Stats: What is a likelihood ratio? - PMean

what does a hazard ratio of 1.5 mean

what does a hazard ratio of 1.5 mean - win

Discussion: how much is enough?

So, I've got a minor issue here. Some cutting commentator on scifiwriting once remarked that Reddit worldbuilders aren't actually looking to write anything, they're here to get their egos stroked, to get the dopamine... and I need a fix.
Problem is, doing something as extensive as writing up an entire Navy takes time - so much time, in fact, that you end up changing your mind before you're done with it. So my question is thus: is a single-paragraph description of a warship and a generic listing of equipment and armament sufficient, without the bells and whistles of names or poorly-extrapolated numbers? Because right now I'm stuck on verbose descriptions like these:
Arleigh Burke-class destroyer
Functional classification: heavy escort
At over 70 ships built, there is more of these than all other destroyers in the world combined. With the first ship ordered in 1985, the Burkes represent the peak of US shipbuilding in the First Cold War, being the first to be designed from the outset with the Mk 41 Vertical Launch System, along with a modest effort to reduce radar signature with RAM materials and curtailment of miscellaneous clutter. More notably, the ships implement the lessons of the Falklands War, which highlighted the fragility of prior designs, with lightweight AlMg alloys widely used in superstructures literally catching fire. The Burkes are built of sterner stuff, with limited conventional and Kevlar armor over key systems, and are thus quite heavier. As an illustration, a study for a new cruiser with the capabilities of the previous-generation 9800 t Ticonderoga-class, but built to the new standards, produced a figure of 13900 t. Combined with the US Navy’s much-boasted and amply proven ability to keep ships afloat even when they’re on fire from bow to stern and leak like a sieve, this makes the Burkes some of the toughest ships around until the recent resurgence of extra-large warships with heavy armor. Finally, they were the first USN ships to feature a powerplant based around matching pairs of gas turbines per each screw, simplifying procurement and maintenance, but potentially increasing fuel consumption at low speed.
The Burke, however, is becoming dated. Her capacity for upgrades has mostly been used up by upgrades under the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System program, so even with Flight III upgrades she cannot keep up with newer trends in gadgetry. The Mk 41 launchers also have a limit to the power of rocket engines they can handle, since the missile’s motor is fired inside the storage canister (“hot launch”).
Overall, she mounts 32 VLS tubes fore and 64 aft, all of them strike-length, i.e. capable of handling Tomahawks, controlled by the vaunted Aegis command and decision system, and an AN/SPY-6 dual-band radar with phased array on four of the sides of the octagonal bridge. Except for the deliberately omitted LRASM, the Burke can handle every other VLS-compatible weapon in the USN arsenal with unmatched effectiveness:
  • RIM-174/SM-6 anti-air missiles, with short-range anti-ballistic missile capability, and a secondary anti-ship mode
  • RIM-161/SM-3 exoatmospheric hit-to-kill anti-ballistic missile with anti-satellite capability
  • RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow anti-air missile (quad-packed)
  • RGM-109 Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile
  • RGM-168 NAval TACtical Missile System (ballistic)
  • RUM-139 Vertical-Launched Anti-Submarine ROCket
Although the mixture can be varied arbitrarily, one common loadout is 8 SM-3s, 46 SM-6s, 16 ESSMs, 32 TLAMs and 6 VL-ASROCs; the number of TLAMs can be dropped to as low as 8, but there have been incidents during the Persian Gulf Wars where the prior Spruance-class sailed with nothing but Tomahawks in her VLS.
The various Standard Missiles represent the primary anti-air warfare capability of the US Navy and have been pushed into the anti-ballistic missile role. Some of the old First Cold War-vintage RIM-66s of the SM-2 family, single-stage and with semi-active homing, are still around, yet to be replaced by the vastly more sophisticated SM-6s. SM-6 and SM-3 share the same first and second-stage boosters, but whereas the former has an explosive warhead and an active radar seeker from an AMRAAM and is capable of hitting aircraft or other missiles below the radar horizon at 240 km, the latter has an third stage and a “kill vehicle” with omnidirectional hydrazine thrusters and infrared homing, enabling it to ram passing-by cruise missiles in near space. Both missiles have emergent capabilities: the SM-6 achieves sufficient velocity that, with guidance tweaks and on a ballistic trajectory, it can hit ships at 460 km (which has been officially leveraged), while the SM-3 can be aimed at satellites (which was demonstrated with the USA-193).
The Tomahawk family is a similarly crucial and iconic weapon, a turbofan-powered winged missile with a range of up to 2500 km in some variants. It predates easily available satellite navigation and instead uses a sophisticated terrain-matching system to find its bearings; this requires a very specific fire control package capable of preloading precise maps and waypoints into each missile before launch. And while newer models have two-way datalinks to enable mid-flight updates, they are still fundamentally “blind” and designed to attack fixed targets. Nuclear warheads have been withdrawn from service in the 1990s, but unitary and cluster variants are available. The number of Tomahawks per ship each grew from 8 to dozens with the introduction of the VLS, and they are a staple of US “police actions”, enabling devastating salvos from considerable range at short notice and with no risk of losing American lives to the adversary’s air defense.
It is, however, being both supplemented and supplanted. The NATACMS is a quick-and-dirty conversion of the Army TACtical Missile System to provide a quick-response strike option. The ATACMS is a small ballistic missile that cam be fitted in place of a six-tube artillery rocket module, of which the Army's M270 carries two and the Marines' M143 HIMARS one. Its range of 300 km can be easily doubled with upgrades, while a cluster warhead ensures a good killzone.
The YRGM-182 Evolved Intelligent Strike Missile is the Tomahawk successor; work began in the first term of the second Clinton administration among a raft of other superweapon projects. Its first and important change is the departure in dimensions: the Tomahawk was originally developed to fit into a 533 mm torpedo tube, but starting with Los Angeles-class Flight II US attack submarines too have specialized vertical cruise missile launchers. The cylindrical shape is suboptimal for a cruise missile; with the new triangular cross-section, larger size, and high-energy fuel, the EISM has a range of at least 5000 km, although it retains the low flight speed to minimize infrared signature. The missile is equipped with a host of sensors, including DSMAC navigation cameras, FLIR, millimeter-wave radar, and an ELINT package, coupled with an advanced AI, enabling the missile to autonomously classify, assign and prosecute fixed and mobile targets on land or at sea. It is armed with a WAU-43 “plasma warhead”, which provides high yield selectivity with the blast configurable in-flight from 1.5 t to 25 kt TNT equivalent, is outside the scope of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and does not leave behind dangerous fission products; it does require regular replenishment of tritium. The bulkheads forward and aft of the warhead have been configured to function as kinetic penetrators with an effective velocity of circa 3% lightspeed, and penetration depths in tens of meters. Also, PR statements aside, the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction outputs mostly high-energy neutrons, which leads to significant if short-lived secondary radiation at the blast site. Discussion about fourth-generation nuclear weapons, more powerful than conventional explosives, more efficient at delivering energy to the target than ordinary second-generation nukes, and free of the associated political hazards, cropped up after the first massed Tomahawk use against Yugoslavia, stemming from the strikingly poor ratio of destructive power to cost. It continued throughout the early 'naughts, citing phantasmagorical scenarios such as suicidal Al Qaeda volunteers scraping unburnt plutonium from the crater of a hypothetical US nuclear bunker-buster at Tora Bora.
Aside from the VLS, the Burke is designed to carry one 127 mm gun fore and two 20 mm CIWS, fore and aft. The CIWS was omitted from most ships to save costs, but on some a SeaRAM launcher was installed instead, as due to a quirk in hasty integration, the ballistic missile defense system would disable Aegis anti-air fire control; a SeaRAM would be superfluous now that ESSM is available. The 127 mm is a good dual-purpose gun and there’s an effort underway to provide it with ultra-long-range guided rocket-propelled shells, but it’s been overshadowed by the new 155 mm. Originally, the Burkes were also built with eight Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers; those have been removed entirely. Rounding up the armaments is a pair of triple 324 mm torpedo launchers.
Finally, the Burkes were not originally built to permanently house a helicopter, but two single-spot hangars wrapped around the aft superstructure have since been added.
Lyndon B. Johnson-class destroyer
Functional classification: surface combatant | Historical classification: large light cruiser
When designing the next destroyer after the Arleigh Burke-class, one that would replace the Spruance-class, the USN were under pressure to use her to supplant the unique artillery capabilities of their four WWII-vintage battleships. Thus the Zumwalt-class was designed from the outset as a “land-attack destroyer” with enhanced gun armament – two 155 mm, with guided ultra-long-range munitions – and a drastic investment into stealth. This led to an exotic tumblehome hull form to reduce signature and improve stability for long-range gunnery. Rounding out the design were the new Mk 57 VLS cells capable of accommodating future missiles with more energetic boosters, and an integrated powerplant that permits quickly routing the energy generated by the gas turbines to propulsion, or, say, a hypothetical railgun. The people in charge saw the resulting pricetag, and controversy ensued; ultimately, around 2009 a decision was made to put the Navy's ballistic missile defense capabilities on the cheaper Arleigh Burkes, which meant building more of them all the way until the mid-XXIst century, and the Zumwalt-class was put under the knife. Production was cut from dozens of ships to three, and the bigger half of the dual-band radar fit was eliminated. This had drastic knock-on effects: her guns use proprietary shells, and because she has a Total Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure in place of Aegis in an effort to slash the crew by half, any anti-air missiles require specialized conversion kits – so the penny-pinching meant these ships ended up with no artillery shells and a total stock of half a hundred SM-2 missiles. In the role of Tomahawk carriers, Zumwalts compete with submarines, and lose squarely.
Zumwalts' salvation has come from USN's adversaries: first the Chinese, then the Russians, now even Europe and minor players like Indonesia have begun to invest into capital surface combatants. The kneejerk reaction has been to “overmatch”, and the third Zumwalt hull, by then early in the works, was the prime candidate for a “superdestroyer”. Unfortunately, this also means the Lyndon B. Johnson was fitted out without a solid understanding of her future mission.
As built, she displaces over 22000 t, and features an integrated power grid supplied by six new turbogenerators. She retains the unmistakable tumblehome hull and pyramidal deckhouse. The drastically reduced deck space means the designers of the Zumwalt had to go with a new Mk 57 Peripheral VLS, lining either side of the ship with a single layer of launch tubes, rather than a tightly-packed Mk 41 battery amidships. LBJ increases that to two layers, and introduces the oversized Mk 60 tubes for future missiles, for a total of 120 standard and 16 extra-large weapons. Her sensor and fire control systems have been built to full spec, and she’s been integrated with all of USN's newest toys – Tomahawks cruise missiles, LRASM anti-ship missiles, SM-6 and ESSM anti-air missiles and even the VL-ASROC. She also retains the two 155 mm guns fore (with one only able to fire at broadside angles) with rocket-propelled shells that reach out to a hundred miles.
She’s received ungraded defenses, including a pair of Mk 110 57 mm autocannons behind the superstructure (which the Zumwalt never got) and three new Mk 20 retractable CIWS turrets, two on fore and aft ends of the superstructure and one at the extreme aft, behind the flight deck. It has also received the token 324 mm torpedo tubes on either side. The protection of her missile magazines has been thickened and formed into a full internal armour belt; combined with massive unused spaces between the VLS and the inward-canted hull, this provides good horizontal protection. Additional turtleback armor protects the machinery spaces, the magazines, and the CIC (Zumwalt’s voluminous but vulnerable Ship's Mission Centre concept had to be abandoned). Finally, and quite notably, her helicopter deck has been raised to set up a full aviation hangar in place of the boat bay, for a maximum of six helicopters. That does mean she can no longer launch Zodiacs full of SEALs… but that’s what the LCS is for. The doctrinal uncertainty means she actually incorporates the features desired by all the multiple factions across the Pentagon:
  • The railgun may be far in the future, but it’s certainly a live program, now tied to the Army's Strategic Strike Cannon Artillery – with an eye towards a weapon with a range of a thousand miles – and the expanded bow can accommodate even the bulkiest turret
  • Advocates of greater independent surface warfare capability look to the Mk 60 tubes as the host for large ballistic missiles with hypersonic gliders, presently in the RFI stage
  • Mk 57 can also accommodate more energetic variants of the SM-3 antimissile, providing for improved performance in the ballistic missile defense role – assuming one goes through the trouble of creating a TSCEI-based equivalent to ABMD
  • The hull comes with cooling and mounting for four modular nuclear reactors in place of the two middle turbogenerators, providing unlimited cruise range
  • The excessive air complement can be replaced with two helicopters and four F-35B Joint Strike Fighters, provided the deck is additionally reinforced against the blast of their downwards-facing engines
submitted by FromTanaisToTharsis to MilitaryWorldbuilding [link] [comments]

Ethical/SRI Criteria Series #2 - Liontrust Sustainable Future funds (Equities)

Ethical/SRI Criteria Series #2 - Liontrust Sustainable Future funds (Equities)
As each person’s definition of what “Ethical” means differ and there is no black-and-white definition of “ethical”, it is important to understand that some trade-offs have to be made.
In this Ethical/SRI Criteria Series, we take a look at some of the most popular Responsible Investment (e.g. Ethical, ESG, Sustainable, Impact Investing) funds and their "Ethical" investment criteria to help you make better fund selections to align with your own values.

Liontrust Sustainable Future funds (Equities)
In a fast changing world, Liontrust's team believes the companies that will survive and thrive are those which improve people’s quality of life, be it through medical, technological or educational advances; driving improvements in the efficiency with which we use increasingly scarce resources; and helping to build a more stable, resilient and prosperous economy. The Sustainable Future funds' investment process seeks to invest in high-quality organisations with robust business fundamentals, strong management and attractive valuations; adaptors and innovators capitalising on change, accessing new markets and opportunities and outperforming their competitors; and companies that are creating real and lasting value for shareholders and society, now and in the future.
The following funds are managed under the Sustainable Future investment process:
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Cautious Managed Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Defensive Managed Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future European Growth Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Global Growth Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Managed Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Managed Growth Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future UK Growth Fund
  • Liontrust UK Ethical Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future Global Growth Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future Pan-European Growth Fund
  • Liontrust Monthly Income Bond Fund
  • Liontrust Sustainable Future Corporate Bond Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund

Ethical Investment Criteria
Liontrust Investment Process

1) Thematic Analysis
Identifying emerging trends and long-term themes is the cornerstone of Liontrust's process. From the development of personalised medicine to the transition to lower carbon fossil fuels, the team is fascinated by the wide-ranging trends that are changing the world and the opportunities they create. Thirty years ago, the IBM PC XT was the pinnacle of technology for example; today, we have the iPhone, which is not only much more powerful but can also fit into your pocket and is half a million times more energy efficient.
We can also point to advances in healthcare that have led to dramatic improvements in life expectancy. For instance, if a man was diagnosed with prostate cancer 30 years ago, he had a less than 50% chance of living more than five years; today, the odds are around 90%.
Why is this relevant to investors? Many of these outcomes have been delivered by the power of capitalism and the creativity of businesses generating strong profit growth and investment returns.
It is these innovative businesses in which Liontrust Sustainable Future Funds have invested for two decades, and the team feels most investors underestimate the speed, scale and persistency of such trends within our economy.
Liontrust's team therefore look at the world through the prism of three mega trends - and 20 themes within these.
  • Cleaner: Using our resources more efficiently (water, increasing recycling of waste, lower carbon energy sources and energy efficiency)
  • Healthier: Improving our quality of life through better education, healthier lifestyles and diet or better healthcare
  • Safer: Making the systems we rely on safer or more resilient. This includes car safety, keeping our online data safe with cybersecurity and spreading risk through appropriate insurance mechanisms
Liontrust's 3 Mega Trends & themes within them
2) Sustainability Analysis
ESG management quality: While the Liontrust team’s primary focus is on finding companies positively exposed to long-term transformative themes, they also want to limit or completely avoid an investment in companies exposed to activities that cause damage to society and the environment (i.e. checking how sustainable the rest of its activities are). To the team, this is an obvious and intuitive move and better reflects the companies they choose to hold across their sustainable investment funds.
To achieve this, the team has thresholds on the revenues that companies can derive from unsustainable and unethical activities and still be included in their funds. From July 2018, all funds managed by the team moved from a threshold of 10% of revenues from activities such as tobacco, gambling, intensive farming, weapon systems and nuclear to 5%.
This Screening Criteria (see details below) form part of the sustainability analysis of each company and fund managers also carry out screening on stocks as part of their analysis. They do not have separate fund management and environmental, social and governance (ESG) divisions. Instead, every team member is responsible for all aspects of financial and ESG relating to an investment decision. Because of this approach, the team engages with companies across a broad range of issues relating to steps in our investment process, including screening criteria, sustainable investment themes and company-specific ESG issues.
Screens on human rights, labour standards and infrastructure are less absolute than, say, involvement in tobacco so the screening process highlights any controversies for the analyst to assess on a case-by-case basis.
For each company, the team determines the key environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that are important indicators of future success and assess how well these are managed via its proprietary sustainability matrix.
Every company held in the Sustainable Futures portfolios is given a Sustainability Matrix rating, which analyses the following aspects:
  • Product sustainability (rated from A to E): Assesses the extent to which a company’s core business helps or harms society and/ or the environment. An A rating indicates a company whose products or services contribute to sustainable development (such as renewable energy); an E rating indicates a company whose core business is in a conflict with sustainable development (such as tobacco).
  • Management quality (rated from 1 to 5): Assesses whether a company has appropriate structures, policies and practices in place for managing its ESG risks and impacts. Management quality in relation to the risks and opportunities represented by potentially material ESG issues are graded from 1 (excellent) to 5 (very poor). Companies must score C3 or higher to be considered for inclusion in our funds.
Screening Criteria:
  • Alcohol - While alcohol is consumed and enjoyed by a large percentage of the population, the excessive consumption of alcohol, sale to underage drinkers and irresponsible marketing of products can have negative social and health impacts. Companies selling alcohol must take steps to mitigate these impacts through responsible policies and practices.
Only invest in alcohol companies that have policies and practices to address responsible marketing, consumption and sale of their products.
  • Animal welfare - Testing products on animals is clearly undesirable. However, it also forms an essential part of some necessary human and environmental safety testing and is sometimes required by law, for example in medical research and development, and the EU Directive on chemicals and their safe use (REACH). Recognising this, the general view of the Sustainable Future funds is that animal testing should only be used where alternatives do not exist. We also believe that companies directly or indirectly involved in animal testing have a responsibility to (i) reduce, refine and replace animal tests, (ii) provide a rationale for the use of animal testing and (iii) take an approach that ensures as far as possible that their welfare is maintained.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the provision of animal testing services
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the: – manufacture of cosmetics or cosmetic intermediates that are tested on animals
– retail sale of own-brand cosmetics that are tested on animals
– manufacture of household products that are tested on animals unless the company policies and programmes to minimise testing are considered good practice
  • Climate change - Liontrust recognises the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions across the economy to limit the negative impacts stemming from the climate change emergency. The team believes: More aggressive, front-loaded, targets are needed to achieve an ultra-low carbon economy; The cost of decarbonising, while large, is much lower than the severe cost to the economy of doing nothing and facing the increasing costs from the impacts of climate change; This is a very material change and there will be proactive businesses that win and reactive businesses that lose from this shift. Liontrust's thematic analysis helps ensure it is invested in companies on the right side of the energy transition and it aims to invest in companies with strategies that are aligned with the Paris Agreement to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees centigrade. As part of the Paris Agreement, we support the Just Transition and see this as an opportunity to do things smarter as well as better, recognising the needs of people in the energy transition.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the extraction and production of coal, oil and natural gas
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from airlines and the manufacture of cars (unless they are specialised in making components that improve the efficiency or safety of cars) and trucks
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the production of energy-intensive materials unless they are making significant efforts and investment to make their processes more efficient and less carbon intensive
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from electricity generation from coal or lignite fired power stations
  • Deforestation - According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), although deforestation has been slowing since the 1990s, globally we still lose around 13 million hectares of forests through conversion to agricultural land or natural causes each year [1]. Deforestation and poor forestry management have significant impacts on the environment and biodiversity and must be managed effectively by companies.
Excludes forestry and paper companies that do not have policies and practices in place to ensure that forests are managed in a sustainable way
Excludes companies that are involved in the deforestation of primary or virgin forest or illegal logging practices
  • Gambling - There are concerns regarding the negative social impact of gambling addiction, especially on vulnerable groups such as children. The Sustainable Future funds expect companies involved in the gambling industry to be aware of the potential negative effects of gambling on individuals and communities and to recognise their responsibilities in this regard.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the management or ownership of gambling facilities
  • Genetic engineering - A decade or so after the introduction and widespread commercial adoption of GE technology, the scientific debate on the benefits and risks associated with the technology continues. Liontrust's team has fundamental concerns regarding the lack of clear protection of both the environment and consumers. Corporate behaviour has also generated alarm regarding disturbing commercial practices such as the use of terminator and traitor technology, threatening farmer independence and food security and further distancing GM technology from application as a sustainability solution. However, given extended use of the technology outside Europe without materialisation of the earlier primary safety concerns, and given considerations of world food security and climate change, we do not feel it appropriate to completely discount the potential that this technology may in due course bring. For example, it may have the potential to improve agricultural productivity and mitigate environmental damage associated with more conventional forms of intensive farming. Consequently, the team takes a precautionary approach and expects careful management of the risks surrounding this technology such as threats to biodiversity and ecosystem disruption. The team will approach GE on a case-by-case basis, applying core sustainability principles of precaution, environmental protection and future global food security. At the time of writing, Liontrust is not aware of any cases that pass this test.
Assess companies on a case-by-case basis and exclude companies involved in the uncontrolled release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment unless the benefits clearly outweigh the risks
  • Human rights - The term ‘human rights’ encompasses a number of issues ranging from civil and political rights, labour rights (see also labour standards criteria) and economic and social rights such as the right to housing or the right to education. The challenges that companies face in connection with human rights will therefore vary from company to company, sector to sector, and country to country. This diversity of human rights managerial challenges is most acute when companies operate in countries with weak governance, in other words, where governments are unable or unwilling to assume their responsibilities. If human rights issues are poorly managed by companies, then this can lead to litigation, extortion, sabotage, lost production, higher security costs and increased insurance premiums. In Liontrust's view, companies operating in countries of concern have a responsibility to put in place appropriate human rights policies, systems and reporting.
Assess companies on a case-by-case basis and encourage those that are operating in weak governance zones to demonstrate their commitment to the integration of human rights standards into business practices and to put in place appropriate human rights policies, systems and reporting
Exclude companies judged not to be addressing serious allegation of violations of international human rights laws and standards including the OECD Guidelines for Multi-National Enterprises (2000) and the UN Global Compact (2000), among others
  • Infrastructure projects - Airport, road and dam building can play an important role in meeting people’s needs through provision of essential infrastructure, job creation, and regional development. But these large-scale infrastructure projects can also be environmentally damaging and disruptive to local communities. Companies involved in large-scale infrastructure projects should adapt project designs to suit local environmental and community needs and undertake extensive stakeholder consultation to ensure that those adversely affected are properly compensated.
Excludes companies that are directly involved in the construction of large dam projects in developing countries if those projects have not met best practice standards.
Will only invest in companies involved in the building of large scale infrastructure projects such as roads, airports or dams if they are viewed as leaders within their sector with respect to stakeholder dialogue, environmental management and social and environmental impact assessment
  • Intensive farming - Intensive farming practices raise serious animal welfare, health and hygiene concerns. Intensification of crop production has resulted in use of large quantities of pesticides and artificial fertilisers some of which can contain hazardous substances and impurities that adversely affect health and the environment.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from intensive meat and fish farming
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the manufacture of chemical pesticides
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the fur trade
  • Labour standards - Individuals have a fundamental right to expect certain standards in their place of work. These labour standards are enshrined within international benchmarks such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (see also the human rights criteria) and the International Labour Office (ILO) Core Labour Standards.
Assess companies on a case-by-case basis, and encourage those that are operating in weak governance zones to demonstrate their commitment to the integration of international labour standards into business practices by putting in place appropriate labour standards policies, systems and reporting.
Exclude companies judged not to be addressing serious allegations of breaches of labour standards such as those on child labour, forced labour, discrimination, union rights, working hours and health and safety.
The international laws and standards, which we refer to when making this assessment, include the conventions which are regarded and promoted by the ILO as “core” conventions. In summary these are:
– Child labour – Equal opportunities – Forced labour
– Freedom of association/Collective bargaining
  • Nuclear - The team takes the view that despite the benefits of nuclear power as a low carbon source of energy, it is not a viable alternative to other forms of energy generation because of the significant environmental risks and liabilities related to waste and decommissioning. Accidents or terrorist attacks on nuclear power stations also pose a serious risk.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from owning or operating nuclear power stations, unless the company has made significant investment (>5% generation capacity) in renewable energy and does not have the option to divest its nuclear capacity [2]
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from uranium mining or reprocessing of nuclear fuel
Excludes companies that derive >5% turnover from the development or manufacture of non-safety related products for nuclear power plants
  • Ozone depleting substances - The depletion of the ozone layer continues to be a critical environmental issue with significant human health and biodiversity implications.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the manufacture or sale of ozone depleting substances
  • Pornography - The abusive and degrading portrayal of individuals in pornography contributes to sexual discrimination and exploitation of the vulnerable and can be a contributor to violence.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the production or distribution of pornographic material
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from owning or operating adult establishments
  • Tobacco - The team takes the view that tobacco is fundamentally in conflict with the concept of sustainable development because of the health impacts of smoking, the cost of treating individuals, and the effects of passive smoking.
Excludes companies that derive >5% of turnover from the manufacture or sale of tobacco products
  • Weapons systems - The manufacture of armaments is in conflict with sustainable development. Arms can inflict death and injury and cause damage to natural and manmade capital. While the team recognises and accepts the need for armaments for defence and peacekeeping, their ability to be used for aggression and oppression renders them socially unacceptable.
Excludes companies that are major producers of full weapons systems or critical components of weapon systems. Major producers are defined as having >5% of turnover and/or >£100m revenue from offensive weapons systems
Excludes companies with any confirmed involvement in “controversial weapons”, which are defined as anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, biological weapons or nuclear weapons. This includes manufacturing or supplying key components used in or the selling of controversial weapons.

3 & 4) Business fundamentals and valuation
Companies in which Liontrust SF funds invest have robust business fundamentals with a proven ability to deliver high returns on equity (RoE) through sustaining margins and asset turnover. Typically, these companies have a maintainable competitive advantage through scale, technology or business model.
The team predicts the likely sales, earnings and other financial returns it expects to see from these companies over the next three to five years, integrating the team's view of their quality into these.
Applying the relevant valuation multiple to these allows the team to derive a price target achievable in the next three years. When this shows significant upside, the investment is recommended as a buy and available to be included in our funds.

Engagement & Voting
Engagement is integral to how Liontrust ensures it invests in high-quality companies. Engaging with companies on key ESG issues gives them greater insight, helps them to identify leading companies and is used as a lever to encourage better business practices.
The Liontrust team has been engaging in this way for two decades, and have found this approach challenges and encourages companies to proactively manage the wider aspects of their business, which, in turn, protects their longer-term prospects.
Engagement is a resource-intensive process and the team conducts sustainability research alongside traditional financial and business fundamental analysis. This approach enables them to better target engagement on material issues and integrate this into our financial assessment of a company, maximising the information advantage that engagement can bring to analysis.

Summary: The Sustainable Future funds can be categorised as a hybrid between a traditional "Ethical" fund with negative screenings in place to filter the investable universe and a "Sustainable" fund, which aims to target sustainable companies that embraces the "mega trends" of the future and will deliver real and lasting positive value to investors and society around us. It has a very comprehensive "sustainability analysis" and engagement process to change company's behaviour for the better, which will certainly please many investors interested in Responsible Investments.

Liontrust Sustainable Future Managed Fund - Below is a deeper insight into one of largest funds in the Liontrust Sustainable Fund range. We may look at other funds in the range at some point too.
Rayner Spencer Mills comments:
The company’s Sustainable Responsible Investment process is central to the management of this fund. The portfolio is split into five asset classes: UK equities, World ex UK equities, UK government bonds, corporate bonds and cash with allocations to each asset class based around a central point of 35% to each equity category and 10%-15% to each fixed income category. The fund manager(s) can use the in-house Economics Research team, plus external sources, for top-down, macroeconomic views. Equity stock selection looks for companies with above average growth prospects but whose price is deemed to be undervalued by the market. The equity portion will typically contain around 40-60 holdings and, given the SRI focus, will typically have a growth style bias and be overweight medium-sized and smaller companies. The fixed income portion will focus predominantly on investment-grade bonds with limited exposure to high yield. Credit assessment focuses on a comparison of financial ratios and trends with company financial policy and strategy to understand the dynamics of the business. The objective is to find companies where the credit story is improving or stable credit stories where the company is undervalued.
Although the team that manages the Sustainable Future range of funds has only been at Liontrust since 2017 they were previously together at Alliance Trust (and before that Aviva Investors) managing the same funds using the same process and are widely regarded as one of the leading SRI investment teams. The focus is on sustainability and companies that provide solutions to, or will benefit from, longer-term themes, so this is not a traditional ethical fund but will avoid sectors such as tobacco. The Liontrust Sustainable Future Managed fund brings together the equity capabilities of the SRI team and the fixed income capabilities and experience of the Alliance Trust fixed income team who provide valuable input into the fixed income security selection, so it represents a strong option for investors looking for a mixed asset solution where there is a relatively strong bias towards equity investment.
Fund Stats
Fund Size: £1,537.6M as at 29/05/2020
Number of Holdings: 128
OCF: 0.89% (as at 31/03/2020)
Asset Allocation
Top 10 Holdings - Liontrust SF Managed
As 5.8% holdings are in the Liontrust SF Global Growth fund, here are top 10 holdings breakdowns of this fund too:
Sector Breakdown
Concentration Analysis
submitted by SirBanterClaus to UKEthicalInvesting [link] [comments]

Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Update 27.4
Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Update 27.4
Railjack Revisited (Part 1):
Tenno! We are continuing our Warframe Revised update pattern - this time with a focus on Railjack. Earlier this year we released ‘Warframe Revised’ which touched a lot of Warframe, but also included a big batch of bug fixes for Railjack. Now it’s time to dive deeper into key areas: Pacing, Balance, and Tools of the Trade. Not included in this Revisit: Intrinsics, Missions, and other areas. These are bigger undertakings for later Parts, but expect more revisions to come (to Malfunctions too)!
In Part 1, we are revising Pacing, Balance, and Tools because these 3 make up the foundation of all Railjack gameplay: what’s the pace of Railjack missions? How hard are you hitting enemies (and vice versa)? What are your tools for the trade? This update provides new answers to all of these questions in a new foundation to the Railjack you’ve known since launch. The key intention behind this Railjack Revisited update is to make Railjack better paced and more fun, while also being more rewarding for your time.
_You may notice some items listed below are striked-through! Over the weekend, we posted a Dev Workshop of these changes, also ran our first ever Public Test Cluster, where Tenno could playtest these Railjack changes before they went live. As we iterated on the feedback gathered, we wanted to show this in our update notes: if we iterated on a change following feedback, we have listed the original planned change with strike-through for the sake of comparison! The notes that follow are the Dev implementation of that feedback, which are now live! Whether you participated in the Public Test Cluster or shared your thoughts on the Dev Workshop, thank you again for providing thoughtful feedback on these Railjack changes prior to release, we look forward to more opportunities to do the same. _
General Changes:
Ship Combat Changes:
On-Foot Combat Changes:
Pacing Changes:
Archwing Changes / Fixes:
Systemic Changes:
Affinity and Intrinsic Gain Changes:
Avionics Changes: When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management.
Battle Avionic Refresh: _ Munitions Vortex_
Blackout Pulse
Particle Ram
Shatter Burst
Void Hole
Fiery Phoenix
Seeker Volley
Tactical Avionic: _ Fire Suppression_
NEW AVIONICS! Find these new Avionics from Earth, Saturn, or Veil Proximia Grineer Fighters to enhance your Railjack (these values are with Max Rank Avionic and Max Grid Rank):
Deep Hold (Lavan) Increase Forge Capacity by 60%.
Cruising Speed (Zetki) Increase Speed by 80% when no enemies within 3000m.
Quicklock (Lavan) Decrease Ordnance Lock-on time by 75%.
Artillery Cheap Shot (Zetki) Forward Artillery has a 50% chance to not consume Dome Charges.
Ordnance Cheap Shot (Lavan) Ordnance weapons have a 50% chance to not consume Munitions.
Turret Velocity (Vidar) Increase Turret Range by 25.3%. Increase Turret Projectile Speed by 55%.
Archwing Melee Stat Refresh (NEW based on Public Test Feedback): Mastery Rank 0-3 _ Veritux_
Mastery Rank 4-6
Mastery Rank 7-9 _ Knux_
Prisma Veritux
Arch-Gun Changes:
Imperator Vandal
Dual Decurions
Kuva Ayanga
Railjack Fixes:
Defendable Objects: Healing AoE and Damage Reduction Changes:
Our Healing AoE / Damage Reduction changes posted back on April 3rd have arrived! If you’re unfamiliar, ultimately what we want is more ‘Healing’ Abilities to work to allow for more strategies to emerge in various mission types. Healing these objectives can serve well as an alternative or a complement to the commonly used defensive Abilities, such as Frost's Snow Globe, Gara's Mass Vitrify, Limbo's Cataclysm. 100% heals is not what we want to do, so we are instead allowing the effects with some objective-specific adjustments as to not trivialize the game modes.
All the initial information can be found in the Dev Workshop: targets/>
Heal Source Normal effect Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) How did this work before this Update?
Gara - Mending Splinters 3 HP per sec for each active splinter Fine as is. As is
Hildryn - Haven|500 Max Shields
80% faster Shield recharge|Fine as is, will inherit the Normal effect behavior.|On live does nothing
Trinity - Blessing|Up to 100% HP and Shield restore|Previously did nothing. Now, will Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack|On live does nothing
Equinox - Mend|25 Shields for each enemy killed
Burst heal based on how much damage was dealt
Notes: Since the heal amount is based on player damage, the numbers are astronomical which will lead to imbalances outside our goal here.|Previously did nothing. Now, Allow the Shields component to work and heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack.|Does not affect (health nor shield)
Vazarin - Protective Dash|5 seconds invulnerability
60% Heal over 5 seconds|No invulnerability
Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack|Works at full effect
Khora - Venari|Heal for 50 hp/sec|Fine as is. Will return functionality that kicked this whole Workshop off. |We will be returning the functionality it had before
Hydroid - Curative Undertow|Heals 30% hp every 1.5 secs when ally stands on it|Previously did nothing. Heal for 100 per 1.5 sec|On live does nothing
Harrow - Penance|Heals allies for a % of damage dealt
Notes: Similar to Equinox, very hard to balance for this since it’s based on damage dealt.|Heals are capped up to 50 per second.|On live does nothing
Oberon - Renew|125 burst heal
50 health per sec|Previously did nothing. Now, Fine as is and will inherit this behavior.|On live does nothing
Garuda - Blood Siphon|Heals by % of missing health|Doesn’t apply, for flavor we think this shouldn’t.|On live does nothing
Inaros - Scarab Swarm|Heals for damage dealt by Swarm Projectile divided by allies in range.|Fine as is, will inherit this behavior.|On live does nothing
Nidus - Ravenous|Heal allies standing on it for 20 HP per second|Fine as is, will inherit this behavior.|On live does nothing
Wisp - Vitality Mote|Increase max hp by 300 and heal for 30 hp per second|Fine as is, will inherit this behavior.|On live does nothing
Volt - Capacitance|Grants shields based on 3% of damage dealt|Capped at 250 shields, no overshields|On live does nothing
Titania - Passive|4 Heal Per Second for 20 Seconds,|Fine as is|On live does nothing
Sancti Magistar|Heals for damage dealt in an AoE|Heal for up to 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack with other players. Going from a burst to Heal over Time.|Going from burst to heal over time
Ancient Healer|Heal for 100 HP every 20 seconds|Fine as is|As is
Rejuvenation Aura|Heal 3 HP per sec|Fine as is|As is
Arcane Pulse|60% Chance to heal for 150 HP when picking up a globe with a 15 sec cooldown.|Fine as is|As is
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction Source Normal effect Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) How did this work before this Update?
Trinity - Blessing 50% Damage reduction Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing
Mirage - Total Eclipse|Grants 75% Damage reduction to allies|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|On live does nothing
Titania - Thorns|50% damage redirected to enemies|Fine as is (no effect)|On live does nothing
Gara - Splinter Storm|70% Damage reduction|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|Works at full effect
Ember - Immolated Radiance|50% of Immolates Damage reduction applies to allies|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|On live does nothing
Baruuk - Desolate Hands|80% Damage reduction|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|On live does nothing
Harrow - Warding Thurible|40% Damage Reduction|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|Works at full effect
Nezha - Warding Halo|Absorbs 90% of damage|Capped at 50% Damage Reduction|On live does nothing
Conclave Mods Converted to PVE:
The following Conclave Mods have been converted/balanced to PvE Mods! If you already own these Mods they will automatically be available in your Arsenal. You can still obtain these Mods via Conclave, but will also be added to Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker Cred Offerings.
SimuloSynoid Simulor Changes:
*Controller Changes & Fixes: *
Kuva Lich Fixes:
General Additions:
General UI Changes:
submitted by desmaraisp to scrappertest [link] [comments]

Guide To Surviving the Aftermath 100% Difficulty

This a "Live Guide" is currently up to date on Ver 46 - 1.0.2
Welcome readers! If you want a massive guide on how to get started on surviving the long game, Read on! This will be a “Live Guide” which means ill do my best to update the guide whenever new major mechanics are introduced or bugs are fixed. We will cover how to get started and survive on 100% hardmode covering what you should be doing your first 160sd Days into the game. With this guide you should be able to achieve 1+ year long gameplays with little difficulty.
TL:TR Section is Coming Soon Day 0-180
Bugs Bugs Bugs Oh my! Tips and Tricks of a Pro Game Tester. "IMPORTANT"
*Patch 1.0.1 Bugs.
Field Hospital sometimes no longer works. People will walk in and don't heal. I recommend not building field hospitals right away. You can mitigate this by building 1 medical tent for every 3 emergency shelters you have within a housing group.
Numbers will no longer display correctly after collecting 10080 of any resource. This may make it seem like you have more or less resources than displayed amount. When collecting further resources.
**Notification Bug (Non Storm warning related).**This happens when clicking on the notification will not go away. If this happens you should save and reload your game. This bug can cause a stack of notifications to build up during x3 speed that causes a different bug.
x3 stack Notification Memory Leak. This happens when you are in x3 speed and notifications don't despawn. You will start to overload ram usage and corrupt further save files. If you notice that notifications are not going away after 30 seconds in any speed.
Save Every 3-5 Days. Trust me, with the state of the game, its best to save after each catastrophe or minor event. I disabled my autosave and saved manually multiple files. At some point, your save file will glitch, and you will fall back however many days to your last save. After about day 290, this becomes incredibly important. Don't have more than 20 save files.
Wait Between Unit Combat and movement. If you move faster than the animations of the units during combat or world movement, you can potentially cause the game to stop responding to unit selection. You will have to close and reload to the last saved state.
Radiation Farm Bug or Feature!: Very rare as of 1.0.2. At times you might experience your farms not clearing after an event. Just delete and rebuild the farm.
The Basics of Surviving the Aftermath Intro:
Patch *Note, Still looking over total rates of metal consumption since the new Buff, Making it past the breakpoint of the game has become a lot easier now that you don't have to worry about losing your production line so quickly. We have had our tools life extended by 33%.
Current State of Tools. First few things we need to get out of the way. Currently, in-game, the most useless early game resource is Tools. The craft to use ratio is 1:1, which means Tool production output is nearly impossible. *Patch Update 1.0.1, Change in metal economy currently does not change the state of tools
State of Tools as of 1.0.2, your workers will suffer a base 50% speed penalty, Which means any action you have your workers do will take twice as long. This is also important to know for keeping our food production high enough to support our colony. It is essential to make sure we establish farming immediately to maximize food production and storage for future growth.
As of Patch 1.0.2, We can now take more advantage of tool durability early game. I will be doing some more testing to see how much the metal buffs help us out long game. If you have a working population of 30, You will run out of tools by day 33.
Metal Resources Patch 1.0.2. This is a very precious and scares material. You will need to expand camps, build Wells, Storage, and Water towers. And more advanced homes. Currently each pile contains roughly 93-97 metal each. Take this into consideration when you first load into game, count the amount of total available map resources and expand your population accordingly. Make sure you also account for future repairs for long extended play periods.
Once we are able to build a Trade Center, we have the chances for trading for metal. Any time we get a chance to get metal we should do so. One of the lesser used materials with the game in its current state would be Parts and Scrap, Both are great for trading to obtain more raw metal.
We can also make huge stocks of Corn, Potatoes and Cabbage. These will be our primary trading crops. So we should make sure we have 100+ in stock of each food that is not apart of our eating reserve, but our trading reserve. Food should be traded for any resources available other then more food.
Fundamentals of Navigating with F-11:
Before we place anything, Push F-11. This will bring up a cycle of Land Overlays that will give you detailed information about Ground Area, Pathing, Structures, Permanent blocking, air quality, and I'm not sure what the other filter is. The First filter is what we are interested in.
The Yellow Zones: We will use this area for placing Production, Houses, Storage, and Resource Gathering. We want to make sure we can line up our homes to be efficient with distance in any way possible. Any way we can make path A to path B with as little turns and curves as possible, we will move resources and get less stuck less often. You should Place Emergency Shelters in no more than Square Group of 2x2 with the homes facing outwards. Tents will fit in nicely in areas that are dead zones. Workers can rest between Point A and B easier.
The Blue and Green Zones: The Entire blue area is where we will be placing all our Farm Wells and Trees. We will want to put any farm no more than in a 2x2 pattern block for moving efficiency later on unless we need to squeeze in for space. The Edges of the blue area will be where we place paths to Houses, Wells, and food storage.
Surviving Day Zero, The Basics:
Population Growth. You will see a lot of refugees asking to join you, And you have to decide how long you want to last at this point. Don't be afraid to turn everyone away while you only have 15 population. Make sure you evaluate each trait of every person coming in, inspect the Bounty Hunter that comes with the group if one dose so. Early game you must avoid taking children in as much as possible.
Building while paused. I haven't found an official blueprint mode yet. However, we can pause the game and line up our first buildings before we commit to material. Once the building has started construction, you will not be refunded your full amount of material.
Tips for Harvesting Supplies When selecting an area you can collect resources from, You can use Ctrl-Mouse-wheel to expand and close the collection circle. To reduce the walk around distance for retrieving resources, Close the circle as tight as possible. Once again make sure your circle does not overlap any hazardous material. Otherwise, you have a higher risk of getting sick.
**Starting Stockpile.**This will be your starting method of gathering Wood and Concrete. Just Gather the nearest resource away from radiation that you can find.
Starting Food Storage. In the early game, We should only gather berries during Catastrophic Events. This will ensure that any negative food production can be supplemented until we have adequate food storage. We also want to ensure that our Food Storage location is between our Farms and Emergency Shelters to minimize travel distance. You will likely want to move the starting position of your first Food Storage.
Day 0 Start:
For this Guide, we will start with our population of 8, But no matter what you decide to begin with, our production will eventually only be at 33%. So control your growth as much as possible when you first start. Our goal is to set up an area to have a living population of 15/10+ workers.
This will give us a basic survivable foundry that's not too big or small to stock up on resources efficiently.
1 Well. Your very first priority is to build a Well on the outer edge of a functional farming green area that you have chosen to establish your colony near.
4 Small Farms. You will want to build your first farms as close as physically possible to your Wells and Emergency Shelters as you possibly can. Set up a road between every two farms next to each other so that you can reduce walk around the distance. Don't forget you will also want to establish your Shelters next to your first 4 farms to maximise speed of harvesting and moving food to Food Storage.
Once the farms are set up and Corn has been planted, Remove your Workers. We need them to do other things until your ready to harvest on day 2 or 3 "depending on if you have any immediate Catastrophic Events." Civilians then should start working automatically on the Stockpile and Food Storage.
3 Emergency Shelters. After enough replays since Patch 1.0.1 It's no longer worth building tents at all to start. If your starting with a population of 8, Build 3 Emergency Shelters. You will be expanding and taking population in by day 1 or 2 if your quick.
Day 1-2, Tasks
Collect Materials. Move your original farmers who are collecting resources to finish building your scrapper and recycler. Once finished, you must max out both collection areas for one day and receive as much material as possible without injuring your workers wile avoiding radiation pits.
1 Medical Tent. You will get hurt very early on in the game. We need to be able to heal and get our working civilians back out as quickly as possible. I had this built by the end of day 2.
1 Front Gate Start, and finished by day 2. We want to try and establish 10 workers as quickly as possible.
Day 3 Tasks
Harvest your farms after 50% of the day is over to gain maximum crop yield, but to finish harvesting in time before nightfall. We want our workers to get a chance to plant new crops if possible before day 4.
Front Gate Finished. At this point you will want to start looking for small parties of people to join your colony. More people will start traveling to your entrance, and you will be able to select who comes or who goes. Pay very close attention to it. You do not want to bring in groups with more kids than adults unless you have a well-established food supply.
Food Supplies You will be continuing to grow only corn until you have a population of over 20 people or you have obtained Soybeans.
Creating a Foundation:
It might take a few playthroughs to not get RNGed into the ground. Some start events on 110% hardcore mode will just straight up kill you. If you find yourself at a point where you can't cure sickness and sustain population and work. Just restart and try again.
Your first primary goal is to make it to a sustainable Work Population of roughly 10 workers while maintaining a Population below or around 15 people. You must not take in any survivors with a large number of kids.
1 adult feeds 1.5 kids. So if you end up where you can't farm enough Food to sustain your population, you will collapse quickly during a Catastrophic Event such as Heat Waves or Radiation Storms
Once you have gathered enough Food, you need to move between farming and collecting Scrap. You will be micromanaging, making sure you can collect enough resources to get 1 Scrapper. Making sure you keep at least 1 person free from working to make sure you don't over exhaust civilians. Eventually,
World Exploration:
Once you get your working crew, You will want to start exploring the outer world and immediately start looking Science and for 22 Components. That's your one goal. You need 12 to build 2 Solar Panels 10 to build 1 Environmental Station. Establishing this as soon as you possibly can be a huge early game advantage. Removing radiation from fertile areas will help you put down more Farms. And with only 25% of the working area that's important!
*1.0.2 Update Tech Tree Order.
By Day 30, Communal Eating, Advanced Farming. We need to establish 4 Large Farms as soon as we possibly can. This will help give us better survivability through Nuclear Radiation Storms.
By Day 50, Bartering, General Storage, Energy Production 1, Hazmat Engineering.
No later than Day 50 do we want to start bartering and increasing our chances for better trade goods. This can help give us chances in getting clothing, tools, and seeds to help us through our survival.
Buildings to establish Early Game:
2 Stockpiles. Making sure you set 2 stockpiles to gather stone and wood continuously.
1 Food Storage. We need a place to put all that Food we Farm. We can also gather Berries. The only time you should collect berries, are during Radiation Storms. This would be a single resource worth gathering during this event.
1 Scavenging Hut. As soon as you possibly can start gathering metal. Remember, you want to stockpile as much metal as possible. During any Catastrophic Event, shut these buildings down unless they are working in the immediate area. You don't want to risk going out in a storm and getting hurt. That will put a major strain on your early game resources if you become too greedy. You may also have to cycle between farming and scavenging for metal. We only need enough metal to allow us to survive.
1 Burial Pit. People will die. Faster we move the body, the better we will be. Pro tip once a pit is full, you can recycle the pit for resources and a method of clearing and rebuilding the pits. I try to keep them far out of the way but not too far from a Tent or Emergency Shelter.
1 Trade Center: This is just important to establish more trade chance. Its 100% RNG from here.
Day 30 Early Game Stabilization.
5 Wells
5 Emergency Shelters
4 Large Farms
3 Medical Tents
2 Water Towers
2 Stockpiles
1 Food Storage
1 Tent
1 Saw Mill
1 Forester
1 Graveyard
3 Tool Shops. Right now is a good idea to spam production tools for all your population. If you have been controlling the growth of your population you should have no more then 50 civilians. If you have more, you might need to build 1 extra Tool Shop.
Minimum to Establish by day 60
*Wells: You want to make sure you have total Well coverage along your paths, homes, buildings, and work areas. Seriously, don't let the guys thirst to death! You want to have roughly 1 well for every 5-6 people early game. Until you can establish a huge water reserve, it's honestly best to keep total Well and coverage to be safe during Heat Waves
*Emergency Shelter: These are the only homes worth building. It's truly honestly better to be homeless than to put resources into tents or any other structure. Unless you are struggling to establish functional shelter groups, stick with these.
1 Recycler: You should switch your Recycler and Scavenger Hut back and forth until you have enough population to operate both buildings. You want to try and maintain two transporters at this point to make sure you have no major breakdown in the supply chain or causing exhaustion.
3 Forester Camps: We need to start establishing a healthy green zone quickly to farm for wood. Doing this as fast as possible is incredibly essential for resource management. Eventually, Stockpiles get harder to rely on, and we need to make sure we can expand at a good pace.
1 Wearhouse. These do when near Housing and Food Storage.
1 Sawmill. Be smart with this one, only forest what you need. If you don't need any wood, leave this building idle.
*Farms: My farms changed regularly from size to food type to location on a weekly bases for the first 30 days. The most important thing to remember is to try and establish a 10 to 1 production ration. Meaning there is 10 food for every 1 person. This will make sure you will have enough Food for Catastrophic Events and room for continuous growth when desired. You can also use large quantities of different types of Food to barter for tools and Clothing. And this is 100% worth it. Right now, we balance repair and resource management with farming Food. We want to farm as much as the available green area as possible.
2 Solar Panels. When building these panels, it's important to remember to put them in an area where we can establish multiple buildings/different buildings for future expansion and removal. Once we place these panels, we should plan never to remove them. We will not recover valuable resources if we scrap the panels. I eventually ended up with 4 panels in a row with buildings on both sides of the panels. (these took longer than 30 days to finish, but I started building them 30 days in)
1 Environmental Station. This building is what we need to get operational as quickly and efficiently as possible. If we cant remove radiation from our immediate area of dwelling, we risk getting sick because we are not producing Clothing. We also want to make sure we can start clearing the fertile ground. Remember, just because the zone does not look fertile, doesn't mean it's not. I keep this station going at all times except during pandemics. It's easier to survive. The quicker we deal with the hazards around the map. (this took longer than 30 days to finish, but I started building it 30 days in)
Day 60:
1 Environmental Station
2 Solar Panels
2 Cook Houses
1 Trade Center
1 Logger
Day 100 Population Boom
On Day 130:
3-4 Taliors. To mass produce clothing for the entire population. For me at this point i had 78 civilians to take care of. In combination of searching for resources and producing clothing i needed, this cost roughly 140 fabric.
1 Field Hospital
2 Solar Panels
Day 145:
Stopped Cloth production at 40 stockpiled
Day 155:
No Scrap
No Recycle
General Storage, Bartering, Energy Production 1, Hazmat Engineering, Education, Remembrance
Day 200, Catastrophic Radiation event 10 days.
Buildings to avoid:
Library. Currently civilians do not utilize this even with average population levels of around 100. Its better to build remembrance areas all around your city to help boost moral.
Tailors. For the most part, we want to spare our plastics and recycled materials for trading. By not building tailors, you risk getting sick from radiation or from epidemics. The epidemic are worse, but we can mitigate the radiation to an extent by navigating around large radiation piles.
Toolshop. We can't produce tools at a reasonable resource rate right now. And even if we could, I still wouldn't want to waste metal on tools. Yes, we will tire our workers out faster, and they will work way slower. However, We are surviving During the Apocalypse. Right now, tools are scarce and are simply just not plausible or available to get if we lose or break them.
submitted by kadinshino to survivingtheaftermath [link] [comments]

Anti-Corruption & News Summary - Oct/23/2019 :: Parliament grills Pashinyan :: An open secret :: Sevan lake :: 1k military fund -- discrepancy in numbers explained -- 72,000 more payments :: Budget size and debt :: Animal cruelty :: Traffic :: Elder :: Education Ministry :: US Congress & Armenia

Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise. Older posts can be found at: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 , credits to Idontknowmuch.
Helsinki committee organized a meeting in the US Congress. Various officials praised the democratic changes in Armenia, urged US to help Armenia. "A success in Armenia can show other Eurasian nations that democratic changes are possible, and good."
Former Pashinyan aide in Congress: the revolution was not sponsored from abroad, but it wouldn't be possible without the huge support provided by US to the Armenian civil society over the years.
Informed Citizens NGO Ionesyan: the corrupt former regime is currently trying to stop the progress. They have vast financial resources. They have an active and influential presence on the internet. They have Russia's support. Those who committed crimes in Armenia should have their assets frozen in US. (YUGE if true)
An attendee: we need to help Armenia to strengthen its Parliamentary system. Armenia has presented its former president on front of a court. It's a big achievement. No former CCCP country has done it. Kocharyan is Putin's friend, no one thought that Armenia would do it. (damn, Rob is taking from all the sides these days)
ANCA and Congress will introduce a bill to US House to recognize the Armenian Genocide. They're also discussing a bill to sanction Turkey.
House foreign affairs committee Eliot Engels: Turkey won't take the threat of sanctions seriously as long as US is silent about the Armenian Genocide recognition.
Parliament is grilling PM Pashinyan on the floor. 🚨
LHK Edmon Marukyan:
You don't have the right to secretly raise the salaries of 3 Ministers without the Parliament's knowledge. The law prohibits you from doing so.
I didn't raise it secretly. We discussed it in the Parliament during the 2019 budget discussions earlier, and we decided that Minister's ability to give themselves bonuses should be lowered and capped at 30%. Base salaries increased as part of these reforms.
You knew about this during budget discussions, I've said it from this podium, and you voted in favor of it. The salaries are also publicly available through financial declarations.
As for the reason why we didn't announce it publicly at the time of implementing the aforementioned changes, it is because it's customary in the system to do so.
Some salaries were lowered. The 3 Ministers who had their salaries increased are doing more work, especially after the number of Ministries was slashed and got merged with others.
The public should be happy that today they have a Minister who is "in need" of that addition salary (referring to no side-income through corruption).
Thank you, very cool.
QP Gevorg Papoyan:
What are you doing about the residents of Firdusi street who are facing an eviction by private firms since 2007, similar to what happened to the residents who lost homes and didn't get a fair compensation during the Northern Avenue construction?
There isn't going to be another Norther Avenue situation. (Residents were kicked out after being given unfairly low amount of money, not enough to buy a comparable apartment elsewhere. Recently they were invited to Parliament where they accused Justice Ministry officials, at the time led by now CC chief Hrayr Tovmasyan, of withholding fair compensations from them. Search this sub for older post for details.).

Pashinyan continues...
Residents' rights will be protected. Deputy PM Avinyan, who is in Georgia ATM (meeting Chinese about Silk Road projects) is in charge of monitoring the situation. Many houses in Firdusi have already been purchased from the residents, and if you look at sales prices, they received higher compensations.
BHK MP Urikhanyan:
The 1k military family aid fund says they haven't received some of the funds collected by govt. What's with the delay and the discrepancy in numbers?
The money first has to go to IRS before being sent to 1k foundation. It is collected then sent through cycles. That's where the discrepancy between the visible available money and the collected money comes from. We could create a group and further understand the delay and discrepancy.

In the fist 9 months of 2019, the 1k foundation received 648mln more money than in the same period of 2018. A 12.6% growth. The numbers are provided by Defense Minister, who is the chairman of the board that oversees the 1k foundation.
In average, 72,000 more employees paid 1k towards the fund. 5.8bln was collected.

Govt expanded the recipients so any soldier or family affected in the past 19 years will qualify for aid.

BHK MP Urikhanyan: I don't doubt that the newly created and out-of shadow jobs mentioned by you are accurate, but I want to know why IRS hasn't sent the funds yet. If those funds were under the 1k possession, they could have gotten revenues from the interest paid by their bank.
Pashinyan: let's find out together why the delay.
IND MP Babajanyan:
Do you have a plan about the former oligarchs using their wealth to invest in the economy and infrastructure?
The state will respect the private business and their property ownership. The question is, is the business operating legally and paying the taxes. We've shown in the last 1.5 years that we'll respect private property ownership of businesses.
We urge businesses, "Don't steal, be efficient, be innovative and cooperative". There is an interest to invest in Armenia and the recent surplus of Armenian Eurobond demand by the international community is an indication to that.
QP Babken Tunyan:

Debt-to-GDP ratio will continue to improve:
2018: 51.4%
2019: 49.8%
2020: 49.2%

Expected nominal GDP:
2019: $13.9bln
2020: $15bln (big if true, that's 7.5 billion hot dogs per year per Armenian)

2019: 1.4trln
2020: 1.7trln
Parliament has passed the QP bill that allows people to install a special app on their phones to record live-videos of traffic violations and upload them to police.
People have long complained about lawlessness by car drivers and public transport chauffeurs.
Vote 83-24 (BHK voted against, saying the law is immoral and promotes snitching)
Parliament passed the BHK bill to criminalize the torture or murder of animals. Penalties range from 100k fine to 1 year prison. If done as part of a group in a pre-meditated form, the penalty can triple.
Vote 99-4.
QP MP Varazdat Karapetyan:
We should amend the law to legally prohibit draining of more than 170mln m3 water annually from lake Sevan. Extra water was drained in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018. (this year govt drained less than allowed, lake levels rose)
When the lake levels decrease, the organic growth increases. The solution is to increase levels. Currently, levels are 5cm above the 2018 level.
We can achieve a 20-30cm increase each year this way. By 2030 we can reach the goal of having 1903.5 meter water level (lake surface vs ocean level)
We should start thinking about building an alternative road for Martuni-Vardenis because 20KM of it will be submerged under water when the levels rise.

LHK MP Gorgisyan is against legally prohibiting >170mln m3 water draining. He says the lake level problem isn't due to drainage, but due to not enough water pouring into Sevan through Arpa-Sevan canal. "Find out why, maybe there is a repair need."

Govt to QP MP:
OK, but the current law already makes it hard to exceed the drainage of 170mln m3 water. To exceed that, we have to involve the Parliament on a case-by-case basis. It's only done in emergencies to avert an agricultural and social crisis. We don't think the draft bill to further restrict the water use is legally necessary at this time.

Ministry of Infrastructure to MPs:
The water we drain from Sevan reaches the destination after great losses ( some say 40% to 60% loss) during the travel. We're taking steps. Eurasian Development Bank is financing a program to create new canals. They're under construction.
QP is still working on a bill to require businesses with over 10 employees to pay salaries only electronically, unless the employee writes a letter to opt-in to receive cash.
The draft bill was amended to make this apply only in Yerevan because there are concerns the provincial infrastructure isn't developed enough to give all workers access to finances through electronic means.
Govt has proposed a bill to ease the punishment on businesses that don't use proper labels on products. If approved, it won't be a felony, they'll pay fines.
South-Caucasus Railway workers went on strike. The company has agreed to give them a 10% raise. The Infrastructure Ministry is helping the two sides to resolve the issues.
Ministry of Education wants to make Armenian Language, Armenia History and Armenian Literature subjects optional in universities.
Minister Araik Harutyunyan: kids already learn enough about these subjects in the 12-year curriculum. In universities, more time should be spent on the major topic. The current system negatively affects the quality of the professional that the university is preparing.
BHK wants the subjects to remain mandatory, at least for the 1st year.
Education Ministry is working to reform the teacher salary and qualification system.
The Qualification Scale will have 4 categories, from a newbie teacher to a professor. Base salary will be 125k, while experienced ones could earn 400k and more.
Ministry of Social Affairs plans to shut down several facilities dedicated solely for kids with special needs, after moving them to other local institutions or homes. The Ministry found that, for example, 92% of children who are away from home and receive care at a facility, can return home and function as part of the general society if the govt provides aid to the families, so the kids can be taken care of at home. They believe it'll be more humane and won't isolate the special kids from the family and society.
Govt plans to spend 500mln next year to provide aid to 4,000 children and their parents.
Ministry of Social Affairs denied reports that they want to evict residents of nursing house in Gyumri. (one of the residents misunderstood a conversation, then it was picked up by BHK MPs and media)
Services provided to govt-run nursing house in Gyumri will be provided by a private charity organization. The quality of services will go up, said Minister Zaruhi Batoyan.
Update: A QP MP Kristina Poghosyan's car window was smashed the second time in recent times. The incidents happened while the car was parked in different locations. She believes it's related to her political work and suspected former govt allies. The police has the surveillance tape and one person is a suspect, says Poghosyan.
Arabkir hospital did the first ever liver transplant on a child in Armenia, with the help of Belarus doctors. Earlier the Astghik hospital did a transplant on an adult with the help of Russian doctors.
Healthcare Ministry will have a permanent office in large hospitals to directly meet patients and answer questions.
Yerevan's war on budkas continues. 7 kiosks and pavilions were removed from Center district. They asked some businesses to remove electric wires that were traveling through the trees, because it could create a fire hazard.
Food inspection committee found violations in 3 schools in Yerevan. Their buffets didn't have refrigerators, some were selling prohibited items such as pizza and sweets with perishable creams.
October 27, 1999 Parliament shooter Nairi Hunanyan wants to be freed, after being qualified for a parole after serving 20 years.
Justice Ministry:
Not happening. Penitentiary system has already denied his parole. The special parole committee will most likely deny it too, but if they grant it, the case still need to go to court.
If the parole committee joins the penitentiary system and denies the petition, then the case is closed without going to court. This is the most likely scenario.
One of the Kocharyan supporters who followed and harassed the judge for the verdict that kept Kocharyan in jail, will remain locked up for now.
HHK's Parliament Chief of Staff Babayan was charged and arrested with forging documents in 2018 to help HHK MP Hrayr Tovmasyan become a Constitution Court member. Read the details yesterday's post.
When the news arrived, Human Rights Ombudsman office and the defendant announced that his arrest must be removed because he is charged with something (forgery) that falls under the 2018 mass amnesty, so even if he is guilty he won't be arrested.
However, FIP outlet says because Babayan is also charged with aiding to appropriate power, he doesn't qualify for the 2018 amnesty because amnesty applies to crimes that are punishable by up to 4 years, while appropriation of power is punishable by 15 years, thus Babayan can be arrested.

Babayan challenged his arrest. The court will make a verdict tomorrow.
Popular singers Tata, Iveta Mukuchyan, ARsen Safaryan, Silva Hakobyan have paid their taxes. Andre is a dual US citizen and pays the taxes in US.
Few singers are facing charges for not paying their Fair Share®.
Kloe Kardashyan wearing a bling bling depicting the Armenian coat of Arms.
How many sisters does this family have?
Soghomon Tehlirian’s son donated exclusive documents to Holy Echmiadzin
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

HSM 544 Health Policy and Economics Discussions Week 1-7

HSM 544 Health Policy and Economics Discussions Week 1-7
All Posts 393 Pages
Three Major Tasks of Economics and Factors Influencing Healthcare Demand Discussions Week 1 All Posts 49 Pages
HSM 544 Three Major Tasks of Economics Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 24 Pages
Identify the three major tasks of economics and discuss why they are important. What are their roles in organization management?
With each year that passes there are new issues within the health industry, as one is solved another one surfaces, we are always going to have issues with the health care industry. One of the issues we've been facing recently is the quality of healthcare as it appears that the focus has shifted to making money rather than providing quality care. Because of the focused placed on fee-for service, where providers are paid for their services provided, providers focus on providing quantity of care with the interest in generating profits and neglecting the quality of care provided. This resulted in the over use of resources and providers billing for unnecessary procedures and services. Programs such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services have since created value-based programs that are directed at changing this concepts by connecting the providers payments to the quality of service they provide, thus reducing unnecessary charges and cost…
HSM 544 Factors Influencing Healthcare Demand Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 25 Pages
Identify and discuss the factors that influence the demand, in turn healthcare economics. What factor do you believe has the greatest impact on healthcare economics and why?
Availability is a factor that influences health care services. Your access to transportation may limit the availability you have to some better health care services or treatments at locations not close to your home. Availability of more skilled nurses or doctors may be limited if you live in a rural geographical location or one with challenging economic conditions. Likewise, specialized equipment may be in short supply, too, reducing immediate availability. If you have a unique health condition, the availability of a professional who can meet your health care need may not even reside in the same country, further influencing whether you can meet a health care need.
Cost - Personal financial situations are a factor that influences health care services, even if you have some form of insurance. Some medical doctor's offices and hospitals may refuse to treat you for certain conditions without adequate…
Financing Healthcare and Production Function Analysis Discussions Week 2 All Posts 57 Pages
HSM 544 Financing Healthcare Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 31 Pages
Discuss the role of all parties (patient, providers, and payers) to contain costs. Analyze the impact of cost-containment efforts on the rising cost of healthcare.
In 2000, health care spending rose to $1.3 trillion dollars, or an average of $4,637 per person. As a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), it grew from 13.1 percent in 1999 to 13.2 percent in 2000. National health expenditures are expected to reach $2.8 trillion in 2011, with an average annual growth rate of 7.3 percent from 2001 to 2011. By growing 2.5 percent faster than the GDP, expenditures will consume approximately 17 percent of the GDP in 2011.
In 2000, spending for health services increased at virtually identical rates in the public (6.9 percent) and private (7.0 percent) sectors. Spending on Medicare, the largest single public health care program rose 5.6 percent in 2000, following much lower growth rates of 0.6 percent in 1998 and 1.5 percent in 1999. For the private sector, the year 2000 marked the third straight year of significantly high growth. During 2000, hospital spending growth was 5.1 percent, the first time since 1993 that hospital spending increased more than 4.0 percent…
HSM 544 Production Function Analysis Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 26 Pages
What are the primary steps in a production function analysis? How would you apply these steps in a healthcare organization?
Medicare is in over its head and if it remains along that path it will go under. The federal government needs to figure out what to do contain cost and keep the program afloat, if not it could be detrimental. Private facilities may not want to provide services for Medicare members for fear of not getting paid. As the population ages the number of Medicare members increases as well as the cost, this is why it is important to promote preventative care so that the population would be healthier and would not be reliant on medical care. Though Medicare have good intention, it is quickly becoming problematic and in jeopardy of increased debt if there isn't a reform soon...
Managed Care Concept and Redistribution and Social Insurance Discussions Week 3 All Posts 61 Pages
HSM 544 Managed Care Concept Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 31 Pages
Discuss the concept of managed care. Why was it created? What were its goals? Have these goals changed? Has it worked? How it can be improved?
Managed Care is a health care delivery system organized to manage cost, utilization, and quality. Medicaid managed care provides for the delivery of Medicaid health benefits and additional services through contracted arrangements between state Medicaid agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs) that accept a set per member per month (capitation) payment for these services….
HSM 544 Redistribution and Social Insurance Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 30 Pages
Discuss the connection between redistribution and social insurance. Pros and cons of key financing mechanisms for social health protection.
Redistribution from an economic stand point means the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing inequalities in income through such measures as progressive income taxation and antipoverty programs. Whereas Social Insurance is protection of the individual against economic hazards (such as unemployment, old age, or disability) in which the government participates or enforces the participation of employers and affected individuals.
or reducing inequalities in income through such measures as progressive income taxation and antipoverty programs. Whereas Social Insurance is protection of the individual against economic hazards (such as unemployment, old age, or disability) in which the government participates or enforces the participation of employers and affected individuals…
The Role of Nonprofits in Healthcare and Public Health Insurance Discussions Week 4 All Posts 55 Pages
HSM 544 The Role of Nonprofits in Healthcare Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 28 Pages
How does the role of nonprofit healthcare organizations differ from profit healthcare organizations?
At the most basic level, healthcare organizations of all sizes and types are either nonprofit (NP) or for profit (FP). Similarities between both types of organizations include but are not limited to:

  1. Both have universal goals to provide the highest quality healthcare services needed by patients served.
  2. Both have universal goals to balance costs, quality, and access among all stakeholder groups (e.g., patients, providers, administrators, third-party payers, etc.).
  3. Both MUST make a profit to stay in business and continue providing healthcare services to patients who need them.
  4. Both have to comply with legal policies and regulations at local, county, state, and federal levels.
  5. Both experience similar challenges such as healthcare professional shortages/turnoveburnout, high rates of malpractice lawsuits/litigation, highly complex reimbursement for services and products provided.
Differences between NPs and FPs included but are not limited to:

  1. NPs do not pay income taxes, whereas FPs do pay income taxes (mostly at corporate rates). In return for the benefit of NPs not paying income taxes, legally these organizations are required to treat a reasonable volume of patients for free (i.e., without the ability to pay for services through insurance or personal funds). Conversely, FPs are not legally required to treat patients without an ability to pay for services received.
  2. NPs must put profits into an “excess account” earmarked for a capital improvement projects such as a new piece of technology or structure remodel/addition, etc. FPs pay taxes on profits and distribute the remaining amount to owners/shareholders.
  3. NPs are eligible to apply for and receive numerous federal grants to supplement income and pay for services that may lose money (aka lost leader programs) whereas FPs are typically not eligible to receive grant monies.
  4. NPs typically have a much larger source of gifts and donations by patrons through foundations than FPs.
  5. NPs typically have a much larger volunteer staff than FPs...
HSM 544 Public Health Insurance Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 27 Pages
Health policy is moving closer (in distinct increments) to a broader role in healthcare. Public health insurance can take many forms. Discuss what you envision the government's role to be (e.g., a continued regulation on specific aspects or a more sweeping policy that leads to public health insurance). In your comments distinguish between state- and federal-government policy. Also, we need health policies and initiatives that are affordable and sustainable. Thoughts?
Based on the article titled Why Public Health Insurance Could Help, Even if You Don't Want It, Jayachandran illustrates how the federal government of Mexico provided essential foods such as beans and rice to the poor. India provided its poorer citizens with welfare for work. In both instances, these governments took responsibility because they were able. I believe the same is true for health insurance, specifically public health insurance in the United States…
Human Capital and Policy and Impact of Health Policy Discussions Week 5 All Posts 57 Pages
HSM 544 Human Capital and Policy Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 29 Pages
What steps can Congress and state legislatures take to alleviate a serious national shortage of skilled providers. Research suggests medical errors have been linked to inadequate staffing (i.e., quantity and quality of skilled personnel). What steps would you take to mitigate shortages?
Access to primary health care services in a timely manner is a significant factor for optimal public health outcomes. However, there is currently a notable shortage of primary health care workers, which may compromise the quality of patient care. It has been established that practices with more than 2,000 patients per practitioner working full-time are not able to provide the level of care and access to their patients as required. At this ratio, each primary care physician is estimated to spend more than 17 hours each day in the provision of acute, chronic, and preventative health care. This is clearly not feasible and does not include other responsibilities and paperwork associated with the position.
Attracting a greater number of medical students into the provision of primary health care, rather than specialization, would help increase the number of primary care practitioners. There are several ways of doing this, including:…
HSM 544 Impact of Health Policy Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 28 Pages
What is the impact of health policy on resourcing (i.e., funding, technology, capital assets, and other key, nonhuman means of healthcare delivery)? How do we increase awareness about health policies among the targeted population?
Healthcare Reform Act—officially called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)—institutes sweeping changes across all healthcare stakeholders, including payers, providers, and plan members. In fact, the amount of change required by the PPACA is so extensive, distilling all the changes down and accounting for their impact is a serious challenge for the industry as a whole. However, if we focus on the apparent macro changes that affect payers—an increase in competition for the group market, an increase in overall access, and new regulations on expense caps for medical costs—a rational set of assumptions becomes apparent for predicting the direct impact on stakeholders. The implementation of these changes will cause payers to:...
Healthcare Coverage and Political Issues to National Health Discussions Week 6 All Posts 60 Pages
HSM 544 Healthcare Coverage Discussions 1 Week 6 All 32 Posts Pages
What means exist for U.S citizens to obtain healthcare coverage? Should coverage be voluntary or mandatory?
The Affordable Care Act provided Americans with better health security by putting in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that: expanded coverage, holds insurance companies accountable, lower health care costs, guarantee more choice, and enhance the quality of care for all Americans (Medicaid).
Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the individual insurance market was a notoriously difficult place for consumers without employer-based health benefits to purchase insurance. It also was challenging for insurers to sell insurance without incurring large losses. As a result, insurers went to great lengths to exclude people with even mild health problems. In 2010, the Commonwealth Fund Biennial Health Insurance Survey found that more than one-third of people who tried to purchase health insurance in the individual market in the previous three years—an estimated 9 million people—had been turned down, charged a higher price, or had a condition excluded from their health plan….
HSM 544 Political Issues to National Health Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 28 Pages
What are the most important political issues that challenge the creation of a national system of healthcare? What should we do differently to control healthcare costs? Are we doing enough or should we look at other countries that have been able to control and manage their healthcare expenditures?
Worldwide there is a growing awareness of the need to adapt health care systems to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. The reasons for this need are many but include shifting trends in demographics and illness, epidemiological knowledge of the social determinants of health, the radical possibilities of new technologies, and rapidly increasing health care costs as well as relatively long-standing concerns about the need to respect and support the autonomy of patients…
National Systems of Healthcare and National Healthcare in the United States Discussions Week 7 All Posts 54 Pages
HSM 544 National Systems of Healthcare Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 28 Pages
Describe a developed nations system of healthcare. Your description should provide (only) one positive and one negative quality about that system. Connect both of these qualities to either cost, quality, or access.
The United States has a mix of clashing ideas private insurance through employment; single-payer Medicare mainly for those 65 and older; state-managed Medicaid for many low-income people; private insurance through exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act; as well as about 28 million people without any insurance at all. Hospitals are private, except for those run by the Veterans Health Administration…
HSM 544 National Healthcare in the United States Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 26 Pages
Provide an example of a national-level policy directed at health. Explain the policy.
Health care spending in the U.S. far exceeds that of other high-income countries; though spending growth has slowed in the U.S. and in most other countries in recent years. Even though the U.S. is the only country without a publicly financed universal health system, it still spends more public dollars on health care than all but two of the other countries. Americans have relatively few hospital admissions and physician visits, but are greater users of expensive technologies like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. Available cross-national pricing data suggest that prices for health care are notably higher in the U.S., potentially explaining a large part of the higher health spending. In contrast, the U.S. devotes a…
submitted by Danydandelak to u/Danydandelak [link] [comments]

What does the power for a proportional hazard ratio mean?

Suppose I did a proportional hazard analysis and got a hazard ratio of 1.5. I then did an sample size analysis and found that my study had 80% power.
What does that mean? 80% power means 4 out of 5 times I can correctly reject the null hypothesis when it is wrong. The null hypothesis in a hazard ratio analysis is that the two treatment groups have the same hazard rate.
So my study has 80% power to detect a 1.5 hazard ratio or a 50% higher hazard rate between treatment A and treatment B?
submitted by doadoadoa to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: IAm Minh Le, aka. Gooseman, co-creator of the original Counter-Strike and now Tactical Intervention, AMA!

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2013-05-02
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Link to my post
Questions Answers
What are your opinions on the new Counter Strike GO? I think it needs to stop being so damn popular so I can get some players to play TI.
At this point you are essentially competing for players with your two babies. Damnit, I knew I should have worn a condom..
What about gamemods that branched off of your mod, like Surfing or KZ? I think those are great as they cater to a crowd that I originally didn't even know existed when I invented CS.
If you could undo one change that valve made to CS what would it be and why? I'd prolly undo the amount of AWP whoring in CS. I'm not a huge fan of the way the matches would evolve into a snipe fest. I feel sniping is something that needs to be kept in check or else it will restrict the flow of the firefights.
Is Gaben really the beloved teddy bear that he appears to be or are their secret valve gulags? Gabe is a great thinker and someone who's not afraid to take chances. I really fortunate that I was able to work under him. Yes, he's a very amicable person in real life in spite of the fact that he has a room full of knives...
PS. Could you please tell daybreak that Govenor Cuomo is comming to take his guns. Hah, ok, I'll tell Daybreak that...
Did you do all the modeling/animation in the old CS beta days? how did you learn to do that stuff? What did you use? Milkshape? Yea, I did all the modeling/ animation/ coding for CS up until CS Beta 7.
I used 3dsmax for the modeling/animation Photoshop for the texture work.
Never got into milkshape as I was so used to 3dsmax workflow.. The first modeling program I used was Quark Army Knife. That thing was sooo archaic. I had to plot each vertice 1 by 1. It took me 2 months to model an M-16.
Oh have times have changed...
If you see this, did you teach yourself modeling/animation? For TI, I'm using Softimage XSI for the animations.
How do you feel counter-strike changed competitive E-Sports for the better? To be honest, I never really got into the E-Sports scene that much. My time with counter-strike was mainly spent playing on public servers with some of my mates. Having seen the E-Sports community evolve around CS is really amazing though when I set out to design CS, it was never the goal to make it an E-Sports game. I guess it evolved naturally through the hard work of others who saw the potential to make it an E-sport game.
Edit: And what do you think its negative effects on E-Sports were? AFAIK, as the negative aspects of E-Sports. I find designing games to strictly cater to E-sports limits some of the design decisions you can make. For example, making assymetrical gameplay is a big no-no in E-Sports.
Are you trying to get T.I. onto Steam? That would really help drive players to use it. Steam integration would require a fair amount of work and it's something I'm not qualified to answer adequately.
Thanks for the great game...only game I have played since 1999. Changed many lives, including mine. Thank you. You're welcome. I'm happy to hear about your happiness...
Gooseman! Fun fact, fy_pool_day and I met eachother over counter-strike and have been friends ever since! So thank you!!! Awesome man! Always great to see how CS can build relationships like this. It always nice to hear about these things instead of hearing about news about players stabbing or killing each in real life because of CS.
If TI were on Steam I'd have bought it within 10 minutes of learning of this AMA. You're welcome and shame we missed out on the Steam boat :(
Thanks for CounterStrike and all the fun over the years. Interesting fact, I never knew what an AMA stood for until OGPlanet asked me to do one. I thought to myself, "Why the hell would I want to attend the Amish Music Awards?"
Are you ever recognized on the street as a celebrity of sorts? No, never. I keep a low profile and I think only once in my life did I get recognized "on the street". I was shopping at a Club Monaco and one of the sales people recognized me from an interview I did on tv. That was 10 years ago and my face has changed a lot so I doubt it'll happen again unless I murder someone and end up on CNN.
do you still have anonymity in your daily life? The acquisition for CS was extremely hazardous and involved meeting Gabe Newell and his krew underneath a bridge at midnight. We both drove our own vans and I instructed Gabe to pull up closer and park his van underneath the bridge. As his van slowly approached the designated spot, I got out and walked towards it. As I got within 50 ft. The van suddenly accelerated and a bunch of midgets wearing TF2 hats jumped out from the back. A 30 second melee encounter ensued which resulted in me being knocked unconscious. I woke up in a dimly lit rim with nothing but a table and a bag of M&Ms in the corner. As I rose to my feet. I heard a voice booming out of a loud speaker, "Sign the contract and the M&Ms will be yours..." I thought to myself, The M&Ms are already.. they're sitting right there in the corner.. That's a terrible deal.. I just grabbed the M&Ms and started munching down cuz I was tired and hungry, as I'm about to pop the first M&M in my mouth, thoes damn midgets come out of nowhere and proceed to attack me.. I eventually surrended the M&Ms and signed the damn contract cuz I had enough of getting beat by midgets for one lifetime...
What games were your big inspiration? I've been playing games since The Commodore 64 games so I've had a lot of games under my belt. Some of my favourite ones are: -Ultima 7 -Fallout -Wizardry series -Doom / Quake series -Duke Nukem ( loved the co-op ) ! -Battlefield 1942 -Deus Ex -Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
What games are your favorites to play now? The past 5 years, I've not had much time to play much of anything so I'm missing out a lot on the newer stuff. It's hard to find time to play games with the amount of work I have to do for TI :(
Also: CS has always been about "fine-tuning" your gameplay: you need to be INTIMATELY aware of your gun and its recoil. You can (and often do) die in encounters lasting >10secs. Quick, fast, round-based action. As such, it seems to be very suitable for e-sports. How will TI, with its attack dogs, rappeling, and other gameplay features add to e-sports potential? Will these features take the potential away, or add to it? Thanks for stopping by... appreciate your comments. In future, I'm not terribly interested in what gets you wet, but thank you for letting me know.. I think TI is still in its early stages of E-Sports potential. I feel the dogs with the way they are now add a predictable element to the gameplay and I'm hopeful they can find their way into E-Sports matches.. The same can be said for the other things such as grenades, rappelling..I feel these elements are all very predictable and not overly abused. If they are, then we can tweak them...
What is your favorite Counter-Strike map (in any version)? Do you prefer cs or de maps? I liked cs_facility as my favourite.. hard choice as there were sooo many good ones.
I have no preference towards cs or de I enjoyed maps from both mission modes... in fact, assasination maps were great fun for me as as_oilrig was a major source of entertainment when I was playing.
Thoughts on cs_siege? I always felt as though it was the perfect map in any game like this. Even better than de_dust. Yea, I loved cs_siege. It had some wonderful firefights. There's not much I would change to it aside from moving the hostages a little closer out as it was quite a long way to escort them from their capture point to the CT rescue zone..
What was the first game you ever played that got you into gaming in the first place? Was it Carmen Sandiego or Oregon Trail? It was neither of these.. It was an old Vic-20 game... whose name escapes me. It involved a boat going down a river shooting at Vietnamese people..
I had no idea they were vietnamese at the time because it's hard to discern nationality with 16 pixels.
That game sounds epic - was it this? Link to Yes, you have just discovered a gem from my past... and I hope you dont find it epic because it involves shooting Vietnamese people... or maybe it was the wholeboat going down river` that sold you :)
Hey, goose! 1- You've stated that, at some point the CS community was reluctant to some sudden changes that were made (1.5 to 1.6 for example), and that a lot of backlash was given because of it. Did you feel disappointed that you couldn't follow your direction because the community had gain its own voice, or were you happy/surprised that the game was shifting to become something bigger? 2- Because of this backlash, were there any items/weapons/features etc that never made the cut to the final game? 3- Why Tactical FPS' and not another genre? Hi Scypher, I was actually not involved in CS after 1.0. So I can't really comment on the changes that occurred after 1.0 as I was busy working on other stuff at Valve. TBH, I felt the game had reached its course in terms of features and functionality after CS 1.5 and I wasn't really keen on stirring the pot. I was too busy trying to R&D a new CS project that would have new features and gameplay that I didn't get the chance to add to CS 1.0 Oops. forgot to answe the rest. 2- Not that I can recall. I believe all the guns that we planned on adding were in fact added. I think the one item that did get nixed was the shield.. because of balance issues. 3- With TI, I felt there was some room for innovation in the Tactical FPS genre. I really wanted to explore new game mechanics and try to see if there's things we could to do encourage more team play in a round based scenario.
Deagle. genius. thank you goosemanII. Thanks.. It does have a certain sex appeal... My fave gun in CS was the MP5.
What's your favourite weapon from the original CS? I'm still kinda bummed they didn't include it in CS:GO ...
Edit: Actually, I do have a question. What do you think of CSGO? Sorry, I got side tracked there, getting back to your question of what I think of CS:GO. I think it's really well polished and wonderfully balanced levels. I envy the amount of man power they have to deliver such a polished product..
Where do you think you'd be now if you hadn't created or started the Counter-Strike franchise? Editing films in the porn industry.
Why not edit the porn stars as hostages in T.I? Best of both worlds! Wicked suggestion.. Shall do some research now.
I seem to recall you also working on Action Quake 2, my all-time favourite game of like, ever. Which gave more satisfaction, CS or AQ2? I LOVED working with the Action Quake Team on AQ2. They were a great bunch of guys and we were all on the same page in terms of what direction the game would go. I had some great memories from that time, unfortunately, I have not kept in touch with any of them :(
It's a close call but I got more satisfaction out of working on CS. I had pretty much full reign over how the game was developed and my relationship with Cliffe was really symbiotic. We each had our own roles and he was able to leverage the community so well and was a big reason why we had such a strong community.
Did you feel any pressure when developing T.I.? I mean, C.S. must be one of the most popular games in the whole world, did you feel any pressure in fulfilling people's expectations? Not tooo much. Prolly not as much pressure as I felt at Valve trying to come up with CS2. I left the CS franchise so I could explore new game mechanics a bit easier without having to restrict myself to the CS fan base. I think as the CS community matured they grew accustomed to certain game mechanics and as the leagues formed, it was hard to introduce new changes to CS. When I worked on TI, I didn't have that environment so it was a bit more relaxed in terms of what I could experiment with gameplay wise.
Are you planning to launch T.I for europeans? If so, when? We're shooting for a late summer release. I believe there's plans to make an appearance at GamesCon in Cologne.
This is all tentative but these are things I can say with a reasonable amount of accuracy.
What kind of car do you drive? Right now, I'm driving my parents '97 Toyota Camry. It's a gas guzzler since it's a V6 but it's great when I need to merge into lanes as it has a fair amount of spunk.
I used to be pretty good at CS back in the day. I would generally get in the top 3 Kills/Death Ratio whenever I played on public servers. I played with my mates though so that helped a lot. CS is one of those games that reward teamwork.
You checked out, definitely Vietnamese. Toyota Camry. Yupe. License plate with the number 8 YUP..
Runs on Pho instead of gasoline.. YUP.
I've been playing CS since Beta and I was instantly hooked! That was done by Jesse Cliffe.. He did all the voice acting for CS. The voice commands, the hostages, the dying sounds, etc..
Who did the voices for the radio commands? Go go go! Funny story, Cliffe was in college at the time and every time he recorded the dying sounds, it sounded like he was climaxing. I think he was embarassed by it but I told him I needed them, so please record 100 more variations...
What other roles did Jesse Cliffe play in Counter-Strike? He played the role of desperate house wife looking to make a quick buck only to find out the mean streets of Philadelphia aren't such a good place to sell your body.
Actually, Cliffe was the community liason and handled all interaction between the CS team and the mappers/players. He also developed our website..
Are you happy you finally got K9's into T.I. so that you could make MutatedJellyFish finally shutup? HAHAH.. Yes, But I still need to add 9000 guns to make MTG shut up..
Can I get a "Special Thanks" in the credits? ;) I shall make it so...
Do you still keep in contact with your colleagues at Valve? If so, what's their feedback so far on your latest venture? I do keep in touch with Cliffe and some of the others at Valve. They've been really supportive and have gone above and beyond to help me get TI to where it is. They've always given me special treatment with regards to tech support and that sort of stuff. I'm fortunate to have their backing..
I haven't really heard much about their thoughts on TI. TBH, I haven't really asked anyone at Valve on their thoughts on TI.
Thank you for CS! What was your reaction to the massive success of the game? I was really happy about it and it gave me confidence that I could work on another project. To be fair though, most of the success of CS was attributed to the community. All the levels were done by the community and I feel good levels play a fundamental role in the success of your game. Being able to harness the creativity of such a large group of talent paid huge dividends in the success of CS.
Many fans of the original Counter-Strike have received the newer Counter-Strike games with very little enthusiasm at best and outright hostility at worst. If you were still involved in Counter-Strike development, what - if anything - would you do to mitigate the concerns of these players? Also, do you feel their rejection of the newer versions is the proper response if they wish to have a new Counter-Strike that plays like the original? I think Valve are in a very difficult position in trying to please the old school CS players while also trying to innovate and push the CS franchise forward. It's not something I really have an answer to nor do I feel I could do it any better. If anything, I'd prolly be a bit more polarizing in my game design decisions.
While I was working at Valve, I remember the reaction I had when CS:Source was released. A lot of us were anticipating all the CS 1.6 players would migrate over to CS:Source but what happened was very surprising to me. I wasn't expecting CS 1.6 players to be so picky about the slight changes that in CS:Source.
TBH, I really don't know how Valve can better tackle the problem of pushing the CS franchise forward without abandoning some of the old school CS 1.6 players..
How do you think the beta testing of T.I. went? I still play it and it was pretty awesome. You should definitely slide some astros my way :D for future updates and all. And are you the one to talk to about suggestions? Oh and how is it working with OGP? The BETA Testing for TI went as well as I could hope for it to go considering the length of it. I'm glad you're enjoying it and we're continually working on new updates for it. Right now, I'm working on a new map and my co-workers are doing likewise. We also plan on polishing and streamlining a lot of other things that we feel are a bit rough around the edges.
I wish I could slide astros your way, but unfortunately my astro sliding abilities are about as non-existant as my Egyptian Belly Dancing skills.
Yes, please feel free to suggest TI on our Facebook page.. or my twitter account #TIGooseman.
It's been great working with OGP. They're doing the best they can to promote TI and working with the community to see what changes need to be made to make the game have lasting appeal.
off all, a big thank you is appropriate here as your creation changed, and became my life, playing Counter-Strike professionally for almost 10 years. 2) Maps have always interested me as a tactitian, and I would argue that Nuke and Train were the best maps in Counter-Strike as they allowed a great diversity of styles and openings. What was your favorite map all-time, and how much were you involved in the map development? 2) I wasn't involved in the map development of CS at all. If I rememer correctly, the most I ever did was tell David Johnston (the guy behind de_dust) that his map was too yellow.. thank god he ignored my suggestion. I liked cs_siege / cs_facility / cs_assault / de_dust / cs_747.
I would like to ask a few questions if that's okay: 1) Did you ever follow competitive Counter-Strike to recent date, and if so: did the teams' and players' performances ever suprise you in any way, did you have favourite teams and players? 3) Do you think the plant/defuse max-rounds format is the ultimate format for team-based FPS? Were you ever surprised how the community failed to appreciate the escape and assassination modes? 1). I didn't follow the competitive scene much at all.. It really is a full time job developing a game and finding time to even play it is a challenge. Keeping up with the competitive scene can be a full time job in and of itself. 3) Yea, I think de_ modes are definitely the most conducive to team play as they naturally encouraged team cohesion. I think Escape scenario failed because it encouraged teams to avoid getting in a firefight. Assasination was fun and I think with better maps and a bit more tweaking of the game mode, It could be more succesful.
4) Riot shield, really? The APC on cs_siege was a better idea! :) 4) I've found a great use for the riot shield in TI. It has a very specific purpose that allows for new tactics to form.
What made you choose OGPlanet as the company you wanted to work with? Actually, the decision was made by my CEO, so I can't really answer this with any amount of accuracy.
Cool, how do you feel about OGP so far? Do you like them as a company and how they're running T.I. or do you think major improvements need to be made? I think they're doing a fine job of running TI and servicing the community up to this point. I have no issues with them whatsoever..
Ever played with PODBots? PODBots were the best! Yes, I did... until I threw a flash...
Did you mean for surfing to be a legitimate function within the game? I'm not aware of this "surfing" of which you speak of ..
Surfing is a mod combine a few physics engine mechanics in CS Oh, interesting.. I've never heard of it until now. I stopped playing CS after CS 1.0
off a big thank you! If it wasnt for counter strike it wouldnt have started my interest in computers way back 12 years ago. I would recommend finding a dedicated community liason person to handle gathering community feedback and relaying information from the dev team to the community. Having someone who specializes in just doing this will allow you to focus on making the game, while still giving your player base an efficient way to communicate with you.
Do you have any advice for a first time modder with a game that's rapidly expanding in popularity? I suggest you to keep engaged with your playerbase as much as you can. It will be difficult at times listening to people constantly complain about your game but in time, you will learn to filter out what is important and what is purely subjective suggestions. Also, if you can get your community involved in the content creation process (whether through making models or maps), you will save A LOT of time and it will help your game grow even faster.
Great Advice! Thank you very much, and good luck with Tactical Intervention :D. Oh, one more piece of advice.. be VERY careful when dealing with business people and corporations. They will ALWAYS act in their best interests and a lot of times those interests can conflict with your interests. Making games for fun is 1 thing, but making games for a living and trying to navigate the business side of the industry can be very very tricky.
Be cautious... but don't be paranoid :)
The game look fun, but the game look like it was half-baked. Will there me more content latter on in the game? Will there be a clan group for in-game? Why can't we have some premium items (EX: Character's skins and the P90 from the SMG crate) a permanent? There is some F2P game that allow to keep your character, your weapon, or whatever. Did one of your FIX Korea team mentioned that you could play a certain map in the dark? Sorry for that. My baking skills are about as non-existent as my Egyptian Belly Dancing skills... Fear not, we're continually trying to polish it up and I can assure you it will get better from here on out. Truth be told, we're horribly undersized team and it was really do or die time in terms of getting the game out. Character skins are permanent. With regards to having permanent guns. That's a decision that needs to be made by OGP and our development team at FixKorea. I can say, that this is something we're currently evaluating and maybe in future, we can do perm guns.. I can't say for sure right now.
Playing a map in the dark? What you talking about Willis?
Also - Where can I buy your new game? Thank you for creating CS, I've wasted 2340 hours playing it over the past 14 years (according to steam?) It's a free2play game. I hope you like it :)
If you were to play one of the original CS maps all day, which one would it be and why? Wow, tough one.. there were sooo many.. but if I had to choose ONE... geez.. REALLy hard to choose but I'd say... cs_facility. For some reason, that map resonated with me..
Cs_siege de_dust.
A close 2nd/3rd.
Did you expect success when you released CS? are you now satisfied with the way that CS has continued on? (I mean, what´s your opinion about CSS and now about CSGO?) No expectations for CS. It was just a mod that started out as something I felt like I wanted to do after working on similar mods in the past. I'm really happy with how CS has evolved and all of that is due to how Valve has taken it. They're a really great company that makes smart business decisions that appeal to the target audience.
I think CSS and CSGO are an indication of that smart decision making.
Thank you for your answer, really appreciate it :) don't you have some early CS versions executables? I mean 1.0 or something like these, I have nostalgic feeling right now and I want to play so badly.. :( Hah, funny you should ask.. My co-worker keeps all the versions of CS.. He also buys all the copies of HL from different regions. I think therès a medical condition to describe his behaviour... :)
Are there any regrets from selling the rights of CS to Valve? I was always curious about that... It would be so hard to determine what it's worth at that stage. No regrets whatsoever. Valve did A LOT to bring CS to where it is. They took a fairly rough game and polished it up and put in the marketing and promotion to make it a household name. No way in hell could CS become what it is today without their strength.
Also I just want to say thank you for all the good times...CS is one of my favorites. I have great memories of working at Valve and they gave me a great opportunity which I wasn't able to fully utilize.
Your thoughts on the whole ESEA Bitcoin Mining situation? I just read about it just now and it's very interesting. I can't really comment too much on it as I'm not really familiar with ESEA or Bitcoin Mining.
I will say that I've met a lot of people in this industry who won't given a second thought to do such morally corrupt things such as this. It doesn't surprise me that someone decided to abuse their power for their own financial gain. It's easy to do such things when you don't see the faces of your victims or the consequences of your actions.
HUGE fan of CS! Spent so many countless hours with friends with this game. Truly a bonding experience. That being said would you be interested in coming on my podcast and nerding out about video games and entertainment? It would truly be an honor. Yes, It would be my pleasure. Please contact me at twitter #TIGooseman.
Let us NERD OUT LIKE there is no tomorrow!! I'll bring the polka dot teddy bears!!! $@!%@
1.6 was one of the greatest esports of all time, what do you think GO needs to do to reach that level? I think CSGO needs to add a link in their game that will take players to
I think Valve are doing a fine job of paying attention to the E-Sports community and I'm sure they'll reach the level of success that 1.6 has with CSGO..
Were bugs like "scroll duck" left on purpose? I heard, that when ID Software realize strafe jumping is becoming popular they didn't fix it - did something similar happen to you guys? And BTW: have you played CS 1.6 after latest updates? What do you think? Haha, yea.. certain bugs were in fact left because people got so used to them and were forming tactics around them. It's kind of embarassing from a developer standpoint but I guess whatever keeps the masses happy is a good thing.
I stopped playing CS after CS 1.0.
Any tips on how to make games? Or to become as famous as you? Yes, make sure you do what you do for the love of doing it. Don't think about the end goal. Think about the happiness it brings you on a day to day basis. If you really love making games, you need not care about where it will take you. Try to focus on delivering a product that will make yourself happy first.. and chances are, you'll make someone else happy with that product.
If you want to get started in making games, it's not an easy road as there's sooo much information out there and it's hard to decide where to look. I do recommend game schools as they're a very focus place where you can hone your skills in a very efficient manner. If you're really daring you can pick up a book from your bookstore and try some of the tutorials in those books.
The important part is to take it step by step and find enjoyment in the smaller accomplishments you make. It took me 2 months to make my first model and that was the stepping stone to making my first mod (which eventually took another 2 years). I never would have made it that far if I wasn't so thrilled about the process of making models and making those models come to life through programming.
CS or Terrorist? GIGN all the way.
What do you think made CS so successful? The #1 reason CS became what it is: The community involvement. Also a big reason why MineCraft is so popular.. IMO.
I also wanted to thank you for everything that you have done. You have made a huge impact in my life by bringing to life Counter Strike. I still play to this day and am looking forward to buying TI. I did however work on Day of Defeat: Source while I was at Valve. I made most of the weapon animations for DoD:Source I also made some models.. like the bag of potatoes you see in one of the levels.. and a frying pan..
My question is, having you played any other HL mods like Day of Defeat, and if so, what's your opinion of them? Any rivalries in the modding community? Thanks again for your gift of CS. I have not had the chance to play any other HL mods. I was waaay too busy working on CS and playing CS.
Gooseman congrats on everything and I wish you much success with TI, being a father and with personal responsibility in life, I have not yet tested or played TI (I have been meaning to). I do however play CSGO once a week or so... mainly because of what you started :) For that, I thank you. Thanks man! I'm most proud of the community that CS has spawned.. The players, the people making levels, mods, guns, and all that. I've met so many of them and they've offered to help me out (but never offering what I really need which IS MONEY!!!) hahaha no really.. It's great to be involved in CS and see it spawn so much creativity in the world.
My question to you is: What are you most proud of in regards to CS and what was one thing you wish original CS had that it didn't? Regarding features or network, or anything like that. The one thing I wanted in CS so bad was to make the vehicles work... Oddly enough though, some of my most fun times were had when the vehicles DIDNT work...
Last updated: 2013-05-07 10:15 UTC
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what does a hazard ratio of 1.5 mean video

Interpreting Hazard Ratios - YouTube How to Interpret and Use a Relative Risk and an Odds Ratio ... Hazard Ratios and Survival Curves - YouTube The Definition of the Hazard Function in Survival Analysis ... 50:1 Fuel to oil ratio easy way to calculate - YouTube Hazard and Risk -- What's the difference? - YouTube Shark ION ROBOT™ – What do the error messages mean on the ... Mixing Ratios Explained - YouTube 1:2 Mixing Ratio for Your Hair by Wella Color Charm - YouTube WHAT DOES MEAN BY 5% SLOPE - YouTube

The formula for the mean hazard ratio is the same, but instead of observed and expected at time t, we sum the observations and expected observations across all time slices. From this we can see why the hazard ratio is also called the relative failure rate or relative event rate. Another way to describe the overall hazard ratio is as the geometric mean of piecewise hazard ratios (ratios per ... 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 5 10 15. DRAFT: June 2015 2 Cox regression Cox regression is a regression model that enables us to estimate the hazard ratio (hazard rate ratio) — a measure of effect which may be computed whenever the time at risk is known. The model is named after the statistician who wrote the regression equation and proposed a method to solve it (to estimate the coefficients). For a rea Hazard ratio. The hazard ratio in survival analysis is the effect of an exploratory? variable on the hazard or risk of an event. Hazard ratio can be considered as an estimate of relative risk, which is the risk of an event (or of developing a disease) relative to exposure.Relative risk is a ratio of the probability of the event occurring in the exposed group versus the control (non-exposed) group. The hazard ratio for self reported time to clearance of plantar warts in the six months after randomisation when salicylic acid was compared with cryotherapy was 0.8 (0.51 to 1.25).QuestionsWhich ... Hazard ratio=1 means no difference between the two. Getting one is as likely as getting the other. Flipping a coin will give you heads or tails equally lightly. Hazard ratio>1= there is a difference between the 2 groups, and that it is a causative effect. Hazard ratio<1= there is a difference between the 2 groups, but it's a protective effect. Hazard Ratios Assumption: “Proportional hazards” The risk does not depend on time. That is, “risk is constant over time” But that is still vague….. Example: Assume hazard ratio is 0.7. Patients in temsirolimus group are at 0.7 times the risk of death as those in the interferon-alpha arm, at any given point in time. Thus among the non-cured patients, the hazard ratio comparing the new treatment to control is 0.5, and this does not change over time, while in the cured patients, there is no effect of treatment (since they are cured) An odds ratio of 1.5 means the odds of the outcome in group A happening are one and a half times the odds of the outcome happening in group B. Hazard ratio: A hazard ratio (HR) is an annual risk of death (or some other outcome, e.g., cancer recurrence, heart attack) over a ... The prevalence of this condition is 1.5% in boys. This corresponds to an odds of one to 66. Multiply the odds by the likelihood ratio, you get 6.6 to 66 or roughly 1 to 10. The post test odds of having the disease is 1 to 10 which corresponds to a probability of 9%. Suppose we had a negative result, but it was with a boy who had a family history of hip dysplasia. Suppose the family history ... Title: Statistical Formulae for Calculating Some 95% Confidence Intervals Author: Allan Hackshaw Created Date: 4/25/2009 1:12:36 PM In survival analysis, the hazard ratio (HR) is the ratio of the hazard rates corresponding to the conditions described by two levels of an explanatory variable. For example, in a drug study, the treated population may die at twice the rate per unit time of the control population. The hazard ratio would be 2, indicating higher hazard of death from the treatment.

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Interpreting Hazard Ratios - YouTube

Learn what the error messages mean on your Shark ION ROBOT™. To learn more, visit In this video , we will discuss about the meaning of percentage of slope with example. This video wil help students and clinicians understand how to interpret hazard ratios. What is risk, and what's the difference between hazard and risk? It's pretty important when it comes to decisions that affect your health and safety.An upda... Basic but important.there are some deviations to this that the pros might use for 3 part mixes but generally this is the easiest way to mix for the common pa... In this video, I define the hazard function of continuous survival data. I break down this definition into its components and explain the intuitive motivatio... A brief conceptual introduction to hazard ratios and survival curves (also known as Kaplan Meier plots). Hopefully this gives you the information you need to... It's easy to calculate 50:1 fuel to oil ratio in your head. You don't need a calculator, it's that easy. It will perform at its best if the 2 stroke oil rati... RR and OR are commonly used measures of association in observational studies. In this video I will discuss how to interpret them and how to apply them to pat... Wella Color Charm's Lindsay Perez explains what a hair color mixing ratio means, and how Wella Color Charm's 1:2 mixing ratio gives you more color for your m...

what does a hazard ratio of 1.5 mean

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