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Truth Off My Chest

I am so tired.
Tl;dr : I don't expect anybody to read all of this. I've basically taken a gamble with where my degree is going to lead me, and now I am anxious that things won't work out. I have spent my university years gunning for med school. School has made me an anxious mess. I associate my self-worth with my grades and I don’t know how to stop. I am scared for my future. If first year students are reading this and hoping to go to med school, I recommend you choose an employable major or switch degrees. A B.Sc isn’t needed to get into med school.
I’m a third year student and ever since I started university I have become an anxious mess. I know you guys don’t like “pre-meds” around here, but in all honesty, I entered university with a goal to get into medical school.
I come from a small town. I didn’t really understand how university systems worked before first year. Everybody told me I needed a BSc to get into med school, so I believed them. I applied to the Faculty of Science. But if I could go back in time I would have probably applied to Kin as I came from a sports background and I probably would have enjoyed my courses way more in first year. I LOVE my Microbio/Biology/Immuology courses (I’m a Microbio major, so I don’t regret my major decision entirely as I really enjoy my upper level courses), but it really isn’t an employable major.
My first year did not go well. I hated some of my courses (Physics, Chem), but absolutely loved my Bio courses. I studied really hard, but I had spread myself really thin. And a combination of having too much on my plate and having undiagnosed health problems (that were affecting my physical health) negatively affected my grades. At the end of first year I was super anxious because I knew I had signed up for a Life Sciences degree that wouldn’t really get me a decent job without a masters if I didn’t get into med school. I was anxious about my grades, I had no social life because I spent all my time studying and working, and I had no ECs.
Second year I entered the Microbiology + Imunology major. I found out why my body was not functioning “normally” and my physical health improved. My grades improved tremendously because I took some things off my plate and focussed mainly on school. But my anxiousness about grades just increased. In second year I was throwing up before exams because I was so anxious about performing well. I had a breakdowns after exams that did not go well because I was so scared about doing as poorly as I did in first year.
Now I am in my third year, and I wrote an exam last week that went horribly. It was my last lower level requirement. I absolutely hated the course but it is required for my degree. My grades have been consistently well all term, and I am not going to fail this class. But it will definitely be a low grade because I think I failed the final and I just don’t know how to handle it. Now I am anxious that I have to perform really, really well next term. I had multiple breakdowns over grades this term. Thankfully nobody can see me cry after my exams now cause everything’s online.
I can’t stop thinking about my mistakes and comparing myself to others. Everybody else I know who is hoping to go to medical school seems to get good grades so easily, they balance their social life well, and have amazing ECs. And I don’t see why things just don’t seem to fall in place for me.
I feel incompetent. I do have some backups planned. I am doing co-op. I will probably go into nursing should I not get into medical school because I know with certainty I want to go into healthcare. I could apply for BEd and go into teaching. I could also do a masters.
But I am so tired. I am probably not going to be able to sleep until marks come out. I hate that I associate my self-worth with my grades, but I don’t really know how to stop. Nobody pressures me to do well. My family is supportive. But I am an anxious mess. I don’t think I have anxiety in terms of a mental health problem because school is the only thing that makes me feel this way.
If I could go back in time, I would change the path I have taken. I would have went into Engineering or Commerce , such that I could have another job with my undergrad if med school did not work out.
submitted by icantdothis_sotired to UBC [link] [comments]

I am a Patient Gamer Because of Starcraft!!!

The year was 1997. I had grow tired of my SNES and desperately wanted to get into PC gaming, but back then, it was really hard to get games installed and running and always a gamble when you bought one since half the time, I couldn't get it to work. Then I saw ads for an incredible looking game on PS1 called Final Fantasy VII. I bought the console and was hooked on my first massive RPG experience. I made a new goal for myself to not buy another video game until I finished the current one.
I did well with this goal until I got a new PC in 1999 and downloaded this online demo for Starcraft. The demo only gave you one map and you could only play as terran. It was incredible fun. Even with the limit options, the amount of strategies you could try out seemed only limited by your imagination. I ran out in bought the full game and played through all the campaigns. I was hooked on the multiplayer. It was one of the few games where I could not wait to get home from work to play again.

With the full game, you had 3 different races and your goal was simply to destroy your opponent's base before they destroyed yours. Multiplayer was often thrilling, stressful and infuriating at times especially in team games. The beauty of Starcraft is that for every strategy that you could come up with, the game had some way to counter it. I was never particularly good at multiplayer and the community was often filled with jerks who would curse at me and call me noob for doing stupid things. Which just only made me want to play more and keep trying new strategies. Ultimately, I think the game requires a certain type of brain. One that can react quickly and micro manage multiple events at once. A great SC player is able to build an army and defenses while spying on their enemy and planning to counter their strategy all at the same time. It was so overwhelming that I played only on the BGH maps which gave you unlimited resources so you at least didn't have the stress of running out of resources.

I say SC made me a patient gamer because I logged thousands of hours into SC online and played thousands of matches. At the same time, I was thrilled to finally have access to this vast world of PC gaming which was much easier to install and run games with a CD Rom. I kept buying PC games to try out which ended up thrown in a pile of backlog since SC consumed all my gaming time.

Over the years, the pile was only grown and grown especially since I can't resist buying games during a sale. I recently installed the GOG galaxy app which sets up a library of all your own games in almost every platform. I was stunned. My backlog currently stands at 535 digital games. And that's on top of the probably 200 physical ones I got.
And now I've come back full circle. I'm playing SC remastered and shocked that there is still a community and BGH games being played. Granted, now it can take awhile to find a match. Twenty years ago, I could get in a match within seconds. It's pretty amazing that Blizzard still supports this game two decades later. I'm not ashamed of my backlog and the money I spent. It's comforting to know I am buried in content and have so much gaming fun to complete someday.
submitted by TWD41 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

NRDB Decklist of the week: Omdizzle by Havvy

The decklist of the week is Omdizzle 4-0 - 1st Place Online GNK / 3-2 - Online SC by Havvy

Omdizzle (4-0 - 1st Place Online GNK / 3-2 - Online SC)

Omar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist (Escalation)

Event (22)

Hardware (3)

Resource (9)

Icebreaker (9)

Program (2)

12 influence spent (max 12, available 0) 45 cards (min 45) Cards up to Magnum Opus Reprint
Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.
Author's explanation:
Havvy 175
Why Omar?
The question I get asked a lot about this deck. At first it was an experiment for Worlds testing knowing there was going to be a decent Asa representation. This deck tends to have lightly defended centrals, with an exposed R+D early on with ICE going on remotes. Knowing this type of deck usually ends up with a significant amount of Agenda’s that relies on Lakshmi Smartfabrics to defend it, I saw an opportunity where Omar either forced Archives ICE, delaying the Asa plan or be more exposed to Apoc / HQ pokes.
In addition, Omar fits my playstyle of applying early pressure although this was my first attempt at an Apoc deck.
Performance wise, it went 3-2 in Cambridge Store Championship (with had heavy representation of Outfit and Aginfusion) and 4-0 in an online GNK, helping me carry me to my maiden tournament win.
Is Omar correct for an Apoc deck?
In my opinion, it is right for this meta and I wished I took this to worlds, but I was put off by the thought of Palana / Aginfusion matchups. The theory this deck eats up Asa turned out to be correct - it won all its matches vs Asa.
Choice of cards (by exception)
A lot of the cards in my deck would fit in a standard Apoc deck, noting you are 3 influence short than normal.
Hijacked Router– A cheeky hate card for asset spam, which messed up maths for the Corp on Apoc runs by trashing it.
Eater – With the amount of Tour Guide living in Asa, this felt like a key card for me and it was. This card never disappointed me and create a huge amount of threat. It has a nice bit of synergy with Stargate and Wanton Destruction, and helps save install costs on breakers that would have been Apoc’ed anyway.
Amped Up – Essential card for many reasons (Border Control / MCA Austerity Policy)
Thoughts on this deck moving forward
This deck felt comfortable to pilot and created nice pressure on the Corp with in the setup phase digging for Apoc while Daily Casts / Earthrise Hotel / Liberated Accounts get used up. 2 lots of real breakers feels right, as well as two Stargates (which you shouldn’t be shy of installing pre-Apoc early if you feel there is a good window for).
3 lots of Wanton Destruction feels too much and often felt like a dead card early on. I would be tempted to reduce this to 2 copies at most. Labor Rights is a nice recursion card, but I never really felt the value from it in this deck. Hijacked Router, while doing a lot of work, can you flexed out for other tech cards you feel appropriate.
While the first Apoc run in this deck never failed, it did struggle post Apoc and felt like a fight (a good fight none the less!) afterwards. If I had to change this deck, it would be the inclusion of Stimhacks. While a strange choice for an Apoc deck, it would be a good card to use to install trashable breakers post Apoc when money is often short.
Thank you
Lastly but not least, a thank you for Serenity for putting up with my mad Apoc ideas and guiding me through the ways of the Apoc! And a thank you for Aki, for coaching me through matchups.
submitted by Unpopular_Mechanics to Netrunner [link] [comments]

Star Citizen fan posts "Why I don't care what CIG does with my money" to /r/StarCitizen, triggering a popcorn-bonanza of arguments, then proceeds to battle royale with anyone disagreeing

Post submitted 5 hours ago, with 375 comments already.

OP text:

I am gonna make a few points in my post and this is just my opinion:
I have spent thousands of dollars on gaming because it is my hobby and I love gaming. This is where my thousands have gone:
Steam library of 110 games at about 30 bucks a pop: $3,300
7 years of League of Legends play: Approximate $1,000
Subscriptions (Xbox live, WoW): xbox live 4 years - $480 / WoW - $500
Paradox Interactive: CK2 - $400 / EU4- $350 / HOI4 - $160 /Stellaris - $200
Titles outside of steam/Console Games: Approx $1,200
Now most of this is approximated, but you are looking at roughly $7,500 in gaming software, just software.
I mean i spent $1,000 on a game that has 1 fucking map and is barely 3D man. I spent a shit ton of money to "Play online" on the Xbox platform.
I am a hobbiest, who has taken loses on many many titles, many many dollars gone to underwhelming titles or price gouging corporate agendas. Titles like Call Of Duty that critics rave for but have the same 10 guns and 8 maps for decades. Titles that aren't pushing for anything. Titles i haven't put more than a couple hours in.
Point is - it's not anybody's business what the fuck i spend my money on, but if CIG blows 2 million on Waifu pillows for the dev team i could give a shit. I am having fun spending money and being part of a community and project pressing the limits. I am just putting this out there for hobbiest/gamers like me.

Some juicy threads as appetizers

(OP replies are in italics)


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submitted by QuaversAndWotsits to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

i've been through so much if anyone could read it and help much appreciated :) im struggling here

thank you for coming to listen or help me.
( as of now, i have no friends, moved to 3 different high schools, bullied to an extreme, " bashed ", severe anxiety and depression and suicidal thoughts are a daily to me, oh and i'm fully in love, like actually in love with a boy who bullied me) ( 3rd paragraph after the subtitle "highschool" talks about more bullying and the start of me falling in love, the title HELL and under is where all the " real juicy shit is but it's best if you read from the start and try and see where i'm coming from)
I've been through a lot in my life nobody should have to endure from a very young age to now. my school experiences have been the worst out of anyone i know. I'm currently 17 ( male ) and living in NSW, Australia and up until i moved schools in year 3 ( age 9 ) everything was normal, i had friends and parents were still together and life was fun, i wasn't rich or anything i was enjoying a lot of it.
(I'm gonna write the primary school and high school in two different paragraphs but do read ill summarise so u don't get bored.) SKIP TO HIGH SCHOOL IF U DON'T CARE ABOUT BEFORE BUT to make it short, bullied and suicide letter.
Primary school: Age 9
i moved schools because i moved houses, can't fully remember what the people did to me at the start but i was bullied on my VERY first day and the following days after. years past and i'm in final year of Primary school, my best friend (James) broke up with a girl and talked bad about her, i told the girl online as a way to get in with her ( it worked ) she yelled at him and the James went off at me the following day and online, he was the most popular boy in the year so the group was somewhat big. some of the ppl in his group bullied me from the start at that school, James went off at me and said that he became friends with me because he felt bad and the others joined in saying they always hated me, it made me really upset but i tried to not let them see but that was at the end of the year and i dated that girl for a bit then we broke up and i didn't care cause i was 12.
I was in school holidays before start of highschool and i didn't know what i had but i was depressed. still got hate messages from some but i sent a long email to my favourite teacher about the beef and told him i wanted to commit suicide and he never responded but told my mum and i got in trouble... ipod and laptop taken off me- then i brushed it off and highschools started.
first day was actually fine i met this kid and we hung out for most of it and his mum asked for my number and i thought we were going to hang but we never did, i never saw that kid again. few days in and JAMES was there, he said he was sorry and i instantly forgave him, 2 boys a week or 2 later called me a faggot and stuff and i told my mum cause my sisters were there and thought they'd protect me and told me to report it and then the boys confronted me and said " it was just a joke " and i went oh, sorry and James said " c'mon man they were joking, don't take everything so personal " and i agreed and apologised for reporting. me and james only sat with each other as for some reason he was the anxious one, a boy walked over and asked if i wanted to sit with them, i asked james to come and he said no and sat there so i left him and he seemed fine but his mum called my mum saying i abandoned him and it was all my fault and he moved schools without fucking telling me. he only showed up like 3 weeks out of the first 10 but still. i got pissed and told him off on IG and another argument happened but didn't care. since i was alone i became a target to many (the boy who i sat with left as well.)
yr 7 passes, year 8 nears to and end and thats when i found my people. they were really nice and i actually felt happy for the first time in a long time, i went to a party but got threatened to be bash by some kid who hated me for no good start and a rumour about me talking about his dad when i didn't even know he had one.. 2/3 close friends left after that year to private schools, they made me laugh a lot and i was real upset about it cause they were my 2 only real guy friends but the other one was a girl and we drifted over the years and in year 9 she only really talked to me because i was all she had in cooking and lunches TBH.
But year 9 is when i fell in love.
gonna call him Robert, i talked to him once in my life before in year 8 swimming carnival, i sat with his group cause i had no one else that day, he saw my brother eating food by himself because his friends were competing and Robert mentioned he felt bad for him and i told him not to worry because its my brother and i didn't care about him. ( he bashed me a lot ) and that was it. year 9 in my classes without that girl-friend i sat alone for the first few weeks then my brain like forced me to sit over with Robert. i sat next to him and was quiet for a first few days but idk how but we started talking and talked more as he was in, science,maths,PE/health. he honestly seemed like the nicest person I've met, i didn't know at the time but i liked him more than a friend, i hated what i was feeling and tried to watch straight porn to make me forget about it but it didn't work so i ignored it, it was always at the back of my mind but was fading. A teacher asked me with ' this kid ' was my brother i said yeah and Robert had a semi shocked facial expression because my brother played basketball with robs group during both lunches and few days after that banteroasting became a thing. it was funny at first and i did it back a few times when it first started but over time it got to a point where he would just bag out every insecurity he could find, a normal person would've ended the friendship or whatever but i didn't want to lose him at that stage, he bagged me out for having my brother as a brother because he was always screaming across the quads and roaring at people like actually roaring like shrek. i copped this whenever i was with him and he was an asshole some times like straight up and it hurt cause it just reminded me of James like one time he said he was gonna snob ( ignore ) me irl and he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day and he would always call me his shadow or a lost puppy and while it was true i still took all this and just shoved my emotions down even further, i had no one else to sit with or hang out with during lunches other than Robert, i didn't even play basketball i just sat down and sometimes got hit by the ball. it was too awkward for me to play as my YOUNGER brother was more manly than me and taller and knew how to play and i was scared he would roast me and he did, he roasted me a lot of times and Robert's group still had dickheads in it and when the ones i was really scared of came i went to hiding and just sat back down and didn't speak. he wasn't always like this, in year 9 snow camp me, him and a few others didn't go and we had to stay at school for the days the year was gone for, the room behind us was empty and the teacher was late so me him and 3 others went in and just sat or talked and the others got caught and it was just me and him. i liked it when we were alone because i knew he was always nice to me when we were alone idk why but he just was like the swimming carnival i wasn't going to go but he was thankful i went for him and we had a nice time just sitting ig) anyways we talked for a bit or just sat around on the cabinets or chairs, i went and sat on the floor against the wall and idk how it got brought up but Robert asked me how big my dick was, i went uhhm and never answered i said why and he said idk from my memory and subject got changed. i always thought he was straight that's why i tried to hide my feelings, but after that it always had me wondering, a lot of straight guys say or do sus stuff all the time, like 2 from my maths class wanked off in the same bed just under covers so it wasn't gay but idk if that was him just asking in general or what. those few nice times were the best times with him, i always felt good on those days but the others made me feel like shit, not just by him but from many others. sports me and him did laser tag but he would sit with my brother on the bus and tell me to go sit by myself and i hated it but then he'd only talk to me during sports. im not innocent either, i started being an asshole to others around me in classes because it made Robert laugh most of the time and i was cheeky with my science teacher and it was funny for everyone but i did it mainly to make rob laugh and stuff. in my classes where he wasn't in i began to be rude towards the friends of the ppl who bullied me from the start as a way to get payback or something but i become rude and i didn't care. at the end of year 9 in the xmas holidays everything Robert had said or done and the others including my brother, i was just reflecting on what everyone did to me and i wrote a suicide letter and really wanted to kill myself before the start of year 10 because i couldn't take it any longer. obviously i didn't but the thing that stopped me was rob, back of my head kept telling me ' what if he likes me back or what if he's nice once highschools over ' he didn't do nothing and didn't know how i felt but after yr 9 i knew i liked him and tried to give him hints at the start of yr 10 whenever i would sit next to him, slightly brush my my leg against his slowly and gently and if he moves it i said sorry but a few times he didn't, i'd always say the " you're such a great friend " a few times and " i like talking to you " stuff like that. i hung out with his group ( brother was in it as well ) so it was really awkward but idk why i just took photos of everything in late yr 9 and 10 and i got some photos of him and would jerk off to them.. and fantasise just of his face and stuff, ik im weird. i found a new group tho a couple and they seemed nice but it was only a lie, eventually i mainly sat with them and they talked A LOT of shit about everyone and they eventually made a gc on sc about talking shit about our year and teachers and i became cheeky with them before and wed roast ppl amongst ourselves causally. in the gc i said a lot and a lot of it was extreme but i didn't mean any of it and they dead ass knew too and they'd say some fucked up shit. we all laughed and knew we were all joking to each other but i got angry at a teacher and wrote about it on my private story and saying racist stuff about her and the girl in the couple took photos of that and only the parts i said in the gc that i said so even the out of context parts. they used a laptop camera to screenshot the messages and didn't do anything for about 15 weeks, and i was just hated by a lot of people and didn't care, i had another group as well the anime weird ppl thought they were nice but i was falling for 2 of them as well but nothing compared to rob.
mid year, term 2 i get a text asking if im gonna to school by the male from the couple, i ask ye why and he doesn't respond and i get to school and i get slammed into a wall and told im fucked and acted like i didn't care but my anxiety began to spike the boy who texted me sat next to me in roll call and acted like he knew nothing and the boys friends with the kid who slammed me laughed and looked at me and i told myself nothing happened and it was fine for the first 2 periods then in 3rd before lunch people started chucking food and paper balls at me, calling me harsh things because of my pimply face, i couldn't concentrate that lesson i was shaking and once the bell went i went to the art room but there was no teachers just kids from different years sitting there i sat and went on my phone shaking, the couple and rob saw me in the room and then left and towards the end of lunch the boy who slammed me and his big group comes to the door and goes completely off at me and i just awkwardly smiled at my phone and they walked off and then the bell went the other 2 boys i liked showed up cause they FORGOT that i asked them to meet me there and then we walked out of the room and i walked around the corner and got slammed into the wall yet again and they started " confronting " me about some of the screenshots the main thing that group was concerned about was me saying this about one of them " i hate nick because he won't stfu about malta " they said shit like why you disrespecting malta and his culture and i fucking laughed on the spot, i couldn't explain myself but im in nick's rollcall and theres a map and his dumbass always every second day istfg says " lets finda malta " in a dumb vocie and takes forever to find that tiny fucking country even though teachers and himself have found it countless times and its always pissed me off so they were pressed about that mainly i mean ye the screenshots did say " kys " about someone so YES that's harsh but i was literally gonna kms and on the verge so i didn't care and it was about a teacher so they didn't even see it but it's still wrong and i still feel shitty. During this confrontation idk who but some bitch kicked my leg and a fucking popper or can was thrown at me cause i got some concerning liquid on my WHITE school uniform and then the bell, this was outside a teacher staffroom... they didn't do shit fuck them. after the bell i went to the 2 boys who went to the room at the last second and they ignored me, they fucking ignored me and pushed past me and then the girl from the couple said what happened i lost my voice and nearly cried, i didn't realise she sent them, i walked to my class like nothing happened, i texted the girl and she ignored then i went on a kids sc and messaged her and she talked until i said " it's me " and then she didnt respond. i got pulled out of class to my deputy and a teacher did see it but it was the uni teacher so ig she was nervous to stop what was happening when it was her vs a lot of boys, deputy asked me a lot of shit i was still shaking and scared shit less and didn't say the names of the people who did it, i said what happened but not the names i was told to go back to the staffroom after lesson as it was lunch 2 right after ( early day ) i headed up towards it and 2 girls asked if i was hiding i stuttered every word and said " getting uh uh work uh " they went okay and i got to the room, the deputy and vice principal came to get me and i told the vp what went down and she asked me the names and i still was scared, i didn't say a lot, the main ones, and she guessed i was lying and called the names. got sent home, blocked a lot, excpe the couple stupidly because idk why is till didn't put the pieces together and i told them that the police could get involved if the school wants too but i don't think they really would've but they told people and then rob messaged me went off at me saying that if the police got called in then theyd show the screenshots of me talking bad about a few people and why they should kms and i went off at him saying like why hes doing this cause he just reminded me of james, exactly like james. made me sick, i didn't care that i could get in trouble for what i did or what had happened completely i cried because i knew i was losing him, we argued a bit more and told both each together to kms. 2 days go by and i was suspended along with a few other people including the girl, which she talked way more shit than me but i didn't want to expose her when i could've she sent a long text and said that " it was too much " even tho she was the person bringing ideas about her ' friends " and the only reason she apologised is because she got in trouble. i blocked nearly everyone from that school and didn't go to school until term 3 so 5-6 weeks later.
i started at a new highschool much further away from me as the closer schools were worse than the last plus all the primary schools kids went there. i had to catch trains to get to this school and first day wasn't too bad. got a rushed tour because a kid didn't want to miss music, he did and got mad at ME and then introduced me to his group and only 1/9 said hi the others stared i got nervous. didn't get offered a seat and the rest of the day was fine, this school was fucking massive, over 1200+ kids and the biggest agriculture area of a school in the region so i was glad i went there. the teachers here actually taught and were nice. kids for the start didn't try and pick on me it was fun, my anxiety was more known to me and i was still shaking really bad especially in science cause nobody talked to me, i was shaking as if i was naked in a blizzard so many goosebumps. weeks pass and i still have photos of Robert and of the old school. i didn't delete them cause i didn't want to lose him for good. i still jerked off a lot, dreamed, cried, and just pretended he was here with me and made scenarios as im awake and it's like he's right in front of me but i didn't want to lose him. i joined quite a bit of groups at the 2nd highschool trying to look for kids with personalities similar to Robert or the "close" friends i had. i deleted them during agriculture and i was sad but i knew it was the right thing to do, i mean he doesn't care so why should i? he's doing fine. i always asked my brother how he was doing and stuff he never relaly told me much just jokingly said stuff like "do u have like a crush on him or something?" i was playing a random rust server and just talking shit about my last school "fuck *school* mutts" and i saw Robert in it, he said my name? and i said rob? and then i went oh fuck and then said i was sorry for everything and he said sorry as well and then we added each other again and then i told him all about my school and tried to make it seem like i was doing great and it was a better school (still public) and he was always like "nice" etc. at the second school i started discovering my sexuality and i guess im bi-sexual i like girls but i was only in love with Robert. I've never loved or been loved by anyone other than my family but it was different with him. I've always wanted hang out with him even at the first school, he never went out a lot only once that i know of and he offered but is aid no because it was with his horrible friends. i did walk home to his home one time and it looked amazing and he told me to text him if someone was following me or whatever that made me nervous inside and i remember went red because it was really sweet but i really wanted to see him and a it was nice but he said something can't remember what but it triggered me and it made me remembered all the times he was rude asf to me whilst playing rust in the past and so i did a real shitty thing. after the whole first school drama i waited till he went to bed and logged into his steam account and deleted around 83 dollars worth of skins.. i tried to trade them to myself so i could like just talk to him about everything idk what i was expecting but i deleted them and then logged into his sc by guessing the password and just blocked everyone. he asked me and told me to be 100% honest and i lied. that was then but i posted a video of me deleting his skins and i had hours to delete it but he saw it in the morning when i was sleeping my regrets away and he said like "i knew it" and asked why and i was so out of it and just yelled at him basically saying i trusted him and shit and he said he didn't care cause he had earned it all back and more on some skin gamble website (rustypot?) and then we blocked our socials and never spoke on disc or steam again. he did call me once on discord probably to annoy me but we still have each other to this day on steam and hes asked a few times for the skins and ive just typed long messages etc and deleted them. i miss him, i really miss him i cry day and night and dream about him and i think im obsessed sometimes but i tell myself it's just love? i was always the quiet kid at the 2nd school and didn't have much friends and people began to bully me and call me faggot and threaten to bash me again. my sleep, depression got worse and back in 1019 November, i hung out with one of the other 2 i liked and his name is Reuben, he only hung out because i said i'd pay then told me we're not watching these movies because he wanted to see it with family, he wanted to leave early for a better friend but i bought him food instead and yeah, his bday was coming up, and due to train and bus times i left early and bought his box and added like hard to find chocolate and $60 in cash and more food and a card with $20 the card was full of great things about him and he stood me up. even when we discussed about it 3 times the night before i sat up in his area for 3 hrs cause i was nervous his bus was late or whatever and he was just gonna be around the corner, he never responded till i got home which was around 6- pm as i got home, i hid the gifts under my bed from mum who was excited i still had a friend. i kept asking when he was going to get it he gave me the usual response "IDK, maybe, idk, someday" it was in my house for a MONTH a fucking month in my fridge or under my bed, i wasted so much money on him and he sometimes ignroed me for days and told me he didn't actually like me and i sent him a long message on ending the "friendship" and he left me on seen. my depression got worse and sleeping was utterly shit. anxiety spiked but it settled down at the start of 2020 for a few weeks. before covid lock downs in March my anxiety for some reason got severe and it made me feel like i was about to piss myself so id move my legs and anything to stop me from thinking i need to pee even tho i didn't need to, pinched myself to stop shaking and the girl next to me moved seats lessons after and made my anxiety much worse and i had to get early marks because it was too much for me and had days off and then online school started once covid hit Australia, it was really interesting but i enjoyed it we had very few calls and i slept in and did the work later or on another day but geography had like 40 min call and at the end i was too anxious to use my mic to ask questions about my assessment task and i asked the kids to ask for me and they didn't they roasted me and the teacher didn't know how to fully work it so he didn't do much and after he left the kids continued to roast me so i left and just acted like nothing happened. after the lockdowns are eased we returned back to normal school, except for me. didn't return for over a month, i only came for a 3 period day and just talked to teachers and then once again 1 day later for work as the school knew i was doing it from home, i had to do calls with headspace, school councillors, teachers and explain to them why im not coming back, they were thoughtful and said take as long as i need and they wish to see me again etc. my teachers were nice and didn't make me read cause they knew i was scared. ive been doing school from home for months know and its better but i'm scared to go outside, ive only been out for those 2 times, therapy and doctors appointments. i haven't spoken to a single kid irl or from school since march 12th(my bday which no one wished me a happy bday) life's gotten progressively worse for me and i don't see a future at all, i don't work because my anxiety is too much, i slack a bit in school atm Robert still has me on steam and that's messing with me because it tells me that he'll block me once i give his skins back but another part of me tells me that he either doesn't care or still likes me somehwere deep down. i still create scenarios every night, and i relive moments from the past wishing i could change everything, i like to my therapist saying i don't plan on killing myself but it's tough. Robert's the only thing keeping me going because of the "what if". i was going to wait until his birthday in January and give him a letter that I've been writing for months with $50 in it and then skins back with another $50 on steam and tell him how sorry i am. idk what to do i could give it to my brother or just message it online to him. idk what to do with life anymore, i'll never find someone like him again, i love him and won't get over him, won't find someone else to love, won't lose my virginity unless it's with him, i love him in ways nobody would fully understand, "Robert" if you're reading this. i'm so fucking sorry and i wish i could've met you differently or we had a different outcome.
my sleeping schedule getting better with help of therapy and i got my letters for my brand new school (online) distance education so hopefully it will be a good time for the remaining parts of school, the 'friends" at the 2nd school unadded me about a month i left, no texts, nothing. i don't think anyone will relate to this or me but there's so much more i would've said but didn't see where to add it. Should i try and reconnect with him even tho knowing him won't get anything? just need some help. sorry for bothering you guys with this long story but :/ my sister tells me it's different with work but all the people ill work with in my head tells me that they'll have a childhood friend or a great few friends from highschool, i won't ever get that. I'm Sorry ( also even before year 9-10 drama my year 8 class had a sc account and i was told to kill myself by the boys in it and there's just details like that where i missed to add )
submitted by ihave0friends16 to u/ihave0friends16 [link] [comments]

Exile's Scroll

Exile's Scroll
It is a huge post. Those things sitting in my head for a very long time. So, I decided to get rid of it by writing it down. I deeply hope it won't hurt anyone's feelings. Enjoy.

(#@#@#@#@ PART I @#@#@#@#)

Name: Snow
League: HC


Somewhere in the field of the Internet some gaming news telling a story to people there is a new (kind of) mind-blowing ARPG. The news was around me a couple of years until I tried to play this game on my laptop. Believe me or not I almost burned it. My journey begins with the "Prophecy League" (06.2016).

I started to play the PoE on Hardcore, I am playing Hardcore (HC) and I will die on Hardcore. This is only because it is impossible to play on Softcore (SC) for me. I really wanted it. I tried. During the game on SC in 10-15 minutes I am finding myself lying down on my chair, my eyes almost closed, I am so relaxed what if any minutes more and I will be sleeping. I tried many things to avoid this state of sleeping but seems I just can't do it.

Here are my flashbacks through 5200 hours of experience in the game:
ACT I (0-500 hours)
This graphics, music… the character actually piece of trash lying in the mud. Ahahaha Get up! Take a stick and kill it. Nice. I feel alive. Gem? WTF is this?! Clearing the area I got that bastard under the camp. Wow! There are a lot of people inside. Everything is a whole new experience especially the currency system and gems. Compare to this game D3 looks outdated. It was almost the end of the Prophecy League. I spend 95% of the time in a wiki, 1% in the chat, 4% on a battlefield. Every new boss encounter is 100% RIP. Jeez, how many times I died when I figured out when to have to stay under the dome in a Dominus fight… Malachai gave me a new disease - claustrophobia. The disease will be stronger with each new boss encounter in the future. Figuring out how to zoom out the camera, because the size of my character feels like is taking 50% of the screen. In the corner blinking exclamation mark.

ACT II (500-1000 hours)
Toughness, sword, and shield… I will crush them all! Slow, but I will. I felt this way until I got one-shot from nowhere again and again like 100 times. Trying new melee skills, learning mechanics I am with Forsaken Masters cutting my way through acts and difficulties to reach maps. Those are like a legend, it is somewhere, everybody speaks about it but no one can describe them. What is it? Maximum I knew I need to have a map device. Breach League is tough. Many RIPs wouldn’t give me to reach maps. Didn't even get "Breach Footprints Effect" MTX. I am not sure If I even knew about the challenges at that time.
Somewhere at this time, I figured out how to trade with other players. I think I spend several weeks to understand how to do it properly through the game interface. Hello poe.trade!
Still figuring out how to zoom out that camera a little bit upper. The exclamation mark in the corner still blinking the whole time.

ACT III (1000-1500 hours)
Finally, since "Legacy League" I reach those maps. The one rule to get into the maps safe is - ignore fight with Malachai on Merciless difficulty. Everything good but DPS. Still playing melee with Glacial Hammer skill. I have 6k DPS in the game tooltip. By the way, I am playing with my brother. I just forgot to mention it. Most aspects of the game we are learning together. That DPS wall was up to 10k DPS. Somehow I did yellow maps. It was a maximum of my melee builds. Thirst time I tried something different - Saboteur with Vortex traps. My pillar of melee builds got cracked. I will go back and forward with melee and range builds shortly but prefer range. Oh, and of course it was Energy Shield build. In a near-future, ES will be destroyed as an "original mechanic".
The camera seems "ok"… But that exclamation mark in the corner got me. I found a way to clear it fast - just hover over the cursor on it and use the right mouse button to make it disappear. Did you know you can turn off that way buffs like annoying lightning shrines? You can turn off a shrine buff even in the labyrinth. After joining a new zone or rejoin an old one you will have it again.

ACT IV (1500-2000 hours)
With the 3.0 update, I was thunderbolted by the new content. New 5 Acts, removed difficulties, Pantheon, rebalanced Labyrinth, damage over time rework, etc. The hit was so hard what I understood I know nothing. I mean It was like 50% what you knew just went to the void and you need to start learning again. Ok. Remember when I get claustrophobia disease, yes, with new act bosses I really need a doctor. Doedre (Act 8) scared me like hell. Just imagine to find out there is a valve to click on after countless deaths… Remember I am playing only HC. To find out what is going on there I need to run from Act I to Act VIII again. My body still gets wet when starting to fight her even I don't have problems with her these days.
With new knowledge comes new tools as Path of Building, PoEDB, PoElab, PoEninja.
Suddenly that exclamation mark in the corner still blinking. I thought maybe I can put a piece of tape on the screen but found unpractical because PoE is not the only application on my computer. Ahahaha

ACT V (2500-3000 hours)
I have a strong conclusion about what melee = unpredictable death. So, since that time I tried to avoid it. Main time about 60-70% I spent in Path of Building and PoeTrade. Can find myself playing PoB a couple of days without touching PoE at all. SpectralTrow, FreezingPulse, Arc, PowerSiphone those skills I preferred to play. My DPS went way higher than with melee builds.
Abyss league is fun, simple, and enjoyable. Its everything I remember. Nothing too bad and nothing fancy either. Can't tell the same about the Betrayal League and Delve. I like to have overpowered Eighnar at my side on maps, and 100% non-RNG craft on my flasks. But that’s it. Delve. Khm… the day I wouldn't be pushed to do it you will don't see me there anymore. Kind of fun but in my humble opinion, it should be reworked somehow. I enjoy it but something missing, can't tell what exactly.
Overall I am on peak of my fun with this game even after so many hours in it. Still learning something new, planning new builds. Making my hideout second time. I like it when people appreciate hard work. When we are doing Forsaken Masters missions or I just trade with someone they surely say something good about my HO. Small thing but you feel a little better each time.
Sometimes I am still thinking about what my character still to close to me. Any hacks to lift the camera up? Eh… Maybe someday I will see a miracle…

ACT VI (3000-4000 hours)
Blizzard in the mud of shame with their Blizzcon because they just realized what their community is PC gamers. Soon or later we will have the Betrayal League which destroys last string to the multiplayer experience, for me at least. But why? I realized it later maybe a couple of leagues after. "LFM" is key. We did the master's missions together with my brother and others. Just write a message in the chat and you will have a whole group in a minute. The most exciting experience I had with Zana missions where a group should go to the map. OMG, I was laughing and crying so hard at that time. 90% of those missions someone dies. Even me. Once we took a mission to the unique map Underground River. We reached the boss's room. Three wolfs bosses were waiting for us. Go? Yea! Go go go! Things went differently than we expected them to be. We finished one wolf but at the same time, we started to panic. Everyone is running around and trying to escape. A finishing blow to one guy makes the rest of us panic so hard. We all trying to open portals at the same time. No one can escape because portals are opening here and there, but one escaped. Two disconnected. I found myself accidentally destroying all portal scrolls. Still running from wolfs I run out of flasks and they killed me. Just a couple seconds after I realized what I could quit the game and save the character, but didn't have that option in my head in a panic mode. Ahahahaha… Jeez! I was really laughing. Overall you could see another builds in an action. I had fun, but everything went to the void with the Betrayal league. Since the 3.5 I will never have a single party. Can't play with brother either. The clusterf**k of effects make it impossible to play even with one player. You see nothing.
I remember we did the Incursion and the Delve missions too. But it has gone with Betrayal too. Speaking about the Incursion League it was the only league I fully enjoyed, stayed until the end of the league, and had 36 challenges completed (Thank you for help Seulgi_Red_Velvet =)). Maybe because that beautiful voice of Alva kept me… Who knows…

ACT VII (4000-4500 hours)
Despite all critics to the Synthesis League, I like the whole idea and it should go to the core. Still like music from there. I use it in my HO. But of course without the "craft" part. I tried it for one or two days and just ignored it completely. Build a map then run it. Simple and fun.
The Legion League seems enjoyable as Synthesis. Like the idea of incubators. I was busy at that time, and had a little time to play but enjoyed every moment I had with both of them.

ACT VIII (4500-4600 hours)
I wish I had time for the Blight League too. Same as for Legion I played a couple of builds. That's it. First tried out a bow skill. Still can't make to work any of them. I mean completely even in PoB it looks worse than my early melee builds.
The most fun and enjoy it was the Exilecon. OMG, I wish there will be an overhaul to UI. Finally, the miracle is here - the camera zoomed out. Still need waiting for PoE 2 though. But that exclamation mark makes me crazy.

ACT IX (4700-5000 hours)
Since so many hours of experience, the Metamorph League felt just like routine. It is a nice league but nothing new to me. Had 6 builds so far. All of them died of course.
With the Delirium League, I played one or two weeks then quit. As an HC player, I felt the hard push to the SC league from the gameplay. There is no way to play the Delirium League at HC. It is madness. Especially endgame encounter. You are going to an arena to 100% die. Plus I should run like crazy to keep up with that fog. It seems fun but I tired of it very fast.
The exclamation mark. I swear I can write a book "! and Me". Even when I don't play I feel like it is still blinking somewhere in a corner of my eye…

ACT X (5000-5200 hours)
Wow! GGG is a generator of surprises. The tower defense league, now the garden. Ahaha. I definitely like those ideas. It is really fun to play especially now when I have a wide range of crafting affixes. It would be nice to make some tweaks for a better experience but overall I like this league. But why I burned out. It is because of "craft". I will explain it a little be later.

ENDGAME (the end of era of the flashbacks)
So, as you can see I am just a regular player. In recent leagues, I played on SSF HC. My builds something between Queen69 and Zizaran.
Online games are a big part of my life. How to describe it. I live here and there at the same time. I have friends here and there. I have a double life. In this world and in a second. Every time it is to hard manage even if I am single. How those heroes live a double life so easy…. pfff… movies…ahahaha But serious I like to play, but know when to stop =)
With all my love to the game and to the GGG's team I want to give my humble opinion on some things in the game . Here it is…

(#@#@#@#@ PART II @#@#@#@#)

The challenges are not fair in my opinion. For SC and HC they are the same, but why!? As I see it in terms of difficulty and time-consuming - HC SSF > HC > SC SSF > SC. Why the person who spent playing 8 hours per week with no risk at all (loose couple points of experience is not a risk, that is why almost all SC builds are glass cannon) receive an equal prize as the person who spent 40 hours per week with risk to the loose character and all crafted items on him.
I understand what not everyone wants to play on HC and not everyone has a lot of time to play either. It would be nice to separate graphically the SC challenges icon from the HC icon at least. For example, if you start your journey on the SC those challenges you can achieve only on the SC. And if you will start a new character on the HC the others can see in chat what those challenges definitely from SC. You also can't achieve them on HC as you have progress on the SC. Maybe it would be wise to give gamers to reset them if they decide to make them in another league. But anyway I feel rewards should be different too.
As the PoE, a PvE oriented game I think the community should have one enemy and work on a plan to destroy it together. But it feels like HC vs SC vs Developers. HC players hate SC, SC hate HC, and both HC and SC fight with developers. Every league the same. After reading Reddit you don't want to play. Just imagine with PoE 2 community will be divided even more. PoE I HC & SC vs PoE II HC & SC, which, of course, will make more headaches for everyone. Hard to say, but I wish it will not happens.
If add a serious PvP to the game we will see toxicity on another level. The most beautiful community I have ever seen in the GuildWars 2, because there is one server (with tricks but still one), one story, one enemy, group events which made to help adventures to each other. Yes, there is PvP but it made the way it is not harming the community. It is separate from the PvE world.
Just think about it. Maybe there is a solution to bring everything to the whole one thing. For example, one hybrid league from SC and HC where if any character dies he has a chance to lose some items on death also looses 5 levels. Have a penalty to level experience until he gets those 5 levels back. The last 5 points put into the skills tree are blocked. The character can die 3 times like this. On 4th death, he goes to the void. It is possible to extend those lives through the game content or challenges.

I really wanted to cut this part about the craft. I rewrote it many times what I wouldn't hurt anyone. But decided to keep it. I want to give my and only my personal humble opinion and feelings about it. Also, I like the craft in one or another way and I have all my respect to the team who is working on it but I wish it would change a little through the time later.
  • We can craft 6 affixes on a white item. 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes. Each affix has a tier and each tier has a range of numbers. I want to find out how much time I am happy with craft and how much I don't. Also, don't want to make a full research which will take a huge amount of time. So, I will simplify it to the point where I can definitely answer to my question.

The Luck. (link)
From WiKi - "…The English noun luck appears comparatively late, during the 1480s, as a loan from Low German, Dutch or Frisian luk, a short form of gelucke (Middle High German gelücke). Compare to old Slavic word lukyj (лукый) - appointed by destiny and old Russian luchaj (лучаи) - destiny, fortune. It likely entered English as a gambling term, and the context of gambling remains detectable in the word's connotations; luck is a way of understanding a personal chance event. Luck has three aspects: 1. Luck is good or bad. 2. Luck is the result of chance. 3. Luck applies to a sentient being…"
So, in our situation luck is a result of chance.
  • One affix. Let's craft only one affix on an item. I am looking for special affix mode. I will choose resistance on the body armor for example. It is about a 15% chance to get it. When I am rolling the mode I have a 15% chance to have it and 85% don't of course. In terms of luck, I am 15% of the time lucky and 85% of time unlucky. Let's "lucky" equal "Positive Emotion time" and "unlucky" equal "Negative Emotion time" respectively.

RNG (Random Number Generator) (link)
From WiKi - "…A random number generator (RNG) is a device that generates a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance… …Random number generators have applications in gambling, statistical sampling, computer simulation, cryptography, completely randomized design, and other areas where producing an unpredictable result is desirable…"
The RNG generates modes/numbers in one diapason in this case which is known as one layer of RNG.

Slot machine. (link)
From WiKi - "…A slot machine… is a gambling machine that creates a game of chance for its customers… Its standard layout features a screen displaying three or more reels that "spin" when the game is activated. Some modern slot machines still include a lever as a skeuomorphic design trait to trigger play. However, the mechanics of early machines have since been superseded by random number generators—most are now operated using push-buttons and touchscreens…. Slot machines include one or more currency detectors that validate the form of payment, whether coin, cash, voucher, or token. The machine pays off according to the pattern of symbols displayed when the reels stop "spinning"…. "
  • Six affixes. Six rows of RNG layers. With the Chaos Orb, I can roll all of them at the same time on the item. I will be paid off according to the pattern of affixes. What is the payment? Desirable affixes of course.

I am not a mathematician but I am sure how I feel when I am crafting. It is exactly 15% of the time fun and 85% of the frustration.

What is Gambling Disorder? (link)
A long time ago I worked with a man whose daughter had an issue with gambling. He worked hard 12 hours a day 6 days a week. She loses all money in gambling and every time she took credit from a bank and the bank was giving her money each time. Even if her father was begging all banks do not give her credit. Then after she couldn't pay the bank was taking money from her father. It was in a circle like 1 year on my eyes. Have you ever seen the face of a man with emptiness in his eyes who is realized he is working for nothing? I saw. You just don't have any words to say to him at this moment.

All leagues except one I quit earlier because of craft. For example, in this league, I quit when I tried to make in an str helmet 3 blue and 1 red socket. Simple right? Not quite. Even using the crafting bench with guaranteed blue sockets I end up with 4 blue or 2 blue and 2 red…. I lost sanity after I spent near 900 chromatics for this helmet in a couple of minutes. I farmed those for days.
Also, I had something around only 5 builds which had 6-link crafted or found by myself… 5200 hours btw. And still no mirror either, such a waste of currency (it doesn't deserve the reserved place in the currency tab).

I do not know what the crafting system is fine. I definitely like craft in the Last Epoch. The game is a mix of PoE and Diablo III. All affixes as a material. You can find them as shards or destroy an item to receive those affixes (there is some chance that you don't receive them all, but some of them). Crafted items have instability. The more you apply affixes the more you have a chance to fracture it. There are 3 levels of fracture. Minor Fracture: the item is locked, you can't apply affixes to it. Damaging Fracture: Each affix is randomly reduced by 1-5 tiers and the item is locked. Destructive Fracture: All affixes are removed and the item is locked. It is possible to see those fracture' chances and damage as you apply affixes. I clearly control what happened next, the item will be destroyed or I will add another tier to an affix. By the way, there are 7 tires of each affix. T1-T5 it is possible to craft, T6-T7 only find in the endgame. There are runes and glyphs which helps to manipulate a crafting result. Each item can have only 2 prefixes and 2 affixes for now. I broke many items but I have never felt rage, frustration, or any negative emotions.
How do I feel when I am crafting with such a method? It is exactly 90% of the fun and 10% of the frustration.

Thankfully the links and sockets will be gone in PoE 2. The most negative I felt because of those. I believe it is possible to build a beautiful crafting system without such a gambling element. It is fine to fight a hard enemy but it is a frustration to fight with affixes on an item.

I like challenging games. They make me alive. It seems In PoE the complexity of the UI is core feature or developers can't/won't see as it is. I believe what complexity through the user interface (UI) is a bad design. There are several examples:
The popping out windows under the game cursor happens every league. It's become a pattern. Such mechanics is unacceptable.
Prophecy - in the middle of a battle here it comes the window "Prophecy Complete". It is blocking the view of what is going on with my character.
Delve - after an encounter is complete the cart becomes active even there are many enemies still attacking the character or after-death effects happen. It makes me accidentally click on it which opens window which blocks my view.
Metamorph - the Octavius appearing every time under my cursor during a battle and make it click by mistake which opens the window that, yep, blocks my view.
The Alva/Zana/Tane/Jun/Cassia are active if you fighting near which again makes it accidentally click on them which leading for unexpected things to happen.
Also, "move only" is not as intended and misleading. On "move only" I somehow: open every crate, chest, doors, activate league content, literally interact with every debris if it is destroyable, use portals, interact with NPCs, etc. Why I can't just "move only" and don't interact with everything possible to click on?
The UI should help the user on one side and the game itself is hard to play on another.
It would be nice if I have the ability to interact with everything above I said through [alt]+[click]. Just this possibility resolves all those issues with unexpected clicking in the past and in the future. For prophecies move that banner to the right down corner or anywhere you find it convenient.

Exclamation mark or quest mark or whatever you call it. I wish this is the last part of this. Act 10. You are going to the lair of the Kitava passing by two whole zones which have no waypoints with the second intension to kill it in mind. Before the entrance, there are two gods, brothers executioners willingly waiting to help you. At this right moment, you receive hell blinking exclamation mark telling - You need to kill the Kitava. Me: Oh really?! I thought this is a tea party and we would drink tea discussing the situation in the Wraeclast.
But seriously, I wish I would have an opportunity to turn off this exclamation mark.

Health/Mana/Flask/Abilities bar UI feels old. I have a 4k 34" UltraWide monitor. My table is bigger than usual in a market with 80cm(31.5 inches) of deepness. About 50cm distance between my eyes and the monitor. I don't care what are everyone says you need to sit at least 1 meter from the monitor. In reality, almost no one sits like this. So, from this perspective, I can't track my health/mana/es/flasks/cd abilities and especially negative attributes(bleed, poison, curse, etc) as they are completely in a different area at the top of the screen. I remember there RaizQT was complaining about it on a video. It is really hard to move your eyes from the most left corner to the most right corner then to the most top of the screen and at the same time, you need to see what is going on in the middle of the screen…. All ARPG keeping it in the middle of the screen at the bottom side. It doesn't matter for them what screen you have it will be the same experience which not a case in PoE.
It would be a better experience if you will make this bar in the bottom middle of the screen like others do. Chat will move to the left bottom corner and no longer overlap the stash tab scroll bar. The right bottom corner you can use for banners, temporary messages.
Also, the less your eyes looking up the better it is for them. "…Placing the screen so that your eyes are in slight down-gaze may help with eye dryness and irritation, as the eyelids will be slightly lower and covering the surface of the eye…" (link)

Overall the UI is incredibly huge on my screen(text, icons, etc.), it is even overlapping itself in some areas. The text doesn't have length restrictions. For example, my screen length about 80 cm, but 20 cm of it is taking the map mode description - "Area has patches of Shocked Ground which increase Damage taken by 00%". And it is not the longest one but takes 1/4 of my screen. To hide it is not a solution at all because I need it. The Challenge messages on another level. If you failed or achieved it some of them can appear crossing the whole UI from the right corner to the most left corner of the screen.
Would it be nice if it was somehow reworked? I wish there will be a new fresh and scaling UI in the PoE 2. Maybe it is possible to use icons instead of text which can reduce the length of it? The same is for monster mods, I wish there we had icons rather the several lines of text.

Diablo III
Path of Exile
Honestly, I don't know what to start it. Let's say the graphic of the game is a big part that keeps me playing. I like it when everything on ultra so I can enjoy the original design. It's kind of dark-theme game but some MTX brake this darkness and the game itself feels more unicorny.
Maybe I will start with towns and camps. They are claustrophobically small. The only one I wouldn't touch it's the very first camp in Act I. How to say it. Some places are too small what you can't even walk without accidentally click on someone/something. For example, Act X, on the pier when I walk from my portal to the stash I will definitely click on someone because there is almost no free space for my cursor. Would be nice to have a feel of the deepness of the Wraeclast. It is really hard to explain. In D3 in the first village' inn is the size of the Sarn Encampment in the PoE. In the D3 you can have a strong feeling of the biggest world around, also you can say when you under the ground or above, you can see what in the village people can leave in some houses. There is even an inn! Not just a place wherein very tight space only needed for NPC which are giving quest or selling some stuff, where is no homes, nothing that gives you a clue what someone can live here. The Delve on a picture shows you are delving deeper down in the ground, but in reality, it just feels like endless horizontal tunnels. In D3 and LastEpoch it feels like the whole world with its very strong story, big towns, villages, etc. In PoE, it feels like islands of just different content from different dimensions. The same is for the storyline. I tried to read every quest, every piece of text from Act I to the Epilogue like three times. Still have no idea what is going on there. What am I doing here? It is just many pieces of text. I apologize if I hurt the writer's feelings. I didn't mean it. I just can't understand what is going on. Maybe a problem with me? But I clearly have understood the stories from D3 and LastEpoch…
How would be beautiful to have bigger towns, camps, encampments, even bigger some zones itself?
I wish we had way less debris, crates, chest on the ground. In many places, there is a horrible amount of it under feet. Debris gives you to get stacked every couple seconds in something. In my dream, there are no more than one or two chests in the entire zone. But I am ok with destroyable debris btw.

After 5000 hours the Acts and maps are kind of boring, just a little because I am doing the same content repeatedly again and again. Just imagine if we had some zone generated skins like wintesummefall/day/night/rain/storm/etc. It would be a whole new generated experience.

It is hard to understand for me some things. Why I can't visit a friend's hideout but can see everyone in town? Why I receive a book with skill points rather than directly to my skill tree like after you kill Kitava in Act 10? Why it is possible to see the enemy behind the doowall and an enemy can see you too (In D3 and LastEpoch you can't see an enemy through the walls and doors)?

In my humble opinion, the Silver Flask should be deleted from the game. It forces to click on it every 4 second whole time, I mean all-time like all time. Like you open PoE and start click on it and finish only when you close the game. Of course, you don't do it in town but still. Without this flask, the character feels slow. No matter how much speed I have I will have more with the flask. Maybe it is possible to solve it in another way. What if a character had a restriction to the maximum speed. Lets set the maximum to 40. So, we will have a nice boost with Silver Flask in the early game and we can throw it away in the end game because it would be possible to reach the max speed on gear.

Sound. I am in love with music and sounds in PoE. I never turned it off. But two things bothering me. One is following me for years. It is annoying the sound of the Shrines especially lightning one. No matter how many times it was changed, it is still annoying on an impossible level. For those who has same issue like me, you can undo the buff by clicking on its icon with the right click of the mouse. The second sound came recently. It is the sound of the character's feet. When you enter the first camp it sounds like you in the stabling. The stomp of feet is incredibly annoying and it sounds like walking horses. The more horror comes when you play for the witch which is barefoot and has the same sound. I also noticed what this sound doesn't change if you walking on snow, grass, shore, wood, etc. It is just one constant sound. It is also the element that can't give you the deepness of the gameplay if you doing it wrong. You see a character walk on snow but your brain tells you it is somewhere else because you don't hear that exact sound of stepping in on the snow. For example, in the LastEpoch if the character' one foot on snow and the other on the clear ground you hear two different sounds at the same right moment they step on a specific place. I wish it would be fixed someday.

Lootfilter. I am using only a standard one and don't want to use someone's. I want my own like in GrimDawn. Is it an impossible feature? Just imagine the new players don't even know what it is and see those hundreds of useless white items on a screen. I played like this for about 500 hours. Can't explain the experience. Frustrated? Horrible?
PoE doesn't give an opportunity to discover many things in the game. I am still don't know what exact type of damage mobs do. In theory everyone from the Vaal area doing chaos+phys? Undead - pure chaos? Spiders - pure chaos? Ghosts - lightening? How the holy cow I could understand it without leaving the game and third party programs or sites/wiki. The game has a perfect character to explain to us the types of damages monsters do at least beasts. Einhar! For example, you have an Einhar' book. It is empty at first but as you doing his missions he gives you pages. Each page gives you an explanation of some mobs damage (spider, crab, dog, monkey, bear, etc.).
Would be nice for Niko to explains fossils and regions there you can find them. Jun could tell us where the heck we can put those bastards for reward we want. So we can get rid of those cheat sheets. Zana can explain to us damages and defenses of bosses on the maps…

I like the idea of the Racing but the realization hurts my health. The racing is not about who is first can kill Sirius. It is about who can sit longer on a chair without food, drink, toilet, sleep. Also, it is only for gamers who don't have a work. Racers are almost not sleeping in the first couple of days. They show this to the young auditory which makes it worse. It is important to sleep properly. In this state, the race harms people's health and have inequality between gamers who has a life beyond the game and who doesn't. A couple of times I fell asleep in the chair in the position of playing the game. My brain just turned off and my hands were on the keyboard and mouse. Of course, the character was dead. This racing pushes people to don't sleep for a long period of time.
"…There are several potentially bad outcomes that are associated with inadequate sleep. Sleep influences the immune system, memory consolidation, attention, hunger, mood, response time, and many other body functions…" (link)
In a sport, we have a lot of examples of how it can be done. For example, running 100 meters distance. We have 1000 challengers but we don't need to have 1000 lines of tracks for them. We have time. You can measure it. It would be nice if in racing we finish a zone and it records time what we are finished. For example The Twilight Strand - 2min38sec. The coast - 4:24, The Mud Flats - 5:36……The Lower Prison - 11:39…..The Cavern of Anger - 17:16…. Act I finished in 19 minutes 57 seconds. The count working for each character separately. The final estimation will be made in two/three weeks. (depends on the race) [1st place - Queen69 finished the race in 11 days 7 hours 35 minutes 17 seconds]. The races can be longer without harm to the health and equal to every gamer.

Ladder. What is the point of the end game? Loot? Kill the end boss 1000 times? level 100? 36-40 challenges? Theorycrafting? No matter you choose I believe ladder should be equal for everyone even if gamer likes to do only Delve content or only Maps or Ignoring League content entirely. Long time I didn't understand how to follow the ladder. Where is it? How to find it. Who won a prize? Which place you are? Where are those races advertisements come from? I knew about them only after they finished only.
It would be nice if the position on the ladder leaning on a points system. You can get points from different encounters. Did you kill Shaper? Get 10 points for it. Atziri - 15p, Uber Atziri - 20p, Elder, Sirius, Guardians, Delve, Masters, League content, Uber Labyrinth, Challenges, etc. Everything gives you points. Of course on character death in the HC, you will lose them or maybe only part of it. On SC you loose like 10% of your points.
I wish we have ingame Ladder. Not on some site, not on the forum, not on YouTube, not on Reddit. Just ingame window where I can see my current position even if it is not the top 10. In D3 and LastEpoch the ladder currently ingame. And it would be nice to have the same window for upcoming events.

With all my respect and love towards GGG I barely want to report bugs and here is why.
I have to put too much effort into a simple bug report. Run a command in the game, receive some number and save it then go to the forum but before opening a topic and look if there is no one posted this bug yet. Then open topic, describe steps to repeat this bug. For screenshots, you need to register an account on an image share site. Then you upload it there. Copy the link. After you go back to your post and put the link in it because you cannot in 2020 to upload images into the forum. And then… then you receive nothing. Was my report valuable? Did you read my bug report? Any "thank you" for the free QA work I have done? Issue resolved? Anybody home? You leave me with emptiness and what my work was for nothing, not even an automated reply what you received my bug report. There is a full-time job - Quality Assurance Specialist. Yes, it is black box manual testing, still, people have a full-time job and receive money for it. And if I report a bug I receive the void. Just a simple "thank you" would be enough. I mean I had an issue and needed support but ended up writing a bug report. The best support I have ever seen it is in the World of Warcraft back in 2008 (I played then a lot). You have an issue. You can report a bug with no leaving the game at all with just a couple of steps. If you need to resolve it right now, you summon a GM and together trying to find out how to fix it in the game chat. You don't leave the game. With all "hello dear", "thank you", "would you", "could you", "have a nice day", etc. Twelve years later I still have a strong feeling I can rely on their support at any time.
Why people bring some bugs to the Reddit because it is more convenient. Make reviews possible in the game itself. Maybe I would write it there instead of Reddit. Gamers complaining in the Reddit because there is no other convenient place to do.
Also, I think it would be better to know from what kind of league people complaining about something. HC, SC, SSF HC, SSF SC? Because it can be an issue for HC but absolutely fine for SC.
So, I will take this opportunity to write a very small bug report. The bug comes from the first or second patch in this league. If I have the game minimized for 30 min the game crashes when I am trying to return to it. It doesn't happen if 15 min passed.
(#@#@#@#@ HAPPY END @#@#@#@#)
At the end of this post I realized I lost my sanity…
But you know I think everything happens for a reason, maybe during the waiting for PoE 2, I will learn a new profession and find a good job because I feel with what I currently have I will be living on a street soon ahahahah….
Pavel B.

P.S. Now I know the limit of the post. It is 40000 characters. Sadly the original text was bigger.
P.S.S. Was my post valuable?
submitted by Snow_oi to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Anyone interested in speedrunning?

First of all, this game is amazing. I've been playing it for only 2 days, but I love it a lot.
Now, to the main subject of this post. I was looking online to know if people have been speedrunning this and I am unable to really find anything related to speedrunning. (There isn't even a speedrun.com page)
I was wondering if there was any interest from the community for it or if I'm one of the only one interested in that. I have never been a mod for a speedrun page, but if there is enough people interested in it. I might do it.
I haven't even finished my first playthrough of the game, but I can see myself pushing for competitive times on some categories.
So far I've had a couple ideas for categories: Act 1, Act 1-5, Level 10, level 50, level 100. These would be valid for all classes and for SC/HC. I also thought of adding a "gambling" category to all of them, where gambling is allowed.
Let me know if you guys are interested and if so, ideas for categories.
Have a good weekend!
submitted by ThatKhornGuy to Chronicon [link] [comments]

[Review] ~~ MASSIVE REVIEW ~~ A look back on 2019 - ~68kg; 100+ items (lots of Balenciaga); mobile friendly ;)

Agent Purchases Only
Overall thoughts and review of non-Superbuy purchases in comments below. I’ll do a separate review on baby stuff I bought later after I receive everything, here and on /repladies.
My Stats: 5’9ish” (180cm); 180-85 (~83kg); general shoe size US 10/EU 43


Top 5 purchase. Rep GOAT - if you like Ultraboosts, whatever the colorway (still looking for x Missoni), just go with BM Lin from cnfashiobuy. I find it tough not adding 3-4 every time I contemplate a haul. Size up a half or whole for a perfect fit. Even if they are small, they will stretch out over time. I wear these easily 2-3x per week and they still look great even though I’ve never washed them. Definitely one of the best values in the rep world. Here are some current pics. 10/10
Pretty much see above. On sale and mad cheap right now. Though the gold bit on the sole isn’t as shiny/polished as retail. .9+:1. Get it for CNY in late January! 10/10
They look like they cost $13.63. Not necessarily poorly constructed, but the materials look cheap. Sizing runs a bit small, so I recommend sizing up at least .5. Color is ok, comfort is below average. Don’t ship with the box. Better yet, don’t cop. 3/10
Let’s get this out of the way - Asics Gel Lyte III is my favorite shoe model. Embroidery is a little whack and the stitching is uneven in several places. The Kilates patch looks sus and the letters of “Gel Lyte III” all connect, but that is fixable with a razorblade/boxcutter, a nice pair of tweezers and a steady hand. The box is accurate but arrived beat up. The colors pop and the shoes are super comfortable. Upper limit of what I would pay though. 7.5/10.
Very surprised by the quality of these given the lackluster QC pics. The embroidery is nice, tight and bold; the “Givenchy” punchout is decent and readable; and the printing is pretty sharp. The shoes are as comfortable as normal Mexico 66s. Sizing is slightly large - note that a US 10 is 44. I am a US 10/EU 43 and these are a little long. The suede toe is decent but not the fuzziest. Leather feels like retail, so nothing premium. To nitpick, the box design is not aligned properly. More expensive than retail Mexico 66s. 8/10
Got this version because it’s a little more subtle and because I didn't want to have to deal with potential print issues. VERY comfortable for wide feet. TTS. Great sleek look. No loose threads, little to no glue overflow, solid print, sock retains shape well. Only issue is that in the rain, sole can be very slippery. It’s because the “sole” isn’t really one - it’s mostly foam with a very light coating of rubber? Even so, highly recommended and will likely purchase again for myself. 7.5/10
One of the best surprises. Went TTS and fits a tad big. Maybe size down if you have normal width feet. Very comfortable albeit heavy (~3lbs/shoe!). Has held up to dozens of wears. Embroidered logo (not new font) isn’t the greatest even though there is variation among retails. Shape is definitely bulkier. .7:1-ish. Worth the 158sir gamble. Of course Aich is better, but is it like 10x better to justify the cost? 7/10
A little disappointing overall. I love the shoe design, but the quality is not much better than my BM Lin P180s. In fact, the “sole” feels flimsier. Shirly was the only one at the time who had this model. Even now, few do, so I essentially paid an extra 400Y for this design. 6/10 *PandaChen has these for $48 fml.
Top 5 purchase. I freaking love these shoes. Not sure how accurate they are, but compared with online pics, they look at least .8-.9:1. Great details and the uppers are super comfortable, W I D E and C H O N K Y. Actually glows in the dark if it is first exposed to (sun)light. Enormous box. Go TTS or even considering sizing down - Jin was pretty unhelpful with sizing questions (he recommended sizing up) and I had to do an exchange. Requires some breaking in and the insole does not provide great arch support. I ended up inserting a pair of Dr. Scholls and it’s perfect. Is this better than the 480Y batch? Not sure, but I am happy with my choice. Will try the low or mid tier next. 10/10
Pretty sure all the 298Y batches are the same. Great looking shoe and overall very comfortable. Didn’t have the discomfort everyone talks about when breaking them in. I went TTS and it was OK despite everyone saying to size down. If you have wide feet, it’s safe to stay TTS. Does not come with waxed laces. Retails can be had for <$200, with all whites ~$250 through online sales, which I think is worth it because the leather is that much better. 8.5/10
Don’t know how to QC these at all, but from what I understand, they’re about a .7:1, if not less. The sock liner is probably the wrong color and at least 1 or 2 of the corduroy colors are wrong. Also something about the heel tab not being good. I stayed TTS and the shoe fits perfectly. I am very happy with it despite its flaws. The shoes look great, they feel comfortable, and the box and accessories were in good condition. 7/10
Great looking shoe and 1:1 IMO. Comes with extra colored laces, green and orange. Was told to size up half a size and they fit perfectly. The air bubbles are a bit worrying for me as they sometimes make an uncomfortable squishing sound when I walk. Also they feel a bit uneven with there being less pressure under the arches of my foot. Really not a huge deal and I’ll likely get the white ones from Jin. 7/10
Great seasonal shoe and one of my favorite color palettes. Ticks several of the GL QC boxes you can find in this sub or on /repsneakers. Probably .85-9:1. Advised to size up .5 and would recommend you do the same. Not the most comfortable shoe in the world, but it is a looker. And it is a great price compared to other AHEs. 8/10
These are fantastic. There are flaws - something about the tab not being perfect and the gap under the swoosh being too big. However, they’re hard to tell on feet, especially if you wear them down a lot (IMO when the shoe will look its best). Super comfortable, box and accessories are great, and excellent price. Very happy with the purchase. 8/10
Great looking shoe. Not sure about the accuracy, but past reviews have said that they’re really good. Honestly, no one will ever be able to LC them since they’re just not many around. I had a QC issue with mine - make sure to get a HD pics of the strap to make sure the coloring is consistent as mine was blotchy. Fits TTS. Average comfort. Kind of regret selling my pair. May repurchase. 7/10
Bought this for my wife. She rarely wears it even though she says they're “comfortable”. IDFK. It looks pretty accurate to me though when I QC’d it at the end of last year people said it was like .7-8:1. 7/10



Top 5 purchase. Shit just looks wild man. Glad I ended up getting black because the silhouette looks better given how oversized it is. Quality-wise, the shell feels premium and is plenty puffy after putting it in the dryer on air fluff for like 5-10mins. Tags look good as does the logo print. Hood material does not feel like a trash bag, though there is a snap button that is missing the bottom piece. Kinda flat around arm openings, but it will probably work itself out. Sizing was perfect for someone who is between an M and L for an oversized fit. Comes with a pretty cool garment bag that folds into a tote. CloyAd said he only had 8 left, so if you’re looking for a C puffer, this is it! 9.5/10
Bought this sitting in my bed at 3AM because I thought it was funny that it said the item was for fat males. Fits VERY well and has a nice artsy, bohemian, bag man look. Has short arms and may not be the best for layering, so you may want to size up from what you would get. Fabric is a wool mix and kinda scratchy though it is lined with quilted nylon. Medium warmth at best. Nice fashion piece, but for comparison I just bought a JCrew Cashmere-Wool overcoat for $85 with free shipping. 7/10

Light Jackets

Great colors, accurate details & tags, nice nylon and the branding is straight. Some loose threads on the purple stripes. Overall pretty expensive for what it is, and I think it is more due to Balenciaga design than a rep issue. Looks cool until you get it and realize it's like a disposable poncho (ok not that bad). Only buy if you really really like the item. Other posters say it’s 1:1. 6.5/10
  • Balenciaga Distressed Hooded Windbreaker (HenryReps; 48) - 180Y
Not sure if this is a fantasy piece. Cut is weird - very wide chest & waist but narrow shoulders and short sleeves. “Distressed” logo looks quite nice. The tags and chain are nice touches. Has a very thin and oversized hood that is more of a PiTA than helpful. Thin nylon. A few loose threads all over. Zipper is tiny and flimsy. I actually wear this a lot despite its flaws because it is so light and perfect for drizzly weather. 6/10
Pretty sure this is a fantasy piece. Fit is actually pretty great for someone who is between an M and L, and the jacket overall is well-made. Soft-ish nylon material that is not water resistant. Nice details all over from the pull cord hardware to zippers, and stitching. Embroidered logo on the chest is decent - there was a loose thread but I was able to fix it. Also the left “B” is a little crooked. Arrived with stains on the hood; I’ll eventually try to get rid of it, but it can be zipped in a collar compartment. Seller did not accept returns and Superbuy couldn’t/wouldn’t refund. No neck tags. Good value. 6.5/10
Fit and cut are great but the fleece isn’t all that plush or soft though it might work itself out after a wash. Pattern is pretty dull and not as vibrant in the pictures. Not warm at all. A <$20 fleece from Uniqlo or Old Navy is better. But still a cool piece if you’re into the design. 6/10


The reason why this is so cheap is because the sizing is whack. Got a medium and the bust is much smaller than listed. Sleeves that are really short, and was probably for an XS. Overall fit is an XS - S. Material-wise it feels pretty nice - soft if a bit on the thinner side. Fall/early spring weight. Also the badge looks nice, though I don’t know much about QC-ing it. 5.5/10
Appropriate proportions for an oversized fit. Otherwise, much like the other Acne crewneck. Is it worth 3x more? Well when you can’t wear the cheaper one, yes. May buy the hoodie from Topacney. 8/10
Business in the front, party everywhere else. Light to medium weight and surprisingly warm. Nice distressing details (holes on sleeve and turtleneck). Pattern looks accurate, but impossible to tell honestly. Stitching on the badge is pretty bad, but I was able to fix it with tweezers and a boxcutter. Wrong size sent (originally ordered L), but kept anyway. Fits perfectly for someone between M and L. Price OK given its uniqueness as I’ve only seen one seller with this. 7.5/10
1kg hoodie, though pretty much due to size. Print and washed ash color seem accurate. Not that thick and feels more like a cotton-poly material, but it’s reasonably comfortable. Low to medium warmth. WAAAY oversized, even though I don’t think retail is supposed to be. Also not sure if there is supposed to be a Balenciaga logo pressed on at the base of the hood on the back. Amy is the only seller I’ve found with this. Happy to finally have one of my grails (would love the tee) - just wish it were smaller. 7/10
The material is pretty soft, but not as thick as Dude9’s and the print is on point. Medium warmth. The hood is sized correctly. Metal rivets are accurate. Sizing chart is inaccurate and so it is waaay to big for me - very long and the sleeves are far to big around the pit area. The S is like a US XX(X)L. Nice if you’re 6ft+. 6/10
Material is a little rough but decent and a bit thin. The print is great and nice tags. Low to medium warmth. The drawstring holes are poorly embroidered. Sizing chart is WAY off. This fits like a S-M. Pricewise, it can’t be beat, but how do you know what size you’re going to get? 6/10
One of the pieces I was looking most forward to. Should've done more research. Distressing is on point. Light to medium weight knit, but feels like it should be heavier. Has green-ish stripes when retail does not. Logo embroidery is not that thick/filled in and a little misaligned with the stripes though I think it varies with retail. Sherry sent the wrong size but I kept it and it fits well for someone between M and L. Accurate proportions. Generally happy with this piece because it is hard to LC. Also hard to find from someone reputable, but Sherry charges way too much. Fory has a more accurate looking piece for 420Y (200Y+ less). But then again, he is a blacklisted seller, known for baiting and switching. ¯\(ツ)/¯ 6/10
Quality much like the crest hoodie. Sizing chart also off, but not by much. S is more like XS from chart and fits like a US designer M. 7/10
OMG I am sorry for those of you who missed out on this. Definitely the best Weidian purchase by far and among the top reps of the year for me. Sizing is great - fits like a slightly oversized L. Printing is crisp and clear. The material is soft and a lot like the Acne blanks. The embroidered foxes are OK - I think their eyes are a little wonky, but not too bad considering how intricate (and large) they are. 9/10
  • Nike x Supreme Crewneck (Listen Up; L) - 169Y
Top 5 purchase. Honestly looks and feels like anything you can get from Macy's/Champs Sports/Foot Lockeetc for roughly the same price. Just the tag is a little different and there is the SUPREME embroidery on the sleeve. However, I LOVE the fit - just ever so slightly oversized. Also very comfortable (like retail!) and the color is fantastic. It is hype and lowkey simultaneously. Been meaning to get the other colors and matching bottoms. One of my most worn pieces. 9/10
Reviewed to death. Basic-looking, thick, cozy, comfortable. Decent value at ~$20 after shipping. I've bought sweaters from JCrew on sale that were just as nice if not nicer for cheaper. Not sure what the seam down the middle of the back is all about. To nitpick, washed once and it started getting fuzzies. Size up 1 or 2 times. Still, one of my most worn reps lol. 7.5/10
I considered buying at retail before finding reps. Details and tags are accurate and well-done. However, it feels (very) different from retail. Fabric is thinnecoarser, not as luxurious - reminds me of this Champion crewneck I got at Costco. Otherwise it is a great looking piece at a nice price. Size up a 1 or 2x. Ended up no longer liking the aesthetic. 6.5/10


Decent price. Got lucky with a good badge. The fabric is on the thinner side. As a comparison, these are leagues below the quality of my uniqlo x engineered garments polos I got on sale for $10 each, free shipping.. 4/10
  • CDG Grey Polo (3125Tiger; XXL) - 108Y (willing to sell)
Right eye a little messed up. Fabric much like the Moncler polo. Worst thing about this is that the button holes on the placket are unfinished so the buttons don’t stay. 3/10
Very cool piece. Accurate tags and beautiful print. The color appears a bit darker than retail and the material is probably nowhere near retail. It feels a little too plasticy/shiny which is indicative of cheap polyester. One of those pieces where I cared more about design than value because it is WAY too expensive for what it is. 7/10
Fantasy piece, but other than that, same as above. 7/10


  • Ader x Kitsune Embroidered Fox Head Tee White (Hansolo; A1) - 109Y
Fair price. Thick and coarse blank. Embroidery is pretty good though the foxes’ face seem a little janky. Shirt is VERY oversized and long. Would be great for ppl 5’10+. 7/10
  • Ader x Kitsune Foxes Tee White (Black Cat; A1) - 109Y (willing to sell)
Mostly the same as above. The prints on the back all look pretty good. 7/10
Print is crisp. Cheap, polyester-feeling blank. $20+ is a bit much for this shirt, and should be <100 Y. Isn't retail for this <$40? Bought it for my wife and she likes wearing it. 7/10 only because wife likes it.
  • Balenciaga Crest Tee Navy (Tao Seller; L) - 220Y (willing to sell)
Proportioned correctly so fits pretty big - oversized XLish. Soft material, and crisp, accurate print. One of the better quality low-mid tier Balenciaga tees I bought. 7/10
Actually didn’t look too bad, but I wanted to resell after hearing everyones’ issues with this seller’s quality, especially with the Balenciaga shirts. Print looked decent. Red was probably a bit darker than it should’ve been. Proportions were slightly oversized. 6.5/10
Vibrant colors and crisp prints with smooth edges and decent placement. Shirts do not have correct proportions and are TTS. Material a cotton-poly mix. Though these are probably the “cheapest” good-quality/GP’d campaign shirts you can easily find, I still think they’re a little overpriced. But they do look amazing and I wear them all the time. Held up to multiple washings after nearly one year of semi regular wear. Probably my No. 6 top rep of 2019. 8.5/10
  • Balenciaga Cities Tee (Tao Seller; L) - $18.41
Average white tee and good value. Can’t see my brown nips. Print is close to retail. Slightly oversized. Has held up to a few washings. White tag. 6.5/10
  • Balenciaga Atomic Speed Hunters Tee (Black Cat, M) - 170Y
Average tee, OK value. Print was a little grainier than retail IMO. OK blank. Resold because I just couldn’t handle dark clothes since I have a white cat. 7/10
Proper oversized proportions, but a bit long. Fits XL+. Print placement and texture are on point. Tee color is accurate. White tag - somewhat of a B&S because product pic clearly shows black tag. Would not allow a return. Should’ve sized down. Expensive. 5.5/10
  • Balenciaga Fantasy Tye Dye Tee Pink (Tao Seller; S) - 298Y
Bonus points for creativity since I’m pretty sure this is a fantasy design (+.5). Cool tye dye colors and the embroidery looks good. The sizing is REALLY weird for this. Fits like a slightly oversized L - HOWEVER, the neck opening is really small. I can barely get my head through it. I think I saw Sherry with this. 6/10
These shirts are amazing. They fit me so well - slightly oversized L. Material is soft, distressing details are spot on, and the print looks great. Not as loud as other Balenciaga tees. Embroidered logo on the sleeve is also very nice. Priced 50-60Y higher than other sellers even though I’m pretty sure they’re all the same batch. Because of their high prices, I’d say they’re just barely worth it. I will definitely wear these tees a lot. 8/10
Ever so slightly below the KingKongBest campaign tees and ONLY because I like those designs a bit better. Great comfortable blank and perfect print placement and texture. Fits like an oversized L. Excellent value. 8.49/10
Looks very nice and material is great. Size chart is accurate and this fits like a designer L or oversized M. While the print looks great, because it is small, I am worried about how it will hold up in the wash. You can definitely tell that the quality is a little sus. Definitely worth it for the once or twice flex. Tentatively 7.5/10
  • Gucci Cat Tee White (Tao Seller; XXL) - 59Y
Should say “GUCCY” instead of “GUCCI”. Other than that, can’t complain. Blank is softer than most others, so it is very comfortable. Good oversize proportions, accurate tags. 7/10
  • Kitsune Cafe Tee (Hansolo; XL) - 99Y
Top 5 purchase. Sometimes resellers do come through in a big way. By far the best tee of the bunch. Blank is thick, soft and very comfortable - 100% cotton. It actually feels like a luxurious designer tee. The print is bold and crisp. It has held up to multiple washings. 10/10
Overall high-quality. Nice, sharp print on the back. The sewn on part gives the shirt a luxurious texture. Logo and tags look accurate. Reviewed to death as pretty 1:1. However, not really my style, so resold. Tall guys watch out, IDK if there's any size suitable for someone over 6ft or has a long torso. 8/10
  • Palace Forrest Gump Tee (Tao Seller; XL) - 58Y
One of the best values. Average blank, crisp print. Funny. 8/10
Wife loves wearing this tee around the house since it’s her favorite pokemon. Nice print, good value. 10/10 for wife happiness
  • Raf Simons Joy Division Substance Tee (Tao Seller; L) - 169Y (willing to sell)
Generally it looks good. Blank is average. But not a fan of the print application - it’s on very heavy and thick, making the shirt a little stiff in that area. Slightly oversized fit. 6/10
  • Supreme “The Killer” Tee (0832 Club; L) - 99Y (willing to sell)
I bought this because The Killer is one of my all-time favorite movies. Dunno if I'll ever wear it out in public as it is somewhat cringey. Print is on straight. It's a little grainy, but IDK how that compares to retail. Gildan-like blank. 6.5/10


  • Fendi Eyes Terry Shorts (0832 Club; L) - 138Y (willing to sell)
Soft and comfortable. Weird fit - a little too long for my taste. Lowkey - very small logo. Unsure why I bought this though since it’s pretty overpriced. 6/10
  • Beams x TNF Black/Purple Shorts (0832 Club; L) - 168Y
Short shorts. High quality materials and construction. A a little expensive. 7.5/10
Trash bag material that clings to every nook and cranny when wet. I used it a few times this summer, wearing loose swimming briefs underneath (a practice suit). Decent tag. 5/10
  • Rage x TNF Multicolor Shorts (0832 Club; L) - 139Y
I wear this quite a bit. Average nylon quality, but has nice colors and embroidery. Decently comfortable. 7/10
Like the crewneck reviewed earlier, the material is thinner and not as luxurious. All the details are well done though. However, the sewn on tag on the outside has not held up to washes all that well. This fit me the best of the 3 TB items, so I kept it. 6/10
  • Thom Browne 4 Bar Striped Joggers (Little Devil Tide Brand, 4/XL) - 139Y
Same as other TB reviews. 6.5/10



For less than $2, this is perfect. 10/10
Overall good quality. Soft and held up to multiple washes. Had a QC issue that wasn’t found until I received them - the logo is like pressed on and not woven, so my red socks were missing 2 letters lol. Still wear them anyway. Nice little flex. 7.5/10
They’re OK. Not worth it overall. 5/10
Got 5 socks? But out of the 5, maybe 3 are quality enough to potentially pass as legit. Sorta comfortable overall, but not that thick or warm. Synthetic feeling material. Honestly would not recommend. 4/10
The seller Watches Follow/Capture LA (see above) has it for more than half price. Socks are thin. The “Gucci” part of the print is very thin and when you put the socks on, stretches it so that it’s all cracked. Way too expensive. 3/10
Thick-ish and good looking socks. Not necessarily athletic-quality socks, but well-worth the money. 9/10
Actually reflective. Thicker than average athletic socks. Comfortable. Expensive-ish. 8/10
Great looking and great quality. Very happy with them even though they were expensive. Go very well with my Westwood x Asics Hypergels. Ordered both pairs, but seller only sent one. Superbuy could not figure out that I wanted them to get me the second one so I just had it refunded. 9.5/10


High quality - cannot be beat. Thick material, super warm and cozy. Not sure how to QC the badge, but it looks good to me. May be too big? IDK and IDC. 10/10
Wife loves it. Super soft, long and warm. Read somewhere that the badge is not 1:1, but forgot the reason and I can’t QC. There are cheaper versions out there in the 60Y range, but very happy with this purchase. 9.5/10
  • Balenciaga Cardholder (Tao Seller) - 88Y
Pleather feels like it was made from punching bag material. Print is decent. Fairly priced I think. As long as you don’t let other people handle it, you’ll be fine. 6.5/10
  • Balenciaga Umbrella (158sir) - 69Y LMAO idk why. The spring mechanism is all wonky, but generally works. Print looks ok. Does its job. 6.5/10
Looks great and cannot be beat. Not cashmere and feels like the cheap, coarse “pashmina” scarves you see at mall kiosks, but I’m not complaining for less than $5. 10/10
Embroidery is a little wonky - letters all connect, but that is fixable; and not straight. Soft and surprisingly warm. Price cannot be beat. 7/10
A little small and shallow. If you have a big head this is not for you. Probably darker than it should be. Embroidery is actually great. 7.5/10
Probably my worst purchase. The band makes these unwearable because there are like fishing lines that are used to stitch on the tags and that go around the waistband making it so uncomfortable. Also the band folds when you move around. Ended up using them as countertop rags, but they failed at even that. 1/10
ThE Ys DoNT toUCh!!! Stiff “leather”. The print is decent enough, including the stamp. The colors are probably way brighter than retail. But they do look really nice and are very functional. Great value IMO. 7.5/10
Same as above. 7.5/10
Actual pics. Very cute. Comes with light bulbs. Like a dumbass, I didn’t check to see that the plugs are EU, so I had to buy adapters (~$1.50 each). Used these to decorate my baby’s room since he will be born in the year of the rat! Seller has some really cool lighting items. 8/10
submitted by flyinhyphy to FashionReps [link] [comments]

Rhykker interview with David Kim - Lead Systems Designer

Below are notes I've gathered from the interview between Rhykker and David Kim. Notes are not in chronological order, but generally grouped into sections.
VOD can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/502745002
Please note, there will be a Systems & Feature panel on Saturday @ 12:15pm PST which will cover a more top level general overview of what has been discussed in both of today's interviews.
Quin also had an interview with Joe Shelly prior to Rhykker, summaries to their interview can be read thanks to:

General Info 


End Game 






submitted by aeclasik to Diablo [link] [comments]

A write-up of the season start for monk and why LoD is not a bad choice

Disclaimer: Long Text! This all applies to playing solo. If you start in a group and will be playing zmonk from the beginning, it won't matter.
I was practicing the season start a bit the last few days on hardcore and I'm glad I did. Ulianas really is a pain to set up early in the season.
It needs almost perfect cooldown rolls everywhere (or RORG to be able to use crimsons), two specific bracers (out of the pretty big pool). Granted, you can get gungdo on a level 1 monk and cube it, but still.
Your main damage mitigation comes from CDR and being in Seven Sided Strike as often as possible. Spirit guards add a nice layer of survivability, but disturb the flow (especially if you were to play with madstone, so you don't have to hit with your generators, it becomes tedious).
But my biggest problem was Binding of the Lost. While it looks great on paper (up to 70% damage reduction if you have lion's claw), it's absolutely useless when you get your 6 piece set bonus, because you oneshot most stuff and maybe get 2-4 stacks. Additionally they are overwritten every time you use SSS, so if you may be successful in getting full stacks on an elite, you will lose them on your next SSS. Bummer.
Also, as the 2 and 4 piece alone are not really helping at the start, doing the bounties alone for your 4-piece season journey at lvl 70 is really annoying, so much so, that I would actually recommend doing it in your late lvl 50's during leveling, when you still are overpowered because of your lvl 70 weapon.
So, today I tried out a LoD start (If you don't know, you get the LoD gem in your 2nd GR, guaranteed) and it was a much more pleasant experience, especially because you can skip the season journey entirely (no bounties needed) and focus on rifts + GR.
Leveling was done in 1:40h with the lvl 1 T6 snapshot method with only rivery dancers (I think it's reasonable to expect to get these) and a -20lvl req weapon. Here's my whole leveling process (Note that this if for Hardcore, you can bump up the difficulty on SC)
  • Create Character
  • Open Game on Master difficulty
  • Select templar, take his weapons and equip it yourself (It's better than the one you start with)
  • Check act 2 bounties if Kill Zoltun Kulle is one of them (Magdha works too, but Kulle is much faster). If it's in the bounty list, do it. The point of this is, that you will get a chest with rare items if you succeed.
  • If you don't have that bounty, leave
  • In both cases: Do the Challenge Rift.
  • If you haven't done Kulle yet, keep opening new games on Master until you get it
  • Open game on Hard difficulty
  • Rund Halls Of Agony 3 until you get Dashing Strike
  • Buy Rings with xx-yy damage at the fence merchants in town
  • Craft a blue 2H axe and equip it
  • Upgrade all your NPCs, but don't use your other materials from the challenge rift bag yet.
  • Craft a 2H lvl Mace. It should have one of the crowd control affixes as secondary and ideally life on hit on primary. The reason for this is, that it will reduce the possible rolls at Kadala to only 3 and it will be much easier to roll reduced level requirement. Do not reroll more than 4-5 times, because of the gold cost. If you don't get -lvl req, craft a new weapon and try again
  • Leave game
Now comes a special trick, that you might not be able to do, if you don't have a friend online or no second account (I use my wife's account for this on vmware)
  • The second account opens a T6 game on a lvl 1 character and invites you
  • Lvl 1 char leaves the game (This is important)
  • At this point, the monsters in this game will stay snapshotted at level 1, no matter your character level. So it will be very easy to kill them and it's very safe on hardcore. You will still gain much more XP than you would when leveling normally.
  • Get Cube while maintaing massacre bonues as much as possible
  • Go to town and craft a lvl 70 Daibo. Use cube recipe #3 to upgrade it to a legendary. You're looking for Incense Torch or Balance (This one is controversial, some people don't like to do this in order to be able to cube legendaries they find later, but in my opinion, especially with this method, you don't find so many, that it would be worth it. You have a 1/4 chance to make the whole leveling easy)
  • If you get one of two weapons, extract it
  • If you were lucky, gamble for bracers, if not do boots (For Rivera Dancers) and wear the item you hopefully get
  • Return to the room where you got the cube and do the Kanai Stomping Grounds event (It's a special event in march, that you can access through Kanai's throne room near where you get the cube). Kanai will help you kill monsters, but it should be pretty easy anyway. Keep up the massacre bonuses (400 should be possible to get everytime. Skills that help with maintaing the bonus are Sweeping wind, fists of thunder, dashing strike). The first time you do this, you should get 10 levels from the massacre bonus alone.
  • Make a new game and repeat the stomping grounds method until around level 45 (After that it gets slow) - your friend needs to open a new game every time. You can also add Eternal Woods (Area south of the Ruins of Secheron waypoint) and temple of the first born, then you won't need as many new games. You should only need around 5-6 games of this to reach level 45.
  • If you see a chest bounty (Kill 100 enemies) in your game, do it too.
  • Remember to craft new 2h axes every few levels and to buy armor pieces at merchants (You will have to open a game on your own character's difficulty for this though, because in the T6 game, you will only be able to get lvl 1 pieces)
  • If you don't want or can to use this method, run normal massacre bonuses on master in Eternal Wood and Temple of the Firstborn
  • Around level 45 you will have to switch to that method anyway, because the T6 method will stop giving that much xp.
  • Be careful on hardcore when you switch from T6 (LVL 1) to your character's difficulty, you might have survivability issues, so I would recommend to do them on hard until you get comfortable (Or until you get to use your Level 70 weapon)
  • As soon as you get to use the Lvl 70 weapon, you can switch to T4 and keep doing massacre bonuses
  • Around lvl 60 go back to T1
  • Around 65 you can switch to master if you have problems
  • Continue until 70
As for LoD, you then have two choices that both work really well, depending on the gear you got. First, craft and upgrade Daibos - you have 2 possibilities here, Incense Torch or Balance. Dependign on this you will go Tempest Rush or WoL. Next up are bracers (Gamble them at level 1, you want Pinto's Pride or Caesar's Memento). The rest of your items do not matter, craft as many legendaries (and equipped ones you found during leveling) at the blacksmith as you can (You can also wear single set pieces, without using set bonuses of course). With 8 legendaries you should already be able to do t4 or so easily. With every GR level (Level your LoD gem first) you will become noticeably stronger and just equip every legendary you will find.
If you're playing tempest rush, you will want to get a won khim lau as soon as possible and together with lefebvres soliloquy it will give you a great survivability boost.
Other notable items you will be looking for when using tempest rush:
  • Hexing pants
  • Crudest Boots (For double spirit from mystic ally) so you can use
  • Aquila Cuirass (With 1-2 Spirit Cost reduction, Air Ally, one of the Spirit Regen passives and your templar you can keep it up)
  • Leoric's crown
  • mantle of channeling
for WoL:
  • Cindercoat
  • Magefist
  • Tzo Krin
  • Crudest Boots
  • Rabid Strike
  • Kyoshiro's Blade
Using this method and simulating rather bad luck, I was able to do GR70 on hardcore after around 3:30h.
When I played Uliana's it took an hour more to get to GR70 and in the meantime I had to channel all my ressources into items for Uliana, which are pretty useless for other builds, while most of the LoD items will also be useful when you switch to PoJ or SWK or even Inna's (whichever set you complete first).
When you can do GR60-70 comfortably, it's time to work on completing one of the 3 good sets (PoJ, Innas or SWK). Apart from natural drops, it's best to gamble either shoulders or pants (Because there are only 10 items in those pools for monk, while the other ones have more) and then use recipe #4 in the cube to convert the spare pants or shoulders to other pieces of the set you may be missing.
submitted by dcdead to diablo3 [link] [comments]

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