Some have refused to fight and went back to Syria without getting paid.

Armenians met Donald Trump in Los Angeles yesterday

Los Angeles Armenians, holding Artsakh signs, gathered near the building attended by President Trump. They were mainly Trump supporters waving Armenian and the U.S. flags. Trump showed "thumbs up" from his car
During his speech to the crowd, Trump saw an Armenian fan and mentioned meeting Armenians in Los Angeles, saying "They're great business people. We're working on something [about Artsakh]. People in Armenia have a great spirit for their country."

Bloomberg: Erdogan Does What He Can Get Away With

"Erdogan has again avoided barbs at Putin, but he has name-checked Russia in his attacks against the international community for failing to hand the Armenian-majority Nagorno-Karabakh region over to Azerbaijan.
And for the first time, Turkey is intervening in what Moscow regards as its sphere of influence: the Caucasus is closer to Russia — not just geographically but also in historical, cultural, strategic and economic terms — than Syria or Libya."
[text in square brackets are comments added by me]

Pashinyan gives context and lists the options:

1) What is this war for? For the status of Nagorno-Karabakh.
2) Could we have avoided this war? Yes, if we agreed to give the [7] regions to Azerbaijan and receive an unclear status for Nagorno-Karabakh [no independence], an unclear time-frame for resolving its status [possibly another war], and no mechanisms to clarify its future.
3) Could we have achieved any "status" for Nagorno-Karabakh through negotiations? No, because the last chance was in 2011 in Kazan [where Armenian president Serj Sargsyan agreed to give away the 7 regions in exchange for keeping the remaining Nagorno-Karabakh out of Azeri control. Ilham Aliyev rejected the offer because he wants everything, including the lands historically inhabited by Armenians].
4) Can we stop this war now through negotiations? Theoretically yes, if we agree to the Point-2 above but with worse conditions [no autonomy for remaining Nagorno-Karabakh].
5) Can this war resolve the issue of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh? Yes, if we make successes in this war.
6) Can we succeed in this war? Yes, if we focus our national potential around that goal and selflessly commit to that goal.

October 19 events / battlefied / international response / humanitarian aid

1:10: MFA Mnatsakanyan spoke with MFAs of Canada and France.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032030.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032029.html
1:56 army spokesman: our Lieutenants and Generals stand shoulder to shoulder with 18-year-old conscripts to stop the enemy tanks at the cost of their lives.
9:11 MoD: on October 18th, Azeris launched an attack in the south with the use of seven tanks, including one T-90, and five BTR armored vehicles. Their goal was to rapidly advance at an important section of a frontline to assume firing position and to apply psychological pressure.
Thanks to the professionalism and high morale of Colonels Stepan Gevorgyan and Stanislav Yeremin, and anti-tank Private Garik Arakelyan, the Azeri advancement was stopped and they were thrown several kilometers back.
This morning, despite the ceasefire agreement, Azeris resumed the artillery strikes in the north and south. The army took measures to suppress the fire and is in control of the situation.
https://t.me/ShushanStepanyan/23 , https://t.me/ShushanStepanyan/24 , https://t.me/infocomm/23736 ,
10:20: LHK Party has sent a letter to the UN Security Council urging them to declare a no-fly zone above Artsakh to prevent a humanitarian crisis, citing the Azeri-Turkish airstrikes against civilian settlements and infrastructure.
10:33: the army gave medals to several Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and Privates, for destroying enemy personnel, capturing their position, planting mines, then leaving the area.
Others were awarded for shooting 4 drones.
10:41 President Sarkissian to Kommersant: for the Armenian side, victory means preserving their home. Even if Azerbaijan succeeds and occupies some territories, it will not end the conflict. The war of thoughts, the war of stories, the war of human emotions will continue. There is only one way for all parties to agree on how to continue living.
Full: https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032037.html
11:03: Azerbaijan bombed the civilian settlements Martuni, Aygehovit, Ishkhanadzor, Vurgavan.
11:42: in the past few days, the Azeri drone explosions struck two schools in Armenia's Gegarquniq province. Windows were shattered and walls were cracked. No injuries.
11:26: the Emergency Ministry has also been gathering and sending aid to Artsakh residents and refugees. 147 trucks were sent in the past few weeks. The donation volumes have increased.
11:44: Greek-Armenian demonstrators condemned the aggression against Artsakh. They marched from Alexandroupolis to the Turkey-Greece border checkpoint and shut it down.
Armenians in Aleppo gathered in support of Artsakh and Armenia:
11:47: "Don't be blind" was the message that Artsakh refugees had while protesting in front of the UN office in Yerevan. "Your silence is a new genocide." "Erdogan terrorist."
11:51 Canadian CTV News: Montrealers call for independence for The Republic of Artsakh amid conflict with Azerbaijan
12:09: Iran says they'll respond if bombs fall in their territory and harm civilians again. The prohibited the civilians from sitting near the borders to watch military actions in Artsakh.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032050.html , https://t.me/infoteka24/9424
12:20: Armenians organized a demonstration with a car caravan in Varna, Bulgaria.
12:21 WarGonzo reporter: since the govt of Azerbaijan keeps their casualties secret and there are many parents who're unable to reach their sons and haven't heard from them in a while, there is a Telegram channel that collects and posts the names and photos of identified deceased Azeri soldiers.
12:29 army: the heavy battles continue in the south. Our soldiers are "wearing out" the enemy.
12:32: volunteer QP MP Sasun Mikaelyan received a shrapnel wound in his foot and back. His condition is stable.
12:50 army spokesman: Nari Syuni and Nare Khlgatyan have formed a female unit. Our daughters and sisters are our honor. We will win with their help.
Female fighters released a video: https://youtu.be/aKvlcjg3eiE?t=27
13:08: female LHK MP Srbuhi Grigoryan will volunteer to join the army. She will appear in the military commissariat in Syunik.
13:11: a plane with humanitarian aid was sent from Los Angeles to Yerevan with the help of www.ArmeniaFund.org .
Video: https://youtu.be/qQwYxMY69fc
13:23: Sean Combs (Puff Diddy) has joined his fellow rappers The Game and Xzhibit and shared a note of support for Armenia with his 17m Instagram fans.
13:27 army spokesman: the heavy battles continue in the south.
13:28: the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo says Francophone organization will donate $50,000 to Artsakh residents. They are in touch with the TUMO tech school's branch in Stepanakert. She will visit Yerevan in a few months.
"Baku, with the help of Turkey, is the obvious aggressor in this conflict. France, USA, and Russia should help to immediately end the war and decide the fate of Karabakh and its residents."
"The law prohibits Paris from recognizing objects not recognized by France, so we can't do what Milan and Geneva have done, but we'll send a group of young French observers who will travel to Karabakh and document the events."
"Erdogan is encouraging the ethnic cleansings of Karabakh residents."
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032061.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032063.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032064.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032069.html
13:47: world-famous violinist Sergey Khachatryan donated the revenues from his La Scala concert to Artsakh's children.
13:48: Azerbaijan has lost 6,259 soldiers, 4 TOS-1 "Solntzepyok" missile units, 2 Smerch missile units, 566 tanks and armored vehicles, 22 aircraft, 16 helicopters, 195 drones, etc.
In the latest battles, they also lost 9 drones, 12 armored vehicles, 150 soldiers.
Unofficial sources have calculated >$1.5b in known damages to the equipment.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032065.html , https://t.me/SputnikArmenia/8785 , https://t.me/infocomm/23770
13:58: Artsakh President Arayik met the four German MPs who arrived yesterday, and thanked them for their efforts.
14:14: Armenia has filed a report with the European Court for Human Rights about the videos in which Azeri soldiers are seen executing prisoners of war, and the photos of beheadings.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032070.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032078.html
14:33: U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has introduced a resolution urging the White House to begin the process of terminating Turkey's NATO membership, citing its cooperation with Al-Qaida, ISIS, and other terrorist cells.
The document also mentions Turkey's hostile actions in the Karabakh conflict, its "blockade of Armenia which has friendly relations with the U.S.", and Turkey's use of F-16 jets against Armenia and Karabakh.
Copy: https://factor.am/297197.html
14:41: demonstrators gathered in front of the U.S. embassy in Yerevan and called for the official recognition of the Artsakh Republic. An embassy official promised to send a letter to Washington.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032074.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032084.html
15:13: Armenian MoD refuted the Azeri claims of targeting the Baky-Novorossiysk oil pipeline.
15:35: Turkish intellectual and journalist Ali Ertem, who has recognized the Armenian Genocide in the past, has called for the world to recognize the independence of the Artsakh Republic.
15:39: here are photos showing the destruction to civilian buildings in Stepanakert, caused by Azeri Polonez missiles.
15:40 president Sarkissian to POLITICO: NATO should explain Turkey's involvement in the Karabakh conflict. Turkey's actions in the Caucasus could also pose threat to the EU.
I understand that Europe is busy with COVID-19. While the Karabakh conflict is not a biological virus, it is a virus of instability and war.
15:41: Azeri Haqqin outlet circulated fake news about Iran downing an Armenian drone. Armenian social media spread fake video claiming to show a missile strike at an Azeri soldier while he sings; the video is from another conflict.
https://t.me/infoteka24/9369 , https://t.me/infoteka24/9370
15:42: American MMA fighter Dillon Denis wore a shirt with "Artsakh Strong" logo.
15:46: Stepanakert residents are having a party in a bomb shelter.
15:47 Russian MFA Lavrov: both sides of the conflict, and third countries, should end the divisive rhetoric. There needs to be a system to monitor the ceasefire on the ground because the last two ceasefire agreements made no difference.
16:27 economist: Turkey's foreign exchange reserves have depleted by $10b already, from $51b to $41b. There is a 37% inflation; 8% in the past 7 weeks.
16:58: the membership of Gyumri's Aeromodeling Club went from 20 to 1,500. Students learn how to build and operate drones, use computer software to control them, flight training, etc.
17:00: the army has identified the names of 19 more soldiers who died. The known death toll is 729. Among them is a judoist from Armenia's youth team, and BHK MP Sergey Bagratyan's nephew.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032099.html , https://factor.am/297410.html , https://news.am/arm/news/608732.html
17:58: Pashinyan, the President, the church leader, and Parliamentary parties held a Security Council session.
Later, Pashinyan met non-Parliamentary political parties.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032107.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032118.html
18:05: the Armenian Bar Association has asked the Vatican to recognize the Artsakh Republic.
18:37 Pashinyan to Russian TASS outlet: "Russia has the legal right to carry out anti-terror operations in Karabakh because the Syrian militants, imported by Azerbaijan, pose a direct threat to Russia. These [northern Syrian, anti-Assad, anti-Russia] militants view Russia as their enemy. The question is, will Russia wait until these groups infiltrate southern Russia before taking action against them?"
"Turkey is the main reason why there is no ceasefire. Its main goal is to end Russia's influence and reputation in the south Caucasus."
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032110.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032112.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1032117.html
18:43: Martakert city was bombed earlier. It still doesn't have electricity and gas but some infrastructure was lately repaired, say the journalists from the scene.
18:48: the army released footage showing the destruction of Azeri positions and vehicles.
19:40: soldiers sent a video from the front lines
20:00: volunteers are converting (220V) and putting together Uninterrupted Power Supplies for soldiers. "We've sent 1,500 units so far in the past week."
20:07: Turkish soccer player Umut Bulut has urged the government of Azerbaijan to collect the dead bodies from battlefields after a video was circulated showing how wild boars eat the Azeri bodies.
20:11: Norwegian-Armenians held a demonstration against the Azeri aggression.
21:00 CivilNet's Tatul: the skies above Stepanakert and Shushi are relatively calm. Many civilians have left the bomb shelters and slowly returned to their daily lives during the daytime. This happens every time the bombs stop falling for a day.
From Stepanakert: https://youtu.be/9ZhaGiidtUA
21:10: the leader of Italy's Forza Italia (Berlusconi) party Mariastella Gelmini has expressed her support to the Armenian people.
"We stand with the Armenian people, with whom we share a European and Christian identity, and urge the Italian government and the entire international community to make clear efforts to ensure that Armenia is not attacked."
21:13: A group of Armenians in Moscow removed a highway-side poster installed by Azerbaijan that read "Karabakh is Azerbaijan."
21:14: Armenians organized a demonstration with a car caravan in Montevideo, Uruguay.
21:15: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet MFAs of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Washington on October 23rd.
21:28: an interview with Israeli photojournalist Gilad Sade who visited Artsakh to document the situation:
21:30: Iranian journalist Pooya Hosseini shared photos showing a Libya-based ISIS fighter Mahdi al-Harat, the third man in command, kissing the forehead of president Erdogan for his support against Libyan General Haftar's army. (Turkey supports the western fraction and terrorist cells, while France and others support Haftar's army in the east.)
The closes ties between Erdogan and the terrorist have long been known: https://www.eurasiareview.com/28092017-mahdi-al-harati-a-libyan-force-multiplier-oped/
21:33: Which U.S. states have recognized Artsakh or its right for self-determination so far?
Rhode Island House, Massachusetts House, Maine House, Louisiana Senate, California House and Senate, Georgia House, Hawaii House, Michigan Senate, Colorado Senate.
21:35 interview w/army spokesman Artsrun: What percentage of Azeri armored vehicles have been destroyed? It's hard to say. Sometimes they can advance and take some of their destroyed vehicles for repairs. Sometimes they import new ones. But the main portion of their armored vehicle fleet is destroyed.
What's the monetary damage to their army? Billions of dollars. I've seen complaints from Azerbaijan stating that those funds could have helped the economy instead, especially since the oil prices and oil reserves are only going to get lower.
The last time the world has seen a war with this intensity was in 2003 in Iraq. Over 600 tanks and armored vehicles, thousands of artillery units, over a thousand drones, dozens of thousands of bombs.
22:00 army spokesman's briefing: the battles resumed in the morning. Azeris tried to attack in north and south.
They were thrown back in the north after two attempts. In the south, the battles continued throughout the day without significant positional changes by either side. The southern battles are milder at the moment.
[He then presents Artsak Hovhannisyan, the father of the fallen hero Albert Hovhannisyan, that famous artillery guy on billboards.]
Our unity is important. Your donations to www.HimnaDram.org or www.1000plus.am are important.
23:29: lil' Vahe sells nuts for 100 Drams on Northern Avenue. His family has collected 2mln for donations to Artsakh.
23:43: the army released a video showing the remnants of a downed Azeri drone.

Levon Aronyan defeats the world champion

Altibox Norway Chess competition was held. Grandmaster Aronyan won the matches against Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruana and improved his FIDE ranking by moving from 9th to 6th position.
He finished third in the Altibox Norway Chess competition.
"Now the war is the main topic for every Armenian in the world. I will return to my homeland and do everything I can to help my country."
https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/199046 , https://factor.am/297465.html
You've read 2770 words.
Donations to Artsakh: www.HimnaDram.org or www.ArmeniaFund.org (tax-deductible)
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

what does thumbs up mean in italy video

It is widely believed that the thumbs up gesture originates from the gladiatorial fights of ancient Rome, in which the destiny of a losing gladiator was decided by the crowd. Thumbs up, he lived, thumbs down -he died. Iran: Thumbs-up. What might seem to Americans like a universally positive gesture is not, in fact, universal. "Unfortunately, in Iran and neighboring countries like Afghanistan, the thumbs-up is ... In Italy, the cheek screw means you like what you're hearing, seeing, or tasting. Across continental Europe, the thumbs up is generally a request for one of something — but of course means "a-OK" if it comes with a sparkling smile. In the USA it's common to give a thumbs up to say "Yes, this is good" or "Thanks" or convey another appropriate positive meaning. Are there cultures in which the "thumbs up" gesture a) would not be . ... As an Italian, I've never heard of this being inappropriate in any part of Italy. Italian men do this anytime, anywhere -- but it doesn't necessarily mean they're feeling itchy. In Italy, scratching down there is believed to keep evil spirits away and is done whenever a vaguely ... The thumbs up hidden meaning doesnt exist anymore, however at one time it was the same as "up yours" people have since forgotten about that. Having lived in Italy for a while now, I notice that many Italians also use the thumbs up. Its just a good gesture to show you understand or yes. But scholars believe it actually originated in ancient Rome when crowds used the "thumbs-up" sign to mean a gladiator should be speared or hid their thumbs if he should be spared. (Notice the negative meaning?) From thumbs up to a fist pump, we often think using our hands to communicate helps break language barriers when traveling the world. But sometimes those gestures get lost in translation, and ... Avoid Using In: United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand.. Thumbs-Up. The thumbs-up signals approval in the U.S. and on Facebook, but in Afghanistan, Iran, parts of Italy, and Greece ... When we go overseas, sometimes language can be a barrier. We mean to say one thing, but the locals understood it to be something else. Luckily body language can help us communicate when words fail to do so. But as it turns out, not all hand signals are created equal. The same hand gestures could mean different things in other countries. In fact, some innocent hand signals might come off as ...

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