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SUNDAY: Weekly National Events Discussion Day

Before starting this discussion, I want to give a shout out to all the members who have joined this sub over the past few weeks. It feels really glad to know that some of you have been recommending this sub to people publicly and privately. Like this sub's founder mod u/finessedace mentioned a few days back, we are eager to see more activity in the posts and comments sections, but again, that really doesn't mean that we want low-effort one line replies just to bounce the numbers. Anyway, I hope that as a community, we will keep moving forward with your support and participation.
Let's look at the major national news stories from last week; also besides the following titles please feel free to add any news topics that you feel would be worthy of discussion in the comments:
  1. The ministerial cabinet decides to implement a Social Media Usage law, which will be used to dictate how Nepali citizens can use the social media; it will also have provisions to punish people with prison terms and fines (Source)
  2. The government puts prominent CPN youth leader Ram Kumari Jhankri from her house in police custody for insulting the President; amidst widespread condemnation by opposition parties and the public, she is released in the same evening (Source)
  3. Department of Immigration announces that it is working on a law that will make it mandatory for women below the age of 40 to seek approval from the local ward and consent from male members of the family for travelling alone in destinations where there are no proven relatives; after widespread condemnation, the department issues a clarification that it was just a proposal and is meant for travelling in what they term to be risky destinations like the Middle East and Africa and aims to curb human trafficking. (Source)
  4. Telecom regulator plans to invest Rs1 billion to filter ‘harmful’ internet content (Source)
  5. Government says that the long delayed Nijgadh airport will be built by the country's own resources (Source)
  6. Nepal Telecom’s profit down by 33 percent compared to the same period of the past year; Telecom says that cheap data rate and low interest rates by banks are to blame (Source)
submitted by Stapro to besfofnepal [link] [comments]

About time someone paid attention

I’m going to start by saying that, I’ve made the mistake in the past of trying to pander to the feelings of employees by trying my best to not say anything they could take offense to and get defensive over their work. However it’s been years of trying it like that and we don’t seem to be getting anywhere so here goes.
For those that don’t know I’m part of the Discord Moderator team for close to a year now and we have been fortunate enough to be able to take what’s written by the community and collate and provide it directly to Scopely along with the Content Creators. However it seems that a lot of what is sent is deemed not important to work on over content that can provide more income.
A lot of what I’m about to go through has been requested for many months and just doesn’t seem to materialise and what does, often gets twisted into something that isn’t an improvement.


• Fixing Tool-tips, this should take maybe a morning of a junior member to go through and fix them Change Pikes tool-tip to say “Increases the effectiveness officers bridge abilities by x% while in combat”
• Add in game tags to Officer abilities that just don’t work, so people can see the ability is bugged or turn the text Red or line through
• Burning and Hull Breach triggers don’t last for the full duration specified, so either change them to function as Morale does at start of round chance or lengthen all of the effects by 1 Players desperately want to be able to have load outs or a favourites system for officers.
• Officer Badges are so scarce, it drives away any ability to try new things as specific officers are always prioritised over others (Chen, Spock, Kirk etc) a way to earn these beyond just paying for them has been requested for well over 6 months
• Officers that just don’t function as they say, Marcus currently provides Armor Pierce instead of Shield Pierce. Dj’aoki currently functions the same way Zhou does by giving you mitigation rather than reducing the enemies. There’s more that either don’t work at all or partially function, Barot, Chang, Helvetia, Domitia and more.
We have seen examples of immediate fixes coming into play with Carol and so on being disabled or altered within the space of a day, yet the list of broken or partially broken officers is starting to outgrow those that do work and are useful.


I will say that it’s my firm belief nobody in this game enjoys this mechanic, it’s a pure frustration tool and I personally believe the numbers are manipulated behind the curtain. I say this because it often appears like you’re soft capped on what the refinery can pay out in a 24 hour period let’s say? I can get a good set of pulls on in the morning, 25-38-21 as a random example and then I’ve often seen an occurrence where it’s 0-7-7 or 7-7-7 no matter the batches pulled proceeding a good pull. If it were truly random I believe the occurrence of 7-7-7 type scenarios would never be possible the way the game throws them at you. By soft capping or giving the player some form of diminishing returns it means you’re always going at the minimum pace set by Scopely and not one by true randomness.
I’m sure players would like to see a minimum guarantee for each type of batch they use, let’s say 1 batch it’s guaranteed at least 7 Uncommon and 1 Rare, 2 Batches 14 Uncommon and 2 Rare and 3 batches 21 Uncommon and 3 Rare, these would be BEFORE your randomly generated income that gets added at end result, a refinery style like this would improve the player experience dramatically and probably remove the negativity around it. Not everything in the game needs to be refined, resources should be farmed or fought over, time and investment should be a deciding factor - not arbitrary cool-downs that often make for a negative experience

Alliance Functionality

It’s not changed since the game release, if you go into the Alliance permissions there is still a “Tournament” access option. Guessing this was an idea by the original Digit team that got shelved
• Last Online
• Alliance wide PM to all members
• Alliance Alerts or Flags for systems / Call to Arms
• Alliance Market or Bank system
• Alliance Trading post
• Alliance Contributions overhaul
A lot of these systems have been suggested since the dawn of time, because they are pretty much in every type of MMO you’ve ever played, the only improvement made to Alliances was diplomacy flags which are nice but don’t necessarily bring a benefit to the alliance itself.
Events All in all, the events suck and have had the least amount of effort put into them. They are the main “new thing” to do in the game each day. I’d like Scopely to sit down and think to themselves, beyond players doing their dailies what reason do players have to login to the game and play it? Other than events I can only think of reputation farming. So it’s events and I’ve often said these are the main route to progressing your game as the refinery is just a small supplement and not consistent enough.
I wrote a document on why the Daily events are underwhelming and just plain bad. This was months ago and was fed back along with others showing clear examples of why they are bad here’s a link; (Over 6 months have passed since writing this and it’s still very much the same)
This was written in December last year. We are now at the stage where lvl 39+ are banded in with everyone below for Officer XP and Station events which are returning G3 rewards. These daily events are well beyond needing a rework but a complete overhaul, decent suggestions of base line level banding has been provided but ignored.
Alliance and Solo events are becoming tedious and monotonous to say the least. It’s the same 4-5 events on a repeating cycle, nobody has any creativity to come up with something new. What happened to Call to Arms events? Burst style events? Events that run on a smaller schedule. How much more interesting would it be if Call to Arms was part of some background Burst events that could pop up at any time in the day and last for 1-3 Hours alongside any “monthly” events?
Another pattern that seems to be emerging which I believe is detrimental to the game play is that events are revolving around “Spending Materials”. This often turns into having to spend much more of one material to get a little back of another, slowly draining you of one resource in order to get another.
Lastly on this subject; as I could go on for hours. Nobody likes 5000 different event currencies for each new bit of content, just stop it.


Let’s start at the very beginning.
• Resource generators, completely defunct and a useless after a certain level but everyone is expected to dump resources into these useless buildings even though they provide nothing.
There have been many suggestions on this, simple things like upping the numbers. Scrapping the ware house so there is no limit and you can just continue to collect resources off generators all day.
• Parsteel Tritanium and Dilithium mining nodes. Another defunct mechanic past a certain level.
These need to be scaled upwards, add officers that increase protected cargo on ship by x% when mining these basic resources. So if I have a Survey mining on a 2M Parsteel node my protected would go upto somewhere like 500K, but only for these basics minerals. Even if the mining rates were a little slower - this would at least be something that people may entertain doing in the right circumstances, instead of just flat out ignored.
Ship XP needs to be something that’s more readily available or Survey class hostiles need to drop Survey class XP rewards in bulk. I don’t think any designer has tried to level a Botanay Bay up several tiers before without Latinum? The state of gaining XP for survey ships is dire.
Ship loot boxes need a major look at and it has been requested to fix the drops for well over 12 months. For those not in Deepspace yet which is basically the next expansion into G4, Vahklas and Kumari BPs are STILL dropping off hostiles there as well as G3 Ship Parts even though they are G4 in the loot boxes.
Redundant currencies, things from past events need to go somewhere and be useful. As do Modulators once you’ve got no more use for them
Payouts across the board need to be steadily increased to reflect the state of the game. Dark space is now more attainable, players who are approaching 34-38 bracket should not be forced to spend to progress. The bulk of your player base is in essence stuck in your old content/expansion.

Final conclusions

So in the above point I touched on the fact that players are in old content, but I guess that’s how the Developers would like you to think? But the harsh reality of it is, G4 and G3 are the exact same thing, just inflated numbers and more road blocks given to the player to progress.
The developers and designers are lazy. All the G4 ships have very basic abilities and have slightly altered looks of G3 ships. The players that do have G4 ships currently use them as paper weights unless you’re part of the 1% in this game where you’re happy to spend 30-100M Tritanium just to repair your ship while getting no where near that amount from anywhere but paying packs? Do people believe that Scopely will ever alter these numbers and avoid upsetting the people that have spent 100s of thousands of dollars on obtaining these latest ships? Seems highly unlikely as they haven't relaxed the G3 progression.
G4 and Deepspace was rushed out, and very badly thought out. It’s like no thought was given to “what happens when a large amount of players get here” and it was perhaps designed as an end game area they believe not many players will play in. You only have to look at the number of nodes per area, systems in general and the viability/warp times to get there.
Unfortunately, Scopely make it abundantly clear they are not here to provide a fun and engaging experience above profit margins, and they are in no way trying to hide it from you - If content and game features that could improve the game dramatically could be added and worked on but doesn’t provide some money it’s shelved or goes to the back of the list behind the new content that is copy and paste with a new skin I’ve the top of it. The QA team is either non existent or it gets ignored, so many bugs slip through the cracks that it’s not fathomable that things get play tested before being shipped. It seems in game resources are assigned real monetary value, packs, compensation, and events are all factored around how much the company says 1 Uncommon ore is worth in dollars for example.
You can make good profit without treating your players like cows, trying to milk them. Designers and Developers should be made to play the game as well as the product managers, and if you don’t then you should sure as hell be listening to your loyal players that have thousands of hours on your game logged and implement things players want.
Just like to say, a lot of this is my opinion and plenty of the above has been suggested by not just me, it’s a lot of community feedback from mods, content creators and normal players.
Thanks for reading
*edit - Apparently the last part was not clear, everything above is my opinion, I was merely trying to give credit to everyone else for suggestions and ideas that were not all mine or similar to others for improvements
submitted by thekautiousone to u/thekautiousone [link] [comments]

From kaution

About time someone paid attention
I’m going to start by saying that, I’ve made the mistake in the past of trying to pander to the feelings of employees by trying my best to not say anything they could take offense to and get defensive over their work. However it’s been years of trying it like that and we don’t seem to be getting anywhere so here goes.
For those that don’t know I’m part of the Discord Moderator team for close to a year now and we have been fortunate enough to be able to take what’s written by the community and collate and provide it directly to Scopely along with the Content Creators. However it seems that a lot of what is sent is deemed not important to work on over content that can provide more income.
A lot of what I’m about to go through has been requested for many months and just doesn’t seem to materialise and what does, often gets twisted into something that isn’t an improvement.


Fixing Tool-tips, this should take maybe a morning of a junior member to go through and fix them Change Pikes tool-tip to say “Increases the effectiveness officers bridge abilities by x% while in combat” Add in game tags to Officer abilities that just don’t work, so people can see the ability is bugged or turn the text Red or line through Burning and Hull Breach triggers don’t last for the full duration specified, so either change them to function as Morale does at start of round chance or lengthen all of the effects by 1 Players desperately want to be able to have load outs or a favourites system for officers. Officer Badges are so scarce, it drives away any ability to try new things as specific officers are always prioritised over others (Chen, Spock, Kirk etc) a way to earn these beyond just paying for them has been requested for well over 6 months Officers that just don’t function as they say, Marcus currently provides Armor Pierce instead of Shield Pierce. Dj’aoki currently functions the same way Zhou does by giving you mitigation rather than reducing the enemies. There’s more that either don’t work at all or partially function, Barot, Chang, Helvetia, Domitia and more.
We have seen examples of immediate fixes coming into play with Carol and so on being disabled or altered within the space of a day, yet the list of broken or partially broken officers is starting to outgrow those that do work and are useful.


I will say that it’s my firm belief nobody in this game enjoys this mechanic, it’s a pure frustration tool and I personally believe the numbers are manipulated behind the curtain. I say this because it often appears like you’re soft capped on what the refinery can pay out in a 24 hour period let’s say? I can get a good set of pulls on in the morning, 25-38-21 as a random example and then I’ve often seen an occurrence where it’s 0-7-7 or 7-7-7 no matter the batches pulled proceeding a good pull. If it were truly random I believe the occurrence of 7-7-7 type scenarios would never be possible the way the game throws them at you. By soft capping or giving the player some form of diminishing returns it means you’re always going at the minimum pace set by Scopely and not one by true randomness.
I’m sure players would like to see a minimum guarantee for each type of batch they use, let’s say 1 batch it’s guaranteed at least 7 Uncommon and 1 Rare, 2 Batches 14 Uncommon and 2 Rare and 3 batches 21 Uncommon and 3 Rare, these would be BEFORE your randomly generated income that gets added at end result, a refinery style like this would improve the player experience dramatically and probably remove the negativity around it. Not everything in the game needs to be refined, resources should be farmed or fought over, time and investment should be a deciding factor - not arbitrary cool-downs that often make for a negative experience

Alliance Functionality

It’s not changed since the game release, if you go into the Alliance permissions there is still a “Tournament” access option. Guessing this was an idea by the original Digit team that got shelved
Last Online Alliance wide PM to all members Alliance Alerts or Flags for systems / Call to Arms Alliance Market or Bank system Alliance Trading post Alliance Contributions overhaul
A lot of these systems have been suggested since the dawn of time, because they are pretty much in every type of MMO you’ve ever played, the only improvement made to Alliances was diplomacy flags which are nice but don’t necessarily bring a benefit to the alliance itself.
Events All in all, the events suck and have had the least amount of effort put into them. They are the main “new thing” to do in the game each day. I’d like Scopely to sit down and think to themselves, beyond players doing their dailies what reason do players have to login to the game and play it? Other than events I can only think of reputation farming. So it’s events and I’ve often said these are the main route to progressing your game as the refinery is just a small supplement and not consistent enough.
I wrote a document on why the Daily events are underwhelming and just plain bad. This was months ago and was fed back along with others showing clear examples of why they are bad here’s a link; (Over 6 months have passed since writing this and it’s still very much the same)
This was written in December last year. We are now at the stage where lvl 39+ are banded in with everyone below for Officer XP and Station events which are returning G3 rewards. These daily events are well beyond needing a rework but a complete overhaul, decent suggestions of base line level banding has been provided but ignored.
Alliance and Solo events are becoming tedious and monotonous to say the least. It’s the same 4-5 events on a repeating cycle, nobody has any creativity to come up with something new. What happened to Call to Arms events? Burst style events? Events that run on a smaller schedule. How much more interesting would it be if Call to Arms was part of some background Burst events that could pop up at any time in the day and last for 1-3 Hours alongside any “monthly” events?
Another pattern that seems to be emerging which I believe is detrimental to the game play is that events are revolving around “Spending Materials”. This often turns into having to spend much more of one material to get a little back of another, slowly draining you of one resource in order to get another.
Lastly on this subject; as I could go on for hours. Nobody likes 5000 different event currencies for each new bit of content, just stop it.


Let’s start at the very beginning.
Resource generators, completely defunct and a useless after a certain level but everyone is expected to dump resources into these useless buildings even though they provide nothing.
There have been many suggestions on this, simple things like upping the numbers. Scrapping the ware house so there is no limit and you can just continue to collect resources off generators all day.
Parsteel Tritanium and Dilithium mining nodes. Another defunct mechanic past a certain level.
These need to be scaled upwards, add officers that increase protected cargo on ship by x% when mining these basic resources. So if I have a Survey mining on a 2M Parsteel node my protected would go upto somewhere like 500K, but only for these basics minerals. Even if the mining rates were a little slower - this would at least be something that people may entertain doing in the right circumstances, instead of just flat out ignored.
Ship XP needs to be something that’s more readily available or Survey class hostiles need to drop Survey class XP rewards in bulk. I don’t think any designer has tried to level a Botanay Bay up several tiers before without Latinum? The state of gaining XP for survey ships is dire.
Ship loot boxes need a major look at and it has been requested to fix the drops for well over 12 months. For those not in Deepspace yet which is basically the next expansion into G4, Vahklas and Kumari BPs are STILL dropping off hostiles there as well as G3 Ship Parts even though they are G4 in the loot boxes.
Redundant currencies, things from past events need to go somewhere and be useful. As do Modulators once you’ve got no more use for them
Payouts across the board need to be steadily increased to reflect the state of the game. Dark space is now more attainable, players who are approaching 34-38 bracket should not be forced to spend to progress. The bulk of your player base is in essence stuck in your old content/expansion.

Final conclusions

So in the above point I touched on the fact that players are in old content, but I guess that’s how the Developers would like you to think? But the harsh reality of it is, G4 and G3 are the exact same thing, just inflated numbers and more road blocks given to the player to progress.
The developers and designers are lazy. All the G4 ships have very basic abilities and have slightly altered looks of G3 ships. The players that do have G4 ships currently use them as paper weights unless you’re part of the 1% in this game where you’re happy to spend 30-100M Tritanium just to repair your ship while getting no where near that amount from anywhere but paying packs? Do people believe that Scopely will ever alter these numbers and avoid upsetting the people that have spent 100s of thousands of dollars on obtaining these latest ships? Seems highly unlikely as they haven't relaxed the G3 progression.
G4 and Deepspace was rushed out, and very badly thought out. It’s like no thought was given to “what happens when a large amount of players get here” and it was perhaps designed as an end game area they believe not many players will play in. You only have to look at the number of nodes per area, systems in general and the viability/warp times to get there.
Unfortunately, Scopely make it abundantly clear they are not here to provide a fun and engaging experience above profit margins, and they are in no way trying to hide it from you - If content and game features that could improve the game dramatically could be added and worked on but doesn’t provide some money it’s shelved or goes to the back of the list behind the new content that is copy and paste with a new skin I’ve the top of it. The QA team is either non existent or it gets ignored, so many bugs slip through the cracks that it’s not fathomable that things get play tested before being shipped. It seems in game resources are assigned real monetary value, packs, compensation, and events are all factored around how much the company says 1 Uncommon ore is worth in dollars for example.
You can make good profit without treating your players like cows, trying to milk them. Designers and Developers should be made to play the game as well as the product managers, and if you don’t then you should sure as hell be listening to your loyal players that have thousands of hours on your game logged and implement things players want.
Just like to say, a lot of this is my opinion and plenty of the above has been suggested by not just me, it’s a lot of community feedback from mods, content creators and normal players.
Thanks for reading
submitted by DerBlitzkrieger to u/DerBlitzkrieger [link] [comments]

Some news you may have missed out on part 99.

Apologies, I had some personal issues.
-Netflix Confirms Partnership With Telenor Pakistan – Discount Bundles Expected
Telenor Pakistan has unveiled its partnership with Netflix Pakistan, the global leading internet video streaming service. As a part of Partnership, Telenor’s corporate and postpaid users in Pakistan will have the accessibility to add Netflix subscription fee to their monthly bill, eliminating the need of having Debit or Credit card to their Netflix accounts. New and existing Netflix users having Telenor sims will be able to select Telenor Pay options in their checkout box, so they can pay it via mobile.
-Pakistan Hindu Council dedicates upcoming Holi to Pakistan Day
Pakistan Hindu Council (PHC) Sunday unanimously decided dedicating upcoming Holi festival, being celebrated on March 20, to Pakistan. Pakistan Hindu Council, in connection with Holi festival and Pakistan Day, will hold a colorful mega event on Wednesday, March 20, at the Shri Panchumukhi Hanuman Temple, Soldier Bazar, Karachi.
A large number of Pakistani Hindu families, holding national flags, will be present to demonstrate their love for beloved Pakistan. Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, who is also patron-in-chief of Pakistan Hindu Council said that patriotic Pakistani Hindu community has decided to celebrate the Holi in a very unique way.
-SBP Plans Low-Cost Housing Scheme for Disabled, Widows & Transgender
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is planning to launch a low-cost housing scheme for widows, children of martyrs, special persons, transgender citizens and people severely affected by terrorism. In this regard, the beneficiaries of the scheme will get a financing facility of up to Rs. 2.7 million from Islamic banks and Islamic banking divisions for housing units with a maximum limit of Rs. 3 million.
The beneficiary will be required to buy a plot and construct a house on it but they should be first time owners and should never have availed any financing facility from any bank and financial institution. The beneficiaries will repay the amount of financing in the next 12 and a half years including a maximum grace period of six months. The repayment of the amount will be made with a 5 percent additional amount.
-First plea filed in tribal court as judicial system becomes functional in erstwhile FATA
First plea has been filed in a tribal court on Monday after establishment of the judicial system in the tribal districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa (KP), ARY News reported. The newly established judicial system has started working in the tribal districts in which a student hailing from Khyber Agency has filed plea for not registering him in the college.
-Turkish firms to modernise Pakistani submarines.
Turkey's Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc. (STM) will add some state-of-the-art features to Pakistan's Agosta 90B submarines as part of a modernization program. Pakistan's Ministry of Defense in 2016 chose STM over the submarines' French manufacturer for the modernization. The company has since paved the way for Turkish engineering exports, in an area that requires expertise in advanced technology.
The tender initially included an Agosta 90B submarine half-life modernization and was later expanded with the addition of modernization works for a second submarine. As part of the program, STM will enhance the capabilities of Pakistani submarines with the addition of Torpedo Countermeasure Systems and acoustic measurement sensors. To that end, an amendment to the initial contract was recently signed by STM General Manager Murat İkinci.
-Canadian investors urged to benefit from Pakistan’s liberal market economy
High Commissioner of Pakistan in Canada Raza Bashir Tarar urged the Canadian investors to avail the opportunity of investment in Pakistan as the country had a liberal market economy with no restraint on repatriation of dividends for the foreign investors. The high commissioner said this in a meeting with Canada Pakistan Affiliated Chamber of Trade (CPACT) to discuss strategy to facilitate trade contacts between business platforms of Pakistan and Canada, according to a press release on Sunday.
He informed the businessmen associated with the chamber that improved security situation and restored macroeconomic stability in Pakistan had created a favourable environment for economic growth. The envoy emphasised on developing synergy between the chambers and trade bodies of the two countries to exploit full potential of the economic opportunities. He added that the high commission would work with the Canadian chambers and trade bodies to develop partnership with their Pakistani counterparts to explore avenues available to enhance trade relations.
-$4.1bn inflow in next two weeks, says Asad Umar
Finance Minister Asad Umar said on Saturday that there will be an inflow of around $4.1 billion in the next two weeks after which the State Bank of Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves will swell to over $12bn. Addressing a seminar on “Financing to Support Make in Pakistan”, organised by Pakistan Business Council (PBC), the minister said that an agreement has been reached with Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) for a loan of $2bn and the amount is expected to be remitted next week. He said that China is also expected to provide $2.1bn in the week thereafter.
Responding to a question, the minister said that loan from ADFD is being sought at a fixed interest rate of three per cent whereas the loan from China is being charged at 2.5pc. He explained that State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) reserves, which stand at $8.116bn, will climb to over $12bn after these inflows. He said that the country’s bank deposits as a percentage of GDP stand very low as 85pc of the population believes that conventional banking is not Shariah-compliant, therefore Islamic banks will have to play their role in ensuring availability of funds in the banking system.
-Transport group imports decline 28.87pc
The imports of transport group decreased by 28.87 per cent during the first seven months of the current fiscal year compared to the same duration last year. The transport group imports during July-January (2018-19) were recorded at $1,826.127 million against the imports of $2,567.322 million during July-January (2017-18), according to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).
Among the transport group, the imports of Completely Built Units (CBU) buses, trucks and other heavy vehicles decreased by 40.05 per cent – from $147.743 million last year to $88.574 million, whereas the imports of CBU motor cars decreased by 36.08 per cent – from $302.616 million to $193.430. The imports of CBU motorcycles also witnessed a negative growth of 41.19 per cent by falling from $3.982 million to $2.342 million.
-Promotion of fintech imperative for economic growth: Asad Umar
Pakistan Business Council on Saturday organised an event titled “Financing to Support: Make in Pakistan” at a local hotel in Karachi. The event was attended by important stakeholders ranging from startups, SMEs, agribusinesses to regulators, bankers and government officials.
In his opening speech, PBC CEO Ehsan Malik said, “The theme of the event, ‘Make in Pakistan’, reflects the council’s efforts in promoting the industrial sector of the country. Pakistan is deindustrializing at an alarming rate, from a high of 17.5pc of the GDP, the share of manufacturing dropped down to 12.1pc in 2018. This drop in the share of manufacturing has led to a reduction in the share of manufactured goods in Pakistan’s exports, besides a reduction in Pakistan’s share in the global exports.” Although the speakers were only given a time slot of 20 to 25 minutes to submit their presentations, they were still able to touch upon a variety of financing issues plaguing their respective sectors and present alternate models that could work as solutions.
-Around 835 people will be given jobs in Qatar, KP CM vows
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan announced on Saturday that around 835 skilled workers from Miramshah will be given jobs in Qatar.
After Prime Minister Imran Khan’s meeting with his Qatari counterpart Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani in Doha on January 21, a foreign office official had said that Pakistan would also discuss the issue of exporting Pakistani manpower to Qatar under which the people of Miramshah will be provided employment. During his speech, CM Khan said that the students who score well in their exams will be granted Rs30,000 to Rs50,000 as a prize.
“An interest-free loan will also be provided to the youth of Miramshah to set up businesses,” the CM stated. “Tourism will be promoted in Miramshah and all the problems regarding the IDPs of Waziristan will be resolved at the earliest.”
-Govt to Privatize TIP, PTCL and 47 Other Organizations
The federal government has decided to privatize Telephone Industries of Pakistan (TIP) and Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd. (PTCL). This was revealed before the National Assembly Standing Committee on Privatization which met with Syed Mustafa Mahmood in the chair. The committee was informed that the government has decided to privatize 49 organizations within the next five years, comprising of two phases.
-Set up of the first information security conference in Pakistan
-Pakistan Foreign Exchange Reserves register significant increase
The total liquid foreign reserves held by the country stood at US$14,956.2 million on March 01, 2019, said weekly report issued by the State Bank here on Thursday.
-Popular Youtube Tourist Drew Binsky annoucnes Pakistan tour.
-Pakistan's first Dalit woman senator to champion girls' education
As the first woman senator from Pakistan’s lowest Dalit caste, Krishna Kumari Kohli has an ambitious to-do list, from tackling honor killings to kidnappings and child marriage. But for the former child bride from a poor Hindu family, the need to improve women and girls’ health and education in the conservative Muslim-majority nation is closest to her heart.
“Never in my wildest of dreams did I think I’d ever become a senator,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Kohli’s election on Saturday marks a milestone in Pakistan both as a woman - who hold about one in five parliamentary seats - and as a member of the Dalit caste - a term she rejects as derogatory.
-PM Imran approves first-ever tariff policy
Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved first-ever tariff policy recommended by the Ministry of Commerce devised after detailed consultation, ARY News reported on Wednesday.
The new policy formulated on basis of transparency is being termed as an effective tool to simplify existing tariff structure. PM Imran Khan was briefed on the new tariff policy by the commerce secretary which will be presented before the federal cabinet after its formal approval. The premier was apprised that the policy was focused on gaining access to raw material and generation of employment.
-SECP: Company registration up by 26 percent
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 1,290 new companies in February. As compared to the corresponding month of last financial year, it represents a growth of 26 percent raising the number of registered companies to 96,510.
The massive increase is the result of the SECP’s various reforms measures, i.e. introduction of simplified combined process for name reservation and incorporation, one window facility for company incorporation and NTN generation, reduction of fee, assistance of incorporation by facilitation wings of CROs etc. Around 75 percent companies were registered as private limited companies, while around 22 percent were registered as single member companies. Three percent were registered as public unlisted companies and limited liability partnerships (LLP).
Foreign investment has been reported in 39 new companies. These companies have foreign investors from Argentina, China, Denmark, Germany, Jordan, Kenya, Korea South, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden and the US. The highest numbers of companies, i.e. 468 were registered in Islamabad, followed by 322 and 240 companies registered in Lahore and Karachi respectively.
-Govt in talks with potential buyers for Pakistan Steel privatization: official
The government has been in talks with five to six parties for privatization of Pakistan Steel, Secretary Privatization on Wednesday told the National Assembly’s standing committee on privatization.
Federal Secretary on Privatization, Rizwan Malik, in a testimony on privatization programme before the National Assembly’s standing committee here said that from Year 1991 to 2018, the governments privatized 172 state-owned entities. The buyers interested in Pakistan Steel intend to enhance the production capacity of the mill to 3.5 million tonnes, the secretary said.
-Pakistan makes offer to Iranian government over various new Railways Routes
Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad has emphasized the need to strengthen the two-way cooperation between Pakistan and Iran in rail sector.
He was talking to Islamic Republic News Agency during his visit to Iran. The Minister said Pakistan can send its products to Central Asian and European states using the Iranian rail network. Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad said Iran and Pakistan should cooperate in building railway links between Taftan and Quetta and Chahbahar and Gwadar.
-Pakistan foreign remittances register significant growth
The workers remitted US $14350.53 million in the first eight months (July to February) of FY19, showing a growth of 11.82 % compared with US $12833.64 million received during the same period in the preceding year. During February 2019, the inflow of worker’s remittances amounted to US $1576.51 million, which is 9.56% lower than January 2019 and 8.71% higher than February 2018.
-Pensioner's benefits to increase
Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari has said the government is committed to raise Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution pension amount up to minimum fifteen thousand rupees by 2023. Talking to APP, he said it is imperative to utilize EOBI funds rationally to handle the expenses to be incurred in five years.
-Pakistan Arms imports reduce significantly, Weapons imports from US drastically cut by 81%: Report
Pakistan's arms imports have reduced significantly during the last five years. Pakistan Arms imports decreased by 40 per cent between 2009-13 and 2014-18. US arms exports to Pakistan fell by 81 per cent between 2009-13 and 2014-18, it said. Pakistan has instead turned to other suppliers. For example, in 2018 it ordered 4 frigates and 30 combat helicopters from Turkey.
-PM Khan issues orders issuing of directive banning ministers from using more than one car
Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken notice of ministers using more than one official car and has directed the Chief Minister of Punjab, Usman Buzdar, to issue a notification banning all provincial ministers from using more than one car.
In this regard, CM Usman Buzdar has issued a notification and has directed Additional Chief Secretary Punjab and the Department of Administration and General Services to ensure that the policy is implemented with full effect; they have been further directed to enforce this policy forthwith.
-Pakistan Turkey FTA to take bilateral trade near $4 billion
President Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), Engr. Daroo Khan Achakzai has appreciated the efforts of Governments of Pakistan and Turkey to enter Strategic Economic Framework (SEF) for enhancement of bilateral relations in various sectors including trade, tourism, healthcare, hospitality, industry, education, housing, agriculture, aviation and banking. He stated the main purpose of SEF was to enhance bilateral trade by five times from current volume of $ 800 million (approximately). For achieving this goal, it was expected that both the governments might sign Free Trade Agreement during the current year. Pakistan and Turkey both were the members of ECO, D-8, CACCI and OIC and the existing trade volume does not reflect the strong friendly relations, said a FPCCI release here on Monday. FPCCI president urged the government of Pakistan to resolve/negotiate on all anti-dumping barriers imposed by Turkey on Pakistani textile and other items before the signing of the FTA .
-Pakistan inks CPEC Phase II with China
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Sunday said Pakistan had made an agreement for phase two of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) agreement with China
-KP launches afforestation plan
The Khyber Pakthunkhwa Government has started work on a gigantic afforestation plan to increase forest areas up to 30 percent in next five years to mitigate growing effects of global warming and climate change in the country.
Under the plan, Billion Trees Afforestation Project (BTAP) has been extended to merged tribal districts of erstwhile FATA to use its vast land for plantation and efforts would be made to enhance forest cover to 30 percent from existing 26.3pc by 2023 in Khyber Pakthunkhwa, a senior official of Forest Department KP told APP on Sunday.
-Pakistan to receive $2 billion cash from friendly country
Abu Dhabi has agreed to deposit US$2 billion to the State Bank of Pakistan as part of its agreement to loan $3 billion to Islamabad. A deposit agreement was made between the State Bank of Pakistan and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development on Saturday. The funds are expected to be received shortly. In January, the State Bank of Pakistan received $1 billion of the $3 billion loan promised to the country by the UAE . The rate of return for the loan is 3%.
-Pakistan National Savings register unprecedented rise of 126%
The Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) has achieved the net target of Rs217 billion during first eight months (Jul-Feb) of the financial year 2018-19, as compared to the collection of Rs96 billion during the same period last year, showing a surge of 126pc. The total savings held by the CDNS stood at Rs1,376 billion as of February 28 while the directorate had Rs726 billion by the same date a year ago, a senior official of CDNS said.
-26 LPG Plants worth Rs 48 billions to be installed in Balochistan
Minister for Petroleum Ghulam Sarwar on Friday said that Rs48 billions has been released for establishment of 26 LPG air-mix plants in Balochistan to meet the gas demand there.
-Exxon Mobil report on Pakistani oil and gas discoveries to be released on March 15th
Drilling was stopped due to the srill strking ample rock, causing damage. The drilling will be resumed again in next two to three days after replacement of necessary parts in the equipment. Mehmood Molvi said offshore drilling report was due to be submitted on March 7, but it will now be released after March 15.
-PM Imran Khan launches medical package for the people of Tharparkar
Prime Minister Imran Khan said it was his first public meeting after the general election 2018, and he opted to visit Tharparkar as it was one of the most backward districts of Sindh, where 75% people were living below poverty line and some 1300 children had died due to malnutrition over the last three to four years. Imran Khan said his main objective behind the political struggle and reaching the power corridors was to pull the people of Pakistan out of poverty. He said today 112,000 families of Chachro were getting Sehat Insaf Cards, which would provide them Rs 720,000 per annum facility for free of charge treatment of various diseases at public and private hospitals. “We will provide this facility to every family throughout the district”, he added. The Prime Minister also announced two mobile hospitals equipped with medical and surgical facilities as well as four ambulances to cater to the medical needs of people in far flung areas of District Tharparkar. In order to address the water problem faced by the people of Tharparkar, he also announced the sanction of 100 reverse osmosis (RO) plants, to be installed in the area. The Prime Minister said the federal government would also provide electricity to the far flung areas of Tharparkar through solar system, which would also help run the RO plants in the area. He said the federal government would do whatever it could to help lift up the people of Tharparkar, who had left behind other areas of the country. The Prime Minister announced the launching of a political campaign in Sindh and invited the political workers and leaders to join Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf in serving the people of the province.
-Chinese company expresses interest in investing billions of dollars in PM's housing plan
HSS Group Wednesday expressed its commitment to allocate US$2 billion in partnership with Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co Ltd (XCMG) of China for building the five million homes project of the prime minister. This commitment was expressed by a delegation headed by XCMG General Manager Dr Hanson Liu and HSS Facility Management Chairman Syed Saman Hashemi, which called on Prime Minister Imran Khan here. Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood and Special Assistant to PM Syed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari were also present during the meeting. HSS Group is a global partner of XCMG and other major Chinese companies. XCMG is China’s nimber one leading total solution provider for global construction industry equipment and machinery. XCMG also expressed its willingness to set up a heavy equipment manufacturing plant/assembly-line in Pakistan. The prime minister was apprised that XCMG with its expertise of constructing high-rise buildings and housing units wanted to partner in prime minister’s five million housing program.
-NFIS targets three million new jobs, $5.5bn additional exports by 2023
The government has set a target of creating at least three million new jobs and additional exports of $5.5 billion by 2023. National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS), according to the Ministry of Finance, will enhance the usage of digital payments to 65 million active digital transaction accounts, increase deposit-to-GDP ratio to 55pc, promote financing to 700,000 small and medium enterprises, increase agricultural finance disbursements to Rs.1.8 trillion, serve six million farmers through digitalised solutions and enhance the share of Islamic banking to 25pc in the banking industry.
Chairing a meeting of the NFIS Council on Tuesday, Finance Minister Asad Umar said that his government was fully committed to improving the livelihoods of Pakistanis through job creation, promotion of entrepreneurship and enhancement in the access to formal financial services. During the 6th meeting of NFIS Council, Asad Umar said that the government prioritized NFIS as part of its agenda to achieve inclusive economic growth through digitalization of government payments, enhanced access to finance and deposit base, promotion of SMEs, easy and affordable access to finance to farmers, facilitation in low-cost housing finance and provision of Shariah-compliant banking solutions.
-Opportunity for Pakistan as US withdraws duty-free benefits from India
Pakistan is ready to avail the opportunity that emerged after the announcement made by the US that it was withdrawing special duty benefits on Indian exports under the Generalized System of Preference (GSP). “On March 5, the United States decided to withdraw import duty benefits which were in the range of 1-6pc, under its GSP programme,” a senior official of the Ministry of Commerce and Textiles told APP on Thursday.
He said that the US gave the status of GSP to 121 developing countries, including India, Afghanistan and Botswana, in order to get non-reciprocal, duty-free imports of certain products. “Around 2,000 Indian products were enjoying the duty-free status before the announcement.” The senior official said that the United States and Pakistan would discuss the matter in the coming meeting of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, which would be held this month. The meeting would also deliberate upon resolving different trade issues between the two countries, he added.
-South Asia’s first ever remote-controlled cranes arrive in Pakistan
Hutchison Ports Pakistan received three new remote-controlled quay cranes to mark the beginning of the terminal’s second phase in Karachi. The development will make Pakistan the first country in the South Asia region to install semi-automated, cabin-less cranes.
Hutchison Ports Pakistan, the country’s first and only deep-water container port, received the first installment of these high-tech cranes as part of its agreement signed with Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co Ltd (ZPMC) for the purchase of eight new cabin-less remote-controlled quay cranes and 24 remote-controlled rubber-tired gantry cranes (RTGCs). This incoming equipment will be the first of its kind in the country. Hutchison Ports Pakistan is the first container terminal in Pakistan that has adopted remote-controlled, semi-automatic and driver-less cab technology for its quay cranes. The new remote-controlled quay cranes will be able to lift a container weighing up to 65 tonnes under the spreader, ensuring safe and smooth operations.
-Rs 530 million illegally sent abroad have been recovered through its Assets Recovery Unit (ARU).
Rs 530 million illegally sent abroad have been recovered through its Assets Recovery Unit (ARU). “The amount has been recovered after tracing offshore properties and bank accounts”, sources said.
-Delegation of Mitsubishi Corporation encouraged by the business friendly policies
Kimihide Ando said that the company is encouraged by the business friendly policies of the present government and intends to further strengthen its footprint especially in meeting energy requirements of the country.
He also conveyed to the Prime Minister that the Government of Japan has decided to increase its engagement with Pakistan and support Japanese companies in increasing investment in Pakistan. The Prime Minister welcomed the decision of Japanese Government and the interest of Mitsubishi Corporation regarding exploration of greater business opportunities in Pakistan.
-Benami law implemented
PTI government has finally implemented the Benami Act in a bid to document the economy. It has given a go-ahead to the tax officials to seize properties, vehicles, and bank accounts registered with fictitious individuals. From now onwards, all moveable and immovable assets registered with fictional entities to avoid taxes will be confiscated.
The law will finally take effect today following a delay of more than two years. Notably, the term ‘Benami’ means holding assets or properties in the name of a person other than the benefiter of that account.
-Pakistan and Turkmenistan sign final version of TAPI Gas Pipeline network
Pakistan and Turkmenistan signed the final version of the Host Government Agreement on TAPI Gas Pipeline network in Islamabad today. The agreement was signed by the Secretary Petroleum Mian Asad Hayauddin and Chief Executive of TPCL Amanov.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Petroleum Ghulam Sarwar Khan reiterated Pakistan's commitment for an early and successful implementation of the TAPI project. He hoped the ground breaking of the project will be held in Pakistan this year.
-230 Pakistanis released from Saudi Arabia jail reach home
Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development Zulfikar Bukhari on Tuesday said 230 Pakistanis released from Saudi Arabia’s jail had reached the country, ARY News reported.
“The previous governments did not do anything for overseas Pakistanis. The ministry of overseas Pakistanis was known for corruption in Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) and Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI),” Zulfikar Bukhari said in a statement.
Every department of the ministry was ruined and the incumbent government would require some time to fix them, he said adding that he was not eager to announce new housing scheme for the OPF. “I want to first deliver to those from whom the ministry got money in the past.”
-Pakistan successfully test fires extended range missile from JF-17 Thunder
Pakistan Air Force successfully test fired indigenously developed extended range smart weapon from JF-17 multi-role fighter aircraft, today.
It is indeed a great milestone as the weapon has been developed, integrated and qualified solely through indigenous efforts of Pakistani scientists and engineers. The successful trial has provided JF-17 Thunder a very potent and assured day and night capability to engage variety of targets with pinpoint accuracy.
-Barca legend Puyol to visit Pakistan for WSS promotion
Barcelona legend Carles Puyol will land in Karachi on March 16 to officially kick-off the ticket sales for the 2019 World Soccer Stars event. Teams led by football greats Luis Figo and Ricardo Kaka will play two matches in Lahore and Karachi respectively between April 26 and 29. Earlier, french great Nicolas Anelka visited Islamabad for the promotion of the event, after Figo and Kaka visited Pakistan too.
-Choppers to take tourists to northern areas
In line with directives of the prime minister, the government has decided for the first time to issue licenses to private airlines to commence helicopter services in the northern areas. The separate category of license will be issued in order to promote licenses and will be known as Tourism Promotion and Regional Integration (TPRI). The firms desiring to offer helicopter services at the tourist spots will have licenses issued on their requests in two months and they will be valid for five years.
-Punjab aims to achieve 7% economic growth by 2023
After seven months in power, the provincial government of Punjab has revealed its growth strategy for 2018-23, reflecting the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) long-term plan. The five-year plan is aimed at developing a people-centric growth strategy and addressing fundamental and structural imbalances in Punjab. Economic managers of the province want to move towards sustainable and regionally equitable economic growth.
The provincial government aims to achieve annual growth of 7% by 2023 through these strategies. The government also plans to reduce the ratio of idle youth in Punjab from 10.3% in 2017-18 to 8.8%. The success of the policy is conditional as the provincial government needs to launch vigorous efforts to raise its own resources.
-Govt approves machine tool factory’s revival plan
The government has approved the handing over of Pakistan Machine Tools Factory (PMTF) to the Strategic Plans Division in an effort to turn around the ailing state-owned tools manufacturing unit. The Ministry of Industries and Production informed the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet, in a meeting held last month, that PMTF’s assets as on June 30, 2018 were worth Rs6.92 billion and its liabilities stood at Rs5.59 billion. The liabilities included overdraft of Rs1.108 billion, accrued mark-up of Rs700 million and outstanding arrears of Rs865 million in salary and retirement benefits.
The ministry proposed three options for PMTF’s revival which included injection of Rs3.94 billion by the government comprising a soft loan of Rs2.105 billion and grant of Rs1.84 billion. The company management has projected a pre-tax profit of Rs195 million by financial year 2022-23.
-Govt approves Rs2bn worth Ramazan relief package
The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet, while deliberating upon a summary proposed by the Ministry of Industries and Production on Tuesday, approved Rs2 billion worth Ramazan relief package for the year 2019. According to sources, the Ministry of Industries and Production recommended the ECC to add 19 essential commodities, including ghee, sugar, flour, oil, pulses (channa, moong, mash, masoor), white gram, baisen, dates, rice (basmati, sella, broken), squashes & syrups (1,500ml and 800ml bottles), black tea, spices and milk, in the relief package for Ramazan.
“The main objective of the subsidy is to ensure the availability of essential commodities at reasonable prices for low-income families,” sources said, adding that the ministry also proposed the ECC to bring the Ramazan relief package to effect from May 1, 2019, as the holy month would commence from the second week of May. Sources said that the cabinet in its sitting this Thursday would most likely endorse the ECC’s decision with regard to the Ramazan package.
-Pakistan to offer gas fields to foreign explorers, investors
Pakistan plans to offer dozens of gas field concessions in the coming year to fill in a fuel shortage, a senior official said, with Islamabad hoping a sharp drop in militant violence and changes to exploration policy will attract foreign investors. Much of the mineral-rich South Asian nation remains unexplored despite gas discoveries dating back to the 1950s. Conventional gas reserves are estimated at 20 trillion cubic feet (tcf), or 560 billion cubic meters, and shale gas reserves, which are untouched, at more than 100 tcf.
Italy’s ENI and US oil major Exxon Mobil are jointly drilling for gas offshore in Pakistan’s Arabian Sea, but many other Western companies have not returned after leaving more than a decade ago because of Islamist militant violence. Nadeem Babar, head of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Task Force on Energy Reforms, said that the government was amending its natural gas regulation and drawing up its first-ever shale gas policy, with licensing rounds to follow later this year.
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Some news you may have missed out on part 27.

-Pakistan & EU Reaffirm Trade Cooperation in 9th Annual Joint Commission Meeting
Pakistan and the European Union, while welcoming the cooperation and progress in relations, have reaffirmed their determination to further strengthen their bilateral engagement. The 9th annual meeting of Pakistan – European Union Joint Commission was held in Islamabad on 16 November 2018. It was preceded by meetings on trade; development cooperation; and democracy, governance, the rule of law and human rights from 13-15 November 2018.
The Joint Commission provided an opportunity to exchange views on the priorities of the newly-elected government and to discuss ongoing and future cooperation in areas such as peace and security, migration, trade, human rights, development, energy, climate, education, governance, and regional connectivity.
-Pakistan’s Hindu lawmaker Krishna Kumari featured on BBC’s 100 women 2018 list
Pakistan’s first Hindu Dalit woman to be elected as Senator, Krishna Kolhi, has claimed a spot at the coveted BBC 100 women list 2018.
The prestigious lists comprises of influential women who are leaders and serve as a source of inspiration to the rest of the world in some way or another. It showcases women who have stood against all odds and broken barriers to their utmost potential.
-Lahore Police foils one of the biggest bank robbery in the history of city
The Dolphin Force foiled an attempted bank robbery in Lahore’s Ghazi Chowk area on Monday where thieves tried to make away with Rs 90 millions of rupees and 20kg of gold. Four robbers in Lahore entered a private bank with the help of the security guards and broke into lockers, filling their bags with cash and jewellery. They also sprayed paint on the CCTV cameras before breaking the lockers inside the bank.
-Innovating for Poverty Alleviation 2018 launched with the collaboration of NIC Karachi & Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
National Incubation Center (NIC) Karachi in partnership with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) has launched Innovating for Poverty Alleviation 2018, through which collaboration avenues will be explored between PPAF and startups incubated at NIC Karachi to alleviate masses from poverty.
At the launch event organized at NIC Karachi, Innovation Manager PPAF Neelam Azmat briefed about the mission and collaborations of PPAF across the country and how budding entrepreneurs inclined towards making a social impact can benefit from the PPAF community. She shared,
-PM has submitted application to CDA for the regularization of his two residences.
The premier has submitted application to CDA for the regularization of his two residences. The premier has also submitted proprietary documents and map of his 250-kanal residences in CDA one window office.Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Monday begun the process to regularize properties in Bani Gala area of Islamabad, including the residence of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Apart from this, the body has also received at least 132 requests to regularize commercial and residential buildings in Bani Gala.
A fine of Rs100 per square will be taken for the regularization of residential buildings whereas Rs200 per square for commercial ones.
-KP Govt to Install Water Meters at Car Washing Stations
In the midst of the water crisis faced by the citizens of Pakistan, the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa plans to conserve water and take action against water wastage. The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Environment Minister, Syed Muhammad Ishtiaq, in an interview on Sunday, told that they plan to install water meters at car wash stations in order to control the massive misuse of potable water.
He also said, “Pakistan was confronted with a major challenge of water shortage and wastage of clean drinking water could not be allowed at car washing stations in the province.”
-IT Exports Show Slow Growth in First Four Months of FY2018-19
Sounds bad? Hold up.
Pakistan’s exports in the Information Technology industry witnessed a slight growth of 5 percent in the first four months of the current financial year 2018-19 compared the corresponding period of the previous year. According to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the export receipts of the highly potential sector of ICT could merely stretch to $355 million during the period of Jul-Oct as against of $337 million in the similar period last financial year.
The exports increased by only $18 million compared to FY 2017 which is much lower than recent predictions considering the incentives provided by the previous and the present government in terms of taxes and other facilities. The exports of ICT services might have improved in some foreign markets but the exports’ values grew slightly due to the impact of the exchange rate between the Rupee and US Dollar.
Industry experts are of the view that export receipts through banking channels do not reflect the true potential of the IT sector, which a majority of experts believe, is as high as three times higher the reported figures of the central bank.
-Another American girl arrives in Pakistan, marries Lahore man
The real reason they're mad.
-Pakistan’s Tech Industry Enters The Nordic Market
2nd Nordic Pakistan IT Summit was held in Stockholm on 14th of November at 7A Konferens. The event was organized by Pakistan Sweden Business Council in collaboration with The Embassy of Pakistan in Sweden and P@SHA. Strategic partners included 7A Konferens, Finland Pakistan Business Council, NIC Karachi, A2Z Creatorz, SCOPE and Lookatech AB. The aim of NPIT Summit expedites increase of Pakistan’s IT Exports to the Nordic Regions. The full house event was attended by representatives from various organizations and dignitaries from Nordic Region. Mattias Martinsson, CIO of Tundra Fonder said: “The event is timely in the sense that Pakistan has announced a major effort in the IT Sector.” He also presented the business activities Tundra Fonder is engaged in Pakistan which were very well received by the audience.
-Pakistan decides to privatise two mega power plants
The Council of Common Interests has approved a proposal to include 1230 MW Haveli Bahadur Shah and 1223 MW Balloki in the active list of the privatization program for early implementation.
-NIC Islamabad Graduates Its Second Cohort of Startups
The National Incubation Center – a public-private partnership of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom (MOITT), Ignite (formerly National ICT R & D Fund), Jazz and Team up – graduated its second cohort of 15 innovative tech entrepreneurs in Islamabad. After 12 months of challenging sessions at the technology hub, founders of these startups are ready to showcase their award-winning businesses with an aim to make a difference.
Only 26 out of the 600+ startups were inducted into the program to undergo an intense training program and one-to-one mentorship sessions with industry experts and thought leaders.
-Population growth in Pakistan: CCI takes important decision
The Council of Common Interests meeting considered the issue of rapid population growth of the country which currently stands at 207.8 million with a growth rate of 2.4% per annum. It was decided to constitute National and Provincial Task Forces, to be headed by the Prime Minister at the national level and by the respective Chief Ministers at the provincial levels.
The Task Forces will consider the recommendations made by the Task Force constituted earlier on the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and will submit a comprehensive Action Plan to the CCI , taking into account the future implementation strategy, the financial aspects and other issues relating to garnering support of all segments of society for the success of a comprehensive population control program.
-CPEC: Pakistan China takes important decision over Pakistan Railways projects
Pakistan and China have agreed to boost cooperation between their railways and have deputed technical teams to work out the details in this connection. Consensus to this effect was reached between two sides at a meeting in Islamabad today (Monday). The Chinese delegation of NRA was headed by An Lusheng while the Pakistani side by its Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed in the talks.
Both sides agreed that the government knows the importance of China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Pakistan Railways is the backbone of CPEC .
-Pakistan and China take yet another step in space technology cooperation
China has stepped up its efforts promoting satellite data sharing with Pakistan and other regional countries.
The data sharing was aimed to provide help in urban planning, disaster monitoring and assessment, as well as agriculture and forest surveys. “We will construct Data-Sharing Service Cloud Platforms by using existing and potential co-developed satellites to serve these purposes,” APSCO secretary-general Li Xinjun said at a forum commemorating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the organisation on Wednesday.
-57th CPEC progress review meeting to be held tomorrow
As the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is scheduled to be held in Beijing next month, the Ministry of Planning and Development has called a CPEC review meeting today (Tuesday). According to sources, the meeting would be the 57th progress review meeting of CPEC which would be chaired by Planning Minister Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar. The 56th meeting was held in September 2018. Insiders claim that apart from reviewing the ongoing projects of CPEC, different ministries of the centre and provinces would submit new proposals for next JCC. The meeting is likely to approve some new projects in the agricultural and social sector for the same to be proposed in the JCC.
-Pakistan intelligence agencies reportedly arrest Ayman Al Zawahiri daughter, son in law: Sources
Umar Jalal Kathio, the son-in-law of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, was among the multiple al-Qaeda operatives arrested from Karachi a few days ago.
Kathio, who also served as Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguard and driver, has reportedly been shifted to an undisclosed location along with his wife.
-Saudi Ambassador makes offers to Pakistan
Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Nawaf Saeed Al-Malkiy Monday said Pakistan has great potential for business and economic growth that needed be highlighted more effectively to attract the attention of foreign investors. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan was keen to promote Pakistan’s exports for which, apart from government-to-government contacts, enhanced people-to-people contacts were necessary so that foreign people could come to Pakistan and see its actual potential.
The ambassador said there was a great need promote soft image of Pakistan to outside world in order to get enhanced foreign direct investment.
-Today PIMS allocated 2 rooms in Medical Ward - II for transgender patients as required by the Transgender Law 2018.
-Japan announces ¥510 mn aid for polio eradication in Pakistan
n an effort to eliminate polio, Japanese government on Monday announced to provide ¥510 mn aid to Pakistan for procurement polio vaccine. According to the details, the agreement for the grant was signed in Islamabad between the government of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef). PM’s Focal Person on Polio Eradication Babar Bin Atta acknowledged and applauded the commitment by the Japanese government against the disease. He also expressed PTI government resolve to make Pakistan a polio-free state. He said Pakistan’s polio eradication campaign was rated among the best public health service delivery initiatives across the world.
-CRRC keen to invest in Pakistan under CPEC
China Railway Rolling Corporation (CRRC), Tangshan, has shown keen interest to invest in Pakistan under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) by supplying products and services for Pakistan Railways, Overseas Targeted Publicity Corporate Culture Department Director Hu Rui told a media delegation on Monday.
Briefing the delegation of South Asian and South East Asian countries, Hu Rui said that the CRRC has a great potential and was concentrating on opportunities to enhance its operations in countries receiving Chinese investment under Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
-Is biotechnology the future of agriculture in Pakistan?
As the global population increases, technology and innovation in agriculture seem to be the way forward to tackle the anticipated supply-demand gap for food.
Farmers all over the world are using biotechnology to increase farm yields. However, in the South Asia region, which includes Pakistan, percentage of food demand met through productivity growth stands at around 23 to 25 per cent, higher only compared to Sub Saharan Africa, but lower than South East Asia and China where the percentage exceeds 50 per cent and Latin America and North America where the percentage exceeds 100 per cent. Due to the adoption of hybrid maize seeds by farmers, average yields of maize across Punjab have increased from 14 maunds per acre to 60 maunds per acre over the past 20 years.
-‘Govt committed to increasing pharma business to Rs6bn’
The meeting of Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association (PPMA) was held under the chairmanship of Narcotics Control Minister Ali Muhammad Khan Mehr on Monday.
Ministry of Narcotics Control Secretary Arif Nawaz Khan along with the delegation members participated in the meeting. The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) director on the occasion gave a detailed briefing on the cold system and controlled material. The minister expressed his commitment towards increasing the pharma industry business from Rs3 billion to Rs6 billion, as “the present government believed in the development of the pharma industry”.
-Rabeel Warraich’s $30 million bet on Pakistani entrepreneurship
Pindi boy makes various investments.
-SBP receives $1bn Saudi assistance
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Monday received the first tranche of $1 billion under the balance of payment support from Saudi Arabia.
According to a SBP spokesperson, out of the promised $3bn Saudi assistance in foreign currency support, the central bank has received $1bn dollar, while the remaining amount of $2 billion is expected to reach in next few days.
After the receipt of the amount, the country’s foreign exchange reserves have increased to more than $14 billion, said the spokesperson.
-PM Imran emphasizes on need to incentivize tourism industry
Prime Minister Imran khan on Monday emphasized on need to incentivize and facilitate the tourism industry while removing all the bottlenecks and hurdles impeding the promotion of tourism in the country. Presiding over a meeting of National Task Force on Tourism, PM Imran directed to ensure environmental protection and cultural preservation while undertaking tourism related projects in tourist areas of the country.
According to a statement released from the ministry, he stressed to bring tourism to the center stage of development process by ensuring that development proposals of other sectors are seamlessly fed into the development of tourism potential of provinces. The prime minister directed to develop framework for public private partnership specially to attract foreign and local investment in large scale tourism related projects in the country. He emphasized that relevant tourism departments should develop their tourism policies and plans in accordance to the international best practices of sustainable tourism to ensure the sustainability of environment, local economy and cultural norms, reads the statement.
-Qureshi invites Norwegian companies to invest in Pakistan
Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi Sunday invited the Norwegian companies to invest in Pakistan in renewable energy, water and waste management, fisheries, and ports and shipping.
During his meeting with Norwegian counterpart, Ine Eriksen Soreide, on the sidelines of Sir Bani Yas Forum in Abu Dhabi, the foreign minister urged the Norwegian firms to emulate the successful business model of Norwegian telecom firm Telenor in the country, according to a statement issued by Foreign Ministry. Recognizing the positive developments in bilateral relations, the two foreign ministers stressed upon the need to further promote bilateral relations in all areas of mutual interest, including political, economic, trade and investment, education, culture and parliamentary exchanges.
-Govt to release Rs220m for Sindh’s first forensic lab
The Sindh government has decided to release Rs220 million to the University of Karachi so that a laboratory can be established at KU’s International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) to conduct proper forensic DNA testing and analysis.
Chief Secretary Mumtaz Ali Shah made the decision on Sunday during a meeting on the long-pending proposal to construct the province’s first forensic science and investigation lab. The meeting was held in the wake of the deaths of two minor brothers on November 11 reportedly due to food poisoning after dining at a DHA restaurant.
Since Sindh lacks a forensic laboratory of its own, the food and other samples were despatched to the Punjab Forensic Science Agency in Lahore to help the police investigation. The CS was briefed on the existing DNA testing and analysis as well as related research facilities at KU and Jamshoro’s Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (Lumhs).
-New strategies being used for improving agriculture in Balochistan
In an effort to enhance household incomes, improve food security and nutritional status of men, women and youth associated with agriculture in Balochistan, two projects were inaugurated at a ceremony in Quetta today. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the government of Balochistan and with the financial support of Australian government’s Department of Foreign Aid and Trade (DFAT) will address the challenges faced by rural communities dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods in Balochistan through these projects. Speaking at the ceremony, FAO Representative in Pakistan Minà Dowlatchahi said women make huge contributions to the rural economy by engaging in on and off farm activities and by looking after the household and family nutrition. Investing in women’s empowerment along with men helps eradicate poverty, improve food security and nutrition and helps achieve economic growth.
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
submitted by FashBasher1 to pakistan [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: pakistan top posts from 2018-02-28 to 2018-03-28 08:36 PDT

Period: 27.90 days
Submissions Comments
Total 906 12763
Rate (per day) 32.48 455.10
Unique Redditors 301 962
Combined Score 14573 40343

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 971 points, 56 submissions: greenvox
    1. Transgenders getting driver's licenses bearing their gender for the first time in Pakistan (76 points, 36 comments)
    2. Historic moment of Krishna Kumari taking oath as a senator wearing traditional Thari clothes (68 points, 53 comments)
    3. Karachi police begin arresting people for throwing garbage in the open (54 points, 17 comments)
    4. "Ek Thi Marium" (2015) - Telefilm about the life of Marium Mukhtiar, the first Pakistani female fighter pilot to lose her life in the line of duty. (44 points, 18 comments)
    5. Pakistan loses 50pc market share in Kabul - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (37 points, 57 comments)
    6. Sri Lanka endorses CPEC, says Sri Lankan President (34 points, 18 comments)
    7. Pakistanis Own an Estimated $150 Billion of Undeclared Foreign Assets (31 points, 22 comments)
    8. ‘Deceived and raped’, Pakistani female doctor seeks justice while jailed in Afghanistan (31 points, 5 comments)
    9. TIL the Barasingha is extinct in Pakistan (30 points, 8 comments)
    10. Two identities, twice the pride: The Pashtun Sikhs of Nankana Saheb | Pakistan Today (30 points, 37 comments)
  2. 938 points, 58 submissions: Evil_Filbert
    1. Mashal Khan lynching: absconding suspect Arif Khan arrested after 10 months (81 points, 22 comments)
    2. Violence drops for third straight year: report (58 points, 34 comments)
    3. Saudi Arabia's treatment of Pakistani citizens is a better gauge of friendship than officials' reception (54 points, 42 comments)
    4. Anti-Terrorism Court orders arrest of TLP chief Khadim Rizvi, others in Faizabad sit-in case (50 points, 49 comments)
    5. Pakistan one of the most charitable nations in the world, reveals new study - The Express Tribune (46 points, 7 comments)
    6. India continues to harass Pakistan's diplomatic staff, families: Foreign Office (40 points, 42 comments)
    7. KP government seals offices of Hafiz Saeed's JuD, FIF; seizes mosques, seminaries (33 points, 42 comments)
    8. 'It's too late to apologise,' SC tells Shahid Masood after JIT terms allegations baseless (28 points, 29 comments)
    9. Supreme Court wants 'eligible senators' without dual nationality to vote for Senate chairman (28 points, 3 comments)
    10. Indian fans enjoy watching PSL, wish for revival of bilateral cricket (27 points, 14 comments)
  3. 896 points, 54 submissions: ryzvonusef
    1. China accused of arresting dozens of Muslim women married to Pakistani men (46 points, 102 comments)
    2. 20 accused in 2014 Kot Radha Kishan lynching of Christian couple acquitted by ATC (38 points, 14 comments)
    3. Pakistani worker loses life over SR65 gas bill (36 points, 15 comments)
    4. Declaring faith compulsory before joining civil, armed services and judiciary: IHC (32 points, 20 comments)
    5. Khanewal landlord slashes 7-year-old's nose 'for stealing sugarcane' (32 points, 5 comments)
    6. SC rejects Lal Masjid cleric's plea seeking imposition of Sharia law (29 points, 24 comments)
    7. Pakistan’s Murree Brewery shrugs off restrictions on its products (28 points, 22 comments)
    8. Anger over 'Blackface' on Pakistan TV (27 points, 18 comments)
    9. Since blasphemy allegations, Baba Sandook Saeein's Christian community fights for a life lived in fear (27 points, 2 comments)
    10. 14 more arrest warrants issued for Khadim Rizvi, other suspects in Faizabad sit-in cases (26 points, 22 comments)
  4. 731 points, 28 submissions: Ribbuns50
    1. 'One Paisa' Coin from 1948 (93 points, 23 comments)
    2. In Winston Churchill, Hollywood rewards a mass murderer (83 points, 76 comments)
    3. Islamabad (76 points, 20 comments)
    4. On this Republic Day, let's remember the 127 men, women and children martyred in the 2013 Peshawar All Saints Church attack (59 points, 10 comments)
    5. Blast from Past: Pakistani troops patrolling the streets of Mogadishu in 1993, as part of the UN mission to Somalia (47 points, 17 comments)
    6. Best of 2017 (45 points, 11 comments)
    7. American think tank, Hudson Institute, encouraging US government to destabilize Balochistan, and shift the blame for failures in Afghanistan onto Pakistan (39 points, 32 comments)
    8. Pope Francis meets Pakistan’s bishops - Vatican News (37 points, 0 comments)
    9. World Happiness Report 2018: Pakistan Jumps 5 Places to 75 Among 156 Nations (31 points, 59 comments)
    10. 7 Pakistanis made it to Forbes' 30 Under 30 Asia 2018 list (25 points, 2 comments)
  5. 720 points, 14 submissions: insafian
    1. Hate it when this happens (114 points, 22 comments)
    2. Going to have to crush these pills (92 points, 30 comments)
    3. marson marson, Karachi na desun (92 points, 35 comments)
    4. Let's go to Pindi (91 points, 15 comments)
    5. RIP my Canadian tuition fee (85 points, 39 comments)
    6. Fakmal (65 points, 3 comments)
    7. Kashmir Plebiscite (57 points, 196 comments)
    8. Belated Happy Pakistan Day (41 points, 4 comments)
    9. Truth or Dare (41 points, 3 comments)
    10. Brief summary of the senate chairman elections (14 points, 0 comments)
  6. 638 points, 26 submissions: Leeon1994
    1. Back in 1998 when McDonalds was 29 rs only. (92 points, 40 comments)
    2. Need someone to look at my bat like Afridi (68 points, 19 comments)
    3. Londoner pays homage to Abdul Sattar Edhi by drawing a floor mural in Trafalgar Square London (66 points, 4 comments)
    4. Geo writes Maulana Diesel instead of Fazl-ur-Rehman, Later apologizes (54 points, 16 comments)
    5. PakistaniPeopleTwitter (52 points, 8 comments)
    6. The person who threw shoe at NS beaten up badly by private guards instead of being arrested. (46 points, 53 comments)
    7. Uber driver shot dead in Karachi (35 points, 30 comments)
    8. Another Careem driver shot dead in Islamabad (32 points, 12 comments)
    9. Son of JS Bank Owner, Jehangir Siddique is our new Ambassador to USA (27 points, 23 comments)
    10. Never mess with anyone on road they could be a Shahrukh Jatoi (20 points, 12 comments)
  7. 426 points, 11 submissions: lifehacker23
    1. Dreamy Sunny Day in Gilgit Credits: Sajid Khan (86 points, 2 comments)
    2. Swat, the land of romance and beauty (79 points, 33 comments)
    3. The Beautiful Mahodand Lake Credit: irtaza (66 points, 10 comments)
    4. Sabz Hilali Parcham in the remotest foothills of Preghar mountain BuspaKale BadarValley Ladha Waziristan. 23 Mar celebrations : credit: Pakistan Defence (63 points, 6 comments)
    5. What a beauty ... Sky view of Bajaur agency. (45 points, 6 comments)
    6. Dreamy scene of chair lift Malam Jabba Swat valley (31 points, 2 comments)
    7. Who want to sit on this boat ? Pakistan Beauty (30 points, 17 comments)
    8. Water scarcity in Pakistan a bigger threat than terrorism ? (14 points, 17 comments)
    9. Heavenly turn shangla .. Beauty of Pakistan (7 points, 0 comments)
    10. Who will be chairman of senate ? Raja zafar ul haq or Sadiq Sanjrani ? (3 points, 1 comment)
  8. 360 points, 14 submissions: badinspector2
    1. An old Pakistani man selling his art work on the street. (157 points, 24 comments)
    2. ISPR released 🔥 in 7 Pakistani languages for 23rd March. (58 points, 38 comments)
    3. Pakistanis decline US request to intervene in Iran's internal affairs. (47 points, 6 comments)
    4. Two ships collide at Karachi port. (19 points, 10 comments)
    5. In 2013 PML-N promised to create 500,000 houses for the poor but delivered zero. (17 points, 32 comments)
    6. US sanctions seven Pakistani firms for 'nuclear trade' (16 points, 14 comments)
    7. 'India-backed' terrorist group busted in Hyderabad (13 points, 8 comments)
    8. Deaf Reach song for Pakistan day - Shehzad Roy (9 points, 2 comments)
    9. Black market — the dark side to PSL final tickets (6 points, 2 comments)
    10. Karachi to host West Indies in April for three-match T20. (6 points, 4 comments)
  9. 350 points, 16 submissions: NoodlePhysics
    1. Senate committee recommends punishment for false accusations of blasphemy (71 points, 23 comments)
    2. Supreme Court bans 'Chinese salt' across country, declares it 'hazardous to health' (43 points, 27 comments)
    3. Chief justice gives Karachi authorities one week to clean up city (36 points, 49 comments)
    4. What are your thoughts on a Karachi Province? (32 points, 67 comments)
    5. Imran Khan welcomes Amir Liaquat Hussain into PTI (30 points, 153 comments)
    6. At least 17 PTI lawmakers in KP allegedly sold votes in Senate election: sources (27 points, 35 comments)
    7. Imran Khan says will contest upcoming elections from Karachi (21 points, 13 comments)
    8. Dawn Investigations: The Pakistanis who have offshore properties worth millions (17 points, 12 comments)
    9. PML-N, PPP bag most Senate seats, PTI meets expectations. (17 points, 12 comments)
    10. THE ROAD OUT OF GWADAR (14 points, 0 comments)
  10. 336 points, 15 submissions: JuliusSeizure9
    1. Islamabad United beats Peshawar Zalmi and becomes 2nd time PSL champion (70 points, 12 comments)
    2. Shoe thrown at Imran Khan during PTI rally in Gujarat (53 points, 42 comments)
    3. Ummat one of the most read urdu newspapers in Pak circulated in Khi, Hyd, Pesh & Pindi has been eulogising convicted terrorist #MumtazQadri since many years. Our Govt hasn't found a way to communicate a peaceful narrative but fanatics are reaching millions daily (41 points, 65 comments)
    4. Burj Khalifa, Bosphorus Bridge light up Pak flag on Pakistan Day (34 points, 1 comment)
    5. Rao Anwar arrested from Supreme Court (28 points, 18 comments)
    6. Maryam Nawaz was using black magic powers on JIT members according to ARY (26 points, 54 comments)
    7. Dr Shahid Masood failed to provide details of foreign accounts regarding Zainab murder case, claims FIA (22 points, 13 comments)
    8. 6 year old boy who impressed Wasim Akram with his bowling skills got coached by the legend himself (13 points, 4 comments)
    9. COAS maligned army by becoming a "guarantor" - Leader of Tehreek-e-Labbaik (12 points, 8 comments)
    10. 300 years ago Greater Pakistan used to generate 10 times more revenue than France - Shoaib Shaikh (9 points, 12 comments)
  11. 312 points, 19 submissions: Batman_Lambo
    1. Pakistan ranked happiest among neighbouring countries: UN report (76 points, 86 comments)
    2. Girl Power (65 points, 9 comments)
    3. RAW met MQM in Europe in the 90s, gave money: report (38 points, 40 comments)
    4. PAF Chief being bid farewell (23 points, 16 comments)
    5. Egyptian Billionaire Eyes Further Multi-Billion Dollar Pakistan Real Estate Projects (19 points, 8 comments)
    6. After ban, Atif Aslam refuses to promote Bollywood song (17 points, 15 comments)
    7. All terrorist sanctuaries including Haqqani network eliminated, says DG ISPR (16 points, 14 comments)
    8. ACM Mujahid Khan's Flypass on Pakistan Day (15 points, 4 comments)
    9. Pakistan in 4 minutes (14 points, 1 comment)
    10. Solidarity march in AJK today for Indian firing victims (8 points, 0 comments)
  12. 309 points, 17 submissions: EhsanAhmad
    1. Imam of Faisal mosque Lahore molested 150 kids ppl are protesting against him more information is coming (80 points, 21 comments)
    2. Cleric arrested in Islamabad for physically harassing 12-year-old Filipino child (63 points, 9 comments)
    3. Rapist let off after agreeing to allow his sister to be raped by his victim's brother in Pakistan (34 points, 27 comments)
    4. Pakistani government officers who leave Islam to become Ahmadi after retirement are committing "treason" (25 points, 44 comments)
    5. Sikh Troupe visits Sikhi Holy Sites in Pakistan - PART 1 of 7 (24 points, 20 comments)
    6. Indian Sikh visits his old business that he left in Pakistan in 1947 (23 points, 6 comments)
    7. Social Media star "Bhola Record" arrested for rape (11 points, 11 comments)
    8. Heartwarming ad on India-Pakistan relationship (9 points, 3 comments)
    9. Punjab Assembly speaker refuses to listen about Patris Masih Blasphemy case, dismisses it as a "News report" (9 points, 10 comments)
    10. Past Haunts the Present in Pakistan's Only Hindi Department - The Wire (7 points, 1 comment)
  13. 245 points, 21 submissions: SanArsh
    1. Pakistan offers zero duty on 6,000 items from China (39 points, 13 comments)
    2. Hacking Democracy – Cambridge Analytica Turns to Pakistan - dated 09/03/18 before recent Fbk breach. (28 points, 31 comments)
    3. PTI lawmaker adopts unique way of protesting against electricity bills. (18 points, 7 comments)
    4. Literature Appreciation Thread. (16 points, 35 comments)
    5. Weekly Literature Thread. On Saturdays? Would that be something people here are interested in? (16 points, 15 comments)
    6. Alif Ailaans report on the KP Education challenge, the reforms undertaken since 2013 and the challenges ahead. All districts of KP have primary level infrastructure at greater than 80% now. (15 points, 14 comments)
    7. Improvements in the Health Sector under PML-N/PTI: Punjab vs KPK (15 points, 8 comments)
    8. Imran Khan started it all. Now Pakistani leaders are facing shoe and ink attacks - Reham Khan (15 points, 83 comments)
    9. Private clinics feel the heat of institution-based practice - GoKP instituted reforms bringing patients to Gov Hospitals from Private set ups. (15 points, 2 comments)
    10. Shoe hurled at PTI leaders hits Aleem Khan during Gujrat rally (14 points, 6 comments)
  14. 236 points, 14 submissions: latkabanta
    1. Bilawal greets Hindu community on Holi festival (41 points, 20 comments)
    2. Woman gives birth in bathroom after being denied entry by health centre in Raiwind (32 points, 24 comments)
    3. [Not The Onion] Federal Ombudsperson for Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplaces was caught Harassing News reporters at her work place. (27 points, 3 comments)
    4. Pashtun Student builds the largest flag of Pakistan in North Waziristan (25 points, 20 comments)
    5. Naya Pakistan: Partial paralysis child connected online with school in KP (23 points, 1 comment)
    6. Mujahid Afridi, main accused in Asma Rani case has been repatriated and arrested at Islamabad Airport by Kohat Police- [KPK Police] (22 points, 20 comments)
    7. Cricket: Pakistan Women’s team wins its 1st match of Sri Lanka tour (19 points, 0 comments)
    8. Diplo: 'Being a white American, you have zero cultural capital' | Music (14 points, 9 comments)
    9. Pakistan acquires another communication satellite - The Express Tribune (11 points, 0 comments)
    10. 55th transgender murdered in Peshawar (8 points, 6 comments)
  15. 219 points, 11 submissions: videntity
    1. A Thari Hindu woman has been elected to the Pakistani Senate (81 points, 3 comments)
    2. Highest Pakistan Civilian Award for Asma Jahangir - Nishan-e-Pakistan (41 points, 20 comments)
    3. Pakistan TV airs first Transgender Anchor (33 points, 8 comments)
    4. 45 per cent of Pakistan’s children are suffering from extreme, and irreversible malnourishment causing permanent physical and cognitive deficiencies (25 points, 19 comments)
    5. Sadiq Sanjrani elected 8th chairman of Senate (15 points, 20 comments)
    6. Treason case: Court asks federal govt to take measures for Musharraf's arrest (9 points, 8 comments)
    7. The Pakistani Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, An Inside Glimpse (5 points, 0 comments)
    8. Which Questions to ask from Upcoming Election Candidates ? (5 points, 12 comments)
    9. What is the actual role of a politician in a Pakistani Assembly ? (4 points, 9 comments)
    10. ECP to display voters list today (1 point, 1 comment)
  16. 219 points, 3 submissions: 93arkhanov93
    1. Jinnah with Pakistan Women's National Guard; 1947 (87 points, 34 comments)
    2. Despite border tensions between Pakistan, Indian surgeon to visit Karachi to perform liver transplants, train doctors (83 points, 66 comments)
    3. Elphinstone Street, Karachi; 1900 (49 points, 14 comments)
  17. 188 points, 5 submissions: tyronequan
    1. Krishna Kumari becomes first Hindu Dalit woman senator of Pakistan (125 points, 91 comments)
    2. Another Hazara youth Sajjad Ali martyred today in an open market in Quetta. Daesh has claimed this terror attack. (34 points, 8 comments)
    3. More shockers from Kathua: After rally for paedophile-rapist, now botched up probe (17 points, 7 comments)
    4. Old but Gold, Badass of the Week - M. M. Alam (12 points, 4 comments)
    5. A Drive Through Swat Valley (0 points, 0 comments)
  18. 154 points, 9 submissions: personal_dhobi
    1. Please don’t ask for free PSL tickets: PCB tells VIPs (48 points, 13 comments)
    2. Pakistan Day event to have foreign guests including Diego Maradona, Lindsay Lohan : report (39 points, 40 comments)
    3. Punjab sees drop in ‘honour killings’ after new law (21 points, 13 comments)
    4. Punjab govt to distribute 110,000 cell phones to farmers (17 points, 8 comments)
    5. Why Mush’s name not put on ECL, asks Nawaz (10 points, 13 comments)
    6. SC re-summons Nehal Hashmi over contempt of court remarks (8 points, 6 comments)
    7. Aren’t development funds pre-poll rigging, asks CJP (4 points, 22 comments)
    8. Supreme Court issues Nehal Hashmi another contempt notice (4 points, 20 comments)
    9. ACM Mujahid Anwar leading the 23rd March flypast (3 points, 1 comment)
  19. 154 points, 4 submissions: Marwin-gill
    1. Pakistan's first transgender newscaster appears on TV screen (91 points, 35 comments)
    2. Nobody from Hollywood can find Pakistan on the map: Kumail Nanjiani - The Express Tribune (37 points, 49 comments)
    3. Unqualified medics playing with mothers, infants’ lives in Punjab - The Express Tribune (15 points, 4 comments)
    4. Facebook introduces new feature in Pakistan to help increase blood donations (11 points, 0 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. SanArsh (1777 points, 401 comments)
  2. latkabanta (1564 points, 568 comments)
  3. greenvox (1336 points, 309 comments)
  4. lalaaaland123 (1140 points, 307 comments)
  5. Ribbuns50 (1104 points, 227 comments)
  6. HamWatan (618 points, 225 comments)
  7. Pakistani_in_MURICA (577 points, 167 comments)
  8. -ilm- (497 points, 107 comments)
  9. ObsiArmyBest (489 points, 330 comments)
  10. Preech (477 points, 104 comments)
  11. TheSleepingGypsy (473 points, 175 comments)
  12. tyronequan (420 points, 101 comments)
  13. ryzvonusef (410 points, 123 comments)
  14. Leeon1994 (404 points, 102 comments)
  15. khanartiste (382 points, 71 comments)
  16. mwJalal (376 points, 88 comments)
  17. saadghauri (361 points, 64 comments)
  18. -tchalla- (351 points, 80 comments)
  19. STOP_SCREAMING_AT_ME (341 points, 59 comments)
  20. xsaadx (339 points, 77 comments)
  21. AmirS1994 (335 points, 92 comments)
  22. rudolphtheredknows (334 points, 147 comments)
  23. Evil_Filbert (333 points, 62 comments)
  24. deltapak (328 points, 61 comments)
  25. hadeedddrex (314 points, 72 comments)
  26. da_gankmaster_5000 (306 points, 88 comments)
  27. JuliusSeizure9 (290 points, 69 comments)
  28. thelahoriguy (289 points, 50 comments)
  29. karachimqm (284 points, 75 comments)
  30. retroguy02 (282 points, 60 comments)
  31. personal_dhobi (277 points, 53 comments)
  32. IndoAryaD (274 points, 22 comments)
  33. tarikhdan (271 points, 83 comments)
  34. boomaya (259 points, 68 comments)
  35. Markhors (249 points, 67 comments)
  36. sammyedwards (243 points, 83 comments)
  37. ieathaleem (241 points, 57 comments)
  38. thepunisher2001 (238 points, 85 comments)
  39. ddddc1 (237 points, 37 comments)
  40. -sher- (236 points, 50 comments)
  41. PAK_IS_TAN (228 points, 73 comments)
  42. ArcaneOverdrive (225 points, 40 comments)
  43. purplebeetle (224 points, 69 comments)
  44. Pleasant_Jim (221 points, 67 comments)
  45. 2ndratecit (219 points, 25 comments)
  46. badinspector2 (209 points, 32 comments)
  47. Abdul_Dachi (200 points, 159 comments)
  48. kaizodaku (192 points, 75 comments)
  49. bazm55555 (187 points, 78 comments)
  50. abdulisbest (185 points, 68 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. An old Pakistani man selling his art work on the street. by badinspector2 (157 points, 24 comments)
  2. Krishna Kumari becomes first Hindu Dalit woman senator of Pakistan by tyronequan (125 points, 91 comments)
  3. Hate it when this happens by insafian (114 points, 22 comments)
  4. RIP 💔 by malik512 (109 points, 38 comments)
  5. PakistaniPeopleTwitter by BillBatori (105 points, 11 comments)
  6. Map that makes me proud as Pakistani American by throwitdontshowit (99 points, 195 comments)
  7. 'One Paisa' Coin from 1948 by Ribbuns50 (93 points, 23 comments)
  8. Back in 1998 when McDonalds was 29 rs only. by Leeon1994 (92 points, 40 comments)
  9. marson marson, Karachi na desun by insafian (92 points, 35 comments)
  10. Going to have to crush these pills by insafian (92 points, 30 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 130 points: 2ndratecit's comment in [Serious] Pakistanis of Reddit who had an arranged marriage, how to approach doing 'it' for the first time?
  2. 53 points: Ribbuns50's comment in In Winston Churchill, Hollywood rewards a mass murderer
  3. 49 points: ArcaneOverdrive's comment in Nobody from Hollywood can find Pakistan on the map: Kumail Nanjiani - The Express Tribune
  4. 47 points: khanartiste's comment in 8/10 top writers on Pakistan are from India on Quora
  5. 47 points: retroguy02's comment in Facebook comments on a post about the Aurat march in Karachi. No hope left for this country.
  6. 44 points: Ali_Safdari's comment in [AMA] I am an Indian, Feel free to ask me questions to clear out misconceptions you have about India or Indians
  7. 44 points: SanArsh's comment in In Winston Churchill, Hollywood rewards a mass murderer
  8. 43 points: BillBatori's comment in Krishna Kumari becomes first Hindu Dalit woman senator of Pakistan
  9. 43 points: greenvox's comment in Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui believes Pakistan puts too much emphasis on minority rights & not enough on majority rights
  10. 42 points: mwJalal's comment in What is the most desi superpower you can think of?
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Collection of Research Articles

Note, I haven't fully read through or evaluated the quality these studies

Mind-muscle connection

Importance of mind-muscle connection during progressive resistance training [2015, N=18, trained men]


This study evaluates whether focusing on using specific muscles during bench press can selectively activate these muscles.
Altogether 18 resistance-trained men participated. Subjects were familiarized with the procedure and performed one-maximum repetition (1RM) test during the first session. In the second session, 3 different bench press conditions were performed with intensities of 20, 40, 50, 60 and 80 % of the pre-determined 1RM: regular bench press, and bench press focusing on selectively using the pectoralis major and triceps brachii, respectively. Surface electromyography (EMG) signals were recorded for the triceps brachii and pectoralis major muscles. Subsequently, peak EMG of the filtered signals were normalized to maximum maximorum EMG of each muscle.
In both muscles, focusing on using the respective muscles increased muscle activity at relative loads between 20 and 60 %, but not at 80 % of 1RM. Overall, a threshold between 60 and 80 % rather than a linear decrease in selective activation with increasing intensity appeared to exist. The increased activity did not occur at the expense of decreased activity of the other muscle, e.g. when focusing on activating the triceps muscle the activity of the pectoralis muscle did not decrease. On the contrary, focusing on using the triceps muscle also increased pectoralis EMG at 50 and 60 % of 1RM.
Resistance-trained individuals can increase triceps brachii or pectarilis major muscle activity during the bench press when focusing on using the specific muscle at intensities up to 60 % of 1RM. A threshold between 60 and 80 % appeared to exist

Reply to the article by Halperin & Vigotsky (2016):

The results of Calatayud et al. (...) indicate that focusing on the pectoralis major and triceps brachii muscles during bench press exercise selectively enhanced their activation, and thus suggest a training strategy. However, the authors did not discuss the well-established negative effects that focusing on specific muscle groups has on exercise performance. For proper perspective of the results and their practical utility, it is helpful to note the interplay between negative and positive effects of different focus conditions.
Compared to external focus, adopting an internal focus decreases the force participants are able to apply in both single- and multi-joint exercises (Wulf 2013 ). Internal focus also reduces the number of repetitions subjects are able to com- plete in dynamic exercises, such as the bench press. It also shortens the time subjects are able to sustain an isometric contraction, such as a wall-sit (Wulf 2013 ).

Wulf (2013)

[...] in about 80 experiments significant advantages of external relative to internal foci (or, in some cases, distal relative to proximal foci) were found, sometimes in more than one measure of performance. Only a handful of those studies obtained null effects
Even though the attentional focus effect is now well established in the motor behavior literature, the translation of this research into practice is lagging behind. In interviews conducted by Porter, Wu, and Partridge (2010), 84.6% of track and field athletes who competed at national championships reported that their coaches gave instructions related to body and limb movements. As a consequence, the majority of athletes (69.2%) indicated that they focused internally when competing

Resistance Training Volume

Moderate Resistance Training Volume Produces More Favorable Strength Gains Than High or Low Volumes During a Short-Term Training Cycle (2015)

Resistance Training Frequency

Here's something I've always wondered about squatting every day: what's the advantage to squatting 6 times a week? At least your legs get one day of rest. And if squatting every day is the superior option, why don't we emulate this approach for the other muscle groups as well?

Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training

Strength and conditioning research - Strength

For untrained individuals, greater training frequency leading to more volume could lead to greater strength gains. However, splitting the same weekly volume out over more sessions is unlikely to be beneficial. For trained individuals, splitting the same weekly volume out over more sessions might be beneficial, but evidence is very limited. Training with a higher frequency might be more effective for increasing strength because of improved inter-muscular co-ordination by virtue of a greater number of practice occasions.

Strength and conditioning research - Hypertrophy

For untrained individuals, altering volume-matched training frequency does not seem to have any effect on hypertrophy. For trained individuals, a higher volume-matched training frequency might to be superior to a lower volume-matched frequency for hypertrophy.

Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Measures of Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2016) - Schoenfeld, Krieger, Ogborn

When comparing studies that investigated training muscle groups between 1 to 3 days per week on a volume-equated basis, the current body of evidence indicates that frequencies of training twice a week promote superior hypertrophic outcomes to once a week. It can therefore be inferred that the major muscle groups should be trained at least twice a week to maximize muscle growth; whether training a muscle group three times per week is superior to a twice-per-week protocol remains to be determined.

Influence of Resistance Training Frequency on Muscular Adaptations in Well-Trained Men (2015)

Results showed significantly greater increases in forearm flexor muscle thickness for TOTAL compared to SPLIT. No significant differences were noted in maximal strength measures. The findings suggest a potentially superior hypertrophic benefit to higher weekly resistance training frequencies.

Deadlift injury risk

For those interested, I found some data on deadlifts and injury risk. Please don't look at this and assume that deadlifts are bad, but beware that deadlifts could injure your back if performed improperly. Some studies suggest that a more vertical back angle + bar close to body is beneficial and safer (i.e. sumo squat).

Understanding and Overcoming the Sticking Point in Resistance Exercise (2015)

certain lifting styles may inherently carry certain risks e.g. a wide grip on the bench press may increase the risk of shoulder injury and pectoralis major rupture [83], rounding of the back in the deadlift (which minimizes the moment arm of the load around the hip) the risk of spinal injuries [84], and buckling of the knees (valgus collapse– poorly synchronized or excessive tibial internal rotation and adduction relative to the knee flexion angle in a given stance) in the squat the risk of knee injuries [85].

Retrospective Injury Epidemiology of Strongman Athletes (2013)

Eighty two percent of strongman athletes reported injuries (1.6 ±1.5 training injuries/liftey, 0.4 ±0.7 competition injuries/liftey, 5.5 ±6.5 training injuries/1000 hr training).
From the strongman athletes’ injury data, traditional exercises accounted for just over half of injuries (deadlift 18%, squat 16%, overhead press 9%, bench press 6% and other 6%) (see Table 4). Strongman events accounted for 46% of injuries (9% stone work, 8% yoke walk, 6% tire flip, 5% farmer’s walk, 4% axle work, 4% log lift and press, 2% circus dumbbell and 8% other).
Traditional exercises, (deadlift and squat) produce exceedingly large hip extensor torques (1, 7, 11) and compressive or shear lumbar forces (7, 13). Winwood and colleagues (32) reported that 100% of strongman competitors performed traditional exercises (i.e. squat and deadlift) as part of their training programs; therefore the large percentage of lower back injuries with these exercises can be expected.

Which Patients With Low Back Pain Benefit From Deadlift Training? (2014)

Strength and conditioning professionals should not hesitate to use the deadlift exercise in their everyday practice, but before considering deadlift training for individuals with mechanical low back pain, our results suggest that pain intensity and the endurance of the hip and back extensors should be evaluated. For example, if low endurance of the hip and back extensors and high pain intensity are found in an individual with mechanical low back pain, then other interventions should be considered before initiating deadlift training. However, regardless of patients’ age, sex, body mass index, pain-related fear of movement, movement control,and activity, the deadlift exercise seems to be an effective intervention.
pain not only inhibits optimal muscle recruitment patterns but can also influence motor learning(13). More specifically, it has been suggested that pain may disturb motor learning due to its interference in the quality of performing a task that is being practiced (e.g., the deadlift exercise) (12). It might have therefore taken more time for participants with high pain intensity to learn how to perform the deadlift with the proper technique.

Exercise Highlight: The Sumo Deadlift (2016)

(...) deadlifts have also been shown to increase the strength and endurance of the trunk musculature (3,7) with no difference in activation between sumo and conventional stances (6). However, biomechanical analysis showed that the trunk posture is significantly more upright in the sumo deadlift leading to a decrease in the shear forces (8% reduction compared to conventional stance) placed upon the spine (2,5). Therefore, using the sumo deadlift may be a safer lifting technique in occupations where people are often required to lift bulky or heavy objects from the floor. Consequently, choosing the sumo deadlift as a part of higher-level lower back injury rehabilitation program could be highly beneficial.

Biomechanical analysis of the deadlift during the 1999 Special Olympics World Games (2001)

The increased forward trunk tilt at LO [LiftOff off the ground] in the current study resulted in a 10–20° decrease in hip angles compared with several other studies (1,5,11). The increased forward trunk tilt at LO may predispose the spine and back musculature to an increased risk of injury (2,3,6). Cholewicki et al. (3) reported that a more upright trunk at LO resulted in less anterior shear force at the lumbar L4/L5 joint. This was especially true in the conventional group, which had significantly greater forward trunk tilt than the sumo group at LO, since there is approximately 10% greater shear force and moment generated at the L4/L5 joint in the conventional deadlift compared with the sumo deadlift (3).
Keeping a weight close to the body during lifting is important in minimizing injury potential, especially to the lower back, because hip and spinal moment arms will decrease. This implies that the low-skilled group may have a higher risk of injury compared with the high-skilled group. Keeping the weight closer to the body also may enhance lifting performance.
The smaller hip moment arms and moments that result by keeping the barbell mass closer to the body also result in smaller L4/L5 joint moments and shear forces (3). This implies that the Special Olympics lifters may increase their risk of injury to the low back by keeping the barbell mass further away from the body. In addition, performance may also be compromised, since increasing hip and L4/L5 moments may also result in less weight being able to be lifted.

Injuries in strength training: review and practical application (2014)

Analysis of strength training is complex, since one or more training variables may interact with other training variables. However, the general nature of weight training injuries is quite similar among all those who train with weights, who are more likely to suffer from traumatic and chronic injuries because of various erroneous habits or poor technique (Hooper et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2000; Kerr et al., 2010; Weisenthal et al., 2014; Winwood et al., 2014). For these reason, neuromuscular training should be included in training programs, because it could reduce knee, shoulder, and low back injuries in adolescents and novice athletes in ST (Avery D Faigenbaum et al., 2014; Stevenson, Beattie, Schwartz, & Busconi, 2014)
Our review yielded three clinically relevant findings. First, most studies show variation in the definition of injury, methodologies, and analyses, which can lead to differences in results and conclusions obtained. Second, incidence and prevalence rate depend on definition and type of strength sports. Finally, lower back followed by shoulders and knees are most frequently injuries in ST.

Retrospective Injury Epidemiology of One Hundred One Competitive Oceania Power Lifters: The Effects of Age, Body Mass, Competitive Standard, and Gender (2006)

Similarly, the majority of the lower back injuries were associated with the performance of the squat and deadlift. This may be a consequence of the exceedingly large hip extensor torques (13, 23, 24) and compressive/shear lumbar forces (13, 15) reported for these exercises. A relatively greater proportion of injuries were reported to be acute (59.3%) than chronic in nature (40.7%). However, it is acknowledged that some injuries may appear acutely but actually reflect chronic degeneration (25). Unfortunately, the retrospective design and the lack of medical confirmation of each injury did not easily allow for determination of this third type of injury onset. The true rate of acute injuries may therefore actually be somewhat less than that reported

Medical History Associated with Adolescent Powerlifting (1983)

Mason7 and Troup5 expressed their theoretical concerns for possible deleterious effects of the dead lift on the spines of young lifters. Troup suggested a marked shearing stress, at the start of the dead lift, resisted by the pars interarticulanis of successive vertebrae in the region of the vertebral arch between the superior and inferior facets.
The low back region was the dominant injury site; 50% of all injuries occurred in this region. The knee, shoulder, and elbow were other sites of elevated injury occurrences. Musculoskeletal injuries (muscle pulls, tendonitis, cramps, sprains, broken bones, and dislocations) were perceived to account for 90.7% of all injury types.

Time Under Tension

Resistance exercise protocols that maximize muscle fiber recruitment, time-under-tension, and metabolic stress appear to contribute to intra-muscular anabolic signaling; however, there does not appear to be a minimal threshold or optimal training scheme per se for maximizing muscle hypertrophy
Exercises should be performed at a repetition duration that maintains muscular tension throughout the entire range of motion. Olympic lifting, plyometric and ballistic exercises remove tension from the muscle and apply greater forces through joints and associated tissues causing a greater potential for injury.


It looks like we need to distinguish between overreaching and overtraining. Here are some interesting quotes from research articles on the topic:

Overtraining Syndrome (2012)

OTS appears to be a maladapted response to excessive exercise without adequate rest, resulting in perturbations of multiple body systems (neurologic, endocrinologic, immunologic) coupled with mood changes. Many hypotheses of OTS pathogenesis are reviewed, and a clinical approach to athletes with possible OTS (including history, testing, and prevention) is presented.
OTS remains a clinical diagnosis with arbitrary definitions per the European College of Sports Science’s position statement. History and, in most situations, limited serologies are helpful. However, much remains to be learned given that most past research has been on athletes with overreaching rather than OTS.

Does overtaining exist? An analysis of overreaching and overtraining research (2004)

The majority of knowledge on markers of overtraining is based on the results of studies that have deliberately induced a state of overreaching in athletes. At present there is insufficient evidence to draw accurate conclusions on the similarities or differences between the two states

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: Joint consensus statement of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (2013)

A difficulty with recognising and conducting re-search into athletes with OTS is defining the point at which OTS develops. Many studies claim to have induced OTS but it is more likely that they have induced a state of OR in their subjects. Consequently, the majority of studies aimed at identifying markers of ensuing OTS are actually reporting markers of excessive exercise stress resulting in the acute condition of OR and not the chronic condition of OTS. The mechanism of the OTS could be difficult to examine in detail maybe because the stress caused by excessive training load, in combination with other stressors might trigger different ‘defence mechanisms’ such as the immunological, neuroendocrine and other physiological systems that all interact and probably therefore cannot be pinpointed as the ‘sole’ cause of the OTS.
A primary indicator of OR or OTS is a decrease in sport specific performance, and it is very important to emphasise the need to distinguish the OTS from OR and other potential causes of temporary under-performance such as anaemia, acute infection, muscle damage and insufficient carbohydrate intake

The Overtraining Syndrome: A Meta-Analytic Review (2013)

the data presented in this meta-analysis indicate considerable immune-suppression and increased stress in athletes who experience the OT syndrome (1,5,6,7,10,12,16,21,22,25,26,27). From this analysis, a negative effect size for the cardiovascular markers of HR and SBP indicates questionable alterations from N to OT in subjects (18,23,24). Increased sympathetic and/or decreased sympathetic influence may be affected in the OT condition. However, low effect size calculations allow for non-determinant conclusions related to cardiovascular indicators of the OT syndrome (3,13,15). Lastly, athletes in the OT state are likely to experience disturbances in sleep, self-perception, and mood factors (11).

Overtraining, Exercise, and Adrenal Insufficiency (2013)

Overtraining Syndrome (OS) has been described as chronic fatigue, burnout and staleness, where an imbalance between training/competition, versus recovery occurs. Training alone is seldom the primary cause. In most cases, the total amount of stress on the athlete exceeds their capacity to cope. A triggering stressful event, along with the chronic overtraining, pushes the athlete to start developing symptoms of overtraining syndrome, which is far worse than classic overtraining. Overtraining can be a part of healthy training, if only done for a short period of time. Chronic overtraining is what leads to serious health problems, including adrenal insufficiency.
Severe overtraining over an extended period can result in adrenal depletion [46-48]. An Addison- Type overtraining syndrome, where the adrenal glands are no longer able tomaintain proper hormone levels and athletic performance is severely compromised has been described by researchers [11,13,49-51].
CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) could be caused by or mistaken for AI (Adrenal Insufficiency). There is commonly a decrease in exercise capacity in CFS, which may be result of AI. Overtraining may contribute to or even cause AI. Cortisol levels are lowered and ACTH is increased during overtraining, while a reduced responsiveness to ACTH, and a reduced responsiveness to CRH are found. If the physical stress of overtraining is not removed, adrenal issues may continue or become more severe. Severely over trained athletes may develop Addison’s Disease

Monitoring the athlete training response: subjective self-reported measures trump commonly used objective measures: a systematic review (2015)

Subjective measures reflected acute and chronic training loads with superior sensitivity and consistency than objective measures. Subjective well-being was typically impaired with an acute increase in training load, and also with chronic training, while an acute decrease in training load improved subjective well-being.


Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society (2015)

• Sleeping less than 7 hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health outcomes, including weight gain and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke, depression, and increased risk of death. Sleeping less than 7 hours per night is also asso- ciated with impaired immune function, increased pain, impaired performance, increased errors, and greater risk of accidents.
• Sleeping more than 9 hours per night on a regular basis may be appropriate for young adults, individu- als recovering from sleep debt, and individuals with illnesses. For others, it is uncertain whether sleeping more than 9 hours per night is associated with health risk.

The impact of training schedules on the sleep and fatigue of elite athletes (2014)

At present, we know very little about the sleep needs of elite athletes, particularly in terms of the amount required to reach and/or maintain optimal levels of performance. The results of the current study indicate that elite athletes obtain an average of 6 h and 30 min of sleep per night. Given that 6 h of sleep per night in untrained individuals is associated with neurobehavioural deficits in daytime performance, it is reasonable to suggest that this level of sleep loss would also impair sports performance and recovery. One factor that affects the amount of sleep an athlete obtains is the timing of their training. When designing schedules, coaches should be aware of the implications of the timing of training sessions for sleep and fatigue. In particular,schedules that require athletes to train early in the morning reduce sleep duration and increase pre-training fatigue levels.

Sleep/wake behaviours of elite athletes from individual and team sports (2015)

The main finding of this study was that on average athletes obtained 6.8 h of sleep per night. This amount of sleep was considerably lower than the 8 h of sleep per night necessary to prevent the neurobehavioural deficits associated with sleep loss (Belenky et al.,2003; VanDongen et al.,2003).
While it is recognised that healthy, fit individuals tend to sleep longer and have higher quality of sleep compared to their sedentary counter-parts, there are data indicating that when athletes’ training demands are excessive the amount and quality of sleep may become disrupted (Shapiro,Bortz, Mitchell, Bartel, & Jooste,1981).

Sleep and Athletic Performance: The Effects of Sleep Loss on Exercise Performance, and Physiological and Cognitive Responses to Exercise (2014)

Although sleep is generally considered critical for human and athletic performance, there are mixed results regarding objective performance decrements in the current scientific literature. Individual athletes appear to lose sleep just prior to competing or if forced to train at early times; however,evidence for such instances in team sports is lacking.Exercise performance seems to be negatively affected during periods of SD (specifically endurance and repeated exercise bouts), although conflicting results exist for the effect of acute SR, as performance during maximal one-off efforts (in particular for maximal strength) is generally maintained. Possible reasons for these differences could be due to contrasting research designs and statistical power.The effects of sleep loss on physiological responses to exercise could potentially hinder muscular recovery and lead to a reduction in immune defense, although this still remains speculative. The majority of studies focusing on sleep loss and cognitive performance and mood responses have found detriments to most aspects of cognitive func-tion (i.e. RT) and mood stability, results that potentially could hinder the neurocognitive components of many sports. Despite common assumptions around the importance of sleep, the lack of scientific evidence (especially in elite athletes) suggests future research into the examination of sleep and athletic performance is warranted.

Sleep As A Strategy For Optimizing Performance (2016)

This study is from Journal of special operations medicine, and I couldn't get access to the full article. Even so here are some quotes from the abstract:
Insufficient sleep negatively impacts safety and readiness through reduced cognitive function, more accidents, and increased military friendly-fire incidents. Sufficient sleep is linked to better cognitive performance outcomes, increased vigor, and better physical and athletic performance as well as improved emotional and social functioning. Because Special Operations missions do not always allow for optimal rest or sleep, the impact of reduced rest and sleep on readiness and mission success should be minimized through appropriate preparation and planning. Preparation includes periods of "banking" or extending sleep opportunities before periods of loss, monitoring sleep by using tools like actigraphy to measure sleep and activity, assessing mental effectiveness, exploiting strategic sleep opportunities, and consuming caffeine at recommended doses to reduce fatigue during periods of loss. Together, these efforts may decrease the impact of sleep loss on mission and performance

The Impact of Sleep on Youth Athletic Performance (2015)

Sleep is critical to the body’s repair process for an athlete subjected to daily physical stress. Some of the negative effects of sleep deprivation include a decrease in reaction times (Scott, McNaughton, & Polman, 2006), and decreased strength (Riley & Piercy, 1994). During sleep, growth hormone is released and leads to muscle development. The impairments to the immune and endocrine systems (Reilly & Edwards, 2007)that result from sleep deprivation may impair the recovery process and adaptation to training (Halson, 2008).Sleep plays an important role in the repair process following an injury, and lack of sleep impairs injury recovery (Schwarz, Graham, Li, Locke, & Peever, 2013).Sleep deprivation can also cause a higher body mass index, leading to a greater risk of becoming obese (Ferrie, Shipley, Cappuccio, Brunner, Miller, Kumari, & Marmot, 2007). Due to these factors, coaches may be dealing with athletes who are moody, slower, weaker, slower to recover, overweight, and more susceptible to illness and injury.

Sleep Improves Memory: The Effect of Sleep on Long Term Memory in Early Adolescence (2012)

Sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of memory. This has been most clearly shown in adults for procedural memory (i.e. skills and procedures) and declarative memory (e.g. recall of facts).
Declarative memory is significantly improved by sleep in a sample of normal adolescents

Sleep, circadian rhythms, and athletic performance (2014)

Sleep deprivation was found not to influence performance in a number of studies [6,8e11,13,23], most of which measured short-term performance with a considerable anaerobic component. However, a large number of the studies observed a decrease in performance after sleep deprivation or recovery from sleep deprivation[14e22],many of which measured endurance performance. It is likely that psychological effects (e.g., motivation) contribute to the adverse effect of sleep deprivation upon endurance performance[20]. This proposed mechanism is in line with theoretical notions concerning motivation as a mediator of the effects of sleep deprivation[120].Sleep deprivation seems to influence evening performance to a greater extent than morning performance[7,20,25]. The reduced evening performance is likely a result of lower circadian rhythm amplitude after sleep deprivation[7,121]. Only a minority of the studies on total sleep deprivation measured performance in the evening [7,20], a limitation which may have led to fewer significant results.

Sleep, Recovery, and Athletic Performance:A Brief Review and Recommendations (2013)

Although sleep is recognized as an essential component of recovery from athletic training and anecdotally reported to be the single most efficacious recovery strategy (8), assessment of sleep quality in competitive athletes reveals a substantial prevalence of poor sleep quality (19)
These data indicate that athletes may have an increased need for sleep with general recommendations suggesting 7–9 hours to ensure adequate physio-logical and psychological recovery following training, of which 80–90 % should be during the night (3). Further-more, adequate sleep is particularly important for athletes who are injured,traveling, or in heavy periods of training or competition phases (23). Of particular concern when training elite athletes is the identification of signs and symptoms of poor sleep quality,indicative of sleep deprivation, which may result in an inability to appropriately recover from training.
The author goes on to make five practical recommendations for athletes trying to optimise sleep. Read the full article for details

Stress, Sleep and Recovery in Elite Soccer: A Critical Review of the Literature (2015)

Sleep deprivation may be detrimental to the recovery processes after a match, that is, impaired muscle glycogen repletion, impaired muscle damage repair, altered cognitive function and an increase in mental fatigue. Consequently, prolonged sleep deprivation may act as an additional stress to the stress imposed by exercise itself, similar to that of altitude or heat [132] or training in conditions of reduced carbohydrate availability [133]

Vitamin D


MMA & injury risk

Strength and injury risk

Anti-inflammatory drugs and supplements

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